The Top 10 Crops Every Beginner Gardener Should Grow

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your Peds may fall you may will greetings all you gorgeous garden gnomes welcome to corth the backyard Farms my name is Tom Tom ATO in this video I am going to be going over our top 10 crops that every beginner should be growing in their Gardens in 2024 but first please help us grow this channel by planting the like button cultivating the Subscribe button and harvesting that Bell Cora backyard Farms is a free Community Food security initiative that I started in 2021 helping people to grow food at home and share with each other your support of this channel will help to feed people in our community who need it these 10 crops I have split up into five that are direct seated into your garden and five that are started indoors and transplanted out into your garden the first crop that every beginner should be growing in their Garden are bush beans there's few things better than going into your backyard and harvesting a bunch of beans to have for dinner bush beans are one of the easiest crops to grow directly seed them into your Gardens with spacing of about 5 CM between each seed but wait until after your last frost for your area as Bean scen aren't big fans of cool soil temperatures beans come in a variety of colors particularly green yellow or purple and in less than 2 months you'll be able to begin harvesting fresh bean pods right out of your backyard the second crop that every beginner Gardener should be growing in their Garden this year are peas a member of the legume family peas are a cousin to beans and are super easy to grow like beans they also come in many varieties you can get a snap pee a snow pee or a potting pea they even come in purple peas unlike beans peas don't mind a little bit of chil soil temperatures so as soon as your soil is able to be worked then you can plant peas into your garden both beans and peas work with the soil microbiology to bring nitrogen from the air and put it into the soil it helps to feed the plants nitrogen but the plants also feed the soil microbes sugars creating a symbiotic relationship there this means that peas and beans need less fertilizer than other crops like potatoes or corn wood crop number three that every beginner Gardener should be growing in their Garden this year are radishes one of the main benefits of growing radishes is their speed from seed to harvest in typically under a month when planting your radishes create Rose and plant each row every week this way you'll have a staggered Harvest and continue to harvest throughout the season number four is a staple or a survival crop these are potatoes these are a must for every Gardener to grow purely for the density of energy that they will provide but because of the low price of potatoes at grocery stores I'm not recommending that beginner gardeners or any other gardeners grow russet potatoes or red skin potatoes or yellow skin potatoes no I am going to suggest that everybody start growing blue potatoes blue potatoes are one of the healthiest kinds of potatoes that you could eat as they contain a lot of antioxidants that's what gives them their blue color the last directly seated into the garden crop that every beginner should be growing in their 2024 Garden are beets you may be thinking that beets are an odd suggestion to make to beginners to grow in their Garden but I included these because you can Harvest them at different stages and for different purposes you can Harvest beets early for the green leaves which are delicious in a salad or you can let them grow a little bit longer and develop a large root and then harvest the whole plant pulling up the root and roast the root or enjoy it with other root vegetables from planting a seed to harvesting a full root the time frame for beets to grow to maturity is also fairly similar to the time frame that it takes for beans to grow so if you plant them at the same time in your garden you're going to be harvesting them around the same time and contributing more to your dinner from your backyard beets particular the red beads are also a healthy source of nitrates and nitrites which help to open up our blood vessels so they are a Vaso dilator this is particularly important if you are someone that has high blood pressure as beets can help to lower your blood pressure part two of this video are plants that would be best started indoors or bought from from a garden center or nursery and Transplant it into your garden so the sixth crop that every beginner Gardener should be growing are tomatoes tomatoes are probably the most diverse crop that we grow in our backyard farm we've grown heirloom tomatoes we've grown hybrid Tomatoes we've grown tomatoes for slicing we've grown them for canning and making sauces we've grown cherry tomatoes and and grape tomatoes there are even tomatoes that are bred to be lower in acid if that is an issue for you there are tomatoes that grow all season these are indeterminate tomatoes and will'll need some sort of string or trellising for them to grow up and there are tomatoes that will grow to a specific height and provide all their fruit mostly all at once there might be a couple of flushes but these are called determinate tomatoes because they grow to a predetermined height