THE TOP DPS GEAR in the Elder Scrolls Online | Complete Guide Updated for the Necrom Chapter!

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once we hit update 38 the necron chapter there will be 549 unique gear sets in ESO this includes all the different types of sets such as five piece mythics monster sets Etc this can be a bit daunting to sift through not just for new players but also for Veterans as well so hopefully I can make that process a little easier on you so this will be my comprehensive guide to all of the top DPS sets in the Elder Scrolls Online I do have my tier lists updated for necron these are on my website at if you ever need to reference them now I won't be going through all of the sets that are here on the tier list but instead for this video I'll be breaking them down into the following sections so we'll start with great sets that you can grab really early on these are either craftable or purchasable from the guild Traders so these will get you started with great damage could just be temporary to wear while you farm for other sets though some of these will last you all the way into the end game then after that I'll go through the top sets for builds that are focused on dealing heavy attack damage then I'll cover the top support sets that are commonly worn on a damage dealer in optimized Group Play There are simply too many support sets to have only the tanks and the healers wear them so these are the most common ones you might end up running as a damage dealer next I'll go through what I think are the 10 best five piece sets overall for damage so if I was starting a new account today these would be my top priority to make sure that I end up collecting and then I'll go through the top mythics that you'll want to gather through the Antiquity system these are powerful one-piece items that you can only wear one of at a time and then finally I'll end the video with the top ability altering weapons these are special weapons that will augment specific abilities from the weapon skill lines such as destruction staff bow dual wield Etc now you might have noticed I did not mention monster sets I actually will not be covering those in this video because well not much has changed at all since my last video covering them and it seems a bit redundant to rehatch almost all the same information over again when I already did a pretty thorough guide on that so I'll just recommend you check out that video if you are interested in the top monster sets for DPS I'll have it linked at the top of the description below real quick though while we are on the topic the couple of changes since that video for Celine the one piece bonus was changed to weapon and spell damage instead of Max stamina so this is a Little Bit Stronger now not only is weapon and spell damage better than Max resource but it's also better for a larger variety of builds since Magic based users can now equally benefit from this and then we have the archdra devaric monster set I didn't cover this one in that video as this is a support set but it is sometimes run on a support DPS so this could be a nice one to have for your group but that's pretty much it so you can see why it didn't really make sense to do a whole new video covering monster sets for just those small updates one of the great things about starting your gear collection in ESO is that the difference is pretty small between the early sets and the end game sets and often there is even overlap some sets you grab right out of the gate are best in slot for certain classes or situations see gear progression in ESO is not very vertical but instead it is designed horizontally so what do I mean by that there are definitely sets that are more powerful than others not to say that the vertical aspect doesn't exist but typically gear is designed in a way where different options are going to get you the best results for different situations so there may be some sets that can do everything pretty well but when you're really looking for the best option that will typically vary from encounter to encounter so it's really common for newer players to ask me to just give them the best setup for damage and it doesn't really work that way in ESO you can almost think of it like having a toolkit once I've collected a lot of different sets I have my characters inventory and Bank space taken up by a lot of different tools and then once I've gotten a good feel for a particular end encounter in the game then I can start figuring out which tools would be best for that job if I really want to min max it now that doesn't mean you have to especially on normal difficulty or even veteran non-hardmode content you can have quite a bit of flexibility to set up however you want without really worrying about all that but at the same time if you really want to push things there is a lot of room for Min maxing so why do I say all this well I want to set up the expectations for getting these sets that I'll be going through in most cases it won't just be wear this until you get the next set and then dump the last one like it is in some MMOs there really isn't a pinnacle gear setup to go for but we do all have to start somewhere when it comes to collecting gear so here are some of the best five piece sets that you can grab early on either craftable options or sets you can purchase with gold off of The Guild Traders so I'll start out with what I think is the best overall craftable set for DPS the most universal one and that is orders wrath which comes from high aisle this set just has really solid statlines all throughout and crit chance and crit damage are some of the strongest offensive stats to have for DPS since this is craftable you also have a lot of flexibility you can make it in light or medium armor whichever route you're going really the main downside is that crit damage is capped at 125 additional damage so part of that five piece can end up wasted once you start pushing into more optimized group play but for the majority of situations you won't really need to worry about that next up I'll stick with craftable sets here we have Heartland conqueror this one comes from Blackwood it's not as good for damage as something like orders wrath however it does have a very unique five piece bonus in that it doubles the effectiveness of your weapon traits so for those that are in more of a rush to level their Champion points or maybe level a new character you can use the training trait on your weapons and this will double the value of that trait it isn't a huge XP benefit but depending on what kind of content you're working on you don't always really need to have a ton of damage to quickly fly through it and that extra XP could be more worth it to you so this is definitely a good option if you want to level up a little quicker but you can skip over it if you're not in any rush and then finally the last craftable set we'll talk about is the brand new one with the necron chapter and this is shattered fate the premise for this is a little bit different from what we normally have with crafted sets you can craft this as a five piece a 10 piece or a 12 piece set I did a little breakdown when I initially covered the introduction of this and so if you view it as traditional set bonuses broken up it would look more like this so as you can see very solid stats all around especially for