The TRAGIC Life of Louis Chevrolet | A Classic Car Documentary

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America what's your favorite sport bball sandwich hot pie apple and what's your favorite car America Chevrolet before Chevrolet was as iconic As baseball hot dogs and apple pie it was associated with a Swiss race car driver Lou chevray came to America at 22 years of age knowing very little English and in just 10 years not only had he become a famous name in the world of auto racing but he created a namesake auto company that would outsell Ford as the bestselling car in the United States but this isn't a success story you see Lou Chevrolet hardly made a dime off of Chevrolet selling off his company and his name before it took off and became the massive success as the world would go on to see the USA in a Chevrolet Louie watched from the unemployment line broke eventually taking a job as a lowly mechanic on the factory floor at his name sake company this is the story of Louis Chevrolet his ingenious rise and his tragic fall Christmas 1878 Lou Joseph Chevrolet was born in Leota Pond Switzerland to a clock maker the Second Son of seven children all the chevet left school early thrust into clockmaking to contribute to the family's finances when Louie was 9 years old the entire family moved to Bone France where his father Joseph opened a watch store but it still wasn't enough to put food on the table young Louie tried his hand at various odd jobs and by 11 found employment with a bicycle seller named Roblin where he gained his first exposure to Mechanical work repairing bicycles and it was here that Louie would have a memorable encounter with a motorized vehicle according to Legend in 1897 19-year-old Louie was diligently working on filing down a gear wheel when a wealthy American whose motorized steam tricycle had broken down entered the shop seeking assistance when Mr Roblin couldn't figure out how to fix the broken down vehicle Lou stepped up and managed to get it running again it turned out the vehicle was owned by a Vanderbilt one of the richest families in America at the time impressed by Lou skills vanderbelt urged him to come to America promising opportunities awaiting him there America had been a dream of young Louie but it would be several years before he and the Chevrolet family would cross the Atlantic during the next several years working in bone Louie found his passion in mechanics he even invented wine pumps capable of transferring the precious liquid from one vat to another but another aspect of Louis's character also began to emerge his competitive Spirit while repairing bicycles was all well and good Louie found greater excitement in competition he became enthralled with a local event the formation of a Cycling Association in bone aimed at organizing races Lou saw this as an opportunity he couldn't resist throwing himself wholeheartedly into these Regional competitions Louie tasted his first success as a young teenager under July 14th 1895 Louis Chevrolet clenched his Maiden Victory covering a distance of 4 miles in just 10 minutes it marked the beginning of a journey fueled by his passion for racing and Innovation the following Year Lou Chevrolet achieved a remarkable victory in a race covering 40 miles it took him 2 hours 1 minute and 45 seconds to cross the finish line and over the next 3 years Lou dominance in the race circuit was undeniable he secured 16 first prizes six second prizes and six other medals and cups not only did these victories bring him personal satisfaction but they also provided a much-needed boost to the family's finances as the races offered substantial prize money at the time and Louis success on the racing track didn't stop with him he encouraged his sisters Fanny and Berta to join him in the pursuit of racing glory in a woman's race they showcase their talents with Fanny finishing first and Berta finishing second the Chevrolet family's prowess in racing truly made them Stand Out Lou's choice of bicycle brand Gladiator holds particular significance as his employer happened to be a dealer for Gladiator bicycles which were manufactured by dck a company also involved in making Automobiles and this connection paved the way for Lou's ENT into the world of Automotive mechanics his outstanding performances caught the attention of D Rock's management ultimately leading to an opportunity for Louie to train as a motor mechanic in nearby Paris during his time in Paris Louis Chevrolet learned about internal combustion and when he visited the Paris Universal exposition of 1900 he saw cuttingedge technologies that left a profound impact on him fueling his curiosity and hunger for new experience and new [Music] worlds in the late 19th century when it came to Transportation the old world had a head start over the new world Americans looked across the Atlantic with awe as they witnessed the excitement of various events in Europe particularly in the realm of automobiles the pace of Motorcar development in Europe far outstripped that in America with the Paris region serving as the epicenter of automobile Innovation worldwide so The Logical train of thought in the United States was straightforward let's bring in their skilled Mechanics Import their engines and see if we can't catch up in producing Top Notch cars America was in a hurry to bridge