The Truth About The Only Judge And Prophetess In The Bible

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my name is Deborah and this is my story do you know what it feels like to be oppressed for years I do I am an Israelite and the times I live are not easy I am also a judge in Israel judges mostly handle the Affairs of the nation of Israel my name is Deborah busy be and it showed in the grandness of the things my eyes would see as far as I know the only female judge the only one to be called a prophet and the only one that performs a Judicial function in the beautiful hilly country of Ephraim between Rama and bethl there lies a grand palm tree that I love to sit under here I hold out and the Israelites come to me seeking my wise judgment it's a peaceful and Serene spot as an individual I hold a significant position in history being a part of the distinguished group known as judges I am known as the wife of lapido a man whose name means torch in Hebrew labido was responsible for providing the large Wicks and oil needed to keep the lights of Shiloh's Sanctuary burning like a bright torch and just like the light from those torches my life had a similar effect on those around me I spread the light of the Lord everywhere I went bringing warmth comfort and hope to all who crossed my path I am a prophetess of the one true God a prophetess was a woman who had the Divine gift of Prophecy she was considered a spokesperson for the Divine and was revered for her ability to communicate God's message to the people the prophetess was regarded as a symbol of Hope and was often sought for guidance and spiritual advice she was expected to speak the truth and convey God's will even if her message was unpopular or not well received a faithful prophetess remained steadfast in her convictions and continued to deliver God's message regardless of the consequences interestingly in many societies during that period women were not given equal opportunities to hold leadership positions however the Israelites broke this convention and were open to engaging women as prophets this shows that they were more Progressive in their Outlook compared to other civilizations of their time the Israelites were sub objected to a highly oppressive regime that made their lives incredibly challenging the regime went to Great Lengths to render the people completely disarmed leaving them with virtually no means to defend themselves the population of 40,000 was left without a single Shield or spear during that time the land was in a state of utter chaos and disorder it was rampant with numerous bands of robbers and outlaws who posed a constant threat to the safety of the general public the condition of the roads was particularly worrisome as Travelers were always at risk of being attacked and robbed consequently people had to resort to taking isolated and Less Traveled routes which were often longer and more treacherous to move from one place to another this led to a sense of fear and uncertainty among the populace who had to navigate through an increasingly dangerous landscape just to go about their daily lives how did things get this bad well I will tell you it all started during the time of the previous judge the first judge was anneal you see after our exit from Egypt my people settled among various groups namely the canites the amorites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites we coexisted with these communities adapting to their cultural norms and practices while maintaining our own unique identity and beliefs this period of our history was marked by alliances conflicts and negotiations in the past we made the mistake of intermarrying with neighboring tribes and adopting their religious beliefs as a result we turned away from the Lord Our God and worshiped the deities of the balls and ashas this caused the children of Israel to commit evil in the eyes of the Lord as we had forgotten the true God and served false Idols throughout history my people have had to adapt to the cultures of the Pagan peoples living alongside them unfortunately one of the ways in which we assimilated was by engaging in intermarriage with the Pagan nations in our midst this caused us to stray our ungodly romances led us to worship the Pagan deities ball and asth the mention of ball and asth sends shivers down my spine as they were known to bring nothing but trouble for my people ashth in particular was a fertility goddess who was worshiped with a wooden cult object that held great significance to her followers the impact of their worship on my people was far from positive following the death of Joshua the leadership among the Israelites became fragmented and the tribes found it difficult to continue their conquest of Cannon this left several pockets of territory unconquered as a result a number of canonitas including the worship of Asher a pagan goddess began to spread among the Israelites this caused a significant upheaval within the community throughout the course of our nation's history we have faced numerous challenges and undergone many changes initially we were a people who held steadfast to the teachings of God firmly opposing the Pagan culture of the canites however as time passed our resolve began to falter we were increasingly intimidated by the Canaanites and their way of life and eventually we began to coexist with them more peacefully this marked a significant shift in our society as a result our nation underwent a period of great transformation with new ideas and