The Thoughtful Knitter - Episode 1

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so [Music] hello and welcome to the first episode or installment if you will of the thoughtful knitter video journal my name's ely and i'm coming to you from the very far north of scotland i've been in for a good number of years but um this is my first 40 and two making videos about it so um i'll just give you a wee bit of background as to why but there is a separate really short video on my channel already introducing my intentions for these videos um so i like i said have been now for a good lot of years and only discovered the wider knitting community in 2018 when i stumbled across and i think it was an audio podcast to start with and then ravelry hair managed without ravelry before goodness knows and then i started watching video podcasts so um i've been enjoying them for a lot of years didn't ever really think i would make one of my own but i've recently found and i'm recording this for a bit of context and i'm recording this as the world or certainly in scotland as we emerge from the covet pandemic we're kind of at the get your jab and get on with that stage and so things are opening back up and i'm not able to get out and about the way that other folk are and i'm really really missing speaking about my net in so i decided that i'm just going to speak to myself on my phone make some videos and if it's only me that watches it in the future that's fine i'm aware that there are thousands and thousands of knitting podcasts out there so i'm really not expecting anybody to follow along um but in the off chance that someone stumbles across the videos and um wants to watch then i'm hoping to make them as accessible as possible to anyone who um struggles with energy levels or concentration and for whatever reason so i'm going to have them in short segments and with divides so that you can come back another time if you've only got you know time or headspace for 10 minutes or so so without further ado um i will get into the segments the first one being um what i'm wearing and this knit here and has a lovely yolk i'm trying to get a bit closer and it's a lovely lace yoke and it's quite an unusual construction this is called the lorelai lorelai i think um the designer is amanita i'll put details below if i can figure out how to do that because she has a name that i can't pronounce and i don't want to embarrass myself and her by seeing it wrong but if you were to search amanita you would get her designs and i really really enjoy this jumper and it's a really nice wait i can wear it in the summer um because it's scotland and it doesn't get that hot in the far north and i can wear it in the winter with like maybe a cardigan over the top and it's like i said it's quite an unusual construction so you actually knit this section here and that way so it's like knitting around like that and you join it together and then you pick up stitches and knit up the way and pick up stitches and down the way so i'm going to stand up so you can see it properly maybe go back a wee bit and give you an idea so it's kind of mid hip length a few quarter length sleeves and there is some shaping so it's a really wearable jumper um i like i say it was knit in 2019 um so it is wearing really well i don't have any bubbles or pillowing that i can see at all um and i know eating cottage yarns melbourne 4 ply which is a blend of 85 blue faced leicester and 15 silk and it is a super wash yarn and so that's probably why it's it's wearing pretty well um and also with it being blue face leicester rather than merino it's really soft um and yeah so that's what i'm wearing um i haven't seen that many projects of it so it's maybe a different one for you to see and it's definitely one of my favorites so um yeah let's go on to recently finished objects and most of the things i have recently finished are waiting to have in sewn in because i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who finds sewing and blocking anything that isn't just knitting abhorrent and so the first finished object that i have is in such a state it is the croft house hat by ella gordon i don't know if you can see it very well it's not the best light and this is net in the original colorway for the jamison and smith and yarns this was one i think it was a 2017 um shetland wheel week pattern um and for some reason i recently just took a ghee that i absolutely had to knit and i think i was having a bit of a wanted to net feral i go through phases of what i want to knit so um ordered the will got the will started knitting realized quite quickly that it was a bit big and i did change my needle size a little bit i went up a bit but i generally have to do that because i'm a tight knitter um but i kind of feel like it could do with a repeat or two coming out and i'll show you i think it's enormous like it's it's very roomy um i mean it's not too bad but um i was planning on giving it to my sister-in-law for her christmas because my brother has a croft hence the croft who sees um but my mom came in um just as i had finished this and had it sitting like that you know just flung because i was really annoyed about it being too big and i was trying to decide whether i was going to pull it all back out and start again um and she said oh a lovely hat and i said yeah it's a bit big i was planning to give it to my sister-in-law um but i'm i'm gonna have to pull it back and she said oh oh well maybe it's it's not too big for me and i says oh well try it so she really likes it she quite likes the kind of tam look rather than a um [Music] beanie so she she kind of wears it like this so she has claimed it um which is great but i still have all of these to even and it still needs to be blocked and at the moment it kind of looks a little bit like it's got a nipple on the top and but yeah i hope you can see the colors the colors are just divine this is our i just absolutely adore this um and yeah i suppose i better show you my fault since everybody does that and here you go have a wee a wee flash of the flash of the um floats hopefully they're okay i think i am improving at a small s in a small circumference um when it's the that body of the piece that's easy because it's on a 16 inch needles and you just net round and round and round but when it gets to the smaller bit um i don't get on