The Truth About Jason Momoa And Lisa Bonet's Kids

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Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet's teenage daughter  is making key creative contributions to her   dad's movies. In fact, the entire clan is  already making their mark on the world,   and these famous parents couldn't be prouder. Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa met in 2004  — but before then, she was married to   singer/songwriter Lenny Kravitz from 1987  to 1993. One year after tying the knot,   they welcomed their daughter Zoë Isabella. It  was unexpected, but Zoë's birth ended up being a   turning point for both of her parents — especially  Bonet, who once admitted in an interview, "Having Zoë saved my life. It was  my wake-up call. There were so many   things I didn't want to pass on to her,  so I really made a decision to change." After getting divorced, Bonet and  Kravitz remained amicable co-parents. Nearly two decades after Zoë Kravitz was born,  Lisa Bonet became a mom once again when she and   Jason Momoa welcomed a daughter named Lola Iolani.  For Momoa especially, this was a dream come true. "Ever since I was a little boy,  I always wanted to be a father." Momoa was in Canada in July 2007 when Bonet's  water broke a little earlier than they expected,   so he pulled all the strings he could  to fly back to the United States and   made it to his wife's side just in  time. As he revealed to Esquire, "I had about two hours with her in  the tub, and my baby girl was born." Fast-forward to the 2020s, and now Lola is  a teenager with a father who's terrified   of her burgeoning love life. As he  admitted to Men's Health in 2020, "I'm not going to do well with it. I'll just  hate it if she brings home some dips--- bad   boy. I'm like, 'If you find a man who treats  you better than I [treat your mom], good luck!'" "Lola is a saint. She is gonna be a nun." It wasn't long after welcoming Lola that  Momoa and Bonet expanded their family,   as their son Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha  arrived in December 2008. Wolfie, as he's   affectionately known, has unlocked a new side of  his dad. Jason Momoa grew up without his own dad,   as his parents split up soon after he was born,  so he didn't have the benefit of a fatherly   role model. But naturally, he still wants to do  right by his son: he admitted to InStyle in 2020, "I didn't know what it takes to be a dad.  And I don't want to just tell my son,   'Because I said so.' I really want to connect,  and I want him to be vulnerable and open." It seems that Jason Momoa may have just hacked   the code to being a cool stepdad. As  he revealed to Men's Health in 2020, "I love her husband. I love her  dad. I hope and pray my daughter   is that talented and loving and  open and close to her family." Momoa and Zoë Kravitz are so close that they  even have matching tattoos in the form of a   French phrase that translates to "always be  drunk." Even amidst his separation from her mom,   Momoa's love for his stepdaughter remains.  While attending the New York premiere of 2022's   The Batman to support her as she played  Catwoman, he told Entertainment Tonight, "We're just so proud [...] We're very excited to  just be here [...] It's still family, you know?" "So it's really exciting to see, like, her  on this big screen playing a superhero." Even though they're only teenagers, Lola  and Wolfie Momoa have already made several   notable red carpet appearances alongside  their parents and big sister. They also   reportedly spend a lot of time with  their dad on his movie sets. As Jason   Momoa revealed on the Australian  radio show Fitzy and Wippa in 2021, "We're doing Aquaman 2 right now, and they  can be on the set and learn the stunts and   we've got some cool little surprises,  and they just love it [...] They got   to be there on Justice League, and  Wolfie's wearing the cowl and she's   wearing the tiara from Wonder Woman.  So I think the kids are really happy." However, Momoa doesn't exactly want  his kids to follow in his footsteps.   As he admitted to Entertainment Tonight in 2021, "If they [really] want to, maybe. But I don't  want them to get into acting. It's very hard on   people [...] I'm tough enough to handle it, but  I wouldn't want to put someone I love into that." "I'll try my damnedest to keep 'em out of it." Since making her onscreen acting debut  in the 2007 film No Reservations,   Zoë Kravitz has continued to make her presence  felt in Hollywood. But there have also been   some sacrifices and heartbreaks along the  way. One particularly stinging example was   when she was turned down for The Dark  Knight Rises, as she was reportedly   told that she was too "urban" for the  part. In 2022, she told The Guardian, "Being a woman of color and being  an actor and being told at that   time that I wasn't able to read  because of the color of my skin,   and the word urban being thrown around like that,  that was what was really hard about that moment." Eventually, though, Kravitz would get  to join the world of the Caped Crusader,   as she starred as Selina Kyle, aka  Catwoman, in 2022's The Batman. When she's not busy making movies and TV shows,   Zoë Kravitz has had some notable romantic  flings. From 2011 to 2013, she dated You star   Penn Badgley. They lived together in New  York, but ultimately split up amicably. She then started dating actor Karl Glusman  after meeting him at a bar, and they went   public with their relationship in October 2016.  Two years later, he popped the big question,   and in June 2019, they tied the knot  in a secret ceremony. Alas, their time   together ultimately didn't last very long, as  Kravitz filed for divorce in December 2020. Then in August 2021, it was reported that she  was dating Channing Tatum, and in late 2023,   it was announced that they were engaged. They may not have the same dad, but Zoë  Kravitz has an unbreakable bond with   her half-siblings Lola and Wolfie.  