the time Lil Xan cheated on me + why Noah Cyrus HATES me: STORYTIME

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Hello main channel you're about to watch some serious fucking tea And I'm actually really really really nervous about this video If you hear music in the background of this right now, it's because hunter and I are editing my new music video So I just want to start off this video really quickly you guys by telling you this upcoming week on My new song FaceTime and the music video for it will be dropping on my youtube channel, and I'm losing my mind I'm so excited I literally wrote and made this song a year ago almost it's a song about you know Not wanting to be really serious with someone especially if they're far away and it's crazy that it's still a song that I can Deeply relate to and I think a lot of you will be able to really do it too and we put our hearts and souls Into this music video so we are like so excited for you guys to see it Definitely not what you expect if I can say one thing out of every tan of mojo music video to ever exist this one is the most unexpected one and I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for all of the support on my new MTV reality show announcing that was the craziest most stressful emotional Thing I've ever done and to receive that much love on something is so amazing and so beautiful, and I'm just so thankful I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be in life right now If you know me You know that I'm constantly searching my indirects on Twitter reading about what people have to say about me without me knowing you know Like follow me on Twitter if you want to like interact with me You're like whatever but reading my index in the past few weeks and I'm all just being like people being like I'm so excited for Tomorrow's reality show thinking I'm never gonna see it has literally had me being the most emotional little bitch so if everyone asking MTV is about to start filming all of the craziness that's going on with everything with jake and I right now all Kinds of crazy stuff is coming stay tuned on my socials and MTV socials for that It's so weird telling people to follow MTV to get updates on me I don't think I'll ever get over it and for anybody living in Florida or Orlando or that just wants to like take a little trip to Florida Not this weekend, but next I am going to be at Megacon Orlando meeting you guys hugging you guys hanging out with you guys I posted an Instagram photo of me smoking weed being like come meet me at Megacon and Jordan ripped me a new asshole Because weed isn't legal in Florida. So I'm gonna be doing a VIP move bang with you guys there I think that's already sold out, but there are some G Yury tickets left So I'm gonna link that below and before this video is pretty much the perfect time to announce that yesterday I dropped scandalous songs and Altana face tattoo hoodie and t-shirt which I Did not plan on dropping right at the time of this video it's very ironic I've been literally making that shirt for like six months, but everything I'm doing lately is just so psychic I'm on such a little psychic wave. So oops So yeah, this video is a really scandalous video about someone with a lot of face tattoos So you want to get some like merch to like match the vibe of this video that's linked below Hand crafting a thong was a very interesting process, but I can honestly say I think they're like better than like Victoria's Secret I like most thongs. So if you guys want to give a 3-pack and wear my merch on your pussy and/or dick Those are linked below and I think once those are gone, they're gonna be gone forever because they're really hard to make Yeah without further ado I'm just gonna let you guys get into this video and I know I say this a lot in this video But please just take things Lightheartedly don't ever click on at an emotional video expecting to take things. Seriously. This video is just a funny story I mean no fucking harm. I'm not coming for anyone's necks or anyone's tattooed necks I just wanted to tell you guys the story So I'm really hoping people don't get mad and by people I literally just mean the people that this video is about I'm nervous I can't talk about it anymore. The more I talk about it the more I just don't want to upload it And then this is never gonna make it to the Internet and I'm gonna waste my time after we film this. So bye And I love you. Thank you for all the love and support on everything lately. It literally makes me so emotional every day I don't know how I got this lucky. You guys are my entire world. So bye You guys are so messy boys I just got a phone call and got in trouble by so you got in trouble with a girl bloody in trouble She's like why is a tan of posting pictures in the house where you fucked Hanna the other day today? I'm Tana mojo, and I'm here in New York City for the VMAs My ex-boyfriend is confirmed to attend. This will be fun Hi. Well the last time I saw here I was filming boyfriend rates my outfits and now here I am cheating on a single savage vote Guys I'm going through a crisis right now and I'm stressing myself out and I'm stressed out I'm just gonna meant to I'm just gonna talk to you. I don't know what today's videos gonna be Whenever I don't upload a story time at least every like 10 videos, I like hate myself for it Well now I have to shit so bad and it's a watery shit Yeah, I just feel like no matter what like I'm not a daily vlogger like all the time I'm not a DIY youtuber I'm a story time youtuber. That's what I started with Whatever, I think might go a long time without uploading a story time people are like we want story times We're in the story times. Did you run out the story times and my people I mean the 19 voices in my head? I don't know. It's just something in me I feel like I owe them to you and it's not that I don't have any if anything I have more than ever But it's like every story I have is going to wreck someone's home like Just to the point where everything that happens to me like have seen it was an a-list celebrity Or and it's just like fucked up and there's no at the point that I'm at to like tell a story without people not like knowing who it is or what it's about or it's just way too fucking Scandalous and someone's gonna be way too mad about it And then I'm always filming these story times Editing the entire thing wasting the fuck out of my time and then just like