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breaking news alert nuclear missiles have been launched and are going to destroy all of Roblox nuclear missiles Justin this is bad the whole world is going to explode it's okay Adam I built a secret underground bunker that we can go hide in let's grab our favorite foods and drinks before we go we can't forget to bring foxy and boxy too the missiles will be striking in 60 seconds Everybody Run we got 60 seconds we got 60 seconds I got some beans I got some beans I got a flashlight I got a flashlight you put the items in the kitchen I got water I got a radio got a radio I can't take it I can't take it I'm going uh oh you can only take so much stuff at a time okay wait where you where do you put it where do you put it near the Kitchen near the kitchen this is crazy go go go go go gather as much as we can I'm going get the radio get the radio I got a was a mouse trap that's probably good yeah yeah yeah definitely oh oh I got a med kit I got a med kit I got duct tape nice I I can try to get some toilet paper I know Adam needs that um what I'm adding more beans wait wait did you get the radio huh where where's the radio uh I'm getting a bug spray oh here's the radio here's the radio the radio's got to be good this is insane guys wait I can't why can't I pick that up uh-oh I can't pick that up I'm going upstairs do I need like empty hands to do that yeah you y guys you can see our timer right there we had 60 seconds to pick stuff up gas mask I got that bro bro broooo this is bad guys this is the most intense Roblox game I've ever played in my life I'm bringing it down over here oh please put it in put in please put it in I got the radio I got the radio awesome oh it takes it takes four slots I couldn't get it wait oh did we make it into the Vault okay guys so we just gathered a bunch of materials hopefully that's enough to survive this is insane uhoh hello oh we didn't go in the vault you have to hide in the vault it's said to do that too let's go easy let's go let's go let's go we survived one day guys let's get in the vault okay okay whoops that was our B guys dude we're idiots all right now we know what to do guys so this is a crazy game where you have 60 seconds before Roblox ends wait so now we have our own stats Health hunger thirst hygiene Insanity you can view your stats okay next if you're playing with other players the voting board will be used whenever a player wants to do an action you have to vote on it okay got it uh-oh okay I'm not reading all this okay let's go okay got it Tas I can't read all this it's too much dude did our items make it down here they should have yeah yes they did okay I got a blueprint having a blueprint allows you to upgrade your weapons damage so guys this is a crazy game where we had 60 seconds to grab all those items we did O cuz we're dummies but that's okay and now you can see our stats and now we just have to survive as long as we can with what we gathered okay got it got it you can sleep also for energy I'm looking at my energy everything's looking my sleeping is going down slowly I'm getting tired uh-oh this is not good wait where's your stats oh you can click and see yes okay we're both just getting tired that's okay dude this is really sus you should look in the vent what does that mean that something's going to crawl in the vents oh I can place a trap I have a trap oh gross oh maybe we can place a mouse trap in the vent there should only this should only be done if there's a visible rodent okay so if we check if there's a mouse we can put it there and maybe we'll have to eat the mouse e that's gross we have to survive at him you can't be picky man what are you doing man I was watching you already it's only been 60 seconds I was watching you man you got to go already no no noen Adam I grabbed a little bit of toilet paper try not to use it all I won't dude okay oh the generator okay this game is crazy we probably have to fix this huh power the generator is your main source of power throughout the basement it charges the lights everything without it you would not be able to see and you don't know what lurks in the dark the generator uses batteries to stay alive the power run out which means you must use a battery how many batteries we have I don't know it says I'm not going to do though yeah let's not do it did you did you pick up batteries I didn't see any batteries no I didn't oh there's a trash furnace guys this game is really cool okay so I can see why it's popular if you have trash you put it here you get rid of it but each pull is- 10 electricity so you got to use it smart oh got it oh there's more than one vent I did get a lot of medkits I also got this blueprint what does this do allows you to upgrade your weapons damage okay so wait why would we need weapons do we are were we supposed to grab weapons maybe we can build them okay oh day three I think it's day three a computer can I use that or is it going to use electricity oh what is this security camera yo a group of kns show up your Vault they claim that time is reset and we're in medieval times they're telling us to praise the new king of the Wasteland we're supposed to pay a tax of one food per 3 days no nope we're not going to do it I'm not doing that broken pipe oh they're in here though what what there's some guys in here what oh they just left okay wait they're going to get mad at us dude um oh broken pipe where's the pipe that we need to fix I don't know let's look guys oh it's right here it's right here oh can I fix that with duct tape fix this is allowing toxic air inside fix it use tape yes I have duct tape good thing I grabb duct tape cuz I'm a genius perfect nice oh I'm casting a vote vote Yes vote Yes vote Yes vote Yes you vote Yes so you you have to probably do it too got it wait where do we do that where do I cast the vote oh oh vote right here vote right oh yes Grant yes okay nice there we go okay we fix it we fix it so you have to get the permission of everyone else if you want to actually like fix anything or use anything guys this game is so cool man we should have grabbed better items we didn't know what to do we panicked oh there's a weapon I got a weapon I got a stick I like sticky nice got sticky is this going to help us fight the knights it has to oh that's an awesome attacking move right there yes sir yes sir let's see how we're doing okay I am getting a little bit thirsty but I'm just going to wait I'm just going to wait okay I I I can deal with that should we use the blueprint to make our uh weapon better cuz you can upgrade your weapon right if I get rid of an more food for me yeah huh huh huh huh what oh whoops yeah uh yeah try that stick oh upgrade okay yeah go ahead and grant grant that dude all right I'll Grant it vote Yes vote Yes I'm going to have a stick covered with tape it'll be a sticky stick nice let's upgrade it again oh we don't have enough duct tape yes vote Yes yes I do oh I'm out of duct tape it cost two so guys if we o we know next time to grab lots of duct tape yep is there anything else to do I'm going go to your bounty. exe your Bounty will increase per Expedition once your Bounty fills up a bounty hunter will pay you a visit each time you defeat the Bounty Hunter you become stronger stronger oh check out the market what is this oh oh you can buy roox buy duct tape what is that what is that what is that what ises that sound uh-oh what does that sound an alarm clock okay wait so you can just buy stuff buy canned food nice okay I'm going to buy everything in here oh CU you can buy medkits in food and water oh that's really good cool buy duct tape buy duct tape I'm going to buy infinite duct tape my toolbox yes this is good guys wait so now you can stay you can stay alive forever with this probably and we got an email too I'll check it give me a second that's sus and then I'm going to buy soap probably for Adam cuz you know he gets dirty he'd be using that bathroom toilet piping is broken we probably got to fix it with duct tape yo that scared me the cow guys while counting to see how many cracks where we can find the walls a group of infected people showed up in our vault um what do they want us to do they're demanding us to bow down to this cow as well they want us to go find hay that is scattered through the neighborhood they say we have 3 days okay so we get to go outside deal deal I'll find you guys some hay we love cows here guys oh bro they're like human cows that was kind of sus wait we got to fix this otherwise ad's not going to be able to use it a r there'll be a random given pattern that increas in difficulty the player must match the pattern okay continue okay what you have to remember this every round you got it oh no [Music] I got to do this just to fix a toilet for Adam nice awesome guys that did get tough hey Adam can you approve my my quest to get more um sure thing we survived day five we're doing pretty good nice I need more duct tape I'm going to upgrade my stick then we'll go outside and we'll find that Hay all right all right all right sounds good Market uh more duct tape guys this game is intense all right you are also very low on on water I'll buy I I'll drink some yeah both of us are thirsty I'll drink some I'm buying more duct tape how much duct tape do I need to buy uh quite a bit to upgrade your weapon I got OED I got was that Sil what was that never mind I didn't get OED no what was that it was a jump scare I missed it okay I'm going to drink some water smart dude this game is confusing can you approve my there's water over here a drink cast theat let me drink it you better let me drink it nice oh that fills it up a lot you drink some water all right drink I'm oh I don't have enough maybe I won't let Adam drink what then I'm what our computer has been infected with a virus oh no pay the amount we have to pay four medkits wait there's a chicken attacking me uh-oh oh we got to go I'm going to hit it with a stick what is this wait Adam help I hit him oh there's two more can turn in the chos S take that imminent danger get weapons what is that ew what's happening e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ew take that take that don't don't oam don't don't o I won't I OED can you can you respawn we're garbage you can only respawn once per game oh no it's all up to idom okay guys it is a broken pipe right here I got to fix this this is messed up dude I just got to spectate boy oh boy this is bad this is so bad I KN I shouldn't have granted Adams this is awful guys I'm going to hide maybe they won't be able to am I seriously just got to spectate Adam using the potty now what no I'm just hiding Adam do something man I'm just hiding man I'm just hiding if you were a real friend we' beat this game together but you just waited for me to O didn't you can you uh flip the switch here can you see me I can see you oh no this is bad so I'm low Health low drink low beans low sleep you also have to go help the cows in 3 days otherwise they'll come move you was that was that a giant Sil all right guys try that again let's see how far we can get now that we know the rules to the game okay Adam now we know what to do this time what we got to do is we got to grab stuff that's not water or food or medkits cuz we can buy those on the computer got it makes sense so buy stuff like the or get stuff like the blueprint the radio like just like mouse traps like stuff that we cannot buy on the internet all right I'm going to run all around and find some good stuff all right I got a flashlight oh no the blueprint is not where it was before nice and actually we need to get in the vault this time we can't be huge noobs oh wait what is this a weapon oh I got a really good weapon oh cool nice nice nice ni nice that's huge is there a radio anywhere let's grab stuff that's not food we don't need food we can buy it okay I got a tool box good oh there bug spray oh I got the blueprint I got the blueprint I got the radio I got the radio guys let's go let's go lit lit lit lit okay this time we're actually going to get in there we're not going to be noobs and O come on let's go yeah we got it guys get some soap for yourself Adam cuz you you'll be in that bathro BR no I don't let's go yes you do let's go what's in here what's in here what's in here nothing okay okay wait have you gone upstairs nope I'm I'm going don't go upstairs I'll go there sound just some soap just some random stuff this is all useless it's all useless we don't need it what is this I got I got battery I got battery I got battery yeah you can't buy those that's helpful I got to go I got to go okay let's get in the vault let's get in the vault let's go okay let's go just throw whatever you can from nearby let's go get in the ball get the ball get the ball I'm in there I'm in there I'm in there okay guys okay we actually made it we didn't Mo that time okay once we get in there start buying food and water on the computer as fast as you can I'm going to try and upgrade my weapon we got to survive cuz what o does last time is the spiders like random stuff spider oofed you the giant chicken OED me we didn't get oofed