The Trichologist Podcast | Ep 04 The Truth About Inflammation and Hair Loss

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are you tired of all those hair loss  treatments and products that claim to   work but don't my name's William goneitz and I  am your No Frills no BS certified trichologist   that is going to help you understand how to  tackle your hair loss and actually regrow hair hello everyone and welcome to the trichologist  podcast my name is William gonitz I am your No   Frills no BS hair loss treatment provider and  today we are going to talk about inflammation   and this topic is is a pain and for some people  it actually causes pain it is one of those things   that it's a little bit of a moving Target it's one  of those things that out of the three reasons for   hair loss so you've got DHT you've got nutrition  and the third is inflammation it is the hardest   to deal with with that in mind this podcast  is brought to you by Advanced trichology if   you haven't heard of advanced psychology you  really need to because Advanced trichology   is The Cutting Edge of what is coming out  of hair loss treatment today if you go to go up in the top right  hand corner and actually click the take the   quiz button if you do that it is going to allow  you to input your little bit of a patient history   and it will produce an output but that is your  personalized recommendations for your hair loss   treatment and that is really important because  you are an individual and you have to treat your   situation like an individual because there is  no one-size-fits-all treatment there just isn't   because everybody's different so go ahead and do  that now let's talk about inflammation so a long   story of course because I'm a little long-winded  on occasion I originally started losing my hair   because of inflammation I didn't realize that  at the time I thought it was male pattern loss   thought it was you know a million different  quasi-things that realistically didn't really   matter but at the end of the day inflammation  is one of those things that if your blood work   is perfect from a nutritional standpoint if you  are not losing hair exclusively on the top of the   head because or you have more loss on the top of  the head because of genetics so DHT then you're   probably dealing with an inflammatory component  if there's any itching or burning if there's   gut issues constant rate constipation diarrhea  acid reflux if you're on a lot of medications   if there's flaking if there's sort of this tight  uncomfortable scalp all of these are indications   that inflammation is at play and inflammation can  be a little tiny detail which could be resolved   with other portions of the treatment or it  could be the primary reason for your loss so   you must again assess your entire situation  so the number one thing that you need to do   to understand if you are losing hair from  inflammation is the patient history so do   you have constipation diarrhea or acid reflux  are you on a plethora of different medications   are you having itching or burning on your  scalp if you have answered yes to two of those   then you are dealing with inflammation you  just are now another way to do some sort of   assessment to rule out DHT or to rule out sort of  General Nutrition is to do a hair pull test now I   went off the hair pull test for a really long time  and I've circled back to it because the hair pull   test because of the way that you lose hair from  different reasons for loss becomes a very powerful   component when you're trying to understand what's  happening so a hair pull test is basically where   you take your fingers and you run your fingers  through your hair and you pull just just enough   to get what would normally be a little bit of hair  so you're not tugging in the sense that you're   ripping hair out you certainly don't want to do  that you are simply running your fingers through   your hair in a particular spot and you just kind  of grab and pull so if you're watching this on   YouTube that's all you're doing now so I've just  pulled a bunch of times from the back of my scalp   so if you're doing a normal hair pull test which  is going to be in our app when it comes out here   in the next couple months then you realistically  want to pull from the top middle you want to pull   from sort of the back right side back left side  and then kind of down towards the nape of the   neck back and then on the right and the left now  if you're losing hair down here so and I keep   doing this because honestly I do this frequently  where I'm pulling from the back of my neck because   if I'm actively losing hair from inflammation you  were typically going to be losing it around under   the occipital Ridge which is this little pointy  thing in the back of your skull underneath that   you will be losing hair from that area which is  it's a bizarre area to lose hair from because   nutritional is mainly along the sides if you have  really aggressive nutritional loss DHT is on the   top and inflammation affects the entire scalp  but if you're losing it from the bottom then   it's pretty much guaranteed that you're dealing  with inflammation so run your hands through the   back of your scalp oh I got one finally and see  what you have now if you do that twice in a row   and you have more than essentially zero to  one hairs then you are losing hair excessively   towards the nape of the neck which means you  certainly could be dealing with inflammation   so when you're looking at the entire component  then you know you've ticked the box for this area   now again you need to go ahead and get your  blood work rule out anything nutritionally you   need to be treating the top of your scalp with  DHD blockers or internally with DHT blockers if   you have a genetic