The ULTIMATE Cutting Tutorial to MASTER The Pixie.

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hi welcome to the channel I'm summer today's video we are taking inso from these Pixies to create our cut today we are breaking down the importance of sectioning we're cutting both wet and dry and hopefully watching this video it will help you explain to your stylist if this is a cut that you want if you like short hair but you're over thee dat spiky look wanting more options when it comes to styling this cut is going to be perfect for you let's get started okay so we are going to get started for today's cut like men mentioned we're taking inspiration from these cuts for the haircut we're creating today they all look very similar they're cut very similar ways it's just kind of all in how you style you have the option to wear it nice and Sleek or you can add some more volume to it you can make it a little bit more textured looking it's all in how you style but that's what's nice about this cut is it's very versatile so we're going to section off first and where I would typically just come right at the ear to create my section I'm actually going to be coming back further with the round of the head and that is because we're going to be cutting all of this front hair dry and I'll explain why as we get closer into it but the way this is cut to preserve more of that length on top to make sure you get a smooth Sleek look when you want the option of that for styling it's best to cut that dry so you really know you haven't taken away any excess length so to create this side section what we're doing is we're coming here to where the comb starts rounding at the head and I'm going to take my section there and we're just going to come in at an angle down to the ear and come all of this forward and I actually going to back it up just a little bit more perfect and now you're probably like some are that's so much hair that's going to be left in the sides it's going to fall into the back and look like out of place we're going to be blending everything in but this doing this type of sectioning is going to ensure that we have all the length that we need in the front to create that really smooth Sleek look all right and then we're going to do the same on the other side and you're just going to follow with where your part line here is at the top you can look again with the comb if you want meet up and then come down at an angle towards the ear Okay so we've got the back sectioned off and then I'm going to tilt her head down you would want your client to look down as well and then so we're going to be removing all of this length this is going to be a really nice tight short haircut so what I like to do is I kind of will work in diagonal sections and I do a a lot of scissor over comb when creating the back um last week's haircut was more of like a pixieish it was pixie and short you had a lot of open ear exposure but you had much more length than what we're leaving today this is going to be you're drying the back sort of with your fingers and just brushing everything [Music] down we're going to come in we're going to take this basically right at someone's hairline right beneath it so this is fully off the [Music] neck even out on this other side and then as we come into the side here what we're going to do is we're going to start angling up into the ear so our fingers are pointing down we're coming into our guide here and cut so you've created your angle here already that's going to work up eventually into the [Music] ear our hands are on the opposite side fingers are pointing up I see my guide cut [Music] and then what you'd want to do is come back here and you can check your Corners we will be evening everything out after we get all of it cut so I more so right now I'm just concerned with removing the bulk of the length here coming on the other side at a diagonal so you're kind of keeping a v and then we're just going to go scissor over comb I see my guide underneath [Music] cut I like to do scissor over comb when cutting the shorter Pixies just cuz I find it easier I mean you could come in still with your fingers um but when it's shorter I just find it's e easier to go over scissor over comb and as you come into these Corners you're going to still I like to angle my comb a little bit to match that up all right and then we're going to take our next section you can come at this straight across if you want I'll do this side section for you guys so you can see if you get too intimidated by doing it at the diagonal you don't have to do the diagonal so you'd still we straight across come in scissor over comb I see my previous guy through here [Music] cut so the only thing when you do it straight across you leave a little bit more length here so you'll still want to come in at the Le to clean up what's in between there so whatever works the best for you when cutting if it's going straight across and then going into to do your angle do that and if it's going diagonal whatever works best for [Music] you need to remove a little bit more length we're going to create our next section to be [Music] cut As you move further up the head I kind of will pull the scissor out as I cut just to do a little bit of like elevation and then if Pixies are new to you as far as if you're a hair stylist my best piece of advice because they can get really overwhelming take your time book out extra time I really enjoy cutting Pixies I feel like you don't get to do it that often um but I always would book out more time so if my normal haircut time was an hour I would give