The truth about leasehold property

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hello there welcome back to my channel uh if you're new here my name is evan edinger and i've just moved into this house about a month and a half ago after quite a long journey also this is my bedroom you've not been introduced if i was a magician i'd say something like this is um where i fail to pleasure my girlfriend but that aside this place that i've moved into is a shared ownership house it's a leasehold um you know you read a lot of stuff online about this thing as someone who's new to the country ish 9 10 years now there's still things that you learn you read the pros and cons heck even i made a video about the pros and cons of all the different types of ways of buying a flat in this country but knowing that the cards i was dealt the only way i could afford to live in london was to do this 25 shared ownership scheme in which i own 25 of a flat and the developer owns the other 75 i have to pay rent on that and i remain a leaseholder i knew that that was my only option and so i skidded by the by the edge of my teeth i just managed to get in this is what i have but there's a lot of things that i just didn't uh i didn't really fully grasp necessarily yes they do say that you don't own the full property but you own the full repair costs and i was like yeah but it's a new build what repairs could there be initially like down the line sure but i'm a homeowner sure oh my god i i think you know i've just moved into a place so you must think like what could possibly be there to fix well if the developer is bad at quality which is concerning you'd be surprised so a couple things that have gone wrong are their fault and a couple things are my fault i am a new homeowner i don't know a lot of things and i'm trying my best to learn uh so hopefully today stay with me here we'll just do a little sit and chat about some different things that i've learned and figured out and funny stories that have happened so far so first off right out the gate for the first month i lived here i didn't have heating at all like literally anytime i had a friend over we would be wearing coats and i just kind of accepted that why well the thermostat they provided me with seemed really confusing i read the manual multiple times i tried watching youtube videos about this thermostat but nothing that i took in managed to change anything on the thermostat nothing it still was freezing i called up the people to be like hello developer um i think there's a problem with my flat could you possibly get someone in to fix the heating and they basically told me if we find out it's because you're an idiot and you don't know how to operate the thermostat we're going to charge you the full price of the plumber and i'm like oh god like at this point i'm like never mind i'm going to try and make this work i didn't budget in for that type of thing so i'm working i'm work just i can't figure it out so i finally give up and i tell them to come on over and guess what it was 100 their fault when they checked me in they never unscrewed the little bits with the the plumber at the base not like the actual uh thermostat radiator valve but like these other ones that need like a specific wrench either way huzzah i now have heating and i didn't have to pay for it thank god because it's not not my fault i wasn't given a finished place i guess you could say so the other day as well i go into my guest bathroom and i go number one i don't know about you but my number ones are pretty chill all right they're a liquid they're pretty clear i'm a hydro homie myself i pee in there there's nothing that can clog it is pee the toilet runs it just starts running i flush it just keeps flushing for two hours it continuously flushes there's an entire lake somewhere in the lake district that's now gone because of my toilet i'm freaking out i don't know where my stop is and i don't know what that word is in american because i never learned the word but i know here it's a stop essentially it's part of your house that you can turn a little nas and it basically turns the water off i was going crazy listening the sound of you do you think going to sleep here in the sound of water is like aesthetically pleasing no no i'm probably losing my mind if i call up different people like the water won't stop running they're tossing me to different groups like oh no you actually you're a shared ownership person you actually don't get help from us you have to call those people so i call those people they're like we're actually closed it's 7 p.m what do you expect and so i'm like god damn it i finally get in contact with someone because i had to say it was a matter of life and limb and he just said well you're gonna have to pay for a plumber that's your fault and i was like i literally just moved in he was like sorry that's how we treat leaseholders cool turns out i then went how does that make sense i literally just moved in i'm fairly certain this is within some defects period and he went oh okay i'm sorry this that that is because you're actually covered because of this and i was like oh you're sorry either way he said doesn't matter uh you can find the stopcock turn off the water at the source and we'll send someone out in a couple