from like hunger or thirst we got OED from those so we need a good weapon yeah exactly I got a baseball bat it's mine I can't believe a giant chicken o me dude probably is mad cuz we went to KFC that's true all right all right all right all right uh all right quit this oh oh you ran out of supplies don't don't worry players can leave the Vault anytime to explore the wastl out the wasand players can gather supplies oh I didn't know that we could leave wait you can leave like yeah you can leave yeah oh so hey just start just start buying as okay you buy water and food I'll buy everything else I'm on it just start buying stuff dude just start buying nice guys you can see we're buying stuff guys now some some might say this is pay to win I would say this is not bad right cuz there's only two of us and this game is also very very difficult yeah usually you plays with a bunch of people yep we want to make it as far as we can in this game guys we're going to make it to day I'm make it to day 100 I'm on day one right now we're making a day 100 are you sure all right yes sir yes sir yes sir can we do it guys all right I'm going to buy a bunch of duct tape I'm going to try and upgrade my baseball bat to be a Max Level sword ooh that's going to be a one o on the spiders I wish it would let us buy this stuff faster it takes forever you got it man come on I wish I could buy like 10 of these at once they do not make this easy especially when our computer even got hacked yeah well we had to pay medkits right so maybe buy a bunch of medkits too smart very smart oh my purchase of duct tape failed because someone went my purchase went wrong I got banned so maybe I bought the max am out oh like it doesn't let you buy more oh okay there you go let me see if I can upgrade my baseball bat oh dude we got an axe sweet yeah I found that one it's in the garage I'll equip it watch out Adam more food for me wait so should I take the baseball bat then I'll I'll take the baseball bat oh wait can I give it back oh we can both have it oh cool oh you have only have one at a time all right we we both have the axxe we can both have the axe nice I'll take the axe I'm going to upgrade back up I'm upgraded look at all the tape I got we got a lot of medkits too open oh there's a spider in the vent what there's a spider in the vent over here put a trap put a trap put a trap do something okay I put a trap that's so gross that ew ew oh no bug spray spray it okay did it work nice went away ew so that's maybe why we have to keep checking the vents guys if you don't then the spiders just attack you we need more duct tape and more batteries can you buy batteries online sure can you uh nope you cannot uhoh oh yeah you can what are you talking about buy battery are you trolling buy battery it's right above by by buy a bunch of battery what is this oh roaches ew we should spray them what is it spray spray them yeah spray them wait wait we don't have bug spray buy some bug spray okay got it I got it bro we'll buy them too this is gross so guys it looks like everything that happens in the game is random like the sil or the the Cockroaches we didn't see that last time watch out for the Cockroaches on the ground can you o them can we o them squish them ew come here squish oh you squash them squash got it okay I'm going to go fix the toilet ew okay of course Adam's fixing that dude one two that's the only thing Adam cares about what do you mean using the toilet what you guys notice how Adam's literally just been hanging around on the toilet this whole time I'm beating the toilet puzzle right now guys we got mail we got mail nice we got mail I'll read the mail this is big I'll read the mail all right fixed what is this mail email from who weapon trading you don't know me but I I I know you um I'm not here to harm you what is this each day I receive a new weapon could be repeats but nonetheless it's a weapon I'll give you a weapon for what I'm asking for so if we give him stuff he'll give us better stuff all right let's do it I don't want to do that no I want to upgrade my axe hold on Adam let me upgrade yeah I think if I upgrade it's better for both of us too yes perfect one two box upgrade yes we got the max level this is great we got a Max Level axe man oh e e e e e s them ew dude that's really gross what is that on the ground is there something in here check the vents check the vents check all the veins check check all the veins check all the veins check all the veins check all the veins there's nothing check all the veins okay just keep buying supplies then just buy food and stuff while we have time all right buy a toolbox and buy all sorts of stuff H yeah guys with with more people playing you can you can grab more stuff at the start there's more roaches I don't know where they keep coming from I think we have to use bug spray somewhere but I don't know where we use it in the vent spr oh firewall maybe this will keep us from getting a virus it spray oh peace wait what does it say what does it say PE we're off into the peace treaty sure I I clicked peace I don't know we are at peace with the roaches guys yes sir firewall what is this protect your computer from nasty viruses yeah how do we do this charge oh what is it oh what what oh hey yo oh it's a mini game oh hey yo this game's crazy day four did I lose charge nice ouch why is this so difficult you got it man this is a really tricky game guys it is cuz they they home home in on you nice I'm pretty sure this is how real firewalls work it is it really is Adam knows how to program computers you got it dude did I lose there I actually lost guys this game is impossible this is like a mini game but it's like harder than the real wait trash Adam trash I'm on it take the trash buddy take out the trash buddy okay I'm doing a mini game too this is I'm I'm not playing I'm not playing this anymore I'm not I'm not playing this anymore it's too hard we got more mail from roaches hello human our minds have evolved with that being said as I'm not reading this all right they left bye Roach es should I look at the security camera what's up e wait what VA door defenses we got to defend charge just got to cck click charge we got click cly charge yes sir yes sir are they going to come in here if they do we have good weapons so I'm not too scared all right they're going to come in through the Vault I'm trying to dude I'm trying to beat this mini game it's just the hardest game I've ever played in my life you can go out on an expedition I will after I beat this there a little dot going around circles is the hardest mini game i' played in my life all right this is a tough max level game guys don't come on yes yes okay I got one I got one one bar of Defense nice nice oh nice oh it's fully charged all right Expedition time so you have to keep doing that wow guys this game's insane there's so much stuff to do should we both go outside I'm going to drink a I'm going to eat a little bit before I go you can turn on the radio too I'm going to eat a little bit I'm going to eat and I'm going to eat some water and I'm going to go on Expedition all right good luck thanks buddy be brave do I need like a mask or something I just go expedition going outside without a gas mask will R in sickness oh we didn't grab it oh we can't buy a gas mask we we had it last time we didn't grab it this time no how do we get one how do we get one what's this someone says I need help um okay I'm not going to read all that I need help where do we get a mask oh they're in here oh it's rat no who are you guys the Rat Kings okay what does this say what does this say just as we thought rats couldn't get more annoying they do a big rat showed up I mean it's the king of all Rats the king offered us a deal if we get rid of all mouse traps and never get one again he won't harm us should we do it we'll lose all our what if he lying to us I trust him he's a king just like every dad watching this video just like every person watching this video yep you really trusted him dude what if he lied to us oh now there's a rat in here just looking at us he's just taking he taking notes what are you rat to don't rat on us I I will o this rat this is bad oh look at those legs I could get it look at those legs all right stop wasting time dude yeah you're right you're right you're right just buy more stuff buy more food buy more food all right when when in doubt buy more food and just everything okay wait how do we go on Expedition wait on a gas mask should I just go maybe I can find one outside let me I'll do the trash mini game you buy stuff okay you should definitely buy the stats lowering boost too where's that at the very top of the shop what does that mean it makes your stats go down slower oh sure which is good guys cuz then we're not as hungry and thirsty and stuff what is things to do text go ahead and read that I'll go deal with the trash why you just pull this things to do you just pull that to do what trash I guess so yeah no it didn't do anything are you trolling where's the trash uh what I'll look too oh no it's right here clean oh what is this you have trash can you must move uh oh it's a mini game you got it man Justin good at these oh lit this is ridiculous we got it I'm just going to keep buying stuff so we have a lot of stuff should I just go on an expedition yep even without a mask I do want to see what's outside really bad should I just go for it yeah I I bet you can come back even if you get a little bit sick yeah will result in sickness well maybe I can use a medkit yeah good idea did you did you grab one I'm going oh medkit get weapons and supplies oh you're trolling give me some stuff give me some stuff should I join you I'll join you the med kit oh no you can't pick stuff up so should we heal before we go no I'm full health okay I'm definitely going to drink some water and I'm full I'm full Heth 15 seconds till we go outside Hey listen little rat do not mess with our base while we're gone don't I don't like that little checker board he's got just writing notes he's reporting us to his King all right let's go wait can we find a gas mask out here if we can't this is going to be a huge l oh we're getting sick okay I clicked to join you but it didn't teleport me so it's all I'm outside I'm outside I'm I'm looking for a mask you you can see on the top right guys Justin's uh Health oh no there's a zombie for me wait how do I end the Expedition if I need to go back there might not be an end what I'm just taking I'm just taking damage to my health uh is there anything we could Salvage here I'm taking damage there's nothing to even do in here um dude we're idiots we got to be able to grab something cuz that's what the hands are for I can't grab anything oh I got a rat trap but I said he said I couldn't have those right so now the king rat's going to attack us I didn't mean to pick that up oh no so if we bring that rat trap back guys the king rat's going to attack us that was telling me to O out here basically tell me to not come home water bug spray toilet piping is broken I'll I don't use the toilet while I was gone I'll fix no wait where do I go I'll fix it how do I get back I might o can I end the Expedition if I can't end the Expedition I'm going to Crye yes I ended it but I brought back a rat trap uh-oh oops oops I got very sick I need to what is that what is that oh and I lost a bunch of stuff oh no hey yo I keep forgetting on the oh no am I going what guys what was that intruders are attacking what is this oh get oh it's this guy it's this guy this guy this guy oh it's the guy from outside yep good thing we got max level weapons Adam run around just don't don't stand us don't stand we tra him don't stand like that yep who is this guy nice we got him okay I'll fix this yo all right all right I'm going to buy stuff yo this game is so intense guys we're on day eight we're going to make it to day 100 how how do you get a gas mask man we should have found that in the house somewhere I think I saw it on the first day upstairs somewhere Man without that we just can't do Expeditions oh oh the rats are attacking OU I'm sorry I didn't mean I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to get the thing no no run away just run away I got him I got him run just run run run run just run just run just run out I got I got him I got him I got all take take a med kit take a med kit take a med kit take a med kit computer use what is the computer down what's going on oh do we have no power oh the the generator yeah the generator this this this this I fix it use battery nice oh it's dark oh the light's coming back on something stinks uh you you'll clean out the you need soap clean out the clean out the vents I'll buy you some soap okay dude this game is intense and we don't have a gas mask we're so dumb this is insane guys but I guess if you don't have a gas mask you still can just survive down here for a long time yeah I think this wait where's the soap in I bought you soap oh oh oh it's over here buy you soap fungus clean nice good fungus Among Us there's a leak from the ceiling day nine this is great we're doing good that okay that sound