the technological divide and it had plenty of advantages on its side after all it was the land of opportunity drawing in countless immigrants from the old world who sought a fresh start and the promise of a better life in the new world you didn't need fancy degrees or prestigious references to make your mark the Allure of the dollar and the hope for a brighter future were powerful motivators inspiring many to take the leap of faith in the vibrant America of 1901 Louis Chevrolet arrived with big hopes having already crossed the year before spending time in Montreal he had a taste of North America and was filled with visions of the famed American Dream Louie had made his way from Montreal to the United States having secured a job there as a chauffeur the previous year back then being a chauffeur meant more than just driving it also required the ability to repair cars Louie quickly realized that America held better opportunities for him so in 1901 despite his limited English skills he made his way to New York Lou landed a job job at di Dion botan America the American branch of the renowned French car manufacturer here he found himself among fellow French employees feeling right at home in the bustling city of New York a few months later Louie reached out to his father in France he urged his father to allow his sisters Fanny and Berta to join him in the states believing they could earn more money there Louie even planned to rent a house where they could all live together despite initial reluctance his father Joseph eventually agreed to let Fanny and Berta make the journey to the new world in hopes that one day the entire Chevrolet family would move there however tragically just a year later his father Joseph Chevrolet passed away at the age of 49 in Bond's main hospital he was laid to rest in a Popper's grave marking the end of an era for the Chevrolet family Louie assumed the role of family leader after his father's passing taking responsibility for bringing the rest of his siblings and his mother to America only brother Alfred who pursued a career as a clock maker remained in France and his family kept growing in 1904 during a frigid winter while chauffe furring a pan ARD for the French tro family Louie met the woman who would capture his heart she was just 16 years old traveling with her mother Louie was smitten with the young French Beauty and they exchanged vows on July 30th 1905 at the French Church of St Vincent dep Paul in New York and following a honeymoon in Niagara Falls they were soon blessed with two sons Charles and [Music] Alfred the year 1905 marked a pivotal movement in Louis Chevrolet's life not only did he tie the knot but he also landed a new job at the Fiat dealership in New York where his expertise as a mechanic quickly garnered attention Lou's profound understanding of car mechanics coupled with his exceptional driving skills caught the eye of racing enthusiasts leading to his debut on an American racetrack on May 20th 1905 Louie entered his first race the three miles held at the Morris Park Hippodrome in New York state behind the wheel of a 90 horsepower Fiat Lou clinched victory in spectacular fashion shattering the world record for the mile with a remarkable time of 52.8 seconds averaging a speed of 68 mph it was an unprecedented Victory catapulting Louie into the spotlight and earning him the unwavering support of the Fiat team booed by his initial success Louie was provided with a new Fiat to compete in the second vanderbild cup on Long Island this marked his entry into the big leagues of racing despite Fierce competition from German and French adversaries Louie delivered a commendable performance securing a respectable 10th place in the race Louis Chevrolet's Ascent into the world of racing continue to soar not only did he set a new world record over a 68 mile track but his racing Endeavors also took him across the United States to California and Canada the name Chevrolet ceased to belong solely to an immigrant it had now become a cherished part of American Racing Heritage interestingly he even found an admirer in two notable figures venzo Lancia and Henry Ford in 1906 Louie made a significant career move by leaving Fiat to drive a do rock equipped with a powerful V8 engine behind the wheel of this remarkable car he shattered the mile record in Florida clocking an astonishing time of 31 seconds and achieving the speed of 118 mph the presence of Louis's brothers first two and then three on the racing circuit only added to the fame of the Chevrolet name while all the brothers contributed to the family Legacy it was Louie who stood out as the most talented and captured the hearts of the American public the motoring press dubbed him as the most Breakneck driver in the world and referred to him as the Daredevil Frenchman Lou's commanding presence couldn't go unnoticed a cut imposing figure standing 6 feet tall with a thick mustache his rugged yet handsome Pioneer likee appearance and fearless approach to racing quickly made him a favorite among Spectators and he rose to fame throughout America but Louis Chevrolet's daring exploits on the racetrack came at a cost both physically and emotionally between 1905 and 1920 his UST Rous career as a race car driver saw him spend over 3 years confined to a hospital bed recovering from numerous accidents tragically four of