The Ultimate Create Mod Steam Engine Guide!

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stress units everyone needs them in the create mud in fact they're the prime resource they're the one thing stopping you from doing everything you've ever wanted to do and this absolute Behemoth behind me is the pathway to stress units oh sweet steam engines the big boiler alien looking things that create ads to give you all the power you need that is the focus of today's episode I'm not just going to be teaching you how to build them but we're going to be learning about them together figuring them out together and hopefully you'll come away not only knowing how to build this absolute Behemoth that produces 300 000 stress units but also you'll know how to Tinker with them how to make them better how to make them worse and how to do them in different mod packs we're going to be looking at three tiers starting all the way down with this cute little guy and working all the way up to this Behemoth let's get right into it alrighty let's get started with the early game steam engine and of course an explanation as to how these guys work you can have two by twos I'll build a three by three because the three by three ones look quite cool you can see these are all the ingredients in my hop bar campfires fluid tank steam engine shaft vertical gearbox large Cog wheel and some water very cheap nothing requires you to have more than iron tools and I think just a press from create is enough to do everything here the way these work is you have to have some form of heat source and for the super early game Steam Engines you can use that passive heat source which is any hot block lava magma fire campfire and you're going to place fluid tanks on top of them which also helps with some of the particle effects not all of them but some of them and the way you transform this into a steam engine is literally by placing a steam engine block on top of it now these fluid tanks are converted visually you could see to a steam engine while wearing goggles they tell you some interesting information they tell you about the size the water and the heat you could say the heat you can see the heat is low right there's red bars that means a heat slow and for early passive we can't do much more than this there's no water at all so the water is bad but the size is quite good it the size is in the green you can also see it once 10 mL buckets of water per tick which we will be able to achieve and for this for convenience we're actually going to have the steam engine power itself which I think is very fun always clever and the way it can power itself is by running the rotational Force downwards okay so you're going to place an outwards facing shaft run that into a gearbox run the shafts downwards into a large Cog wheel now we do need some pipes and pumps but once again that's all just Copper at no additional expense you're going to dig an infinite water source so that the center of the water source is diagonal to the large Cog wheel because we are going to be having our mechanical pump there yep as simple as that we're just going to have that guy vertical oh that's not vertical there we go vertical make sure it's hovering above the water it's not inside of the water and this is everything you actually need for your early game steam engine totally simple to hand power it with a crank and a large Cog wheel it does have to be a large cogwheel so this thing spins fast enough to keep the water input you can see that the water is okay the heat is okay and the size is very good now you can't get any hotter you can't get any more water with this design but you do have 2048 stress units so it's not bad this can also be done as you can see on a two by two steam engine of course we need to make sure that the water is actually flowing into this thing and one annoyance of these really really game ones if you're powering it manually if it unpowers you do have to restart it yourself but here we go you can see that the 2x2 also works just fine so it's very space effective especially if you're building in like underground environments um obviously this water source can be anywhere you want and the way it works is the water is pulled in through the pipes it goes into the fluid tanks is immediately evaporated and turned into steam using better and more heat sources more water input and more tanks create create more power so why don't we get into that more power right now the more power in question is Blaze burners which are also not that expensive I mean if we look at their recipe uh what is it it's just iron sheets and some Netherrack uh and that's the only additional expense the rest of the build is going to use the same exact blocks so these are super super cheap don't let anyone tell you that a steam engine is expensive or complicated because that's all it is you're going to place your fluid tanks on top now I'm going to do a three by three since with the blaze burners the more Blaze burners you have the better this is going to be and why don't we build this up like four or maybe even five right but to know how good we're doing of course we need to place a steam engine on top of it we can see the size is really good this is gonna still only require 10 millibockets per Tech we only need one water source and the heat isn't good enough right now because well these are passive sources they're not lit but if we take our coal uh or charcoal or any burnable thing would whatever you want light these guys up and do make sure to get the guy in the center as well we can see is our heat good no okay this is too big for the heat that's fine take off a layer uh so it looks like yeah there we go Heats perfect so you want this one to be four tall right obviously I knew that but if you're ever eyeballing a steam engine that's the process that's that's how you can test your steam engines out because these guys each add heat these guys each add size and then of course we need our 10 mL buckets of water and you're gonna find that it's a fairly similar build and just remember with your infinite water sources that the pump is facing towards the water that is infinite not one of the edges and make sure you're using a wrench to face it in the right direction you obviously don't want to be attempting to pull water out of the steam engine that is not going to help you at all alright so this is the steam engine but of course this isn't an in infinite steam engine because look at that the blaze burners they've ran out they're not functioning anymore we need to power these guys