our bunker is just falling AP falling apart yeah I'm buying water I'm buying food I'm going to sleep a little bit I'm buying water I'm buying food always make sure you have water your food what is this blanky box Adam is resting what does this mean if every player sleeps then a day will pass but there's always chance something happens at night so I I'll let you just sleep by yourself okay then I'll sleep after all right we'll take turns okay guys this game is really intense I'm buy more oh I got a virus no how do I get rid of this uh to unlock the abilities pay the amount requested medkits oh water Time 5 we don't have water Time 5 five water oh we have no water and wait now I can't buy more wait let me see if I can do it so we have to go outside and get it we can't use the market canned food * 3 I'm going to sleep this is awful Adam I think one of us should go on exp wait why can't I even sleep how is this sleeping yeah it's it's going to do it in like 5 Seconds dude we have to go outside and get water uh okay I'll go you're going to go I'll be brave or maybe maybe you should go you got to tell me I already went I already went so so how did you get back once you you have to you have to just go back just go outside I'll show you guys U you guys can't see Adam screen but he's gone ad you better hurry all right dude that's so annoying zombies breaking in that's okay okay you you just go without me it doesn't matter yep I'm out fine you go oh ew ew e e e e day 10 was really good I'm doing so much damage okay you just got to remember oh no no Adam just leave for the Expedition okay save yourself I got it got 15 seconds oh you're good there's a zombie chasing you I got him nice good thing is the axes are super strong yeah the weapon really good dude what is that uh-oh more zombies I got to rebuild this this is bad I can't reild that's where the zombie got us from oh my goodness on the little rats here here we go guys oh my goodness what is a small little rat came running out of the cracks one day the rat claims to be a scientist we can try to catch it or put a mouse should I I'll catch it maybe he's a scientist yeah you got it dude chance of getting sick while the rat is in the vault place a trap goodbye buddy see you I have no idea what's going on guys I'm just cleaning up trash So Adam you just have to remember where you were you find some water there's also people now attacking me I'm going to O Adam OED so there's a bunch of zombies now on the Expedition good thing I sent Adam on the Expedition do not go outside guys you will get immediately OED dude we need the mask that's such an L that we didn't find the mask no you got it I hear something I'm just cleaning up trash I'm going to get attacked okay nice dude without water it's over I can respawn without water it's over oh I have to go respawn yeah I'm coming back nice maybe maybe we find some water this time buddy you got to find five Waters we made it to day 11 that's pretty good it's really good guys we're going max level what is this turn [Music] on Okay let's see computer's still hacked should I go out again I'm going to go out again I have to yeah dude we need water this is the max level guys I'm going on an expedition decline have fun Adam for me I just need three canned food how many do we have oh to to unhack yeah we have none did you eat it no that zombie took it from us man the zombie ate beans yeah ew e ew ew e e e e e e place a trap bye-bye buddy I don't have traps oh all right Jus going to get his uh ankles nibbled by a rat no I have this axxe okay dude we had to have found that mask that was a huge L that we don't have a mask I'm going to only look for the mask I don't think there I don't think there's one I would find food if I were you the food is on the ground it's it's like everywhere maybe Adam can find it there's somebody outside that Adam's talking to it's okay guys if you if you if we don't fix the market it's over there's too much stuff that's broken okay I don't even have tape if we don't we don't fix the computer it's over the computers are one link to the outside world we need this we need this so bad you can do it buddy you can there's a monster e e e the vents there are now monsters outside guys how do people beat this game probably by having like a squad of people who are really good mhm and who find good items you going to go on the Expedition one last harah no we don't have a mask bro what is this should we radio back and give him our location yeah sure maybe he'll help us dude oh you can use the radio right yeah it's on okay I can't do anything I can't fix anything cuz I don't have tape use tape I don't have it what happens if you just click fix fix continue you must complete the mini game oh what is this oh no it's all over a zombie attacking me is a zombie attacking me while I'm trying to click like this are you trolling this game is crazy nice I did it somehow oh no what is that get away from me bro who are you who are you yes oh look at Justin's Health you got to heal you got to heal I can't we don't have medkits guys Med kits are there there's nothing heal guys look real close to Justin's Health he's got that much health it's like me in real life man I'm living on the edge right now this is bad this is how I feel right now this is not good that is so messed up okay so now we know oh oh this is the guy we gave him our location what's up buddy do you have medkits you have anything well you just going to live here imminent danger oh oh give give some water I don't have water bro I would I would I oh man okay guys now we know what to do we have to find the gas mask I see the radio already in the kitchen and we absolutely have to keep the computer free of viruses now we know if we can do those two things I think we can survive till maybe like day 100 yep we got it guys I know we can do it got the radio atom just look for the gas mask that's the only thing that matters got it there's a backpack over there it's pretty good wait where's the Vault okay uh uh throw that in there got the radio nice uh I got the backpack what is this okay that's pretty good pick that up throw it in there gas maskk in the toilet uh E I got grab it grab it yep I got it okay I am just going to grab a bunch of food because maybe that'll help maybe it'll just like help cuz we have to like pay food or something later oh yeah I need the blueprint okay let's go there I'm going to go upstairs okay we have 30 seconds left 30 seconds left okay I actually I'll go in the garage just try to grab just try to grab some of everything cuz you never know what you're going to need yep good idea okay nice I got this nice you went in the garage you got a gas mask right yep I got gas oh a tool box I got it okay that's huge okay let's go come on Adam hurry come on come on come on this is big I'm getting a bunch of food I'm getting a bunch of random stuff this is food I got water oh there's stuff in here I didn't even know that stuff in the fridge all right let's get in the ball we got to go let's go time to go oh oh let's go go nice okay guys we have the mask and listen Adam I'm going to put you on on computer Duty you're just going to stay there buy stuff buy food and stuff and play the virus mini game over and over that's it got it if you if you do that we could survive till date 100 guys we had to learn how this game worked okay now we know how the game works we know what to do got it you can count on me to do that Duty man I'm counting on you buddy I'm really counting on you buddy yep okay just immediately start sounds good immediately start and learn the mini game it's really hard okay we have a bunch of everything this is really good and with the gas mask and a backpack this is great I'm going to start upgrading oh we didn't get any weapons [Music] o ooh that hurts okay I'm just going to upgrade the stick I guess that is a zoinks moment guys zoinks okay buy buy me some duct tape Adam buy me some duct tape all right I'm on it I'm on it wow we are idiots that's okay it's okay because we can get a weapon when we use our gas mask when we go on the Expedition hopefully yes mhm I need one more duct tape buying there it is okay I need four more four more okay four more I'm buying I'm buying I'm buying guys what does the backpack do that looks awesome now we then we have all the things here that we can get now Adam I'm going to go on Expeditions I'm going to leave you here you just keep playing the virus Min game the vir if we can keep the firewall up we should be okay what if I get distracted and go on LY on the website uh don't do that all right all right all right normally you guys should always go to linkbox but not in this game because we need to stay focused nice enough I need one battery upgrade yes we got max level stick okay I'm happy with that buy some more duct tape and just play the virus mini game I would just start the virus mini game right now got it your job just keep an eye on the virus mini game I'm going to go venture outside right now sounds good good luck thanks buddy I'm going outside I'm going to start an expedition now if people attack you at him make sure you grab a stick we do have Ma Next Level stick yep we got it a backpack grants more space okay beware if danger lurks outside I'm ready let's go let's go we believe in you guys okay get weapons and supplies I'm ready got a Max Level stick I'm ready okay Adam did you play the virus mini game yep I'm playing it right now okay it's really difficult you got it you can't let the red thing touch it yeah there you go it's very difficult oh oh you can't go outside the square at all no you can't touch the red got it what I learned is it's better to stay in the middle cuz if you're close to the edge uh the closest one to you might blast you and then you lose God it makes sense all right Adam have fun with the virus mini game I'm going outside yep have fun on your Expedition you're my best friend thanks buddy you're my best friend I hope I survive and we're all your guys' friends where's my gas mask did you grab it it didn't tell me to grab it oh oh I'm not taking any damage it just doesn't show up oh oh there's a person over here okay I'm going to talk to this guy who's this guy hello healing tea regenerates Health yes I'll take that yes refreshing tea sanity points oh regenerates thirst and hunger yeah I'll buy that I'll buy you could stay out here a long time yeah cleanses your mind sure I have no idea what anything this is I'm buying a bunch it doesn't even go in my inventory refill sanity all right so I think maybe after a while you should join me on Expedition he can't see but he can hear don't move when near him what is that talking about what what is that all about I'm not sure trying to scare me just going to do a mini game luckily I don't get scared okay did you did you do the virus thing yep was it fully filled up uh yep that's great nice fix the pipe okay I'm going to do the firewall yet again oh I really need a flashlight yeah just make sure that thing is full if and then when it is full just start buying stuff got it like supplies food batteries whatever can do cuz the like the rat or whatever is going to come and take stuff and whatever imminent danger guys the Expedition is really cool now Adam's doing his thing I'm exploring I love just doing my thing guys and I'm always says that I'm doing my thing M uh there's a bunch of spiders attacking me just so you know well you have a really good stick hey try not try I got one hit OED I'll join you I'll oh what was that oh no don't o don't o atam don't o I'm all right I'm all right what was that a little zombie attacked me I oofed immediately a okay never mind I have now summon my friends oh it's the cow milk hang on play the virus Min Game Dude virus Min game virus Min game virus Min game I'm buying a me oh oh oh are they going to attack us wait the cow is attacking us we got to go we got to go we got to go wait where why my weapon is so weak dude I do like no damage no we're doing damage just chill out all right all right we're good on the firewall okay I'm doing damage he's not attacking me for oh yeah he is come on we can get him man we really needed that axe it's okay we still take him down and this is a boss nice nice got him and as long as as long as the computer up we can buy medkit so it doesn't matter we're okay just play the virus being game dude it's only thing matters I have the radio on so random stuff will happen now okay I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing what the radio I think it's good it's fun okay and we're going to need some help to get out of here cuz our weapons are not strong enough to Adventure outside mhm just keep playing that keep playing okay so Adam can you do the the trading thing we received the strange SOS whoever's on the other side might need help should we attempt to break the code and get a location yes sure yes break leak from ceiling I'll fix it batteries and a flashlight got it use tape or fix to fix this leak what screen fill cracks R time Green Dot must click it okay okay guys nuts this is how you fix a leak guys this game is the coolest mini games