with dpn's at all double pointed needles and so i use magic loop and i am getting better at managing my faults around that and i saw a really good um video last year for shetland will week their um where some they went online because of obviously with cool bed everything got cancelled um and there were some free videos from the shetland amenities trust channel and a couple of which were by elizabeth johnson and she did a really good one on um i think it was for feral mets and it was kind of describing how to um transfer the last three stitches of each needle onto the next one to stop you kind of pulling your floats too tight or too loose um as you transition so um yeah so that's that's the only one i've got in my hand at the moment and isn't completely finished um i also recently finished i've been doing a lot of gift nets so i recently finished um a pattern by liz quark called lubac i've got no idea how you pronounce it as gaelic scottish gaelic i don't speak scottish garlic and that's very much a waste coast thing um more is the shame but that's the case and i'll pop a picture and i'll put pop a picture in here net them using west yorkshire spinner's signature four ply and a self stripe bin called seascape and which has lots of beautiful blues and greens and um the kind of colors that are right up her street and so you'll you'll be able to see in the picture what kind of um design they are um les does a lot of lovely um accessories i came across her doing a test net last year for her and she works a lot of twisted rib um which is beautiful and thankfully in the round you just have to work through the back loop of the [Music] knit stitches rather than the knit and the purl stitches so it's not as much of a nightmare as you might think um but the lubach mets and have they're nice and plain they've got the kind of um what's that bit called the well the cough and the finger tips and thumb tip there twisted rib and then the rest is stocking stitch with a lovely cable that moves around the hands and you can probably see it better um in other people's projects because i used to sell stripe in um but i i like the effect so um and my sister-in-law loved it too so that's great and the other gift that i recently finished was for my good friend verona who lives up in unst and shadeland and she's not originally from there but she's married a local um and i decided that every chetan and shetland glass should have a shetland bliss shawl um but i don't think she's much of a shawl wearer so i went for um a pattern that seemed a bit more modern it's not the same as the traditional shetland shawls and it's called the hermeneutial so that also drew me to it because that's really close to where my friend lives and which is right up the very north of ernst um and aunts being the most northerly shetland island and so it's you know next step north pole kind of thing um so it's beautiful it was um knit on four millimeter needles with really really fine yarn it was called lace weight but i would say it's more a cobweb um weight because it was 100 grams gave you 1200 meters and which to me is thinner than normal lace weights but i don't know it's the first time i've used anything so fine so i'm sure there's people who know better than me and so i met at um i'll put a picture in as well and i knit that one in craft house magic and she's got a podcast ellie um craft house magic merino lace and the colorway a crazy little thing called love and it's a really really lovely color it's um like a neutral with little kind of spots of rust yellow and um no more yellow and um purpley kind of pinky purpley um so it's lovely and she very much liked it so and it was beautiful when it was blocked it just grew and grew and grew and and it was quite hard to part with because it was just such a lovely thing to hold but i did kind of think i'm glad i'm not wearing this because it will be wrapped and torn and pulled within minutes okay it's stuck to the velcro in my coat or something so um yeah my poor friend should probably not want to wear it but yeah that's that's my most recent finished objects so i just quickly um go on to show you my works in progress at the moment because it's getting dark outside it's only 20 to 7 but we're getting very close to the equinox so it's going to get darker and darker but hey-ho and spring will come again so my current whip made me laugh a bit um because i was knitting on it and then recently this this new couch got delivered it's like a little snuggle seat two-seater couch seat thing um and i realized that i this color and my wallpaper are the same as this so yes that's quite funny i've been named feeling these colors obviously um and this is kind of made from leftovers this is the roth they marcus cowell by mika john and it was written for this collection of patterns here the perspectives collection um was put together by julie rutter of black girl yarns and to showcase her yarn ochen which is a really lovely woolen spun yarn it's a sport wheat and it's a mixture of blue face leicester shakeland and cheviot and i absolutely love this yarn and so the blue here this kind of bluey green tealy color and it never shows properly on camera there we go and that's leftovers from a previous project and added a tank top from the same book um earlier in the year so that was some leftovers and then i had also bought um another colorway called seaweed and so i thought they looked really nice together and then like i say discovered i'll i must think this a lot because i ordered this um couch and it's basically the same color so and that is going strong i'm not gonna have enough yarn so um i think i might be at the stage where i'm just going to give up on this section that's actually inside out i always know inside out i find it easier in the position okay so that's the way it is and then so there is a stopping stitch but at the end here and the main color and you're meant to knit 27 inches but it's not going to happen i don't have enough yarn so um i might just give up the ghost here possibly do another inch and then there's going to be a section of stocking stitch in the contrast colour and and then you swap over and so i'll put a picture in of the final pattern so you know what i'm talking about but at that point i'm going to switch over to this yarn which is marina skewer main dip oh i shouldn't be