practices being introduced and adopted when you live close to something long enough it just becomes normal people are always called to be different by God it was God's standard for his people to be different from the Nations around them but we had not obeyed how could we be different if we were serving the same Idols as them we must have disappointed God God never failed us but now we must have broken his heart we had gone to bed with Ashera The Cult of ashra was known for its Indulgence in sensual practices the rituals were considered to be depraved and repugnant often leaving those who witnessed them with a sense of disgust and Revol Ion intermarrying with Pagan Nations and practicing Pagan worship were forbidden but we did not listen prior to entering the promised land god cautioned us against the worship of Canaanite Gods despite God's clear instructions idol worship was a problem for my people God despises Idol Tre completely it brings God's Wrath down on those involved D it defiles and pollutes people and the land due to our failure to obey the commands of the Lord his anger was kindled against us and as a result we were subjected to the harsh rule of the king of Mesopotamia for a period of eight long years my people were forced to serve their new ruler enduring countless difficulties and sufferings that came with captivity we were under the watchful eyes of our captors we continued to pray for deliverance from our oppressors hoping that the Lord would take pity on us and bring an end to our misery God gave my people just what they wanted we didn't want to serve God so he allowed us to be in bondage to a pagan King we had reaped exactly what we had sowed sin has come consequences 8 years it was many years of bondage and we were moved to cry out unto the Lord there is a moment when everyone knows that we cannot free ourselves and my people came to this moment in 8 years and thank God when we cried out to the Lord the Lord raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel who delivered them annel was the one entrusted with the task of delivery he was a man favored by the spirit of the Lord who bestowed upon him the role of a judge and a troubleshooter he went out to War and the Lord delivered the king of Mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevailed over the king of Mesopotamia his courage and strength prevailed this Triumph brought peace to the land for the next 40 years sadly after that time annel the son of canaz passed away but the cycle continued do you think we have learned our lesson do you think we stayed with the one that redeemed us no again we did evil in the sights of the Lord so the Lord strengthened Egon king of Moab against Israel because we had done evil in the sight of the Lord the Lord is the judge the Lord strengthened even our enemies because we did evil evil had to be vanquished and eglon came in with great strength so the children of Israel served Egan king of Moab for 18 years first8 then 18 we have drifted away from our dependence and obedience towards the Lord God our past Victory did not last forever it had to be maintained we could not just wallow in sin there are consequences sin always brings bondage now when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord the Lord raised up a deliverer for them ahun ahood single-handedly assassinated the oppressive King Ed l in his castle this was the previous judge before me what Grace the Lord has given us in the past my community made the unfortunate decision to turn away from God as a result we no longer deserve his grace and mercy despite this when we eventually reached out to him for help God did not turn his back on us instead he chose to answer our prayers and Deliver us from our troubles it was a powerful reminder of his boundless love and forgiveness towards those who seek his guidance after the death of ahun the Israelites once again deviated from the righteous path and indulged in detestable actions that were considered abor in the eyes of the Lord their conduct was morally reprehensible and went against the principles of virtue and goodness the observation of an endless movement towards disobedience in people can frequently lead one to feel less and less confident in their ability to stay on the right path however it also serves to emphasize the immense mercy and grace of God a prime example of this can be seen in the history of Israel despite our repeated abandonment of God he never stopped working with us offering us endless opportunities to return to him this Relentless dedication and endless forgiveness is a testament to the infinite love and mercy that God has for his creation so the Lord turned us over to our current oppressor King Jain of hazor a Canaanite King it is fascinating to observe that in the present scenario God opted to employ an entirely different oppressor than the one used in the past this Choice emphasizes the extent of God's power to capture our attention and lead us towards his will his ability to use any means necessary to accomplish his objectives is a testament to his wisdom and Authority it is a sobering reminder that we must always be vigilant about the various methods that God may use to guide us even if they may seem unexpected or challenging sometimes even after facing the consequences of their actions it can take a significant amount of time for someone to truly repent and turn their heart towards God for instance my people of Israel were enslaved for 20 years before we finally cried out to the