The Truth About Why I Fired My Sister

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- Hey everyone, I'm Colleen, and this is my sister, Rachel Ballinger, and she's a vegan. (Rachel laughs) So today we're having a vegan... (both laughing) Well I'm just explaining why it's vegan food. - Okay, also 'cause it's just really good. You like this, you eat this without me- - Yeah, I love this place, this place is really good. I don't only eat it when Rachel's here. I eat it all the time. This place is really good, they make really bomb vegan food. So we're gonna eat a bunch of vegan food. Flynn is already digging in, he's been... Come here. Can you show them how full your mouth is? Come here. Let's show them how full your mouth is. This is my son Flynn. We're having a muck bang a little muck bong, muck bang, yumminess of vegan food. And we're going to spill the tea. I've been wanting to do this muck thing for a very long time. - We've tea? - Yes. We're gonna talk about how you used to work for me. - Oh. - And you don't anymore, and you haven't for years. But the reason why she doesn't is drama. - Yeah. But not between us. - No. But like there was big drama. - There was big drama. - And I don't think we've ever talked about it online. - It wasn't really drama. I just was like, I snapped, put someone in their place and the quit. - It was drama, quite well, she quit. (laughing) And it wasn't drama between us in the sense of like, we didn't get in a fight. But it was drama in the sense that I got a text from her that said, I'm not doing this ever again, I quit. (laughing) - And then continued to do it for six months. - Did you? I don't remember. It was a long time ago. But I wanted to talk about it 'cause I thought it would be an interesting story. And I want Rachel to be here because I love her. And it's an excuse to make her eat dinner with me, and an excuse to eat delicious food. So what we're eating, before we get into the tea, is vegan nachos. - And jack fruit. - And it's so good. - So you use jack fruit for the meat, and it is... Oh my gosh, these are like my favorite nachos and there's no meat on them. Like, I don't know if it'll focus on that. But like, basically it's incredible. - Jack fruit is a weird fruit that when you pull it apart it looks like pulled pork, and then it will suck up whatever flavor you soaked in, you marinated in. - So good. - So it can just tastes like barbecue pork, if you marinate it right. - We're also having avocado tacos and potato tacos. 'Cause you liked the potato one. - They're really good. (laughing) - Flyn has never eaten so many French fries in his life. (laughing) You just are gonna turn into a big potato tonight buddy. - Come here. - Come here. So we're also having... Where'd he go? Rachel brought her own vegan food as well. - Because I thought she would cancel on me, and it was getting really late. And so I just ordered food just in case. - And I was like, just bring it. - It's a falafelble. - And we also have a cauliflower, fried cauliflower. They're supposed to be like Buffalo wings. - Or not. - You're supposed to deep it in like this sauce or something. - They're good, but they're not Buffalo wings. - No, but it's so good. And I also have the Caesar salad. Oh, it's over there. I'm going to take home. Whatever we don't eat for show you now we're not going to eat a lot of the Caesar salad at this place is my favorite Caesar salad. Oh it's yes. Ever. It's so delicious. Do you remember Eric coming in Nick? Can't see you. We go on tour and we'd ordered Caesar salads from like room service and it would bring a head of lettuce, a sardine. And then like sauce on the side I don't understand why they would do that ever. Okay - Flint has a new thing that he does. He says okay. But he says it after he asks you something. So here's... Here's what he does. It's like this morning he goes, do do doc. Now that sounds weird. We have a doc that has cookies in it. Oh. And he calls cookies. Do do. For some reason, we still don't know why, but he does. So he calls cookies doo doo. And so since there's cookies in the duck, he says you do doc, if he wants a cookie from the duck. So this morning he said, mama do do duck. I said, Oh, you want, you want to go to the duty duck? And he goes, Oh, okay. So he says it after he has requested something, you repeat the question. Then he says it like, Oh if I must. It's so funny I guess I'll eat a cookie. So why baby? Just curious right here. That's baby's chair over there. Do you wanna come sit with mama? Yeah. Okay. So Rachel and I used to tour together. So I used to tour alone at the beginning of my career and it was lonely and really hard. Yeah. And I remember sitting... I remember sitting in the hotel lobby, lobby of a hotel in Canada somewhere in the middle of Canada. I'd never been there before. It was like negative seven degrees. my phone didn't work there because I couldn't afford to pay for like international out of state. And I was alone and I was there for like a few days. Cause I had a couple of shows there and I just remember sitting in the lobby alone, eating a steak sandwich. - Sounds