The Top Laner That Carried Faker β€” The Marin Documentary

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He inspired me to play top lane watching him that year in worlds playing fiora Darius rumble and renekton was insain. Won’t forget that legend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deliicious0ne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

One thing to correct. at 3:35 Gbay says TPA managed to just narrowly upset them. That series wasn't narrow. TPA were significantly better. Toyz in mid was gapping Rapidstar and overall they were the better team. That azubu frost lineup is legendary but TPA blew right through them in finals.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blackpandacat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I started playing/watching LoL in 2015. Season 5 worlds was very special for me.

Great documentary by Gbay as always

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/00Dandy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the rose tinted glasses people wear that Marin was undisputedly the best top laner in 2015 when Smeb was turbo smurfing that year too

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/m0bilize πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gbay, as always, with great videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2soonexecutus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Clown Titel

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rectan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

LUL misleading title, Marin wasn't good enough to carry Faker

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Junnt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I appreciate everyone trying to keep me honest by calling out the clickbait. I've changed the title to something that's slightly more relevant to the video's storyline anyway.

The whole point of the "carried Faker" line was to get attention of new viewers who don't know the story of 2015 SKT. Faker didn't play in 1/3rd of the games that year (since Easyhoon was on the roster) and the idea that the GOAT mid laner wasn't the hard carry linchpin of the greatest lineup of all time is crazy and worth discussion imo.

I can see now though that the title was probably doing more harm than good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 123 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gbay99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Carried him from his bedroom to the kitchen? In which universe did marin carry faker on the rift...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaxJudo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what if i told you the best player on the best team in league of legends history wasn't faker 2015 sk telecom is by and large considered to be the greatest league roster ever assembled they did things we rarely see in sports at a time when they had every obstacle in their way but possibly the most shocking thing about this team was that their superstar mid-lane god that everyone knows and loves wasn't the one who carried them to glory it was their top laner a player who was completely ordinary in many ways but who was called on to save his country in their darkest hour this is the story of marin [Music] this video is once again brought to you by surfsharkvpn vpn sponsors are all over youtube nowadays so most of us likely know what they already do at this point using a vpn on unsecure websites can prevent your ip address from being leaked vpns can be used to spoof your location to access region locked content letting you see movies shows or anime that you otherwise wouldn't have access 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experiencing one of the worst things that can happen to a country all their best league of legends players were leaving the competitive league of legend scene has always had an interesting relationship with the region of korea ever since its early formative days back in season 1 there was no official korean server which meant any korean player who wanted to pick up league had to do so with 150 ping playing on the north american servers a hemisphere away this led to a lot of contempt for koreans as they quickly became known as untalented one tricks who could only main cheesy simple champions like singed or shaco with korean players it's really specific because you always have 150 ping you don't speak english and you play a lot of shaco and that's how you can tell you're playing with a korean yeah in season two when korea was finally given its own dedicated server things were looking up for the region but many still believe the rest of the world would always prevail against them korea was the last of the five main regions to be given servers leading to an infamous comment when the north american adcary player doublelift said and these guys are going to spend every day playing league of legends like we've already been doing that for like two years or like a year or whatever so like they're they're gonna be a year behind forever no matter what like they're gonna be a year behind but by the end of season two korea had come to dominate the competitive landscape for a league regularly beating the presumptive best teams in the world going into the season two world championship they were the favorites to take their first title which got a lot of people rooting against them and cheering on tpa who managed