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you with very serious dancing Styles you can tell them you have a new one this one we just do this we try everyone like this and then like this and then we go like are we ready so we try it again okay one two and then clap for yourselves wonderful students but DJ let it roll give me some good volume okay everyone hands like this free gym therapy without paying for it we go like this everyone everyone [Music] now we we go I can't hear you everybody sing [Music] again we go we go we [Music] go master chrisan Beautiful People beautiful people that's the onlyus chist are we ready are we ready follow me everyone go like [Music] this everybody again Aral [Music] what's chist okay this one is we go like [Music] what is happening what is [Music] happening everybody sing again everybody sing again [Music] [Music] everybody sing again everybody sing again everybody sing again [Music] [Music] clap for yourself wonderful people I love you thank you so much I really appreciate so we doing another one it is called Sayce your pleasure so I the ladies are doing well much better for those who don't know I come from France uh the country is called Kaka County so that is the mode of communication that we use down there so when you have a lah friend whether you I've met a friend from Malaysia another one from Singapore you meet them you just say and then one of our mode of communication is called say so this song means everyone wants to go to heaven but they don't want to follow the route so I did it this was my first gospel track I did it way back in 2002 I hope you will enjoy it DJ let it [Music] [Music] go everyone me and again when I just call you brother and we got to come together I can't you give me best bless are we ready everyone Ming the left side everyone again right can we go now listen to this Make some noise for Make some noise Make some noise for must make some noise okay everyone like this my teamm everyone everyone I want to see you try this everyone go like this well done well done people higher level higher level level everyone higher level higher level higher level higher level so I'm going to eat my tea with ugali over there but before that there's a song God Gave Me just before uh the after the post elction violence I remember that time I used to live in buruburu and I was a little bit worried about the young people who are being involved in the post-election violence so God gave me a song called M Baba and I did it with the GSU Kenya police and I remember during Kenya at 50 former president his Excellency uru Muay Kenyata allowed me to sing this song during his inauguration and Kenya at 50 where we performed with the Kenya Navy Kenya Army Kenya Air Force and all the pupils from the 407 counties so are you ready for M Baba so this one let me see if you know it come and say love love love one another love one another say serve ser serve one another serve each other we are the leaders of today we are the priest of today we are the Kings and the queens of now we are the one that the Lord has chosen yes we are the one we dep power today yes amen my home my Kenya my land amen my home my Kenya my land my resident my president my Bas audience wonderful because you are spectacular are you ready you keep quiet let me see if there are statues here let's try clap for this group this group over here I don't know if we are together or not so if you're next to your neighbor are we ready [Music] off key offit off tune but it is a good thing because it means vocal Orient all cin you've learn let's try s DJ give me the TRU everyone everyone everybody be ready on session [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everyone everyone sing sing again everyone everyone are we ready everyone [Music] [Music] [Applause] we go like [Music] this one another Ser each other we are the leaders of We Are are we ready my res my president My Town my city I can't see you my my Kenya my Lord my res my president [Music] everyone everyone we go we go everying again everying again wake a wiper wake a wiper [Music] everyone sing [Applause] [Music] [Music] again2 oh [Music] saano hold your neighbor's hand hold your neighbor's hand W you 20 [Applause] [Music] we go good work we go we go we [Music] go oh [Music] soprano oh VIP oh [Music] [Music] love you people thank you thank you kind let's be up standing as we pray before we start our day today thank you so much raon God bless you allow us to stay to stand as we pray and I will pray from The Book of Psalms verse one up to um verse three 1 and two please unless the the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it unless the Lord guards the city The Watchman stays awake in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late to eat the bread of Soros For he so gives his beloved sleep may the Lord bless the reading of his word you may be seated please thank you our chief guest chair SRC um and distinguish guests good morning once again for those who are here yesterday once again applies to you for those who are coming for the first time we want to welcome you to this um uh conference that began yesterday uh before we get on to the program I just want to give you a quick brief maybe one minute of what happened yesterday uh yesterday was was in fact this Hall was packed yesterday by the time we beginning at 9:30 we had interesting presentations being done or being presented by uh of course from our from the chair SRC we had um um a paper that was presented a presentation from the vice chairperson Council of Governors um there was a presentation on how we can rap benefits for a physically sustainable Public Service wage bill that was presented by by the commission uh we also went on ahead to understand what happens in Malaysia and that paper