good. - It was very good. And I was like near tears. Cause I was like, this is too lonely. I can't do this life. Like it's too lonely. - That's how I felt on bookstore. I did a book tour by myself. It's so lonely to travel. And so I was, I love touring. I love performing, but I was like I can't do this alone anymore. It's too hard. And so then... I was just out of college and had been denied from the LAPD. Don't worry. If not in that story, different person. - Well, no, you're not a different person in the sense that the reason you wanted to do it was because you wanted to help people. Yeah. I didn't know about anything. - You wanted to help people and you wanted to make a difference and like and you love rules and structure and law like and you just liked helping people. So it wasn't like when she was, you know, 20 21 that made sense. And then she went and she got denied. - I failed the lie detector test - Because not because she lied though. Well, one I got in a fight with a guy doing a lot of tough tests but they'd ask you how many songs have you illegally downloaded and back then, that's all you did. Like you, yeah, there was called line wire and you would just download songs. And I was like, I don't know like you have to give an exact answer. And I was like, I don't know, probably like a thousand. And they're like exactly a thousand. I was like, I don't know. They're like, we can't continue until you give an exact number. And I was like, well, if I give you an exact number I'll be lying because that's, I don't actually know these. And so I had just gotten a shoot fight with the dude also because he was a sexist prep that said he's never lied before in his entire life. And so I just started fighting him verbally. - I can't fight someone verbally in a job interview. - He was lying Okay. I also said I had issues with authority. - Well, anyway, that's a whole other story. She didn't tell you that in another real thing. She was upset though. She really wanted to do go that path. When she called me and I was really lonely touring alone. And so I was like, Hey, I can tour learning more. I need help. I've started adding all these props. And I started doing like a slide show with things on the screen. I can't do it all by myself. I'm on the stage. Do you want to come tour with me? Like try to like help be like an assistant. Are you coming more for more fries? Okay. For you got a dance guys you missed out the free I got gotta dance. Is that good? Okay. So so she started touring with me and it was really awesome. Like we had so much fun. We have so many crazy stories from tour, like so like awful and wonderful. Flynn, that is not a wise decision. He's about to knock off all the food on this table. - So it was back in the day when you were just doing it 200 to 400 seat comedy theaters. - No, it was wonderful because we had so much fun as sisters. Like that's like where we became like best friends. - Yeah. Cause we've always been like close and friends whatever. But like we became like best friends. Cause we toured together planes and car rides and we had to share our beds. Like we get hotel rooms with one bed and it was just super fun. I don't know if you guys heard that but my husband just told my son don't lick the floor. Whoa. Okay. So we were touring together. Things were great, but also not great because we were having so much fun. We were getting along great. We're like loving. We always made like, okay, we have to try the the food of each location. So in Philadelphia we had to have a Philly cheese steak. - We were at that point renting a car and traveling around by ourselves. - So how it used to work is I would like go to like do a show in New York rent a car and we drive it to New Jersey, Philadelphia. We'd go up to like Buffalo, New York and then go back to it. So we'd be gone for like a week rent a car. And we would just drive to the different places. It was super fun. We have stories of when it wasn't but we would always make sure that like we tried whatever that city was known for. So - Like a Philly cheese steak, and Philadelphia. Right. And so we had fun doing stuff like that. Or we going to adventures, we'd be like, Oh we have the afternoon off. Let's go and do this weird like escape room before it was called an escape room. Like it was something else back then. - Like Glaser. - And we had, we just did so many fun things. We also have horror stories of like I was also at the time doing everything by myself. Like I had just gotten an agent who would book me at comedy clubs but I had never done stuff like that before. Other than like, I booked myself places before but he would be like, all right these places are all close driving distance. So just rent a car and go boop, boop. And I would book the rental car. I would book my flights. I would book my own hotels. Like I did everything. I didn't have someone to do that for me yet. And so I messed up a few times and I remember it was a really bad mess up. - And then we got it though. We did it. - It was crazy. So like, I don't remember. I think we were in Detroit we were Detroit, Michigan. - We were in