to just narrowly upset them in grand finals in many ways korea was never given a fair shake in the league of legends scene the stereotype of the mythically great korean gamer led to a sort of judgment from others koreans were either not as good as their hype suggested they were or they were the clear dominant favorites that everyone should root against to cause an upset people started rooting against them before they even won a single world championship it wasn't until seasons three and four where we would see korea take home titles with sk telecom t1k and samsung galaxy white winning their first worlds finally it was no longer just rumblings of how good koreans theoretically were now was the time for them to finally shine in the limelight but in a cruel twist of fate this was the moment when it all came crumbling down at the end of season 4 in the 2014 offseason foreign teams from other regions began trying to poach korean players as successful as korean teams had been up until this point they weren't that financially well off korea is still a relatively small country in a small market when massive superpowers like china and north america came by offering their best stars millions of dollars to play overseas most local teams couldn't compete samsung galaxy white who were coming off winning the most recent world championships saw each and every one of their players leave to go and play for various chinese organizations in fact if you just look at the top three placing teams from korea's most recent split of the 15 players on those rosters 11 of them left to go and play overseas the following year this event was later called the great korean exodus and was cruelly ironic the exact moment when korea was finally given respect for how talented they were everyone immediately started taking advantage of them heading into 2015 there was serious doubt about how good the region was anymore some local teams were able to hold on to a few stars but the vast majority of their talent left in the exodus making them weaker than they had ever been the only way korea would still be able to challenge for another world title would be if young unproven amateurs who weren't good enough to get overseas offers could step up and fill the holes left behind by the old guard but thankfully a few players were up to the task [Music] chan kyung huan otherwise known as marin first got his start in competitive gaming with a warcraft 3 custom map called chaos clan battles otherwise known as ccb or simply chaos this was a dota variant that became the first widely successful moba style game in korea it had a variety of tweaks from the original dota formula that it was inspired from like for instance you might be able to tell the map is flipped the other direction for some reason but this was the dota variant that caught on more than any other in south korea shortly after its rise in popularity there were a number of tournaments formed to see who the best ccb players of the nation were the biggest and most prestigious event being a seasonal tournament hosted by nice game tv nice game is one of the many streaming services in korea and put on one to two tournaments for chaos every year that became the scene's de facto world championship oddly enough ccb tournaments weren't really attended by esports organizations like what you might imagine today but rather were populated by in-game clans these clans weren't very robust most of the time they were normally just groups of players who came together in the client to form a community sizes of them ranged from anywhere between 10 and 100 players but even with their rudimentary structure things became pretty competitive when it came to who a clan chose to represent them in official ccb tournaments one of the biggest and most respected clans in korean chaos was a guild who went by the name romg this team had failed to win any of the first five majors in ccb which gradually began encouraging more selective requirements for who they allowed to join and who started for their team to put in perspective how competitive this became the future league of legends coach coma joined the clan at some point early on but rarely got to play in events and never managed to come that close to winning any of the tournaments he competed in keep that in mind when i tell you marin joined romg in season six he was then immediately dubbed a starter as the team's main carry in game and dragged his new clan to their first ever ccb title romg was so impressive he was awarded mvp of ccb6 winning a world title in anything is impressive enough but to earn an mvp award as well really speaks volumes to your talent for marin to earn both of these accolades in the very first competitive tournament he ever played in suggested that he had a bright future ahead he kept playing ccb for a while going on to carry romg to second place finishes in the 12th and 14th seasons but marin would never manage to win another title in the game the reason he failed to capture a second championship wasn't for any sort of lack of talent but rather it was likely because marin was a bit of a rager like many moba players marin had difficulty controlling his temper in-game and was often seen getting frustrated online he actually caused a few scandals in the ccb community by lashing out publicly at teammates and opponents in game nothing he said was really horrible or anything but it was minor news that one of the best ccb