was also there a presentation by uh Mr Muhammad musafar Abdul Ahmed from um from Malaysia we were then graced by our head of Public Service who also gave a very uh scintillating uh presentation about his View and what he sees uh in terms of performance and produc ity we went ahead and um also received a presentation from Madame Veronica Dua who is um uh the PS principal secretary at the state department for performance and she was outlining discussion on productivity mainstreaming in the public service and also proposing Way Forward uh in how she sees that is going to be undertaken um we had a scientific presentation I call it from Ambassador mushir he presented some models uh but the Assurance was in the caucuses that that model be broken down and there was um very interesting discussion at the caucus um we then went ahead from the his Excellency mutay kahiga gave us a feel of um what is what do we think or how do we see sustainability uh from the county uh from the county perspective thereafter Mr kagu kinji kagu uh being the chair or being the middleman or for being the person on in between National and County governments also gave us their view in terms of the implication of devolution and the transfer of functions um and of course its impact on the public wage Bill the morning discussion ended by a presentation uh although not in that order from the PS um State Department for Public Service uh Mr Amos gesha who then take took us through leveraging technology to enhance controls accountability in the public service payroll in the afternoons we had very interesting caucuses we had a caucus that was handling the State Corporations a caucus for counties and then a caucus for of course Min mdas including uh cciio and the the draft report we have is that there was a lot of discussion engagement and I think that is where that's where the main discussion takes place and as we begin our day today we will follow the same the same um discussion we sorry we'll follow the same way the same path as we did yesterday we'll have presentations this morning if we have a few minutes we will engage in terms of plenary and thereafter we will uh we give directions where the caucuses will take place so without Much Ado kindly allow me to welcome our moderator for today um Dr Amani komora who is the vice chairperson for the salaries and remuneration commission uh Dr Kora thank you let's appreciate commissioner for that uh high level overview on what we did yesterday good morning our distinguished guests uh the chief guest the CS4 labor Madame bore uh chair of uh the commission chairs of other commissions distinguished uh delegates from uh the different uh spaces in the Kenyan Public Service national government counties State Corporations univers tary institution ztc we do acknowledge that we have um an opportunity to continue the engagements that we started off yesterday as the canvas was laid yesterday for us to continue painting a picture so that by end of day three we'll have a very clear position in terms of how we expect to go forward in terms of um wage Bill management so I will be your moderator for this session and without uh much do allow that I give um some clarifications on um adjustments that we've had to do on the program we will um if you could check out in your programs we will adjust and start off with um a presentation by Dr analine chti from South Africa who will give um the South African experience or experiences in terms of what they're doing in so far as productivity is concerned and then we'll have a presentation by the state department of uh labor and U uh State Department of Labor and skills development which was yesterday it's coming immediately after the South African experience and we did this so that we give um an opportunity for our chief guest this morning just to uh get into line and space uh so that she delivers then her remarks after which then we'll proceed with the rest of the program as set out I see us having a very uh wonderful day uh as you can see from uh the program the presentations are now more on practical experiences what um other countries that have uh worked ahead of us are doing and also now bring it home home uh bring it closer Home in terms of the state departments or State Corporations what they're doing in so far as um the agenda that has brought us here is concerned so with that clarification allow that I go straight ahead to introduce or to bring on this Pulpit on this stage our presenter from uh South Africa it's none other than Madame analine Dr analine chti she's the acting chairperson of productivity South Africa and Dr analin chetti is um the holder of uh Standard Bank top women award in public sector a title that she holds to Deb she was also named the most influential among or actually the most influential woman in gaen is it a province or a region in South Africa let's give her a very big round of applause as Dr analin chti comes to take us through the next session kibu havari sanani dumang Namaste good morning I bring you warm greetings from South Africa I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world which is South Africa and if you hav have the opportunity to visit us please do so I don't see um okay so I'm going to do a brief introduction about the South African context look at the challenges that we with regards to productivity um looking at productivity in the public sector in South Africa how South Africa intends improving on its productivity we do not believe that we are the best practices or that we have arrived we do believe we have a long way to go and I'm going to be using the case study of the Department of trade industry and competition in terms of practical ways in which we can improve practical ways in which we contribute towards Economic Development and um