Detroit. And the next show was in like Buffalo New York or something like that. - Well, Albany? - Albany, New York, maybe. I don't remember, but it was not close but because my agent had booked like Detroit and then a couple shows in New York and a couple of shows in like Philly or I don't remember. My shows typically were like, we would drive to the mall. - They were all within two hours of each other - And he didn't tell me he didn't want me because he didn't think he'd need to. He thought, I just knew the geographic locations of these shows and that they are not drivable to each other but I'm from the West coast and the West coast. Like we don't, we're just I'm D I'm not going to be follow the West coast. I'm stupid. And I didn't know. And neither did Rachel. These weren't close. I just assumed. Cause all of our shows were like, you fly to a place you drive to all the shows you fly home. And so... - I just get in the car and plug it into the phone and go. - So we get to Detroit and we do the show and we're like sitting backstage and like I'm about to do the meet and greet. - No, we were in the hotel in bed. - Oh that is true. - You're in a rental rate hotel. - Okay. So we're Oh my God. It was so bad. So we... - We did have two beds. - We were in a horrible hotel. It was a horrible hotel. - Red something, red line? - I don't know. But it was like one of those hotels that was like very and like the door opened to like parking lot, the parking lot which was next to the freeway. So it was like loud and it reminded me of like the hotel they stay at in that show that everyone loves Schist's Creek. Have you seen Schist's Creek? - The Rosebud - Yeah. That's the kind of hotel it reminded me of. So we did the show. We did the meet and greet and back then we did the meet and greets after the show. So it was like, we do a four hour meet, greet we're in bed. It's like midnight or one. And I was like, let's look at how long the drive is going to be tomorrow thinking it's going to be like three hours. Everyone was like 12. I don't know... - We had to drive through Canada. - Yeah and luckily we had our passport. I don't know how clue, but we were like - But also our GPS didn't work in Canada cause our phones didn't work in Canada. - So we had to like write it out. It was such a disaster. So we are in bed and we're like, well, we got it. I guess we got to go. So we get back in the car, we pack up all your stuff. We leave that hotel... - Luckily we have the mindset at that point because things weren't as stressful back then where we weren't furious. I was mad. I wasn't mad at anybody. Like I feel like I'm so sorry. - I'm good in situations where it's like there is no other option. We have to do this. It's I'm in those situations. I'm very like, all right, let's do it. We're going to get it done. And then at first I'm like, no, let's figure out a solution. And then if there's no solution, I'm like, okay I'm not going to freak. Like let's just make it happen. So we got in the car, we went to like a seven 11 or something, got a million weird snacks and strawberries kept us awake because they were so sharp. Every time we put them in her mouth, we were like wake us back up. And then it was like four in the morning and we were like, we're going to die. - Yeah. Luckily I was I went when I was 21 and I was, could stay awake all night. At that point - I feel like it was Buffalo, New York. I don't remember where we stopped but we maybe that's where we stopped. I don't know. I still don't know the geographic... - We you stopped at the One Above to sleep for two hours and then went... - We literally I was like, I must have so bad. I'm going to find, I always stayed at like janky places because they were cheap and I didn't have money. And so I was like... - And we didn't care. - No. And so we were just like, all right I'm going to spend my money. I found like a five star hotel. And I just remember that bed feeling like a fancy rich person bed. And like, we, I was like, Oh my gosh, Rachel we're getting our own beds. I'm going to get us a room with two beds. And we're both going to sleep for a couple hours before we hit the road again. So we slept for like two hours and then hit the road again because we had to be at the next theater and like the new... - New tire tech did shell, shell meet everything. - Like it was crazy. So that was a crazy tangent. Yeah. I apologize. - That was a very beginning, like... - But that's just a good example of like what we went through together here. - That was the first year of us working together. - And also like we all the, our own merch. - Oh yeah and before the shows I had to - Rachel run everything like we did everything and part of working in the comedy clubs and in theaters quite honestly is there's a lot of sexism just to be blunt. And especially a lot of the places we traveled to, for some reason the men that we came in contact with were really rude. And to be completely Frank I wasn't even convinced it was sexism. I was pretty convinced. It was just like, maybe these people are just rude people. And until I started traveling with men and then