The Ugly Duckling and the Little Mermaid - HCA - The Fairytaler

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it was a glorious day like today out in the middle of countryside [Music] pack no just my imagination [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] people do you're a duck remember a duck [Music] [Music] what a fake world yes brother and what pretty colors I wasn't expecting this at all yes yes big world pretty colors I'm hungry here me too fetus mother food food we want food yes yes there no mine the feast there is grain enough for everyone grain whatever it is I'm sure to hate it anything just as long as it isn't egg well now mother duck so how's the food lively abide the day I see and what about our late arrival not a peep may I just as I thought turkeys egg most likely what are you suggesting merely let mr. storks been known to deliver to the wrong nest before to slay their father that he bottles very much these days take my advice leave that big funny colored egg and get on with teaching your normal babies how to swim no if it's all the same to you just give it a bit longer suit yourself but you ought to know the pond life community has starting to talk [Music] and he can't even talk proper perhaps the old Duchess was right he's definitely numpy and awkward like a turkey mmm well either way we are no tomorrow and so the time came for the ducklings first outing on the pond all right ducklings pecking order please I know it's your first time but trust me you're going to take to it like what ducks to water well most of you will anyway congratulations mother duck that's what has just told me the good news well where is he that's enough you two your new brothers the biggest now Oh My you're not seriously sending him into the water first and why not no offense dear but that's like new duckling I've ever seen before what with just six we will put the others off swimming for life sink or swim that's the pond life curled all right ducklings everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] name in duck isn't that sweet however he's still ugly and I don't like his accent much so do keep him away from the farmyard won't you dear we can't have him sharing his Apple amongst the society animals okay now you listen here duck chest I'll take my children anywhere I want there we'll see about yes then we'll see it's not so ugly not when you look properly the weeks passed and the ducklings all grew stronger some more than others [Music] all right ducklings today I'll be taking you into the farmyard for the first time some of the animals there think themselves very grand but don't be afraid just stay close by me and you won't get run on well well ladies it seems some Ducks have no shame at all if only had a baby as ugly as that I'd keep it hidden in the reeds well during daylight hours at least oh just ignore them dear mother on this pond and all you say is watch you are yourself gets it from his mother obviously but have you been teaching this poor little monster of yours dear he won't last five minutes in the farmyard with that attitude oh that accent [Music] so this my duck names is the farmyard [Music] and there his young hen friends the farmer eats their eggs for breakfast and egg to that ugly creature until my yeah those are cows the farmer like eating them especially and his wife comes to take their milk every morning what is that ugly creature and that's the horse he used to be quite rattled but now the farmer makes him carry on everywhere that's why I brought you here children the duck chest and other onions may tell you they're all special really they're just doing what the farmer Warner ow we are the lucky ones we live in freedom on the pot and the farmer only eats us if we can practice with his gun very terrible dangerous only predictable creatures in the world might lose but their boss is the most unpleasant of all seems less new around here and this children is the boss of the humans me how her kind never gets eaten she just sits around all day gets all her solution no work in return and only hunts other animals for this year and you know what I don't even get blamed for it which means I can eat that fat ugly but very juicy okay right now if I want and I won't even be shouted at besides from what I hear I'd be doing everyone a favor that's the deal isn't it Duchess girls I get this big ugly one and leave the rest of you be for another year have to enter form your society safely the ugly one was the obvious choice oh you'll have to eat me first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] knocking already but he's too young never mind that a deal's deal and you girls still owe me one duck can't we talk about this bill society girl rules you know what to pay your bill [Music] I don't think he'll be coming back but he saved me from drowning that time it just isn't fair mother sometimes life isn't fair if it was your brother would have hatched looking as beautiful and Noble as he was on the inside but life decided to make him different so everyone would think him ugly and fear him now look what's happened your wing is hurt and the other dogs will never share that food together again yes I hate to say it but it might have been better for all our sakes if you'd never hatched at all and so the poor little creature flew away no longer caring what might happen to him hey brother what kind of duck are you supposed to be a very very ugly one so untold that's why everyone's afraid of me well you are kind of funny-looking kid that's for sure but as long as you don't try and marry into our family we won't hold it against you listen friend it's true you are ugly even for a duck but we know and gaggle it really wild girl Dee's over on another more near here why don't you come with us and see if any of them will marry you well that's very thoughtful of you Bulls yeah you never know kid you might just get lucky hey but even if your dog next to you