The TRUTH About NYC's Hasidic Jewish Community: Boro Park, Brooklyn

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general people are a little bit skeptical of when other outsiders come into the community with cameras that's because we've been treated very unfairly in the past i think if this was in manhattan this would be a line down the block probably for something like this something unique like this right throughout history we've been thrown out of so many different countries and sometimes you just have to grab your stuff or sometimes you don't even have time to grab your stuff just go for a minute to go and do it there you go there's evil in the world but as a general rule i find most people just want to pay their bills enjoy life about to go to a kosher bakery to eat the most famous dessert for purim it's like yeah it's a jewish holiday i guess you call it a dessert it's like a cookie filled with a jam or jelly they call them hamantasan and yiddish that means haman's pockets haman is the evil guy in the in the purim story and um according to legend either he had ears that looked like triangles or his pockets were trying although he wore a hat who knows the best guy but from from what i understand khan is a little bit of a pioneer because he makes uh hamantaschen that aren't so traditionally combined a classic donut with hamantaschen and i am looking forward to trying it what about you uh that sounds incredible it sounds a little different i want to see i think if this was in manhattan this could be a line down the block probably for something like this something unique like this right and i hope uh after this video there will be lives down the block i hope so too the trick is you got to get to the custard in the middle i'm working towards that goal right now really good so i live in park slope not too far from here and the joke over there is there are strollers everywhere i think pearl park's got park slope way beat on the stroller count how big are the typical families here again there's no one one size fits all but uh i'd say the majority of families have somewhere between four and nine children and how big is the the family dynamic to this community family is everything it's not everybody on the street who you see is family we're literally related uh because we're all we're all jewish and we all come from the same place and then and it's just there's also a dynamic of like of not just being literally related but we're also related because it's a very tight-knit community so it's really just one big family and a lot of things here are kept in the community let's say you have your own schools you have your own ambulances the community is very good at making sure that everything that is needed here is here so if any other service anywhere else is lacking if let's say the ambulance the city ambulance service would take seven minutes to arrive to a call or ten minutes you'll have the volunteers here arrive two calls in 120 seconds because a life is the most valuable thing that that there is so we have to be very careful to make sure to preserve that so really anything that the community needs they make sure that it's available and that way life can run you know the way it needs to so before you get in your car ben our camera guy actually just asked a good question why does everybody here have flip phones that is a great question i'm glad you asked so it's not that everybody has flip phones but there are a lot of people who have flip phones in general and in the society outside of the hasidic community and the orthodox communities you're not going to see many flip zones yep left around maybe some hipsters have them but it's a gentleman it could be cool yeah yeah they could be cool but as a general rule they're not around anymore the reason people here have them is because people here generally try to be more um again this is a word that i shouldn't use insular so you're trying to we're basically trying to keep some elements of the outside world out because obviously you know america is a free country a free country comes with a lot of benefits but also comes with the fact that basically anybody can do whatever they want at any time which is fine but when you're raising children and you want them to grow up in a certain way and you want them to live in a certain way you don't always want them to be exposed to everything that's out there on the street because i think we can all agree that some things on the street is certainly not appropriate for children or for adults for that matter normally when i film around new york people don't even blink an eye at me i just have a camera but here i'm seeing people left and right taking photos of us what's going on with that so it's just um people are curious um people probably understand that if we're here doing this together something's about to happen so something's about to drop okay so i'm you know people will take pictures send it around in the the community chats knowing letting people know that something's about to happen there's going to be a video soon or whatever general people are a little bit skeptical of of when other outsiders come into the community with cameras that's because we've been treated very unfairly in the past and um so when the media comes again i know you're not the media you're just a youtuber a youtuber in general when when cameras come into the community very often there's already a predetermined narrative of what the people who bringing the cameras want to portray and that's why the community's a little bit skeptical but it's fine uh we're not doing anything wrong i think things have gone very well everybody's been very friendly and uh i've actually i was telling ben off camera that the owners here may have been some of the friendliest i've ever met in new york city just to show off their business of being generous and giving us stuff i've absolutely been blown away by that so far being here so so charity and this is not charity but kindness giving being friendly it's all part of the tradition and when you're here and you're not seen as a threat you're automatically welcome this family so you can come back here any time people are going to be just as friendly it's uh i would say it's very much a part of life here the friendliness the kindness the closeness they're taking pictures of us all i don't think i've had this many people take my photo in five minutes ever a lot of people do i don't know if you know this interesting fact um one of the biggest zip codes for amazon sellers is right here i did not know that amazon amazon actually knows that a very large percentage of the people the big sellers on amazon are hasidic jews so that's that's ordering product from china and reselling it on amazon yeah or making people have their own brands there's a lot going on one of the things about um orthodox jewish people and jewish people in general i would say is that they're very they adapt very quickly they're very innovative see throughout history we've been thrown out of so many different countries and sometimes you just have to grab your stuff or sometimes you don't even have time to grab your stuff when you're out of the country and you have to go on a boat somewhere where you know throughout history this has happened so many times so the jewish people have sort of learned how to adapt very quickly and figure out how to make a buck so that they can survive you said that a lot of the hasidic people here have flip phones what is the attitude about social media as far as watching this video on youtube as far as i don't know tweeting out the me and you are filming things like that there are