The Three Daughters of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra

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Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar was born on February 20th 1867 at marbor house the London home of her parents The Prince and Princess of Wales later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra she spent much of her childhood at Sandringham house the family's country home in Norfolk and she would join her family on occasional summer holidays in Denmark her mother's Homeland Louise together with her younger sister Victoria and mud was educated under the supervision of tutors described as a very withdrawn girl Louise and her sisters lived very isolated lives smothered by their mother who did not wish to see her children away from her side despite attempts on the part of the Princess of Wales to keep Louise unmarried she nevertheless married Alexander Duff 6th Earl F on Saturday July 27th 1889 at the private Chapel in Buckingham Palace the Archbishop of Canterbury officiated the service the groom was 18 years her senior the couple had three children alist Duff Marquis of McDuff who was a still born princess Alexandra second Duchess of F and Princess mud the couple resided at Mar Lodge a sporting Lodge built for them by Alexander Marshall McKenzie to two days after the wedding Queen Victoria elevated Earl of F's title and created him Duke of F and Maris of McDuff in the peage of the United Kingdom the Letter's patent creating this dukedom provided that the titles would pass to a male Heir lawfully begotten however on April 24th 1900 by now it was impossible for the princess to Bear a son and heir to her husband's title Queen Victoria signed letters patent creating a second dukedom of f along with the earldom of McDuff in the peerage of the United Kingdom a special remainder allowed the daughters of the first duuk and then to their male descendants to inherit his titles in the absence of a male Heir on November 9th 1905 Edward VII created Louise the Princess Royal the highest honor bestowed on a female member of the royal family at the same time the king declared that the two daughters of the Princess Royal would be styled as princesses with the style and attribute of highness and with precedence immediately after all members of the royal family bearing the style of Royal Highness in December 1911 the Princess Royal and her family survived a shipwreck while sailing aboard SS Delhi to Egypt although they survived un harmed the Duke of f contracted puracy and died at Aswan Egypt in January 1912 after her husband's death Princess Louise withdrew from whatever limited participation she had both in Royal life and in society although she would sometimes accompany her mother and sister Victoria to public events she eventually suffered from heart disease in October 1929 she suffered from gastric while at Mar Lodge and had to be rushed back to London she died in her sleep in January 1931 a month before her 64th birthday at her home in Portman Square London with her two daughters at her bedside she was buried in St George's Chapel Windsor Castle her remains were later removed to the private Chapel Mar Lodge Brar abedinia her Royal Highness Princess Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary of Wales was born on the 6th of July 1868 at malur house a short distance from Buckingham Palace in London Victoria was given the name Toria among her relatives to distinguish her from her aunt Crown Princess Victoria of Prussia she had three Elder siblings and two younger ones Albert Victor George and Louise arrived in 1864 1865 and 1867 respectively christened at marbor house with nine Royal godparents including Zar Alexander II of Russia and Caroline amily The Dowager queen of Denmark Toria was part of a Rowdy playful family that preferred leaping on the Fine Furniture to quiet Pursuits and lessons which frequently met the disapproval of Queen Victoria their grandmother Alex always a possessive mother insisted that her children called her mother dear George the Future King George V was toria's favorite brother and sister remained devoted to one another all their lives at malra house and Sandringham in Norfolk the sisters were educated together by tutors Summers were often spent in Denmark with her numerous relations Toria was described does mischievous smart tall and elegant she had a wonderful sense of humor and was a good friend to everyone throughout her life she enjoyed having pets even keeping a tamed pigeon carrying it around in a basket and taking it for walks she liked cycling horse riding dancing and music but her favorite AES time was photography she collected several exceptional photo albums that have been used in exhibitions she rejected a marriage proposal from her first cousin Crown Prince Christian of Denmark and although Carlos of Portugal repeatedly asked for her to marry him she in agreement with her parents declined on religious grounds she had no wish to convert from protestantism to Roman Catholicism which was a non-negotiable factor in the match the future Zar Nicholas II of Russia his cousin Sandro the Grand Duke Alexander m and Nikki's younger brother Grand Duke Michael alexandrovich Misha all pursued Toria but their advances came to nothing Alex persuaded Toria to resist marriage Louise and mud succeeded in marrying and she was loathed to let her remaining daughter leave her side berti was hardly ever with her and she'd endured Decades of his infidelities Alex needed a devoted companion that role apparently fell to Toria the former prime minister and widower archal Primrose fifth Earl of rosebury proposed to her although she was the one who unwillingly uttered the word no it was her parents particularly her mother who decided her fate Bertie saw no place for politicians in the royal family so he vetoed a marriage but Alex discouraged the match as she had with the previous suitors for more selfish reasons Roseberry did not marry again Toria never married her cousin Grandes Olga alexandrova of Russia claimed that Torah was a glorified maid to Mother Dear Toria acted as her mother's companion until the 20th of November 1925 Alex's death whilst she loved her mother deeply there were numerous times when she put her mother's needs far above her own and this built resentment and