we're going to look twice as cute incoming burner [Music] [Music] hello I'm an ugly duckling you don't say well I'm a tomcat and the old lady here loves me because I can do this and I'm open the old lady keeps me around because I can do this so what can you do well I'm quite good at swimming and diving you mean in water me yeah I hate yes what use is that take my advice youngin if you want to stay here you'd better learn how to lay eggs and quick well now duck three weeks you been here and I've not had a single egg out of you hmm I'm beginning to think you're not a girl duck at all which means you're a boy duck and no use for nothing except swimming swimming in gravy I mean [Music] come here boy show the duckling thanked his host and left by the nearest exit [Music] he found a lake where he would swim but other creatures avoided him on account of his ugliness autumn gave way to winter under the poor little duckling had never been so sad alone then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Who am I trying to fool winter grew ever colder and he had to keep swimming to stop the water freezing but every night but only the ice became smaller until exhausted at last he had to leave the lake it would be too sad to tell you everything the poor creature suffered during that long hard winter but eventually spring holds no joy for me I'd rather die than endure another day being bitten by ducks pecked by hens and chased by humans [Applause] maybe if I dare to say hello they will kill me for being so ugly noble beautiful birds help me for I am too ugly to live what are you talking about brother you're as beautiful as we are mortal I'd say look at yourself properly brother here come out into the sunlight and see your reflection in the water no no please don't mock me like this don't make me look at myself please just be quiet and look will you I don't understand I used to be a duckling a very ugly duckling well you're a swamp now and a very beautiful one which means you are probably never adapting at all you are a signet brother the baby Swan someone made a mistake probably that stork the Cuckoo's are always complaining about him I'm a swamp I was a swan all along I never dreamed I could be so happy for a oh there's another swarm now isn't he lovely hurry let's feed them some bread and cake stay with us we're your family now gladly sister but first there's something I must do [Applause] [Music] but they never come to our humble pond they're far too Brown [Music] hello-o [Music] it's you isn't it I know those kind eyes anywhere yes mother you mean you were a beautiful swan on everything oh I'm so relieved me too I mean what if I turned out to be ugly by swan standards well you know you're always welcome here I could build a bigger nest yeah I have a new family now but I will visit you often for you will always be mother to me we have never hear the end of this [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] and so the ugly duckling was now a beautiful swan [Music] but if we'd have looked at him properly we'd have known that or the lung [Music] far out at sea the water is blue and clears purest life deeper than any man-made anchor chain could ever hope to reach [Music] and down here live the sea people [Music] you're almost so much better than me don't be downhearted little sis it's just we've had malpractice that's all you're all older than me you mean there she goes again wishing her life away she'll be bargaining her rosy cheeks for the old sea which is wrinkled next it's not funny I still have to swim to school what you're allowed to go up and visit the world above the waves it'll be your turn soon your 15th birthday isn't too far away now anyway sis I told you I went last year and you're not missing much come on another game hey no no I wanted to turn my garden anyway [Music] my sisters mean well but they don't understand all I dream of is seeing your world for myself where the trees are emerald green and the sky fish on their branches sing as sweetly as a way of loving her babies to see and where princes like you prompts around on these funny legs things of yours meanwhile I must wait and wait [Music] and so she did until well dear how does it feel to be 15 at last oh it hurts I am sorry dear but growing up is supposed to hurt sometimes I would never learn anything I know grandma MA I'm just happy to be able to say for myself all the wonders you and my sisters have tell me about now you be careful up there darling the world of men isn't all sweetness and light you know so take your time after all we mermaids live for 300 years there now you're a real sea princess at long last now I see a sunset with my own eyes from above the waves [Music] bringing back [Music] it's all even more beautiful imagine [Music] [Applause] so when's the Prince coming out to join us alright still a stud in the cabin getting himself shipshape oh well he'd better get a move on looks like rough weather a Bruin [Music] prince [Music] let's do the other side stomp on 0z very well I hereby declare my 18th birthday right royally celebrate like in Melanie's made a fire [Music] [Music] I say now that was impressive no sire that was lightning and we're in trouble best kept below sirens this one to mean one of no mistakes no no captain I wanted help as you wish sire [Music] [Applause] [Music] no sire it's too late saviors no just [Music] bitches [Music] I must try to help them the prince saved my life so Edie [Music] [Music] please don't be dead my little prince I would do anything to see your darling eyes open once me Aleta you saved my life I will have to return home very soon so I will leave him in your care do not worry your highness we will see to his recovery well I got me wait he opened his eyes sis why didn't you tell us you were home what's happened what's wrong so she told them all about her prince that's the saddest story I've ever heard hmm I kingdom with a Golden Sun on its banner eh