just starting out now this won't be one of those sets that you'll want to continue to wear in to really optimize group play later on as it will generally be outclassed by some of the more traditional set combinations you can wear but for just doing some more unoptimized stuff like running random dungeons the stats on this set are actually really solid and you can't beat how easy it is to put together so whether you're setting up an alternate character with some gear that you don't play as often or maybe you are a newer player and don't have any sets put together yet this is just a really simple solution for good damage alright next up we'll look at a couple of Overland sets that are really nice starter options so the good thing about Overland sets these are the ones that drop in the main zones of the game you can Farm these but since they are bind on equip and not bind on pickup this means that other players will be selling these and you can save yourself some time by just purchasing the pieces off of a guild Trader so here we have mother sorrow and War Maiden mother sorrow is from Deshawn this is a bit more Universal and just gives a bunch of crit chance there's also a stamina equivalent of this set called Leviathan it's a medium armor set it comes from a pretty easy base game dungeon Crypt of Hearts but you will have to farm those pieces since dungeon drops are bind on pickup but really solid stats here with these won't be used a ton in in-game but definitely a nice starting point to deal good damage and then we have War Maiden this comes from vardenfell it is a bit more Niche and really only for classes that have a large percentage of their damage classified as magic damage so magic at Templars night blades and arcanists should find this to be a really nice starter option for the them similar to Mother sorrow it will end up outclassed later on by some other options you can grab but definitely a strong one to pick up early especially if you can find some cheap pieces of it but moving on to the final section of the easy to get early sets these are some sets that are not only really nice to have early on but also continue to be some of the best options during in-game first we have deadly strike this is a set that you can purchase in cyrodiil with Alliance points or you can also buy it off of a guild Trader with gold it is very expensive for good pieces of this set and that is because it is one of the best sets that you can run on a Templar it synergizes extremely well with their kit not only boosting their damage over time abilities but also their main spammable puncturing strikes in its morphs but it doesn't even stop there it also boosts their really strong executability radiant destruction and its morphs so just a really really great set to run on a Templar and now with the introduction of The Arcanist we have another class that this is really strong on so I'll be using deadly strike for a ton of different encounters on the arcane it has amazing Synergy with their fate Carver beam especially for AOE heavy situations so this works both as an always active set but also great as a front bar only set since the majority of what we're boosting is going to be happening while you're on the front bar I know some have asked if the back bar dots will be increased if this is only active on the front bar and it will as long as you're on the front bar every dot you have going will be boosted by this so try to pick this one up now if you do want it because I have a feeling the prices are only going to go up with The Arcanist coming out next up we have briarheart this one comes from rothgar it's a medium set and this one is not nearly as common and end game as deadly strike however it is a really good burst set since you get that 450 weapon and spell damage for 10 seconds before it falls off this is a little bit lower than the popular magic cassette burning spellwave however if you are running a stamina build instead of a Magicka one that stamina line will be a bit more useful to you and offset that 40 less weapon and spell damage so for lower health or trash stuff that you're just trying to kill super quickly this can be a really nice option for that and similar to burning spell wave you have the flexibility to run this as either a back bar set or a front bar set for burst scenarios there's also a heel on briarheart it can be decent if you have enough dots ticking but nothing that's going to be too crazy four non-burst scenarios just using it as a standard set for longer enemy Encounters this one really isn't anything too crazy damage wise I definitely wouldn't say it's bad but it will be outclassed by quite a few other sets and then finally we have a medium set from Western Skyrim this is venomous Smite I think this set is a bit slept on compared to some of the other options that do get used a little more often the proc damage is okay on this set it's not going to be quite as strong as some of the more common options out there but the size on this set is really nice with the six meter radius that centers on the Target that it Triggers on and the two to four piece bonuses are also really really good so I've seen some really nice purses using this set and I definitely think there are some encounters that it works really well on very useful as a two-handed back bar set since it has a 15 second cooldown on it and it triggers off of crits while Stampede lasts for 15 seconds and is a guaranteed crit every time you cast it so that can make it light up really well and make this set super easy to trigger on your back bar but if you wanted to run it as a front bar set you could also do that and it would work well it does run into the issue that some other sets in the game like storm Fist and pillar of nerd run into where it can trigger on an undesired Target so just keep that in mind when you're planning around it at the end of the day it is an Overland set that doesn't require any farming and you could just grab the pieces you want off of a guild Trader so even if you don't continue to use it later on it could be a nice one to grab in the meantime while you work on collecting other sets now those certainly aren't the only options you can go with early on I even have some others listed here on the tier list but those are the ones that I think are probably the most relevant that you can get without stepping foot into a dungeon or a trial Next Step we'll cover a few sets that are going to be the best options if you're doing a heavy attack build first up we have Sergeant's mail this one comes from an early easy based game dungeon wayrest sewers and it's kind of the Cornerstone set for all of these types of heavy attack setups you'll want to run this on your lightning staff two jewelry pieces and a heavy chess piece to make sure that you have as few pieces on the body as possible since it is a heavy set but ideally the one piece on the body will be the chest since that benefits the most as far as resistances go from being heavy armor now for our options to pair with surgeons we have quite a few that are really nice depending on your situation Storm Master is a great medium armor option to use this one is again from one of the earlier easy based game dungeons Tempest Island Storm Master will be nice for more optimized encounters where you don't need the penetration from light armor so this