The toughest pop top truck camper ever made by Overland Explorer : Overland Expo 2018

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys I'm at Overland Expo in Flagstaff Arizona and hopefully you watch the video of Overland Explorer from last year these guys make probably some of the most durable high-quality campers you could possibly make definitely over-engineered for sure but I got Arnold here's back again I want to start off by saying a the camera adds like 50 60 pounds and B it's pronounced composite how many how many cameras are on you man anyways what we're doing this year we're down an expo it's doubled in size this year it's huge we can't believe it the response is is fantastic it's crazy lots of merchandise here this year so you guys didn't make it this you should make it next year it's probably gonna grow again right well we're debuting this year is our brand new let's go on all composites pop-up camper night pop-up camper comes in two sizes we've got our midsize we got a full size in the midsize you've got a six-foot-long still able to close just under six me sighs we're six foot two in length so you can close the tailgate and it'll fit your dodge your forward your Chevy trucks you got them all covered we got them all covering a hollow so what makes ours different then probably a lot of the pop ups you're going to see the fact that it's all cops that there's no wood the insulated value we got a new panel system this year along with our new extrusions so it's a it's a polypropylene honeycomb core on the inside outside wall and then on the center it's a nice oh foam for the foam core Center this gives you an r8 gives you good sound attenuation so even on our hard wall expedition units you're going to get good insulated value good sound attenuation our soft walls now this is this comes standard with an insulated soft wall so it's canvas on the inside it's a number that will indicate flame spread so if there is a fire you can I know guys are gonna ask is there like is this double insulated for like cold and warm weather or is there is that an upgrade don't this is it this is that it's fully insulators fully insulated um standard nice not an extra package okay an extractor so the nice thing about this it's our four show me in our foreign in a soft and soft well system I never heard of it yeah the the company that manufactures the soft walls for us in Canada they specialize in are known across Canada for their winter winterization soft wall fabric enclosures for under trailers it cetera et cetera mainly for the oil boiler gases let's talk about this too because this is different than everybody else out there the construction you can just see is super beefy what's going on here it's like all of our built we're using aluminum extrusions to join all of our walls groups ceilings etc etc very very strong everything is bonded together again with the automotive adhesives that are super strong yeah exactly extremely strong so again with the rivets on our corner caps they're just there for added protection we're probably just over engineering it but it's nice you only need the adhesives behind this but anywhere that you're joining aluminum to we always throw a couple rivets in anyways and there's their waterproof - they get down to 25 pounds I notice you guys are going with these I love these windows by the way do dual pane I love how you can crack them open or you can go all the way in let Aaron leave those are fantastic and gone are the days of the sliding window these are what's nice about these gas struts of them when they eventually failed easy to get replacement parts just pop them new ones been in if you're it's got the pull up line pull down screen again when that fails because it's going to it's a we're a minute it's a weird part easy to get parts for I can see it's kind of like a foil kind of reflective material in there to keeps that heat out so the profile is like your typical truck camper so interior height the word to ceiling six foot 11 inches that's a lot of room with a guy in here the other day first day of the show six foot ten he was super impressed that's nice at six foot ten there's not a lot of people at six foot ten getting in a lot of units where he's gonna be comfortable yeah so look at this this is a nice thing to point out to you guys got really big locking mechanisms you want to be able to secure it so you're able to pop top itself we've got gas strut assist so inside there are two hinges we'll see that when we go inside and this thing with quite literally pull the hinges in the ceiling the gastro the sister it is just going up so anybody nice nice you don't see our manual jacks we don't have it here but all's they are is a sliding they don't pin in or anything like that they're just meant for removing the camper dropping it down off the truck they're not meant for traveling okay most people quite honestly they wants to get on the truck the jacks are staying at me personally to aesthetics wise not that aesthetics matter but I don't like seeing the big checks here anyway take them off put them away this particular unit is for a customer this one is the 1,350 pounds once we get down to the six foot two this one is longer than the six foot two will be down to 1,300 pounds nice so right weight so most trucks will probably have to do a little bit of spring upgrades maybe or no unless you go buy the heavy-duty you probably don't have to if you go with the heavy-duty you likely don't have to I've done a lift kit on my truck just cuz I want to lift it up yeah it didn't eat it quite honestly you give me fine probably with the factory truck but if you want to add some more performance with the extra weight the back of your truck yeah you should take a look I think most guys do for sure for sure because we have to adhere to NFPA 1192 etc etc but we don't want to have it we got to keep all the propane especially with getting the regulator's because they were always going to pass me by the propane we got to keep that external at the vehicle and we have to be within certain distances of any windows or door openings of the camera itself as well so which we've taken care of the next units that come out will come up with so 120-pound will come up with two tens so it'd be a nice feature as well you got your water fill standard in our units now is the true month so it's hot water on demand and it's also going to supply your cabin heat it's all in 102 and one my doing one yeah so what that gives you inside more storage right nice how much weight can you store up there honoraria let's see here my business partner marques what I'm not gonna say his weekend camera but let's just say is a touch over 200 yeah I'm 200 yeah see that 200 pounds plus you can get in front on for this roof okay with the roof up oh wow with the roof up that's impressive yeah Wow it's like all of our other paths it's like the compass of the roof by itself whose just by itself not connected this camper yeah 2,000 pounds yeah easily put on there with the pop-up see if you're taking that weight up you want to try and limit the weight yeah you don't employ a lot if you are gonna if you know you're gonna be putting some weight on let us know we can change the we can change the specifications on the gastro that's right right we can go to something a little bit stronger so that'll help nice nice so a canoe or a bike you're good to go he's got no problem look at that that's tons of headroom oh man isn't it I'm 5 foot