and there's a bunch of different ways to do it one of the best ways is either with a tree farm that converts into charcoal or a lava farm and as many of us know a super easy lava Farm is drip Stone over cauldrons and this works extremely well with the create mod because of how pipes will function with cauldrons so this becomes a supremely automatic lava Farm for those that don't know you just need to place down some drip stone blocks and then or rather these are yeah drip stone blocks with drip Stones underneath of them make sure they are hovering above cauldrons now the more of these you add the faster your form is and you do want to have a decently fast one uh if your lava Farm isn't fast enough then of course it will break your steam engine will stop because your Blaze burners will run out of fuel make sure to place I believe it does have to be sources uh correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but you do want to place yourself some lava sources on top of the drip Stone so you're going to need some lava to start with but they will start you can see they're dripping they're dripping they're dripping lava into the cauldrons that is not bad and you know what just for Aesthetics I'm going to extend this out one so it's got a three wide Center instead of a two wide Center and it lines up very nicely with our little uh steam engine machine and now what you can do is come underneath of your cauldrons dig out a little areas that you could walk around and move around in and place pipes connected to the bottom of all of them you can see the pipe will connect to them perfect perfect so any liquid inside it will pull from oh there we go there's already a bucket of lava awesome so we want this to go into a spout that's where we want to direct this so get yourself a spout hovering over a Depot it is very important that a Depot is involved in this uh and we do also now need to have some way to power this mechanical pump one thing that I actually could do here and of course I'm not going to tell you how to do this right this is create mod wiring and stuff like that routing everything that's up to you guys to figure out how to do what works in your build but see you can see I'm gonna have this exposed here so that I could pull a shaft like so from here and pull it down here with a cog so I am opting to have my steam engine power itself right my steam engine is responsible for power for for uh pouring in the water and pouring in the lava now that's a convenience but know that it could be a little dangerous right because if this thing overstresses it's going to be a huge pain to turn itself back on right so do keep that considered it is definitely safer to put this on a water wheel and to put this on a water wheel for the purposes of this video I'm just going to show you how to power it itself or that it can power itself alright so we've got this all set up the lava is coming in nice and fast and of course while you're building this this is going to fill up that's going to be super helpful um very exciting and for now you can just place a bucket on the depot because that is what we're going to be using you're also going to want a brass funnel somewhere on the Depot I'm going to place it here because I can make sure it's facing into the depot and make sure to filter an empty bucket that's very important now of course with a brass funnel the steam engine becomes a little bit more expensive but remember remember this can all be accomplished with a tree farm that cooks into charcoal I'm just showing one way to get infinite fuel for your Blaze burners so if you don't want to deal with brass if you just want to make a simple tree farm make a simple tree farm if you want a tutorial for a simple tree farm let me know in the comments but for now you are going to need yourself a mechanical arm mechanical arm is going to take from the depot and make sure that it is targeting all of the blaze burners and for those of you who know what a mechanic alarm does I think you're going to know what this is going to be doing what this does is it's going to take the lava Bucket from the depot and place it into the blaze burners it's super helpful very nice very fun and uh let's think about wiring this I think I see how I'm gonna do it I'm going to place my mechanical arm there I'm going to grab myself a vertical gearbox and I'm going to keep in line with the machine or the engine powering itself right I'm just going yeah I'm going all in going all in uh grab that and grab that whoop and grab this come on and grab this there we go so when that's spinning this will Spin and we should see this thing moving and grooving all on its Lonesome so I know how to do two things here I have to power The Blaze burners first and then power the mechanical pump and you know what I'm gonna take my own advice all right I'm gonna take my own advice and I'm going to put a small windmill on top of this so that it remains powered a hand crank is definitely not going to be enough to activate all of this so we are just going to be a little smart about things and make sure that in the event that we're not producing enough lava or that something over stresses the machine there there is an easy way to start it back up right because you know what in create sometimes stuff goes wrong sometimes you misjudge things and as long as you've got enough stress units Anything is Possible all right so here we go our water is Flowing uh but it does seem like the water is not flowing fast enough right it's only two Milli buckets per tick that's no good so we're probably going to want to add quite a bit more sales onto that guy but just wanted to show proof of concept that the arm is functioning the pipes are functioning everything is being powered and we don't even need the steam engine and you will see although it will take a while when this is filled with lava the mechanical hand is going to immediately and automatically Target it because it knows that the lava can go inside of a blaze burner so it'll be slow right um and actually this is going to highlight a mistake I made that's right I actually I've made a mistake uh I forgot to do something okay here we go it's gonna power The Blaze Runner but what I forgot to do was have it Target this brass funnel because now it doesn't know what to do with the bucket so unfortunately we are going to have to break our handy mechanical hand and re-do its uh targeting it's very it's very important that unlike me you remember to deposit items into the rest funnel the filter means that it will know to only put the