The TRUTH about the ZV-E10 after 18 months - Watch Before You Buy!!

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hi guys what you were looking at right now is the Fantastic image that is coming out of the little Sony zve E10 now I have made more videos on this camera than I have any other camera that I have tested in fact I think I've made the most videos on this camera in the world I mean don't quote me on that but I have made a ton of videos I pre-ordered this camera when it came out and I have used it pretty much every day since maybe not every day but pretty close to it I use this camera a lot and uh this is my long term review for those of you who are not familiar with it want to be reminded of it because it's all these new fancy cameras coming out these days but this one for 699 dollars in terms of bang for buck to me it is one of the best if not the best values on the planet when you want to take photos and you want to take videos so uh let's talk about it [Music] so let's talk about the build of this camera it is so small and light it is great for travel it is great to run on tiny little gimbals it is 364 grams that is just such a lightweight easy camera with a small lens something like a um 11 millimeter 1.8 it is almost pocketable it is very portable very easy to take around and it's a lot tougher than it looks at least in my experience mine is all scuffed up because I've dropped it several times because I'm a clumsy person I dropped it on a boat I was on a whale watching tour didn't really see any whales we saw like a black shadow pretty sure that was a whale I took a picture of it anyway but we were having a good time I dropped it from eye level I was like oh boy it's gonna break on me fine I got I got a couple of scuffs on the mic and on the back everything is just hunky-dory it's actually a solid little camera even though it's made mostly of recycled plastic of course it has the fully articulating 360 degree flip screen which is definitely what you want when you're trying to shoot your video and look at your pretty mug over there in the LCD it's got a great set of ports kind of sounds weird when I say it like that but it has a headphone jack it has a microphone Jack it has a micro HDMI so you can hook it up to your monitor which I'm doing right now and it also has a USBC the USBC you can use it for charging for power delivery and you can also use it just streaming directly or as a webcam now that only goes in 720p so if you want more than that then you could just use a small cheap capture card and then stream or webcam in 1080 or 4K but it's great to have that option straight from the camera in case you just want to replace your computer's camera with the Sony zve E10 on the bottom is where you put the battery and the SD card and when you're on a tripod usually you still have enough room to open that battery door to be able to swap the battery out and also so swap out the memory card and the battery actually lasts an impressively long time I usually get about 95 minutes of 4K recording straight so there are no complaints about that speaking of 4K let's just get into the features the 4K to me is the standout feature of this camera because it is the most important thing when you think about it this is what you're looking for in a camera you're looking for a good image and this image is a 4K it's down sampled from 6K which is one of the reasons it looks so great and it looks so sharp and Sony throws the kitchen sink as much as they can into the camera so it has all of the picture profiles with the exception of s cinetone and now this is an 8-bit camera so I would stay away from maybe s log 3 but other than that you go free hlg 3 is really great for more dynamic range right now I am using the cine 2 profile with the Leeming Lut corrected and uh because I really like the way that lid matches my s-log 3 footage from my more expensive cameras because I tell you this is an a74 right here and I also have the newly released zve E1 the full frame version of this guy and the image quality holds up so well on the little zve E10 compared to my more expensive cameras if I'm using the cine 2 profile I can match it up with s-log 3 profile quite easily especially if I use that corrective leaming lot so when you have a 700 camera that is indistinguishable in image quality in many situations compared to say a 2500 camera that is a good value right there the autofocus the autofocus is amazing on this camera it has never lost me and I mean that it never lost me at all in the entire time I have had this camera 18 months 20 months it has never ever failed with the autofocus if it has a little box around your eye it has human and animal eye autofocus in both photos and video videos and if you want to track a subject you can just tap on the screen and hold and then it will stick to it Like Glue if you need a camera that has great 4K with great auto focus here you go no overheating even though this is a tiny little camera it has never overheated on me I have used it connected to USB power for hours and hours and it just goes strong as long as you set the internal temperature to high in the camera itself then you are probably not going to see any overheating problems to speak of in moderate climates if you're out it's 45 degrees and you put it in the Blazing Sunshine like any camera it's going to have trouble but for the most part as a studio cam as a webcam outside in the sunshine it just it doesn't overheat stabilization now this camera doesn't have actual Ibis in body image stabilization you know where the sensor moves around but it does have electronic stabilization it's called active steady shot for Sony and a lot of people complain that the crop was