The Ultimate AI Showdown: Hugging Face vs. Open AI

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all right mates listen up we've got hugging face and open AI in the ring ready to Duke it out in the world of AI and natural language processing first up we've got hugging face a new kid on the Block they've made a name for themselves with their open source software for natural language processing and their tools like Transformers and tokenizers have been a hit with developers and researchers alike it's like they're the fresh face youngsters with a trick or two up their sleeve and then there's open AI the veteran of the game they've been around since 2015 and they know what they're doing when it comes to AI technology they're the big boys in the game with their Cutting Edge research and development of the famous GPT language models it's like they're the Grizz at all times who's been around the block a few times and knows all the tricks so who's gonna come out on top will it be the new kid with their fancy tools or the veteran with their years of experience let's find out the world of generative AI is heating up and the competition is getting hotter than a firecracker in a sonar it's not just the big tech companies looking to cash in either nope there's money to be made in the seal from all sorts of unexpected places enter hugging face the open source AI platform that's been Making Waves lately they've partnered up with AWS and they're ready to take the world of AI by storm they promise to make AI open and not the other way around and with this new collaboration they're putting their money where their mouth is with this partnership hugging face is going to merge their models with aws's Cloud which means developers will be able to use any of the models available in hugging face via aws's ml service sagemaker it's like a match made in heaven folks the power of hugging faces models combined with a might of aws's cloud that's a recipe for Success if I've ever heard one so keep your eyes peeled folks the world of AI is changing fast and with players like hugging face and AWS on the scene it's anyone guess what's going to happen next but one thing's for sure it's gonna be a wild ride well well well and what do we have here looks like open air is making moves again the day after hugging face announced their partnership with AWS openai went and launched their own developer platform they're not messing around folks this new platform called Foundry allows users to run the latest models like GPT 3.5 and a few Da Vinci variants but only on specific capacity now they haven't said who their cloud provider is but let's be honest it's probably Microsoft Azure there are like two P's in a pod those two but here's the thing folks while both hugging face and open AI are talking about democratizing AI there's a big difference between the two open AI with the backing of Microsoft has developed Foundry for Leading Edge customers running big businesses that's right they're Aiming High folks they're not just trying to make AI accessible to everyone they're targeting the big players it looks like we've got some juicy gossip on the AI front the good Folks at open AI have just launched their developer platform boundary and boy is it impressive but here's the catch folks it's gonna cost you an arm and leg a leaked pricing sheet for Foundry has surfaced on Twitter and let me tell you it ain't pretty even the lightweight version of GPT 3.5 is gonna set you back a cool 78 000 for three months or 264 000 for one year that's not exactly what you'd call Affordable folks but hey when you're dealing with Cutting Edge AI like GPT 3.5 you've got to pay to play right and it seems like some big players are willing to do just that in fact Foundry has already attracted his first customers with both Snapchat and Coca-Cola planning to use a service to integrate GPT 3.5 into the business operations meanwhile on the other front hugging face and AWS are two Heavy Hitters in the AI game but they've got different ideas about how to make generative AI accessible hunking face is all about democratizing generative Ai and making it available to everyone from individuals to big businesses they believe that everyone should have access to the power of AI and they're working hard to make that a reality but AWS has a different take on things than anything that generative AI has the potential to transform Industries but they also believe that it's costly and requires expertise that only select companies possess in other words they think that AI should be available but only to those who can afford it and know how to use it AWS CEO Adam solipski recognized the potential of generative AI but also acknowledge its high cost and Technical requirements which make it difficult for most companies to access hugging face seal Clement along agreed assessment and emphasized the importance of accessibility and transparency and the development and deployment of AI tools He also mentioned the aws's sagemaker and chips will help hugging face and the larger machine Learning Community create reproductible models that anyone can build on it looks like hugging faces can tune to blaze the trail and democratization of AI the company has just introduced an API that allows users to build their own chat GPT technology for the applications and products and get this the API is priced only at USD 0.002 per 1000 tokens or 750 words that's 10 times cheaper than their GPT 3.5 variants making it accessible to Tiny startups and researchers who may not have the resources to work with this technology before looks like open AI has earned some serious prayers from ml engineer Mark tenaholtz in a recent tweet tenaholtz said I'd give my left eye to read a book written about the challenges of deploying gpt3 and the engineering Endeavor it took to drop the prices 10 times with chat gpt's API but we couldn't agree more even though the API model has its limitations and was still a blessing for those companies without any ml experts but let me tell you open AI is fighting tooth and nail to keep the throne as the kings of the generative AI meanwhile hugging faces out there looking for new avenues to keep the AI research space open it's like a game of chess but with AI models instead of knights and Rogues you know what I mean right the Luther AI crew announced the birth of a non-profit Foundation they call the elutha AI Institute this bunch of Mavericks scattered across the globe has gotten support from some Independent films like hugging face emad most tax stability AI Nat freidman ex-ceo of GitHub Lambda labs and canva but don't be fooled these companies are still doing their own thing you know what I mean if you thought hugging face was just another success story think again mate last year in May they raised a whopping 100 million dollars in USD in their series C round which showed up their evaluation to a whopping 2 billion USD dollars that's enough dough to buy a few rounds at the pub if you catch my drift partnering with the likes of AWS is a win-win for hugging face isn't it not only does it bring in some extra dough but it also stops any cheeky attempts at monopolizing the market along with the Moolah from the subscription model teaming up with AWS puts them ahead of the game listen mate the world of generative AI is moving faster than Jean-Claude Van Damme's fist in her brawl and companies like hugging face and open AI are leading the charge they may have different approaches but they're United in leading their goal to make AI accessible to all and let me tell you partnering with big guns like AWS and Microsoft Azure has been a bloody genius move for these startups but it's not just about the big boys we've got non-profit organizations like the Luther AI Institute stepping up to the plate too and the competition is heating up the future of gender of AI is brighter than a bag of diamonds and we can't wait to see what these brainiacs come up with next thanks for watching
Channel: AI Theory
Views: 10,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hpm6ZwuVd-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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