days so i don't have water right now uh i can turn it on if i need to wash a dish or my face but then i just have to turn it off otherwise i hear niagara falls in the bathroom annoying but speaking of this bathroom i now actually can use it you know it's it's empty however for the first month i lived here i just kind of shoved everything in there my printer all of my like printing boxes and things it was overloaded with it was so full of and the other day i basically get a guy in to install my smart thermostat i got one because i don't know if you guys have read the news but there's an incredibly bad energy crisis right now and people in my area have genuinely had an increase tenfold in their bill and i'm not exaggerating they went from 15 pounds a month to pay for their electricity and such to 150. and you might say holy crap how is that allowed isn't doesn't the government have some sort of uh thing in place to protect people from the energy crisis and like makes sure that you don't pay over a certain amount they did they did actually very convenient very good if the government do that for everyone except for people that live in communal heating environments uh where you all have the hiu inside of your house and the boiler kind of works for everybody oh no we're not affected by the safety net and so everyone's just gouging for us so if you're wondering how yours is still not as expensive as it could be it's communal we're paying the bills and so i'm thinking i'll get a smart thermostat to try and offset how horrible this energy crisis is going to hit me for the next couple months and so i'm thinking you know i can have it as soon as i leave the house smart thermostat turns the heating off you know save some energy and so i call a guy in to try and put my thermostat in and he's having a look and he's like i have no idea how how to do this so i'm like ah this is why i don't use taskrabbit so i call up the brand of the smart thermostat i'm like oi how do you do this and they said send us a pic of your boiler so i sent them a pic i opened the door i'm going in i'm looking and he that was like there it is and they're like what's uh i we've never seen this before and i'm like what do you mean you've never seen it before look at it look at it i'm like shoving my camera in getting all the nice angles what do you think this is uh they then say sorry we don't work with your boiler and i was like god dang it i swear they did i swear they did turns out i realized two weeks later had a weird epiphany i was actually sending the company photos and videos of my ventilation system of my ducts the thing that filters air in this flat great i'm a very intelligent man clearly i'm like why doesn't it work with you because you're sending me a ventilation system so i call in a different guy to install it into the actual boiler which is in my utility room this is just random adulty homeownery things and he comes in i tell him the story about how i thought it was in the ducks he thought that was very funny he got quite a kick out of that and at some point he needed to use the restroom okay so he he asked you the toilet i i could have asked him to go in on here but i was like oh are you okay to use this one it's kind of full at the moment he was like oh it's okay do not worry do not worry all right so he goes in closes the door flushes the toilet and i'm like all right this type of guy i didn't really peg him for a germaphobe flush in the toilet as soon as he walks in but sure enough he flushes it again about three minutes later he comes out does his business i'm making a cup of coffee got like an hour goes by i now need to pee he's still not figured out my system with the actual boiler i go in to the toilet to try and squeeze through all the and i open the toilet cover and well sure enough there's there's a little bit of a visitor there's a visitor in my toilet uh so it turns out when i had lit literally said to this man oh sorry you can use this bathroom but it's a bit full of at the moment it was it turns out in this toilet the toilet lid hides the flush button so if you want to flush you basically cover you don't get to see if the goods have been delivered in fact they were returned to sender this man went in to use a toilet was verbally told it's full of and he must have lifted up and been like i do not know what they expected well those are those are my uh stupid uh stories from the first month of living here in the flat so far i don't know why i make a delicious cup of tea every time i do one of these videos because i take a sip and then we just non-stop it's a nice little catch up uh doing okay though hope hope you like this little setup in in the bedroom at the moment um but if you have any other advice for me things that i might be forgetting in this home i know there's so many things hopefully i get water sorted out by next week please leave me a comment we'll have a little chat other than that hopefully i'll see you here next week if you want you can watch a different story of mine i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 61,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evan edinger, leasehold, 2022
Id: 2dcACtYzGoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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