would be applicable for practicing on the trial dummy since alkash is present there to remove 6K armor from the iron Atronach dummy if you do need that penetration though Noble duelist silks is going to be a great option to run this also comes from a base game dungeon blessed Crucible this one is really easy to keep up and has a very large bonus for your heavy attacks another really nice light armor set that you might consider using is one that drops in the craglorn trials and that is infallible Mage also called infallible Aether if you just compare the heavy attack bonus this is a little worse than some of the options we've already gone through however if you're not running oh console the three-piece minor Slayer bonus on this can be really strong to have and also if you're running solo or not in an optimized group the minor vulnerability that is applied could also come in handy too and even semi-organized groups though this bonus will be redundant so that's why you don't see this one more commonly used and also usually opensole is used with heavy attack builds so that three-piece minor Slayer is also redundant but I definitely wanted to mention this one still because all the stat line bonuses are very good on this set so if you end up needing the minor Slayer in the minor vulnerability this is a really good one to have and then finally we have dotted infiltrator and undaunted unweaver I think all of the previously listed sets kind of fill in the gaps that we need for heavy attack builds but these two can also work really well infiltrator is a medium armor set which could be really nice if you're stacking into stamina with the heavy attack build since it has those two stamina lines you don't see this as commonly as stacking into Magicka but it's something that you can do and you'll have a lot of stamina to play with and those two stamina lines would synergize really well with doing that and the condition of casting a Magicka ability is super easy to keep up and then undaunted unweaver is another light armor set kind of the reverse of infiltrator you'll need to have a stamina costing ability though in order to keep this up so just something to keep in mind if you're using this one and the last thing to mention about the heavy attack builds you could also pair sergeants with some of your more traditional build sets like pillar of nirn or reliquin and these work really well too especially for single Target damage if you are really going for that AOE damage the sets that directly boost your heavy attacks can be really nice paired with those lightning Heavies though all right next up we'll go through the top support sets that you might consider running as a damage dealer first up is Elemental Catalyst this is a light set from the stone garden DLC dungeon this one is very popular to have on a DPS for group play and that's because with this set you can give everyone in the group 15 extra crit damage as long as you are damaging the enemy with a flame shock and frost skill every three seconds each of these adds five percent crit damage taken to the Target so even as a selfish buff 15 crit damage is really nice but when you consider that the whole group can benefit it's pretty much a no-brainer to have this one going a couple of key things to consider when running this it does have to be an actual skill that you are using to proc these elements you can't rely on enchantments and the damage from your pets does not work either so on a necromancer for example the flame portion of the set will not trigger from a flame enchantment and it will not trigger from your blast bones so it is important to keep those rules in mind when you set up for this it is most commonly run on a necromancer though since they have have their shock damage covered with Mystic siphon their Frost damage covered with their Boneyard and then you can use either the flame wall of elements or the scalding Rune skill in the Mages Guild line to proc the fire portion of this I do see a lot of people ask if this set can be front barred only or if it needs to be always active and I'd say if you are a bit more experienced you can definitely keep it up front bar only those three second windows are long enough to handle that but if you are newer and just want to make sure you're providing good up times for your group while you figure things out it may be better to have it as an always active set but it definitely does not work as a back bar only set next up we have Roar of alkosh this is a medium trial set from Mau of lorcage the five piece bonus on this is really nice every time you take a Synergy you hit all the enemies in front of you with a shock wave that deals a small amount of damage but also lowers their armor by 6K as long as you have 6K or more weapon damage and this is pretty easy to hit nowadays in Dungeons and trials this is mainly just a condition that makes it a bit Out Of Reach to get the full benefit from on a traditional support roll and it's much easier to Max that out on a damage dealer now this can be a little bit tricky to keep up it lasts for 10 seconds but synergies do have a cooldown of 20 seconds per individual Synergy so you definitely need a steady flow of synergies coming through if you want to max out your uptime on this however there are a couple of unique synergies that can really help you out one is from the undaunted orb either morph works there and also the purify Synergy that you get from the Templars ritual ability now what makes these unique is that the synergies do not go away whenever a teammate triggers them everyone has access to press them once every 20 seconds as long as the ability is active so what you can do is the alcash wear is stagger these two you can take one and then wait 10 seconds to take the next one and then after that 10 seconds goes by the original one will be available again this makes it so much easier to make sure that you always have a Synergy ready to go whenever alcash is about to run out now all of the other synergies that are coming out you can definitely still take those two in between and that gives you even more wiggle room with the timing but it's nice to save the purify and the orb Synergy to make sure that you always have something to hit when your group is all building around this 6K armor debuff being there if you don't have it up that's going to be a huge DPS law so that's why it's nice to make sure that you're really proactive about keeping these synergies going definitely something to consider when planning around this set all right next up we have Zen's redress this is a light armor set from Lair of Martial lock the way that this set functions is pretty straightforward you only need to light attack to apply the Touch of Zen debuff on an enemy and then it's on them for 20 seconds it's pretty much the easiest debuff set to run and then while that debuff is active any sticky dot you put on the enemy will add a one percent damage taken debuff to them and that Stacks up to five percent max so everyone will hit that enemy five percent harder as long as you have five dots applied to them now I mentioned dots that stick to the Target because ground dots like wall of elements or something like deadly cloak that sticks to you these do not count towards the stacks on that it has to be something like degeneration or poison injection something where