literally not uploading them because I'm like wait This is a little much And so that brings me to my next point like a year and a half ago a little Dan cheated on me I'm never gonna tell this story that should is way too Savage. I'm scared of his fans I'm scared of what people are gonna say, I'm just gonna whatever and then it's time went on I was like, wow that really is an end-of-the-world like you got cheated on by a soundcloud rapper in a relationship They like wasn't even to be taken seriously anyways and over time I started to decide that. I did kind of want to make it a storytime and then like four or five months ago I sat down and filmed it. I ended it. I felt like it was too much. I felt like my boyfriend at the time would have been so mad at the video because we were so monogamous even though he was like totally cheating on me to Do this video like I'm not uploading it and then let's see if it makes it to the Internet Hey and then now in light of like Recent events like me getting cheated on again It just like reminded me so much was the other time I got cheated on and I just like really want to tell this story And so I sat down the other day and I filmed the entire thing. I haven't talked to Diego in like At the point of filming and editing this video the other day and choosing to like literally upload it I hadn't talked to him in like nine months. I didn't even think he would care at all the entire video I addressed him as like random SoundCloud rapper But then I kinda came to the realization that everyone's gonna guess it anyways and if anything, it's more respectful for me to literally just say his name and the whole story at film was centered around like how we met through Adam 22 and like at his party and like whatever and then Literally hours after I filled in the story time. I don't tweet about it Talk about it anything Diego tries to reach out to me through Adam because we like had each other blocked on everything And we're like joking about filming this fashion No the video I decide it's a bad idea and I'm like fucking I still said sound pop rap for the whole time I'm gonna upload this story time whatever and so I stay up all night editing this video the next morning I wake up and I'm going to Jake's house for this party that he's throwing whatever and I decide I'm just gonna like wait a day and like think about It and make sure this is what I want to do But I pretty much came to the conclusion that I was gonna upload the story time, and then I show up to Jake's house I show up to this party. I get drunk as fuck. I walked out into the party and the first person I see is little Sam and I haven't seen him in like a year maybe like 10 months and the second I've Exported this monkey 40 minute long video like about him I run into him of course drunk me is all about a good life stock and we just like go into this fucking buy stock and He apologizes we unblock each other. We send a little DM. We're like super nice. I'm probably a little too nice because I'm drunk I wake up the next day and I'm like wow, but like he still did cheat on you It's like why am I in this weird mindset of life right now where I'm like trying to protect these cheaters? But like at the same time everybody makes mistakes And if I was a fucking SoundCloud rapper who could fuck any bitch in the world I and I would just like fuck bitches I don't know I probably wouldn't like sake why sup a new girl like every week we all have our demons, you know And like what sucks is in reality? I'm not coming for him at all If anything like he just called me on Instagram like we're cool again, like everything's fine but I Hate that making videos like this could mean that you're not cool with someone or it could mean that people are gonna go give them a because in reality like I Don't want him to give me a we're all humans We've all made mistakes whatever but I'm still like it story time channel And I'm like trying to be a savage again and like I really want to make this video and like I've told this story nine Times that I just like won't upload it because I'm being a pussy, but like I'm supposed to be back on the savage mode So like should I just upload it? But I also feel like it's like more respectful to just like say his name because like everyone knows it's about him What to do Sam our key members if you're watching this no harm no foul Like sending you my love you hate me either way, so I might as well be a salvage write To my fans. There's no need to go send. Hey, everybody makes this day's he has those days I'm literally just telling a story time that I feel like it's my duty to tell What's up in it, actually, what was this like two years ago? Okay, so it's like a year and a half so like two years ago I was just deciding if I wanted to move to LA full-time or not. I still wasn't living in LA full time I had a whole Lots house in Vegas and was like renting a part-time place with like Elijah and Christine Oh my gosh. She was always there. I'm like, whatever. I was like falling for Bella Really? Hey all the time doesn't my like should I move to LA and so I started coming out there more and this was also At a point where I just wanted to be like young and wildness 3d. I've been in really toxic crazy relationships in the past I'm like cheated myself At this point of life. I knew that like whatever I wanted to do I just wanted it to be like for fun savage mode. You're in LA like you're out here And I kind of came to the conclusion at this point who I feel like I wanted to date a rapper there is just something about rapper dick That hits differently. There's something about dating a rapper that just like hits differently like The energy the lifestyle it's literally like a whole last tornado like comes and picks you up and like takes you to another World, you know what I mean? Like disrespecting And so I kind of knew I wanted to date a rapper This one's life, you know and I've been seeing photos of lows and like go everywhere I also on the type of person just to defend myself really quickly because I know like this is a non-key gang is gonna call Me a cloud chaser, whatever. I'm like, yes. I'm a cloud chaser but like at this time I wasn't now but I've always been the type of person who's also very attracted to people that are Traditionally not attractive like there's something about people that look different and sounded so stupid and that are confident in them being like different than