The Ultimate All-in-One Face Fix Routine|Just 5-Minute Everyday|Balancing Facial Asymmetry

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[Music] hey what's up guys here it is a full and complete routine for balancing facial asymmetries and it will help you also to tone your skin and facial muscles do it two to three times every day and check the results after two weeks now let's get started [Music] the first exercise the great joan open up your mouth as if you would naturally yawn this exercise will help you to fix your uneven jaw good job let's go for another set this is not an artificial movement but it's a natural opening of your lower chin just like yawning okay the next exercise the puffy cheek make your cheeks puffy and move the air from left to right and right to left this exercise will tone and balance your zygomatics muscles the muscles on your cheeks and here we go another set [Music] well done the next exercise kiss me darling just literally praise your lips as if you'll be wanting a kiss well done one more set feel how the unused muscles surrounding your lips are used in its natural way well done the next exercise press your palm to your cheek tooth and drop your lower chin good job not in any of these exercises should you feel pain or discomfort do it in a comfortable manner great now pull your head to the side you feel nice stretch on the side of your neck [Music] well done now the opposite side good job now very gentle stretch for the orbicularis actually hold the end of your eyes and move your eyes around from left to right and right to left and again do it in a comfortable manner you should not pinch your eyes that you feel any pain or discomfort next put your lips into your mouth like this holding for 10 seconds and here we go one more set [Music] now the next exercise is very similar to the one we did before just this time add a movement moving your neck backwards you feel nice stretch on the front of your neck and one more set put your fingers on your forehead and press against those fingers making your eyes big the fingers are to prevent any forehead wrinkles now let's do one more set and the next exercise put your hands on the temporalis the side of your head and drop your lower chin great one more set [Music] great jump now make an o and tilt your head to the side [Music] okay now for the opposite side great now let's stretch in as alice pull the edge of your lips down to the side and bend your head to the same side here we go now the opposite side [Music] perfect now we're going to do a 40 second massage all around the facial muscles starting from a cheek into your jaw just feel free to go to the spots that feel the most refreshing and the most releasing these are the spots that are especially tight it is especially good to release those muscles [Music] guys we're almost finished super great job you've done it you
Channel: HisDream
Views: 1,440,610
Rating: 4.9794292 out of 5
Keywords: Hisdream
Id: oJIk2PyukjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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