The TRUTH about Gatorade

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Gatorade literally invented the sport drink industry this neon beverage has become a symbol of professional sports when a NFL team wins the Super Bowl the coach of the winning team is soaked by a bucket of yes Gatorade this position in the Limelight of some of the most iconic Sports moments has earned them the title of the beverage of Champions but the last time I drank the stuff I was violently hungover and in more than a few of those clips the liquid looks suspiciously like water so what's really going on here [Music] today's video is sponsored by storyblocks the idea for this video actually came from our subreddit future proof so thanks to everybody who is over there leaving suggestions and feedback we really appreciate it and if you want to join us over there please consider doing that our Reddit friend was asking a question that so many of us ask ourselves why don't football players go pee during a game the Florida Gators football coach too asked himself this question and so he asked it to a kidney specialist named Dr Robert Cade Kate sort of figured that this urine magic trick had something to do with the insane amount these football players were sweating during a game so he went about measuring the amount of sweat that these players were putting out in the game which is kind of a weird thing to figure out how to do and it turns out that these players were extremely dehydrated while playing to remedy this Cade decided to make a synthetic sweat of sorts basically a mixture of water fructose sodium citrate and monopotassium which he then vomited everywhere because it was obviously disgusting he gave it to the players though still and they chundered their lunch complaining that it literally tasted like urine which turns out was not entirely wrong apparently Cade case-tested the drink against actual urine and uh yeah yellow Gatorade is based on the real thing but thank God for Mrs Cade who suggested adding a bit of citrus into the mix and boom suddenly it was kind of drinkable the next thing you know the Florida Gators were absolutely dominating their games they started winning when they drank the stuff and losing when they didn't it was as simple as that and from there the drinks Fame quickly spread okay we're gonna get a little science in here when you sweat you release a lot of electrolytes in technical speak electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electricity when dissolved in water this is a group of of minerals including sodium potassium and magnesium all of which can be found naturally in fruits and veggies and yes in full minerals like salt these minerals are crucial for all sorts of bodily function but one of the big things they do is help regulate the balance of fluids in your body sodium definitely has a bit of a bad rap nowadays but it's actually really important for helping you retain water and it is the electrolyte we lose the most when we sweat so when doctors and trainers talk about the importance of getting your electrolytes during a workout one of the main things that they're probably concerned about is dehydration electrolyte imbalances can result in things like muscle weakness spasms and fatigue none of which you want when someone is in battle armor running at you at full speed this is really one of those heartwarming Moments in Sports where you just oh so today we're at a point in society where most people probably know that electrolytes are good for you especially when you're working out but they probably don't actually know what they do but Brands like Gatorade have popularized this knowledge to sell a product but it was a long time before Cade's PP beverage would become the gas station staple that it is today are you looking for stock footage of somebody pouring an energy drink on their heads how about some footballer running through a field that was exactly the conversation that we had when we were making this video and that is why we use storyblocks storyblocks is a rapid video creation platform that helps creatives and businesses of any size make videos with royalty-free 4K and HD footage After Effects and Premiere Pro templates images music sound effects and so many other assets from their demand-driven Library they Empower storytellers by helping them navigate barriers in the creative process given their extensive Library it's not hard to create a genuinely impressive piece of content I mean come on you watch this video you know how impressive it is we have genuinely been using storyblocks since the beginning of this YouTube Channel's conception it has been an instrumental source of creativity for us and you've got to check them out learn more about storyblocks and their affordable subscription Plans by visiting the link down in the description thank you to storyblocks for sponsoring this video so that first drink that Cade mixed up was basically just sugary salt water salt for the electrolyte boosts and sugar for the energy boost which was apparently all these athletes needed to stay hydrated and win a bunch of football games but for Gatorade to become as big as it is today they needed to run like forests Break Free of the defense and head straight out of the end zone and run into the mainstream market now believe it or not it was a friggin canned beans company that Rose to the challenge these guys made a much better tasting version and mass produced it in convenient cans and yeah the can thing didn't last very long and it was quickly replaced with bottles But ultimately the company succeeded in commercializing the product branding it as the beverage of Champions over the years this association with Victory and athleticism has only grown with Gatorade eventually partnering with one of the most famous athletes of all time to create this game-changing commercial which maybe some of you remember back in 1998. the