the ability is directly applied and ticks on the Target and these are the type of skills that will work for this so Dragonite is a really popular choice for running this as they naturally have a lot of abilities in their kit that work so essentially you don't really need to change up your build or play any differently on a Dragonite and you can keep this set up easily they definitely aren't the only class that it can be run on it's just usually the default because of how well it works with their kit it's also worth noting that hemorrhaging burning and poisoned are considered damage over time effects and do count for the percent boosts so you can usually get by just fine only having four actual sticky abilities for most builds and then let the up times from those take care of the rest lastly since the debuff for this is applied to the enemy triggered from a light attack and has a long duration there is a lot of flexibility in how you can set it up you can easily run it only on the front bar or only on the back bar and shouldn't have any issues with up times moving on we have War Machine and master architect these are medium and light armor sets from The Trial Halls of fabrication and I'm including them together here because they have the same five piece function one of the sets is just medium with the stamina line and the other is light with a magical line so depending on your build you may prefer one or the other these are pretty great as they give major Slayer to you and your five closest teammates for one second for every 10 ultimate spent whenever you cast your ultimate so if you save all the way up to 500 old that would be 50 seconds worth of major Slayer now since it only goes to six people you do generally want two people in this for a trial if you're using it and then you want to make sure that the stacks are split up six and six so that when the ultimates go out it is split up evenly to hit everyone now you might say well this is redundant if you have a Healer doing roaring opportunist and your world's guidance together commonly referred to as the Rojo setup and yes that is a great option for most encounters generally over the course of a longer fight the up times from that will be a bit higher and more consistent however for shorter encounters and some encounters because of the way that they end up playing out the long duration that you can get from these sets Plus getting a lot of ultimate back from pillagers after the initial cast well essentially you're going to keep this buff up for a while longer in the opening period before it falls off versus using something like roaring opportunist and your world's guidance together so both setups definitely have their places War Machine and master architect can be very powerful though when used correctly next up we have Marshall knowledge this is a light armor set from craglorn while your stamina is below 50 your light attacks caused the enemy to take eight percent additional damage for 5 seconds this effect can occur once every eight seconds so if you did somehow manage a perfect uptime on this you'd be getting about a five percent damage increase for everyone in your group similar to Zen's redress this is the most difficult DPS support set to manage though because of that 50 stamina condition while it's not anything too crazy especially on a stamina build if you do overcompensate with trying to keep your stamina low for it you could run yourself out of resources and not have enough to properly deal with mechanics that require you to block or roll Dodge and then sometimes your stamina sustain is too good and well you have to find that right balance to make sure that you're comfortably sitting in the correct threshold to trigger this Coral Riptide is a nice set to pair with this is you'll already be meeting that low stamina condition for Marshall knowledge so you should be getting a lot of value out of the coral five piece bonus I'll often recommend grips to not worry about martial knowledge too much whenever you're first learning a piece of content and then once you get a little more comfortable with the mechanics maybe consider introducing this to add another little mini game for the wearer and a nice damage buff for the team it is definitely a good one to have but I'd say it is the support set that I don't feel obligated to assign if no one is comfortable with this type of play style however if you are score pushing or really trying to max out DPS for certain time requirements this one is one you're going to want to make sure that you have going and then the last set I wanted to mention in the support section is morogtong this one isn't super popular in Your Standard Group compositions but if your group is set up with a lot of bow users this can be a very nice group wide DPS boost just a flat 10 to all poison abilities is pretty nice to have when bows have so much poison damage in their kits but outside of this sort of scenario not really worth giving up a five piece set bonus to slot this one all right for the next section of this video I'll be going through what I think are the top 10 full five piece sets overall for damage now this won't be every good option but essentially how I'm looking at this is if I had a new account getting into Dungeons and trials today which sets would be my top priority to pick up if I had to narrow it down to just 10. and also these are not ranked in any particular order I think they all can be the best for different situations so first up I have to bring up deadly strike I won't go in depth here again as we already talked about this set earlier in the video and the easy to get set section but deadly strike is just so good for arcanists and Templars it has to be in my top 10. next is arms of reliquin this is a medium set from cloud rest this is the number one set for single Target damage it applies a DOT that you can increase up to 10 stacks and this dot will tick on its own but it also ticks when you land your light attacks so great light attack weaving will make sure that you're getting the most damage possible from this set so for encounters where you're really focusing on one Target and that's the priority and the stacks from this can be kept up reliably it is the best option to go with having the perfected version just gives you a little bit extra stamina which is nice to have but definitely not going to make or break your setup if you have not gotten that perfected version yet it's also worth noting that this set does scale with weapon and spell damage but it cannot critically strike it doesn't really matter too much it still hits insanely hard but something to keep in mind next up is suksan's torment this is another medium trial set this one from Rock Grove when an enemy you recently damaged dies they leave behind a vengeful soul for six seconds touching the sole increases your crit Chance by 2160 and your critical damage by 12 percent for 30 seconds so nearly 10 percent crit chance and 12 crit damage from the five piece bonus here that makes this an absolute monster of a five piece bonus now the kicker is that it does rely on enemies dying and that happening at least every 30 seconds for you to be able to keep the five piece bonus up so this is why you commonly see this used as an AOE trash set since there will be tons of bodies however this is not limited only to trash