"The Ultimate Backyard Harvest: Witness this Insane Harvest of a Lifetime!"

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hello everyone welcome to Beauty in the garden I'm T so today we are taking you guys on a harvest in the garden so I hope you guys going to enjoy right now we're going to be harvesting our crookneck squash we got a beautiful one right here good morning ladies good morning all right we're going to harvest this one right here look at me that's the chicken butt let's see if that Clipper there you go there you go all right so we got some crook neck and I see that we got some pests this is your pass right there for the bees so all our squash is going to be quite big you guys it has rain for three days and it is going to be raining again today so we have to do a massive Harvest when you get it you're gonna try to get it with you really okay there you go Bucky you got it got it all right I'm gonna let Marcy get this big one here so we're gonna remove all the squash off of the plants all right so we do got a couple coming on okay so here's the squash so far and then we're gonna move on to the big one up there some of these Tomatoes we actually have a couple of the um Honeycombs that are ready I'm gonna actually Harvest you guys real fast I'm actually gonna hold on to these because the squash will squish these so but here's the honeycomb this one actually got a little worm in there so we're not gonna use that one but we do got three nice ones and look at how beautiful that rope of tomatoes are just absolutely beautiful all right so we have any cucumbers over here so oh we have a good bit of cucumbers I'm actually going to grab this one because my niece is not that tall all right so this one's actually trying to grow into the fence so we have cucumber here uh grew it to the fence y'all it grew into the fence all right so we got that one cover yeah we're not harvesting those those aren't ready here you go baby all right so what we got are we going we gotta go inside the coop we grab these ones first okay so we have a couple here now this is the Boston pickling uh cucumber here hey ladies I see y'all trying to get my cucumber okay okay we got a couple right here all right we actually gonna have to go inside the coop and go ahead and grab the other ones okay the other one all right so we got a couple inside the coop it's a nice size one I got a couple more I think I saw another one wasn't it oh no no I think we're good all right yeah that's okay all right here you go we'll keep going up there yeah I've got another cool show coming on oh my God here bro look up here look up look up look up yeah beautiful huh yeah I see a lot of them didn't get pollinated oh that's okay all right let's see what else we get I think we have a little bit more cucumbers out here to to harvest I'm actually just gonna go ahead and pluck this one got a nice little one here so a lot more is going to come on so make sure you guys Harvest your fruit and it's gonna help with your plant producing more fruit for you so just try to harvest on a regular okay all right so we have our cucumbers yeah I'm gonna try to give a hard emoji all right so let's go head on to the next part of the garden all right so I can grab this I get it all right so we have a little Harvest so far and then we got a lot more you guys to go ahead and harvest over here is iris's Garden uh she has her own little garden I don't know if I showed you guys but she has her own little garden up under her Playhouse and she has a great deal of beans to harvest help Harvest your beans you get your scissors yeah what you got on there it's a bug on there that's okay you got your scissors he's got a little boo-boo it's gonna help uh Harvest your beans so the girls are harvesting the dragon tongue beans so this is this is baby girl's little garden you got it yeah the other one's not it's going so slow you got a bunch Boogie wow I got so many you got a lot is it a lot on there Marcy [Music] oh there's one right here so these are the dragon tongue beans uh she decided that she wanted to plant a couple things and she actually went ahead and planted um some flour she got some Miracles she has some beans she got some carrots she did plant some lettuce but the rabbit decided that it wanted it so that's gone but uh and she has a green bean that is trying to put on a little bit of beans so but she has a ton of dragon tug beans oh my gosh look at that y'all hello Garden is doing really good okay so but she does want to plan a couple more things um in her garden so um we're going to try to get a little bit more plants in her bed because see she has some empty space so much I'll wait so she'd let me know uh what she wants to harvest um I mean what she wants to grow in her garden but it's really cute that she has her own little garden yes baby well you see a weed one lettuce one lettuce oh it was the wings over there it's so weird you got some weeds and some lettuce huh oh my God it's a lot wow I'll just try to you no you gotta cut it off so try not to cut this right here this is actually another uh Leaf Sprout that will come on and produce some more leaves for us and produce some more flowers so we gonna Harvest all of the beans off of here now some of them were left on just a tad bit too long but you guys you can still cook them this is a beautiful Bean uh she did plant in here a fire bean I think this is the fire Bean right here so she got a fire Bean a dragon tongue bean and a green bean in the garden so yeah right here you got it you got it there you go all right thanks yeah I mean it's a stunning Bean the fire the fire uh Bean is actually like a reddish pinkish color uh bean and it's really pretty it's really pretty it's just like the dragon tongue with the purple Hue on it um and that one will have like a pink Hue on it and it's really really a gorgeous Bean now when you cook it you guys it's not gonna look like that but if you like your beans fresh then you know you obviously