The Tragedy of Eren Jaeger...

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eren yeager from attack on titan truly a tragic character in my opinion one with many flaws to him as a human being because he is human but yet also one that has compelled me immensely ironically he was the reason why I stayed away from attack on Titan for the longest time but when reading it through the manga I was really compelled by his character and he ended up being my fourth favorite protagonist ever and I think one of the greatest protagonists written period now me and my boy Josh are going to be doing a video over on his channel about guts from berserk and how he would fare surviving within the world of attack on Titan so I'll be leaving the link to his channel down in the description below make sure you subscribe to him and show him some love and also if you are new to this channel make sure you like comment subscribe bell notifications and all of the good stuff and so before we get into the video cue the intro as I stated at the beginning of the video aaron was a character who went from one that I extremely disliked to in my opinion one of the best Rayne protagonists ever if there was a way to really break down Aaron's development and his character growth is it matches with the world of attack on Titan you start in attack on Titan in this confined space kinda trapped within a cage tied down and Aaron is also tied down to the world that he lives in therefore how far his character can go is a bit limited due to the limited experiences he has as a character although the early ones he goes through arched only traumatic Aaron does not strike you as anything extremely special from the beginning and because of the confined world that he lives in and because of the style early on it does seem that this story is going to be a rinse and repeat and the potential for Aaron's growth is not really apparent however as you continue to read attack on Titan the world expands the reach of the characters expands the moral dichotomy has made more parents the quote-unquote antagonists of the story are no longer just the Titans therefore the antagonists themselves have more quality and as the world and story of attack on Titan grows so does Aaron one of the interesting things however is that when you look on early on and attack on Titan - when ends up happening with Aaron becomes the overall theme of his character throughout but on much larger-scale early on an attack on titan we see how aaron is the thing he hates the most his desire is to kill and terminate all of the Titans but yet ironically he turns out to be a Titan himself he wants to attack on all Titans but he is the attack Titan for the early majority of attack on Titan we see Aaron as this impulsive at times overly edgy teenager although again some of this paths definitely does justify his behaviors he seems quite indecisive and he hasn't really cemented himself as a human being however given his age group and if you look at real life realistically that's how we as teenagers tend to be we don't really know what we want to be who we want to be all we tend to act on at times is our desires and passions without any real sense or direction in life but even with that being said there's something to Aaron that I've always loved not only in his character but in honestly my favorite protagonists and his characters of all time and that would have to be the strong ambition and the will to push and continue and to self-improve no matter what Aaron's character early on can definitely be defined by the philosophy I tend to have in life he understands he cannot control what happens to him all he can control is how he reacts to it but again as a flawed character as he is his decision-making during those times of reacting can be a little bit shaky but nonetheless he does not play the victim card although he understands that he goes through suffering in the position that he is in he does not point to everything around him in life and make excuses he looks towards himself and makes himself stronger so he can come up with real solutions for what he sees as the real problem began referring to Aaron's character early on we'll see how this kind of philosophy that I see is within his character how it becomes twisted and changes into one of a more tragic take Aaron's character early on is also tied down by a few things even though it is very apparent early on the Aaron can be very explosive if let be he has people like Mikasa and Armin and all of the others within his group to kind of keep him chained down in order for him not to let loose and go crazy as he did early on when he was first in his titan form but as this can News four a little bit here's where the true tragedy of Aaron's character seems to start as he begins to gain more and more control of his Titan self he seems to lose his human self he begins to realize that there's more than just the Titans that's wrong in this world that there's more evil than just the original simplistic monsters he was fighting that the group he was fighting in and the people at times he was fighting for we're tying him down and we're not really allowing him to accomplish what he truly wanted I think Aaron going through all of these traumatic horrible bloody and gory experiences ends up twisting the direction in which he wants to go in slowly the allies that he once truly cared for he begins to isolate himself from and it all seems odd because there was a point in the story near the middle where it really seemed like Aaron was truly truly forming this incredible bond not only with his human self but Titan self with the rest of the group but that all changes when he finds out the truth when he remembers more about his father the tragedy of how he became who he is today and why he's able to turn into a Titan when he finally finds out that there's more to the world than what he was originally presented I feel like part of Aaron field lied and deceived too and that everything he once knew was all fake kind of like if the floor was pulled out from under him and I think he finally got sick of the philosophy he once had as I stated earlier I definitely do think part of Aaron's character truly believed in that he couldn't control what happened