Great Escape: The Untold Story (WW2 POW Documentary) | Timeline

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i knew that what i had been ordered to do was wrong. i said so , i was told to get on with it. what else! could i do. if i'm not done it, someone else would have done it. that i have always expected to answer for this. this deed i never wish to do. And now, which is the end of the road. immediately after the second world war. The allies sort justice for crimes committed against them. Britain persuade one war crime more than any other. The investigator was Frankhmut kanor. Ex-detective tundra ref policeman. the crime was murdered. the worst atrocity against the allied airmen of the entire world war. the victims were 50 unarmed prisoners. Shocking cold blood by gestapo after the great escaped. The coldest part of the 30 years. they were smell on the ground and, the conditioned outside the brutal. it was evident to us that Germans knew that there was the tunnel being built. they threats the boss several times that day. And not find it. the weather was getting worst. and the things passes were old dated. of course there we wasted. and then drew of, a long time they have to do the more again what we have visible nine months work On the night of March 24, 1944 200 allied airmen packed it in hut 104 packed it in hut 104 in Nazi's German is most secure prisoner of the war camp in Sagan near polish boarder. they were said to take part in the most ambitious prison breakout of the second world war. became to be known as "the great escape" and did happen because of one man i'm like'n to hitting the name roger bushell courageous, b'coz i'm he is one of the "legendary escaper" it has been out several times been set there for a long time, he hadn't appear back and i heard his name being spoken out of somebody who might be killed then i remembered the instinct motivational and people said the roger bushell coming back and there he was she put in-charge of escaping when felt then the thing was in safe hands here is a men with extreme abilities and intelligence and above all single mindedness whatever he did he put this whole effort in to it His real objective was to achieve this grand slam. is it were the big tunnel. Bushell harnessed the men power and skills of the camp. 600 men spending a year in digging, forging documents and turning uniforms in civilians curves. for the organization couldn't make, had be acquired few German speaker became scroungers bribing guards for whatever was needed. one of them was Dennis Cockrum fluent in German since it was eighteen Tannus Fasilaldras then was Keith then myself then a young brother four years later i think we all knew without any doubt at all, he would be whealing against the captivity he be like cage a lion. Dennis cockrum join the RAF 1940, and been shot down over the channel he has been the prisoner over the year My mother suddenly died have we didn't knew what to do about telling Dennis we knew its be a terrible news for him to have in those circumstances, but of course the time went on there was no option but to tell him and his next letter came back country and this is the worst day of my life to news so obviously effected him by strife fully. that i think would of strenght until resolve even more so immediate needed it. his letters than broad ways i'll be home soon. home was on the mind of many that night Don Curbee Green Bushell's head of security hadn't seen his wife and young son for more than two years My Adote darling", i'm thinking so much of you now long so heart here and feel so grateful for your love and tenderness and so humble soon i hope i should be able to make the world paradise for you and for collins "I love you" darling. what can i say kisses to you, your Thomas This my father's letter written on the day of the escape now that letter is shorter than the other b'coz he didn't have much time but i don't think he probably could find enough words really to say whole think he wanted to say he did try. He was basically very very gentle person i think He like cars, he like sailing And he love my mother. i mean he really did enormously. And i think he love me. i just know that i missed him. And he was this kind of distance of hero As we came in we relocated to particular part of the hut And order was sit down and stay there until you were called people actually remarkably quiet i think considering what was about to happens i owe the papers of Yugoslav wood worker, my colleague gang with jemcol sutaro eshkanzic Greek fighter pilot he had goal set paper of Greek. .
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,064,021
Rating: 4.7270269 out of 5
Keywords: ww2 documentary, the great escape, great escape, bbc documentary, world war two, pow camp, vietnam war, full documentary, full length documentaries, 2017 documentary, world war 2, prisoner of war, history documentary, documentary history, holocaust documentary, the great escape documentary, prison escape documentary, wwii documentary, the great escape full movie, stalag luft iii
Id: sgshIFRrp1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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"untold story" "Historic" PICK ONE

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