The Top Five Spring Jackets For Men! Leather, Waxed Cotton, Denim, Sweatshirts, and Moleskin

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what's up everyone it's Jake here welcome back to almost vintage style today because it is I think Springtime right now um going to talk about what I think are the five best overall styles of jacket to wear in Spring and comparing them and kind of saying which one is best for you um and obviously we're going to start with my favorite the leather jacket obviously my favorite and you know for me living in dry and relatively warm but not hot Southern California leather jackets are this is actually a very good place to wear leather jackets a lot of people think it's a terrible place for them it's not it's a fantastic place for leather jackets because it's mid to high 60s and low 7s and dry low 70s by the way from like November through mid June honestly so that entire time period is leather jacket weather essentially and I've even been able to wear my leather jacket sometimes in in on evenings in July and some days in August every once in a while so yeah we get leather jacket weather a lot um but why are leather jacket's great for spring and summer uh like spring and fall especially for spring because in a lot for a lot of people and I've talked to a lot of people who live in uh places that get real Winters they're not warm enough in actual winter uh that's one of the issues with them leather jackets I love them but they're not the most practical things ever they look cool they feel great you feel like a million bucks in them I I love them they're my favorite type of jacket obviously but they are really only practical in like 45 to 60° weather really for most people they don't really keep you that warm um and they're not that breathable either so there's a very for a lot of people there's a very fine line of when you can actually wear them now I get away with this by changing what I'm wearing underneath so obviously you can wear sweaters and sweatshirts and flannels and stuff if you need to warm up and also wear wool trousers instead of something like this these are like a very lightweight chambre and obviously if it's getting warmer if it's like 72 73 out I can actually usually still get away with wearing a Lether jacket cuz one I don't live in a human environment so that 73 is not that bad um and then I wear a very thin t-shirt and lightweight chambre or like Chinos whatever you know for my trousers and then boom I can get away was wearing this leather jacket into the 70s Fahrenheit um but yeah leather jackets I mean they you look awesome they they feel really cool breaking them in is is a lot of fun um or you get vintage and then you get the authenticity of vintage and everything so yes they're great but they don't have the best range now in terms of like weather resistance so I mean they're pretty good for wind resistance that In fairness they're they're pretty good at because they're you know hide um maybe not the best is you know as good as some thicker or wool or something like that but they're good for wind resistance um rain it depends now vegetable tan jackets can do fine in the rain in terms of they will survive the rain okay if you get them absolutely soaked on a continual basis then you may need to you know condition them slightly sooner than you would need to otherwise don't condition your leather jackets for most of the time you don't need to let it condition your leather Jacks like the first 20 years okay um but other than and just don't hang them while they're wet that's kind or don't and don't hang don't put them near a heat Source just let them dry naturally but they might soak through after a while so they're not the best rain protection however Chrome tan leather jackets especially ones that have like a top coating um will actually be pretty rain resistant so you just need to know what type of leather jacket you have to know whether or not it's good as a rain jacket or not and obviously for a lot of people in a lot of areas spring is a very rainy time so um in California it's not but in a lot of other places it is so that is another thing to consider if you're getting in a light shower like I would wear this you know if it's like sprinkling out and I'm just like walking from a building to my car or whatever then that's fine but if I'm like actually walking and it's raining and I don't have an umbrella this is not the jacket for me I would have to wear something else so yeah they're not the best for that now the one of the issues of course with leather jackets is they're not the cheapest thing even you know relatively cheap affordable leather jackets are not the most affordable so another great op option that is generally much more affordable and in a lot of ways more practical is wax canvas okay now the leather jacket I was showing you is my number one favorite leather jacket that I own it is my late 40s or early 50s uh sport Cloud horsey jacket this is the Huck bear the Flint and Tinder um wax cotton jacket from huckberry um now to speak about wax cotton jackets in general what's great about them is their lightweight and if they are lined which this one is then they actually do offer a decent amount of warmth um and they basically similar to a leather jacket like right now I have the door open and it's actually a fairly cool evening I it would say it's probably like high 50s low 60s right now and I feel I feel actually just as warm if not warmer in this than I did with the leather jacket on um because partly that wax cotton does not breathe so the downside is getting into like the slightly whatever is warmer for you for me that's getting into the load of mid 7s where it's like borderline whether or not I'm wearing a jacket for other people it might be a much colder temperature for others it might be a warmer temperature than that I don't know but these this is not great if it's starting to get warmer you're going to start sweating in a wax cotton jacket again especially if it's line there's plenty of options for these obviously a plus side is they're very good in the ring overall if you keep them keep you know if you need to rewax them