too much much if they're trying to do handheld video handheld vlogging which a lot of people want to use this camera for but Sony has come out with an 11 millimeter 1.8 which is such a great lens to pair with the zve E10 and even on that active stabilization you still get a nice wide field of view and I do find the active stabilization while not amazing it works pretty well as long as you're nice and controlled with your movements but the zve E10 has another trick up its sleeve and that is it records gyroscopic data so you can run that file through the free program Sony provides a free program called Catalyst browse and you can run it through that program and you will get gimbal-like footage without a gimbal you can just use about a 10 crop I find is fine the image still looks absolutely fantastic when you're only doing a 10 crop now this does take an extra step and depending on your computer the rendering times can be quite long so what you might want to do is what I've been doing lately which is skip it all entirely and just get yourself a tiny little Gimbal and because the Sony zve E10 it's kit lens or the 11 millimeter are so small and light this xiaun crane m2s the tiniest lightest weight gimbal I have can support it just fine I'll leave a link in the description this is my favorite gimbal for the zve E10 when it comes to vlogging it has snq mode which is great when you want to have quick slow motion videos or quick time lapse videos so depending on if you use uh if you use a higher frame rate then it will make a slow motion file for you in camera it won't have any sound it will spit it out for you and with the time lapse same thing you would just use a lower frame rate something like one frame per second something like that and then you can have an in-camera time lapse built for you right away now you can also do both of those things manually you can shoot in 1080 120 frames per second and you still keep your sound that way it's great for like speed ramping and slowing down and doing that and then still being able to hear dialogue it's a great option to have to have the 1080 and 120 frames per second with sound or the S and Q mode where it makes the file for you and time lapses as well you can just take photos and do regular time lapses and put it together for yourself in post but Sony with the S and Q gives you the option to do it two different ways it has helpful modes for beginners like a dial that switches between photos video and S and Q it has a background defocus button so that if you don't really know how to use a camera with an aperture ISO and shutter then you if you can't manipulate that yourself but you still want that blurry background you can press that button product showcase mode now I wouldn't even consider this a beginner feature really I use this all the time and it works so so well like right now you'll see it is not going to my color Checker here let's open it up for a little color it's not going to my color Checker here unless I cover up my eyes then it latches to my color Checker but if you uh go into the product showcase mode is just the trash can button you can press it and turn it on and then you have to turn off the camera you have to turn off the recording to do it that's what I'm not going to do it right now I will show you b-roll where you just hold up a product and it snaps to it very quickly this is great for a lot of people who want to demonstrate different products on YouTube it's an underrated feature in my opinion if you wanted to do this with most other cameras you have to go in and change your auto focus settings and then when you wanted to get out of product showcase mode you'd have to change your auto focus settings back to your eye autofocus you know and so the product showcase mode it just makes it so quick photos now while this camera doesn't have an evf and a lot of people think of it as a video camera it's actually a very capable photo camera it shoots 11 frames per second in raw 11 that is more than my Sony a74 that shoots 10 and it has a mechanical shutter whereas the zv E1 and the fx30 they don't have mechanical shutter so this still has a mechanical shutter and 11 frames per second you can also hook up a flash to it and do flash photography and in the back of the screen you can set it up so that is just a touch to focus or a touch to focus and shutter so you can just whatever object you want in focus and to take a picture of press the back of the screen once you set it up I have a whole video on that then there you go very easy to take photos that way this camera is a really great photo camera it still has a pretty extensive photo feature set with things like time lapses and long exposures and exposure bracketing as well as a self timer and if you're worried about not having an evf I picked up this little I think it's twenty dollar LCD evf it actually has little bungee cords that can strap to the camera so you don't have to take it off at all and this thing works really really well if you're out in the bright sunshine and you're finding it hard to see the screen the screen is actually pretty good in terms of the sunny weather mode being able to actually see what's happening but if the sun gets too bright out there you know give yourself one of these things just leave it in the bag like I do and on those really bright sunny days break it out now of course at 6.99 you're not going to expect this camera to be perfect and there are some drawbacks so let's talk about those now now number one it doesn't have an evf I just mentioned that in the photo thing so there's a lot of people who rely on the evf for taking photos I understand that and they may not want to use that little LCD viewfinder so that can be