history and if you have more  loss on the top of your head so if you've ruled   all that out and again most likely you've got a  flaky itchy scalp or just an itchy scalp or you   have digestive problems constipation diarrhea acid  reflux then you're dealing with inflammation so   the Ghana trichology method states that you must  treat each reason for a loss completely for you to   be able to regrow hair inflammation is the hardest  one because there are a variety of different   reasons for inflammatory loss because they could  be again for medications you can truly be losing   hair from stress in the inflammatory compartment  you can have a medical condition that may be   Complicated by inflammation which could be say  psoriatic arthritis which would then trigger other   things like alopecia areata which are the the  circle hair loss you could be dealing with dietary   components like leaky gut syndrome or essentially  you are passing your nutrients so quickly through   your digestive tract because you have chronic  diarrhea that you're not absorbing certain things   which are creating inflammation an inflammatory  loss is this very large bucket it encompasses   so many different details that all really need to  be treated the same but again stress you're going   to be looking at medications you're going to be  looking at environmental factors so allergies are   a big deal it creates systemic inflammation so it  could be a nutritional allergy so a dietary one or   it could be an environmental allergy and this also  falls into the medical category with chemotherapy   so chemotherapy is an inflammatory response  because you're creating all this inflammation   from the toxic load of the chemotherapy and  it's attacking and disrupting the cells that   are growing your hair because they're rapidly  dividing cells so that also plays into this   so because of this large bucket you have a lot of  different names for hair loss that fall under this   so alopecia areata which I'm sure you've heard of  it's been a big discussion for a lot of people for   um what happened with that big slap you know with  Will Smith recently so the the alopecia that is a   alopecia areata a totalus a universalis these are  alopecias that are directly caused by inflammation   so what's actually happening is the inflammation  is targeting the hair follicle and disrupting the   way that epithelial cells are actually growing the  hair which is essentially the little construction   workers that are manufacturing the hair and it  creates A disruption just enough to where it   actually will either stop the growth or it will  disrupt the hair cycle so that it breaks off   just above the scalp which gives these exclamation  point hairs which is a alopecia areata microscopic   sort of quintessential look and you have things  like telogen effluvium which was covid related   hair loss so you end up having uh coveted stress  your body's going through this massive stressor of   all of this inflammation from covid and you end  up 90 days later going through a huge shed and   this shed continues and covet loss unfortunately  because it creates sort of this long-term systemic   inflammation in some types of of individuals that  it creates A disruption Beyond covet itself and   Beyond the initial shed and actually has to be  sort of subdued with lifestyle changes and with   nutritional supplement changes and then you  have other things that aren't infections so   infections like folliculitis folliculitis is a  bacterial infection of the scalp it can create   scarring in some cases it might not create  scarring but either way you're going to get   these very large pustules like acne on the surface  of the scalp and when they erupt your are oozing   more bacteria onto the surface of the scalp which  then you know creates a larger problem but beyond   that you end up possibly if it's a scarring  folliculitis when that that overall pustule   pops then you end up getting a scarring scenario  and the scar actually envelops the hair follicle   and kills the hair follicles you cannot grow hair  on a scar that scar will completely eliminate the   hair follicle when it's created if it's a large  enough scar that leads me to talk about other   scarring alopecias well I can plan a planaris you  have ccca or basically there's a whole group of   alopecias called sycatricial alopecias and all  of them are scarring so what's come out recently   is the African-American community in the United  States uses a lot of chemicals and so they're   using a lot of relaxers on the scalp to then relax  the hair so that it became becomes more manageable   and becomes straight and when you do that you end  up putting all of these chemicals into the scalp   and when that happens you really are creating  a scenario for immune malfunction and your body   will become almost this allergy to what's being  put on the surface of your scalp it will almost   attack and disrupt the overall surface of the  scalp then creating scarring which then kills the   hair follicle and so that has become a very very  large discussion in hair loss because how do you   deal with this and for a lot of African-American  females it is literally a cultural phenomenon   where weekly or sometimes more often than that  you're going into your your stylist or your   your family is actually all together and you're  performing these hair treatments together and it's   a communal activity and so all of a sudden these  communal activities are creating enough trauma on   the scalp where it's creating permanent hair loss  so you're having to change an entire lifestyle or   an entire culture to prevent this hair loss  from reoccurring so so many pieces to this   and when you're looking at this you go okay well  what are what are all of these components have   in