I've ever seen it's kind of like among us or something yeah it's like like little mini games but very stressful yep no nice I fixed it okay cool man all right are you trading our weapons I was trying to get a weapon Trader but it's not working for H do do the do the virus Min game please yep okay as you do that I will check the virus thing or this thing how do you do that how do I trade it's under emails it's cuz we need a flashlight yeah that was the one thing we don't have can you buy one can you buy one I didn't see it okay I'll look you cannot now I could find one on an expedition that would be really great but what if I get yeated again I can't resp on that would not be really great a new Expedition location was marked on your map should I go yep yes you should sometimes you got to risk it for a biscuit guys I don't know what jump scared me last time but it did I'll hold the fort down I'll keep buying stuff and making sure the computer doesn't get hacked wait it said somewhere new was marked but it didn't show me anything you're going in 30 seconds that's where you're going to the new place oh really mhm okay my my bars are still pretty good just going to make sure there's no spiders in the vents if there are it's okay just make sure the the firewalls up that's the only thing that matters did you buy the um thing that makes your stats go down lower oh right you should buy that oh yeah it only works for one round guys yep let's go good idea Adam I just want to let you know if i o on this Expedition mhm you and boxy and Foxy and everyone were my best friends well thank you I just want you to know that we're all your guys' friends all the plushies love being your best friend guys is there something marked on my map it said there was but I don't see anything be brave out there man Adam if I run into that zombie or whatever I moved you got it oh I feel like I should end this don't move when you're near him I feel like I should end this I don't there's nothing out here what is the point of even going out here then I don't know I don't know how to find a flashlight we really need one to upgrade our weapons this is this this is where I went when I OED last time and the guy who sells tea is gone this is sus oh a werewolf is attacking me oh I'm going to end this Expedition this Expedition makes here a no no no you good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good okay use shift lock dude use shift lock and run around in circles yep Adam doesn't use shift lock that's why he's being a noob I'll save you cuz I use shift lock actually have not taking any damage right now cuz I use sh lock nice get out of here all right back to this back to back to back to my duty yeah leak from ceing I got it buddy it's a great time when you have a good Duty in life like making sure there's no firewall that's not what I was talking about all right nice it's fully charged cool can you stop being ridiculous for five minutes all right I'm just going to buy water and food and stuff Adam always says [Music] that okay guys I'm going to buy more always says that I buy more oh it's a rat what you place trap oh you're talking about me uh I plac it I place I plac a trap okay I got it nice while lifting the empty Bean cans game show music came over the radio um there's a game show sure yeah I'll play it that sounds really fun so guys the random EV some are good some are bad we just have to make the right decisions look at the amount of food we have keep buying more dude play the virus mini game this is great play do your duty all right you can count on me do do a good job at the duty yep I'm on it do it Adam do it I'm on it yeah it needs to be full dude it needs to be fully charged this game is stressful guys very stressful let see if I can upgrade the weapons oh what is this Sur syringe yeah trade nice we trade we got a syringe nice in case we get infected or something wait what does that do I got it I got it I got it I got it you good it's zombies oh these are really strong zombies oh it's breaking it's like breaking run run run Adam run run run run oh they do a lot of damage oh I can't move I can't move I can't respawn I can't respawn got him okay I need a med kit yo wait where's all our medkits I healed oh it's a game show okay the game show should we spin it yeah spin it spin to win oh no hey you better give us something good guys guys wait what spin it better be something boss get sick it better not be lose Health guys if we get a boss we might just lose spin suppli supplies supplies supplies good something weapon would be good no weapon weapon weapon please yes yes that's what we needed that's what we needed I'll go fix this pipe I got it I got it you sure what a syringe oh we got a we got a Max Level sword nice this is so good that's awesome okay now I can go out in the wilderness scared that's what we needed guys uh so this you literally just click this yeah for like for 10 seconds I'll buy a duct tape though so that way we um upgrade it yeah upgrade that and buy buy medkits and make sure the virus is up dude guys this game if you have a squad of like 10 people you can literally just tell one person to do the virus game the whole time you'll survive like 100 days very true all right do you buy duct tape yep all right if I can upgrade the katana that' be awesome upgrade oh we need four duct tape buy a bunch okay all right he's doing the virus I I'll I'll buy it if something if something jumps out and attacks me let me know when you use the computer you get kind of jump scared by stuff guys we're going 100 days in Roblox radiant residence it's stressful guys but we're going to do it with you let's go I'm going to upgrade the katana perfect uh-oh imminent danger get weapon uh-oh oh the katana is so good Adam get out of there get out of there I got him okay cool dude the katana is so good get the katana don't use the syringe uh only one of us can grab the oh no no no no on my screen I can't grab it are you serious yeah why it's there go to the go to the side oh stop messing around Adam look how good this is oh this is great I know yo use a med kit use a med kit nice dude Adam do go back to doing your duty play play the play the virus game got it go go back to the virus game I'm buying a med kit in case you need it I'm buying more it's looking good I'm going to spam Med kits and then I'm going to buy all the stuff I need to upgrade uh the katana again perfect if we get the katana max level I feel safer about going outside too all right we're we're good on the firewall this game is nuts are we is Max Level yep all right buy uh buy duct tape okay what is this leak from ceiling oh okay I got to uh buy a battery okay what is this charge battery use get a battery Adam get a battery battery buy I don't like this okay nice and then more duct tape man without Robux this game will be so hard robot I I don't know this possible I think you just have to go outside a bunch yeah or just have a bunch of people in your game buy duct tape yep I bought it I need I need four oh four of them okay got it I need two more I need two more there's one zombie up we're okay we're okay I got it just stay on the computer I got it I keep buying leave it to me you should be good now what is this if we have a toolbox we can repair the Broken Walls yeah we should do that then we could buy a toolbox yeah I'll buy it I don't know where you do that though maybe maybe here rebuild I better oh yeah oh you have to rebuild it so slowly that's smart though we can avoid him I I don't want to get jump scared by that thing nice I rebuilt it sweet okay I'm going to upgrade it to Katana again nice oh the next one oh we need a bunch more and we need batteries and rat traps I don't know if that's even worth I'm going to go to sleep Adam just make sure the virus is okay okay sounds good all right good night aidam you can't buy rat traps oh never mind maybe I'll get those outside then okay our Katana is strong enough we don't need more now just play the virus game make sure we're good that's the only thing that matters I'm on it make sure our virus is good if the guys if the virus gets us we're oofed then we and we can't buy stuff that's over can't let the computer go bye-bye yep then the game is over I'm drink some water oh we only have two water maybe buy some water drink some water okay I'm going to eat some food and I'm going on Expedition I'm going to see how I'm doing on my my stats o I need sleep I'm going to go to bed all right go to go to bed I I I'll watch the computer until you wake up okay drink that and I'm going to sleep what is all this stuff a crowbar no I don't want that what is this there's a water leak in my ceiling oh I know I I I'll fix it where is it where is it where is it there is fix perfect I'm worried oh the trash okay once Adam wakes up just go back to the virus game I'll deal with the trash can do Adam's going to do his duty this is teamwork guys this is actually teamwork this is the most stressful Roblox game I think I've ever played and with a team you can make your dreams come true okay I'm going to take all the trash do do the virus game what are you doing I need to eat okay but remember if if if we lose the computer it won't matter cuz we to eat we have to buy food you're right now that I have Katana I can go outside I I wish I had I wish I had like a a flashlight I'm just going to go day 10 guys we've made it to day 10 do the firewall and then get um water we're out of water oh really okay yeah man all right I'm going outside let's go good luck out there let's go buddy thanks buddy watch out for Monsters get water you can't revive right no okay I O I'll oh what is this hello radiation to clown wa who's this uh why why is why does it say 30 seconds and there's a rubber ducky with explosives on it do we have to remember this pattern or something okay oh what is it doing oh oh wait we need to solve this puzzle well we need to click it yeah in how in 23 seconds oh no wait here let me do it okay you got it we wait you're going on an expedition though are we going to move all right Adam good luck just click it randomly Adam if you blow up I'm sorry Adam you can't do that you got 7 Seconds Adam please don't blow up please don't blow up you're my only friend don't blow up oh you almost had it don't blow up don't blow up just click it faster oh oh okay you got it you you got it you got it just don't die run run run I'm all right nice wait go back to okay all right we're good we're all right good luck Adam I don't know what's going on yeah that was weird all right we're good we're fine that was really scary all right okay wait I need to don't move when you hear him so I got to turn my volume up guys if I hear this guy I got to not move shh just do the virus mini game see you later Adam good luck [Music] shh Adam used the toilet again broke it huh that wasn't me it must have been I wasn't there wait [Music] I can't hear anything I heard him I heard him that's what it was e uh I can't move be careful I can't move I'm so scared right now guys if I is nowh Reviving it's over and we're doing really well right now it is game over guys if Justin noes nice go away ew is it ever worth going outside like ever there's water like it's not dude was he right there yeah okay how are you doing do you need me to come back I can just come back I'm okay but like what's even the point of going out there I feel like we should just stay in and buy there's a lot of stuff out there if I can just get past him just some water though we can just buy that I'm just going to go for it maybe I can find something really good this might be it guys Justin's risking at all there he is this is so sus I I really don't know if this is worth it we would be able to survive doomsday so guys I think it's random no no it's fine as long as I don't move so it's it's actually random guys the first time we're in a supermarket now we're in like a hospital so now we have to deal with this guy so it's different stuff oh he's fast go away is it just water I don't know if there's better stuff than water this is worth doing okay I'm going to have to slowly make my way back though which is going to be awful all right he's gone this is so intense okay see I do have a lot of stuff I have water I have Med kits but you're right I don't think this is worth I should just go back yeah we could buy all that with Roo and not risk not risk having you o yeah [Music] shh I'm going back go away go ew what is that ew oh he's going the way I need to [Music] go shh I'm so [Music] scared I'm out of here okay I made it okay guys oh Adam's fighting the CH oh it's bad I'll save you I'll save you just run just run just run I got you I'm out of here oh I O Adam got turn to KFC this is bad revive revive revive I'm trying to yeah Adam when you when you do this just shift lock and run backwards and they can't get you got it I'll turn on shift lock yo okay guys going outside was not worth it it was not worth it okay but I got a lot of stuff I got a lot of supplies sweet Adam when you're back just go back to the virus mini game guys you're doing really good I'm not going to lie day 14 and now I