myself like an hour and 15 maybe an hour and a half if I had never cut the client's hair before um once you get to know the client's hair it's a lot easier to Breeze through it but a lot of a pixie you need to take your time that's why we're going to be dry cutting this front um just because you get to see the hair is laid exactly where it's going to be when it's dry so you never are going to be over cutting when it's wet and that's going to be really important for the way that these front pieces lay and that's why I like to do them dry because I want Total Control and I want to make sure I don't remove too much length accidentally when it's wet cuz the hair shrinks after it gets dry so now at this point we're we're just coming in and I'm going to just grab this see my little baby guide here and I'm just going to angle straight up with my shears to remove some of this length I know that we will probably cut more later after the fact but for now I just want to get that bulk gone and I will perfect it after we cut into the sides so all that piece fell and I'm just literally sliding up with my shears and then so now what I like to do before we start drying I'm just going to go through scissor over comb kind of everywhere make sure everything's lining up nip anything that might be poking out a little bit longer on this side all right so I'm going to leave that for now and then what we're going to do is I'm going to let all of this out the hair is going to be parted to wherever it is that your client wears the hair I'm doing a side part here and so all I'm going to do is put a little bit of oil in it this is riken's oil for all just doing like two pumps three and I'm going to put that all through the hair just to have some heat protection and we are going to be blow drying everything straight forward I want it nice and flat I don't want to create any volume so that way I know where it's going to lay exactly where I want it to for when somebody wants to wear this sleek and smooth and then we're going to start shaping the hair to get into the pixie side cutting all right we're done we're ready to go just kidding it be nice if that was the case so the reason why I blow all this out so smooth first and we have a lot of length we're removing um cuz you're like where's the ear the ear is going to get exposed here but I like blowing it out because I want this top section of hair this is like the most important part of a pixie you never want to overcut this section if somebody wants to have more length on top where they have the option to wear really smooth make it messy curl it give it some texture or body this is like gold you never want to overcut this so I want this to be as sleek and smooth as possible because I know that I want it to always be at this ear region this is going to come down over all of this but I do not want to cut this this is going to be the last thing that we cut and we're going to mostly just be like kind of cutting into it to remove obviously it's got some length here that needs to be taken off but we're going to be removing bulk from it but I don't want want to jeopardize this length at all so this whole top section I'm going to even overcompensate a little bit here and cut into it a little bit more I'm going to clip up out of the way so you could use your comb to do this put the comb against the head where the comb leaves the head that's about where you want to take your section and clip all the hair up I'm going to just do a little bit more and I'll do this inil on too so that way I know I didn't remove too much length from the top because trust me guys it's always better to have to go back in and cut more cuz you left it long you don't ever want to cut too much and it's just gone like no client is ever happy with that trust me so this is clipped up out of the way and I'm just going to on this other side you'll do the same on this other side but for now I'm just going to clip it tight so I don't touch it and then we're going to start creating the sides this is where it gets real fun so first things first we're going to come in and create our first section and you want to think of this area as being like nice and tight you want it to sort of almost have like an undercut feel so that way you don't get like poofy out at the sides you want the volume coming from the top you don't want it coming from the sides in your ear creating kind of just like a poofy look look so like I did last week's video I work sort of in like a triangle idea I'm just going to come up from our previous guide here up into the tip of that ear and I'm just going to do a triangle now on the other side going down I'm need to cut just a tiny bit more right here I'm just literally going to take out this chunk because it's bothering me so I'm not fully coming off of the ear we have the ears exposed but you're not fully off the tip of the ear most of all those haircuts I don't think any of them were fully um exposing the ear and then this is going to get cut into but for now I'm going to leave it when we go to create the bang so now that I've done that I'm just going to come scissor over comb to sort of start layering this a little bit to help keep it from being too poofy and you're going to let your next section come down little small sections at a time you want to be able to see that guide and then you're just literally going to do some scissor over comb let this last piece fall and now what I'm going to do is we're just going to work basically in layers we're going to take the hair come up I keep an angle here cut so what you want to do