you can rewax them but you know when the wax is there they're pretty good in the rain they're not waterproof but they're very water resistant and you still get a nice casual look um and they're they're lightweight and easy to wear for the most part so you know they're very practical and they also kind of age sort of a little bit like a leather jacket in that you know you get the creases and everything which is kind of cool so they don't age the same as a leather jacket but if you want something similar like in terms of it's like the outer skin or whatever is going to kind of age and show where kind of like a little jacket it will and it will do so quicker than a denim jacket well which spoiler we'll talk about denim jackets later um now this jacket specifically obviously this thing fits me like a trash bag um and that's honestly the biggest issue I have with the Flint and Tinder yeah this is the Flint and Tinder one right yeah it's the Flint and Tinder wax cotton trucker jacket um it's practical I I'm also kind of doing this as like a mini review for this jacket too just so you know um obviously I don't like handw pockets on a type one jacket but they've changed this so much I kind of don't really mind and I understand for Their audience they kind of need handmer pockets it's supposed to be a practical jacket obviously it's nice to have the phone pocket and everything here um but the fit on this jacket is terrible I and the thing is I see everybody who wears these jackets that like gets them for review and talks about oh yeah the fit's great no it's not In fairness I think I've seen One reviewer actually be honest and say that the fit's kind of weird with this jacket this is like chest size wise this is the right size like it's not gigantic like as you can tell if I'm like trying to pull it over it's not that much bigger like you need the room if I'm going to button it up it's roughly the right size okay so chest size Wise It's not huge now I know I'm not very tall okay but you can see this is not gigantic this is the right size if I if I went smaller I mean even now like I can start to feel it pulling a tiny it's not too small but like if I went smaller it would be too small okay but the sleeves are way too long the body is massively too long on me it's it's is comical um and it's very weirdly like tubular it's not cut for a human body I don't understand that what they went for with the side with like the patterning on this and the thing is they have a longer version they don't have a shorter version they have an even longer one which yes I understand I'm not very tall I get that okay but still I've had very few of any items fit this poorly on me I mean the the wax cotton feels decent it's a you know it's not it's a not an organic liner it's like poly Blend or whatever but it feels nice enough and it does its job for the price it's a little expensive but you can get other versions there lots of wax cotton jackets and you can pick them up used they're overall they're much more affordable than leather jackets and if you're a person who just like wants to look pretty good and but you don't want to spend a ton of time like investing in a crazy wardrobe or you just want a nice practical like think don't think about it jacket that you don't have to look at the weather as long as you know it's not freezing cold out you don't have to worry if it's going to rain or even or whatever then a wax cotton jacket is probably your best bet if you just want to not have to think about it right and I don't blame you I I totally get that okay I drive a car that is a car that you don't have to think about okay that's the kind of car I have so I'm not talking smack on people that just want something that works in certain ways right so like I cared about what car I chose but I just wanted a car that was like it'll work and get me there and not be crazy with the gas mileage and it just it you know I mean it's not a fast car okay that's perfectly fine so I'm not talking smack on you if you just want a decent looking don't think about a jacket and there's plenty of other options there's like the free note cloth ones are really nice obviously they're a bit more expensive but they're really nice you got the Rogue territory one which is not lined um and then there's God there's a I think there's a few other makers that make stuff like that if you want high and there's also like the barber ones right the more like British style ones too and those totally work as well they're very practical so anyway next one denim jackets right um and denim jackets are great because they are less expensive than leather jackets and in a lot of ways they'll probably be even the if you go for the cheaper ones they're even cheaper than the wax cotton ones you can get cheap like middling vintage ones for like a 100 bucks like you can get old made in USA leer Rider jackets and 101 JS and stuff like that storm Riders all that kind of stuff from the later eras like the 80s and such that are still 7s 80s still made in USA for 100 150 something like that right and so you know the D jackets don't have to be super expensive um and they're just easy to wear right like the thing is with leather jackets there's a fine line between it fits and it's too tight or it fits and it's too big denim jackets it doesn't it's a lot easier to just kind of you don't have to really worry about that quite as much right this one I did worry about a lot because I actually had the guy make it shorter for me cuz I'm not that tall and I wear highrise stuff and I tuck in my shirt and I think this looks great um but denim jackets are just so easy to throw on and not worry about too the downside with these I mean they're more breathable obviously than a wax cotton jacket they're more breathable than a den than a jacket too so for spring and like summer like early summer depending on what your weather is like yeah these are the the go-to type of jacket obviously you need something warmer warmer not Kurt Warner warmer you can get a lined one and I'll let you wonder about whether I'm talking about Kurt Warner the running back for the Seahawks or Kurt Warner the quarterback for the Rams