if there is about encounter that also meets these conditions you can get really good results with this there as well overall silk sauce torment is one of my favorite sets in the game and really I try to use it wherever possible next up we have pillar of nerd this is a medium dungeon set from Fall Creek hold it deals a bunch of bleed damage to the Target it's just a really nice and easy set to use the damage from the proc is really strong and since it triggers from any damage you have the flexibility to pretty much run it however you want as a front bar set a back bar set or an always active set it can kind of slide into any setup that way the main downsides to it are the small AOE size 2.5 meters really makes this more of a single Target oriented set even though it is technically an AOE and also stuff that has a lot of quick movement there is a chance that the proc can miss since there is that small delay period from when it procs to when it lands this is usually not an issue but it can be for some really mobile bosses overall one of the best sets in the game for Boss encounters where the priority is single Target damage next up we have azerblite Reaper this is a medium set from layer Arab marcelock this is another one of my favorite sets an absolute monster and AOE fights since the stacks can build up off of any dots including your AOE dots well the more enemies that are around the more this is going to be blowing up on everything in the area you usually only want one person wearing this set since it acts as a debuff on the enemies that it hits and then that cooldown period between Stacks building will be shared with everyone however with more than one person wearing it you do get the burst sooner since both wears dots will be stacking it up so in some scenarios you actually might prefer to have a second person in this if there are enough enemies and the cost of Dipping into what one person would get out of this set is less than the benefit that the second person wearing it is getting over wearing something different in Reef Guardian hard mode for example sometimes you'll see two people wearing this set as they can both still get really good damage from it due to the high number of targets consistently available if you do have enough thoughts going this can be pretty good on fights even as low as two priority targets as long as they are close enough to share the explosions but you definitely only want one person in it for that type of scenario overall it's a really interesting and unique set it's really strong and worth it to have going in your group and I think the balance for it lies in that it cannot be effectively used by everyone in the group at the same time next up we have world of the depths this is a light armor set from The Dread sail Reef trial so this is a proc set that deals Frost damage and the damage from this set is really back loaded the single Target dotted Applause initially barely tickles it all but the AOE it drops when that portion is done hits incredibly hard so as long as you're reliably getting that AOE that drops to hit the desired enemy this is a very strong set however it does run into issues and encounters with a lot of movement since that AOE can drop and then the enemy can immediately move and essentially you've wasted an 18 second period with very little damage on your five piece bonus so this is something to keep in mind when you are deciding where to use this it also has a unique interaction where if the enemy that it is applied to dies before the dot timer runs out it will immediately drop the ground AOE so that's something you can possibly coordinate around maybe for certain short burst AOE situations you do still have to wait for the full 18 second cooldown though regardless so this is one of my favorite sets to use when there is not a lot of movement and I want something and that's very easy to proc and I don't have to think about it too much next up we have kind of the opposite of don't have to think about it too much and I'm going to put these two sets together here because they work very similarly and those are besides Mania a light armor set from Rock Grove and coral Riptide a medium armor set from dread cell Reef besides five piece bonus increases your damage based on your missing Magicka and corals five piece increases your weapon and spell damage based on your missing stamina both of these sets can be very strong besides a little bit better if you're wanting to run light armor for the penetration with your group but Coral being a medium armor set can generally perform a little bit better for groups that are running armor debuffs like alkosh personally I'm not a huge fan of the resource mini games you have to play with these sets but I also can't deny how strong they are if you do want to participate in that micromanagement it's also worth noting that Coral Riptide maxes out at 33 stamina remaining which does give it a little more cushion to not have to be perfect with so even at sixty percent stamina remaining you're still getting a pretty nice bonus from the set whereas sixty percent Magicka with basai is still under a five percent Damage Done boost so basai takes a bit more effort to get a good bonus but it's also much less risky to keep your magic below than it is to keep your stamina low so that is the reason for the difference in the design there both of these are very strong options though if that little mini game is something you're interested in playing around next up something a little more my cup of tea and something I can turn my brain off for we have on Souls torment this is the new medium trial set from sanity's Edge increases your Damage Done against Monsters by seven percent then when you interrupt an enemy you can increase your Damage Done against Monsters by another seven percent for 10 seconds so the condition here for that second half is a little bit strange for a trial set you aren't going to really have much uptime on that for most trials encounters however the seven percent by itself is actually pretty solid comparing that back to basai which we just talked about that seven percent would be about like keeping your Magicka around 40 percent or so with that said except this is a medium armor set and it's actually really eyes to run for groups that are using armor debuffs like alcash or Crimson it's just really solid overall as a set and forget kind of set where you don't have to do anything with it you just have a very solid Damage Done bonus now there will be occasions that you benefit from the second portion of the five piece bonus some trials have mechanics where you're specifically having an interrupter assigned and if you are doing Solo or four person content there's a lot higher chance you'll be the one getting those interrupts as opposed to 12 person content so I think for certain encounters it could actually be the best in slot damage option with that 14 bonus that you can get to but for everything else it's just really solid and I'm definitely going to be using this one quite a bit for update 38 and then finally for this list we have mechanical Acuity this is a craftable set from Clockwork City and I think this one is another one that gets slept on a little bit possibly just due to a lack of understanding of how this works exactly so when you deal non-critical damage you gain a stack of