most people that I'm very attracted to I just find myself attracted to people that are not Traditionally attractive to other people and not a rapper energy that likes a tattoo like head to toe, babe Like I'll wash my hair like like energy was just what I was about at that point of life I'm so kind of about that. Honestly, like we love a good rapper moment But now I just like moved on from like SoundCloud rappers to like a list months But anyways, and so I remember seeing this photo of zan going like viral on Twitter I really want to find it because I want to see if anyone else is like, oh he looks out there It's putting his face in the video in too far Hey Diego It was a specific photo of him like with a puppy me remembering this. I'm literally psychotics I'm like, I actually can't remember my own address But I remember the photo of lil Dan with the puppy that like got me into this mess I think I like responded hard eyes to it or something like that on Twitter and then a few days later He'd DM me on Instagram. That was the moment to that. I realized like I could literally fuck anyone I wanted by interacting. Was it one social media? It's like crazy. What a verified tab does It so EDM me and ensue me. He was just very like you're the love of my life either one I want to be with like it's me and you against the world, baby We would be the ultimate power couple like I've never seen something like us let's be together. Oh my god obviously In a traditional circumstance, I would be very quick to be like, oh, this is too far I'm like full when they're rich and with a lot of climate like doesn't matter But knowing that whatever I would be getting myself into wasn't going to be something serious and it was just kind of like for fun if anything it was very exhilarating and fun to me like how fast this was like moving and so we just started texting like Everyday, like just like QC Asha I don't know. Does that mean Allen I give you the world and me being like really URI And so our common denominator was Adam 22 I was really good friends with Adam at the time and so was an obviously Adam has also just texted me everyday like powdered a Couple of the year cloudmom and I feel like Adam is so one for like a good Klout moment It was got to be out of his birthday He was texting bulled means an basically Planning for us to like meet up for the first time at his birthday party if that makes sense Nothing good ever happens to me at an Adam 22 birthday party jump cut to me this year almost getting my ass beat And so and so the day comes I show up to the party I walk into Adam and Adam instantly takes me to zan and so pretty much of the first moment of meeting I just like felt like we were gonna hook up I Don't know we ended up actually getting along really well and hitting it off and like starting to talk and this party was at this Crazy house, like overlooking all of Hollywood and there's a big pool in the backyard and throughout the pool There were all these like stones in the middle of the pool like big stepping stones like the size of like four or five people And so we walk up to the middle of this pool and we're sitting on this big stone in the middle of this pool well, there's a whole last house party going on and like all of Hollywood like out this way and it was like Oh boy, a romantic and cute. I like and like I didn't live in Hollywood yet so like I'm at this crazy party with all these fucking famous ask people like just siding if I want to move here and now I'm sitting in the middle of this pool with like this Rapper that I literally like scouted on Twitter and like we're hitting it off and everything's great I mean, I'm sitting in the middle of this pool for like an hour and a half Just having let's talk and like don't get me wrong. I'm not sitting here saying like brightest crayon in the box or sharpest tool in the shed, but I was like people are very quick to be like Wow, anything I want to say it's so rude like judging you if you the person you want to be with and you are not Immensely intellectually compatible However, if someone can make you laugh or make you happy or make you feel good about yourself my voice going eight octaves higher Like really? And that was always what it was was Anna's I felt like he just like made me really happy and made me laugh and like Made me feel really good about myself and kind of like Distracted me from my like more serious world and like brought me into this like very fun Easygoing world and to date someone where you can kind of like check Your life at the door and kind of engulf yourself in their life is a very fun Light-hearted like it's game. That's like fun, right? Okay. Hello. I don't know. Sorry like I'll go get there and so later that night we end up making out and It's like on the floor and like the middle of a room of like 20 people like probably not a good idea When the plug comes in and she instagrams stories us and so she records us. She posted her story We don't think anything of it. We keep hooking up. Whatever a few more hours go by eventually All of my friends are leaving the party so I'm like fuck I'm gonna leave and so I'm like trying to say bye to him He's like no like baby. Don't go like stay in the night. Like let's hang out like whatever I'm like, no like I don't want to be that girl like I'm just gonna go like it was like so nice to me like oh my god music asking me on a date the next day, and I'm like I don't know like whatever and so then I make I hop up in the race with all my friends and I go and buy Plan B actually for a couple songs Guys and on this car ready. I'm like, wow, I actually got a missing new with him like I wish I hung out with him longer and as I'm saying that To my friends in the car who were all obviously consequently judging me. Imagine Elijah Daniel Just roasting my set for being into lil zan He texts me and he's like, why do I miss you? Ll or like some fucking dumbass shit that he would say, sorry Hey, I'm like, oh my god, me too. And keep in mind at this point. I don't really know him I do just think he's like really fucking sweet and like not a compulsive liar So like and so he invites me back over to his loft like later in the night. And so I'm like debating Should I go and then finally I'm like in a fucking like I've wanted to get with this guy for a while We've been texting what do you thinks gonna happen? You're like gonna wait to like not suck for like three days and