The True Cost of Living in Portugal (Might Shock You)

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we have just logged 30 days of every single Cent that we spent here living in Portugal you're probably curious about what cost of living is like or without knowing what kind of lifestyle that gets you what good is it so we'll show you ours how bad could it be the year is 2023 and today is day one we're in Porto let's see if inflation has made a big difference Haley and I don't ride the Metro and bus enough to have a monthly pass which depending on what zones you choose that would be 30 to 40 euros we top up as we go a single ride is currently one year of 30 cents for zone two and if you had 10 trips at a time you get one free Valencia is free for age but she likes to tap ours be sure you validate before writing all right it's Sunday it's a game day late kickoff so Kaylee and Sia are not coming with me but I'm meeting some friends and uh we're gonna go catch the game I'll explain how the pricing works let's go you have to be a socio to have a season ticket but associum is basically a membership fee currently it's 12 euros per month per adult four membership fee and then the season ticket will get you entrance to around 20 matches there are different pricing levels for a season ticket that range from 115 to over 1 000. this game is included in our seats but to break things down a bit we took friends to this one so for four seats and our fees it was 70 euros which we logged on day one since it's more like a monthly fee and then we have our normal monthly expenses So currently we pay 750 in rent this was electric for the month and then our water bill guys we also paid for Private health insurance then we have tithe and our monthly charitable givings and a lot of European banks are still a bit Antiquated and charge you a fee to have an account with them okay I'm ordering groceries from the comfort of my own house apparently look at my hair so I do Pingo dose they all have it I can go pretty fast now it's all in Portuguese so it's helped my Portuguese so it took a while at the beginning but I do a lot of the same orders so as soon as I finish doing this I'll let you know how much we have how much of you noticed that groceries have gone up in the past year there's been a slight increase I've noticed I think where they get you here is you hit 100 euro and you get free delivery they also do deals and stuff so for me sometimes it's hard for me to actually get to that point and I just do like canned things or things that you know we can just stock away but there's been a slight increase I don't know maybe like 10 cents on something but I've noticed an increase it's not awful though okay I'm done and I paid on MB way it's 109.87 but that could change depending on what they can and can't find and if it's a different brand or something so we'll get the exact bill at drop off how long did it take this one took me closer to 10 minutes just because I had to add a few extra things to get over that 100 euro Mark so I was kind of perusing and looking to see what I could find but sometimes it's only five minutes because I do repeat order and when should the groceries arrive they get here this afternoon a couple hours I chose a little later because I have something this afternoon but I should have had them arrive in about an hour two hours [Music] we are on the way to a meet-up so I have no idea how much we're gonna spend there but it's at a hotel the hotel has fair prices not uh like American hotels and um yeah let's let's kind of see how it goes we'll break it down for you and let you know how much we spent but we'll also show you the scenes let's check it out we try to host regular meetups in Porto and from time to time in Lisbon they're open for anyone and anyone so to stay up to date on when and where those are you can email us at join our newsletter and then also follow us on Instagram and Facebook we normally try to find locations with food and drinks but since this hotel is just opened the restaurant wasn't ready to serve yet so we just drank and afterwards we grabbed take away with friends and ate back at our place we were invited to hang out at a friend's house so of course we stopped at the store to pick up a bottle of wine foreign get together every two weeks and this one was at an Asian place called Tamil and I had Curry I took Valencia to Jumpers which is a trampoline park in Porto it's great when the weather is bad so she played here with a friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] I met a friend at La travia a craft beer place to grab a few beers and hang out I went to sew coffee to pick up a bag of beans for home and then grab a cup of coffee with a friend I just top up both my Josh's phones on our Millennia map here from time to time we have someone do a deep cleaning of our house I do not like a clean so it's well worth the money to have someone else do it and it's super reasonable our place isn't too big either which helps Sia and I went to a store called Flying Tiger to pick up some items for a school project she had and while we're doing that Josh ran to the