her health declined there were countless frustrating instances in which Alex calleded for her daughter's assistance only to have seemingly forgotten why she wanted her by the time she reached her it seems highly unlikely that Alex who presumably felt a sense of entitlement about keeping Toria for herself appreciated the demands she placed on her daughter Toria was expected to be content as her mother's companion Toria increasingly tended towards hypochondria and was said to be bitter about her lot in life occasionally her harsh words wounded others she was labeled a of the first order by her nephew David the petulent king Edward VII it seems probable that her illnesses and difficult nature were manifestations of her frustration with her stifling existence toria's brother George became king when their father died in May 1910 and he did what he could to ease the strain on her Toria had little in common with his wife Queen Mary so she did not confide in her in late November 1925 Toria grieved for the loss of her mother but she also entered a form of retirement leaving Alex's beloved Sandringham for her brother George to utilize Toria chose to live at cins in the small village of Ivor in buckinghamshire where she committed herself to the local community's needs she invited guests to stay at cins including archal Primrose fifth Earl of rosebury whom she retained as a friend in the years after his proposal until his passing in 1929 she pursued photography gardened and helped a friend design The Splendid cestal Gardens in Angley Wales Toria became a patron of three talented musical sisters and never lost her love for music her health was a constant drain on her energy she died on the 3rd of December 1935 and was quietly buried at St George's Chapel Windsor 4 days later and then moved to Frogmore mosum at Windsor her favorite brother George was devastated already suffering from poor health the grief proved too much for him he survived toia by just 5 weeks passing away on the 20th of January 1936 mud Charlotte Mary Victoria was born on 26th of November 1869 at malor house London and was the third daughter and fifth child of Edward and Alexandra of Denmark as the youngest mud was lucky to have a less AER upbringing than her siblings and she was reportedly her father's favorite child mud was a tomboy which earned her the nickname of Harry and she loved Sports and horse riding mud and her siblings used to spend their summer holidays in Denmark and often went on cruises around Norway and the Mediterranean mud was in her late 20s before she decided to find a husband and she set her sights on marrying Francis of tech the younger brother of her sister-in-law Mary however he ignored her advances instead mud married her first Cousin Carl of Denmark the Second Son of Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark and Louise of Sweden on 22nd July 1896 the newlyweds lived in Copenhagen however they were given Appleton house on the Sandringham estate as a wedding gift and their only child Alexander was born there on 2nd July 1903 the union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved in 1905 and the Norwegian government offered the Throne of Norway to Carl partly due to mud's connections with the British royal family and the fact Carl was descended from ancient Norwegian kings Norway had not had an independent Monarch since 1387 and the fact Carl already had a son was also in his favor Carl was flattered by the offer however he insisted did the Norwegian government hold a referendum to show whether they wanted a monarchy or wanted to be a republic the results showed overwhelmingly in favor of retaining a monarchy and Carl was officially elected on 18th of November 1905 Carl chose to adopt the Old Norse name of Haron which immediately endeared him to the Norwegians and his family left Copenhagen on the Danish Royal yacht danab brog on 23rd of November 1905 at oscarsborg Fortress they boarded the Norwegian naval ship heimdal and arrived in Oso 3 Days Later two days later Haron took his constitutional oath before Parliament as Norway's First Independent King in 518 years the coronation took place in the nidaros cathedral in Trondheim on 22nd June 1906 and it was also the last to take place as the Norwegians felt the rights were too archaic afterwards Haron and mud took an extensive tour around Norway before settling into the Royal Palace which took 2 years to refurbish the Norwegians were excited to have Haron as king and they were even more gratified when the royal couple announced their son was being renamed Olaf although Haron had considerable Powers as king he wisely left politics to the government and concentrated on promoting the interests of the country instead although mord would never cut her ties with Britain she enjoyed her new duties as Queen consort and was careful to show her support for Norwegian customs and culture during the first years of their reign the king and queen engendered favor when they wore various Norwegian folk costumes and they involved themselves in charitable causes mud instigated the droning and yelper the Queen's Relief Committee during World War I and supported the feminist katti Anka M's home for unwed mothers mud continued to live at Appleton house when she was visiting England and she designed English Gardens at ketan the Royal Lodge overlooking Oslo and at the summer Residence at Big doy Ola married his first cousin Mera of Sweden on 21st March 1929 and they had two daughters rag hild and Astrid and one son Harold as the first heir to the throne to be raised in Norway since the Middle Ages he received extensive military training and was raised as a Norwegian while visiting England in 1938 mud became seriously ill with stomach pains and was taken to a clinic where she received emergency abdominal surgery mud survived the surgery however she died of heart failure on 20th of November with Aron by her side mud's body was returned to Norway where she was interred in the Royal melum at the aashu castle in Oslo she was the last surviving child of Alexandra and Edward iith
Channel: Regal Chronicles
Views: 17,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the windsors, queen victoria, queen mary
Id: gTbRzV1w9hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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