looking at how improved productivity leads to increased efficiency and Effectiveness thereby contributing to economic growth and job creation I'm going to be giving you some very practical um examples today of how it is that as South Africa we've achieved that okay as you know South Africa is on the sou tip of Africa and we are indeed a rainbow nation and that is exper as experienced in our flag our culture our diversity our people our language and our food there are 12 official languages which is English IND P suus um sign language Swati SAA swana vendera Zulu as you can see our key um economic sectors in South Africa is predominantly Finance real estate uh business which is at 21% followed by manufacturing at 15.4% and government services at 13.6% um you would see that government is quite a sizable makes quite a sizable contribution to GDP I'm not going to today be throwing the productivity textbook at you because I think yesterday A lot has been said about productivity and there isn't a lot that you don't know about productivity it's just about how can we harness productivity to be able to contribute towards economic growth in South Africa we have key challenges and one of the biggest challenges we experience in South Africa is our unreliable electricity Supply and we have what is called load shading this severely impacts on our manufacturing processes it impacts on our um productivity as a whole because when there's low trading there's a complete power outage and factories are not able to run their machines they're not able um to be able to carry out the work that they're doing unfortunately technology will always let you down at the wrong times I'm just struggling to get my notes but I'll be with you in a second the second most critical um challenge we have is climate change and just transition and in South Africa we' put in a number of measures to be able to mitigate the risk of high a high carbon footprint and um contributing negatively to the environment and therefore we've starting to embrace other types of renewable energy other types of renewable energy we are in South Africa embracing the green economy um we're looking at Green hydrogen as a new alternative energy source we're also um looking at new energy vehicles uh given the cost of um energy is quite high in South Africa um and the other problem we have is Market access geopolitical tensions are likely to reshape procurement strategies of major Global firms presenting a threat many of you know that during covid when our borders were closed it became really difficult to access International goods and services and therefore as South Africa we saw it as an opportunity to look inwards and focus more on increasing local production um the next area is logistics Africa is facing significant challenges in its combined logistic sector the port Rail and Road although South Africa's transport infrastructure is amongst the best in Africa on the continent a lack of Maintenance and infrastructure investment with a resultant shift from rail to Road as well as congested and inefficient ports has led to delays in cargo holding and increase costs for shipping companies as well as importers and exporters the South African government has renewed its support um to fixing the problems in the logistic sector by establishing the national Logistics crisis committee to be able to address the immediate challenges in the Freight Logistics system in South Africa we've um as part of the 2017 um the Department of Public Service and administration created a public service productivity framework next Slide the framework used is a productivity Matrix to measure productivity in the public sector it looks at both quantitative and qualitative uh requirements for consideration for public service productivity um if we look at the framework the aim of the framework is contribute towards the Improvement of productivity at the organizational level in order to strengthen public accountability as well as enhance uh organizational Effectiveness and efficiency as I mentioned I'm not going to go into too much details on the um textbook language of productivity except to say that there are a number of benefits of productivity um in South Africa and some of those benefits include that citizens benefit from increased Public Service productivity um especially when goods and services are available to them in the desired quantity and quality and at the right time in place employees benefit from increased productivity through an improved and ergonomically functional working environment and increase personal and job satisfaction organizations in the public sector benefit from increased productivity in that public resources are used more efficiently and effectively to achieve its goals communities benefit through improved um Service delivery which leads to Greater social and economic stability the creation of a better life for all okay okay um one of the things that we've done in South Africa to be able to promote public um productivity is establish productivity South Africa of which I'm the acting chairperson of and definitely very proud of the institution in terms of how far it goes um to be able to influence productivity South Africa recognizes the importance of productivity and a set up productivity essay in terms of section 31 of the employment services act number four of 24 14 the entity's Mandate is to promote employment growth and productivity thereby contributing to South Africa's social economic development and competitiveness productivity essay's vision is to lead and inspire a productive and competitive South Africa its mission is to improve productivity by diagnosing advising implementing monitoring and evaluating Solutions and improving South Africa sustainable growth growth okay South AFC U productivity