players out there got so upset and angry over the game like any other player if i were to try and make a modern day comparison i would say martin was a bit like a korean version of tyler1 someone who loved the game he played and was super talented at it but because he took it so seriously his emotions could get the better of him sometimes years after ccb's rise in popularity league of legends would finally be released in the country giving the nation its first stand-alone moba title with dedicated servers like many other ccp players marin decided to switch over to league the year it was released seeing how far he could push his talents in this new title it turned out he could go pretty far as in his very first ranked season marin would climb all the way up the ladder reaching rank 4 meaning top lane and in future seasons he would regularly get rank one martin performed so well in solo queue in fact that he eventually earned a tryout for the esports organization sk telecom t1 and joined them in mid-2013 that of course was the year skt went on to win their first ever world championship and when marin joined them they already had a full lineup on their best roster so the team decided to slide him into their sister team on sk telecom t1s here martin would be playing alongside horror easyhoon bang and wolf which was still a very talented lineup and had loads of potential for success but sadly this roster would perform pretty poorly throughout most of its run partially because of marin it turned out that professional league of legends was a bit different than pro ccb and there were some difficulties that came in adjusting to the new environment marin wanted to be the main carry for his team like he had always been back in his chaos days but that could be a bit difficult for a top laner in league of legends for him to succeed playing with an aggressive proactive carry mindset marin kind of needed his jungler to always be on the top side of the map when he was going aggressive that way if anyone ever tried to punish him going aggressive with a gank then he would have support nearby to prevent him from ever getting outnumbered but his jungler on this roster horo could never quite play the way marin needed horror was a somewhat weaker jungler overall and needed to spend time farming his camps preventing counter-jungling and couldn't reliably always be topside whenever marin needed him that of course meant that marin would die pretty frequently from ganks when he was trying to press advantages getting set behind afterwards and unable to get back into a game his talent was still there we saw flashes of maren's carry potential frequently and often but skt-1s could never reliably compete for a title because of some of this instability within the roster it must have been pretty frustrating all the talent on this team ending with all these poor placements but it might have been a blessing in disguise right when marin and t1s were at their lowest was when the korean exodus happened that meant that marin wasn't given a massive offer to play overseas but impact on skt's main roster was as he left to go and play in north america marin was promoted to the starting lineup alongside the superstar jungler bengi and the legendary mid laner faker now marin had a whole new level of opportunity ahead of him and he made the most of it [Music] dominating on this rumble pickup in the 2015 spring preseason sk telecom crushed everyone they faced getting first place in the standings korean preseasons weren't ever more than just a series of exhibitions but even so this skt roster looked so dominant they might be better than their 2013 world championship lineup and a large part of that was because of marin he gave skt a solo lane carry threat opposite faker that the team had never seen before imagine prime hotshot gg nidalee or frog and anivia play that was the kind of lame dominance marin had except he could play three different champions at that level becoming one-trick levels of insane with nar maokai and rumble i don't know if it was because of the new lineup or maybe he felt like he had some sort of duty to prove korea was still the best region post-exodus but whatever it was marin was playing like a star the world of league rarely gets to see he would have likely been dubbed the best top laner in korea immediately if it wasn't for the exact moment marin got his call-up for skt's main roster a new top lane force emerged in korea smeb the leader of the ge tigers if you're unfamiliar with smeb he's often cited as the greatest top laner of all time the best top laner in the world smeb takes over the team fight solo winning it for them as good as skt were early on in that spring split they dropped a few sets here and there that might have been because their management began a very weird habit of substituting out their starting lineup to experiment with roster swaps but even so a loss is a loss and skt did drop a few games on occasion the ge tigers though looked almost unbeatable by comparison every onlooker started getting excited to see when these two teams would meet head to head for the first time the legendary organization of sk telecom going up against a bunch of new faces ready to topple the old guard halfway through the split in week six would be when they first butted heads and these guys put on a show for the ages sk telecom they have to go for a desperation baron right here faker going to go ahead