feel like I do feel like I can go outside if we need more stuff like I'm not too scared of that guy anymore I know what to do make sure you got shift lock at him oh I got it nice I did it someone in here what I got him don't o don't o Adam there's no more revives you cannot just run yeah yeah you don't take much damage like that all right play the virus mini game I'll fix it it's full Adam must have been using it no I I I was I wasn't I know you did it was not [Music] me nice I fixed it sweet guys this game is nuts all right I'm rebuilding we have a tool box yeah I'm rebuilding oh there's so much stuff to do in this game it's crazy it really is nice I rebuilt that I don't want to get jump scared H it's okay nice oh but you traded for a crowbar yeah in case we wanted that it didn't cost much cost two food now we got to get more food power fist that's a new weapon I don't I got it just just play the virus mini game all right got it just stay there dude we do not need more weapons I feel like the katana is so good where are they coming in from oh here I'm ready I can handle them nice I just rebuilt that nice day 15 guys I'm buying more we're looking good looking so good the zombies didn't even get in cuz we rebuilt it guys it's all about having supplies wait what is this the scan while cleaning the Vault we were informed blah blah blah BL blah the laser will St on one side of the Vault and go to the other we cannot move when this lasers near us or we will be found what so we just shouldn't move what just don't move there's a laser on the screen I guess what I'm just going to keep buying supplies just I'm not even going to move look at our awesome Swords wow how is it going to scan us that's crazy I don't want to get scanned what did it say don't move when it's near you mhm okay well I'm not going to move at all so oh there it is wait what do I do just don't move don't move don't move don't move just don't move oh my goodness this game is nuts is it gone no no it's coming back though oh no I'm not taking damage I'm okay just don't move just don't move just wait just wait I am taking damage all right nice yeah nice oh my goodness that was crazy all right oh go back to the virus Min game I got it I got it I got it I got it just always the vir if we get a virus it's over okay I'll take a med kit all right I'm good do you need a med kit go take one go take one sure I'll fix everything else just make sure we do not lose that computer yep I'm on it that is like real life guys the computers are are linked to the outside world that's true it's connected to the clouds actually right I don't even know how that's possible I don't really get it either nice nice doing really good this round guys we're doing really good but don't get too confident we need to survive the virus mini game nice guys this game is the most stressful roax game I think I've ever played in my life why did you buy this it looks cool but I don't want to upgrade it the katana is so good I'm not even going to mess with it I might try it I might try it Adam you're going to try an O power fist there so much mail I'm not going to read that I'm not going to read any of this what is this decreases the amount of viruses that attack your computer did you do this uh-uh it's owned maybe I did we already have it nice cool where's our firewall at it's pretty good Adam play it again all right who's this yo who are you it's a washing machine I see that okay scientist showed up a time machine the scientist ask for help setting up the machine andet return he will bring us to the future with him if there's any chance we can get out of it it's let's go let's help him perfect you better not mess with us buddy he looks smart he disappeared probably in the future just keep playing the virus mini game we're on it guys guys shout out the makers of this game this game there's a lot to do it's pretty lit what that beeping sound cuz the pipe broke I did it hopefully the scientist comes back and takes us with them to the Future oh buy more batteries when you can okay maybe that's how we're going to actually beat this game is through the scientist we have tons we have tons of water we have tons of tape we have tons of food tons of medkits we just need batteries and I think that's it I think we're looking really good I'm buying them right now how you doing Adam I'm buying you're doing good yeah you're doing good we're all doing good IM in danger I'm ready just stay there you're fine just spiders I'm not even scared of these anymore we the katana heya easy oh more spiders easy yeah that's fine it's not doing any damage I got him easy too easy h so that's what happens if you don't stop them in the vents but I really don't think that's that bad yeah easy peasy nice as long as we don't go out on an expedition I feel like we got this in the bag also as long as you don't let a virus in yep that would be awful just keep charging that thing I'll read all our mail what is this increases the delay between basement tasks sure that's worth it okay but we lost a lot of soap a lot of Med kits a lot of batteries buy more batteries what is it this buying this will spawn a bodyguard to fight off monsters ripped muscles note that the person will require needs to stay no I don't want that I don't want that I don't want that we have to take care of them what's wait something's broken no that's a new day it's a a alarm clock all right I got the zombies just going to keep buying just keep buying yeah y oh they're breaking in I know where they are rebuild we can do it guys I almost stopped him I stopped him oh there's a spider on me I got it ow I lost a lot of Health run I'm out here Adam was trying to be fancy and use the power fist dude what's wrong with you man just get the katana are you trying to win you trying to troll I keep rebuilding the zombies really want to get in here oh the rat we can either try and catch it or put chance of getting sick while it's I'm going I'm going to get with a trap I don't care sorry buddy maybe that scientist will come back on day 20 Adam buy more buy more medkits more Med kits okay buy Med kits I'm on it buy Med kits we got more meal too buy buy medkits don't do anything else what's that sound what was that buy more Med kits done Med kids and go back to the firewall only thing that matters in life we're doing pretty good nice job Adam day 18 oh Bo day bro nice new day it's a new day it's a new day it's a new dawn and I'm feeling lanky box let's go perfect come on bro guys we're going to day 100 I don't care what anyone says we can do it we change broadcasts oh I'm going to leave it leave until the scientists comes back yeah just going to keep buying just keep keep doing the virus mini game it's full should I go on Expedition no yeah I guess guys like normally you would have to go on Expeditions if you want to win this game yeah but because we're just buying stuff with the roox we're able to stay alive a lot longer danger I got it I got it easy ah easy he didn't take any damage oh it's a laser don't move don't move don't move don't okay don't [Music] move uh-oh don't move D don't move bro nice nice it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine just chill chill I got attack them all on you nice sweet I got him zombies More Zombies bro stop just going to keep buying where are they where are they they're breaking through the barrier probably which one though I can usually see oh it's this one going to rebuild bye-bye get blocked just keep the virus firewall up are you I'm literally playing the game right now good job B thank you oh dingdong what was that oh it's a doggy what's up buddy what if it bites us no why would you say that a random dog showed up at first we thought she was going to be vicious but she turned out she's friendly I think we'll call her beans because she went straight for the beans should we give her a can yeah it's only one can sure 100% guys we got a p a puppy now his name is beans hi beans hi beans hopefully they're toilet trained well if not that's okay too what do you mean oh I'll fix this just keep playing the virus mini game got it let's keep playing the virus mini game all these mini games are lit what's your favorite one to play probably the virus Min game oh yeah but I'll let you play that one buddy thanks nice dude we're doing really good maybe you should heal oh we should both heal actually oh forgot about that I'm buy more [Music] is the virus full that we're on day 20 guys we're doing really good drink is the virus full should be I just did it uhoh oh another new day we're doing good oh yeah virus is full mail meet my friend oh what is going on is that a zombie why would they send us that that's not cool they got like claws that's not even what the dog is running up to the bunker oh it left oh oh maybe it'll fetch us some stuff I sure hope so that'd be awesome huh I hope it didn't just take our beans and leave that's okay if it did I don't play the virus mini game come on it literally as long as we have the ability to spend Roo to stay Al we can do this forever Adam failed at the virus man it's a high stress game got wow we're really lucky to meet the weapons Trader too to get this Katana it's very good I wonder who we'll meet next I'm going to drink some water and get some beans have a nice old nice old thing of beans bean salad I can wait for a while actually guys I think we're I think we're on our way to to day 100 I'm not going to lie bro and the guy said he had a time machine so you should check out what your Bounty is on the computer I don't want to know because once it fills up then a bounty hunter will pay you a visit those are the guys who came and attacked you with the cool sword SWS oh got it zombies I got them there they are easy look I'm rebuilding it while they break in uh uh uh uh uh Loops I did I do wish we were in the supermarket that that that map was kind of cooler but I guess it's random every time yeah you're right this one just has a monster that one hit oos you I got it I'm fixing and doing this at the same time oh bad guys bad guys oh no wait are they good guys I'm going to O these spiders a strange group of hunters claiming that beans with pure evil need to be taken care of I'm not so sure what they see as a threat what should we do give them beans should we give them beans our dog oh oh I thought it meant just the food yeah sure okay oh we had to give them beans maybe we'll all be friends now they said they're going to get rid of beans maybe they're going to take take him to like a shelter oh maybe maybe right oh the the lights out wait what okay I can't even see I need a medkit wait I'll clean that later where's the medkits oh wait why is it so dark I'm cleaning this oh the battery went out hello I I fixed it what the it's full what what is [Music] this what do you have to click stop like click the click the yeah that oh whoops this a tough game guys don't make fun of me it is nice oh I think this is if you don't have batteries you can do this to charge it instead we should have batteries though yeah we do wait did you turn off the lights no guys we're on day 22 this might be the end of the game Adam play Adam play the virus mini game Adam Adam play the virus Min game yep I'm on it ad play the virus there's one thing you can count on me I'll do that game wait why is why is it dark we can't even see uh I'm I'm taking some damage I'll fight these I'll fight these for you wait I can't even see them I can't do damage if I can't see them I'm going to O here run just run I'm out what is this game it's just dark we shouldn't have let them take beans you're right we should have never let them take beans they stole our light bulbs what is going on I'm going to get a med kit where are we water why did they turn off the lightsit heal we have we have full battery is this game glitched guys I know this is some very high level gameplay you guys are lit just steering at a dark screen but I don't know what's going on stick with us guys we're almost done we're almost out of here I can't see what's going on are you doing anything to these guys you did some damage whoa wait I glitched outside the game I saw a secret wait don't move don't move lasers it's a rat I saw a secret outside the game don't move don't move don't move well I guess the Hunter's plan didn't seem to work it sounds like we might be in potential danger we know beans loves food should we try using TR we try lure beans while using food yeah yeah sure yep I'm so confused what happened with beans all right don't move don't move this rat is so evil oh I need I need to heal got it dude I saw a secret in this game secret ending really if you stand here and you Pan the camera oh so that's where I was I was on the bed I was so confused you like this look at this something outside of here there's something outside the game I saw it it's like a little bird check this out guys here I got to take care of this I'm doing firewall all right it's fine I'll save you oh the zombie blew up taking a lot of damage it's okay I saved you okay now there's a lot of zombies guys there was like a secret outside the map there's like a little baby