Lord in Repentance around 60 years after the death of Joshua King jabin Rose to power and subjected my people to a painful and oppressive rule for two decades the sheer force of jain's Might and tyranny was enough to instill an allc consuming fear and despair in the hearts of the entire population rendering the people completely helpless and demoralized the Canaanites led by King Jain had been God's tool of judgment upon the Israelites for their Idol Tre the formidable commander who oversaw the Army belonged to none other than cicora a name that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies his residence was in the city of heroth hgam where he strategized and planned his next moves with cunning Precision for a whole 20 years General ciser oppressed my people cicora commanded a well-trained Cavalry Army he also had iron chariots which were the equivalent of tanks in those days cisar had 900 iron chariots and ruthlessly oppressed the Israelites for years ciser the commander of the army had his residence situated in the town of heroth hgam this town served as the epicenter of cis's military operations and was located in a narrow Valley that was less than a meter wide the valley was located at the point where the Kishon River flowed out of the estalon plane and into the plane of acre ultimately leading to the Mediterranean Sea cisar must have thought that this strategic location allowed cicora to have a significant advantage over us making it a crucial sight for military operations 900 Chariots of iron gave cicora the Mastery over us as we were limited to infantry these chariots were two wheel open behind carrying a driver a warrior and a shieldbearer this servitude was longer than either of the former and much more Grievous King Jain along with his General cisar inflicted severe oppression upon my people this oppression was further intensified by the fact that we were geographically closer to jabin's Kingdom than any of his previous enemies we were situated deep within his borders allowing us greater access to his kingdom and providing ample opportunities to launch attacks against him this made the situation even more dire for us as we were constantly suffering at the hands of this enemy King jabin and Commander cisar also hated us as they were the natives of the country Who Bore an implacable enmity to us for invading and dispossessing them and when they had us in their power would be so much the more cruel and mischievous towards us in Revenge of the old quarrel King Jain and Commander cicar also hated us because of his people were sentenced to be our servants you see Noah our ancestor had cursed jabin and cicer people the Canaanites to be our servants Noah had said cursed be Canan the son of ham a servant of servants he shall be to his brothers we would have never been under his oppression we could have been Victors if we had been completely obedient instead of lazy afraid and un believing it was very painful to be ruled over by people whose lands our fathers had taken over but whom they had foolishly spared then my people cried out to the Lord for jabin had oppressed us severely for a long time although the Israelites under Joshua had defeated the northern Coalition and destroyed the city of hazor the city had been rebuilt and became the capital of the Canon canites the Army represented the Canon power under cic's command the military superiority of the Canaanites was clear because they had 900 Chariots of iron and we were defenseless during a 20-year period of Oppression the Canaanites paralyzed Israelite Commerce and subjected the Israelites to intolerable disruption of normal life all AR Med resistance seemed almost impossible for the Israelites as cisar encountered no serious threats from the Israelites the failed answer Barack then we got our breakthrough the Lord God answered our prayer and it would be Barack his father was abinoam he was descended from the tribe of naftali this wasn't one of the well-known powerful or famous tribes this was the northernmost tribe in Israel and much of it bordered the Sea of Galilee finally the year of redemption arrived when Israel was to be delivered from the hands of jabin and restored to their Liberty the northern tribes who were closest to the oppressors felt the effects of jabin's Fury the most and we wanted God's intercession for the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the needy now will God Arise who would be the person to lead us Barack I knew it would be Barack as I was also a prophetess this was not my battle the victory laid for our deliverance I was not to command an Army in person but I nominated one that was fit and one day I sent for Barack Barack came to me and I said to him this is what the Lord the god of Israel commands you call out 10,000 Warriors from the tribes of naali and Zulan at Mount tabore and I will call out cisar commander of jabin's army along with his chariots and warriors to the Kishon River there I will give you victory over him Barack told me I will go but only if you go with me what it seemed that the fear of cicora had indeed spread into the one that would redeem us okay very well I will go with you I replied however I warned him with a prophecy but you will receive no honor in this Venture for the Lord's victory over cicer will be at the hands of a woman Barack was a skilled and experienced military commander who had earned the respect and admiration of his fellow soldiers despite his reputation as a fearless leader he could not help