now traveling with men now even like my shows in beginning of this year in 2020 I go to theaters and I'll ask for something very nice that you can attest to this. Like I'm like, extremely kind. is there any way we could get the projector to work? I need it for my show. And it's in the writer and you guys told us multiple times that it did work, but it's not working. Is there any way we could work on it? Well, it's broken. Okay. We can fix that. Like I'm like really, really, really kind. I try my hardest to be at least. And... - The amount of shows that people have told you to do without the projector, is hilarious because that's half your show. - So anyway, I'm now traveling with men. I traveled with Corey and my cousin, Andrew when they ask for things like immediately Andrew specifically, it'll get done. And if I ask her things, I'll get eyes rolled at me. People will walk away and call me the B word it just for asking for something. And back then we were young. You Rachel was 21 right here. Oh no. Hmm. Let me see. I'm going to rinse. - You got it. - Oh, thank God. Okay. So anyway, I forgot what I was talking about. Just people are really young. And so there's these two young girls coming into their comedy clubs or their small theaters alone with a big suitcase. Full of weird stuff. Yeah. They didn't want us there. They were rude to us. And for the most part there were some people that were kind but for the most part, people were extremely rude. - I would end up, end up winning them over. - Yeah. Sometimes - What about if we ever went back... - We'd always Win them over after the show. But when you get there for the tech, they'd be rude. They wouldn't help. And I still experienced this a lot when I, well when tour happens now doesn't and, but by the end after they see like the audience and like how we interact with the fans and like how much we love our job and then like work into it. Yeah. We worked hard and the fans loved it. And like, it was always so fun and such a great energy after this really wall, that was one heck of a show. And then they'd be all nice Anyway, I'm getting to this story. I'm getting to the T. So we, I'm not going to say any specific information cause I don't wanna get in trouble. Cause I do still work with some of these people . - As time went on your show, got bigger. Your audiences got bigger. We had to hire more people. It got more professional. And that's when I feel like we didn't Get to do the, let's try this thing. And every state. Yeah. And like the little things we used to do like share hotel rooms and drive all night or whatever... - That doesn't happen anymore. - You don't want to wait. It's very much like business you well because they tax so many shows in a small amount of time and you know, we try to not make that happen so much. Like I do get to enjoy stuff now, but sometimes but like a lot of time tour is like, I own that. People go, what's it like to travel the world and see all these cities. You don't see it. You see the hotel room, you see the theater and you see the bus or the plane that you travel. And that's basically all you see. So you have to make sure the people you're traveling with are wonderful. - My favorite cities were the ones where we just had an extra day because I actually got to see the cities. - So we're on this one tour that was hectic. It was... - It was a flight every single day. - It was the J detour was just jam packed. And there were thousands of people at every single show. - We had so many people with us too. Too many cooks in the kitchen. - We brought a lot of people with us who had like, yeah just people from all the different teams like there's the PR my, my agents and those people. And then there's like the production and then there's just promoters. And then there's... - Because it was a huge leg of a tour. So everyone felt they needed to send a representation of that. - So we did this one tour and Rachel and I are the ones who know me the best, the show the best how everything works the best our fans the best. We know how everything works and it's frustrating when someone tells us who's never done it before, how it works. And we're like, thank you. But actually you don't know what you're talking about. And this happens now with Corey and I, cause now I travel with Corey and we get the same exact thing happens to us. If someone else shows up and is there to like help. And it's like, well actually, you know I think it won't be that bad. I think it, actually, this will happen. You know? Like our I'll be like, can you turn off the microphones? They get really loud. The audience is really enthusiastic and they scream. No, you're up loud enough. Okay. - So you can't hear how for the first half of the show. - I am like but you need to turn off the mics and the music because they are very loud and they love to scream and it's really fun. And energy is real... - You are supposed to scream. - Yeah. And they'll be like, no, you're loud enough. And then after the show I'd have turned you up, Mike. So anyway, we were on this one trip I'm going to try my hardest, not to say where we were what