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thank you Jesus [Music] Jesus oh no don't put your energy into like being married like focus on your career and I think the hard work part is actually for me that's a green flag made by my wife it's not from the south from [Music] London [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] morning morning [Music] baby thank you Jesus than Jesus thank you Jesus than you Jesus you ready to be your devotional with Daddy yes yes yes yes thank you Jesus all right let do it you sh Gyra [Music] G I will be in every you [Music] are see you guys soon see you later [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus okay [Music] [Music] [Music] today W how um I get on my workouts from co-pilot I may still have a code to let you get a pre-trial if I do then I will put I'll put the details in the description for you guys to check out cuz I've been loving this app I've been using them for a year and I love my coach um she's been really good at adapting my workouts to now being home workouts um so yeah it's helped me a lot [Music] morning guys today is a Monday which is a yeah it's a pretty busy day of the week for us I try in basically like Front Road my weeks to try and do like a lot of tasks early in the week because as the week goes by like your energy drops things come up and also we use Sunday as our Sabbath the day that we kind of like rest so it means I tend to do like stuff for the house that I used to do on a Sunday now on a Monday I saw a few comments about what day Sabbath is I'm not a theologian um I for me it's really more about the principle of just like having a day to rest and trusting God that like you know if I rest everything will be cool got my day planned using my daily plan I've already ticked a few things off um but yeah today I want to put a curtain rail up I actually bought a power drill so I feel like a total boss I want to make some granola I want to pick up some cabbage that's about to go bad organize the linen cupboard I I don't want to tell you guys everything that's on my list cuz I know looking at this this is a lot but we'll see what we can get through and also I had a good morning in terms of my habits so I just go right here onto my morning habits I did do my devotional I did drink my da and I did move my body so 3 for three for my morning habits I'm really happy with that so yeah hopefully my evening habits are as good my evening habits are I want to go to bed by 10 I want to read and I don't want to bring any screens into the bedroom because we've kind of gotten into a bad habit of like bring the laptop into the bedroom and like watching shows but I find that it just disrupts our sleep so we want to protect our melatonin release and the only way we can release melatonin is by Darkness we we need to be exposed to to Darkness in order for that Master Clock in our brain to know that it's time to go to sleep and again be able to tell our body our tissues and organs and and cells and our in our body what it needs to do at that moment and just you know it takes away time that you could be using talking and connecting so yeah anyway I'm going to make some breakfast I'm in the mood for a really highy breakfast that's what we're going to do my out of the day it's just a simple fit I've got this shirt which is from H&M this little I guess like v-neck tea from Marshalls and then these little bell bottom kind of pants also from Marshalls that really come for you so that is the fit me getting down low is crazy why am I down [Music] here [Music] right [Music] what going how you [Music] [Applause] [Music] going [Music] breakfast got some beans some spinach boiled egg and some sausage [Music] yum oh Winston's got a new chair I don't think you guys knew that oh you coming around here other they Justus it oh you giving me a t it's called a twirl twirl twirl for the girl give us a twirl yeah what we talking about before you were yeah I think we were really just talking about like and this is no shade to anyone who isn't married maybe a little bit shade no it's no shade unintentional shade maybe unintentional shade but we were just talking about how like marriage really just makes life better marriage p good she says yeah and I feel like it should be an encouragement one like if you're married to really like cherish that gift and not take it for granted cuz I think it's easy too and a lot of the rhetoric around marriage is like oh marriage is hard and you have to put in work which is true you do have to put in marriage work to make marriage work but also it's such a gift in so many ways and it should be an encouragement to people who are single too that like it is something that is worth working towards I feel like especially like you know in this day and AG just like oh no don't put your energy into like being married like focus on your career but I think you get to do both like you get to focus on building a career but also like preparing yourself to be a wife or to be a husband because it's so rich like it's so fulfilling if you're in the right one if you're in the right marriage yeah yeah and I think the hard work part is actually for me that's a green flag mhm because if you think of anything else that is worth having probably have to put in the work yeah it's like when someone comes to you and says hey I've got this business where you invest $10 and you get 10,000 tomorrow like those things they never work out yeah and I think instinctively you know like too to be true so I think for me that's a good thing um and then just having that structure cuz I think marriage you know when I compare it to when I was single right it just helps me to prioritize yeah whether it's right yeah the right even mental health selfcare all of those things yeah have to become a priority because now you're not just showing up for yourself mhm you're showing up for your family your wife exactly your you know in this case daughter mhm so it just really helps you to not sink into a a hole which can easily happen when you haven't got that that why to pull you out exactly so yeah I think it's important to cherish it we're actually realizing like one of the things we used to love doing before we became parents was going to the cinema so we're going to go on a little Cinema date this week and it's I think yeah this is just a reminder really to water that garden and to you know take care and thank you pull out the weeds pull out the weeds plant some good seeds any movie recommendations also they call it theater here not Cinema oh sorry yeah going to the theater which is also something completely different in the UK but anyway yeah what do they call theater then cuz to ask the theater is like a live show like with live actors yes like Broadway yeah yeah so the in the UK If you tell someone you're going to the theater yeah they they'll think that you're going to go see like a a live play like you see in the west to call it a play here yeah um but what we say in the UK Cinema that's where we go to watch movies yeah that's what you all call a theater so we go to the theater long story short let us know the movie recommendations I don't know if we're going to catch them before we go this week but we can always add them to our list and go again to go next time yeah anyway I'm going to get some cooking stuff done stuff I wanted to do what you going to do get some go B work to do before I put my