putting that over my face um so this is marina skewer mend it four ply in the colorway store me is that no it's on the storm base it's on the colorway night on the stormy beast and so i'm gonna swap over when this runs out when this one runs out i'm gonna swap over to this one and have it as a background color there's people walking past my window wondering who i'm speaking to and so that's that's one that i'm not in and the other main project that i have on the go is a gift net so i can't show you at the moment but i also have this one and kind of hibernation i haven't done anything on it for ages um and this is the might dirt corner i think it's called yeah whiter corner blanket by pearl soho um and there's a podcaster called ina who has a podcast called inna nets and i just i only discovered her and i think it was december or november time last year she does a really lovely um series of videos each that time of year um on hygge and she's based over in norway so um i've been watching her and i think it was round about it was maybe just after christmas she was sharing her my eared square blanket and she had done this like really nice um edging i thought oh that that's lovely um so i just kind of followed what she said and started she's since um released a tutorial on how to do it so if anyone's interested but it just really kind of puts it all together a lot nicer so i worked on this quite a bit early on in the year and then haven't bothered since then um i'm just using up leftovers it's the whole reason that i started i've never done a scrapbook project before and my leftovers were getting out of hand and um i hate having things left over i want everything to be finished and get the most out of out of my will and so this i'm using up i'm kind of making it about rndk weight so anything that isn't rn or dk if it's a four ply fingering weight i'm holding it double to get the right gauge um and the only real um rule i have is i'm doing trying to do a solid then either a variegated or a tonal and and mix them up that way so this has not seen any work in ages and i started off quite good sewing in my ends and haven't bothered since ages so this is going to be a very very very very long term project that will probably last about five years um but yeah at some point probably in the winter when things are a bit colder and i want a bit of coziness and a nice blanket over my knee i'll probably get back to it then so yeah those are my works and progress at the moment i have lots of ideas strewn um about what to cast on next but i do the eagle-eyed amongst you might have realized that um i have recorded these segments over two days and that was because i was losing light and it's it's a lot better now so um i'm just gonna carry on with the final segment which is um kind of future plans and probably like most knitters i have them coming out of my ears i have far too much will in my stash and a few a good few projects lined up and most of which are not calling to me at the moment so um what i'm gonna share instead is the two three that are highest on my list at the moment the first one that's calling to me i've been in trying really hard to work my way through stash and not just keep buying and buying and buying for the pretty next thing i have had this lovely one and stash for easily over two years and it is eating cottage yarns which is a fingering weight for anyone who isn't in uk um and it is in the color we started in so it's a lovely like a gray with speckles of like yellow and rust it smells very sheepy and i have swatched so many things with this and never come across what i actually want to do with it um but i will insert a photo here of the latest idea i've had which is the corey yeah the corey cardigan by natasha hornby um and it's just it's a lovely shape and quite simple it looks like it's going to be a good fit and i've found that quite often raglan type cardigans don't really sit very well they kind of slip off your shoulders and so i'm quite taken with this one the only thing is it's in garter stitch which is gonna eat up the yarn and i would really like it to be slightly longer than what the pattern shows so i'm thinking i might knit an either stocking stitch or reverse token stitch and which should give me some extra meterage without affecting the shape i hope but that's going to take some brain power to work out so and that's why it's not on my needles yet the other one brand new shiny thing um hockey lokitelli's newest jumper i think it's called newsprint or something i've already bought it um but i have these yarns that i got on a d stash from katie green of the green bean podcast and and these are i think they're just continued colours and of the blacker breeds so it's jacob's um i've knit something in jacob's before and really really enjoyed it it's really hard wearing and still quite soft so i'm thinking this really really dark blue black which is called dark blue basalt and for the kind of black color that she has in original and then instead of mixing it with white i also have a gradient and a green gradient on their different bases and so i have two of each of these and they are this one is pale green clay a slightly darker one is pale green moral stone and the darker one again is pale green granite so i think they might be quite nice held together with this so yes that's another one that is particularly my fancy at the moment so we will see and i will report back if i make another video i will make another video because even if it's just for me um so yes thank you for watching and if you like what you've seen do give me a wee thumbs up and um if you want to come back then press the subscribe button um sounds a bit weird asking you to do that but um anyway that's how you'll find more videos if you like them and there's also the description box which is down here and so i'm going to link any kind of makers podcasters that sort of thing that i've mentioned there and um i'll hopefully see you again at some point in the future thanks for watching bye you
Channel: The Thoughtful Knitter
Views: 19,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knitting Podcast, Fibre crafts, Fiber crafts, Knitting journal, Hobbies, Crafts, Scotland, Scottish Highlands
Id: RpKyur-lOXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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