continent nearby to pick up some snacks because we were having friends over to snacks are a must anti-wrinkle cream I met a couple friends at a really cool place called terraplana where we had lunch and a few drinks time to get my rings cleaned and make them nice and shiny by having them replayed it which I don't do too often the last time I did it was before we moved to Portugal I start day nine with a coffee well much to our surprise actually two friends of ours took us out to dinner and they picked up the bill we ate at Duelo which is a Mexican restaurant it's nearby us it was awesome like we've shared a bunch of different dishes they loved it it's their first time there so we dropped we dropped the tip so did you like it see ya yeah so we ended up uh doing the tip cash tip 10 euros okay we're at our favorite coffee roasters so coffee I got a batch Brew Josh got a large latte and we're going to split a chocolate croissant total 7.50 we met friends for lunch at a sushi buffet we really like this restaurant because you pay a flat rate for your food and you order at your seats by looking at the menu and writing down the numbers it's all you can eat but it's nice because they make it fresh to order I just made a quick grocery run just had to pick up a few things and it was 19 . get this cut I'll see you in just a few seconds [Music] 11 Euros you can tip if you want I like to try to throw them a Euro or two tip so thanks Thiago great haircut appreciate it man well real life we realized that we forgot bunny this little gift that Sia got when we were in France and this is who she sleeps with at school and we forgot Bunny and the school called because see it was crying bunny bunny so I've got to grab a car and head back to the school this is a bit of a crazy trip because we decided to go down to Lisbon for a soccer game we already had plans to go over to avedo for the weekend but a couple of days before we went to Lisbon first to see our favorite soccer team in the whole world I took the train with the dog and Kaylee flew with SIA all right I've arrived here at Orient now I've got to go grab the Metro and uh yeah find my way to the hotel again we're just gonna do Metro instead of grabbing a car so let's go we did a vlog about this which we'll put in the description when we compare is it better to take the train or to fly between portrait of Elizabeth see in that video who made it to the hotel faster [Music] okay post-match Kaylee took Valencia back home I grabbed some food I've got basically three dinner items [Music] they say that [Music] all right with our gear we are taking a car to the train station [Music] so now we're grabbing a train from Lisbon to Aveda which is a little over two hours watch out for those train strikes though because trains might be flat out canceled and you don't know until you arrive to the station all right just grabbing a coffee and snack because as our train was canceled because of the strikes so we have to take the next one in an hour and a half just killing some time yummy now we're in Avera for a weekend trip that was actually planned we came at a shoot and get content for our city guide at Rivera which we'll put that in the description as well okay all right grabbing lunch here in aveiro kebabs Falafel stuff like that 16.90. we just did a quick run for dinner and breakfast we don't eat a lot for breakfast so quick one for breakfast and then we had a lot for lunch today so probably eating in tonight for dinner a little over 20 euros agua pedrash and a playground Valencia's in there somewhere okay morning coffee run at portadu Cafe it was 4.90 for a latte and a bathroom the Airbnb was booked before logging but as you can see beautiful view and great location I took Sia to a nearby cafe while Kaylee finished getting ready and caught up with us for some for some snacks and coffee okay we went to this cute little Bakery we had two coffees a water two croissants and a cinnamon roll for 11.50 a friend recommended this restaurant as it's known for its traditional Portuguese food the servers were very nice and accommodating with SIA especially as it got busy [Music] I had to make a quick coffee run today so this morning it was 6 10. I got two coffees but I had to get a pastel Donata for Sia right now [Music] she's a funny one though she likes to eat the middle out of the pastel Donata sometimes leaves the crust other times we'll eat the crust I gotta get her cleaned up oh my gosh it looks like we are always eating all right time to have a snack let's see if soccer was 180 for a hazelnut muffin it's big 180. see his face but then right next door at the market Josh and I grab a snack and drinks before taking Sia to the playground [Music] okay it's time to head back to Porto but first clutch train strike in Portugal we got a refund on the train that was supposed to take and we're actually taking an earlier one but it's not as nice however it's much cheaper way cheaper yeah we had first class with the other ones that round trip uh train ticket that we had so 355 Euro each and now we're gonna head in for a coffee or something yeah while we wait for the train but