and knock her out goodbye baker yeah that one goodbye bang solar flare misses can he make it out uses that qsf he's coming in from behind here maggie alts on to pray right away there's the follow-up they blow up prey almost immediately azir goes down though kuro tearing people apart meanwhile in trouble as well big gnar ultimate comes in there goes marin after all said and done the ge tigers will come out of the first half of the season seven and oh the ge tigers managed to win two games to one and in doing so solidified themselves as a new rival to skt marin in particular had a somewhat rough series here going up against smeb developing a bit of a personal rivalry against him smeb like marin was a carry oriented topliner with the ability to take over a game all on his own and when smeb came out on top in this first head-to-head series a few people began blaming marin for the losses personally i think that was a bit unfair even if marin made some mistakes here he was still one of the best players on his team and i believe that management on skt knew it throughout the split while skt made all their weird experimental roster moves they never once substituted marin out of a game he started every single match likely because the team and its coaches knew how special he was maybe it was coma who was the head coach of skt and remembered how great he was from their ccb days together on romg or maybe it was the carry potential that marin suggested in all the great proactive plays he made but regardless of the reason skt's commitment to this top lane carry would prove to pay dividends almost immediately [Music] oh looks like marin though catching duke got the fear got the kill that's just a straight up 1v1 from marin that's why i said flashback giddy up whoa he's over the wall but the death timers say that sk telecom are going to be able to take this game as they take down the second nexus turret and as close as that game was in the end skt with a 2-0 and a perfect second half of the season incredible stuff going into the finals after their loss to the ge tigers skt wouldn't lose another set that spring split they would go on to win their next seven series in a row heading into the playoffs and of course a huge portion of this success had to be credited to marin for being a random ccb kid drafted into skt because all the other good players left the region for better opportunities marin was putting on a master class in top lane play that's worthy of study in many ways he was playing selfishly always going aggressive to press leads never leaving an inch for opponents to make comebacks happen and snowballing early advantages into massive gold differences that nobody could come back from but in other ways he was also playing very selflessly picking hybrid utility champions or even full on tanks whenever skt needed him to and he was still finding ways to carry even then the only thing holding marin and skt back from calling themselves the best at this point was their rivals smeb and the ge tigers in the final set of the spring regular season skt would go on to beat the ge tigers two games to zero but this set could be wiped away by tigers fans is not that big of a deal ge had done so well up until this point that they had already secured first place in the spring regular season standings which ceded them directly into the grand finals of playoffs for skt to really reclaim their title as the top team in korea they would need to win that playoff split after a close 3-2 victory over cj entis in the semi-finals they would make it to grand finals ready and willing to face off against ge but right before finals began one of the weirdest managerial decisions we've ever seen came through the team's ace faker wouldn't start a single match skt had complete faith that marin would be the carry to lead them to a korean title on his own and he sure did them proud there's the chilling smite they're going to slow him down there's the stun smeb trying to fight for his life but i think he's in trouble nice ultimate coming in from top they're gonna get low tom comes up a double kill for easyhoon so skt loses a dragon but they're gonna take this team fight bang doing so much damage goodbye smith did martin make it out there's the zombies he'll live [Applause] in there trying to knock him down nice rancher tom dodges it as well too and lee could be in a little bit of trouble manages to dog dodge and from top they lock him down equalizer comes in this box will put a little bit of trouble but here comes bart bang uses that positioner first to get in on debris here comes easy hood there's a stun though for lee easy could be in trouble gets low smeb in the back lines could take it out that's another double snap joints as well i don't know if they can end right here they're going to try easy and maybe they'll trouble there's a flies everest divide goes down marin gets that kill out of the support a double kill for marin and now it will end snap getting low wolf still up and there it is the first nexus turret down the second nexus turned down a triple kill for marin and skt with top with easyhoon takes the 3-0 gg we'll see you at the invitational skt proved once and for all that they were the top dogs in korea marin finally got victory over his rival and they were one step away from calling themselves the best team in the world except there was one more hurdle to overcome skt still needed to prove themselves