common with one another and all of these  individual reasons for hair loss the thing that   they have in common is inflammation because your  body is either attacking itself or is attacking   a foreign body on the surface of the scalp so  another one of these things that can actually   invade the top of the scalp is a fungus or the  Demodex parasite fungus becomes a very large   problem when you're dealing with dandruff or  you're dealing with something called seborrheic   dermatitis seborrheic dermatitis is an immune  malfunction that actually causes hair loss it   also causes this massive scale on the scalp that  is accompanied by Fungus and when this occurs   your body is basically accelerating the amount  of individual skin cells that you have building   up on the surface of the scalp much faster than  you normally make them and then there's these   little gaps between these skin cells which then  you have sebum which is the oil produced on the   surface of the scalp being over produced and that  gets between the layers of the skin cells and then   fungus which is always present on our scalp  it's normally maintained by our immune system   will then take over and proliferate in these  little spaces where there's a lot of sebum and   dead skin cells so when that happens you get this  massive amount of inflammation this massive amount   of yellow scale I mean I've seen people peeling  potato chip like yellow flakes off the surface   of their scalp I have seen the worst seborrheic  dermatitis ever I mean it's not even in textbooks   people were coming in and this one particular  case in Arizona this poor kid he was 17 years old   he had seborrheic dermatitis and he used to put  oil on his scalp which is the worst thing you   can do with seborrheic dermatitis because if  you're using something that's not anti-fungal   You're simply adding to the oil and you're making  the hair loss worse and the inflammation worse so   that's a problem Demodex so Demodex is a little  tiny parasite that lives all over our body there   are I think 62 different types of Demodex only  two of which live on the human body it's also   the same type of creature that creates mange in a  dog but Demodex when you become immunocompromised   will actually crawl normally on the surface  of the scalp get inside your hair follicle and   when it gets inside your hair follicle normally  your immune system will attack it but if you're   nutritionally deficient if you're on medications  you know a whole bunch of different reasons   why your body doesn't fight it off but once  it's in there it will lay eggs inside your   hair follicle inside the sebaceous gland and then  you go from one Demodex parasite to like 10. and   then it will keep actually getting worse and it  will spread from one hair follicle to another   because if you're not washing your hair often if  you don't know it's there if you sleep with a dog   in your bed which I find that there's a connection  there really shouldn't be because Canine Demodex   don't actually cross over to humans but I found  that when someone has a dog in their bed they   have a higher probability of this overwhelming  Demodex infection and essentially you can't ever   get rid of it if it's really bad you can only  mitigate it to a point where it's manageable   now obviously you catch it early enough you  can get rid of it completely but it's a bear so   you've got infection you've got immune malfunction  you've got stress you've got environmental factors   all of these different things that are causing  inflammatory loss so what do you do because I   just named all of these horrifying things and  you're like well thank you so much for letting   me know these exist how do I fix it and that's  a great question because whenever I tell people   that they need to change something drastic in  their lifestyle sometimes I get pushback case   in point back in the day we're going Circa 2005.  there was a young man he was I think in his late   20s at the time full Universal total or excuse  me full alopecia totalis so meaning he has no   hair at all from the neck up that is a definition  of alopecia total so it's basically no hair from   the neck up alopecia universalis is the entire  body no hair and then ariata is the most least   form of that which is just little circles on  the scalp but in his case he had no hair from   the neck up he came into my office and he's like  hey what do I do and I said all right this is an   inflammatory problem we need to go through and  figure out where this is coming from because   only a situation like this that's this dramatic  has to have a very powerful source so when you're   dealing with this type of inflammation it's  either environmental or it's emotional so it's   one or the other there are no ifs ands or buts  you either getting sort of this toxic shock from   something anywhere in the environment could be  allergies could be chemicals could be medications   Etc or you could be dealing with emotional  trauma so in his case he worked for a company   sorry he owned a company that put lacquer on wood  products like cabinets and that was his entire job   so he would inhale all of these chemicals on a  daily basis and that essentially directly caused   this hair loss because he didn't have any hair  loss before he started working basically in this   environment and after about a year of him working  in this environment that's when the totalis cree   was created so in that scenario we know there's  a direct cause and effect so what did I tell him   to do quit doing what you do and go through a  detoxification program well that's his job it's   his lifestyle made good money he said no and he's  like I can't do that this is how I make my money   so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing so that  was