I know this place [Laughter] [Music] are you sure we shouldn't go with her she's grown up now she has to make her own decisions and learn from her mistakes [Music] [Music] if only he knew I existed [Music] if only she knew I existed [Music] she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me [Music] I was gladly gift for 300 years I after me to have legs to welcome so he might love me oh no oh dear you could never marry a prince from the land men from above the waves find our tails ugly up there one must clump around on those gangly leg things of theirs to be called beautiful but let's not talk of such things there now all the young sea Prince's will be asking you to dance yes [Music] I will do whatever it takes to win your heart and the old sea witch will help me [Music] I know why you're here child you want to exchange or fishtail legs so your prince would love foolish but I do know the spell you see be warned however every day to a foot step you take on land will feel like you're walking on broken glass and remember once you become human you can never be a mermaid again what's more if your prince should ever marry another your heart will break the very next sunrise you will dissolve into foam on the ocean waves in return for this spell of yours I can settle for nothing less than your most precious possession your beautiful voice I love him I don't know flutter your eyelashes at him with something now your tongue or forget it do what you must for I love him more than my life still the deals are Delia Lysa bells swim ashore at dawn tomorrow and drink this now be off with you I feel a song coming on [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello ha don't be afraid no one will hurt you we found you washed up on the ocean steps please consider yourself my honored guest it's alright you're just exhausted but I will nurse you back to health with the devotion of a brother just as the sea witch had said the little mermaids new feet were to saw further to walk on at first every day to a footstep you take on land will feel like you're walking and broken glass [Music] but after a while she learns to ignore the pain and walk on her legs like a human girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you must excuse me for a minute I have some official duties to attend to but please wait for me here I have something very important to ask you [Music] my foundling child even though you only speak with your eyes you have been like a sister to me for some time now and so what I wanted to ask you is this my parents want me to sail overseas and meet a princess they think would make a good wife for me but I'm in love with someone else already and I think you know who yes the princess who saved me from the storm all those years ago I've never forgotten her face smiling down at me when I first opened my eyes nevertheless I shall do my parents bidding so my question is will you come with me the journey won't be so dreadful with you by my side or thank you I knew you wouldn't refuse me [Music] [Music] who are you waving to no it couldn't be not mermaids the crew swear they've seen them and I myself was sure I even met one once but now I know I must have dreamt her besides if the scholars say mermaids are merely a trick of the moonlit foam on the waves and nothing more then who are we to argue Little Mermaid's heart sank like a stone but there was no way she could tell him it was she who had saved his life [Music] [Applause] oh this is the last time a metal mother and father do mr. if they still insist on me taking a wife when we get back I'm going to ask to marry you we're practically inseparable as it is well here goes the things I do for family my beloved daughter home at last from her studies [Music] [Laughter] it's you the princess who saved my life yes I know you you're the prince we found near the ocean temple oh the princess who saved my life I can't believe I found you [Applause] if your friends should ever marry another your heart will break the very next sunrise you will dissolve into foam on the ocean waves hey the odd sea which told us everything we have to give our hair but you gave us this to save you in snatch kill the prince before dawn and you'll get your tail back home just fee hundred years sunrise you must do it now little since it's you or him hurry well did you do it join us hurry [Music] says it's alright we have you what's happening no she's turning to foam sorry Sam we've searched the whole ship but I don't understand where could she be [Music] and I can speak what's happening you're one of us now yes daughter of the air you have suffered so quietly and loved so purely we decided to turn you into a spirit of joy I think so you'll join us gladly but first I can't believe she's gone farewell my prince farewell princess live long and love each other well you know something darling I don't think she has gone I get the feeling she's still with us she couldn't do it she loved him too much and now she's gone dissolved into foam what will we tell father and grandmother tell them not to be sad I'm amongst friends and everything's fine sir sorry I have to go now well visit when I can farewell my sisters [Music] so the Little Mermaid became a daughter of and her spirit lives on still in every kind deed done by children the world over [Music]
Channel: The Fairytaler - Hans Christian Andersen
Views: 5,928,440
Rating: 4.4522495 out of 5
Keywords: The Fairytaler, hca, christian andersen, hans christian andersen, tv show, animated, mermaid, tv, show, serie, preschool, kids, children, full episodes, episodes, ugly duck, del_pipe=digis, del_prtnr=14130116, del_ship=2, HCA, HCA - The Fairytaler, Hans Christian Andersen - 2 Episodes, complete episodes, trailer, intro, the Little Mermaid, The Ugly Ducklin, full episodes live, hca garcinia cambogia
Id: 4iLVphtnjC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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