his mechanics lost their lives in harrowing pileups while Chevrolet miraculously escaped with his own life intact each time during this era of racing each car had two occupants the driver and the mechanic it was in response to these perilous conditions that Lou Chevrolet is credited with inventing what would l later become the anti-roll bar he conceived the idea of installing a sturdy upright post behind his seat a device that proved crucial in protecting him during several accidents in the early days of racing both in the United States and Europe the significance of racing far exceeded what we witness today a victory not only elevated the driver's status but also brought Fame to the car manufacturer whose name adorned the vehicles the races themselves served as rigorous tests for both drivers and cars the logic was simple if a car could endure the rigors of high-speed racing over hundreds of miles it was sure to withstand the demands of Everyday Use by customers success on the racetrack translated to increase confidence among the public in the reliability and performance of the cars this in turn fueled excitement among investors in the burgeoning automobile market and it was during this period that a pivotal figure in the automotive industry entered Lou's life setting the stage for further developments in his remarkable [Music] Journey William Durant was a remarkable businessman whose life Journey embodies the essence of the American dream born in Boston in 1861 Durant hailed from a prestigious lineage being the grandson of former Michigan Governor Henry crappo from a young age Durant displayed an exceptional knack for business by the time he reached 30 he had already amassed a significant Fortune becoming a millionaire through his Ventures his affable demeanor coupled with a gentle and pleasant voice made him a charismatic figure in business circles and Durant's business acument knew no bounds he dabbled in a myriad of Industries ranging from cigarettes to Pharmaceuticals bicycles real estate and insurance Insurance however his fortune truly flourished with the sale of hand carts a commodity in high demand as America underwent rapid development William Durant initially harbored skepticism towards automobiles viewing them as a threat to horses however he soon recognized the potential profitability in the burgeoning automotive industry and Durant possessed remarkable foresite he grasped the transformative potential of the automobile and its impending impact on the American society and this realization led him to acquire Buick a decision that would reshape the automotive landscape under Durant's astute leadership Buick experienced a meteoric rise to success by 1908 Buick had produced a staggering 8,800 Vehicles surpassing the combined output of its competitors including Ford in less than 3 years Durant transitioned from being a prominent handcart manufacturer to the largest car producer in the United States a true Visionary Durant recognized the promotional power of Motorsports and made substantial investments in racing Endeavors it was through this Venture that he crossed paths with Louis Chevrolet and his brother Arthur and asked them to drive for Buick Louis Chevrolet not content with merely driving actively contributed to the development of new racing cars including the Innovative Buick bug which garnered a claim for its Advanced design by 1909 the Buick bug dominated the Grand Prix circuit clinching victories in nearly every race the economic benefits of racing were immense yet challenges persisted Durant sought to streamline production costs a task Complicated by the need to procure parts from multiple suppliers this fragmented supply chain posed risks as costs fluctuated unpredictably but Durant devised a groundbreaking solution the establishment of what would evolve into one of the world's most influential Automotive conglomerates General Motors to ensure profitability he conceived the idea of a holding company that could amalgamate multiple car manufacturers into a single formidable entity on September 16 1908 Durant's Vision materialized with the founding of the general Company of New Jersey and Buick was swiftly integrated into this entity the same year Durant's strategy for expansion was clear acquiring struggling companies to bolster the conglomerates portfolio and this approach became a Hallmark of the American Automobile industry's history Durant seized every opportunity for growth eventually acquiring prominent Brands such as Cadillac and Oldsmobile the roster of Acquisitions continued to swell with General Motors eventually encompassing as many as 25 distinct automobile [Music] makes it was during the era when the Buick bug emerged that Louis Chevrolet began contemplating the development and sale of his own automobiles circumstances were ripe for this endeavor Buick had long recognized Lou's exceptional talent and questioned why he persisted in racing risking his life when his expertise could be channeled into designing cars Louie possessed intimate knowledge of racing and was acutely aware of the mechanical components prone to failure Lis Chevrolet had ascended to Celebrity Status in America and Durant perceived the potential of coupling a renowned name with a quality automobile Louis Chevrolet's inaugural creation the classic 6 made its debut towards the end of 