a problem uh one of the reasons why I lost   my year I worked for a chemical company I was at  the time I was 21 and while I was going to school   I was in the chemicals I was it was an automotive  Chemical Company and for some people it made no   difference whatsoever if they were working with  dirty transmission fluid or working with dirty   coolant or inhaling these chemicals because for  them it wasn't a problem for me apparently I have   a sensitive system it took about a year for me  working in this environment before I just started   dumping hair and when I mean dumping here I was  the picture of health and then my hair started   going gray at 21 like this washed out weird  brown color and just started dumping off my head   and I couldn't control it nothing would  control it Propecia minoxidil that's my   story that nothing would work and everybody  was like you know what I don't know what to do   this is this is a bizarre situation come back when  you lose more hair we'll do a transplant none of   these were good answers that's what happened to me  it turns out I had diffuse alopecia areata which   is a very bizarre inflammatory uh type of hair  loss my mom though also has Aleppo shariata so   that is there's some genetic components to this  inflammation and I had a terrible gut my gut has   been uh back then was just a mess and if you add  up all of the pieces of what make inflammatory   hair loss it made perfect sense when I deal with  these things today actually I met a gentleman   that I have to do a consult for and he was in the  military and while he was in the military he was   exposed to burn pits all these crazy vaccines  all these you know crazy concoctions that they   had them consume while they were in Afghanistan  well his poor gut and he was on 18 months I think   of antibiotics his poor gut was annihilated  and I'm looking at him and I was talking to   him at a conference and he's going I have hair  loss but nothing works for me and I I started   asking him questions and I'm like well of course  nothing's working for you if you look at his head   he has diffuse thinning throughout his entire  scalp which can be an inflammatory response it   was directly related to when he came off of the  antibiotics and he was exposed to all the stuff   in the military so you go of course your gut is  a mess and you have all this inflammation that's   what it is and when you key in on that you have  to use a certain set of criteria to control it   so when you've identified that inflammation is  your cause how do you treat it and it is it is   again it's a moving Target because some people  you can fix one aspect of their hair and then   something else pops up for example you may  correct a nutritional component let's just   say they're ferritin and they're D3 off you fix  that now all of a sudden their hormones become   a little bit more normal and their immune system  is actually becoming a little bit more stable and   a little bit more aggressive because now all of  a sudden they have a nutrients for their immune   system to function normally this may trigger a  little bit more DHT related loss that they would   have had anyway if their immune system was solid  and some inflammatory loss because maybe there's   something in their environment that's causing  a problem so the best thing to do is to try   to identify the source so it could be stress so  if you've gone another case in point so I had a   woman who she lives she was 65 years old she was  seeing me at the office in Tempe she didn't have   any hair loss beautiful gray like flowing long  hair and she had this spot in alopecia areata   spot right in the back of the head and it was  growing it was getting bigger and I said okay   when did this start and she's like six months ago  okay what happened approximately 90 to 120 days   before that spot appeared because normally 90 to  120 days before something major happens it's kind   of a trigger and she goes well my husband died  and then I moved and I'm like when did you move   it was lined up perfectly with the same amount of  time that was 90 days prior to the onset ever loss   so I said do you think that this move was a big  enough move where it could have created emotional   trauma that created the shed she's like well  I lived in the same house with my husband for   30 years I'd never moved until then and it very  well could have it turns out that that move was   the direct cause she ended up coming back a year  later and we treated her with a topical steroid   and it all grew back so she basically got over  the emotional trauma it settled down and then her   inflammatory loss went away and many people are  not that lucky you again if you have allergies   Arizona is another perfect example the seasonal  allergies in Arizona are gnarly they are just   aggressive the high Micron materials that are  floating around in the the air in Arizona are   it's more polluted with high Micron materials in  any other place in the United States so people   think of La as a place that has the worst smog in  the worst air pollution and maybe for small mike   mine small Micron materials it does but Phoenix  Arizona because it's a valley it's dry it kicks up   with all this dust you end up getting these really  big particles that are being absorbed into your   body so people get these very aggressive allergies  I had people lose hair every spring and every fall   because of their allergies in Arizona and it  happens in other places the treatment because   you're trying to treat the cause was Zyrtec  you're giving them an anti-allergy to calm   down the inflammation and their hair loss would  stop and you did other things I mean you want   to make sure again that their nutrition is good  so you make sure their D is good ferritin's good   they're on