then suck like it's gonna be the same fucking outcome Anyways, like he's a rapper. What do you expect? You know, that's a war mentality I was on my savage shit. I want to say miss that ten. I wish I could embody that savage Tanner right now And so I go over to his house we end up stay up really late talking again Like hooking up all night and the entire time as we're looking up he's being like I know I just met you for the first Time but I feel like this stars Fucking intertwined and like we're meant to be like be my girlfriend be my girlfriend. Please be my girl So will you be my girlfriend? I'm like, bro I literally just met you tonight like no, you know, and he's like I'll do anything it takes for you to be my girlfriend Please be my girlfriend. Like I don't know like we should hold off on this like you're not wanted for me Just like be my girlfriend. I'm like we fall asleep at the sunrise It's like magical we wake up the next day as a session with Diplo like totally almost And he leaves her this session with Diplo and so I decided I'm gonna go home on my way out of his lost his manager walks out of his room and as I Go like I've never heard an talk about someone like the way he talks about you like I think you're the one for him I think you should give him a chance Like I heard you guys all night like him but asked you to be his girlfriend like you should do it You should be his girlfriend and just trust me like he's about you I've never seen him be about familias like whatever and if anything looking back That's what grinds my gears the most like I love this manager. Don't get me wrong but like for this like grown-ass man to be like advocating for him so hard to be like my boyfriend would like he knew What a crazy world to be like wrapped up in I don't know anyways, and so that all right home I'm like hunter calls me. He's mad I hooked up with Lowe's and we like end things for a little bit I go on Twitter to see that this clip that Leno posted of the both of us hooking up is like going absolutely Viral and people are fucking so mad about it I really think it was gonna be that bad I also thought people would be like here for it because we both have very like raunchy like on the edge brands It's like a pretty big match like oh my god. Um, But they just said work And so I go through all these Twitter threads and it leads me to this girl's Twitter. Let's call her Steph I click on Steph's Twitter on her by I was like that are keep getting broken art rose emoji diego's Mazes and so I scroll down her Twitter She's on this huge Twitter rampage being like Diego and I are in an open relationship I thought Jana was hot from day one. Like I'm just so proud. He pulled a 10 like that She a bad you for real though, like just some shit like that. Oh my Like imagine like you're leaving this guy's house it was begging you to beat his girlfriend and you're on Twitter's going through threat of his girlfriend saying she like Hand-selected you cuz you're a bad leg for him like Welcome to Los Angeles I get back to my house and Diego ends up asking me on a date later that night and so later that I go back to his house We like go out to eat, whatever we come back were like hooking up He's like, will you be my girlfriend, please? Like you are the one for me I know that you're the one for a minute. Just give me a chance Give me a chance to be my girl like I learned I think there was a point where he literally got down on one meat What do I have to do for you to be my girlfriend? And I'm not gonna lie to you like I'll be really vibing You know Like I was like damn like I do fuck with you and I'm having a really good time and I could see myself continuing Jews like I don't know you and he's like just take a chance like what I'm doing whatever and so eventually and so I'm like well before I answer That or we continue to talk about that like who is this girl? And I show him steps Twitter and this whole fucking Twitter and page whatever. He's like, ma'am Like that's my crazy ass expert look in the eye She's fucking nut she just in love with me like we're not together anymore. He pulls out his text with her He shows me just like a giant thread of like Hundreds of grey text from her for like weeks him like breaking up with her. He's she's just fucking crazy I promise you I have nothing to do with her some fans love her because she's like manipulate something like please trust me like I promise and you're the one like all the shit and I'm like I just thought of spot for people who are like misunderstood and like people who the internet just like think one thing and like it's like different like I've been through that, you know, I would also hate for someone to like not trust me or be with me based on someone else's Twitter Like I would want them to at least give me a chance if that makes sense And I don't know this girl and for all I know she literally could just be some like crazy girlfriend turned fan that he's like describing and like yeah, you know and it's not like he's just saying like oh Like don't worry about her. He's literally saying like she's fucking absolutely psychotic. I want nothing to do with her here is our breakup Here's months of me not responding to her Here's me blocking everything and her finding ways to reach out to me like trust me about all this shit I'm like, okay, I believe you fuck it, whatever and so let me go back into the girlfriend talk and I'm like I can't be your girlfriend right now. Like it's that's just too much I'm like, I think we need to get to know each other. Whatever anything, okay? Well, like I leave for New York at 6 a.m will you come on this trip with me and we'll get to know each other on this trip to New York and like it's like It goes well like when we come back like will you be my girlfriend? Like he's basically asking me to go on this trip to New York with him in like eight Hours and I get to know him on this trip to New York And if I like him enough like be his girlfriend, which is absolutely crazy. And that's why I did it and like I just love a good spontaneous moment You know every story time really does fall back on me being a dumbass though Like anyone in their right mind like would not drop everything and go to New York with this South I wrapper that they just met Expecting like something good out of it Like bitches, this is what you wanted. This is what you manifested. This is what you fuckin asked the universe force. Here it