internationally their names wouldn't be written down in the history books until they won a major multi-region tournament but there was a new international event right around the corner for them to fight for the mid-season invitational here in 2015 we had seen a couple of seasons of league where the only major international event was the world championship at the end of every season and seeing as there weren't even that many games played at worlds each year fans were getting pretty irritable and demanding that riot set up a new event well in 2015 riot came up with such a new event msi this fresh tournament would feature international competition between the spring split champions from all corners of the globe halfway through every season nowadays msi is one of the most prestigious events a person can win but that 2015 event had some extra importance to it not only was it the first ever msi to occur but it was the first international event after the korean exodus every main region at msi actually featured rosters with korean players who just left during the exodus meaning all eyes were on skt to see if they really were as good as they seemed or if korea was just a much weaker region than they had been before it's gotta be tough to perform when the entire weight of a nation is on your backs but this skt roster managed to do exactly that at first in the group stage skt went undefeated in five separate best of ones giving them the number one seed to the small playoff bracket afterward but it was there that things began to go awry in semifinals sk telecom was pitted up against fnatic the champions coming from the eu lcs fnatic had a pretty poor group stage going two and three in total which meant everyone was completely caught off guard when fnatic won two of the first four matches of this series taking skt to a decisive game five we are going to game five fanatic take down skt it was rough going for a while but sk telecom would be able to pull themselves together take that game 5 and qualify for grand finals even so this set must have certainly shooken them up a bit in grand finals they were matched up against edward gaming the lpl champions who had two former korean stars rostered alongside china's best local players china traditionally had always been the second best region in the world behind korea meaning there was a real threat to sk telecom here this might be the moment when korea finally falls throughout this series edg managed to trade games back and forth with skt similarly to fnatic forcing a final game five one match to decide which region was top dog and which team was now the best in the world i have that set up here where with the wave beam pushing in the bottom lane skt should expect multiple members to be nearby yet martin is now teleporting in wolf is here it's 4v2 oh what timing here by edg martin's going to go down to an ignite they don't know peggy's coming as well how long do they stay for this if wolf can get some good passive shots down on different shot by wolf that's gonna be good kills they get one for themselves now in a two for one then he's gonna be able to stave off any more they really want to fight they just hit their spell shields to block faker's damage they are going to get in onto walt though good kill coming from def they are still following with a bit of on the hunt pressure righteous glory just wears off and they go in quarrels right in the middle with bentham elstrom on that's a huge order to all damage the soul shackle causing skt to flash out every which way edg is all over skt here's the last engage edg doesn't even see the turrets eyes on skt sk telecom t1 are wiped the nexus turrets are going down lpl's edward gaming are the 2015 mid-season invitational champions now i can imagine you're probably asking yourself two questions at this point the first being what happened at msi don't get me wrong edg and fnatic are talented teams but how did skt look so weak against them by comparison was korea really so much weaker post-exodus at one point they looked so poor a few onlookers straight up said that faker should leave and go to china that marin and the rest of the team weren't world champion caliber players only sk telecom themselves know exactly what went on at 2015 msi what sort of dynamics were at play amongst their team but i have a hunch of what might have gone down this was still a pretty new roster at their first ever international event these players were still human and marin in particular was kind of battling the frustration that comes when playing league of legends in many ways marin is the embodiment of every league player he loved this game but i suspect he also hated it years later future teams martin played with spoke pretty openly about how frustrated he would get in game one team even said that they would just ignore any time he died in match pretending to not notice while praising him constantly if he ever got a kill this wasn't because he was a bad player or a toxic guy or anything he was just someone who put all his emotions into the game and if a result ended poorly he would tilt as we all do it wouldn't surprise me if skt broke down a bit at msi from those early losses against fnatic they were still a new lineup playing under a lot of pressure so i just kind of assumed they were caught off guard by some of this international play dropping a few matches and never calming down to collect themselves afterwards the second