and the Cardinals um so but yeah they're they're great they're easy to wear they're comfortable the downside with this one for me um the chest wise I got plenty in a room arm holes are really really high like so it makes it feel like it's tighter than it is um but actually in terms of the shoulders and chest area like it's actually pulling exactly the same amount or even slightly less than the Flint and tender jacket right but it doesn't look like a trash bag on me even though it actually has just as much if not more room in the chest area I know it doesn't look like it but that's because the armhole is so tight but like if you if I go out like this you can actually see it has plenty of room there this is my bridge of times jacket and you know overall I really like the stuff I got from him but yeah denim jackets are classic they will obviously take a long time to fade but man you get a actual faded denim jacket they're fantastic and you got lots of options I already did a video on the type one type two and type three and then there's plenty of other variations and stuff like that um but the thing is with these is they're not the warmest so depending on what your sort of spring is like you might need to get a lined one which there are plenty of lined options available but you can also just layer right you can just put sweatshirts on underneath like I know a lot of guys that are really into denim that like will live in a denim jacket and just just buy a slightly bigger one and then you can layer up to get you know other to put to get warmer right flannels and sweatshirts and stuff like that next one this one's underrated Cardigans Cardigans are underrated now they have a certain look obviously but man see I put this thing on it's so so much more comfortable than any of the other stuff I've just been wearing so much more comfortable it's comical okay um now this one is a loop wheel cotton one from momotaro I used to wear this thing a lot when I was um starting like one of my new jobs and I wanted to look a little more like you know proper right with my Shaw collar cardigan um you know like but not like wearing a suit right like you had to strike the balance between being dressed up but not trying too hard so I would always wear like a buttonup shirt and then a this cardigan like crazy and you can get obviously those wool ones if you want something warmer um those can be a bit more iffy in terms of itchiness on the skin like I had the dehen I have two I had two dehen Cardigans um they're very warm those almost are like winter jackets though right so you got to find the balance there but you can also get cotton ones and they're decently warm they're not the warmest though cuz but you can kind of think of this as like hoodie alternative basically right I'm not a hoodie guy I don't think hoodies look good it's just not my thing I think they look way I I just I think you look like you don't care if you're wearing a hoodie I'm sorry but maybe it's cuz I'm from Southern California everybody wears a hoodie I wore a hoodie daily until I basically graduated high school and it just it's not a good look I just don't i' never seen a hoodie fit that looks good in my opinion and there's other things like I've seen better D I've seen double denim fits that that I liked I've seen people mixing black and brown and been twice I've named the two times like oh that actually looks okay I've seen a shorts fit that I was like wow that actually looks good I've never seen a hoodie fit that looks good okay that's why cardigan is a better alternative okay boy I'm sure a lot of people are mad about that um but yeah they're comfortable it's soft and for Springtime if this is the sort of look that fits you then it's great problem for me I just don't think it really fits with my style anymore so I don't really wear this too often now but if I had to name what I think is probably the best material for me during spring is mol skin I love mol skin now it's also probably because I love this jacket so much and I've already talked about this jacket I've already talked about that denim jacket I've already talked about that leather jacket actually too so I've talked about a lot of these pieces already this is my OA fukutin Molin cosic jacket mol skin is fantastic because is one it's very comfortable it's very soft this is the second most comfortable jacket I've put on so far the leather one's actually pretty comfortable cuz it fits me so well but this is a little bit softer it's very soft on the outside it's a brush mol skin and mol skin is dense and it's actually decently wind resistant and um it's not super warm but it's not super you know restricting and it's not as it breathes a little bit better than like the wax cotton will especially a line wax cotton jacket will and it's only it's it's basically similar in warmth and overall right um it's not going to be as rain resistant but it's a really really nice fabric that's just like you want a nice midweight jacket man this is one of the best ones to put on um again downside is just not super rain resist and Rain resistant and you're not going to find a ton of mole skin jackets around that's kind of the biggest downside part of me saying this is to tell you just remind you again if this jacket ever comes back in stock buy it as soon as possible but also um just I think brand should offer more moles skin and if you do ever run across a mol skin piece I would highly recommend it I've had Molin trousers before also fantastic I think mol skin is super underrated um it also does kind of crease up like a little bit like a leather jacket or a wax cotton jacket too which is really cool and again it's not going to fade like a denim jacket over time but those creases set in sooner so like you kind of get the satisfaction of Aging at least to a degree quicker than a denim jacket right that's the nice thing about like the leather jacket the wax cotton and the moles skin is you'll get that satisfaction of hey I'm breaking this in I'm I'm aging it it's conforming to my body a bit and you get that feeling quicker than you do with the denim jacket because everybody knows how long it takes to fade jeans