The Traitors’ Finalist 'Jazatha Christie' on His Real Life Betrayal | Loose Women

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please welcome Jas what a moment the intensity you could feel it through the screen oh yeah on reflection looking back and ey there's been so much attention around the series are you pleased and satisfied with how you played the game oh 100% well first of all thank you for having me guys um pleasure yeah I mean it's uh I'm very fortunate to have got to a place where leaving the castle leaving the whole experience that I've got no regrets you know people say to me oh you could have done this you should have done that but having that clear conscious that you know what I played the game exactly how I wanted to play it very fortunate to to feel like that and you spotted the Traders way way ahead of anyone else I mean it was extraordinary was it just to watch how you were trying to figure this out I mean I think probably Paul being the the like everyone adored him didn't they oh my God he was so loved by everyone and you were the one that was going it's him it's him and no one listened honestly I felt like a rebel um going against the government um honestly he was he is that personal you know infectious guy that he just got on with everyone um and I just thought why is this guy so confident we're all you know shaking looking all like this B oh God but chest was out walking like this and I thought hold up a second something something's not not quite right there so that was a red flag to you yeah yeah it was it was um so what was it that made you first want to enter and did you want to be a traitor I had to be a traitor that was the whole game plan and it was because of my father-in-law if I'm honest he said Jaz my m is called honey said sit down watch this show I was like oh here we go dad like you know what are we going to watch now sat down and I looked at to the mys and said this is absolutely incredible like who even thought of this show and then he says you're getting your application in and I said I'm I'm not going to get selected there's no point in me even trying and then I was working from home um one day and I saw an advert just come up on my Instagram and it said traitors Series 2 are looking for man unions and I went I'm a manun I'm from Manchester maybe should I just apply so I just part the laptop to a side took me about an hour to complete this application submitted a video uh which is about 40 40 seconds long got an email back Jazz we want to talk to you um and that was crazy just to get that just the life changing you know when when you were all in there we got to see tiny little elements of what your real lives were away from the the trader world and you very sort of openly and passionately shared something that happened in your life about your your f father and I think it sort of really knocked everyone for six that moment because you were being very very honest was clearly very painful to you that you discovered later in life that your father had another family um and it's it's interesting the response you've had since then it's been overwhelming it's been unbelievable um since I mean that episode I think was s of six when that was aired the the following that episode The response on Instagram uh private messages has been unbelievable to the in the sense that people are also going through this and it's such an unspoken topic and it's a taboo topic especially for my sort of culture my community being sort of seek um it's something just you wouldn't talk about um and obviously growing up it's so it is embarrassing and you feel as though it's your responsibility you removed that shame because you have been so transparent and honest and it helps others 100% K that that's the that's the key you need to surround yourself with the right people um and the first person that I did share this this bird was was my M honey um oh she sounds lovely and she yeah she's all right she's lovely I mean it was when actually took the chance to tell her that look this is the situation um you're not going to like it and it was almost whether will she continue to be with me as well so it taking a big risk um because obviously you know it's difficult but as soon as that happened it was like bricks coming off my shoulders and you start to feel more confident yes because we run out of time why did you then want to be a traitor because that's essentially lying Li but you were brilliant faithful so are you pleased you did the faithful so be the reason why I wanted to be a traitor is primarily you I just don't like getting lied to um so you know you as a traitor you're not getting lied to and secondly you're in control of the game you you're going to sleep every night you know what I can go I can go sleep ultimate fearful we love you everybody thank you so much
Channel: Loose Women
Views: 9,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loose women, Chat Shows - Topic, Chat Show - Topic, Talk Show - Topic, Talk Shows - Topic, ITV, showbiz, celeb gossip
Id: HudjYHyVsWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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