essay has identified a number of challenges which includes the cost of living challenge the inflation divide as well as the consumer shift and in response to these challenges they've put in place a number of strategies and interventions to be able to mitigate these challenges which I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on I prefer to spend time um focusing in on the South African case study okay so in terms of how does South Africa intend improving its um productivity rating as I mentioned we're not necessarily um the go-to people for productivity we are ranked um 80th out of 170 countries but I do believe that there are lots of things a country can do in terms of small marriages uh many of you may have been introduced to the Kaizen initiative which speaks about a series of continuous improvements and when you look at making small changes within government to be able to influence productivity it certainly makes an impact it may not necessarily uh go through the textbook language of or filters of productivity but it definitely contributes to productivity thereby uh contributing to economic growth uh South Africa's productivity stats reflects the stabilization of the economy in 2022 postco um the economic stabilization was underpinned by the recovery in capital investment whilst the global geopolitical risks remain high uh many of you know that there was a war in Ukraine there was even internally in South Africa there were number of risks we've had floods we've had political unrest that has impacted severely on productivity and Manufacturing multiactor productivity increased from 4.9% in 2021 to 5.8% in 2022 signaling economic stabilization labor productivity however decreased slightly from 3.1% in 2021 to 2.1% in 2022 okay I'm going to go straight into the case study of um the department of trade industry and competition because I believe there's a lot of value that can be obtained at this conference in some of the little things that we're doing as the department of trade and Industry I proudly display the minister of Department of trade industry and competition who is known for many things but um most importantly his ability to deliver um the vision of the Department of trade industry and competition is to build a dynamic industrial and globally competitive South African economy characterized by economic transformation inclusive growth and deployment and Equity built on the full potential of all citizens okay if you're looking at um the next slide one of the things we've done and I know the organization organizers which I want to say thank you to the organizers for making it possible for us to share our expertise and knowledge with you especially the head of the SRC and thank you to Papa as well for making it possible for me to be here um one of the things we've done is a shift from activities to an impact or outcomes based plan or an impact based outcome um every government department is expected to produce an annual performance plan which is usually our blueprint that guides us for that Financial year and one of the things that we used to do is record activities and I know the the auditor general is going to be speaking after me and one of the things that we do in government is we plan for audits we don't plan for outcomes or we don't plan for impacts we just want to make sure that we get a clean audit but at the end of the day whether we've actually achieved anything that contributes to economic growth um is not necessarily happening um so I'll give you an example right one of the things that we would speak about when we speak about activities is to say that we prepare reports on certain things and if I use investment as an example if I say that I need to give um Kenya 100 million rents right um or 100 million Shillings and one of the indicators I put in there is that I'm going to prepare a report on giving Kenya 100 million Shillings and I can do everything that I need to do when I prepare the report the auditor general will give me a big tick and say yes you've done what you're supposed to do you've ticked all the boxes but did I give Kenya the 100 million Shillings no I didn't because there were number of factors that prevented me from doing so so what um was done was we changed the activities to actual outcomes so instead of saying I'm going to prepare a report on investment of attracting investment in South Africa we had our Minister put in place a Target to say you're going to achieve 200 billion Rands worth of investment in this financial year and at the beginning we were all shocked and we thought you know we don't have control we government we don't have control over investment but we have to look at into our programs and we look into our interventions our sector interventions and all the work that's been done across the entities and I know um Kenya has a lot of state-owned companies for specific sectors like your te and I noticed Maze and quite a few others and sometimes as Government we feel like we need to do this by ourselves and we don't actually look at some of the companies or the entities or programs that we're supporting financially and what is it that we're putting on them in terms of performance to be able to bring in the investment so we looked into all the programs we looked into all the incentives we give we looked at across our entities what is it that we're doing that can facilitate um 200 billion Rand worth of investment if you're looking at US dollars is about 20 billion um sorry 10 billion worth of 10 billion US doar of investment and I'm not talking about a cross government I'm not talking across the private sector I'm only talking about the department of trade industry and comp uh competition the work it focuses in and to what extent they were able to bring in this investment