question that you're probably asking yourself though is how is this roster considered the greatest team of all time i mentioned at the start of this documentary 2015 skt is considered the best the most dominant team in league of legends history how can that be if they choked here sure they won a korean title but they were clearly beatable up until this point they lost to the ge tigers before what is it that made them so special that's a good question the answer is what happened next nope that's one of those uh marin could get dope here we'll get dope here a lot of damage there coming in with the flash knock up marin doing a lot to exit oh marin with a play on to ixu whoa with the double kill marin here the top side seoul as his ultimate up but bart going to get knocked up by jarvan they're going head to head at the moment there's the ignite he kills catch and then he just playful tricksters out the 1v2 win contest the blue buff right here uh tv advantage to skt for a brief time we'll have the pulp right strong union so far knocked up here from faker and panky coming in zone with the gravity shield i think you're doing a lot of shanky there's a nice equation oh what a shockwave that is huge sk telecom gonna crush this team fighting here and just having an amazing game no getting 8-0 0-2 already on this rumble going to be the end of this game at some 30 minutes a dominating win by sk telecom t1 in game two bang showing up on the vein but holy hell martin looks good a 2-0 for sk telecom and it's going to be a quick one in favor of escape sk telecom will win it 2-0 in dominance no attacks and that'll be the game sk telecom defeats the good tigers 2-0 they extend their game win streak to 17. they extend their best of three win streak to a shocking 20 here i mean skt the level to which they are playing league of legends these days is absolutely mind-boggling this is why these guys are on top of the league they are going to exit the regular season with only one match loss impressive stuff from sk telecom as usual gg sk telecom t1 went on to finish the champions summer season getting first place with a near perfect record of 17 wins and one loss in hindsight we now know this was at a time when korea featured many of its biggest stars and best players there were a lot of hidden gems on teams here who slipped through the exodus that would go on to become legends of the game in their own right kt rolster was putting together one of the best rosters that organization ever had legends like mad life on cj entis were still fighting for wins najin samsung galaxy and jin air still all had plenty of talented stars putting up a fight in their own right and of course smeb and company now rebranded as the coup tigers were one of the biggest and best teams that korea ever saw that was the competition sk telecom had to play against and they had a near perfect split doing so marin in particular was astounding for his team he beat everyone he went up against clutching matches whenever under the most pressure he led the league in kills cs per minute gold permanent gold share and was only second in kda and kill share amongst all top laners he did everything except win mvp mvp works a little bit oddly in korea and because of that someday the top laner for kt rolster went on to win mvp but martin reminded everyone who the real best topliner of this split was as he dismantled someday in a 3-0 sweep leading skt to another korean title in the 2015 summer playoffs turret he's going for the next one they're delaying it and bang is going to win champion summer for his team sk telecom 3-0 in the spring season 3-0 in the summer season this is the year of skt in this summer split marin capped off an amazing year getting insane win-loss records on all the champions he perfected across the entirety of 2015 he earned a 20-8 record on gnar whenever skt needed a hybrid tank he got a 20-7 record on rumble if they ever needed an ap bruiser and most impressively of all he went 31 and one on maokai if skt ever asked him to play full tank think about that for a second think of how hard it is to go 31 and 1 on a champion in league of legends how hard that is to do even in solo queue in any 30 game stretch and think how much harder it must be to do that against the literal best top laners in the history of league skt's performance was one for the ages the only thing left for them to prove was that they were still the best in the world there was just that one msi that suggested maybe china had overtaking korea after the exodus maybe skt isn't that good and they'll do poorly when they have to go to worlds but i think sk telecom knew they had that chip on their shoulder skt had just made it to grand finals of worlds without dropping a single game that a lump would be an achievement worth celebrating but we all know they weren't satisfied with just that there were still one series left that they needed to overcome to write their names in the history books and it was against their old rivals so we sit behind smith little action towards the bot side the teleport coming in right now from marin his ultimate is up they lay down the equalizer wolf should be able to get out of this one martin into the fight now kuro and pray other targets and that's going to be girl going down skt seemingly pulling this one back in their favor with just a few kills to the bot lane and that's a double kill for morin massive play yeah there comes