we were doing, but it was hectic. It was so packed with like flights every morning. - Literally every single day, we had to go the airplane But we were with people who wanted to get to the airport three hours. - And Rachel has also, we traveled same. So it's like, we know exactly when we need to be at the airport, how much time we need, how to do it. Like where... - How much our bags way. We're very good at that stuff. And this person, one of the people who's traveling with us wanted us to get there like three or four hours before every, and we're like that means we're not sleeping. Cause it was still a meet and greets were after the show at this point. So anyway, long story short, very long story short. Cause I could go on and on and on. We had had a very stressful no horrible like situation going on. Like it was really, really rough. And my mom was on that trip with us too. And that was back before she was comfortable traveling. She has really bad anxiety traveling. So she was, you know, we're trying to take care of our mother and make sure she was comfortable in a new place, traveling every single day on flights every single day, which is like not was at the time. Very difficult for her - Its difficult for anybody. - So This person, one of the people that was traveling with us the first like, okay Rachel and I both were like, I sobbed from it. Your mom's eyes swell up and I, my eyes, I got them. I was holding it together. And when I got on my seat on the plane, I was sitting next to mom, I think, are you, I don't remember. I sobbed from anger. I, which I don't know that I've ever written. They were so rude to our mother for no reason. They like, I feel like I don't know if he'll ever watch this. No, I don't think you should give too much away. Not a good reason at my mom. And like, just like kind of like snap, like come on now. Like to my mom basically. Yeah. There's a baby up there toddler now. Okay. Oh God. So there we are. Sorry. It was rough from the beginning. We were like, Oh no. And you don't disrespect our parents. Like you just, I mean, that's a quick way for you to like get the boot. And so this person who like I like fine and like love working with and is great Tips with every once in a while. Yeah. So this person, basically we were driving home from a show and I love, I need to really hit this home. I love meeting My fans. I love it. I love it. After the show or sometimes it would annoy me because I'd be like, I need some, I need to go get it. Yeah. Like I did it. I feel like annoys everyone on the team to a certain extent where they're like, we have to go. And like, I just, I really love meeting everyone. But my big butt is I don't think it is appropriate or respectful or kind to go to someone's hotel room or their home. Like that is your home. And you need to have a place where you feel safe. And so I will talk to anyone anywhere. Anytime restaurants on the streets, malls shows before shows after shows. Like I love meeting, hugging, talking to getting to know fans. But when people like stalk me is how it feels at my place where we live or a place where we're staying or whatever like that. I, we don't like it it's, it feels like an invasion of privacy. If it is really uncomfortable. Because once you hear someone giggling outside your hotel room, door, taking pictures of it, you're like Oh, they're listening. They can hear every time the poop. There's no place for you to feel. Can they see through the like, can I take shower? Am I safe? Like do, are they going to tell them downstairs? They know me and they're going to let them in my room. Like it's so it's, it's, it's scary. So basically I walked out of her hotel room once on a vacation and our girl was like, are you Rachel Ballenger? She was waiting at my door. And I said, no. And I walked away. And then she tweeted, I just met Rachel boundary. And she said, she must reach what it was we've had. And we're like, this is we've had situations in the past where people we have said hi and been excited to meet someone in the lobby or outside our hotel room door. And then they tweet or post somewhere where we are. And then the next day there's a bunch of people there. And then you just are There was one time when a hotel noticed all these people gathering in our hall and the hotel had to put security because they were blocking fire exits and like, Whoa we didn't even say anything. The hotel called our room and was like, what's going on on your, because it got out of hand and it wasn't anything we did. So that's something that Like, I will always love and appreciate meeting fans. Like I wouldn't be right in without you guys. But I do think that there's a boundary that I have to set which is like coming to where someone lives or where they're living or sleeping or standing. And Especially now more than ever that you have Flynn. Yes. That's a whole other issue. When I was in New York, it happened and I Mama bear, I Was furious, like shaking so bad that when I got to waitress, when I got to my do the broader show the cast was like, are you okay? And I was sobbing. I was like, I'm not okay. Like, I was