message couldn't be clearer that by drinking Gatorade you somehow embody one of the most celebrated champions of the modern day now Gatorade fights really really hard to retain this image it costs them 13.5 million dollars to get Michael Jordan for that one minute commercial and another 18 million dollars a year to make sure the Gatorade is the only non-water beverage at NBA games and they just spent 2.3 billion dollars to advertise with the NFL and it's not all money wasted Gatorade Now controls about 70 percent of the sport drink Market in the states selling billions of dollars of drinks a year gatorade's popularity as could be expected prompted an entire industry of copycats figures like Powerade Red Bull and recently even Logan Paul and KSI are in on the fun and yet Gatorade remains at the top partly because of their all-in approach to retain celebrity endorsements and preserve that all-important brand image but perhaps unsurprisingly the majority of their sales are to people who aren't even remotely close to athletes yes most of the people who drink Gatorade are not people on fields competing at professional levels but you probably already knew that but should they turns out Gatorade is horrible for your health if you're not running into those foam pad thingies all day and there's even some question about whether or not athletes should be drinking it either if you look at their classic fruit punch drinks the top two ingredients after water are both sugar totaling to about 52 grams per bottle that's 13 teaspoons of sugar more than a can of Coke and about double what you're supposed to have any single day now of course I don't need to tell you that sugar is bad for you that's common knowledge hopefully at this point but something that is sad is how this beverage is directly marketed to kids think of all of those little league games with the Gatorade branding everywhere as the Gatorade Executives say you gotta get them while they're young that was creepier when I said it out loud I um I don't know if I want that on the internet but perhaps you are a professional athlete that needs a little bit of a boost does this beverage make you play better on the field not entirely conclusive although not everyone agrees Sports Nutrition doctor Timothy Knox recommends hydrating with and this is crazy water this does not make him a very popular party host but he does have a point now I think pretty much everybody would agree that whether you are a pro athlete or a proactively hungover person nobody needs to be drinking artificial colors that are linked to cancer oh yeah and on that ingredient lists are a lot of weird stuff things like flame retardant that they used to put in before the public backlashed on that one because honestly people if your drink is neon green it's probably because there's some weird stuff in it but as people are becoming more aware of the health impacts of these kinds of drinks there has been some reactions turns out Gatorade isn't actually as popular amongst the sports stars as Gatorade would like you to think oftentimes these celebrities are contractually obligated to at least look like they're drinking Gatorade but that doesn't mean that it is their preferred drink apparently Quarterback Tom Brady just drinks his own sugar-free lemon concoction out of a Gatorade cup and that's enough for him and I'm just saying that if Tom Brady just needs lemon water then that's probably what we should all be doing now if you're talking about the powerades and the primes and the Gatorades they're all generally the same sugar infused concoctions but there are some alternative brands biosteel has been slowly capturing the interests of athletes with its Promises of clean healthy hydration without the sugar and even Gatorade is picking up on this trend and has now released healthy real hydration options Sans the the added sugar and artificial colors but I do find this hilarious when companies do this because basically they're admitting that the rest of their products are by introducing a healthy option but here's the thing though when it comes to us common folk regular people on YouTube who are subscribed to Future proof the reality is that we don't need to touch any kind of sport drink ever doctors recommend thinking about your electrolytes if you're working out heavily for like over an hour a day five days a week type of thing or if you've just lost a bunch of fluids or whatever because of an illness does being hungover count as an illness we should Google that but even for those more intense workouts or morning Afters more likely than not you can just get away with something like coconut water or a DIY sugar salt Citrus blend the great thing about that last option too is that it's customizable your needs don't have to be dictated by a massive Corporation making billions of dollars every year and here is one more tidbit of unwanted and unsolicited dad advice and you're not going to like it at all every single drink that you consume other than water is unnecessary don't get me wrong I love craft beer I will drink my coffee and tea but there are entire aisles in grocery stores dedicated to drinks and the reality is we only ever really need water so if you're debating between healthy Gatorade and regular Gatorade you've probably just missed the point thank you so much for watching subscribe to the channel we'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Future Proof
Views: 423,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gatorade, sports, sports drinks, g series, gatorade drink, athlete, athletes, sports athlete, nfl, nba, nhl, michael jordan, florida gators, electolytes, hydrating, dehydration, sweating, sweat, beverage, drink, good for you, health, wellness, healthy, tom brady, coca cola, sugar, sugar free, health drink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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