faker really nice timing on that teleport tp and alt as he makes his way out there getting a few stacks on the goal wait a minute he's gonna be in range a little bit more spams out those room prisons that's the tower hitting martin trying to give him the time of day but it's a hit from faker the teleport and flash hashtag worth and right here tigers last stand two and hamburgers down here skt comes on the hunt goes in that's gonna be hojin in a real sticky situation he goes down a full three-man gnar ultimate that's gonna be smackdown now eyes onto the 80 carry but the support hits it's going to be kuro out safely pray however has to run away from his base sk telecom looking to take down the final nexus turrets it does not look good for kuro and his team coup tigers are falling skt will be your first ever two-time world champions skt became the first team ever to repeat a world championship and marin carried them to it he would be awarded the mvp of the whole event winning his first world championship in his first mvp award ever since his old ccb title years and years ago to date he is the only top laner to ever win a world's mvp this 2015 campaign might have cemented marin as one of the greatest top laners in the history of league of legends if it wasn't for what happened next after the end of season 5 in a cruel twist of fate it was korea's savior who would then leave the region going off to china to join lgd marin signed what was reported as the biggest contract a player had ever gotten paid up until that point now honestly i can't blame marin for taking the money and heading off to china with esports being what it is players careers are pretty dang short it only makes sense to secure your financial future if the opportunity arises cashing in on just how great your talents are when they're at their peak but with this decision martin prevented himself from cementing a legacy as one of the all-time greats playing in china proved to be really difficult since marin's playstyle required pretty intimate synergy with his jungler moving to a foreign country where his jungler spoke a different language from him turned out to be a major roadblock marin and lgd struggled quite a bit in the lpl because of some of these synergy problems and i think he started getting a bit homesick as well marin later did an ama on reddit that revealed he missed korea and the people he left behind there namely his longtime girlfriend that he began dating some five years ago before his league of legends career ever began as he started struggling with his results marin started bouncing to a few different teams between china and korea at one point he went on to play for the afrika freaks but had additional attitude and frustration problems unable to synergize with their jungler resulting in him going back to china to play for top esports for a little while before long he'd retire in 2019 and seemingly has left the league of legends esports scene for good leaving us with a lot of questions the first question of course is how do you evaluate his career he was one of the greatest talents the game has ever seen and played like the best top laner of all time in that 2015 campaign but he never caught that lightning in a bottle again many top laners in korea today still cite him as one of the best players of all time but it does seem like his issues with tilting kept him from multiple world titles i don't think he's a bad person or anything because he raged i think we can all probably relate to how this game can turn us into unpleasant people at times not to mention for every moment where marin got upset in game there were just as many moments where he showed a much softer side at the 2015 world championship when marin was playing for skt there was a moment when sk just played their last group stage game beating the bangkok titans this was the thai team that was one of the wild cards at that worlds and with this loss they just went 0 and 6 in their group stage unable to pick up a win and we're now about to be sent home as heartbroken as they must have been martin showed them a little bit of kindness and told them to come up on stage and take a bow with sk they earned it even if they didn't get a win they played their hearts out [Music] there's just one more question we're left wondering now is marin happy with how things turned out honestly with the talent that he had i believe martin could have won multiple world titles he could have at least won more lck titles or even a few lpl titles if he went to the right team normally the types of hyper-competitive people who choose to chase world championships in games like this are always eager to keep chasing more marin spent most of his life trying to become the best in the world at one game or another i don't know if he was satisfied with what he achieved or if he maybe wished he got a little bit more but i do know there was one benefit of going back to korea and retiring [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gbay99
Views: 465,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, gbay99, gbay, documentary, faker, marin, SK Telecom T1, skt t1, t1, korea, korean, lol, t1 faker, league of legends esports, league of legends documentary, skt1, skt t1 faker, skt, lol esports, league, lolesports, lck, esports, top, top lane, top laner
Id: 6cZk7L3-PcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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