mechanical Acuity for four seconds granting you 20 crit strike chance per stack up to once every once second and stacking up to five times so essentially what's happening is it Stacks up your crit chance until you are only critically striking for four seconds and then it drops off so it doesn't matter if you're at a hundred percent crit chance or not or 92 percent crit chance or whatever it just looks at if you are critting or not so the key to this set is building for very low crit chance often with infused on the pieces instead of divine since divines will be boosting our Thief Mundus Stone and swords instead of daggers for the weapon and spell damage instead of the crit chance this is very strong for quickly bursting down enemies especially if you have multiple people wearing it dropping Destra olts and having most of the ticks from those be critical strikes just really juicy damage coming out of the set now the big downside is that long 25 second cooldown on it obviously this is not a good set for just a standard boss fight as the downtime is far too high and even as a trash DPS set for groups that are moving quickly through the ad packs you likely won't be able to get off of the cooldown for each pack so it is a very very hyper-specialized sort of set but if you use it the right way it is incredibly effective now obviously depending on the types of content that you enjoy doing the most your top 10 may look quite a bit different here and there are a lot of other good sets that I wish I could have squeezed into this list so here are just a few that didn't quite make that top 10. we have yandere's might elf Bane and burning spellweave I really like all three of these sets a lot Yonder has a nice consistent amount of weapon and spell damage and the option to use a heavy attack to crank that up to 630 weapon and spell damage for 15 seconds this can be super nice situationally it works great as a front bar only set as well and it's nice paired with proc sets since it will boost the damage of those elfbane is sort of in that same category as mechanical Acuity in fact they're often even used together it is a bit more Niche but can be really strong when boosting your Destro ultimate from 7 Seconds up to 12 seconds and then burning spellweave is a very popular option as a general use kind of set for short burst trash encounters all right for the next section of this video I'm going to cover the top mythics for DPS this will just be a general overview of my favorites I won't be a guide for collecting these there are plenty of those out there for the Antiquity system this will just be a rundown of which ones I commonly use and what types of situations I use them for first up we have the harpooners waiting Kilt this is medium weight and is one of the strongest mythics in the game for damage at about five percent crit chance and 10 crit damage when you are at the full 10 stacks and these Stacks are easily built up by just dealing direct damage now it does have the stipulation that you lose five Stacks each time that you take direct damage so there are definitely certain pieces of content that this will not work well on solo it's pretty awful as you don't have a tank there to draw the attacks away from you I also don't use it a lot in dungeons as there tends to be a lot of random damage that you end up taking especially true when plugging a dungeon though there are certain fights where it still works well there but really the most common place that you'll see the Kilt is in Trials many trial fights work really well with this as you take little to no direct damage as a DPS that isn't always the case though ESO has a nice Kilt cheat sheet if you are interested in checking out the different trials and where the Kilt might or might not work well next up let's talk about the brand new Mythic velothy or Mages amulet this gives 1650 penetration it adds a 15 Damage Done bonus to monsters so this is a PVE only damage bonus it adds in minor Force which is a 10 crit damage buff and then it reduces your light and heavy attack damage by 99 so to start off for those that don't light attack weave very well this should be a very nice Mythic for you since you might not be dealing a very high percent of your damage from your light attacks anyways getting that 15 Damage Done bonus is going to more than make up for that however for those that are more comfortable with a lot of tech weaving this will be a bit more situational so let's run through some good uses for this Mythic for Arcanist this is going to be a really great option as you're already not light attack weaving is often because of your fate cover beam since that locks you into a channel for 4.5 to 5.5 seconds depending on the morph that you take so as an Arcanist you're already dealing less light attack damage than other classes would be so giving up those to get the stats from this works really well for other classes though the way I'm looking at this is for single Target focused fights generally my light attacks are doing a nice chunk of my damage let's just take this parse here on ESO logs if we removed the light attack damage from the dual wield and two-hander light attacks and added back in the percent done bonus you aren't really getting a very big increase and generally you'd be better off with a different Mythic such as the Kilt however for more AOE heavy encounters since our light attacks will naturally deal a much smaller percent of our overall damage losing those doesn't have nearly as big of an effect on us so that 15 Damage Done increase looks a lot more appealing there so definitely going to have this going in my AOE trash setups and then also for bosses where the focus is more on AOE and less on just the main target I think I'll likely use this on a number of those fights as well and again this is for all the non-arcanist classes I think for The Arcanist it'll probably probably be pretty solid for pretty much all situations the next Mythic I really like is Maura's Whispers this is a light shoulder piece and it gives about seven percent increased crit chance and a bunch of XP bonuses based on how many books from shalador's library you've collected now these are the books that you'll collect when you leveled the Mages Guild skill line and in total there are 297 books spread across the different zones so while the bonus on Mars Whispers is very strong it is quite a pain to farm and it is a character-based progression not account based so every character you want to use this on you'll need to go collect all the books for it the other downside is that it is a shoulder piece so there's no option to run it alongside of a two-piece monster set like you can with some of the other mythics but this is definitely one that I try to use typically for situations where the Kilt Stacks are not kept up well or I just want something easy to use that I don't really have to think about there are no conditions or Stacks or anything with this you just get the bonus as long as you have done that initial book collection all right next up we have ring of the pale order this restores 20 percent of the damage you deal as health as values decreased by four percent per Ally that you're grouped with you cannot be healed by anyone but yourself so this is generally best suited for solo play and if you are dealing decent damage it makes it so much