1911 although production didn't commence until the subsequent year this wasn't just any ordinary car Louis envisioned it to exude Beauty and elegance it emerged as a luxurious four-door sedan capable of accommodating five individuals in utmost Comfort equipped with electric lighting a full hood and leather upholstery of standard features the classic 6 boasted an Exquisite finish the motoring press raved about the engine's smoothness high performance and ease of handling powering the classic 6 was a robust 4.9 L engine housing six cylinders arranged in a T formation paired with a three-speed gear box it achieved an impressive maximum speed of 65 mph a remarkable feat for a car of its class during that era shortly after the launch of his first touring car Louis Chevrolet took to the main streets of Detroit at 4:00 in the morning to put his creation to the test pushing the vehicle to 65 M an hour he felt satisfied with its performance and began to slow down however his moment of Triumph was interrupted when he was flagged down by a policemen Louie found himself summoned before the courts facing charges for his speeding offense when asked his name by the judge he simply replied Lou Chevrolet the judge swiftly made his verdict a $20 fine confused Louie inquired about the rationale behind this Hefty penalty the judge's response was straightforward $10 for speeding and $10 for pretending to be a famous race car driver in 1912 a total of 3,000 classic sixes rolled off the production line marking a significant milestone for Louis Chevrolet's Automotive Venture but this isn't a success story it wasn't smooth sailing for William Durant and Lou cheret Durant could see the need for cheap affordable Vehicles much like the kind Henry Ford was making with the the Model T but Louie felt that the work and investment in race cars and luxury automobiles was a more important Direction than cheap mass-produced cars the following year when Louie embarked on a journey back to France alongside his relatives Durant seized the opportunity to implement organizational changes within the company upon Lou's return he was confronted with a new reality orchestrated by Durant Durant aimed to introduce more affordable car models a decision that didn't sit well with Lou Chevrolet feeling disillusioned Louie decided to sever ties and sold his stake in the company as well as his name to Durant a mistake that would haunt him for the rest of his life under the revised Financial agreement Louie forfeited the rights to his name for future car models the classic 6 remained the sole model produced during Louis's tenure with the company subsequently Durance managed company underwent consolidation with many Brands coming and going but the name Chevrolet always survived the name resonated with Americans evoking the legacy of Lou Chevrolet over time the brand affectionately became known as Chevy it was after Lou's departure that Durant introduced the Brand's iconic bow tie logo shrouded in myth and Legend some stories attributed Durant's inspiration for the logo to the wallpaper pattern in a Paris hotel room while others claim it was derived from a Sunday newspaper illustration in early 1914 Chevrolet introduced two new models the Royal Mail and its commercial variant the baby grand these budget-friendly models gained significant Traction in the market subsequently in 1915 Chevrolet unveiled the 490 priced at $490 competing directly with the Model T the response was overwhelming with production soaring from 13,000 vehicles in 1915 to a staggering 110,000 vehicles in 197 signaling Chevy's Ascent into the automotive industry and Lewis Chevrolet never received a [Music] dime as a man embodying The Motto never give up in 1914 Louis Chevrolet ignited his passion for motor racing by establishing the Fronton Motor Corporation and Lou set out to design and manufacture four cars under the Fronton brand and Louie was fixated on the idea of lightweight racing cars He firmly believed that a truly exceptional racing machine should be as light as possible and equipped with an engine boasting maximum performance in pursuit of this Vision his Cars Incorporated a higher proportion of aluminum compared to the other cars at the time and this philosophy led to numerous victories on the track his Focus extended to key elements such as the cinder block Pistons crankshaft fuel injection water pump coach work and control pedals however he exercised caution with certain parts opting for a robust cam shaft due to its significant stress load Louie ingeniously positioned the fuel in two elongated tanks beneath the chassis this strategic placement allowed for concentrated weight towards the front thus lowering the car center of gravity and enhancing traction on the drive Wheels thanks to Lou Innovations the Fronton X weight was reduced by 550 lbs compared to its competitors the Fronton X quickly became iconic in the racing World earning a reputation that spanned many seasons they consistently secured victories or finished strongly in races often outpacing even the formidable European cars it was a time of American ascendancy with the Chevrolet Brothers dominating the racing circuits particularly in events like the Indianapolis circuit but just as brother Gaston emerged as a front runner for the 1920 racing season tragedy struck during a race in Beverly