certain general rules which are expected of people in the community especially people who send their children to schools in the community so almost nobody has televisions here internet is more of a gray area because it's pretty much needed right now in this day and age to live a normal life you generally have to be connected to the internet in some way shape or form um so that's more common a lot of families as i mentioned try to keep it out of the home and especially social media is also a bit of a gray area because many people feel that if you need to use internet for work that's fine but don't go you know scrolling on facebook and instagram and youtube all day that could just be a big time waster so as we speak there are photos of us flying around the the hasidic whatsapp chats and i'm sure when i check my phone later i'm gonna be seeing them all so we're the most famous two people right now in barrow park at the moment we are yeah [Music] you guys know how much i love broke my console for a second okay ready you guys know how much i love deli sandwiches we've been to all the famous ones in manhattan katz's sarge's but i've never shown you guys a kosher deli this is to be a little different right definitely will be different i've ever i've never eaten on kosher so i don't know what you've eaten but this should be different for you um what's interesting is the place is called hadagula been here in bara park for many years they added the word grill into the name recently and that is again i didn't ask them about this but this is my feeling lately in the past couple of years i see the jews have gotten really into beef they've become like carnivores we've always loved beef but in the last few years it's become a real big thing people every week for shabbat people order these gigantic uh beef platters so you'll see inside you're gonna see like a lot a lot of beef let's do it let's go mexican schmaltz or we're mixing cultures here mexican small tearing um jalapeno mates herring see what do i say about beef you said there was a lot of it yeah and oh wow this is this is nice i'm getting hungry what would be the key difference between the meat here and the meat of cats is it needs to be very clean it needs to be uh there's a whole salting process it's a very glorious uh thing okay it could probably be worth its own video someday oh yeah special something over here this is a platter did you say a little special something like a big special something we know we do this all the time are you expecting me to eat all this today eat it take it home give it to your friends do we want so let me explain to you real quick all right so we've got tongue over here corned beef this is a more of a kobasa situation salami that's a smoked brisket what i was saying was i would love to try that here because that's like something i've tried in all the other delis in new york i want to see it right here yeah all right let's do it let's try it strawberry sandwich thank you so much yeah i don't know what you haven't stuffed inside of this thing but if this was in my neighborhood i'd probably come back maybe once a week for this i don't know this is ridiculously stuffed i'm gonna take one big bite [Music] i don't know all the ingredients that are inside of this outside of the pastrami and some of the veggies but it just works perfectly i even like the bread a lot too yeah like i said we got everything we make fresh now i know that you've never eaten non-kosher meat before as somebody that has plenty of times i will say that the taste of this to me it's a lot simpler and if i could use a word it feels a lot more natural to me yeah like i said it's we don't usually do the word but like you said it is more organic because we are restricted by our cautious laws which makes it it's very stringent that you have to we have like a regimen you have to go over like there's somebody who's watching how everything's everything has to be clean there's no mess around no no you can't just like take any shortcuts something that you kept saying that when people come to borough park who aren't from here the first thing they're going to notice about you is how you dress and how you look yeah could you describe to everybody out there exactly what your traditional hasidic person would look like as far as their dress and their hair and everything else so i wouldn't say there's a specific traditional hasidic look because there are so many different sects okay so you could end up with many different looks we are both see so he's he's got one look i've got another look as a general rule hasidic jews will stick to a certain kind of dress it usually is black and white many of them wear long suits like i do some wear short suits they most of them have hats most of them have beers most of them have some sort of paius long short even what you have is considered like that would according to the jewish law that would be okay for peace this would be okay yes the sideburns yeah the sideburns so that you're good there i'm good um so there is a traditional look but there are also many different looks within the acidic look because there are so many different sects i feel like you break barriers wherever you go and as a hasidic jew you make videos in the middle east meeting all sorts of different types of people and i feel like you break a lot of stereotypes yeah so um one of my goals and i feel it's like it's become like a holy mission in life is to break stereotypes everywhere to build bridges to create bonds because i believe as i mentioned earlier that this is going to create a better world where we can get along and if there's peace then there's a lot of other good stuff all i've seen in return is just love and friendship and i think it's a beautiful world full of good people and if we work together we can really make the world a better place that's really strong guys you need to check his channel out seriously got some very profound content there ben's about to eat the impossible sunny burger god not impossible it implies that it's vegan absolutely not vegan very carnivorous vegan people there's nothing vegan about this burger impossible to eat in one bite without making a complete mess i meant there you go there's that's more like there's a good point okay here we go eating this for the first time i have this like everywhere every month it's good it's good all right it's so good after watching this video i feel like a lot of people are going to want to visit some of these spots what would you tell them definitely should check it out we have amazing people amazing food amazing communities and you're going to have an amazing time shalini thank you so much for being an absolutely fantastic ambassador to this community for burro park and i just felt the love from beginning to end here so guys definitely come by burrell park if you're interested support these local businesses we had an amazing time guys hope you enjoyed watching thank you so much take care
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 110,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hasidic jewish, nyc, hasidic jewish community, here be barr, jewish, hasidic jewish nyc, brooklyn, borough park, Hasidic jews in brooklyn, schloime zionce, inside hasidic jewish community, ultra orthodox, hasidic jewish women, hasidic jewish customs, new york, life in new york, jewish brooklyn, what's the hasidic jewish community really like, kosher food, orthodox jews, covid-19, documentary, unorthodox, kosher deli, pastrami sandwich, peter santenello
Id: Lp5Ml_s8JYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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