um so we put in spa place very specific targets it included supporting or covering 1 million jobs creating a 100,000 new jobs and working opportunities mobilizing 10 Us doll B us billion in investment I'm sorry I'm uh supporting $35 Us in manufacturing exports to the world supporting 155 uh billion US in manufacturing exports to Africa driving 2 billion in additional local value addition and you know you think why would we put a target of local output when we're not manufacturers we government you know so we look into all of the different programs you support and say you know through our incentive are you able to manufacture locally are you able to take this product that was previously imported and now manufacture it locally we'll give you the incentives we'll give you the enabling environment that is needed and um we count it as a contribution towards local output then it's about supporting black industrialists you know South Africa we had um a triple um challenge of unemployment poverty and inequality and therefore sometimes we do need to propel our blackowned businesses a little bit ahead and give them a step ahead in order for them to be successful as well um enabling 20,000 workers uh to become shareholders in firms and I'm going to tell you a little bit more about that as I go along when I speak about master plans it's also providing 1 billion support uh to Enterprise amongst the different metros um one of the things that we have a challenge with is that very often development is concentrated in the city centers or in the urban areas and there isn't widespread Development Across um South Africa as a whole and those are things that we are trying to sort out um just to give you an example of you know by the end of the third quarter our financial year ends at the end of March and uh starts at the beginning of April by the end of December last year we had exceeded every single Target that our Minister had placed before us just by working together um just by looking into our programs looking into interventions that we would ordinarily not look into um and you can see you know just from that the investment pledges to manufacturing and economic growth in South Africa just went beyond what we had set a target for we had initially a target of um 200 billion it was stretched to 400 billion by the end of the third quarter we' all already exceeded the target um we had like about 207 billion by the end of December and by the end of a March it was a lot higher another thing we did which is part of the infrastructure Investments is setting up a One-Stop shop for investment so if you know you know when people come into your country to invest it's very difficult to maneuver the space uh especially the investment space in your country you know knowing where to get your visas knowing where to get uh compliance and we set up a One-Stop shop for any investors um to be able to come in and have a positive experience with us and as you can see from the stats there was a number of visas that were unblocked there were a number of uh measures put in place to support investment another thing that our Minister did and maybe it's um something that can be done here um it can be looked at a little bit as micromanagement but it helped us to exceed our targets is where he looked at monitoring achievements on a weekly basis and you'll wonder but we don't get Investments on a weekly basis or we don't create jobs on a weekly basis but just by ensuring that he meets with his executive every week and says you know how far we gone what are the impediments what are the challenges what are the blockages and what does he need to do to be able to put that into place and unblock and I think um you know from going from a very compliance driven plan um we went to an impact plan where we could see how we impacted investment how we've impacted local output how many jobs have we created how much of exports have we done to the rest of the world and we set ourselves relatively High targets given the economic climate that we're in another area that uh was very important for us is Master plans and it's not necessarily what the word suggests Master plans you know we'll think ah but everybody does Master plans it's a blueprint it's a strategy but the difference with the master plans is uh yesterday we had a lot of discussions about the role of Labor the role of the private sector and public sector and with Master plans it's bringing together all of these different components to be able to contribute towards the plan as you can see I'm giving you the example of the clothing textile leather and Footwear master plan and what we had to do was develop a social compact between labor public sector and private sector if you think about why is Labor important because very often industrial action usually presents a challenge to manufacturing sectors or to sectors in the economy because of um strikes or wage negotiations or anything that can hold people back and thereby impede productivity so what we do with the master plans is bring people to the table at the outset so they're part of the planning so if they know you know in the clothing textile than footway we need you to commit firstly to the industry to not losing jobs and giving labor that assurance and the second part is for labor to ensure that their uh companies don't embark on Industrial action thereby impeding or impacting on the um turnovers of the company or the productivity of the company um we have developed what is called a bring and Bri situation so very often as Government we feel like we need to do everything by ourselves but with the master plans we've realized that the private sector has a lot to contribute so if I give you an example of um what had the private sector brought to the table previously I mean I