gonna get that beautiful color you got it baby yeah yeah okay I think we can put all of it let's check and make sure okay and then take that little piece right there off this little piece right here off got it all right and then obviously gonna have to uh trellis your beans to get them off the ground okay all right on to the next Harvest all right so we got some Dragon tongue beans you guys this is going to be a nice size Harvest today all right all right so now we're gonna go over to the sand pit and we're going to be harvesting a little bit more oh the apples are doing beautifully nice apples all right yeah this is doing beautiful so our uh around the uh sand pit the plants are doing so so well I'm really happy with that you guys really doing really good can we start harvesting actually um a lot of the squash is coming out um they got hit with the squash bug and we're just going to remove them but all in all we had a great harvest from them and I have new plants and new seeds to pop in all right so we're going to make our way over here uh we're gonna Harvest uh these squash as well once again we got hit with the squash bug and we're just gonna remove them out but we're gonna Harvest what we have to give the plants yeah I see them see the pets you guys right here this is what destroys our plants and we're just going to go ahead and take this out but we're gonna Harvest this is Lauren Denise okay [Music] yeah some eggs baby show you identifying the eggs that's what they're looking like well that's what they look like there you go oh there's a beautiful one there huh that's a pretty one this is the Rhonda nice oh it's a nice one y'all can you get the other one you're gonna Harvest all of them oh it's clean yeah so let's identify the damage so as you guys can see look at that is what the squash uh Vine bore This Is the boar will do to your plant it just eats away at your plant okay and it just kills it okay we're gonna Harvest this one right here burn pound okay okay rid of those eggs because they will survive and out there in your soil don't put this in your compost because it will survive in your compost but we're going to get rid of it completely okay see the piss a lot of them so we're just going to get rid of that okay so right here is a Patty pan we're gonna Harvest this one and I'm gonna get rid of the plant as well go ahead go ahead buggy it's hard I can't get it you sure I don't think so you need something a little sharper you got a buggy oh there you go that's nice all right all right so we have this beautiful Patty pan here yep okay all right high five good job girls let's go to the next couple of plants that is in the sand pit over here um oh my God so we have here is the more crook next and I'm gonna Harvest these small oh yeah watch out lots of bees so look at that look at the beach you guys we're blessed to have bees okay we got a ton of bees um we actually gonna skip on this because I don't want the girls to get stung but Harvest get those two that I harvest the other day I forgot to grab those couple of them I just went ahead and took off that is the yellow uh Patty pan this one is no good all right burn pop all right so this is actually the sunflowers that is growing uh Miss Homestead Hart is doing sunflowers and the cushion challenge okay all right so those are the um sunflowers for that challenge I'm excited to see how how they're going to grow I have them in a 30 gallon grow bag let's see if we have any squash over here no but we definitely have a couple of the um crooknecks over here that we can Harvest but we're gonna just wait till those bees kind of go away I don't want the girls to get stung you got it baby and then over here I have is the watermelon so this is the watermelon for the watermelon Ward challenge um that is growing so I'm hoping to see if they're gonna produce because I actually planted them really really late in the season but we're going to see but let's head on to the main garlic because we got some more food to harvest there Harvest some eggplant so this is the Japanese long eggplant that we're going to harvest got a couple I like to harvest them small so let's go ahead and harvest those to me eggplant tastes so much better Harvest young okay so we got another one here [Music] okay okay baby pretty you got it got it anything on it no not maybe any you wash no that's actually my tulips that's all right we have the purple Beauties and we're gonna Harvest since they are quite small plants we're gonna go ahead and harvest these off of the plant you got it don't break the plant baby doll got one got one pretty it was hot out today it's so hot so I just noticed we have a massive uh zucchini over here see that's okay it's pretty now that's beautiful a squash bug a little baby on there we're about to kill them look at all them squash bugs that's beautiful that's a nice one right it's a nice one all right trying to step on the okra plants babe all right let's head in army nice zucchini all right now let's see what else we got you guys because some of it's actually almost ready um this is a matter of fact I'm just gonna take these off actually this small one here this is a little California Wonder it's a very small one but my plants need the energy right now I feel like the plants aren't the size they should be so I'm just going to take them off they're a little teeny I mean they're loaded though you guys look at this such a small plant but this plant it should be a lot bigger than they are and they're they're quite small you guys they're quite small go ahead and take them off baby you got it right here okay you got it I mean this thing is loaded isn't it it's gonna be so small it's load it I mean look at that punch a little one but plant needs some energy I need a plant to get a little bit bigger to produce some more uh fruit on it I mean it's just giving though they're giving to be so small they're giving a scratch book oh my gosh it's squeaky all right girls let's go this way here you