empty bucket in so you won't get into like a grabbing Loop so be very careful about that all right well we had to do some gear shifting to get there but we should yep there we go have enough water inside of the machine now even just with one Blaze burner currently active this is already producing 16 000 stress units and spinning extremely fast if I put the bucket back on the machine you were going to see this guy spring to Absolute life as the mechanical hand goes to power each and every one of the blaze burners as long as this has lava inside of it the bucket's going to get filled and with each one that gets powered watch as that kinetic stress capacity just skyrockets the Heat point goes up this is amazing now you can see the size is actually not big enough anymore once this thing seems kicked into gear it could use to be a little bit bigger something to note if you're worried about your mechanical hand wasting resources don't worry it is actually intelligent enough to know when a blaze burner needs fire you can see this is full but all of our Blaze burners are happy and satisfied so it is not doing anything and we have ourselves a level 9 boiler with 147 000 possible stress units now this will only ever produce up to sixteen thousand however because we have so many or so much kinetic capacity we can now Place More Steam Engines Each of which will be running at full speed and have 16 000 stress units attached to themselves up to to reaching the absolute maximum of this having a level 9 it typically means that we can afford to have nine steam engines attached to this one big boiler looks kind of alien doesn't it yeah I love these things they're still super cheap once again you don't need lava and hey there are other ways to get infinite lava like a hose pulley in the nether of course the trick is finding out how to get the lava to the Overworld but I'll let you guys figure that one out and of course I took my own advice and I have a windmill powering the machine instead of itself now it makes it run faster so it's better when it powers itself but it does not require it so I hear you asking DJ JoJo this is great and all but you said there were going to be three tiers of steam engine how do we go anywhere further than this that would be blaze cakes yes super heating counts for double the amount of heat now with blaze cakes you do need Cinder flour and as far as I'm aware in vanilla create there is no way to automate never the wreck you can't get Netherrack infinitely which is too bad but it produces about one and a half Cinder flour and I did the math a full double chest of Netherrack which is not difficult to get could burn for 200 hours in a steam engine so you're not too bad you just need to find a way to automate yourself some uh oh ignore this this is an add-on that I'll cover at a different time uh sugar easy eggs easy stamp them together make the blaze cake base right and give yourself infinite blaze cakes for demonstrative purposes I am just going to put a bunch of blaze cakes that I created mode uh receive into this chest here and show you the amazing power of what a max power steam engine looks like look at those blazes go blue and boom yeah check that out we don't have enough water even this pump running at full speed is not enough to sustain the power of an absolute Max size steam engine so and I know it's pretty expensive a little bit more water but I think you can manage we get that guy running and the water goes up and once again we are actually being limited by our size now unfortunately when you're limited by your size like this that does mean you have to build upwards so it is a pretty good thing that we have this windmill here so that our machine is not powering itself see machine is not stopping it is still able to maintain itself though it has gone down quite a bit so right now our boiler is at level 12 and our size is good but we're being limited once again by water that's right yes this machine is well a machine it's an absolute Behemoth you need a ton of water for this guy hopefully one or more info water source I will do the trick for us there we go with three infinite water sources funneling in this we have an absolute maximum size steam engine which produces nearly 300 000 stress units uh and I believe can support I think it's up to 18 of them before seeing any drop off and these all can be connected to one another as you can see you could you could hook them all together yeah check it out each one of these still going strong yeah stem engines are amazing you got to make them pretty big though this is one two three four five six seven eight tall three by three all superheated blazes it this one powers itself because I got a little lazy don't tell anyone but I got a little lazy so I'm having this one power itself but as you can see you know infinite lava farms for Blaze cake Automation and even Blaze burner automation they're not too bad they're pretty easy uh just some Simple Resources nothing that requires you to have more than iron tools I mean even these big guys uh don't actually require any brass you wouldn't need the brass funnel here for the blaze cake animation oh and the best part of these you gotta hook yourself up a little guy these little steam whistles give it some power oh yeah that's sweet music so what do you think of these practical style tutorials right we do a little bit of learning together it's not just me talking at you but hopefully me teaching you how these work and how to problem solve when tinkering with a steam engine not just in vanilla create but in any pack you make if this is the kind of content you're interested in well definitely subscribe watch the other videos on my channel like and most of all comment let me know your voice it must be heard but seriously I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned something and I hope to power all of your create Creations I just want to use this time to say thank you so much to the members of this channel they are helping this Channel and me become closer and closer to becoming a full-time content creator so if that's something you'd be interested in subscribe and become a member
Channel: Dejojotheawsome
Views: 420,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Let's Play, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Episode, Minecraft, Let's play, Gameplay, Episode, Gaming, Minecraft Series, Dejojotheawesome, Modded Minecraft, Modded, Mod Pack, Mods
Id: 82WQTHB0P0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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