is start looking at it in the mirror and seeing how smooth or tight it is to the face we are going to cut into this so I want you to try to not think that this length is here but you want to see how smooth and flat it's lay this is similar to last week's video I wanted it nice and smooth but I want this a little bit tighter so I'm going to come back to my scissor over comb and that's removing a little bit more length or more of a it's creating more of a layer I should say so you're getting rid of that bulk and sometimes I'll even add more texture by cutting into the hair as it falls let's smooth that out a little bit more you don't want this like poofing out all around you want it tighter so as the eyes go up the head and you have the hair on top that's where you're getting your volume you don't want to add roundness and volume typically right in here because it whitens the face so you want this nice and tight all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to let down most of this hair we're still going to think scissor over scissor over comb where the comb leaves the head so we got a little bit more hair we can cut cuz again remember I wanted to give myself a little bit of an insurance policy so I'm going to still tuck out this very top layer and leave that out of the way so I know I'm not cutting into this too much so we can have a nice amount that curves down [Music] so we're going to just continue sort of with scissor over comb and doing our layers um I just find the scissor over comb is the easiest thing to do to create this just because sometimes you're able to follow that guide better so this is when we're going to start cutting into these pieces that we overd directed forward so you're literally going to come in I've got my home at an angle here I see my guide back here cut and literally just follow the angle of your guide and the one thing that's nice about scissor overcomb is you literally can see the guide falling and that's where you know to cut and if anything you can have more length left than cutting too much length come in cut all right so I'm going to let down this top section we do have some excess length still that is just too long so I'm going to cut that first so it's out of the way and I'll be able to see better and now I'll be able to blend this in better so we obviously have all this length through this back that needs to come in and blend it so we're literally just going to basically be doing sort of layers not layers back to the scissor overc comb and still take a section if you need to this mannequin hair is real thick come in I see my guide here I let that fall cut [Music] a little bit coming into this back section kind of go till I meet in the [Music] middle we're just going to start taking some small layers because now we're just trying to soften that top layer as it's falling in that ear [Music] region we're just softening up these top layers that come down to the ear okay so looking at this we're still going to be creating a bang I'm going to wait to do that till after I get done with the other side you want to feel through it see how it's laying and think about you want it smoother in this area so I would actually come back in and cut into this a little bit tighter just so this lays a little smoother and obviously if the client's like no I like how it looks like leave it then for sure leave it but if they want it a little bit smoother here cuz either they have a lot of hair or they just don't want it bulky we're going to come back in and cut into that and all you would do for that is literally just cut into it more so scissor over comb to take out that bulk you're layering it a little bit more and it doesn't take you hardly any time so I'm going to leave this for now and what what I'm going to do is I'm going to do these same steps on the other side I'm not going to talk just so I save you guys some time cuz this is a lengthy tutorial but we're going to do the same exact thing and then we're going to come in and we'll do the bangs and I'll show you how I finalize getting some of the bulk out so that way it's not too [Music] heavy and then remember when you're soft opening up this very top hair cuz you don't want to cut into it much when I go to cut the layer I'm literally gliding down as I cut the whole time so that way I'm not taking out more length than [Music] needed and we've got a couple hairs here in the back we've got to blend [Music] in I'm just angling up as I [Music] cut okay so I'm going to set my bangs first and then we're going to start texturizing the top all right so the bang she sort of has one kind of already I think there was one there mildly before but like these Cuts they all have a pretty good side bang I'm going to take a look at the picture again and as you can see some are a little bit shorter but they definitely all have like a bang so I'm going to keep that in mind and I'm just going to shorten this up a little bit more in the corner going to come on the one side first and I'm just going to sliver down and what I'll redo is I will reshape the bangs like I'll spray them down and dry them again so I can get them to lay how I really want and we're just going to connect and we're going to continue that all the way down so you can see my guide here okay [Music] getting this piece [Music] here there we go and so what we're going to do now just blend this in a little bit more okay then I'm going to mash my bang on the other side and then we'll get to texture ding I'm just meeting up with that shorter piece on this side and you're just going to follow that [Music] down take a look at the front you pull make sure that they're lining up see if one side needs to be brought up more than the other just a little bit of layer here leave that for now okay so now we begin to perfect the cut we're in its final stage this is why I say I like to book extra time because Pixies are a very specific haircut they're very precise it's a lot of precision it's a lot of sectioning so you don't ever want to rush a pixie this isn't just like a trim like oh fit me in for just a trim kind of haircut so we're just going to come in now and start creating the texture I'm using my regular thinning shears you could point cut if you want but we're just going to be coming in and cutting in so we start creating that texture and what this does this is allowing for when you go to style it you have the option to get more body so if you want more height and more Bend you'll be able to do this by creating the texture in the hair you can still though keep it sleek and smooth so you can have the benefits of both looks but the key with this haircut is always maintaining enough length up here to be able to have that smooth Sleek longer look and then you always what I love is still have the option to tuck so I will always texturize first and then go back in and see if I need to add some layers but I'm going to go all the way around the head texturizing and then take a look at it and see if I want to cut into that top [Music] more [Music] okay and I'm going to come in and create a little bit of layering now I think so I've gotten a lot of bulk out but we still have this length up top that I feel like at least in the bang area because this is pretty heavy it needs a little layering so this part would be optional once you get to this point I usually will have the client kind of like feel through it obviously you still need to like tweak the bangs to style them the way that they would want them laying but I'll have the client like run their hands through their hair does it feel bulky here does it feel bulky there do you think you want any more length taken off here and let them feel through it with their hands and give them the opportunity to let you know if they do want more or you might want to cut more but they might be like nope it's perfect leave it I've had plenty of clients that I'm like please let me cut more and they're like no summer it's good and I think it should be tweaked but they don't want it you know so always give them the chance before you go in and actually add some layers here to see if that's what they really want and I'm just barely barely cutting into it I'm not really creating many more layers it's just softening it up a little bit more this bang area definitely needed them so the main thing when cutting a pixie is you want to always take your time don't rush it it's not a rushed haircut small sections and just breathe while doing it they can be really overwhelming and you know you just need to see how the person's hair is going to lay that's why I like to dry it first to get it nice and smooth and then you can go in and tweak this Crown area needs just a little bit more layering cuz when I go to fluff here it just looks a little bit [Music] long [Music] same on this side where we had that bang just cut into that a little bit more and again I'm checking my front pieces we need a little bit more length taken off this corner and come back and look at it again and it's looking good so the one final thing I would say to do is is come in through your back make sure that back perimeter is clean she needs a little corner dusting there let me make her head straight for one but yeah just a little in this corner mannequin hair is a little bit more challenging to cut a pixie because their uh hair and neckline is not the same as a human like the hair does not move at the hair line at all she's looking pretty good I'm going to Spritz her bangs down to reshape them I'm going to use some paste to get it styled that way you guys can see the final look with a little bit more texture to it and we'll get you guys out of here all right here is our finished look for our pixie cut and I'm actually going to show this to you styled both smooth and more textured so you guys can see how you can style this cut both ways and I want you to tell me if you like it more smooth or with more texture this is the one I cut for the video and I styled it more smooth and Sleek with Bend in the bang and lightly throughout the rest of the cut and we're able to get that more smooth look because we focused on keeping that length up top and then this one is the same cut but styled more textured so it has a little bit more movement to it it's got a messy sassy look but because of that length again left on the top you can have the option to do both textured or smooth I love the way it looks with both Styles you really can't go wrong with either I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Styles By Summer
Views: 20,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy pixie, fun hair, short hair, short layers, pixie hair, pixie haircut, pixie hair styles, texture, short cuts for women, cuts for women over 50, best cuts for easy styling, smooth layers, cutting tutorial, hair styling, sectioning technique, wet cutting, dry cutting, versatile haircut, sleek look, textured look, haircut inspiration, haircut styling options, haircut volume, haircut texture, side sectioning, angled cuts, scissor over comb, diagonal sections
Id: 2FsOc7S0mqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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