bird really weird yeah huh look I don't know if you're supposed to see that or not it's kind of creepy it was definitely there oh the light's going out again oh oh oh oh bad guy bad guy Bounty Hunter Adam get off the computer get off the computer you're move get off just run just run I got him I'm out here just run I got him I'm going to get a kit yeah get a med kit this is a bounty hunter guys run just run just just get out of here I got right easy I got to fix the toilet too for Adam what Adam don't act like you don't use the toilet more than me I don't think I do all right we got I'm just going to keep buying stuff day 24 this is pretty good nice fix it awesome we're doing good I'm going to eat some beans okay it is lit guys we're doing really good just keep playing the virus mini should I um should I just keep doing the uh virus mini game yes okay got it it's fully charged but I'll play it again there's one thing you should do I'll play it again let me give you a piece of advice buddy huh play the virus okay I I captain yes sir I'm the captain yeah Justin needs a lot of Captain Crunch guys guys so we learned the hack to this game it's make Adam play the virus mini game yep that is the hack to this game and make sure you come in with a lot of Roo we haven't spent that much Robux we spend quite a bit I bought a lot of supplies man we have so much duct tape if I had um rat traps um we'd be able to get a Max Level Katana but I don't think we need it I think we're already really strong and I'm not going to risk going outside to get it cuz by o it's over is it worth going outside though no kind of exciting no it's not you want me to go outside if I O it's all over I think so what about the scientist who said he has a time machine that let us Escape you're right there's a pretty good chance he'll come back I believe in him I hope he comes back I hope he doesn't abandon us like everyone else in our lives time travel is real look yeah I'm going to take a med kit I'm going outside I'm going to look for rat traps wait what was that sound I took a shower how's your hygiene by the way you cuz it's low really good all right oh you mean in the game yeah also really good now you got to do the virus mini game and you might get attacked so don't don't o all right we got it guys don't o buddy Justin's going on an expedition Adam I have my final last words to you a brave brave guy let let me tell you my final Last Words let me let me whisper them all right play the virus mini game got it I'm on see you buddy you're not going to O right no dude well you got to be quiet I got to listen for this okay here we go guys all up to Justin Le from the ceiling by the way sh oh wait I'm in a new spot shh what is that ew wait I'm in a lab what is that what is that ew I'm going fight it are you are you sure YOLO guys this might be it it's a zombie it's a zombie worm taking I'm taking damage come on yes come on oh he's riding it hey yo hey yo is this like the secret ending to the game hey yo what was he hiding I don't know is a toolbox there's a radio should I pick this up that's big should I take the definely the radio I don't need a toolbox I can't pick up the radio there's water and stuff you want any stuff no I need I need they got medkits oh I didn't mean to take that many okay what is in here hello am I still moving no let's get guys oh Adam don't move don't move some guys came wait that's literally it I just come back there's nothing else to get okay that's kind of lame there's no rat traps either it's the one thing I needed lame just stuff we can already buy yeah just food and water and medkits that was kind of creepy though was that like the secret ending it's like everyone's turning into worms maybe they got infected by worm ew well I'm back that was a crazy Expedition welcome back I got a bunch of stuff should I go on an expedition no you you're Adam I told you you're job game virus mini game got it do the virus mini game all right I'll do the virus mini game there you go buddy now you now you getting it buddy yep should I I can go on another Expedition maybe it'll be different this time I would do that I would definitely do that or you fine in here by yourself yeah I'll be real Brave oh a 85 second cool down to the next why is it dark again oh guys I think with this strategy I got it oh what is that hey yo oh it's like a boss fight hey yo ouch ouch fine it's fine it's fine wait I'm taking a lot of damage oh it's fine oh just get a make kit run I think with this strategy we could go to day 100 like easily watch out for lasers watch out for the V mini [Music] game and what's like the the main strategy that you're talking about the main strategy in this game is to play the virus mini game got it okay oh I got it I got it I got it just play the virus Min game dude you think I'm kidding but if if we let a virus get a computer the whole it's over the game ends that's true so as long as we play the virus mini game easy W easiest game in my life and luckily the virus mini game is one of the most fun mini games in the game yeah it's lit I got you nice guys we're doing great oh yeah we're doing great we're doing really great right now guys yeah um 8 seconds I'm going to go on another Expedition maybe I'll find something cool let's see what's out there man I'm going to take a med kit before I go okay we're down to three medkits just so you know oh boy I'll buy some more but make sure you play the virus mini game yep I did all right 30 seconds I'm going on Expedition guys we really came in here I'm I'm not going to lie I think we mastered the game I'm not kidding day 28 we we could easily go to day 100 if we wanted like actually decrease the amount of power used should I do this yeah you just have to buy more batteries sure I'll buy them oh we can't we don't have off okay what is all this decrease the amount of creatures in the vents no those aren't even scary yeah we o them really easy with the katana I think we're good all right good luck Adam keep playing that virus mini game all right don't o oh new or it's all over it's new shh I'm going to listen guys if something attacks me I got to know it's a house hello is this this our house watch out for zombies why would you say that cuz there's normally zombies out there no zombies Ultra car it's kind of scary guys this game's really spooky I love it though sus something better not jump scare me oh ew are there even supplies out there yeah ew what is that ew what is that what is that Pac-Man hey yo it looks nice no it's an eyeball with wings oh should I go in this house should I just ignore them yeah probably nothing in the houses what's the point of this man maybe the supplies are near the oh no there there's some beans dude I want beans man we don't need those I want something better than that oh there is stuff in the houses anything really good though where Adam would be hm MH I found another toolbx those are usually pretty good but they take up four slots in my inventory we don't need that we have two right we can buy them yeah no no oh yeah you can okay I'm just going to keep going from house to house see if I find anything cool you got it man ew wait hey isn't that for the cows yep I don't need that though right it's only if the cows coming in we fought the cow already we already OED them yeah we did oh what is that like a tiken horse gross what is this man I'm in some weird I guess this is what happens to everyone when they all get infected man I wish I could find some rat traps and we can get a Max Level Katana it's really dark guys don't worry we'll brighten this up it's really dark can't see anything at least there's no enemies attacking you yeah so every Expedition is different guys so I think Adam will just keep playing the virus Min game I'll just keep going as many Expeditions I can that's that's smart good teamwork yeah cuz I think guys now it's all about the Expeditions cuz I think we genuinely beat the game I'm not kidding I think you're right yeah I don't I don't see why we'd have to O and maybe the scientist will be able to help us yeah there's just water and beans here dude I I don't care about that don't move oh it's a battery that's kind of good I'll take that sweet that's pretty good oh oh oh oh oh o o o o o o o ooh back up back up back up back up back up back up buddy who do you think you are that was a close one oh oh o o they see me ew can you get back home oh ew e e ew e ew yeah I don't really know where the entrance is which is kind of bad wait a minute uh-oh no we're fine don't say that nice I got one of them nice okay I need to go home I'm like half health I don't like this how do I get home though uhoh I lost my directions that's Justin is lost guys I'm lost in life everybody he'll get back home it's okay cuz I'm here with Adam we're playing Roblox that's all I wanted Yep this is the best day ever making my way back home Adam you're not playing the virus mini game I just played it though you just played it I just played it yep okay it's ew ew wait there's a flamethrower guy in here that's a that's a bounty hunter Adam dude run run dude get a medkit get a makeit get up jump get AIT oh jeez jeez man yeah he's good this was the lamest Expedition ever Justin Staying Alive guys the lamest Expedition I've ever been on wait but I don't know where the start is I'm genuinely lost oh is it here it's here nice all right I wait 80 Seconds I'll do another Expedition guys he's going outside again broken pipe uh buy more medkits I'll fix the pipe okay and then play the virus Min game yep easy peasy oh don't move everyone hug foxy and boxy every time I say virus mini game in this video it'll make them so happy that's a lot of hug don't move don't move oh it's this guy maybe move and get a med kit maybe move and get a med kit get a med kit I got him oh easy easiest fight in my life okay buy more Med kits we're low okay okay I got this this just spiders who cares noobs they do such little damage spider on your head my hair don't get that haircut no a spider haircut e okay 60 seconds until the next Expedition got it I'm just going to chill it's going to be lit it's going to be lit okay Adam nice you stay there I'm going on my Expedition now good luck out there bye buddy bye buddy byebye buddy oh wait I got to wait see you I'll see you I'll see you I'll stick around the base so I guess there's also a way to get a map and you can choose where you go in Expedition that's pretty cool oh cool um I really wish I could find some rat traps because then we could get a Max Level Katana that'd be pretty sweet I'll fix the to I can't I can't fix the toilet before I go all right all right good luck I mean Adam was one that used it and broke it anyways huh huh no I was just doing the toilet fix and Mini game yeah because he used it and broke it okay here we go where am I now wa oh it's the lab again so just random every time and it could be the same thing oh maybe you can see where you're going to go on the map though I already cleared it there is no map though oh what is the best item to get probably like uh anything we can't get with robu that's there's nothing D we have soap right let's get some soap dude I literally I got everything from this base soap oh you good yeah just some rats I'm on my way nice I took everything and left dude that's lame dude that's lame I'm just going to do the virus mini game Where's the where's okay good job Adam where's the scientist he said would save us but he might have lied they said there was a chance he might come back so if time travel is real then he'll be back and he'll save us hope he comes back me too I'll change this we'll get different events I no we won't we use them all huh rats look at these little rats look these little rats can't do anything to us you should get a med kit though short thing all right I'm fixing the toilet for Adam oh oh it's this guy again I'm doing the thing while I'm try trying to beat this while I'm trying to beat this get off me take that wait oops you got him man I took damage oh more bosses oh exploding guys I need to turn this off I need to get a med kit got him yeah it's getting harder okay oh wow a lot of bosses get him get him out of here nice they 35 guys let's go I got to fix this though protect [Music] me you can count on me man can I though [Music] probably nice easy okay I don't think we've ever had to do anything for Hygiene I don't even know that I guess that's if you just I guess if you take Med kits it doesn't matter okay Adam play you playing that virus mini game it's my favorite game of all [Music] time it's Roblox guys I love it I literally think we can survive infinitely guys I like seriously yeah me too 10 seconds till next Expedition maybe I'll find the final Expedition we'll save our dog beans and we'll find the time traveler and we'll get out of here I think this is it guys Justin's got a crazy Expedition he's going to go on whatever happens here Adam it's been fun I'm going to join you are you serious no Adam you must stay here and play the virus mini game all right good luck out there you must do your duty good luck out there man got him thanks buddy look at