but feel a sense of apprehension and unease when it came to the Canaanites recognizing them as a formidable and dangerous adversary Brock's invitation for me to accompany him didn't appear to be a reckless decision however the manner in which he insisted upon it implied that he had more confidence in my connection with God than in his own this gesture highlighted the significance of trust in our relationship with the Lord Barack found more motivation and encouragement in my physical presence rather than relying solely on the Unseen but certain assistance of almighty God despite the possibility of unforeseen dangers and challenges he exhibited his unwavering belief and Courage by consenting to embark on this crucial and scary Mission the courageous group of individuals who accompanied him exhibited exceptional Valor and an unshakable faith in the almighty as they set out to challenge the might of ciser and his formidable army our army found themselves ill equipped to combat their technologically advanced opponents with only rudimentary weapons at their disposal they were up against a formidable force of 900 iron chariots which gave our adversaries a distinct Advantage adding to their disadvantage we were led to fight on a plane which further Amplified our enemy superiority in chariots Barack and I journeyed to cadesh a bustling Town nestled in the hills of zebulun and Nepali upon our arrival Barack rallied the tribes and summoned 10,000 skilled Warriors to join him in his quest the air was filled with a sense of purpose and determination as we set out towards our destination now Heber the kenite had separated himself from the canites from the son of hobab the father-in-law of Moses and had pitched his tent as far away as the taben tree in zanim which is near cadesh these were distant descendants of Israel through Jethro the priest of Midian and the father-in-law of Moses back to Abraham and his second wife coutura when someone told cisar that Barack the son of abinoam had gone up to mount tabber cisar gathered his forces from heroth haam to the river kishan his army consisted of 900 iron chariots and numerous soldiers who were ready to fight the sound of the Chariots echoed through the land as they made their way towards their destination this was sophisticated and impressive military technology the armies of Israel under the direction of Barack andme were at a great disadvantage Heber the kite gave cicar notice of barack's rendevu as there was peace between King Jain and that family whether they intended it as a kindness to him or not it served to accomplish what God had said to me the word was I will draw unto thee cicora cic's confidence was chiefly in his chariots therefore particular notice is taken of them 900 Chariots of iron which with the SES fastened to their Axel trees when they were driven into an army of footmen did terrible exec ution so ingenious have men been in inventing methods of destroying one another to gratify those lust from which come Wars and fightings the time for war had arrived then I said to Barack get ready this is the day the Lord will give you victory over cicara for the Lord is marching ahead of you as Barack gazed upon the vast Army of cisar attempting to encircle the mountain where he and his forces were encamped a shiver of fear ran down his spine he felt his resolve weakening and considered retreating to a safer place that's when I his trusted companion stepped forward and urged him to strike against cis's army with a firm voice I reminded him that this was the day that had been predestined by the Divine will for cic's defeat feet filled with confidence Barack stood at the head of his army ready to face the Canaanite forces he held fast to his belief that the Lord God of Israel would guide him to Victory and he felt an unshakable sense of purpose with this assurance Barack was determined to lead his army to Triumph the enemy's Army is beaten back by God himself Barack obeyed my orders and descended into the valley even though the enemy's iron chariots would have an advantage over him on the plane he left his stronghold on the mountain and placed his trust in the Lord recognizing that salvation cannot be found in hills and mountains but only in the Lord who is the true savior of his people Barack LED his 10,000 Warriors down the slopes of Mount tabore into battle when Barack attacked the Lord threw cicar and all his chariots and warriors into a panic the Earth trembled and the heavens poured the clouds also poured water the mountains gushed before the Lord the torrent of kishan swept them away that ancient torrent the torrent of kishan God helped Israel to Victory by bringing a flash flood the muddy conditions made the Chariots of iron a hindrance not a help in the battle cicora leaped down from his Chariot and escaped on foot can you imagine that the oppressive General is now on foot when he previously had an army of Chariots he quit his Chariot and took to his feet the source of his pride and confidence was the Chariots he possessed it is possible to assume that that he had looked down upon and challenged the armies of the almighty as they were all on foot without any Chariot or horse at their disposal unlike him consequently due to his overconfidence he is justifiably humiliated and compelled to abandon his Chariot despite the fact that his Chariot is most likely the best constructed and best pulled of all he feels safest and most at ease once he has escaped it during a flash flood all the Chariots