Hills in a horrifying incident on a straight section of the track Gaston's front enac collided with another car sending both vehicles over the track barrier the crash claimed the lives of all occupants except Gaston's mechanic who survived with severe injuries it was a devastating blow Gaston the youngest of the chevret brothers had only recently celebrated his 28th birthday following the tragic loss of his brother Gaston in 1920 Louis Chevrolet made a solemn vow to never race again Gaston wasn't just Lou's brother he was also his godson and their bond was exceptionally close however this marked the beginning of a new chapter for Louie as a car manufacturer and a man of action in 1921 Louie and his brother Arthur joined forces to establish the Chevrolet Brothers Manufacturing Company in Indianapolis their goal was to develop a cylinder head that could be fitted onto the widely used model T4 transforming it into a high performance car the cylinder head they created known as the Frac significantly increased the engines power and was an immediate hit the Chevrolet Brothers Factory began producing up to 60 cylinder heads per day they called these model T's the fronty Fords which was a combination of Frontenac and Ford in 1922 two of these cars qualified for the prestigious Indianapolis 500 race Henry Ford himself took a keen interest in these fronty Fords as they brought significant attention to his brand however Ford didn't maintain Ain a consistent presence in racing around this time Aviation opened up as a new exciting opportunity and Louie and his brother Arthur in 1926 began constructing prototype engines for light aircooled aircrafts with 4 to6 cylinders these engines were named chevr however it led to arguments and disagreements between the brothers ultimately the brother's relationship soured and they eventually parted way in 1927 Arthur established the Arthur Chevrolet company which manufactured aircraft engines but the company failed during the economic downturn of the 1930s after that Arthur struggled with depression and would tragically take his own life never reconciling with his brother Louie and as for Louie things got worse for him too as America fell into the Great Depression [Music] in the 1930s as Chevrolet continued to be part of Americana Lou Chevrolet found himself without a job too old to begin again and without money Louie found himself struggling to find work and with no other foreseeable Choice he settled for a job at the hugely successful Chevrolet Plant working as a lowly mechanic on the assembly line in 1934 he faced a serious health crisis in which he never recovered weak and bedridden Louie endured further heartache with the loss of his son Charles who had battled kidney failure since childhood and died just shy of his 28th birthday more Misfortune struck Louis Chevrolet as fate dealt him more blows a devastating fire swept through his sister Fanny's home in New Jersey consuming all the archives Louie had stored there these archives held precious drawings designs of cars engines and spare parts all lost forever and Louis's Health continued to deteriorate by the spring of 1941 his condition had worsened to the point where doctors had to amputate one of his legs due to Gang Green then in the early hours of June 6 1941 Louie passed away at his residence just east of Detroit the Chevrolet motor company had a great influence on the American Automobile market during the ' 50s and 60s in 1950 3 it would go on to produce the Corvette a two-seater sports car with a fiberglass body and in 1957 the Chevy B air by now the image of Chevrolet had come into its own as the standard of Excellence in American Automobile for the American Consumer in 1960 Chevrolet joined the newly popular compact car market by introducing the corv with a rearm mounted aircooled engine and by 196 63 one out of every 10 cars sold in the United States was a Chevy during the 1960s and early 1970s the Chevrolet Impala series became one of the United States's best-selling lines of automobiles in history and during that era Chevrolet produced the chevel the Monte Carlo and the Nova which was the basis for the Chevy Camaro the story of Chevrolet and the tragic fate of its founder is full of Adventure and epic moments and if you're interested in taking a deep dive into the history of Chevrolet and their iconic cars check out these two videos on the history of Corvette and Camaro that you can watch right here right now thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed what you saw please give this video a like and be sure to subscribe for all my latest stories I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Classic Car Documentaries
Views: 118,445
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Keywords: louis chevrolet, the story of louis chevrolet, louis chevrolet story, the history of louis chevrolet, story of louis chevrolet, história da chevrolet, louis chevrolet and chevrolet motors, historia da gm chevrolet, frontenac motors, louis chevrolet documentary, louis chevrolet historia, biografia de chevrolet, how chevrolet was founded, the tragic story of chevrolet, history of chevrolet, the history of chevrolet, who was louis chevrolet, louis chevrolet biography
Id: 3Up-KJwnjzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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