boxy man look how inspirational he is look how inspirational foxy is Foxy the boy guys foxy is so awesome all right guys Justin's going on an insane final Expedition guys I think if we get another Expedition we've seen already I think that means we've beaten the whole game cuz we lit oh we've literally seen everything literally this is it let's see what happens 2 seconds here we go Expedition time bye-bye let's go where are we going see you so guys I think you just play this game until you lose oh oh it's a grocery store where we started is that a zombie yeah I'm ready hello you got it oh they're just stuck there e maybe I can get some rat traps though that'd be sweet oh these guys are very strong back up y got a lot of Health this guy got a big sword back up back up buddy half Health uh-oh why would you say that now you got me nervous I don't want to take any hits nice lit I got lit fighting skills come fight me bro come fight me bro taking no damage okay perfect oh how many of them are there is there infinite uhoh wait a minute guys this might be it don't say that don't say that don't oh no I was watching you and I OED don't say that what you did yeah Adam oh no I told you play the virus mini game uhoh you had one job oh no OED Adam literally oofed Adam I literally came out here to try and find stuff so we could save ourselves and you OED it's just food out here we can just buy food though bad guys H got him I wish I could find rat traps dude yeah we could just buy food so guys I think I think honestly beat the game I'm not kidding these guys are really strong though I think we did it I think we be the game like all you get out here is food and I think you just play Until You O but most people don't know about the virus mini game strategy so they just o at like day 10 or 20 or whatever right and more importantly it's the Robux spending strategy where you can just buy unlimited supplies yeah but you can only buy supplies if you beat the virus mini game right guys that's [Music] true I I wish they would put like a really cool item or something in here yeah it's just food like a boss fight just water and food well Adam oofed and all I got was some beans and water I wish there was rat traps at least that would be awesome you got it though that was a pizza yeah yummy I Ed all the bad guys I'm just going home so guys I think we saw we started the game at the supermarket I think we saw every single different area you can go to mhm I think that means we beat the game bro let's head back I think that means we beat the game bro here we go I think that means we beat the game bro I think that means that we literally saw everything you can see in this game guys guys if you want to beat this game try the virus mini game strategy just play with a friend haven't played the virus mini game just spend Robux and beat the game we did it it's lit oh oh there's a lot of stuff in here ew just some spiders these are the spiders that OED you huh I guess so yeah you OED the spiders look how many beans we got wow we have so many supplies ooh ooh oh back up oh back up oh back up back they do like no damage you either oh back up big guy can I explode no easy guys I think we beat the game we actually beat the game yeah we came in here we literally went max level in Roblox radiant resident let's go okay let's play Planet smash okay I don't really know what this is okay wait so it looks like you can choose your planet right here so this is Earth Roy says did you know Earth is just one big rock okay but I'm going to choose one that's more like just a random Planet like this looks like some sort of Frozen Planet bro yeah it's like a moon okay now let's what do you do here so you click this what do you do you just click on it w what is that oh it's a black hole what w w what is that what the heck it like absorbed the planet wait that's crazy hold on let me try let me try a different planet real quick this is another like random it's like a Green Planet okay it looks similar to Earth but it's not Earth it's got like doesn't have the same like continents but wait what happens if you put a black hole like on this wait what is this W dude dude it's like melting what the heck what is that wait what is this bro what is this what is that you you can throw a different planet at wow it's like you just threw the moon at the planet wait this game is insane it's a interplanetary collision wao wait what are these so this like asteroid or something oh man Rocky says that's one big rock bro wait so what is this this like missiles or something oh oh that's awesome what oh dud what why is there ear y wait what is this like a tractor beam use the tractor beam on this unnamed Green Planet huh uh what is it going to do though wait was it oh it's blasting wait there's like shock waves look at those look oh I'm sending in a bunch Leo oh what wait what is this it's Little Octopus what is this bro I don't know okay what is this wait these effects are crazy these Graphics are insane W is that like a squid it's like it's like a yeah it has like tentacles what a what is that it like took part of the planet with it what the heck wait I'm getting spooked bro I'm getting spooked it's just it's like aliens bro what is this okay what's the snowflake okay what is this a present huh what is that wait maybe they like protect the planet or they hatch or something I don't know if you want to protect this unnamed Green Planet you got to call in Santa wait wait yeah do they actually protect it I'm so confused wait what if I throw like a like a moon at it let's see they actually protected it they bounce off stuff wait try the try the UFO on it okay okay UFO's coming in is he going to protect the planet no way let's see what what oh e wait is like alien horms oh what if okay I think the present are random effects that come in oh it's like a mystery box oh oh there's like a laser beam bro wow that's awesome wait this is so crazy let's try a different planet bro okay I'm going to try and put a moon like straight through the middle bro oh good idea straight through the middle oh here we go oh you made a donut we made a giant purple dut oh it didn't go all the way through wait but if I go from the other side we probably can all right let's try let's go from here dude can we make a purple foxy shaped donut bro foxy color donut please yes did it go all the way did it I can't tell maybe sent another one oh I sent in another one I'm sending in another one come on come on come on make the foxy color donut wow I feel like I'm learning about science where I'm really not I'm just watching this thing explode okay yeah I'm send in more I'm going to sending more come on come on come on come on come on come on come on I'm going send in like three more nice there it goes oh come on make the donut make the donut I think we did it I think we did it I think we did it I think we did it I think we did yeah you can see the other side bro let me send two more bro I think we did it yes you're right we did wow good job wait we made a giant foxy colored dut out of a planet bro wait that's crazy wa wa this is crazy dude what happens when you click the snowflake on the bottom right I think that was the the Santa stuff yeah what is this just a tree oh I'm throwing the tree the tree's going to Tunnel through the Earth isn't it oh they're like saws torpedo trees W what is that are they going to go all the way through wow that's insane yo the graphics on this game are nuts bro yeah oh and you can speed it up on the top oh despite me not liking I'm going to try and put one put in one of these worms bro yeah good idea good idea I'm put in a bunch of the worms see what happens bro I'm I'm going speed it up oh can you oop the worms it it's making me feel funny dude there's so many many wait let's throw a bunch of giant moons at it let's try and O all the worms Oh o the worms Oh it's disturbing oh do they o the worms please tell me to do please do we need to get these worms out of here bro let's speed this up oh it's like lagging it's like lagging there's so much going on wao it can't like calculate it wait what if I send what if I send a moon straight through here is it going to O the worms bro come on let's see what happens with the worms let's see what happens destroy the entire planet I think so oh it passes through the worms Oh yeah should we try and like just completely destroy the entire planet yeah try it this weird foxy colored Planet which we do not know if it's real or not are there any planets that are purple I don't think so I don't know maybe I'm not really sure I don't really know the colors of the planets yeah I've only ever been to Earth yeah well I well I can't like the other planets with the aliens took me to you went to blog blong what no I went to donutville oh I think the way to O the whole planet is just to throw a bunch of moons at it yeah that's right wait this is so crazy this is actually pretty crazy I guess this kind of like a simulation game like you kind of see what would happen yeah what are the numbers on the bottom do uh I don't know it's like how much of the Earth is OED I don't know I kind of like uh I like Frosty the Snowman uh this kind of looks like Jupiter or something let's see use this one bro this looks like oh wa it's like a disco ball looks like something out of Star Wars he said disco ball kind of wait wait wait real quick go to the planets again so the bottom right there does that mean you can make your own planet or what is that oh yeah you can make it your own colors let's do it dude this is so crazy this might be you know how Earth before all the continents ended up where they were it was one giant massive land yeah what was that called starts with a P I forgot I'mma to put I'm going to put some oh you can put like red oh wow what kind of planet is this bro wo you can make it like all the colors of langy box wait that's crazy bro okay I like this I like this okay okay now we got this giant red planet what should we do what should we do H um wow it's going straight through wo wo you can like draw wo you got to draw your like own face in it or something I'm going to write I'm going to write a secret message for all the Al Leons in the future bro a secret message bro this is for all the alons to see oh what's it going to say t h i c c nice thick okay wait I like the black hole we only used that in the beginning that's so weird to look at oh w Wait that is so crazy to look at bro spawn a bunch of those okay let's go those are cool I like those wait this is the fastest way to destroy it oh bro that is so weird I don't really understand how black holes even work guys but this is kind of weird bro you know how dut holes work yeah I know how those work I eat them and I get thick easy to learn wait I think we can destroy the whole planet using black holes yeah I think you're right wow so black ho are actually stronger than everything else I didn't know that yeah I wonder if you will get like a like a reward for destroying the whole planet yeah let's try it maybe we'll see destroy the custom lanky red planet oh let's see come on bro this is so weird W like the way the way like the way the black holes kind of like reflect oh it does look like a Cheeto now I'm hungry it like reflects and it just like eats the the part of the planet it's so weird yeah are we going to destroy the whole thing I think we are bro black holes will destroy everything bro goodbye Planet Justin oh Planet lanky is no more it's actually gone oh what happens the whole planet is gone dude that's literally it it's just melted dude that was so weird dude all right what else yeah let's do the Snowman oh okay let's do Frosty the Snowman oh Frosty all right what should we do to Frosty H um let's do more of the presents those things are fun what is this oh all right yeah let's do the presents good idea good idea Frosty the Snowman all right I'm I'm I'm going to cover him in presents and then throw a planet at him see what happens so the presents are like mystery boxes they're mystery effects there's something different in all of them I think oh Frosty can have presents cuz he knows Santa Claus yeah yeah yeah dude this is such a weird game like I've never played anything like this where you just get to like see what happens to stuff like and the graphics are just crazy yeah it's really fun to watch all right all right all right all right Frosty's basically covered from head to toe all right let's see what hatches all right I think I got to like use an explosion can I use like a I'm just going to throw a planet oh what's it going to be oh here we go here we go here we go Frosty come on what happened Frosty are you all right oh now it's a bunch of the worms the alien worms oh it just vanished wait the whole planet just vanished bro dude that was so satisfying that was crazy we got to do that to more planets that was insane bro yeah okay now this kind of looks like uh I don't even know Mercury Jupiter I don't really know I don't know my Planet Color okay let's just try let's just try the present thing on all these planets it's so satisfying like it's crazy yeah just cover it and then