present in the area Pro to be entirely feudal and of no use the massive amount of water that rushed in with immense Force rendered the equipment completely useless making it incapable of serving any purpose whatsoever when individuals Place their trust in anything or anyone other than the Almighty they are setting themselves up for disappointment it's akin to leaning on a thin fragile re that is incapable of supporting weight and as a result not only breaks under pressure but also causes countless pains and injuries this is why it is important to place our faith in the Lord who is capable of sustaining us through life's ups and downs the Idol May quickly become a burden and what we were say for God can make us sick behold the pitiable sight of cicar how he appears to be an utter distress and Misery after being dismounted it's hard to tell if the man is blushing or trembling more this situation serves as a reminder not to trust those in power as they can fall just as easily if a person who was recently confident in their abilities is now only relying on their ability to run away it's hard to trust anyone with authority after the fierce battle Barack relentlessly pursued the fleeing chariots and the enemy Army towards harosa hgam with his army hot on their heels Barack spared no mercy and decimated all of cic's Warriors leaving no one behind the sound of clashing swords and screams of Agony echoed through the valley as the Israelites emerged Victorious thanks to barack's unwavering determination and bravery all the charioteers abandoned their chariots in the conflict as they could not ride them not a single one was Left Alive due to barack's unwavering trust in God he and his armies were granted a great Victory against overwhelming odds has not the Lord gone out before you this is a phrase that speaks of a king or general leading his troops therefore I played a big role in this Victory I was an encourager building up the faith of Barack and his men my encouragement was that God as a king would go out before his people into battle cisar runs but cisar fled on foot to the tent of JL the wife of Heber the con because there was peace between Jain the king of hazor and the house of Heber the kite he went back to those who had informed him of the battle he thought he would be secure there he really believed them to be his allies after being chased and hunted he found himself in dire need of a safe haven with no Fortress or dwelling of his own nearby he sought refuge in the tents of the canites a group known for their humble and solitary lifestyle it's possible that he had previously looked down upon their simple way of living but now he was grateful to be under the protection of one of these tents although there was no formal agreement of alliance or Mutual defense between the two at present there were no signs of aggression or animosity cicora having sought Refuge among a group of people believed that he would be protected from harm however he failed to realize that these people while not directly impacted by the oppressive rule of jabin were in solidarity with the Israelites who were suffering under his Reign jel went out to meet cisar and said to him turn aside my Lord turn aside to me have no fear so he turned aside to her and went into the tent and she covered him with a rug and he said to her please give me a little water to drink because I am thirsty cicora and jl's people had established a peaceful relationship based on this amicable Arrangement cicora was convinced that he could rely on jl's invitation assuming that it was offered in good faith it is worth noting that if someone were to pursue a fugitive they would most likely not search inside a woman's tent this is because it is considered a breach of etiquette to do so and it is unlikely that anyone would want to risk their reputation in this way furthermore even if someone did decide to search a woman's tent it would still be highly unlikely that they would find a fugitive let alone a weary one in such a situation The Fugitive could easily hide amongst the woman's belongings or disguise themselves as a woman therefore taking refuge in a woman's tent may be a wise choice for a fugitive on the run after quenching his thirst she kindly covered him expressing his gratitude he instructed her to stand guard at the entrance of the tent he asked her to deny the presence of anyone if any man happened to come by and inquire about his whereabouts he said to her stand at the door of the tent and if any man comes and asks you is there anyone here tell him no the woman treated him with utmost care tending to his every need as if he were a cherished guest she seemed particularly concerned with ensuring his comfort going out of her way to provide him with a cozy spot to rest and replenish his energy should he feel weary her attentive demeanor and gracious hospitality must have left an impression on him making him feel truly valued and appreciated was he thirsty well he might have been did he want a little water to cool his tongue the best drink that her tent had to offer was at his service and it was milk we can assume that he drank it heartily and after being refreshed he was better disposed to sleep the woman gazed intently at the figure before her the woman was determined to do everything in her power to ensure his comfort with gentle swiftness she reached for a warm and cozy mantle and draped it carefully over his huddled form tucking it snugly around his shoulders only when he wanted her to