go buggy you want to harvest a little uh purple Beauty right here Harvest that one buggy you got it I got it and right here Boogie you could Harvest these two as well I'm not that big but I guess I drop it and that one right there baby yeah I mean look at that small plant right that's a big pepper that'd be needing it yeah small oh my gosh all right come over here babies we got a couple more oh wow look at this you guys look at this one this is so big you got it that's a nice one got it baby all right yeah we're gonna Harvest all of the peppers and hopefully we can get some growth onto these babies got it good job good job good job that's nice these are really nice uh Peppers y'all really nice I'm so shock of that one that was on that was a pretty big one for such a small plant so that plant is going to have some energy back to it you got it it's right in here oh yeah I can see where I am this one is it another one down there yeah at the bottom of the plant oh yeah we need to take all this off we need to get some energy back to these plants um the weather has changed a lot so I'm seeing just some growth all of a sudden but the plants up to me are so small that the fruit is just too much fruit for such a small plant but this is the sandpit so you can always add more plants into your flower beds so that you get more production out of your garden but we're going to actually head to the main Garden y'all girls ready all right let's go see what we can get matter of fact buggy go ahead and pull up this uh golden beat you pull that up you actually you like beets so my baby girl like beats you guys so all right that's a nice size beat I thought it was a little bit smaller than that but it's nice all right let's head to the main Garden we're heading to the main Garden guys over here we have our lemon cucumbers it's pretty look at it Marcy look at that be careful the bees okay but there goes can you get it you want me to get it oh I'll get it baby yeah look at that you guys how cute this is a lemon cucumber you gotta go over top baby this is a lemon cucumber isn't that pretty that is super pretty go over top get it put your hand up yeah there you go oh how cute you got a pepper yeah all right so that was the lemon cucumber and then you guys we have what else we got over here we have the burpless variety of cukes um we are going to harvest this one right here baby come get this one you got another one over there caterpillars right here baby I got a cucumber here we can Harvest yeah that is a burpless variety of cucumber that she has and then we have some Tomatoes we're not harvesting those but we're going to harvest these one you want to pick those for mommy wow the red ones the red ones the raw ivory just put put them with your hand baby let's go ahead get those too baby orange one yeah that's okay we could just put it in the window and let it ripen a little bit more there you go a couple more Marcel grab those for me okay I'll give you some more buggy go ahead put that one over there all right so the tomatoes are doing really well you guys can kind of see oh here's some droppings I'm seeing that we do have a caterpillar uh buy and you can see that is the droppings but we're gonna go through and do a little search and find uh where exactly it is okay but uh yeah it's not done yet though um these are the um this variety of tomatoes are the oh God you guys the rose uh yeah the Indigo the indigo rose that's the indigo rose okay that right there is a Anaheim pepper it's not ready yeah we're gonna leave them up there just a little bit longer wow there's a big one over here oh okay I think that is what is that one check and see the tag what's what is [Music] grab that is splitting it's just split baby not living it yet it's not living in it yet okay so we got more anaheims coming on all right but right here is the white cherries so we're gonna pick all these beautiful white cherry tomatoes this is actually yellow like I told you guys but they're called White cherries okay we'll pluck them [Music] yeah kinda they actually are really sweet here's some right here precious I know it's a big one I mean it's a good bit you guys look at that is it good it's good they're really sweet I think they kind of remind me of the yellow pear Tomatoes but a little bit sweeter I think I think they're a little bit sweeter than the yellow pears you got it here you got it because because it's raining go ahead and enjoy it it just split because of the rain getting a little bit too much water it rained for like oh you okay it has rain for what four days now so just wait Yahoo anymore are we good so this is the Tomato alley that is growing great you guys I mean everything is really busting at this one more okay all right so now we're gonna head into the main Garden but the tomatoes are really really putting on some great there goes some more buggy good job good job good job good job babies good job all right so let's go head on into the main Garden because I know we got a good bit in there you guys all right so we have more cucumbers over here that we need to harvest that's nice size one there oh it's funny look at that shape a funny shape all right let's see what else we got any more in there we went down there but I think that one's ready not ready this one right here no not yet I'm gonna go on the fence too that's okay we go on the other side but I do have a clip that I can show you guys of harvesting in these two days ago I harvest some more and I'll shoot that clip in here all right good for now all right let's see what else oh we'll try to get those two see those beautiful little red um Tomatoes down there I got this one how cute is that they're teeny so this is the sweet 100s they're teeny they're a super deity we are a teeny y'all but yeah you got it yummy y'all watch out for the bees okay see I'm not afraid of it I want y'all to get too scared of them all right let's head into the main Garden all right so we have some more cucumbers inside of the