what nine I'm five nine as well so here I'm you don't feel cramped in here a lot so when you're when you have on top of the bed you got lots of room talk about this this here is this is this the reason why someone can stand on top right because it does wrist yeah it goes over Center right oh so down she comes super you know super easy right mm-hmm and then just a little simple push over centers snaps in locks nice that is the beefiest locking system for a pop-up I've ever seen and I've seen seen quite a bit over them out there yeah yeah that is nice to see how strong that sucker is yeah that's it's very easy to use so we have a pool just grab the front one so you don't have to climb up classy just give it a pull yeah so you got your your escape hatch typically this is forward this particular customer one of them swapped the tennspeed bam in the front oh he probably want the fan of slow on him when he's sleeping yeah just get the flow of air crossing the you're the star on this side sure this bench over here nice yeah so we got a few subtle differences coming up for our production units we might end up extending this out a little bit so you may have kind of a dinette on this side mm-hmm this is a product out of Germany made by Remo we are a distributed for Remo in Canada it's very nice it detaches off of this stainless leg here so you can have it in that position or you can pop it off just screw it on right here nice and tight you got the foldable legs so you want this embed so you can actually take that outside as well and you get outside they're also telescopic legs oh no it's a really really nice multifunctional piece and it's lightweight as well and when you when you go camping or just outdoors in general it's nice to have almost everything dual purpose or even triple purpose if you can on this side here down on the lower section and what's your sink countertop it's a wooden countertop you've got your full down faucet cutting board on top a lot of not a prep space a lot of prep space yet with the next generation unit this area here will not be here what we're going to do instead is we're going to take some Mack track or L track whatever you want to call it we'll put it horizontally top and bottom so you can install soft bags first okay so whether it be for clothing or or what have you a much better use of space so that would be going and you got room underneath to tie down porta potti if you've got a lion energy little generator or something like that if it's nicely down there able to tie it down and secure it so I noticed you guys have the Dometic it's like a portable electric refrigerator I actually really liked the fact that you did that because a lot of these campers come with a built-in right refrigerator and then you're stuck with it that's the one you know it's it's this much more versatility absolutely right you're not always in your camper you might be going doing some tailgating or something like that or got some sort of an event even in your backyard or something right so it gives us versatility pop in your partner seal here or take it outside most people cook outside yeah obviously so that's why we didn't want to have anything fixed inside so for your bed you become king size can take your your cushions off of here to increase the size of your sleeping space there but you end up in king size that's huge it's really really nice you can see the extra chair yeah and then for me I could see me and my wife and the baby up there and I could probably fit another kid down here no problem ya know probably even two kids down here depending on my kids the water in this unit that comes standard with with a 20 gallon actually there is no option to increase your water capacity it's the max it's 20 gallons okay if this is a small camper just isn't a lot of space is it right down there it is it's right underneath and it's nice you can actually see a water level in it then you've also got a group 27 battery which comes standard with it again for the folks that are wanting 110 volt power We strongly recommend lion energy they've got the most fantastic little generator and we've set it up this unit so it fits in here and it can be secured very very nice I love this thing so what kind of price points could guys expect expect well for the balance of 2018 what we're doing is we're gonna honor the 25,000 US mm-hmm is the price point on the on this camper whether you're mid-size or your full size Oh $5,000 us would balance of this year nice we are really we're gonna be doing another production run starts in July so if anybody wants to learn more about the product shoot us an email give us a call to start a conversation and get your name in on the queue or overall the deposit process all that how how you take delivery all that stuff get in touch with us below because I know a lot of guys watching my channel they're probably gonna be wondering where do I go to get this I did have to go to Canada to get it right now we don't have any distribution in the United States so but no it's right now for the mounting system which we we didn't look at yet we should have a look at that when we go outside but for the mounting system the brackets the mount to the frame of the truck we have to install those so you'll notice there's a couple ports one on the passenger side there's another one you can't see on the drive side maybe you can those are marine ports those are access ports to the mounting system that we have for the camper to the truck and this is what they look like okay very easy to do all you're gonna do is reach in there or out here or center latch I'm gonna pull it down disconnect you're done that's it that stickers not going and it is not going anywhere fast I see if they got a pad on the bottom of yeah we used just a half inch burn mat down on the bottom very nice just gives you nice traction cool solutely so that is a detailed look and what is the official name of this one by the way this is the camp X Camp X all sizes the camp X the mid-size is camp okay awesome it's not an acronym it's just what it is we're really bad at coming up with names but I'm good at building stuff yeah I think you guys win the award for the most like durable rugged pop-up camper I've ever seen yeah that's awesome yeah we want something very lightweight something yeah this will last generations it's 25,000 bucks so this is you're gonna get years and years and years of enjoyment out of this your soft wall fails and it's easy to replace all right very cool come visit us Overland IX comm we'd love to have you sign up for our newsletter if you want to talk to us give us a call on four OH three three four six ninety one ninety nine and if there were some I in Canada a happen to be an area what's your address out there one four zero eight three one nine child's Industrial Avenue we're right in Red Deer Alberta dumb business with close to the Rockies there we go alright guys that was a detailed tour of Overland Explorer booth at overnight Expo in Flagstaff Arizona hope you guys enjoyed this video please hit that like button [Music] [Applause]
Channel: mixflip
Views: 327,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixflip, overland expo west 2018, overland expo 2018, overland expo, overland expedition, overland ex, red deer alberta canada, pop top truck camper, truck camper, slide in truck camper, 4wheel camper
Id: Trfx7v7hxVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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