again we're actually able to leave earlier because we figured we should check just to see with all the train strikes if ours was actually canceled and it is so that's good that we checked or else we'd be leaving way later so let's get back earlier two supermarkets yeah she's asleep so she doesn't get anything the trains look more like a Metro here but there are comfortable style trains for this bra as well it's a Monday morning after we got back from our trip to avedo so everyone's a little slow this morning we have to take a car to school otherwise Lindsay is going to be super late Haley forgot a few items so here I am picking them up I wish you the board of these online okay just outside of my dentist here uh we started about 10 or 15 minutes late but uh overall it was 30 minutes I had my teeth cleaned I had an x-ray it's been two years since I've had an X-ray done so I had that done and then also had to have like a filling redone so total was 130. again to watch Porto this time it's for the Champions League which the group games are part of our season tickets but for the later stages we pay a discounted rate for our seats so the game and Waters today [Applause] we do love our so coffee so here we are back at it again [Music] okay I am jumpers with some friends Valencia loves the trampoline park so we're back here with friends they have a specific taller section with slides balls and more it's very age-appropriate they also have good stuff for older kids and kids at Heart video it's a video [Music] 11 Euro for two pairs of socks and jumping for Sia all right Kaylee and I are gonna go to bonuses so we're gonna take Maria our part-time video editor out for lunch to just thank her for all the great work that she's done instead of taking the bus or the Metro we're gonna just grab a bolt and it's actually just about the same price as if both of us ride on the Metro or bus so that's normally like 130 a person and what's the car 280. 294. so it makes sense to just be door to door with holes bonus assessu is an indoor market with over 40 shops and restaurants it has quite a variety of food and is a nice place to grab a meal the Sia has a special thing at school today so we have to take a car it is 298 on both let's go that's right you're going to school I am heading to Starbucks to meet with some friends I'll probably just get a grande latte okay yesterday cni got stuck in the rain on her way home from school walking So to avoid that today because it's raining off and on I'm gonna take a car there to pick her up and then a car to come home is that from school yeah it's St Patrick's Day so we're out with friends at an Irish Pub for drinks and dinner how do you pluralize Guinness just just the Guinness you guys just to Guinness cheers Savage [Music] complete Savage yeah we had a great time tonight uh three guinnesses a piece two burgers pimento Patron and some fries for Sia we paid 65 it should have been 61.50 but we went ahead and tipped a little bit not bad okay the weather isn't great so we're at an indoor playground we'll see ya we grabbed a snack and a coffee at Starbucks all right we got the pay-per-view for the UFC fights it's in London so the timing is much better than some of the other ones so we decided to have a friend over and watch the fights 27 dollars [Music] another Metro top up for me 13 euros to top up my card and get another 10 rides plus one yep we like ordering groceries online but sometimes we don't need that much so here we are popping into the Pingo dose for a grocery run it was 61.44 this morning early I had to go meet a contractor over at property we're looking by so I need to take Sia to school use in a car instead of the stroller all right seat has dropped off and that was 228. okay so every two weeks uh some expat guys and I get together and we have lunch so I'm headed to that this time it's in Via Catarina mall and I don't know what I'm going to eat yet but I'm gonna go grab some lunch with them [Music] via Catarina is a mall on Santa Catarina there's a grocery store plenty of shops and a food court you get a lot of variety at the food court here and a typical meal costs between 750 and 15 euros Haley was at home and asked me to pick up a dessert at a Geronimo that had recently opened near us Geronimo is kind of like Portugal Starbucks and fun fact it's owned by the same company as pinga dos 740 brownie coffee chocolate cake what do you think I'm excited to try [Music] all right I just had dinner and drinks with a friend we split the bill I ate a little more and drank a little more so my portion was 42.15. unilabs is a big chain around Portugal for getting medical lab work and test done I've got to get some exams done as a part of an annual physical one of them I have to pay for the rest of them are free so I'm going to get these done and get out of here I am off running errands Sia has a craft at school so I have to find something for that I'm on the hunt for Minnie Mouse now I am heading to the vet pincho has a special diet so we have to get his food from there and then also we give him a supplement for his knees he's old and we've seen a little bit of