main Garden try not to cut the farm baby got it I'd rather you cut the Cucumber all right good job let's see and see that's nice oh it's prickly I was lucky [Music] you want to harvest this actually let's see what we got see a bell pepper in there so this is actually we're gonna wait on these because actually obviously gonna wait okay wow actually this guy's right here this is the yellow California wonders but like I said we're just gonna take off all the fruit so that the plant can get some more energy so we're gonna take these off they're green but they're actually supposed to be yellow I always grab that one down there yeah and we got one we got one more can you see it all right yep good job all right all right so let's go ahead over here so these squash is massive okay and I mean understatement oh you can't get it get in here um they are massive we need to really take these off look at that you guys I mean look at that huge oh you got it it's huge look at that so we're gonna be making some zucchini muffins you guys huge look at that bug that's a big guy and it's a big guy put him in the peekaboo we got a lot actually going on the peppers actually did good you guys came back nicely from our Slug and snail Invasion but uh we are really getting in here let's see if we can are you good down there there is a bee staring up by my pool you got it so this is a white Patty pan it's a nice size nice side look buggy Mommy you have some more Tomatoes you want to go over there and get it huh you're Stucky go ahead go over there and get it all right you see him hi pretty girl right there right there see it right there nope over yep underneath the Swiss chard a candy right there you go I'll show you let me see if I can get if I could get over here right here baby see him right here baby come back around right here baby you got it it's right here yep good job yeah well that's beautiful isn't it beautiful it's more down there too I think we need another Bowl here precious oh no no no that thingy one time it is thank you I didn't touch the actual plant though I mean the fruit not that the fruit yeah the fruit's smooth good job how cute this one's really cute try to harvest all of the squash off so how cute it's teeny huh your basket almost full huh just be careful in there okay I get it oh wow y'all we got some huge ones up here yes that rain really showed out didn't it rained really did a number in the garden you guys the garden just exploded okay after the rain and pests came and did they damage as well so we win some we lose some so we ended up with a great deal of squash bugs after the rain because we couldn't get out here and and do anything about it but you see what in the world is the side of the plant that is cool okay that is really weird cool it is really cool this is the inside of the plant yeah it healed itself it cracked from the weight and it held itself now that's cool that's cool to me let's Harvest these babies off of here that's what made it crack it's too many on there if I can get you can you get tiny baby crevices see yeah we see the weight coming down now all right you want to see this yeah that is cool smooth it's not going Pinchy it's not gonna Pinchy trust me got it baby girl huh be careful let's see let's get you right so you guys this is exciting I get to harvest with my niece and my daughter it is so exciting to see them work together out here in the garden hey say hi to everybody oh wow gosh how many did we guy God I mean this is a massive Harvest a massive Harvest you guys I have we gotta go get another basket we're gonna take them all off okay yeah cause I got to come and prune and then spray and dust or whatever because I see that we had a lot of issues from the rain so I gotta do a lot of work to come and cut these back let me take that weight off of some of these stems grab those two baby the Teeny ones too I like them that size actually I like them that size she's about to harvest okay so I love them small they are nice and tender yeah this size right here is nice it's nice all right we need to grab more baskets uh you made it rain y'all look at the peppers how beautifully they came back um after the Slugs and snails kind of ate them down let me see so I hope you guys enjoying our video this is really nice for me to come out this is beautiful [Music] it looks like a spaceship here silly girl yeah oh you're trying to get out the sun yeah yeah okay mommy hold on to it then let's see what else we got come get this massive Gigantor I mean this thing is huge I think this is the biggest one I harvest this year [Music] we'll sit by the bench this one here you got is so big look at that look at that oh my goodness whoa how did I not see that one I was blending in wasn't it can you get it goodness is huge I guess we're gonna be making a lot of lasagna we're making a lot of lasagna let's see all right put in the big one it's so heavy all right let's see what else we got let me see I think I pretty much got most of those let's make sure see because I want to make sure I come in here and really cut back guys I'm gonna come back here a little one no grab that okay you guys will be at the end of the video and here you guys is our Harvest of today the girls had did amazing job so I hope you guys enjoy the content please don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel hit that notification Bell so you can be notified when I do upload a video and remember there's Beauty in there bye bye for now
Channel: Beautee In The Garden
Views: 49,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backyard garden, backyard garden harvest, backyard harvest, beautee in the garden, beautiful vegetable garden, beauty garden, beauty in the garden, garden, garden harvest, garden harvesting, gardening, gardening harvest, harvest, harvest garden, harvesting fruits and vegetables, soba noodles recipe
Id: jnIdsYp5CC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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