typically determinate tomatoes are those like the Romas which are great for making sauces and canning there are also tomatoes that have been grown and breed to do better in pots and containers there are even tomatoes that do really well growing indoors if you look for it there is a tomato that will fit whatever growing conditions you need number seven on this list are peppers Peppers pack a punch especially the spicy ones whether you like the Heat or you're a little bit more sweet peppers are definitely a must for beginners to grow in their 2024 Gardens if you want to start peppers from seed start them about 8 weeks before your last frost so you're going to be starting these indoors underneath some grill lights if you have them or in a south-facing window since peppers come from warmer climates we really want to wait until after our last frost to transplant them out into the garden for us our last frost is May 16th but we can still end up getting frosts up until the end of May so generally speaking the weekend of May 24th is when people start to really plant out their Gardens here in zone 5 before you plant your peppers make sure that you amend your soil with lots of compost and plant them somewhere where they're going to get a lot of sun if you keep up with the weeding and watering you are going to have a Bountiful Harvest of peppers number eight on this list of crops that beginner gardeners should be growing in their 2024 Gardens are Lett uses lettu uses don't really fit within one single category of direct seating or transplanting as it tends to depend on the variety and harvesting method that you choose to do for instance Leaf lettuces will be directly sewn into your garden and you can Harvest these a few times before needing to replant again while on the other hand a head lettuce like a Roma or an iceberg tends to do better if you start them in cells and then transplant them out once they've grown a little bit one of my favorite lettuces to grow is a headstyle of lettuce and it's called little gem Roma these are a smaller Roma lettuce which are perfect for making personal siiz meals and they are a little bit sweeter but they make a great Caesar salad number nine are cucumbers whether you're growing your own pickles growing for a salad or growing to have a backyard garden spa day cucumbers are a must to grow if your summer temperatures get really hot many consider cucumbers to be the summer crop this is because they hold a lot of water and in the middle of summer there's nothing really better than going out and harvesting a fresh cucumber and biting into it and having that thirst quenching feeling the last crop on this list of crops for every beginner Gardener to grow are zucchini these large bushy plants will produce abundant Harvest throughout the season starting these seeds a about 4 weeks before your last frost transplanting into your garden shortly after your last frost make sure that you give zucchini plants enough space so that they can Bush out and grow typically I will plant our zucchinis about 3 ft apart or 1 M this gives enough room for the roots to spread out and for the leaves to spread out but it also gives me room to weed around a until those plants cover the soil so that the weeds can't pop up once you start harvesting I would recommend that you pick every day if you want smaller more tender fruit or every couple of days if you want something a little bit larger but make sure that you don't leave your zucchini growing too long or else you'll end up with monstrous fibrous fruits that aren't really good for eating anymore there's only really one downside to growing zucchini is that you are going to get to know your neighbors really well as you go over there knocking on their door trying to give zucchini away they just produce so much food you won't know what to do with it thank you for watching this video and please don't forget to like And subscribe to this channel if you want to see more and learn more about gardening and food security and health by supporting this Channel by liking and subscribing you aren't just supporting me you are also helping the residents of the city of corth lakes as a little bit of a reminder I am on a mission to help anybody who asks for gardening help my assistance all of the gardening assistance that I provide is completely free as long as residents are donating some of the produce to local community support agencies so so if you're in the city of corth the lakes and you would like some help to start or you'd like some help to maintain an already establish garden please reach out either through YouTube or through uh my Instagram and I am happy to come out and help finally before you leave make sure to leave a comment down below of some of your favorite crops to grow some crops that you think are easier for beginners to grow or some that you're excited to try for the first time until the next video I hope that you have a great day and I'll see you [Music] then if you don't know he will push through [Music] all your Peds may fall you may you will but don't you know how strongly you were built
Channel: Kawartha Backyard Farms
Views: 4,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tq5tH610Ecs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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