is You know who buys me a ticket on this flight So then I buy Ashley a ticket on this flight and I'm like a singh gabbar a girl's trip to New York So I go home. I pack my shit. I are literally dragged Ashley to New York City I have never seen actually not wanting to go somewhere. I'm Laura My dog for not letting me like murdered by like I want to rappers at giving our by myself And so then we go to the airport and I get to the airport and things are good and fresh and sisters on I'm not gonna lie like at this point like he makes me really happy and we really Do vibe Mike he makes me feel like that but he is must marry me princess and all but I also had to realize that Dating someone like him wouldn't mean like is that like mom role? You know that every girlfriend he's ever had is gonna be the like carry your backpack carry your jacket like, okay You would like Oh man you and I look out the right now type of girlfriend and I'm just like not that bitch Wow But I just what's that bitch again is like repeating gets old. Holy fuck And so again the entire time he's just like leave me man off the wave man girlfriend but also like showing me off man without my girlfriend just like if he was doing interviews or like shows or whatever would be like I'm like proud of me, you know and they meeting bands together. It was so cute It was just like always I beat me up in a we fuck you I'm like it was like you okay, but again, I just want to reiterate if they were up to me I would take things very slow I think this is one thing that the Zen Turkey nation has just had it so confused about me for so long I'm gonna put it to rest right now. I never once was like, I'm your girl. I'm gonna show you off I'm gonna whatever it was always handy good you are my girl be my girl. I don't want you to be with anyone else Let's make this official like I'm gonna tie you down and have my fucking babies Let me nut in you and fucking let's keep it like, you know And so we spend up the next four days in New York It's a really great trip and then he's like hey and to tell you this, but I'm not going home I'm actually going to Maine and Boston and fucking MIT. Actually. Do you even know where we went? Oh I don't want you to leave. Please come with me. I mentioned this but this entire trip. I am entirely hiding from Jordan He literally thinks I'm like at home in my bed like with the flu I'm like in New York City like with a little bit. I knew Jordan would be mad Probably for good reason, you know but like I wouldn't like living my best life video sigh so he ends up convincing me to stay and like finish this little like East Coast press run with him for like another few days But then as soon as I stay his manager starts getting really weird about like you guys can't show each other off on social media like don't post that people know where you are where he is like you were wearing his hoodie in the corner in this video like And at the time I'm like wait what the fuck you were just telling us so I get married and posted everywhere and I are saying this I'm like it was really Confused ain't looking back now It's because he had like a whole last other girlfriend, but I'll get there one night we were laying in bed and I look over in his phones literally getting blown up like 76 iMessages type-b from a contact that's like baby broken heart emoji But I don't really think anything of it because it was stupid brutal on every rapper in the world But his 19 contacts on their phone, that's like baby, you know, so like I just didn't think it was like his baby You know what? I think I sound so stupid but it wasn't my caring about these little things. We're putting them all together I feel like I was just like, oh it's like the life of a rapper. It's like fine he like loves me and she just like was doing everything in his power to like reassured me that I was like a little Infant and every interview he's doing just be like, that's my girl. Like that's my girl But that mean like can you cut that outside eight girls, but like I didn't know that, you know Eventually, it's finally time to go home from this New York City trip And we're on the plane ride home and it's like you you know Like I'm like trying to suck his dick in the aisle seat and turns to me and he's like so like now will you be my girl said like we just had this little trip like I Just wanna go home and like I feel like I spent nine days like fucking pouring my stool out to you I just kept asking me we're stuck on this plane. It's finally I'm like, you know, what bucket. I'll be your girlfriend Okay, I'm your girlfriend. Hi. I'm Tana. I'll be your girlfriend. Wow I didn't know how serious it was at the same time. Like if someone's asking me to be their girlfriend, I Was thinking it kind of seriously, you know And he's just being very like if you get with anyone else, it wouldn't enter the end my whole life I couldn't even have my career anymore there Are you shattered my heart and move back home? Like you're the love of my life and that's I guess also why Then are key people like coming for me makes me so mad because it's like you should have heard what y'all motherfucking I just got really mad for the first time and so why it finally lands it ends up landing really really late we're standing on the plane and he's like Will you go home with me that I can't see below and I can't see without my girlfriend. It's been like nine days I'm like, okay fine. Fuck it likes fucking midnight. Anyways at LAX like let's just go to your house It does matter wherever we get off the plane we finally get our luggage and as we're about to leave he's like I hold up like I have something I have to do and I'm like It's midnight Well, he's like no. I just I gotta meet up with somebody I have a studio session, but then like I'll meet up with you and like we'll go to bed Like will you just like go home? Like I'll back your shit and then I come over it. Like I just have to do something really quick and I'm like, oh Okay And so actually are in the uber on the way home And for some reason I just have this this inkling to check that girl Steph's Twitter And so I open up Twitter and I go to her twitter twitter twitter twitter. I have to scroll literally the first tweet I don't have to move my fucking thumbs. It's her tweeting like oh my god. I've missed babies so much I just can't wait to call tonight like watch the office and then I scroll in it's like babies in New York but