convey a lie for him and to say he was not there she refused making any such promise JL the wife of keeper approached him quietly with a firm grip on a tent Peg and a hammer without making any noise she drove the peg forcefully through his Temple the peg went straight through and pierced the ground beneath him he had been fast asleep and thoroughly exhausted the impact was so severe that it killed him instantly in this fascinating story things take an intriguing turn a according to the Divine promise a woman was destined to defeat cicar at first glance it may seem that I was referring to myself however as the story unfolds we discover that God had a different plan in mind he chose to use the wife of aite to accomplish cic's downfall leading to an unexpected twist in the tail cic was least safe when he felt the most secure human life is a fragile and unpredictable thing it can be easily sabotaged and threatened by those we charge with our safety who may ultimately become the very source of our destruction however if we seek refuge in God we can find a steadfast friend who will never deceive us nor betray our trust jl's expertise in handling tent pegs was impressive the task of setting up tense was customarily assigned to a woman and JL had honed her skills over the years she could deafly maneuver the heavy pegs into the ground according to customs jl's actions can be seen as a betrayal of the Sacred principle of hospitality by breaking her promise to cicora she acted against the code of conduct that was highly valued in my time moreover she went ahead and killed the the man with whom her husband had made peace which was considered a dishonorable act despite her treacherous ways God was able to use her actions to fulfill his Divine Purpose it is clear that Cicero deserved the Fate that was ultimately bestowed upon him as he fought against God's people in support of a leader who had been cruy oppressing my people the lesson for us is important despite the evil actions of humans God has the power to turn those actions towards serving his Divine Purpose however this does not absolve the individual of their personal responsibility for committing evil Deeds She Found the courage to act partly due to the undeniable signs that the heavens and all the elements conspired against him as against one devoted to destruction additionally she saw a chance giv given to her by the Divine Providence to act and make a difference most importantly she felt a deep inner calling from God that urged her to take action and promised her that she would succeed the Triumph achieved by my people marked a significant milestone in our history being the first major victory attained since the era of Joshua during the battle cisar the captain of the host in whom King Jain had placed complete trust met his downfall the king himself however was not present in the battle and remained absent from the action this event caused a significant loss to the army of jabin after this decisive battle full victory was on the way so on that day God subdued and humbled jabin king of Canon before the sons of of Israel and the Hand of the sons of Israel pressed down heavier and heavier on jabin King of Canan until they had destroyed him the battle against cic was important but it did not end the struggle it was an important event that Israel had to continue to develop and walk in the war was not over until jabin was destroyed even after winning a great battle my people knew that the war could not be considered over until Jain Was Defeated although jabin had lost his powerful Commander ciser he still posed a significant threat to Israel it was only when Jain himself was finally defeated and killed that Israel could finally breathe a sigh of relief and feel secure once again my song the Lord God had intervened on on our behalf so we praise the Lord God so on that day I and Barack also sang a song Israel's leaders took charge and the people gladly followed I sang concerning the overthrow of Israel's enemies and the Deliverance to the tribes let our gratitude be deep let our song be jubilant When leaders lead effective leadership is crucial cral in every aspect of life as the ultimate Authority God demands that those who lead his people do so with conviction and integrity stressing the need of strong and capable leadership it is through their guidance that individuals within a community can be inspired to achieve their full potential and work together towards a common goal the relationship between leaders and their followers is is crucial for the success of any Community without the support and commitment of the people leaders would be powerless to achieve their goals or fulfill their responsibilities therefore it is the responsibility of the leaders to earn the trust and respect of their followers through their actions decisions and communication at the same time it is the responsibility of the followers to offer their skill talents and resources to their leaders and to hold them accountable for their promises and commitments this Mutual relationship is essential for creating progress ultimately the success of any leader depends on the willingness and dedication of their followers to work together towards a shared vision of the future praise the Lord listen you Kings pay attention you mighty rulers for I will sing to the Lord I will make music to the Lord the god of Israel Lord when you set out from SE and marched across the fields of Edom the Earth trembled and the Cloudy Skies poured down