The Ukrainian cyber warriors disrupting everyday life for Russians | George Grylls

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the I.T Army of Ukraine is a volunteer organization of hackers there's about 10 000 of them so before the war Ukraine had a thriving I.T sector and at the outbreak of the war a lot of the people who were employed in sort of fintech or app development and stuff like that um they they wanted to sort of be useful to the Ukraine's military effort and so they decided to set up an organization with some help from the government although they stress their Independents to basically try and disrupt Uh Russian companies um Russian infrastructure and as what they saw is the best way that they could sort of try and um help the Ukrainian effort and some of these have have caused discomfort for people in Russia can you just tell me about some of the uh the successes that they've had and how they chose those targets so uh the icy Army at Ukraine it's a struggle for them to Target uh military infrastructure because it's pretty well protected but they can Target sort of logistic things that are crucial for the logistics of the Russian army so that's roads that's Railways uh and by sort of disrupting those services in Russia they're hoping that they can have a military effect so one recent act they um targeted the sort of online ticketing service used by the Russian national Railways uh took that down uh another one was they sort of interrupted the payment system used for toll booths on the Russian Motorway the idea being that the Russian military would struggle to sort of resupply uh if it wasn't able to use the roads and the railway networks but they're also you know there's a there's a degree of sort of um a fund that they take to their hacking approach you know there's a bit of humor so um there was one example that that really uh I found quite amusing which involved them targeting the licensing system used in supermarkets in Russia for meats and dairy products and and the result of that was that basically from some supermarkets in Russia you know it was a struggle to respond milk and milk started disappearing for a couple of days from the shelves so that gives you a sense of the slightly sort of funnel side of things that they take I mean they justify that on the basis that um they need to make Russians feel as if they're in a state of War for many Russians you know living in major cities in Russia there hasn't been a sort of a dramatic change in their in in what they can buy in shops in what music they can listen to in their daily lives and um by doing these sorts of uh these hacks perhaps the less serious ones another one involves them uh targeting a sort of uh petrol a petrol station um company and sort of stopping them from selling hot dogs and burgers um but this sort of thing is is supposed to sort of try and bring the war home to Russia as well even if it's in you know a pretty you know uh it's not going to hurt anyone put it that way if they can't buy their burger so as well as military Targets this is disrupting ordinary Russians lives do you think this will have an effect on on morale in Russia or is this something that just gets passed off as a minor inconvenience it's a good question I mean I also look for the same article another project um which was called I.T Stanford training and that was rather than hacking ordinary Russians or Russian companies it was trying to contact Russians over social media and tell them the reality of them all so it's trying to sort of Pierce the bubble of trembling propaganda get past that and speak directly to Russians and actually they gave up because they found it so dispiriting that they couldn't uh get through to people and they targeted people with reason to um with reason to criticize the war so they that's young men who were about to be conscripted that was the mothers of um Russian soldiers and yet despite all their attempts uh they they found it basically impossible to get through and sort of um talk to them about the war so I think they're is um you know I don't think the these these volunteer organizations are killing themselves that you know Vladimir Putin is to order his troops out because some people can't buy a um buy milk in the shots but it's it's cumulative isn't it it's sort of it's psychological it's trying to um make the wall a problem for ordinary Russians as in in the same way that it is for ordinary opinions
Channel: Times Radio
Views: 35,105
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Keywords: cyber security, cyber warrior, cyber war, cyber war ukraine, cyber war on russia, cyber warfare, russian cyber attacks timeline, russian cyber attacks, russian ukraine news, cyber, ukraine, russia, russia ukraine news, russia ukraine update, ukraine vs russia, russia attacks ukraine, news russia ukraine, russia vs ukraine, russia ukraine conflict, russia ukraine war, russia ukraine explained, russia ukraine conflict explained, ukraine war, ukraine news
Id: ymCMl5rqx7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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