think I've also seen in um the media that Kenya is also impacted by Cheap Imports it's impacting on your manufacturing um you have illegal Imports as well as counterfeit Goods um so we say to the private sector we need you you know if you're producing locally at 30% right now we need you to move that up to 60% we'll provide you with enabling environment whatever incentives it is you need to be able to increase your local output um your local content and if you know if Lo if you have local manufacturing it definitely makes a difference in terms of contributing to jobs and um economic growth as well as higher turnovers means higher taxes to the tax base and it goes back into um being able to improve the environments that we live in um the other important aspect that we have in terms of our Master plans is what we call reciprocal commitments now very often as Government we take for granted our public goods for example if you put in place tariff measures or um anti-dumping measures or measures to protect protect a particular industry it's obviously going to lead to some some kind of increased turnover for that company and protection measures often um saves that company from any competition and external influences and then what we do is we ask them now that we've put in place this protective measure what are you bringing to the table what are you going to do are you going to give us the assurance that you're not going to lose any jobs or you're not going to cut jobs or are you going to invest in other areas of the economy so we do that with um our trade measures and then we have our competition um part of the Department of trade industry and competition we have a competition commission that protects obviously consumers from unfair competition from other companies and when we do that as well we ask them what are you willing to bring to the table you know we're putting in place this kind of measure to protect you uh are you going to help us in terms of increasing worker ownership in your compan so large companies like Coca-Cola um Fel had had to embrace worker ownership and increase the number you can see there's a Target that we have of 20,000 worker ownership in these company so we use public goods to be able to influence um what the private sector is willing to bring to the table um the master plans very often you know as government as well it used to be a very top- down approach where we decide what the strategy will be you know for um we go through a very detailed research um process we also develop strategies that very often are difficult to implement Master plans is a very practical way of um implementing sector development strategy or sector-based strategies because it doesn't go into a whole research process uh very often you find Consultants with cut and paste information uh where they've done it elsewhere they'll just give you the same Solutions without actually considering what is it that you need with the master plans if we go into um we've done it across 17 sectors if we go into clothing and textile we look specifically what is it that the clothing textile leather and Footwear Services need one of the things that we needed to do was uh protect them against cheap Imports cheap Chinese Imports um because it was definitely impacting on our manufacturing processes in the sector to the point that around um early 2000s we had a terrible recession within the sector and lost multiple jobs we said up worked with other government departments like SAR was responsible for customs and responsible for interventions at the port and looked at uh what is it we set up an inter agency working group and through this working group collectively working together with uh other government departments an integrated approach we're able to seize containers at the Port get rid of the issue of counterfeit Goods uh previously they used to destroy these Goods but now it's um we have what is called a circular economy where we're putting the goods back into uh production process so we don't lose at all from these uh processes um the other thing that we do very well as South Africa is we provide incentives um South Africa offers an elaborate mix of business incentives okay of business incentives that cuts across multiple departments DTC stimulates and facilitates the department the development of sustainable competitive Enterprises through the provision of incentive programs um we find that our incentives has really helped to catapult um our economic growth I'll give you an example uh our black industrialist scheme has an incentive to the value of about 6 to 7 billion rans and in the last black industrialist conference we had we found that black industrialists in turn was able to procure services from large Enterprises to the tune of 261 billion Rands because of the investment we made into them and you can see the return on investment is quite High when it comes to the incentives in the interest of time I'm going to go very quickly uh the other area is infrastructure development you already know that in South Africa we struggle a lot with um load sharing and um power outages and we believe that by investing in infrastructure such as Transportation networks Energy Water Resources government aims the cost of doing the business aims to reduce um the cost of doing business improve access to markets and enhance the productivity um just going to go very quickly one of the things we've done is firstly was um an energy One-Stop shop where we put together all of the different different entities or institutions that are required to be able to add megawatts to the grid and looking at how a Consolidated energy action plan can help improve on our infrastructure um the crisis has prompted the need for a more integrated approach to addressing the problem holistically