easier to stay alive and it can actually be pretty decent for damage as well even though it doesn't have a damage bonus on it since you are healing based on your damage you can spend more actions in combat focused on dealing damage rather than healing yourself so this is just a really great option to get through those veteran solo Arenas and it makes Overland content even the world bosses a breeze to take down just be careful where you use it because it does diminish and power the larger your group size is dropping to zero in a group of six or more and you cannot receive outside healing in any group size when you're wearing this all right next up is open Soul this is a ring that gives you a ton of different Buffs but it locks you into only being able to use one skill bar so four one bar builds this thing is really incredible it adds a lot of damage and tankiness and is a must-have for the one bar heavy attack build due to the permanent and power bonus that it gives which increases your heavy attack damage by 70 percent this Mythic has really changed the way that the game can be played and one bar setups are definitely viable now for all content in the game generally with a high Mastery level you can outperform the one bar setups with the traditional two bar options but for how much easier it is to go this route the results you get here with Oak and soul are very strong next up we have thracian stranglers these are light gloves every killing blow you land will give you a stack of 23 weapon and spell damage and this can stack up to 50 times so add 50 Stacks we're looking at 1150 weapon and spell damage and that's before buff so that'll actually be quite a bit higher which is just insane for a one piece bonus but we also end up with 6 000 lower health and 50 percent weaker Shields so there are a few things to discuss with this one first off as I mentioned it does require Landing the killing blow to get the stack so that's why you don't commonly see this when running trials because you are essentially splitting all of those killing blows with your other group members and even then the add density is just not high enough to really make good use of this for some Arena content though such as Maelstrom Merino or black rose prison and also in some dungeons this is definitely doable it's a bit riskier play style but the damage is unmatched if you can quickly get to those 50 Stacks you're going to be dealing a lot of damage unfortunately the stacks do drop off for a number of different conditions they'll fall off if you die if you crouch or go invisible or if you port to a different instance so you can't carry the stacks with you into a piece of content the stacks have to be built up in whatever Zone you're working on so this one is a bit more Niche and more for high-end gameplay but it can be really fun and strong if you can pull it off and then finally we have sea Serpent's coil so there is that big snare on this ring it can be a little bit annoying but with some speed boosts like the Solarity Champion Point node and major Expedition it really isn't too bad at all major courage is also a pretty common group buff so often when grips are coordinating around this Mythic they will drop their major courage set for something else and the 10 percent Dam image done with major berserk is also pretty nice though that is also a bit more redundant lately as there are more and more ways to get this major berserk especially now with the sorcerer's astronaut giving major berserk to 12 people for 10 seconds at a time so not as many uses for this set now I don't think but it still can be very strong if you are benefiting from both of those bonuses so those are the more common ones that I use as a damage dealer there are some other ones that you might consider though I haven't really found myself using these lately as a DPS spaulder of Ruin is a nice support option death dealer's fate gives you some tankiness and just some all-around stats and then Mark and ring of majesty also gives you a little bit of offensive plus defensive power moving on to the final section in this video if you made it this far just want to say thank you very much for watching I really appreciate it and I hope it's been helpful so far now I'll cover the top ability altering weapons sometimes these are also referred to as Arena weapons so we'll start with the destruction staves one of my favorites is the staff from Maelstrom Arena AKA crushing wall so it's pretty straightforward just boosts the damage that your wall deals by 12.50 so this might seem a little low but it's actually going to be buffed up by other percent modifiers in combat so it ends up being quite a large boost to your wall of elements this is okay in single Target fights but it really shines in AOE encounter since wall of elements is a nice big AOE and so you'll get that increased damage on everything that it's hitting it doesn't really matter if you get the perfected version of this or not as it's almost always a back bar weapon so that added penetration will only be active while you're on your back bar so if you just want to run on normal to pick this up it's totally fine you probably won't even really be able to tell a difference you also generally want this as a flame staff for the highest DPS not really really much else to say just one of those must have Arena weapons next up for Destruction stays we have the Masters staff AKA destructive impact and this one comes from Dragon Star Arena it reduces the cost of destructive Touch by 10 and increases your weapon and spell damage by 600 for 4 seconds after activating it this is really good on the ice staff for magic Awards since the initial hit on the ice version of destructive reach is buffed up to be on par with a standard single Target spammable so you'll pretty much be running that and casting it all the time anyways and with this step you'll just get that 600 weapon and spell damage pretty much permanently outside of that you can also sometimes see this used on Lightning staves as the lightning version of destructive clinch deals pretty nice AOE damage which you can deal at full range typically melee options for AOE will be a bit stronger but if you do want to play at range this is a really nice option for AOE DPS for the perfected versions of these you do get some extra weapon and spell damage which is pretty nice since these are typically run on your front bar but veteran dragonstar arena is not too difficult nowadays as it is pretty old content so don't feel too intimidated about going for the perfected versions moving on to the bows first up we have the Masters bow caustic Arrow this one comes from Dragon Star Arena as well this increases your weapon and spell damage by 330 against targets affected by your poison arrow so this will commonly be kept up with poison injection if you are going with a bow build this is a really strong option as a back bar weapon for single Target damage however if you do prefer to go for more AOE damage you might want to go with the maelstrom's bow thunderous volley this one's pretty similar to the Maelstrom staff except that you have a ramp up period instead of all of the extra damage just being equal for each tick so this means you will miss out on a bit of that damage in more mobile encounters where you might not always get all of the ticks off still a pretty solid