just like I think all we have to do is send in like one alien or something with like an explosive technique and then it just oofs like all the present yeah wait I wonder what the max amount of presents you can add onto the planet is you got to try it I mean I think you can cover the entire planet bro if you do that it's going to look like a DNA type thing oh yeah kind of you know what I mean yeah like a bacteria or something yeah bacteria oh bro oh little bit disturbing oh guys we might break our computer doing this like actually guys I think we got the whole thing covered bro yeah wow we gift wrapped the whole plan okay I'm going send in one Brave little alien to light everything dude okay here we go but real quick guys before we do that make sure to head to langy boox get your own boxy foxy and Rocky plushy and all the other awesome stuff we have lankybox yeah speaking of presents guys we got some pretty crazy new surprises coming to the merch shop very soon so make sure you Che make sure you keep an eye on it guys all right here we go three 2 1 go go go go go go go oh bro oh bro oh I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm nervous oh wait it like protected the presents like protected that one oh really okay what if I just use a laser here we go oh look at how hard it's lagging oh I can't see anything guys it's not your phone it's our game this is going crazy yeah it's not whatever you watching this video on that is what is that bro wow wait that is insane oh wow that's crazy wait okay this game is pretty crazy guys okay we got to get there man this is pretty crazy I can't even remember how many endings we've seen now it's been a bunch yeah you had the Karen ending the janitor ending the the lunch lady ending a lot can't forget that one they should make a rocket shair ending oh man well foxy foxy kind of found that ending themselves yeah that's true you just drive the rocket chair too far you get kind of oh oh kind of sick yeah okay let's go let's go okay we be zooming it's the first day of high school Adam wow oh yeah do you remember your first day of school I remember my first day of preschool man really yeah I was real scared but I didn't cry you didn't no you sure no you're not sure oh I'm not sure I called out for Adam's mom a couple times but other than that I was chill I was chill I got no friends I got nothing just me and foxy foxy was there in foxy was there foxy I was his only friend yeah wow yeah it was me and Foxy some things never change true just kidding I'm your friend now true okay okay let's get in our seats let's get in our seat oh nice we're sitting together up front yeah guys make sure to use our star code langy box when you go Robux and get the new Lang box mystery EG Guys these are only available for the rest of December get them before they're literally Gone Forever langy boox these are so clean guys they arrived in the packaging guys it's so sick make sure you check them out guys they're Limited stock let's go do we go to class we should go to class yeah go to class okay you got a dancing banana they just say I am I'm a banana okay it's time for your class to start okay dude it's so cool we got all the little trinkets on our desk from all the endings we've got yeah dude the person behind us W they got foxy and boxing have a bunch more than us we get part two okay we're going upstairs now the thing with these endings is you basically have to get to the end of the game so you already know we're about to speedrun this game so we played this game a whole lot of times yeah we're basically Pros the teacher is coming get back in your seat 5 Seconds all right get back okay okay okay oh and I have I have the antidote too do you have one yeah I do okay so in case one of us gets OED we can use the antidote yeah you remember those desks in school where like it's a normal desk and then underneath there's like the little like cabinet thing where you can keep your books and stuff n you never have one of those oh I have one of those I like keep secret stuff I'm sorry I didn't get to go to fancy school it wasn't fancy school I sat on the ground it was me by myself foxy yeah it was two of us sitting crisscross applesauce on the dirt we don't have those nice luxurious things what you put in there your little crayons and stuff yeah I didn't have crayons you didn't have crayons what did you draw with your imagination yeah I draw in the mud you know what I mean I guess you're right so you could afford a hungry man but not crayons I could afford hungry man's now because I borrow you and your mom's money back then no oh I see I was in preschool I see okay you know how I mean hey old lady open up I'm starving okay what class we go to does it matter I don't think it matters bro well I guess we're going to history okay we're going to history we're going to history okay I guess it doesn't matter okay what's outside that window it's a zombie this person says what is that zombie alert all right we're getting out of here we're zooming we're zooming oh got to get up got to get up come on guys we can do it nice we made it into the ceiling oh no my head oh Adam didn't make it no okay let's go oh we got to find the screwdriver oh someone found I I found one okay okay oh okay nice all right here we go let's go let's go okay where we going where we going I think we're going uh I'm just in the in the hallway right now it's really dark okay we're chilling we're chilling okay this person says I have a pluses in my school wow no shout out shout out people with good grades let's go let's go guys let's go where are we supposed to go I have absolutely no idea what we're supposed to do right now oh the mystery egg told me what to do what did it say yeah yeah they did that they got teleport mystery egg did that for us you killed that zombie let's go nice job the principal got bitten oh no look at your arm uh-oh SpaghettiOs it looks like some SpaghettiOs on his shirt but it's not it's just a tiny scratch nothing compared to the pain of eating my wife's cooking that's not nice that's not cool bro that's not yourself in the Supply Closet let's get in there then we about to meet donut Dave ooh my favorite hero the hero himself dumpster diver Dan is also a classic it's over here it's over here yeah yeah yeah I think we need dumpster diver Dan's help to get this ending man yeah the new end going be nice it's going to be lit I got knocked down yo why oh it's like a do dance move okay let's go oh ow it's a zombie nice we got it nice nice nice job nice job but one thing is for sure I'm not sticking around to find out all right there's our boy donut Dave let's go a hero let's go everyone get inside the science room okay let's go let's go wow it does look like a science room dude science class is lit man yeah oh somebody gave me a donut wow that's nice how you do that I don't know but I don't know I don't even know this person says we must save Justin and Adam wow thank you you mean Adam no they they definitely don't mean that bro why why are you trying to corrupt people's pronunciations bro because that's how my name is spelled D how can you be so sure okay let's go yo Dave teleport what is that oh he's quick yo David bla he's a magician okay we're following donut Dave okay what's going to happen bro think we're going to his car what is this somebody set this on fire follow donut da follow him Man follow him is it a nuke waa wait how is he standing in that can we get in there do we take damage no yeah I guess you're all right oh okay okay nice donut Dave stop bro he's just walking through the zombie doesn't care anymore he's had enough wait how did he get over the fence okay okay let's just jump on the cars I don't know wow nice I thought we'd get infected nice nice nice okay now I have the game pass so I do have a blaster but I don't think this helps very much okay I will stay near you then okay stay near donut Dave we're about to meet dumpster diver Dan let's go good Heavens something is in that dumpster I think we all know who it is it's that raccoon that me and Foxy fight I don't think it's the raccoon when we take out the trash why do you have to fight it isn't it your your friend oh yeah we fought him then he became our friend you tamed him or he tamed us I don't think so okay okay what do we do looking for a safe Zone yeah we're looking for the safe Zone guys okay this guy says I got a shelter but I got no supplies okay let's see what the vote is blocks and go warehouse warehouse all right we got this we will get the nuke ending yo we got to get it bro Warehouse is hard the warehouse is Pretty Tough the blocking go is easier but hey we got to do it we got to do it okay we got to be sneaky sneaky bro this Warehouse isn't clear stay in the shadow and sneak past the guards okay let's go yeah people are saying they need healing or they're going to O might just be us at the end doing the nuke they're going to get nuked to O okay here we go dude we got to be stealthy we got to be stealthy all right I'm going lead the way watch out what are you doing what are you doing I'm just running you got our whole team move okay stay in the shadows bro zoom zoom zo zo Zoom okay ow okay ow this is really tough this is the laser oh no Adam get up it's okay I can respond you have an ano I can revive you I'm responding in 20 seconds it's all good you sure you want me to ride you no no they're saying no I them no I had to risk it all no okay careful careful careful bro this part is the warehouse is actually really tough guys with this what's this okay zip line zip line bro okay one person Speed Run oh the banana two people are speed running three people are speed running okay nice nice nice nice nice okay nice we made it oh that was a close one dude the warehouse is really tricky guys oh man is it the antidote I think it is or is it what infect people into zombies bro yes sir okay okay they're loading up I think this is the new ending guys bro we're going to get it run did they see us run dude we're getting blasted run go W that was a close one bro wait our team is getting so small bro we have to get out of here armed guards okay run run run okay wait we're back where we started oh oh bro run stinky citizen H okay follow follow okay here we go we're almost at the ending here watch out for the zombie watch out they're open up oh I almost fell there I almost fell bro I almost fell shoot take the shoot take the shoot this is important take the shoot nice nice nice This Is The New Ending guys this is pretty nuts all right go down the shoot W yeah dude you can see the nuke oh yeah you're right nuke ending nuke ending are you okay what happened but also we are launching a nuke against zero Labs uhoh uh-oh SpaghettiOs follow donut Dave there's a truck but look that radio nice we got the new G where is Agent Angus yeah cuz we don't want no Beast wait he's a zombie we have to defeat him and launch no this person is another boss fight I'm going to o yeah our whole team's pretty low dude this is sketchy W watch out watch out watch out watch how do you how do you beat how do you avoid taking damage bro that's insane wait this is so busted okay here we go here we go we can do it we can do it we jump down we can do it we can do it we can do it watch out yo this is insane what the heck what is run what is this bro run dude oh yo go to this wall what is this thing ow I'm getting blasted look at my house almost didn't make it dude our dude no okay okay hit the console to launch and attack no we can do it dude stay positive stay positive nice nice we launched it it only did like a third of his health are you kidding me bro we're going to get blasted to O bro oh I'm going hide in the corner okay revive with Ango can I revive okay I lives I'm coming back in 20 seconds bro this is nuts yeah and the blasts are like I love the way it shakes the camera dude this is actually so intense man this is crazy oh all the nukes are coming here we go watch out for the explosion ow just keep moving jump OED bro ow these do so much damage I'm actually getting I'm wait I'm I'm one hit away from from getting OED you got it you're the best Roblox player I know I I don't know I don't know about that end it end it all yes we did it nice we did it we got the nuke ending Wow Let's go dude that was so tough launch the nuke oh where is it launching to wow calling
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 699,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, justin, adam, foxy, boxy, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, lankybox fan, lankybox plushies, lankybox foxy, lankybox compilation, lankybox roblox obbies, robux, obby, roblox, lankybox roblox gameplay, lankybox roblox radiant residents, lankybox destroying the planet in solar smash, lankybox getting the nuke ending in field trip z, jump scares, lankybox roblox radiant residents gameplay, lankybox solar smash gameplay, lankybox roblox field trip z gameplay, lankybox funny moments
Id: IubJD6ccqgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 49sec (6589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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