The Truth Behind the Republic's NIGHTMARISH Defeat at Jabiim [Map Visualisation]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 159,372
Rating: 4.9647179 out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars, battle of jabiim, battles that crippled the republic, star wars the clone wars, clone wars, clone wars worst battles, mandalorian, star wars mandalorian, star wars lore, alto stratus, alpha 17, alpha 17 and obi wan kenobi, prototype atat, atte, atat, republic battles, best republic battles, order 66, clone troopers, battle of atraken, jabiim, jabiim star wars, star wars legends lore, star wars explained
Id: lOqobh8eRso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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