In addition to her acting career,   Zoë fronts an electropop band called  Lolawolf, and she came up with the   band's name by combining those of her brother  and sister. As she noted to Grazia in 2014, "They're six and seven so they  don't really care. Maybe one day   they will but right now they don't care at all." The blended family often posts  loving photos on social media,   and Zoë has frequently been spotted  hanging out in public with Lola and Wolfie. Jason Momoa is a proud native of Hawaii  who has remained strongly connected to   his heritage. He was born in Honolulu, but  he moved to his mother's hometown in Iowa   when he was six months old. Still, he's stayed  in touch with his roots, telling CNN in 2019, "It's my home. I'm Hawaiian. It's my nationality." That pride is evident in his son's  full name of Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo   Namakaeha. "Nakoa" translates  to warrior, while "Namakaeha" is   Jason's native Hawaiian name and means "all  knowing eyes." As for Wolfie's middle name,   "Mana" means strength or spirit,  "Kaua" means rain, and "Po" means dark. In 2016, Jason Momoa employed the help  of his kids for a short film with outdoor   apparel company Carhartt. Titled Canvas of  My Life, the film mirrors Momoa's real life   as a father who teaches his kids to revel  in nature and find true happiness in art. "I want to give them my eyes. They will  know art. They'll paint. They'll sculpt." Similarly, Momoa celebrated Father's Day  in 2019 with another short film featuring   Lola and Wolfie. Entitled Where the  Wild Stomped In, it features Jason   and his kids building a motorcycle. As  the actor explained to People Magazine, "It's just really my story. It's something  that's very dear for me. And just being   able to do that with my children...  I never really grew up with that." "It was just a broken motor,   but it inspired a dream that taught your  father to share this moment with you." Jason Momoa's Hollywood responsibilities keep him  plenty busy, but he also always makes sure he has   time for his family. While his relationship with  Lisa Bonet has been largely private, Momoa takes   a somewhat different approach when it comes to  his kids, as they're all over his social media. On Lola's eleventh birthday in 2018, Momoa  shared some pictures of her and declared   that the day she was born was the greatest  day of his life. And even on non-birthdays,   he doesn't hold back from letting the  world know how much his kids mean to him,   like one time in August 2017  when he wrote on Instagram, "I simply love you more than I love life itself." And when his stepdaughter hosted Saturday  Night Live in March 2022, he declared, "I am so proud of you! You killed it!" Being the dad of a teenage daughter is an  often complicated and challenging experience,   and Jason Momoa has made it abundantly clear  that he's no exception. He's mentioned in   multiple interviews that he hasn't exactly  been looking forward to his daughter Lola   potentially bringing home less-than-desirable  boyfriends, but that doesn't mean that he isn't   eager to continue spending time with her.  And it sounds like the feeling is mutual. That was evident in November 2022, when Lola  admitted to spending a lot of time with her   famous father on the set of his Netflix fantasy  flick Slumberland. She wasn't just there for   moral support, as it turned out that she also  made a rather important creative contribution. "Me and my friends choreographed a  dance routine to 'Don't Start Now'   by Dua Lipa and then my dad loved the  dance, and so he put it in the movie." Some teenagers might be embarrassed  whenever their parents dance,   but Lola Momoa was perfectly willing to let  millions of viewers watch her dad bust a move. In January 2022, Jason Momoa  and Lisa Bonet announced their   separation. As they revealed in  a joint statement on Instagram, "We have all felt the squeeze and changes of these  transformational times. A revolution is unfolding,   and our family is [...] feeling and growing  from the seismic shifts occurring. And so   we share our family news that we  are parting ways in marriage." It wasn't until January 2024, though, that  Bonet officially filed for divorce, citing   irreconcilable differences. Shortly afterwards,  the divorce proceedings were finalized,   with the two actors granted joint legal custody of  their two children. According to court documents,   it was determined that Bonet and Momoa would  share the living expenses of Lola and Wolfie,   as well as all expenses relating to  their health, education, and welfare. However, in the case of vacations with one parent,   that parent would be expected to solely  bear the cost of the trip. Additionally,   neither Bonet nor Momoa requested child  or spousal support from the other. Navigating a divorce can be difficult,  but for Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet,   it doesn't seem like too much has changed. While  Bonet has mostly remained out of the spotlight   since the separation, it definitely appears that  Momoa has remained just as close as he always was   to his two kids. In December 2023, he opened up  about the holiday season when he told E! News, "I'm always on the road. So I'm just going home  and being with my babies. I'll go climbing,   be with my kids, see friends and  family, and just eat. Relax." In January 2024, one day after the divorce  was finalized, Momoa attended a Los Angeles   showing of the environmental documentary  Common Ground alongside Lola and Wolfie.   Momoa has also maintained a close relationship  with his now-former stepdaughter. Following the   news of Zoë Kravitz's engagement to Channing  Tatum, a source close to the family confirmed   to People Magazine that Momoa was ecstatic  for the couple. As the insider revealed, "The engagement was happy news for  Jason. He loves both Channing and Zoë.   He thinks they are a great couple.  Jason is their biggest supporter."
Channel: Nicki Swift
Views: 35,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicki swift, jason momoa, lisa bonet, kids, celebrity family
Id: 7diZikMNTVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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