to him but he could definitely control how he reacted hence his ambition to push forward but being fueled by anger vengeance and honestly just pure hatred that ended up twisting Aaron's view on life this is where Aaron grows up becomes a man and instead of before where he could no longer control what happened to him in life but in fact could only control the reactions he gave now Aaron would try to take life by the throat and make others react to him for once pretty much the meme is accurate this man went from a character in the story to becoming the author itself but yet when it comes to Aaron's character in the tragedy of it he really reminds me of another character and let's see if you can think who it is although not entirely the same the overall concepts and I think the tragedies to their characters can be a bit similar and strikes me as the super ambitious person who wants to accomplish what he thinks is the greater good but he's willing to do it by any means necessary whether through manipulation and climbing the corpses of others where have I heard this before but just like I usually say with this other character quote unquote if you could guess who it is let me know in the comment section below but with both of these characters as is made very apparent by their dialogue and interactions with other characters they understand that what they're doing isn't morally correct they understand that the actions they are taking hurts innocent people but yet they don't care anymore they understand in their mind that in order to get the change that they want and to accomplish their goal they're going to have to take shortcuts and things are going to have to get messy when an ambitious individual or group of people are willing to violate moral codes in order to push for a cause to eliminate a quote-unquote oppressor oftentimes throughout history have I noticed they end up replacing that oppressor or that monster with an even bigger monster that is willing to eat anybody in its path and it becomes the slippery slope of what is right and what is wrong and as we've seen an attack on Titan that can lead to some very very violent events and I think the true sadness of it all as we hear from Aaron's character is I don't think he ever desired for it to come to this I don't think he ever wanted to say those words to me Casa B yet part of him needed to say what he said to Mikasa this was the path he chose and I think he understands that even though he might regret it he has to push those feelings and close them under the gates in order to continue because there is no longer going back however despite the twists on the worldview and philosophy Aaron does have and the destructive tendencies it does have Aaron has stayed the same in his style of doing things although I don't think he was really manipulative at the beginning that's something that plays more into his character later that idea of constantly fighting and fighting and fighting and never giving up no matter what has stayed consistent how far are you willing to go for change for a righteous cause that you believe is good and how will you know or guarantee that the change cause we'll be beneficial to the world you live in will Aaron ever really be satisfied with the outcome will he be able to rest in peace when it's all said and done it will he look back on it as an old man if he even lives that long and wishes he had done things differently but now that I mentioned that since he is a Titan shifter he has to pretty much keep eating Titan shifters if he wants to continue living kind of like his methods and attack on Titan in order to prolong his life others need to pay the price in order to accomplish what he wants to accomplish others innocence even need to pay the price and what truly makes Aaron's character growth and development seem all the more impressive is when you look back an attack on Titan you really see how it's all being set up at the moment of reading it it doesn't seem a little bit there it seems like the doors are just busted open and everything changes but as you look back on it there are small hints given to where Aaron's character might be going early on if you were to ask me leave I would have been my consensus number one attack on Titan character and it wasn't even close but as time has progressed and the more I've read the manga I would have to say Aaron takes the cake for me undisputed now and so on top of the already tragic change to his character as we've seen with many of the heartbreaking moments that has come with Aaron recently I think the true tragedy will be and how his character has to end I think he fully again understands that some of the actions he had to take aren't the ones that he wanted to but the ones that he saw that he had to and the only way for him to die in peace I think is for the redemption of some of the sins he has caused and whatever way that means and in whatever way he might do that is yet to be seen when it comes to attack on Titan who wins and who doesn't win at this point doesn't really matter to me so much just as long as Aaron as a character is able to end in a great way that does not violate the themes of his character so far but in the end I only really see tragedy happening for air and despite him being my favorite character in the series and again one of the greatest protagonists of all time if you like this video consider leaving a like and commenting as well as subscribing and turning on the bail notifications it only takes a little bit of time and it helps tremendously thank you so much for watching the video this has been the masked man hope everyone has a blessed rest of the day and peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Masked Man
Views: 121,858
Rating: 4.934092 out of 5
Keywords: eren jaeger english dub, eren jaeger amv, eren jaeger transformation, eren jaeger voice actor, eren jaeger season 4, eren jaeger screaming, eren jaeger and mikasa, eren jaeger analysis, attack on titan eren jaeger, eren jaeger best transformation, eren jaeger character analysis, eren jaeger character development, eren jaeger explained, eren jaeger grown up
Id: 6Ecamb1P5Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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