very, very upset. That was the first time someone had inter anyway invaded my space after I've had a child who was very bad anyway, moving on to the story. So we we're driving home from a show and something that happens sometimes is people will follow us to see where we're staying so they can do what we just talked about. And so usually when we have a driver after a show, we say Hey, make sure no one follows us, please. Like, if you can just make sure no one's falling. It's just keep an eye out for it. So we were driving to back to the hotel after the show. And Rachel noticed that there were people following us and she said to the driver, Hey, you need to lose these people. I don't want them following us back to the hotel. We were all dead tired. Hadn't slept in days. Like we had a flight at like 4:00 AM the next morning. And it was like, 1:00 AM like, we were just so done. Yeah. And I think this person that we were traveling with Rachel is here. Hey, did they snap at you then? No. Well they said, there's nothing we can do about that. Yeah. That's what it is. So Rachel And this a lot, and Rachel always tells the driver and they're always really nice about it. And she's just like, Hey, make sure you can lose the people who are following us. And as person who was traveling with us, it's snapped at my mom said, there's nothing they can do about that. And I'm just like, yes, there is like, he can lose them. I don't want them coming to our hotel. And he's like, well, there's nothing to do about that. And he's never traveled with us. He'd never experienced this before. And he's like, they're not following this. No one's following us. Like he didn't even believe it to be true. Yeah. Do you want more fries? So we get to the hotel and of course there, they Followed us and there's a bunch of people Like maybe a dozen people in the lobby. And I was talking to him, I'm excited to see everyone. Like, you know, I'm taking pictures of them talking to them but I'm also S near tears exhausted. And we just, you know, we wanted to go upstairs and go to bed and get rest because we had to leave in a few hours for the next flight. And you know, once that happens, then with you if you have anxiety like myself, like then you can't sleep. Cause you think you're being watched with someone outside of spit out. Don't spit out your food on the floor. That was not nice. Pick that up and throw it in the trash. That's trash. Now, pick it up, throw it in the trash boy. Good boy. Playing, pick it up, go put it in the trash. Yeah. Trash. So this person, Rachel, I think you went up to him. I don't remember every detail, but Rachel went up to this person and was like, I told you, this would happen. Like I'm frustrated because I was trying to avoid this. And now we're going to be here for an hour because she's gonna have to take pictures of all these people talk to all these people. And now we have to try to get them to leave and not tell us where we are. And I have to go talk to them all and tell them not to tell anyone we have to now to go to the front desk of the lobby tell them not to let anyone know we're here. Put an alias like Rick. Cause Rachel knows the protocols of it all. And did this person call you to calm down the, like this person told you to calm down? I think Yeah. They're yelled at. Yeah. They yelled at me. There's like, there's nothing we can do. What did you want us to do? Yeah. And Rachel, look this person in the face because she'd had enough because there've been a lot of like I mean the equivalent to mansplaining on this trip with this person on how to do what we'd been doing for years alone. And this person was with us for the first time and was mansplaining to us, how to do our job. And so then he yelled at her. I was trying to do They them so that we didn't know it's too late. It's a heat. It was clearly a man. And so He snapped Rachel. At this point, it, Rachel had had enough. We'd all had enough. And so he screamed. I screamed at her in the lobby in front of fans. And Rachel looks at him and goes You're an. I ran up the stairs Elevator. Then when I got to my room, I got a text from Rachel that said, I'm done. This is the last tour I'm ever doing the queue. I cannot do this ever again. And it was a combination of things like the sexism we experienced on tour was very bad. And we were yelled at a lot by men who thought we were stupid because we are women. And we were young. And we would ask for things like you can imagine like eight years ago, nine years ago, two very young early twenties women telling middle-aged men what to do kindly, but saying like, we need this microphone at this level. We need this to play at this moment. We need the VIP line to be set up in this way to tell I wanted the lights to happen. So two young, 20 something women telling men mostly in like in the South and in middle America no shade to those places. Just the places we were going were smaller towns where like just middle-aged men were not a lot of the times not all of them were not comfortable with young women kind of telling them what to do and were not comfortable with us like being in