he just paid for me to get my nails done and Then I scroll a little more and it's like oh, I can't take this long-distance And then I like swipe right and it's like tweets and replies and it's like her trying to fans being like got ten is fine but this is getting out of hand as I'm looking at this show with Ashley and we are both literally in this uber just like Like my whole ass Boyfriend has a whole Girlfriend who knows he has a whole ass girlfriend That's me, but she's like vocally angry about it now on Twitter after like the first day of New York Yeah, we weren't like directly posting about it But like I'm wearing his shit on my shitter just like fan pages like posting all the little like correlations of us being together Whatever this bitch out like anarchy gang in her bio like, you know She knows that like we were just together and then it kind of becomes clear to me that she is like his like hometown girlfriend that he's like probably just like playing and that she's just like waiting for him to like be done fucking around but like little Does she know this is just the beginning like just wait for Noah Cyrus girl anyway And so I go home later that night He was like trying to meet up like normal, but I'm like bitch. You just watch the fuckin office with your other girlfriend Like what's up? And so I wait like a few days. He's blowing me up on like Twitter Instagram. I like where are you? Why he's fucking doing this to me, like you know how much this is breaking out right like what's going on? but then I've also noticing that like he'll DM me like 13 DMS on Twitter and then they'll go away like as if I was like block and then like unblocked does that make sense then then I'll get like 13 more diems and this goes on for like five days and finally I've got my Time you want to talk? You want to see me. Let's meet up Let's talk and so I go to his house and I'm my glisten Emily and this just reminds me of my current situation again I feel like I'm the most easygoing bitch in the world like you could literally be there I want to be in an open relationship I want to take it slow and I'd be like perfect my lifestyle fits that better Anyways hardcore monogamy for people with all of these fucking followers and temptations and travel and use this whole fucking world Especially for like a rapper and feel like if you don't want to be monogamous Like why would you be on this whole last engine? Who's like good. They're gone my fucking dreams Like you really thought they'd think I want to be in like wow, this is so my last release. I don't really like Losing my money like that Stupid And he's like, I promise you she's crazy I'll show you like anything under the face of the Sun. She's crazy And then he just spends the next few hours showing me texts like proving that they're broken up She just still has his social media and all my shit so she's like blocking me and like that's why shit's like that and like it's literally showing me videos from the studio that night being Like see I never went to her house That would never fucking cheat on impasses manager come in and be like who's also this grown like 30 year old man Come in and be like you really think he would fuck up the love of his life You really can't even fuck up the girl of his dreams like he has anybody and he wants to be with you Just trust him like this girl's fuckin crazy We've all dealt with that has fucking five of his friends come in and be like no like this girl's fucking crazy like he loves You he only wants to be with you. And so finally being a fucking idiot like that is absolutely the moment I should've walked away. It's like People are just so all right because I've had shit like that happened to me of anything, you know, so I was just like Maybe she just like really is really fucking crazy. And he's also a very very very very convincing compulsive liar I'm like I was gonna say person but like let's be real we'll just spend the next few weeks like normally dating shit is so Happy I've decided to keep it off of the Internet literally completely He is the one constantly trying to put it on the internet, but then the manager comes into this like no It's just like this weird-ass dynamic. But like again, I'm having so much fun. This is like exactly what I wanted I'm so happy blah blah blah. And so now it's coming up that he's about to perform at rolling loud in California And so he's like baby. Please come with me to rolling loud, but I'm not to perform I just want you to be there for me to perform like blah blah blah and I'm like, okay, like obviously to my boyfriend I'm his fuckin girlfriend. And so he gets me this rolling loud pass for us to go to rollin loud in like five days The next day I'm supposed to be going to his concert with him in like, San Diego he gets me this past we both separate for the day because we have shit to do and so I'm in the studio that actually Were just like doing shit whatever and actually looks at me and she's like hey Did you see Sam's story? Like it's a little weird so then I go on my Instagram to like search for his story and and go to his page and it looks like he has no story I Don't like what's worried. Then she shows me like a nine photo fucking Instagram story They just ends with him like in a car and in the background of the snap you can like see the girl Steph And first of all like I'd like to think that I'm a Sly off bitch, and this was before I even knew you could block people from watching your Instagram story. So I was just so Butthurt bit like he had me thinking for the last like three days that he just like wasn't posting on his story but I just been like blocked from his fucking stories and then for him to go to the ends of the earth to tell me this girl is like a crazy fucking Ex-girlfriend turned like fan that he wants nothing to do with and like have a whole something like squadron of people Go to the ends of the earth to tell me that this girl is like nothing then so when I go to her Twitter And I see that the last thing she posted was a photo of a her with a rolling This weekend I'm sitting there my dumb ass with that same fucking rolling louder our districts been on like Like are you just gonna bring both of us literally what? Oh, I'm like so pissed and so I'm supposed to go to this concert in San Diego with him in the next day Obviously, I just like completely ghost him. He's blowing me up. He's having his friends as manager everyone blowing me