through the establishment of the energy action plan uh whilst there's an energy crisis it also provides us for opportunities in new Investments and therefore South Africa is looking as I mentioned earlier green hydrogen uh new energy Vehicles the President also set in place a national electricity crisis committee to develop high impact interventions and to close the gap the other area that we um have introduced is the special economic zones and some of the benefits of um being located in a special economic zone is a number of tax incentives that you're able to get you get building or Construction in incentives you get um preferential 15% corporate tax um you get a building allowance an employment incentive you get a it's a customs controlled area businesses and operators located within a customs will be eligible for tax relief um so there's a number of benefits to locating in a special economic zone also having the benefit of other component manufacturers um being in close location to an oem can um have benefits in terms of reducing costs then the other area that is quite important in terms of um contributing towards productivity that enhances economic growth is building a capable state so the department has started to build strong capacity building and streamlining the work ensuring integration not just internally but with all of the entities that we support and manage um ensuring High levels of governance ensuring High talents are retained quick responses cutting on um red tape looking at smart regulation addressing red tape and compliance in internal processes but ensuring that it doesn't impede or impact or hold back uh development better coordination with other parts of the state um moreover in terms of capacity building I think we've benefited um a lot from other interventions such as the international labor organization uh We've also benefited from unido who funds us on a number of projects and programs and you know when you have these strategic Partnerships it helps to increases the resources you may not otherwise have available and we have a strategic partnership with jaica okay just to let you know that productivity matters because it supports Innovation and resource optimization this in turn Spurs economic growth and increases global competitiv the economic gains from a more competitive economy includes higher tax revenues and increased exports in terms of smaller fiscal and current account deficits High productivity also prepares economies to better absorb shocks and recover from economic downturns for South Africa a more productive economy could also mean higher salaries and wages that directly Elevate the stand standards of life and quality of life jumo [Applause] thank you I think uh Dr analine deserves a better Round of Applause she has shared uh useful insights using South the South African experience on how productivity actually can be a driver of uh economic growth and Service delivery and that uh the punching line I like is the migration from activities to more of outcome based Performance Management which then means once you set the right targets measure the right targets and reward through the different incentive schemes that she's talked about thank you so let's give her another round of applause kindly we suggest that we take the next presentation you can pen down your questions so that we will take them at the end of um the presentations so without Much Ado allow that um I bring on U stage the next speaker who is um going to speak to us from uh the state department of um labor and skills development uh let's welcome Dr nashan moel from the national productivity and competitiveness Center um distinguished guest um the the cabinet secretary the chair SRC Commissioners CEOs and all persons present good morning uh the Chief guest kindly allow me to recognize just by waving the president for panafric productivity Association of Africa so Kenya belongs to to the to the panafric association and we are glad that they were having a conference here in Kenya and with the kind invite from the chair SRC they were invited um so I'll take you through productivity measurement model the current status um strategies and inst Institute in um and strategies to in institutionalize productivity in Kenyan public service now the message that comes out today is that we have talked about productivity and the bottom line is that it can be measured so um I will take you through the a tool called omx object objective um Matrix method of productivity measurement now um so public sector entails um optimizing the delivery of services through efficient and effective use of public funds um in order to deliver value to to the citizens actually in this part we call the Citizens our employers um so productivity productivity mainstreaming in the public sector in Kenya involves implementation and Adoption of strategies um as part of intervention to enable an organization measure analyze plan and improve because with the data you can be able to analyze and analyzing is um a tool for measuring and again the moment you have measured you now now have a Lee way to improve so another definition of productivity is continous Improvement so the fact that today your productivity index is at a figure at the next time you should not be there because that means you'll have stagnated so that means there should be continuous Improvement so um so this is a scientific way that means it is procedural so in being procedural it means that um it start it starts with awareness creation which um our chief guest I want to report that um so far we have done 430 organizations whereby we have done awareness creation which involves the four four pieces of productivity measurement now that is coming up with the metrics and then analysis planning and then coming up now