the follow growth vitamin all that good  stuff and that there's no DHD at play but that was   the trigger for the inflammatory loss if you can  identify it now if the trigger is emotional then   you have to try to deal with it emotionally I've  seen people go to therapy I've seen people do   other things like the emotional Freedom technique  which is actually this tapping technique where   you sort of tap and diffuse emotional trauma  for me I had a tremendous amount of emotional   Trauma from stuff from my past we all do and  efts emotional Freedom technique is something   that worked really well for me and some people  get hypnotized whatever it takes whatever it   takes for you to get the emotional aspect under  wraps so you've got let's remove the trigger   if you can another case in point food allergies  so for myself so I had a chemical exposure which   led to a ton of shedding but over time I  had to battle my own loss I still battle   my own loss and it turns out that I by process  of elimination that I have a sunflower oil algae   if any there was a test for it that was actually  accurate I would suggest it but it was by pure   process of elimination that I was able to  pinpoint sunflower oil as the number one   reason for the inflammation that I was  experiencing all seed oils are bad come to   find out for the most part and except for olive  oil which is actually from the fruit I believe   and avocado oil I believe you must really  try to eat in accordance to your blood type   to avoid allergens so I talk about eating  accordance to your blood type all the time   because that decreases your inflammation pretty  dramatically if you want to eat to avoid allergens   eat correctly for your blood type because I've  never seen a time that there is a inflammatory   food mistakenly on the highly beneficial list  so when you look at eating correctly for your   blood type there's three subcategories for every  category so when you look at this overall rule   it'll give you for each blood type a breakdown for  each individual category of food so it could be   proteins could be fruits vegetables it could be  nuts whatever when you look at these categories   of foods there are three subcategories highly  beneficial neutral and avoid avoid obviously don't   eat it it creates inflammation think of it like  it creates hair loss in your body so that's eating   correctly for your blood type for diminishing  inflammation stay off the avoid list as much as   humanly possible everything that's in the invoid  list can create inflammation for your scenario   depending upon your blood site neutral isn't it's  not going to create inflammation it's not going   to uh also decrease inflammation and then highly  beneficial is it is going to decrease inflammation   and be the best for your body so if you're dealing  with inflammatory hair loss you want to make sure   that you're eating correctly for your blood blood  type and eating as much as possible off of the   highly beneficial list and removing as much as  possible from your diet from the avoid list I   kid you not I can't even count the amount of times  that we did everything right we treated all their   blood work we did obviously everything we needed  to do for DHT they were on you know all the right   products and something was holding them back and  one of the key factors too for inflammatory hair   loss is that when you're trying to recover you'll  actually get well for a minute and then you'll   shed and then you'll get well for a minute and  then you'll shed so you sort of have this ebb and   flow when you're dealing with inflammation and in  that scenario I've had countless people that all   we had to do is look at their diet and go you know  what eat correctly for your blood type strictly   and it changed the dynamic of their entire hair  loss condition I set it on uh basically other   venues where I say you can control all hair  loss with the exception of DHT related hair   loss through diet and lifestyle that's it you  absolutely can the problem is is that most people   just have a really wonky lifestyle and diet for  their body I for me I run into this problem I have   two kids a wife a business I have my own you know  stuff that I want to do there's not enough time in   the day I don't get enough sleep most of the time  and I oftentimes you know I have two glasses of   wine at night well that's probably not that great  for my liver and and realistically over time May   create inflammation so I offset that by eating as  clean as possible and that's the way that I handle   it because I know I have inflammatory hair loss  and I know that when I eat a bunch of stuff that   may have sunflower oil in it I'm going to shed  when I had covid multiple times every single time   I shed regardless of how much I was doing because  the inflammation was causing the shed so you have   to deal with the inflammation and then bring it  down and balance everything out so I there's a   lot of pieces to this and we're not going to get  through all of it today the treatments for this   no matter what is try your best to eliminate the  source that is a tall task I can't really ask too   many people to do that but try and again if it's  emotional you have to remove the emotional trigger   if it's Environmental whether it be a toxin in  your environment like allergies or it may be   something you're consuming that's an allergy  try to locate what that is and mitigate it   if you in that dietary Zone eat  correctly for your blood type strictly   and that should help remarkably for most scenarios  and if you need to take that to the next level   then there is a product by Advanced trichology  called the EFA complete there's a handful of   things that actually decrease inflammation are  clinically proven to do so some of