The Top Pieces and Winners of an Art Contest - December 2023

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hey everyone today I'm here with DJ freezy J and together we're going to go through December's contest tell you our thoughts on our favorite pieces at the end we're going to reveal the winners of the contest so December's theme was silent night so everyone had to paint a nighttime scene and what did you think of all the paintings and choosing it was pretty hard huh there was so many cool paintings each artist really got into the subject and they weren't the typical on that you might imagine so they were very nice uh fun cool subjects so here we have the Sea of possibilities by Warda Rasheed I Love Her Style and to me this piece really is unique just the way it's um stylized but she did it in such an artsy way like you can really look at all the colors there and the greens and there's so many different variations of color but it's still this kind of cartoony world but it really works Works in my opinion every part about it is functioning with lights and darks and really bright highlights a smooth nice um atmosphere I wonder what other work she's doing are they going to be in this field so the next piece by Andrea ramsel I think is beautiful Eternal wings of hope I think it's really cool um adding a hummingbird in a galaxy it's just such an interesting combination the color reflects onto the bird and onto either a planet or a circular shape then you have this organic other Galaxy going across maybe it's a bubble it's such a sort of Science Fiction feeling to it but I love science fiction I would place this anywhere in the home I I think that's something you shoot for when you're painting where is it going to go this one can go anywhere so Julie shamat this is a really cool piece and usually I'll point this out I don't think having you know subject matter we always teach about composition having things in the middle doesn't really work but somehow looking at this piece I think she broke the rules in the right way which is I think why you like it so much it's to this side a little I can see there's variation is this side and then up in the Heavens to this side yeah the clouds having it not so symmetrical and the clouds having different shapes in there I think that helps and it it just feels balanced but not so symmetrical throughout the whole painting it just yeah there's a really good feeling to it okay so you see the reflection in the water it's glowing and the water would be moving a little then you see the the heavens are one color they fade down towards the light of the earth here and it's oh just magical right there yeah that star is really well done too I I will say stars are hard to capture that glow it's so bright so detailed I think yeah you just did an amazing job oh I love this piece what do you think about this one yes yes it's growing on me more and more I I do get the feeling I'm out somewhere in the cold wow just handling it and look at the tusks now look at the Lin I know I love the Tusk that is so cool do you see that very unique yeah what a subject she's really done it I love the name night watch Night Watch Trinity Trinity Barnett and look at this other little stylish elements added in here you got on the very top some nice geometric shapes going off to the right little bit of polka dots a little bit of Darkness she's Incorporated both like graphic styles with the organic and that's a good combination oh this piece is beautiful AR alen alen alen I like to say the name you know painting people with this type of skin tone is so hard to pull off don't you agree it's it's a difficult skin tone but it doesn't look like she's ghostly or like green in the skin is really a tricky thing to balance but I think mov yeah because it feels underwater and there's there's blues and really great highlights and it's done in this really soft way it just works and that little pop of orange with all that blue really helps if she didn't have the orange in there I don't know that it would be the same level magical spot it also comes down towards the heart um I want to say her name one more time AR Ali Al this piece stood out to me so much as soon as I saw I just wanted to go there I feel like it really draws you in the stars the whale I mean everything about it she used the texture so well where there's really thin spots you can see in the ocean there's like ink maybe it's really thin and then there's thick spots and they could be other formations that are down under the ocean so that leaving those organic shapes it it does help with that and you also get the feeling you're in there in in the the dark ocean great job this is just a gorgeous piece and this painting is also really amazing you guys made it very hard to choose this month as usual and every I just feel like people are getting better and better don't you think I loved how she combined two it almost feels like two very different styles like the water and that reflection and the lantern that's like its own painting emerging out of these roses that are painted in a slightly different way it's just yeah such a cool piece well I just love it all the way around um there's so many different variations of shapes of floral so that what you have is large and medium size and then a few going off the edge which is very stylish to do then you have this glowing reflection very very well done with the lanterns and in nice shading it is night time you can tell yeah yeah the next piece by Z dup dupes is called reaching out I think this is a really interesting subject matter I wonder if he took the picture maybe I love how blurry the background is and that figure behind him is done like soft and blurry and then he's really in Focus I just think it's a really interesting just there's a story that's happening I want to keep you know understanding what is that story what's going on even down to the shoes and sitting in the sand the figure is is so standing out very well done you have the jaggedy silhouette then as it goes to the blurriness you have another figure where you could tell it's been softened softening edges is very stylish and hard to do for most excellent work okay now what about this piece katcha rart I want to know the story with realigning the planets this painting stands out to me it hits all of my science fiction um happy spots it has the mountains it has the galaxies it has planets and Open Spaces too I love how surreal your style is and just so imaginative and it's a really interesting piece definitely keeps you thinking um you did a great job having lots of variations of scale like having all those different um shapes of the circle like having big ones small ones yeah it's just a difficult composition to pull off it has darks and lights you know Well Done uh rendered shapes and they they all work individually they look like they could be moving you could go out and see a tree with a face like this it could actually be existing and there could be a world where there's many of these okay so now we're going to get into the winners so we just went over our top favorites from this month and again so hard to choose the winners but we came together and decided on some winners so the skills winner goes to Julie shamat Julie shamat congratulations Julie um I think yeah I think you really deserve this one it's such a beautiful piece you should be very very proud and for the theme winner we have Isabella sjo Isabella congratulations Isabella this is such a beautiful piece it's just beautiful in every way cability winner goes to W Rashid CM possibilities congratulations Warda I think you really deserve this this one is so sellable I think this would work in a lot of um different homes and it's just very peaceful calming I think it would fit so many different um atmosph speres and spaces so I hope this one is a six or seven footer right here yeah very impressive and the uniqueness winner goes to Lana Wingard nocturn congratulations Lana this piece is so gorgeous your vision for this was really unique and I think you really you pulled this off it's a difficult one and just there's so many details in there and you really captured that water and the Roses so beautifully yes excellent work okay so now the community vote winner I'm so curious who won this month so this is the $500 um cash prize winner this is where everyone voted and we do this every single month so congratulations to zandu places reaching out congratulations this piece is so um just really well done and I totally see how everyone um how this one won for the community vote because there's just so much excellence put into this piece so much thought behind it it's so interesting this is dramatic it's powerful you have the open space and yes excellent work great job to all the winners we are so proud of you and we're so excited for next month the next month's challenge is all about New Growth we just want to focus on you know keeping that theme in mind about what you could paint that symbolizes new growth and we want you to incorporate the color green into your piece so we have some videos on Art Club on how to make screens just different videos about the color green so thank you guys for watching and we hope you participate in the next month's contest so we can't wait to see what you guys come up with yes keep it [Music] going
Channel: Milan Art
Views: 5,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concept art, dimitra milan, milan art institute, art podcast, contemporary art, art, art skills, artists, artist, art school, art education, classical art, composition, texture, professional artist, professional artists, create drawings, learn art, art program, art haul, watercolor, watercolour, acrylic, oil paint, oil painting, how to paint, how to draw, learn painting, best art skills, artist mentor, art mentors, art mentor, pro artist, pro artists, learn to draw, art blog
Id: s9ou36WKizE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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