rain the mountains quaked in the presence of the Lord the god of Mount sin the presence of the Lord the god of Israel in the days of shamgar son of anath and in the days of JL people avoided the main roads and travelers stayed on winding Pathways there were few people left in The Villages of Israel until I arose as a mother for Israel when Israel chose New Gods War erupted at the city Gates yet not a shield or spear could be seen among 40,000 Warriors in Israel my heart is with the commanders of Israel with those those who volunteered for war praise the Lord I didn't only care for my job of leadership I also had a heart for other leaders and their work my vision was bigger than just getting my job done I wanted to see the kingdom of God Advanced leaders must offer themselves willingly consider this you who ride on fine donkeys you who sit on fancy saddle blankets and you who walk along the road listen to The Village musicians gathered at the watering holes they recount the righteous victories of the Lord and the victories of his villagers on Israel then the people of the Lord marched down to the city Gates wake up Deborah wake up wake up wake up and sing a song Arise Barack lead your captives away son of abys inim down from tabore marched the few against the Nobles the people of the Lord marched down against Mighty Warriors they came down from Ephraim a land that once belonged to the amalekites they followed you Benjamin with your troops from maker the commanders marched down from Zulan came those who carry a Commander's staff the princes of isachar were without and Barack they followed Barack rushing into the valley but in the tribe of reuin there was great indecision why did you sit at home among the sheepfolds to hear the Shepherds whistle for their flocks yes in the tribe of Reuben there was great indecision Gilead remained east of the Jordan and why did Dan stay home Asher sat unmoved at the seashore Shore remaining in his Harbors but Zulan risked his life as did Neftali on the heights of the battlefield the kings of Canon came and fought at tanak near megadoo Springs but they carried off no silver Treasures the Stars fought from Heaven the stars in their orbits fought against cicora the kishan river swept them away that ancient torrent the Kishon march on with courage my soul when the horses hooves hammered the ground The Galloping Galloping of cic's Mighty steeds let the people of moras be cursed said the angel of the Lord let them be utterly cursed because they did not come to help the Lord to help the Lord against the Mighty Warriors Most Blessed among women is JL the wife of Heber the kite may she be blessed above all women who live in tents cicora asked for water and she gave him milk in a bowl fit for Nobles she brought him yogurt then with her left hand she reached for a tent peeg and with her right hand for the workman's Hammer she struck cicora with the hammer crushing his head with a shattering blow she pierced his temples he sank he fell he lay still at her feet and where he sank there he died from the window cic's mother looked out through the window she watched for his return saying why is his Chariot so long in coming why don't we hear the sound of chariot wheels her Wise Women answer and she repeats these words to herself they must be dividing the captured plunder with a woman or two for every man there will be colorful robes for cicora and colorful embroidered robes for me yes the plunder will include colorful robes embroidered on both sides Lord may all your enemies die like cicer but may those who love you rise like the sun in all its power we gave glory to God for this Victory and there was peace in the land this is a story of ordinary Beginnings extraordinary determination and the unwavering belief that even the humblest Among Us can rise to Greatness individuals tend to gravitate towards leaders whom they admire and respect typically individuals with less developed leadership skills tend to follow those who possess more advanced skills over overall followers tend to seek out individuals who exhibit Superior leadership qualities in comparison to their own individuals with strong leadership skills tend to have a keen ability to quickly identify leadership qualities or the lack thereof in others when a diverse group of people come together for the first time it's interesting to observe how things unfold often the individuals with natural leadership abilities gravitate towards taking charge and assume a dominant role in the group when starting on a New Journey people often contemplate the path they wish to take and the company they wish to keep in the beginning they may explore various directions with cautious steps but as they become more familiar with one another they quickly identify the most capable leaders and willingly trail behind them in a time when women had limited opportunities to rise to leadership positions my leadership abilities were still recognized and respected by both men and women the power of the Lord earned me the admiration of many including Barack the military leader of the northern tribes of Israel who sought my guidance and assistance my name is Deborah and this is my story go a
Channel: Grace Digital Network
Views: 205,524
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Keywords: grace digital, deborah, bible deborah, deborah bible story, bible story, bible stories
Id: p34NTv9K_bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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