The Time Traveler John Titor: Hoax or Harbinger from the Future? #shorts

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around the year 2000 posts began to appear online from somebody who called himself John Titor Tito claimed that he was a time-tradling military agent on a personal stopover Journey during a journey to 1975 where he would collect an IBM 5100 computer that he required to prevent the spread of a major computer virus in 2036 although you might think that somebody who was engaged in such a project might be somewhat secretive Titor was happy to explain to his growing fan base things like how a time machine was built and events that would happen in the future among these events which incidentally did not occur at the predicted time and has still not occurred always another American Civil War and nuclear World War III tutor would disappear again after about four months but why are people still talking about the story well in essence Titor appeared online at the perfect time if somebody tried to carry out such a hoax today would be very easy to track them down also he still has a vocal fan group that claims just because his predictions didn't come true it does not necessarily mean it wasn't a real time traveler to which we could only say okay then
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 1,118,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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