"The Trap of a Dream"- Sadhguru

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a dream is more real than reality in experience if you have a nightmare suppose you were sleeping you're fast asleep and dreaming you thought the elephant has come into your bedroom you got terrified and out of that fear you woke up and there is no elephant even though there is no elephant you will still sweat you will palpitate you will go through everything as if something happened the moment you woke up you know it was just a dream but still you fear so when we say a dream don't take it lightly a dream has more is more impactful than reality for most people so the trap of a dream is not a simple trap a very powerful trap self-created especially because itself created you have no means to break it because what you have created there is a certain sense of attachment and liking to it you can't break it have you seen at different stages in your life some silly little things which are in your dryer you know it's no use but you can't throw it away even if it's causing some trouble you can't throw it away because just because it's been there for so long there is a certain sense of attachment to it so what you create it's very hard to break it it takes clarity of perception or it needs outside help otherwise it could take a very long time a long time and I say I'm not talking in terms of years it could take away a long time allowing outside help asking for outside help or even if it comes unasked allowing outside help needs a certain gracefulness needs a certain humility otherwise you can't allow outside help lots of people cannot receive something gracefully and always the social ethics have thought you giving is important taking is not important yes taking is not important taking is ugly but receiving is very important if you do not understand that you anyway everything that's worthwhile in your life you're actually receiving I want you to just look at any aspect of it right now the clothes that you wear for this clock to sit here right now here do you know how many things and how many people are involved in delivering this here somebody planted a cotton seed that plant growing up a million organisms were involved in making this plant grow up and then their cotton you know the whole process in Tamilnadu from ginning to weaving to spinning to waving to everything how many people and then the cloth and then the maker and the seller and the agent and everybody else and now here it's sitting here how many thousand people are involved in just this clot sitting on your body right now the food that you ate for it to get into your system how many people and how many different lives have participated in making this happen none of the things you could do all by yourself isn't it if you understand this and if you receive this gracefully you will be overwhelmed with gratitude if gratitude becomes your very life breath you will also become very receptive when you're grateful you're very receptive you can only be not gratitude as a certain you know people have always told you three magic words one of them is thank you not a cultivated gratitude gratitude happens to you when you are overwhelmed by something or somebody suppose you were very hungry very very hungry you thought you're going to die somebody just gave you a piece of bread now tears of gratitude will come to you that same piece of bread if they gave you a loaf some other time when you're well it wouldn't have meant anything to you but at that moment that piece of bread when you look at that person who gave that piece of bread to you enormous gratitude because you're overwhelmed by the experience with every aspect of your life if you recognize how much is involved to make a sim single aspect of your life happen a piece of cloth or a piece of bread a morsel of food what it takes for it to be created and to land on your plate and get into your body if you just see from microorganisms to human beings how many lives are participating in making things happen for you every moment of your life if you are conscious of it if you peel your eyes and look at it properly you're overwhelmed with gratitude because you could never do this by yourself never never to never do this by yourself if you're overwhelmed with gratitude you're in a extremely good state of receptivity you
Channel: IshaFoundationVideo
Views: 248,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru, jaggi vasudev, isha foundation, presence, of, the, master, dvd, series, Dream, Nightmare, Outside help, Guru, grace, humility, receiving, important, spirituality, philosophy, cotton, cloth, food, overwhelmed, with, Gratitude, Grateful, receptive
Id: xLsmpDZH1VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 03 2008
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