up literally saying like you're the love of his life like you're gonna break his heart like Please don't fucking Gina and all this crazy shit They don't even know that like I know what's good Now, you know, but also like it's not like I did any kind of investigative work Like this was all just public on social media like literally fuck The whole next day. He's like, I'm gonna just come pick you up for the San Diego concert. Oh, you're not answering I'm leaving now. Here's the address. Please. Meet me there, please. Don't do this to me. I can't go on if you're not there I can there they can prefer a beer I'm like I'll make one of my other instagrams watching his Instagram story because I'm locked when we like doesn't even know it like step is going with him to this San Diego concert while he's like blowing me up telling you like the only one for him and I'm like Oh my god. I was obviously supposed to go to rolling loud with him I literally have like an artist banned for being garlic with him like on my wrist He's blowing me up to go to rolling loud with him. I don't answer him and his people obviously because they have to be there way earlier because he's like performing because he's like a rapper I End up going with all of my friends on this party bus trolling loud and we all black out Trevor peas in a Cheetos bottle worst experiences of my life I Blacked out on this party bus and everyone starts showing me his Instagram story and it's him in a hotel room with like a Roses and like some bitch put the gag of it all is it's not even this step girl. It's like a whole other Bitch, I thought this one I'm just like what the fuck is going on I obviously have bad things with him that he's absolutely psychotic. I'm now in this like love trapezoid with fucking lil van obviously, this was like the first time we had a rapper boyfriend and he cheated on he's like What do you do you just like black out? so I get probably the most fucked up I've been In the last like two and a half years I already wanted to get really fucked up at willing loud. But now everyone around me too is like fuck him. He ain't shit Chug-chug-chug. I like think I'm this hard little bitch who can just like mix everything. Oh my god I remember anything for the next like eight hours So I'll skip that I finally gets a rolling load and all I remember are like splashes of photography I walk into this artists section. The first person I see is a demonic lad Did you let him USDA inspector piece of shit ages change on me? What about the guy on? Blackout and Adams like I don't know like even I thought you were the one for him like but now looking back like fuck you Had a wing. No, I don't know. I think I'm just wanted to like Clout couple possibilities-- and I also don't think at that time you realized how like bad of a crazy liar Yeah, and or was maybe he's like different now But like probably God and I remember turning around to walk out into rolling loud and just walking directly into Diego and his entire team and this random ass bitch But not even stop Like words with her friend and So I think the girl instantly realizes what's going on. So she just like backs up. It's literally straight out of a movie She literally just take like 15 steps back and I'm standing there barbecue sauce on my titties in the middle of this artist section Literally feet away from my post Malone The top of my lungs I've never screamed at someone that's not in public. I'll never do it again Like literally was a one-time thing. I Yeah, and they actually just like sympathy blacked out just as much like with me So I'm not even gonna say the things I was screaming in his face to be with you I'm really just I'm really just gonna skip them because they were really really profane and really really mean even for me It was a lot and I think that have you've seen any videos on my youtube channel, you know For me to say that the things I was screaming at the top of my lungs were insane I'm literally full blown like clapping spitting crying screaming like Me while this other fucking girl is standing 10 feet away literally watching this Happen and everyone on his team went from standing around him to all just backing up like this Screaming literally feet from ty dolla sign like post Malone Every rapper you can ever think of in this one artists section of rolling that it was literally on movie So I break up with him I'm like Tex hunter apologize to him a screw back and then later that night on his Instagram story. I Find out a few days later that the other girl literally thought she was his girlfriend too that there was another girl that thought she Was his girlfriend then there was Steph then there was me pistes hitting me up trying to like apologize I ignore him for a really long time Steph ends up making this YouTube video About like the downfall of their relationship and all the times he cheated on her and all of shit But basically in this video is saying like that I was like the first one and the reason that like started it all and it's just like Even though as it was happening. She was literally tweeting like cannon fire I fucking selected her for fuckin Diego and then I find out that Elijah was at the studio with them like forever ago and that she was like watching my Youtube videos like with Elijah and I tried to reach out to her Mmm, kind of by that I mean like sub tweeted in reality. I really did wanna be like girl power Fuck him, like we got played by him, but she was just too like wrapped up in his world I think and like wanting to be with him and obviously loving him too because they had like years of history You know this she just hated me and I kind of just like took the El and understood and like felt really sorry for her and like felt really sorry that had never happened her but like also like I I got cheated on do like let's bond girl get Fucking boba and Gary talk about little bins dick, you know have like a lapse of judgment for a few months really gone again off again like hooked up and I was like every weekend just Like me fuck buddies, I'll be fine and it like was fun. I'm really just spilling all of the tea right now I'm in deep and then you just said David Noah Cyrus and I and You know like this story It wasn't gonna be the larger relationship like I fucking love Miley Cyrus - I fucking love Billy Ray. I forgive a brandy and I give up. No, I fucking love the whole fucking science and logic No one I even had a mutual