which are   Omega-3 essential fatty acids now Omega-3s aren't  good for every blood type so I created a product   called the EFA complete which is a universal  essential fatty acid for every blood type and   you take three a day so you're taking two  and a half grams of essential fatty acids   per day it is an omega-3 6 and 9 and that  is going to help bring down inflammation   additionally and you do this long term or you can  obviously eat a lot of fatty fishes you can get a   lot of oils from different sources you can use a  lot of raw coconut oil in your diet and you can   use a lot of raw olive oil in your diet and that  will help bring in some of these essential fats as   well obviously you know fish as well then there  is a detox component so if your liver and your   kidneys are toxic then you are going to throw  more inflammation and there is a old ayurvedic   treatment that was specifically for growing hair  and it was a liver and kidney cleanse and it   had the components of dandelion root burdock  root licorice root orange peel and cinnamon   I took that formula and I introduced it into  the clinic back in 2006 2007 and created a t   and we started using that t in the clinic because  we needed to help detoxify people and if you take   pills pills just aren't as efficient as releasing  all these medicinals into fluid like tea does so   there is a product that we call detoxify tea and  you can use this typically when you're dealing   with an inflammatory treatment protocol you'll  use the tea for the first month and depending   on how aggressive your inflammatory symptoms are  you might take one cup a day you might take two   cups cups a day there may be three cups a day max  that you can consume for a month it is going to   help detoxify the liver and the kidneys then you  obviously transition over to the EFA and you can   maintain that long term if you've done that with a  balanced diet if you've done that with eliminating   the stressor of whatever it is that's causing the  loss if you're shampooing daily because if you're   dealing with inflammatory loss and there's any  flaking excessive oil itching on the scalp you   should be shampooing on a daily basis and  when you shampoo you need to use a product   like the Advanced trichology Hair stem shampoo  and conditioner whereas it's designed to clean   the scalp a lot of shampoo is designed to make  your hair look nice so it's a chemical that is   going to volumize the hair or in a conditioner it  may essentially just create a more shine to the   scalp or to the hair and what you really should  be caring about is your scalp when you're managing   inflammation so you want to use something I'll  use the hair stem shampoo as an example get about   a quarter size of hair stem shampoo on your hand  get it on your scalp and physically massage the   surface of the scalp all the way down to the nape  of the neck back to the front and let that sit for   30 seconds lean back and rinse and then repeat  so you're shampooing twice and when you do that   you end up removing all the buildup on the surface  of the scalp you remove any Demodex parasites that   are hanging out there you remove any fungus or  again debris that may be causing inflammation   and when you do that you leave yourself with a  nice clean healthy scalp and then you use the   conditioner and you actually ironically massage  the conditioner into the scalp so you get about a   quarter size of conditioner hair and scalp massage  that in and then you let it sit for about three   minutes with the conditioner so it moisturizes  the scalp it moisturizes the hair it doesn't   leave the chemical residue it doesn't leave an  oily residue for demidex or fungus to consume   and now you've got a nice clean scalp and you've  got a healthy scalp that is we basically removed   of anything that could be causing a amount of  inflammation on the surface of the scalp that was   basically fixable by you shampooing so you want  to shampoo daily a lot of times people will say   that their scalp itches if they don't shampoo on  a daily basis that is a clear sign of inflammation   there is never a good time for itching on the  scalp back in the day in the clinic people used   to go oh my scalp was really itchy I thought  that was good I must be growing hair and I mean   I feel for them that they were thinking very  positive and that's great I can appreciate it   however that itching was a sign that there was  something bad going on so in that scenario they   should have been like Hey will my scalp itches  and I'd be like all right we need to take a look   at your scalp on the microscope and figure out  what's going on with all that in mind those are   the natural treatments there's a Next Level to  this thing and if you're going down the medical   route you are attempting to suppress the immune  system in the medical route for dealing with   inflammation is essentially steroids so you can  I mean I've seen people get a an oral systemic   steroid for their hair such as prednisone which  created so many side effects that their hair was   the least of their concern at that point it  may have stabilized things a little bit but   the side effects were so bad that they couldn't  stay on it what I would recommend if you had to   go into this path obviously you have to find a  dermatologist that is willing to prescribe these   particular steroids for you and the number  one thing that I would recommend if you're   dealing with seborrheic dermatitis alopecia areata  folliculitis Maybe ccca frontal fibrosine alopecia   which is another scar in alopecia that affects  women typically right around the temporal points   than clobetazol the scalp serum 0.05 percent  can be applied to the area on a daily basis now   most dermatologists will tell you that you can't  use it