imagine how long it takes to fade a jacket right even if you wore the jacket the same amount of time as the denim as the jeans just because of how like your legs and everything sitting down standing up crouching and everything the jeans will fit faster so you know D Jack is take forever and I'm always impress when people can actually fade them so yeah mol skin is a great like most of them are kind of midweight to heavy weights so very good for spring again it's not going to be a good winter jacket at all um it's a spring or early summer into early fall jacket type um but again if you don't want the heaviness and lack of comfort of a leather jacket and and all of that and the expense of it then yeah mol skin is a really good option basically this is kind of another title for this video is leather jackets are my favorite you know mid mid middling weather jacket but if you don't like leather jackets here's some Alternatives right that's the other thing right and I also just kind of want to talk about and compare like the certain fabrics and what they're good for right the most practical is is almost certainly going to be the wax cotton okay so just to go over real quick hey leather Pros looks the coolest in my opinion I think almost almost every is going to agree that a good fitting leather jacket is going to be the coolest obviously like black is like the classic cool one if you don't want to stick out as much and not look like you're trying to look as cool even if you're not actually trying to look super super cool obviously if you're buying a Le jacket you're trying to look cool in some way uh go for brown or tan something like that right it's a little bit less in your face but I mean I wear both um but leather is depending on the leather is rain will keep you dry if you're getting Chrome especially with the coating so like look at like lost worlds leather jackets those have like an outer coating that like you can't even really condition basically and that will keep the rain off okay um like the thicker chromic cells will probably do a decent job for a while but they're not the best rain jackets they're not the warmest they're also not the most breathable so a leather jacket is going to be not the most practical but it's going to look the coolest okay most practical for the most part I think is a wax cotton jacket okay um you know the Flint and Tinder one is a good price I think the quality all looks pretty okay I don't really have an issue with anything about like the fit is really the issue for me I that's my issue um but there's a plenty of other options and if this one does fit you well then great it's not a it's not a terrible price so um but wax cotton is is honestly it's not my favorite I actually like how it feels that's why like the lining does help because it I don't like how like sweaty it feels or oily like the or you know waxy it feels this one's not as bad as some I felt some that feel way more gross than this um but yeah I'm not a huge fan of how it feels on the outside but some people don't mind but it will be probably the most practical because especially if it's line it'll be warm enough I mean it'll kind of retain the heat cuz it's not very breathable um and it's also obviously rain resistant okay um denim um the most versatile in terms of that like if you buy it big enough you can just layer like crazy and it's just so easy to throw on and kind of forget about it but it's not going to be the warmest um at all even if it's line it's probably not going to be the warmest type of jacket but it will be relatively versatile and I've seen a lot of guys that basically live in a denim jacket and they just they just layer accordingly and that's all they need to do Cardigans underrated if you just again this is like kind of like the set it and forget it like kind of waxed cotton jacket thing but but if you're a professor instead of a tech guy basically right cuz Tech guys actually don't wear Cardigans Tech guys wear wax cotton jackets no um so you know I would say these are they're just so comfortable this thing is not very warm though I think you need to get a wool one if you want one that's actually warm cuz I used to try to wear this in the morning thing oh yeah I'm wearing a sweatshirt it's warm it's not that warm still only cotton okay and then mol skin I think underrated dense actually pretty wind resistant um and decently warm but also decently breathable and um yeah it's just not the warmest and it's not the most rain resistant but yeah I think it's a good jacket so anyway I just kind of wanted to talk about these different jackets um and um just kind of compare them and show you like alternatives to leather jackets basically because I love talking about leather jackets and but not everybody really likes they're not for everybody you know and I wanted to show people hey you know I do own other jackets I do wear other jackets now the other type of jacket that I wear a lot and I actually enjoying even more than leather jackets right now are wool jackets those are not excellent spring jackets though they're very very warm they are terrible as as spring jackets uh for most people CU they're too warm in most cases and also because they're really itchy so if you if you're wearing short sleeves you're they're not going to work very well so you need to you're going to be wearing at least a semiwarm under layer and this makes it even warmer right so yeah I'll talk about those in the future cuz I really want to have several but they're not the best right now so that's why I didn't talk about those even though I will be talking about wool jackets in the future so anyway thank you all very much for watching I'll see you all next time
Channel: Almost Vintage Style
Views: 2,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leather jacket, waxed cotton, flint and tinder, huckberry, denim jacket, denim, selvedge, raw denim, sweatshirt, loopwheel, moleskin, ooe yofukuten, men's jackets, men's style, men's fashion, spring style, menswear, heritage, rugged style, durable clothing
Id: JuTJHHA8na8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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