inflammation in his paw so we have to pick up some stuff for that so just heading to the vet to get that stuff for him 42.50 for all of pincho's goodies and I'm still on the hunt for Minnie Mouse success not exactly what I was looking for but it'll do for the craft and I have Mickey and Minnie last sand of the day I think I had to stop into a pet shop to pick up some things for pincho and that was just under 20 Euro Josh and I decided to grab a snack and coffee while waiting for pizza to get groomed [Music] stay nearby so we brought our computers and sat in this place that sells motorcycles but also is a cafe is it I think it's fine took pincho to the groomer nice fresh haircut 36 euros by the time pizza was done we wanted another snack so we stopped for something sweet and more coffee [Music] it's good I think I want some two coffees and a piece of cake it was a piece of cake 390. time for another Meetup two in 30 days so we're in a car on our way to Scoundrels distilling again check our social media for updates on me or email us at join our newsletter grabbing coffee at Starbucks with a friend too much Starbucks another semi-small grocery run before we leave town for a bit There's a Great Park in Porto called Covello where there's a playground and a little cafe inside the playground so we met friends here for the kids to play and the adults to snack and drink it's really common to find little kiosks as they're called here or cafes inside of parks Kaylee doing math is funny no no don't do that to me I am taking Sia to school in a car this morning we're running a little bit behind probably because of the time change we went to a really cool outside bar that Kelly and I love to go to called base near clarigosh Tower to grab some drinks with a viewer who bought a place nearby after their events yeah because they made her scrambled eggs which weren't technically on the menu but that's what she was asking for so they made them all right so we've shown you every single Cent that we spent now it's time to Total it up we don't actually know the totals let's talk about it [Music] so we spend a lot of money on coffee and food and drink out I'm noticing and are you embarrassed by that because a lot of that is you I'm not that's how I live my life that's all right yeah that's all right all right we totaled everything up by category which you'll see right here we don't know the grand total yet it is going to be a surprise to us I haven't even tried to do mental math on this let's check it out well that is kind of high uh 3617 and 72 cents a little high no no definitely high like I think it's well I think it's like a thousand too high oh I think that three thousand is a real estate budget 3 000 is realistic budget I think it could be done on 2500 yeah but you'd have to hold back family family three with with a pet in the heart of Porto I think 3 000 is good this is a little high now I will say this Peter had some higher bills in this 30 days than normal like with that stuff and grooming because that stuff doesn't happen every 30 days so that kind of Ebbs and flows so that was a little higher this time our interns is also kind of high we've talked about yeah we have private insurance and we could drop that down because we use the public system a lot so that could be drop downs that's a little high and we don't have dental coverage and I had quite a bit of dental work done or at least expensive dental work done considering that I think it might cost around 10 to 15 bucks a month to add that right but we don't we don't use it very often so yeah so what's the point so something's more higher but obviously that stuff kind of flows in and out so I think that we could probably raise between 2500 and 3500 giving a middle Rage of 3 000 being a realistic budget yeah for as much as we ate out I was surprised that our grocery bill was almost 400. uh and then I think we just ate out too much we spent at just an incredible amount on eating out yeah we gotta cut back on that at least like this month we went and ate out at some expensive places as well yeah like we weren't eating traditional Portuguese food that's a big difference that's a big price difference yeah could be double could be triple uh what you would normally pay at a Portuguese restaurant if you go eat something that is is not Portuguese really so it's definitely got up from last year's if you want to check out that video how much we spent last year click on this video right here and you can see the difference now let's get moving bye
Channel: ExpatsEverywhere
Views: 48,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living abroad, expat life, budget in portugal, budget in porto, cost of living in portugal, cost of living in porto, expat living, expats in portugal, expats in porto, expatseverywhere, spending money in portugal, is portugal cheap, is portugal affordable, expenses in porto, expenses in portugal, 2023 cost of living, 2023 cost of living for portugal, 2023 budget for portugal, 2023 monthly expenses in portugal
Id: 1Hh6bZuDsxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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