ongoing because that product thins the   skin and can actually change the complexion of the  scalp I spoke with a gentleman that this is he's   a very very well-known dermatologist he does an  extraordinary amount of research and he said to me   in my practice I have had some people on  clebatasol once daily for 30 years so it's   not a problem long term again go speak to your  prescribing physician if this is something you're   going to do and you need to be monitored by a  physician but in that scenario Club 8 is always   a topical steroid that can help with those mild  inflammatory cases that are being presented on   the surface of scalp very aggressively the  next level to this I've seen some people use   biologics like Humera and I've seen my mom  actually I think had some success with this   because she has psoriatic arthritis but she  ended up uh having to change her medications but   there I've seen outside of Humira the other  biologic that is very helpful which is eluding   me at the moment but those have a tremendous  amount of side effects so you have to be very   very careful I would never directly recommend them  just for hair but if you have psoriatic arthritis   and alopecia areata or you have rheumatoid  arthritis and something else then it may be   a good fit there is a new medication that came  out it was originally for rheumatoid arthritis   it was the first medication for Alopecia areata  totalus and universalis which is a jack inhibitor   just came out you can look it up that comes along  with side effects as well but it is FDA approved   specifically for Alopecia and totalus and which  is the first drug ever for inflammatory hair loss   it's an option but it comes along with side  effects it's essentially debilitating your   immune response thus you are getting a a reduction  in hair loss because your immune system is much   attack in your your scalp and at the end of  the day you have medical options that are very   aggressive and you have what I would recommend are  the lifestyle changes the detoxification regimen   the supplements to maintain normal really average  inflammatory loss that is what I do and that is   what I recommend if you get to that place where  things are bad sometimes you know you're going   to go to a dermatologist and they're going to  recommend a biopsy most of the time biopsies don't   show you anything I have diffused areata and I  had multiple biopsies when I first started losing   my hair it didn't show anything it said I had  androgenic alopecia it's really kind of up to the   pathologist if it's going to be read properly but  when you're dealing with inflammatory hair loss   go through the checklist are you dealing with gut  issues itching on the scalp are you on medications   are you you know stressed are you getting a proper  amount of sleep because low sleep is also an issue   so from a lifestyle perspective you should be  getting at least six hours of sleep if you're   not that's going to create inflammation anything  that creates inflammation you want to reduce   so you must be conscious of that but deal first  with the lifestyle factors nutritional factors the   dietary factors give it 90 days if things are not  working and you're still having the inflammatory   problems then go get the biopsy and then go see  the dermatologist for clobetazol or obviously   taking it to the next level with additional  Pharmaceuticals so I want you to consider   these things and I know this one was a little  bit all over the place there's a lot that goes   into the inflammation but if you go back to the  core and the core is if you picture your body's   inflammation a little bit like a pond and the way  that I look at it is when you have a pond in the   morning and you wake up and it's perfectly flat  there's it's you know there's do and there's you   know steam Rising off the pond and it's just like  glass that's how you want your immune system every   bit of trauma that you experience on a daily basis  every inflammatory food every medication every   allergen is like throwing a little Pebble  into that pot and it creates Ripples and   if you have enough ripples it's going to start  splashing up onto the sides of the pond and if   that happens over and over and over again even  when the ripples or even when the little rocks   are stopped being thrown into the pond it will  take a while for everything to balance out so   give it 90 days and bring that that whole calm  back to the system and I bet eighty percent of   the time for normal inflammatory loss it will be  resolved and you will feel better and your hair   will look better and everything's going to grow  better so that being said that's today's episode   and I really hope you take value from this if you  do please go ahead you know leave a rating on any   of the podcast platforms if you're watching  it on YouTube go ahead and subscribe to this   channel if I can be of assistance to you please  obviously reach out to us you can leave it in   the comments I'm happy to help there I am William  gonitz the host of the trichologist podcast your  
Channel: William Gaunitz Trichologist - Hair Loss Expert
Views: 216,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inflammatory hair loss, inflammatory hair loss treatment, anti inflammatory diet for hair loss, hair growth, scalp inflammation, advanced trichology, hair loss treatment, hair loss, hair loss treatment for men, hair loss treatment for men naturally, hair loss treatment for men at home, clobetasol, clobetasol propionate, alopecia areata natural treatment, alopecia areata treatment, alopecia areata recovery, alopecia totalis hair regrowth, inflammation on scalp, hair shedding
Id: 3h6LLcznI4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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