charge or whatever in their space. And so we were talked down to a lot and ridiculed a lot and yelled out a lot. And so this had been a couple of years of that building up for her. And then this person was on tour with us mansplaining our job to us how to do everything and how we were doing it wrong. And, and there was just so many people, like, I just it it's when you started getting like huge. And then so many people came in every time to say, like it just was, so it just got to a point. And also touring was hard at that point. It was, it was still fun for me, but it was it was very difficult. And we were away from home a lot. And Rachel, just and herb YouTube channel started getting popular. And she was like, I think I, you know I wanted to focus on that. She wanted to focus on her own career and her own thing which is obviously I knew that that moment will come. So I was sad that she wasn't gonna tour with us anymore but that was the tipping point. And I think we've always just kind of been like, Oh you know, she just like, it was time to do her own thing. The truth of it was like she got in a yelling match. We ten one on my team I want to say like three hours later and apologize. He sent her a long apology and I, I ignored it. And so it wasn't, he, it was just like he was a full on like screaming match anyway. Continue. Yeah. Yeah. And so that's actually what, what, what it was. And I knew she was, she was very mad. Like she was very, very mad, but you have to have such like a specific type of thick skin if you tour especially if you're a touring YouTuber, because you tubers have such a bad reputation, unfortunately. And so I walk into a place and the people at the venue find out that I'm a YouTuber and they immediately don't like me and they immediately think I do horrible things and I'm a brat and I'm egotistical and whatever, and and think I'm stupid and whatever. And then after the show, they're typically everyone's really nice and like, wonderful. And like, thank you so much. That was amazing. That wasn't what I expected. And you were so nice to everyone here. And like, everyone's like, great, okay. It's annoying to have to win over people every single year know. So it just, it just wasn't. And on top of that, you're not sleeping. You're traveling every day. It's very stressful. There's no time to do anything else, but tour. So it was time, but that was what made her. But I kept working for you for, I think another six months. I said, I'll give you until the end of the year. Cause I could, you had stuff planned. I think we already have bought flights for other shows. I had, at that point I made my position like what Corey does now. But I was like, it's a little bit it was a little bit different. Cause at that time I was running tech, like lights. Like I was telling all the tech people what to do. I was running a laptop and the point we were doing it, she and I Yeah, it was a different type of shoe. It was the same time it was temperature. But it was a different, I don't know, like it's bigger now. Yeah. And now it's like Corey and Corey does like everything, everything. And it's like, but back then, like we did everything. And so that's I think another thing that surprised people when we would tour is that because I've been doing this for 11 12 years when I started, I was doing it all alone and I had to learn all the tech all the microphones, all the lighting Oh, you have a friend teeny who's in tech who wasn't tagged. And she taught me all the lingo to tell the guys and there was so many times I'd call her and be like, Hey, ask me loose. What does it mean? I feel like, tell me I feel like though, like when we get there, they think well, these girls don't know anything about anything. And then, but we, when there are problems I appreciate that. I like have the experience and all that stuff. Because when there are issues with the projector or the microphones or the amps or anything like I do know what's going on and you can help. Or like, if something with a show goes wrong like I created, I'm not just going to show up and be like well, if there's a problem, figure it out. And I don't know how anything works. Like, so I like that. I have that like Weird skill set that I'll never use again. No, you might use it in my new year's Eve show. If that's true. I told you I would help with your new year's Eve. My thing now is as long as I don't have to travel, I'm fine. Well, traveling sometimes it's still fun though. Yeah. Like I will always want to go with you to either Ireland or Scotland. Yeah. Those, those, those ones have my heart still But that's the T with me and Rachel, I don't think other than that, we, like, I was trying to think like have we ever had like fights? I don't think we really have That's you've like become adults, Leah, when we were kids all the time. But not since we've been adults. I don't think no, because I like, because of those, all of those things we had, we learned how to communicate to each other. We've had like stupid tips. Like I don't even when you were pregnant you rolled your eyes at me once. So I went, I don't even