friends and I was like trying to just like Warner to look out for you know And it's like she didn't want to have it and I get it. I've been Mara He's a really fucking Persuasive person and really fucking sweet and makes you feel really fucking great and the beginning is fucking fun as shit like I was like You know go on I was also hoping he was like smart enough to like not fuck over Noah Cyrus Because I it's literally no up fucking Cyrus and then I just start seeing the way they are on social media and seeing how they're like together every second and then seeing how they're like not together and he's like in fucking Adams vlogs with like bitches around him and I just like and watching this all unfold like knowing how this is gonna go and then I hear from like a bunch of other people that she just like Like no, I love you like mad at you as a fucking banger like fucking make me cry like she made me cry bit I like it. Love ya and sans like on Instagram like One day as a joke am I getting it was a joke for the record? I'm like no if you're watching Joe I tweet. Oh my god. I miss the most sisters with the Cyrus now, I Fucking love this Cyrus is like if anything that was littering me literally being excited than mine and Noah Cyrus's holes have been in the same place, you know When I tweet the suite it does really well engagement on 10 weeks go by. I don't think anything all this tweet I'm like and back forward a few weeks I'm Standing at the VMAs in New York City curtains on my fucking arms trying to get a drink before this fucking show at the VMAs I'm standing there Drapery and all Waiting to give this drink and I turn to see lil then be lining towards me I didn't even know he was there This was before that fucking photo of him like smashing his face on her was everywhere. It was seconds after I walked the carpet I see him walking towards me don't like there's no way there's there's no way the a I'm gonna let him ruin my VMAs Right now the B, we're gonna have a conversation. See he's fuckin happy That was that but I read he's walking over mean he walks up to me and we're just having this like super normal Conversation because I feel like that's how he is. He's like I love you though. Like you know what I mean and since the point of him like cheating on me originally We've like had all of those like on again off again moment. So we were like cool I guess I'm like obviously since he started dating know what we like weren't sexy or anything, but I was also doing my own thing with like Sperm he lists. He complements my outfit He's like telling me I'm he's like Jim's had to tell us the dream and they like sent it to him but like whatever I see out of my peripheral a very Very unhappy Noah Cyrus walking up to us and I'm standing there barbeque sauce on my titties and she looks at me and it's just this awkward-ass silence and he's just like oh You can just tell by the look on his face. He's like I don't piss my Cyrus off She just looks so fucking unhappy that she even had to like walk up to us And I think she was like watching us talk from afar to like waiting for him to walk away. And so she like comes up I'm like I Didn't know what to do, you know It's an awkward situation it's like we're standing this big group of people like it's literally just me Noah Cyrus and zan I look at her and I'm like oh my god, like you guys are so cute like I'm just trying to be nice in reality like girl power like I'm happy for y'all if anything I'm literally like Diego for the rest of your life. Don't fuck this up. Marry this girl. That's the best you're ever gonna do I fucking love Noah Cyrus, and I'm just like oh my god. I think you guys look so cute Like oh my god, you look so good like whatever and she looks at me And goes nice to meet you Eskimo sisters right and just like shoulder checks my house kinda walks away like and then you just like Just like walks away, I'm just standing there curtains all like Like do you what do you do do I follow her towards me with a bucket go? You the tweet was a job whereas the most deserves like got me up brother like literally what Parties, you know and I just think he or others people like your friends And they break up Dress how he does is every single one of his girlfriends I my girl I could have given this to you play by fucking play I also kind of assumed that once he cheats on her and does like the same shit her that you did to me that it Could bring us closer. I'm like, I hope for like my relationship with Noah Cyrus, but like Still love me Always swear and we got like fine like it doesn't like to keep me up at night or anything But like Noah Cyrus probably doesn't like me like at all. And so yeah, that's like basically all things and I'm sure I'm missing like 40,000 fucking anecdotal details, but honestly stepping out of this situation and assessing it The only thing that upsets me is the fact that Noah Cyrus and I can't just be like besties. It's like a little besties I hope you enjoyed this story. I've done it four thousand times and always almost uploaded it But then the one time I actually was gonna upload it I ran into him at a party an article That will be be cool after this stay tuned to find out but actually though no hard feelings I obviously went into every interaction with him knowing what I was gonna get. I might give anything So for all you young girls out there watching me they just like really wanna date a rapper Hopefully now I've given you insight on what it's like. No, I'm kidding. I'm like open the wrappers. I've dated have been amazing I'm like by my scandal is emerges below including scandalous songs that you can totally fun SoundCloud represent - and it's all my social media for updates on my reality show where I make Fuck SoundCloud rappers live. I'll talk to you guys in the next video Zann turkey, baby
Channel: Tana Mongeau
Views: 7,697,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tana mongeau, tanamongeau, tana, mongeau, tana mongeau youtube, youtube tana mongeau, tana mongeau channel, channel tana mongeau, tana mongeau story time, tana story time, story time tana mongeau, story time tana, story time, storytime, tana mongeau makeup, comedy, comedian, entertainment, lil xan, tana mongeau and lil xan, noah cyrus, lil xan and noah cyrus, cheated on, cheating, boyfriend, ex boyfriend
Id: 4U6yna-jt3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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