The Tragic Death of Babe Paley. The Last Swan.

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in a world where Beauty and wealth were Paramount babe paly stood as a paragon of Elegance often called the most beautiful woman of the 20th century her life was a testament to Grace Under Pressure this is the story of the Lonely death of Babe paly the first of Truman capot swans and the end of an era born to Dr Harvey Cushing a renowned neurosurgeon and Katherine Cushing a woman of wealth and stature babe was raised to epitomize Perfection her upbringing was a careful curation aimed at securing a prosperous marriage a path her sisters Betsy and Minnie also followed one marrying the son of a president the other an aster babe who was very intelligent and an editor at Vogue could have done many things but she was taught that neither love nor children matter what matters is marrying Rich her mother raised her to play the role of a wife she was bred to play a role and that role was the wife of Bill py and she played it well but there was little love between them bill was an endless philanderer and narcissist and babe had divorced her first husband and married him simply because of his wealth even though she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world to Bill she was just another object to possess her life was a magnificent performance from the moment she woke up in the morning hours before Bill to put on her makeup and put in her false teeth that she had been forced to wear since a severe car accident in 1934 she was on stage she planned every action noting it in her book and she could forgive herself no imperfections nor could bill she was flawlessly polite with an imperious manner always trying to hold herself aware of all eyes on her as Truman remarked babe only had one flaw she was perfect otherwise she was perfect but behind the Flawless public facade she was insecure and lonely she twice tried to kill herself with Trum saving her life she felt she had no one to confide in but Truman and she would tell him Tales of Bill's Affairs and he in turn would tell them to everyone else when she thought about leaving Bill Truman spoke as Babe's own mother would have no no you are perfect for him it is as if he chose you out of Central Casting think of it as a job the wife of Bill paly and it is the best job in the world in addition to advising her to stay in a Loveless marriage and spreading her stories all over town Truman her best friend also tried to arrange additional lovers for Bill even trying to procure the recently divorced Carol San for him but isn't he married she asked yes honey but he will certainly provide for you he responded the release of Truman's laot Basque 1965 was a betrayal that cut deep as the slim Keith character lady Ina kirth tells the story of the governor's wife and the Bloody sheets babe must have known it was about her as she had only divulged that information to Truman in addition the fact that the slim Keith character in the story says she had an affair with Bill must have made babe wonder if she had any friends at all after reading the chapters babe called slim and asked have you read Truman's piece in Esquire who do you think it is Slim knew that the businessman was Bill but didn't have the heart to tell babe and remained silent babe had flown around the world with trumman introduced him to rarified circles given him gifts and now a private woman she felt deeply betrayed she had always been a private woman and shared her real pain with no one but Truman and now suffering from cancer her private world was exposed for the world to see the story left a stain on Babe's life larger than the one on the marital bed from laot bos had Truman ever cared for her had anyone Truman tried calling her but for the first first time in their friendship he couldn't get through to her finally he reached Bill Truman asked have you read my esquare piece Bill replied I started Truman but I fell asleep then a terrible thing happened the magazine was thrown away Truman not taking the hint said I'll send you another copy to which Bill answered don't bother Truman I am preoccupied my wife is very ill babe was in fact dying of cancer a slow and excruciating death she was thin than ever but still got up every day to apply makeup heavier and heavier to cover up the darkness that began to cover her a third of her right lung had been removed but the cancer had come back and in May 1975 surgeons had removed the rest of her lung for most of their marriage bill had treated babe like an object he was dismissive of her never being around but in the last months of her life he was there trying to play the loving husband he tried to show her how much he cared but babe wanted none of him and in her final days she pushed him away even insulting him in front of others and faced her death without the two most important men in her life Bill and Truman in her final days babe remained true to her character and meticulously planned her own funeral deciding on everything from the seating arrangements the guest list and the food she passed away on July 6th 1978 leaving behind a legacy of style and elegance her husband will Willam was buried beside her in 1990 capot estranged and regretful was not invited in the end babe stayed true to the role that was assigned to her long ago by her mother and lived the life of the dutiful wife her life was layered by triumphs tragedies and betrayals but through it all she maintained her Poise and discretion her passing not only marked the end of her journey but the end of an era thank you for watching please please like share and subscribe it really helps
Channel: MythicMindScape
Views: 57,888
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Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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