The ULTIMATE DAD TEST! (Who's Your Daddy)

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hey guys how's it going got a special video for you today to celebrate Justin hitting 5 million subscribers which is absolutely insane congratulations Justin well done my friend we're gonna be playing who's your daddy me James and Justin teamed up to go back to who's your daddy if you don't know what it is boy you're in for a treat let's see if any of my dad skills actually come in handy I feel like they're not going to enjoy the video if you got to enjoy the video leave a like subscribe if you're brand new and enjoy all right here we go wait why am i spinning why am i spinning is make me look up this is so I cut I can't play let's go I've been training for this moment for the past two months guys if you need your nappies changing I got you like he was born yesterday [Laughter] I like your monocle looks good give me this this is going elsewhere stop and you are gonna eat an orange eat orange the orange we could be hiding together I can hear noises by the way you are you upset you're just inside the cabinet dead glass is kind of insta-kill oh really this is Dan's time to prove himself you know yeah alright so so that's one fail yeah I feel like this is a really public failure I forgot how to do the chores that's going everything is being removed batteries no I have to pick up every battery one by one okay you are eating this banana get get out it's so weird when I carry you put those pills down please put those pills down no use baby on glass table I don't think that's basic parenting knowledge baby not anymore like you feel like you're upping your game get in the closet baby in the closet and stay there oh wait there's a tunnel in there oh wait does this work oh okay you are over there no these are safely going away orange green baby come here give me that fork Hey okay just in Southie James don't know where you are that's worrying just chilling somewhere I don't know how it's going down eat this Apple I've run out of fruits do not go in the oven come here right now the screen is our window where's the water alright that was dead wait who's Daryl with no the dad's still holding the baby look how close I was to the sink ah okay you guys go really fast a really loud - enough okay okay I think in this one we're all babies and we're trying to kill each other sword oh that's how you let you just grab the sharpest thing okay ready they're like buffs I go speed buff really yeah look for the pills random stuff each time Mohammed much better being a baby than little father Oh what's it gonna be this time we go and oh oh what's this Oh poison grenade oh my could jump really high I'm out what the Frog is the jump boost it's like whoever grabs the sword first oh it's so good it's so good but the problem is you gets you close to down he's got a sword oh wait there's no swords just hang curves oh no no no oh I can okay oh I didn't realize we could get out he's as much better oh yeah cuz there's stuff all over the place yeah there's a massive bear trap I kind of want to go in it just to see what happens oh no what happened whoa all those big exposure to Daryl you messed up I can see you on the table but I'm not sure what you're doing don't know what this is what is it I'm coming over you're in like a turret oh my god fire oh oh let's go even it's re on the table I can eat them they're foam how are they fire give me give me I'm supposed to die wait I want to survive though I'm gonna die how did you get out though did you just break through you can punch the boss this is like literally like Hunger Games in Minecraft you just like do we go to mid yeah yep okay there's stuff all over the house okay speed there's another laser on a other the poison oh I tried to throw upstairs oh they uh this is the laser that yeah the laser is a blazing is a bat or something all right I'm gonna outside there's a massive like bear trap I kind of want to see what it does I'm gonna jump on it here we go what happened oh this is the jump ocean dude in your grade like a frog embracing my in a frog oh wait guys it's over I found one of the sticks oh I don't have that much health though alright we're gonna face off yeah oh I must go mad here no no I so much better that we can get out yeah no we figured out what we were like in here stock stamina pack oh no that is weird oh now flattens you if you go on the strip it's just instant death yeah don't push me back I'm on the table oh there's no tower here though I'm going to sleep or I die I just try to go to the swimming forward I hit the I hit the mat they explode you killed yourself yeah touch that rug explosive rug I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to the backyard there looked like there was more stuff out there yeah I should be shot as well oh dude there's loads of bear traps yeah oh yeah oh no someone is so much of this you've only got ten health left I'm gonna go we got we got laser deaf you don't touch that I'm gonna see if there's anything in the shed oh okay okay look at me I'm not quite sure what this is Jeeves but it's cool that's so funny I got the turret see I was sued short and away with a massive hack is that doing any damage or no you keep missing I'm doing my best side with moves here I don't leave as damage ads all way don't get him a car I'm out oh I can't see oh no I don't know why I can come and look at me yeah guide me to the pool oh wait yeah sorry and local court let me place it and you can't drop it no I can help you [Laughter] don't pick that up seriously I love the showdown music in the beginning is all you might jump the height of the bull I'm in school I'm saying just like you to happen to show you down don't-don't-don't this thing is really good it's good the sort of light are you flatten and again ever get that again you see where are you yeah no gays in the world [Laughter] oh you trying to handcuff me there wait what just happened we use them on me what happens use hanker I don't know oh yeah oh yeah we're doing like a joust always going for you ever look at him wiggle get a cop it's here be careful guys it was straight over the top of it speed boost oh there we go jump act yeah the jump is the best yeah I'll go too I'll just put over the copy of death again I'll spectate you guys again yep yeah we should try like a no even the candle the candle Bobby dangerous oh boy stupid string over the please [Applause] [Music] good bunch [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,452,343
Rating: 4.9555459 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, whos your daddy, whos your daddy dantdm
Id: xF4ipokGdZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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