a major deterrent for a lot of people it's only an 8-bit camera it doesn't have 10 bits so I would avoid things like s-log 3 if you try to color grade s-log 3 the image is probably going to fall apart because it doesn't have enough color information by the time everything's uploaded to things like YouTube you know it's going to be 8-bit anyway so uh 8-bit is not the end of the world but you probably are going to have to avoid those really heavy color grades in things like s-log 3 or s-log 2. Now using hlg 3 it actually color grades quite well so if you want ultimate dynamic range on this 8-bit camera use the hlg 3 pitcher Pro profile and then color grade to your heart's content it's got one card slot so if you want redundant recording you're going to have to go off to an external Monitor and it's always nice to have two card slots so if you're doing Pro work very difficult to bring a camera that only has one card slot if something happens to that one card it corrupts in some way you're going to lose all of your footage so in very high stakes environment you're either going to want an external recorder as well for redundant recording or you're going to want a camera with two card slots and speaking of recording externally it has a micro HDMI port which you would expect at this price point but still the micro HDMI is nowhere near as good as a full-size one in terms of its ability to not break it has no minimum shutter speed and that's a problem for some people when they want to take photos you know it's nice that the shutter can't go solo that you'll get camera Shake especially when you have a camera that has no Ibis so now what I do is I usually just keep my shutter speed up at about one over 250 something like that and I bump it up further if people are moving around quickly in the frame and I just use my zebras for exposure now the auto modes usually do a really good job but if you're finding you're getting some camera shake it is probably because your shutter speed is going too low in photos it's always nice to be able to set a minimum shutter speed like you can on more expensive cameras so I would like Sony to add that in a firmware update I don't know if they ever will but uh yes you had to be mindful there is no minimum shutter speed it has bad rolling shutters probably the worst rolling shutter you're going to find so you're going to see Jello if you're moving the camera around too quickly personally it has never been an issue for me I like to use the camera a lot on tripods or I use the active stabilization which does a pretty good job or a gimbal or Catalyst browse all of those things will mitigate the rolling shutter it's just if you're walking around hand holding and you're not doing a good job stabilizing yes you'll absolutely see rolling shutter or if you're filming really fast moving objects you know people going by the Tour de France on the bikes or race cars they are going to be slanted you uh you will get bends in your lines or if you were like pointing this out of a car window or out of a train things will look a little slanted that's what the rolling shutter will do because if the sensor is just not reading out fast enough the way I use the camera the rolling shutter is definitely not an issue but for some people that will be a deal breaker it has no real weather sealing to speak of now I've had it out in some light mist and a little bit of rain as no harm done but still you you don't want this camera out in the elements while it's great to have a flip out screen the resolution of this screen is not very good 921 000 dots like I said in sunny weather mode you can see it in the sunshine but it's not the nicest looking image I still rely on my zebras to set exposure when I am looking at the image on the LCD so in summary what you have is a fantastic image with a great feature set on a little camera that doesn't overheat that gives you all kinds of video assist features all kinds of photo features and it is 699 dollars to get you into that Sony ecosystem where you can get fantastic lenses for reasonable prices this here is the sigma 16 mil F 1.4 you can get that usually for around 350 and that competes very much with my 24 millimeter G Master when I have it on a full-frame camera the value that you get for this thing is absolutely crazy there's a few drawbacks but if they aren't deal breakers for you and you can work around them then this is such a high recommendation for me to you I absolutely love this camera and it's my first recommendation to people when they say what should I get I am on a budget what should I do this camera right here and if you're doing talking head interviews YouTubes the YouTubes you get the 16 millimeter F 1.4 as well from Sigma if you're vlogging the 11 millimeter from Sony so as I mentioned in the beginning I have tons of videos I'm my channel on the zv E10 so feel free to peruse those videos and find what you're looking for if you're interested in this camera don't forget to like And subscribe talk to you again soon okay bye
Channel: Mark Bennett's Camera Crisis
Views: 86,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony zv-e10, sony zv e10, sony zv-e10 review, sony zv e10 review, sony zv e10 lenses, vlogging camera, best vlogging camera 2023, best vlogging camera, sony zv e10 cons, sony zve10, best camera for youtube, sony zv-e10 hands on review, sony zv e 10, zv e 10, zv e10, sony zv-e10 footage, sony zv e 10 review, sony zv-e10 photos, sony zv e10 best video settings, sony zv1 e10, zv e10 lenses, zv e10 cinematic, zv e10 footage, zv e10 photography, sony zv e10 long term review
Id: 5ebPr2zRBog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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