option for AOE damage if you are running a boat build and then finally for the bows we have the Black Rose prison Arena virulent shot so the Dot from this thing takes really hard and it is one that's definitely best suited when you can get the longer duration from it if you're up really close and only get in four seconds it's kinda mad but it is worth noting that some bosses with larger hitboxes you may get a longer duration than you'd expect even when you are up close to them because sometimes it calculates from their center point so with a big boss it might consider you being far away even if you feel like you're up pretty close to them so maybe something you want to play around with and see which bosses it works well with but if you can get your shots with this to last in that 10 to 12 second range it is a really strong option and I've seen people use this both as a front bar and a back bar weapon all right moving on to dual wield we have the set from Black Rose prison spectral cloak dealing damage with blade cloak grants you spectral cloak for two seconds reducing your damage taken and increasing your Damage Done by six percent this is a really strong set it can be used on the front bar or the back bar the perfected bonus is just stamina recovery so you aren't missing out on any damage from it if you just pick this up from normal Black Rose prison it's a really nice mix of stats on this to give both offensive and defensive power both morphs of Blade cloak are just really nice to run anyways and this is a really great weapon set overall next up for dual wield from the vatashron hollows Arena we have Executioner's blade so with this one your hidden blade skill deals up to 250 percent more damage to targets under 100 Health when you're standing behind them and then you restore 1890 stamina if the target was below 50 Health this thing is really nice for stamina builds it gives pretty much any class and execute option but it also sort of condenses your spammable and execute into one skill typically you'll run this with the shrouded daggers morph since it's a pretty nice AOE skill but it won't start hitting too hard for single Target damage until about 65 to 70 percent Health remaining it's also a pretty expensive skill but that stamina cost refund that kicks in after 50 will be really noticeable if you can hang on with sustain until that point but then after that the thing starts hitting like a truck and it only hits harder the lower the health the target gets to so really the main downside is that you do have to be standing directly behind your Target and the range on that appears to be a good bit smaller than what you get from something like the backstabber Champion Point node so you really have to be lined up right behind your target so it does kind of knock this one out for certain encounters and definitely not too good for solo play since you're typically standing face to face with your targets and the last dual build set we'll talk about comes from Asylum sanctorium it is the chaotic Whirlwind set this gives you more damage based on how much move speed you have and it also grants you more move speed when you use the Whirlwind skills so essentially you need a 75 movement speed bonus total to Max this thing out for the 450 weapon and spell damage it's not something you'll probably come by naturally but not super hard to reach either with major and minor Expedition and the Solarity Point Champion node you're going to be at 55 so that plus four Stacks from this set and you'll be at the full 450 weapon in spelled image all right let's move on to the two-hander sets the first one is from Maelstrom Arena merciless charge this set is one of these sets in the Elder Scrolls Online it's just kind of one of those that fills in a back bar spot but it really doesn't do a ton of damage for PVE DPS feels quite a bit lacking compared to what the Maelstrom staff and the bow add to those respective abilities Stampede is a really good ability on its own so you can still get some good results using this set but there's a reason you often see people back barring a five piece set whenever they're using a two-handed weapon on the back bar definitely wouldn't say that this is a priority to pick up but it can fill in some gaps for certain builds and then finally we have the Masters two-hander Titanic cleave this comes from dragonstar Arena increases the direct damage cleave deals by 1550 for each enemy in the cone so this will work for either carve or brawler whichever morph you have for small ad packs typically this is just okay but when you start seeing four or five plus enemies grouped together this thing really starts to shine and it keeps going up the more enemies are stacked up so for really dense packs it can be the strongest option for AOE DPS it's also just kind of nice when you're using carve or brawler as a spammable since you keep refreshing that shield on yourself so not only a really strong AOE spammable with this set but you're getting extra defensive as well I think this set is probably worthy of a lot more use than it typically gets now there are some other good Arena sets that you could use for PVE DPS as well and still get good results but I think the ones that I just went through will be the most common and the other ones I don't really think they add anything special to the damage dealing roll that you can't get somewhere else well that's it that's the video I know this one was pretty long but the idea was that this would serve as an all-in-one sort of guide for the different types of gear in the Elder Scrolls Online whether you're a new player or a veteran this can be a reference for you when figuring out different options to collect to get the most out of your character as a damage dealer and again as a reminder I already did a monster set video so that one is separate and I have it linked at the top of the description but thank you so much for watching let me know if I left off any sets that you really love using there are definitely plenty of other good options with this video already being as long as it is you can see how it would be tough to try to really go through every single option but hopefully this gave you a nice Foundation to work from Big thanks to my current patreon supporters and YouTube members the contributions really help a ton to keep the website and YouTube channel going and a special thanks to Nicholas Simon cougars Bay and the cougar City guild at the order of War Guild cantankerous cat Shady iffy Blake win816 Mordecai 1212 santonico madridi Florian Phoenix nalandia unemployed and Technical KO thank you again and see you later uh bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Skinny Cheeks
Views: 33,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best dps sets in eso, top dps sets in eso, what are the best dps sets in eso, what are the top dps sets in eso, best gear for dps in eso, top gear for dps in eso, necrom best gear eso, eso best gear in necrom, eso best sets from necrom, top mythics in eso, top mythics for dps eso, top sets for damage in eso, top dps sets eso, best dps sets eso, best dps sets necrom, top dps sets necrom, what are the best dps sets in necrom, top dps build in eso, top dps gear in eso
Id: sEQt5gZuGCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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