like down for her afternoon nap but uh yeah you're single people get married get married right now to the right one so it's been a minute since I've made it but I was really in the mood for some granola I don't know I feel like it's more of like a spring summertime breakfast I love having it as a snack as well so let me gather all of my ingredients and stuff and then we'll get to making some granola like I said earlier I also have just a little bit of cabbage that is probably going to go bad soon so I'm going to just pickle that and that's really nice to have as aside with like foods and stuff so let's make the granola first you can use pretty much like any nuts and seeds that you want to use um which is the great thing about making it yourself but I am using some sliced almonds I'm using some pumpkin seeds these are really good too like if you cycle sink I'm sorry you seed cycle which is basically switching out the different seeds that you eat depending on where you are in your cycle so I'm using that and and then some light syrup some puff rice cereal I like add chai seeds cheia seeds whatever and then obviously oats which are the main event and then you'll also need butter or you can use like any type of olive oil or vegetable oil so we'll mix this together [Music] first [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w [Music] if you want to add seasoning at this point you can I usually use put a bit of black pepper some parsley and a tiny bit of salt and then also a little bit of sugar to balance the [Music] vinegar [Music] you have a good walk hi boy boy hi Po's B for time for it no hey guys so I did did manag to well even was i f like we skipped some steps basically um my granola has cooked I'm going to quickly put that in a jar my cabbage is pickled I did some dinner prep and then I wanted to put up a curtain in railand mica's room cuz she hasn't been napping very well she's used to blackout curtains so I managed to do that with my trusty assistant AKA my mom I didn't film any of it cuz we were just trying to focus and then I'm quickly going to go probably to Marshall's and see if I can get her some blackout curtains and this is the power drill that I used it's from Amazon and it was so easy to use I've never used power tools before but I needed something that would just let me get jobs around the house done like the the speed is adjustable so that makes it really beginner friendly I'm obviously a complete beginner um but yeah I'll link it it's from Amazon pretty inexpensive and yeah it really really does the job especially if you're just a girl trying to get some DIY done like me you don't need it for like anything crazy but yeah I'm going to head off this is how my granola turned out I'm just going to leave it to kind of like cool and then I'm going to put it in a in a jar and yeah let me see how it tastes say hey SE say hey say hey hey say hey you guys I want to finish making dinner goture [Music] [Music] okay this is tonight's dinner um I made some garlic mashed potato some steak um some PE some pepper corn sauce and then some broccoli I basically get a lot of my inspiration for recipes from um hellofresh so we I know we're not currently using like the hellofresh subscription boxes but you still get the menu card so this is kind of like what inspired today's dinner yeah it's been a bit of a long day honestly so I want to take you guys along for more but um yeah mikica is also not feeling 100% so obviously the main priority is just making sure you know she's good I'm starving so going to eat and then see where the night takes us next day now guys and uh what I do this morning I got up got ready and today is going to be like a des Square kind of day okay so yeah I'm just really focused on kind of getting through these emails getting through the Outreach yeah still trying to grow my speaking business by the way if you work for a company that book speakers in the UK or anywhere in the world call me say you know guy um so yes that's a plan for today I'm not sure what May Fair up to this morning this afternoon um and grama as well so I'm sure we'll get to catch up with them at some point um but for now I'm going I'm going to set my ice tea and uh crack on with what needs to be done also forgot to say this IC tea this I tea made by my wife who's not from the south it's from London but I challenge anyone in the South to make a nice tea drink as good as this one sweet tea can't be it hey guys I'm going to have myself a bath it's like 3:00 but this is the time that I can fit in like just having a nice relaxing bath and I just want to say that I think it's so important as women to be able to listen to your bodies and know when you need a break like it's nice the planning to have to-do list but also like listen when your body's like okay I just need to be nourished so you guys know yesterday I was like ripping and running but I am in the phase of my cycle my Lal phase where like my body just wants to kind of like wind down and I am all the way honoring that even if it's taking a nice warm bath at 3:00 which is what I want to do there's still some house stuff that I want to do so I think like with cycle sinking you can't always afford to just say okay I'm not going to do that like this morning I was with mikica it's something that I can't do but you can kind of give yourself energy back by incorporating more self-care you know at different times of the day to replenish yourself you know if you're not able to just kind of take more off of your plate then try adding things that kind of like replenish you and like fill you up um so anyway let me run my bath set the mood set the wibes um and yeah I'm just going to have a nice little afternoon bath because it's what I need [Music] okay [Music] this is my current favorite face mask it's from Lush I honestly love it like it just feels amazing it smells amazing too this is what it looks like inside it just smells like so so good it's not like a hard drying face mask so it dries soft and then it's kind of got these like little particles I think it's Goji berries that particles something like that and you can kind of like scrub it in afterwards and it just it's amazing smells so good so the next time you go into Lush I highly recommend picking it up it leaves my skin feeling super super moisturized as well so that's the M the face mask that I'm going to put in I'm going to stick on a vlog by my my favorite YouTuber right now which is Michelle re I'm getting the Bo and enjoy myself yeah I have [Music] [Music] it oh yeah I was going to and [Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah out you can't really see them too well because of the light but yeah theyve got this really cute like flower design which goes really nicely with the flowers here and it will help her B naps [Music] oh
Channel: The Clements
Views: 28,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interabled, interabled couple, disability, disabled influencers, christian influencers, the clements, entrepreneur, motivation, inspiration, life coach, speaker, ted talks, youtubers, marriage, relationship, relationshipgoals, power couple, morning routine, evening routine, vlog, lifestyle vlog, family vlog, day in the life, week in the life, black love, london vlog, atlanta vlog, couple podcast, marriage podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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