remember. I cannot be held responsible. I was standing. I said, and he goes, pregnancy. Just always think pregnancy, I cannot be held responsible for anything that happened. When I was pregnant, I was at my worst state of mind. That is how little we have conflict because I remember an eye roll. I want to remember where that was. I, it was out. I don't remember it. we were at Elks lodge and I go to the Elks lodge and I was pregnant. I think it was 4th of July where you were pregnant during that. Oh yeah. Oh, that was, Oh, that was the first trimester. Yes. That's a scary person. Yes. And we, I feel like it was Jessica. You and I had just done a muck bang. Okay. That was the sister muck bang. And I said something about it. And you rolled your eyes and looked at Jessica and you're like stole that and walked away. And I looked at Jessica, I said, stole that. I stole the idea of the muck bag. And I looked at you like, as if I him, like, what was that? She goes, I genuinely don't know. We literally do not remember me just going to Andrew. We're all just like what? And Andrew was just like pregnancy. I do not remember that. I'm so sorry, because I can't even imagine a world in which because the only time I could think of like a muck bang idea being stolen is when I accidentally spill it because you were going to do one with Jacob and I was on good Dunkin and I was doing one of the Flynn and you texted me you text us or something and say, you're doing it. I was like, hi. And mine went up for, for hers. But hers, she filmed before mine. And then it looks like I had stolen her an iPad. That's the only stealing of a MacBook I could think of. And I was in a panic about it. So it was fun. I probably didn't even say that. No, we all hurt you. I'm sorry. I can not be held responsible. I wasn't mad. I was just confused. I was just very rude, but I don't remember it. And I was a disaster. Then you were a disaster. I'm not blaming my mental state or my pregnancy on it. I take responsibility. And I'm saying, I'm sorry, what had happened now? You're a different human being. I was, I was not happy, but there you go. I go to stuff every once in a while. Yeah. There's been a few times where like, I need help. Yeah. And so I'll go and help. But it was just like the, every, it was, I feel like we were gone two to three weeks out of each month. Oh yeah. I heard a lot back then. Did you find some crayons? Oh wow. There's lots of colors in there. Come here, baby. Oh my goodness. That is amazing. Oh, you smell them. How is it? Yeah. And you're not going to know because you spit them out before member Flynn. You can't have any you can't have any because you spit them out now. It was a no. No. So you don't get any more. Okay. Distracted. Yeah. That's being two year old. So I'm glad you brought me these crowns. Thank you for the crowns. You got these from my brother for his birthday. Oh, thank you. Yes. This is, you always find this. Even though I hide it every day, this is for my mother. He thinks that this is candy because he remembers Easter. We would put candy inside of Easter eggs and he'd shake it. Yeah. That is mamas. And he'd hear that. And he knew it was an Eminem inside of an, a this is not an Eminem and an egg. What is, this is, I can't tell you because my mom might watch this, but it's it's something small in a small box. And he shakes everyday and goes, do do. And he wants me to open it. Flynn, say down here, buddy, let me baby. There is something in this carpet. What do you mean something in the carpet? What? Okay. Princess in the pea. What even is that? And how did you feel that underneath a thick log is that I don't want to know what that is. Oh, that's hilarious. That's so funny. What an hour saying, bye. Bye. Thanks for hanging out with us as we eat you just, yeah, you did toot on me. I felt that on my shoulder the bubble popped on my shoulder. You two did didn't you? Yeah, you two did. So. Thanks for watching us eat some vegan food and talk about the drama that has happened in our life. The reason Rachel got fired, I was not fired. Miranda fired me every night, but I quit. I did get fired every night. You can got fired at the Christmas live show by Miranda. I think. Did I fire you? Did I? Yeah. Cause your water wasn't on the stool. I don't remember why. Okay. Tutes. Do you want me to keep that in? Rachel loves to do playing here today. You have smell. It smells like broccoli. Oh God. Okay. We got to go. I love you guys. Thanks for watching. Subscribe to Rachel. Give me my merchant. If you want it and get tickets to the new year's Eve show where there hopefully won't be drama and screaming matches. No, cause it's just me and Corey and we get along. Great. So it'll be great. All right. Love you guys. See you next time . Happy holidays. (upbeat music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 1,432,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, rachel ballinger, heartbreak, fighting, drama, gossip, tea, fired, job, rude, truth, the truth
Id: wWXeEWo0IvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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