The Thousand Year Old Dish Served to Kings and Queens at English Coronations

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Winston come back with those fish and chips [Music] I love the history of food and especially this dish that dates back almost a thousand years today I'm making a dish to celebrate the coronation of the king and the King love this dish so much that he gave his Chef A Country Manor for making it now I don't mean King Charles III I mean William William the first William the Conqueror William the first English Norman King dillagrout yes dillagrat it's a crazy name isn't it but it was first made for King William William the Conqueror William the first in 1066. 1066 the that's a long time ago that's um yeah that's a long time ago when I heard that and when I read that this is a dish that his chef teslan made for the king and the King loved it so much that he gave him a country manner for it I thought I gotta make it and see what it's like I mean the history alone I'm starting off cutting some chicken breasts into little pieces now dillagrout is a soup it's a potage potage it's French for soup and William was French so teslan was French too so the potage the dillagrat soup stew starts off usually with a cape on now a capon is a castrated chicken that they castrate at the young age so that he makes the chicken tastier well we're not going there today so I'm using some chicken breasts that I've cut into pieces I've got some chicken thighs that I've ground up and then I've got some almonds that I've soaked in water you have to soak those overnight for some reason then I've got some pine nuts some mace mace is like the outer kernel of the nutmeg then I've got some cloves cloves who uses clothes now that's just like a 1900s Victorian spice some ginger salt and sugar and also some wine it has to be a sweet wine and this recipe it seems as she uses an Italian sweet wine how would that be from France all their good wines then I'm going to strain the water off the almonds and put them into a blender and then add some wine lots of wine now in turn in return for the Country Manor teslan King William's Chef had to prepare dillagrout for every coronation and in fact according to the food history Almanac this went on until 1821 800 something years now I don't think Tesla actually made this for 800 years no he didn't but it was made till 1821 this dish was made for 800 years for all the king's coronations to 1821. that's just mind-blowing take the wine and the almonds and blend until we have a nice creamy beautiful uh smooth Rich foamy soupy consistency then oh it smells good and then the wine and the almonds is poured into a large pan how creamy that is foreign [Music] next we add the chicken pieces and then the minced and ground chicken the pine nuts now back in the 1100s nobody kept recipes so we don't know exactly the amounts that go into this so I've pretty much guessed them salt and finally the sugar give it a stir and then it goes on the stove we should probably put it on a wood burning fire you know like we're at Hampton Court Palace or something like that but you can put it on gas or electric and we let it just bubble away for about an hour with the lid on [Music] it's been bubbling away for an hour on the stove and it actually it actually smells good [Music] oh well it's definitely smells almondy now will King Charles have this at his coronation I don't think so but knowing King Charles he'd be fascinated with the history of it if I'd known about this recipe a long time ago when I was working there at the palace I'd love to have made it I wonder if I'd have got a country manner right let's dish it up and serve it to the king for his coronation for the king's coronation now to taste it the story says that the king would order three bowls at this and everybody that lived in the Country Manor would have to make this soup every year this pot Arch and they've made three bowls and it would be one for the king one for his wife and one that the king would give to someone special here goes it smells really almondy but it has a strange smell as well I guess that's the wine cooking out and all the spices too it's not as strange as I thought the pine nuts have stayed tight together so there's a little crunch in there but I guess the Victorian era brought along a more modern form of cooking um Winston come over here I've got something for you see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 247,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, lemon, blueberries, easy recipes, platinum jubilee, Q&A, King Charles, Coronation, King Charles Coronation
Id: -qbOb-Grfsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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