with improvement tool because after you have an index after you have a productivity index what next you cannot just stagnate there with the index it means now you have a improvement tool and that is what we'll talk in the next phase on how to improve or how to move from this stage to the next stage now um on this paper the main objective is is to is to examine productivity mainstreaming process in the public service in Kenya and uh this the paper present a synopsis of the objective Matrix method that is Rox and the current status that means now [Music] um there are various criterias there are various that is objective Matrix method there are various criterias that involves waiting waiting and assigning waights so what does this mean while dealing with productivity it involves the process owners who owns the process in an organization we have two layers that is the Champions as well as the committee and then the management and then the board the council and all the staff so the Committees and the Champions are the one that comes up with waiting they give they assign weights to their Co mandate so it's a process that involves is one of the process in the in the in the in the sequence of events and then using your own tool in an organization using your own strategic plan uh it's good it's good to note that productivity measure is the only tool that you can't lie about you can't lie about because everything you extract from your own strategic plan so there is no way that you can assign weights to your strategic plan and then again lie to yourself on matters um the weights the level of importance of your of the weights that you have come up with now um productivity mainstreaming deliverables now the first one is um the that I've just talked about the creation of awareness and sensitizing staff on productivity mainstreaming just telling the staff by the work that you have been assigned by your organization we need to be productive and in a Layman's language productivity means um by just coming to a meeting like this are you productive or are you a performer so if you are productive if you have a performer you just come you sign attendance you sit and then go home but if you want to be productive we want the results from this meeting management you have given um you have told you have requested the board that we want this we have requested this did the board act on that request for it to be productive was there an end result for there to be and then the the second one is about development of product productivity metrics the metric is a another scientific way of coming up with the metrics I know most organization have have have interacted with the staff from the ministry of labor and social protection as the state department of uh labor and skills development where npcc which is the lead agency is domiciled and then collection of data collection of data on that now will be used for measurement and then computation of the productivity index remember that in the last quarter we are in the last quarter as we speak we are supposed to have a productivity index so as we speak if there is an organization that hasn't been trained just have in mind that we are in the last quarter and um we need your index and then finally development of workplace productivity and Improvement strategy every organiz every organization is unique by itself so the improve strategy because this process is owned by the Committees and the Champions whereby even the management the board the council should be sensitized with that Synergy thereby comes an improvement strategy unique to that organization now I'll give you a brief of the uptake of the omx in the public service or Max again as I've said is objective Matrix um the number of organization that have been trained on omx are 430 so far um and then the organization that have developed productivity metrics is 425 uh number of MD that have computed productivity index is 20 and then the number number of independent Commission on omx there is only one independent commission and then the number of County governments on omx is only one um now what are the strategies of in institutionalizing productivity in the public service so the first one is as I've said is the creation of awareness the cre the to create awareness and then measure productivity and then analysis of the data and productivity planning and then productivity Improvement that I have just shared on the screen and um how do we now institutionalize productivity in the public service um Point number one there on in institutionalizing the productivity in the public sector is um adaption of Technology because when you talk of efficiency how do we do it and data driven management uh there is a saying that um we only we only believe in God and data so with data it without data there is no much that you can do that is a saying a quot now um so technology adoption that means how efficient are you rendering services to the organization because what what has come of the public service is that we have very nice service Chatters that is on our walls that if you request a certain service we'll give you this service within 14 working days but if you check mostly it is in what in paper but now how do we make sure that we are productive to make these things our promises to the public realistic and then another one is collaboration and knowledge sharing to Foster Innovation and Adoption of best practice so the moment you are you have collaborated and by the look of things even if you check how this conference was done it is with a lot of collaboration and and um our chief guest it's good to report that um our best collaborator as Ministry of Labor and social protection is is SRC which has help actually mentored us and given us the platform and all the um the backing that we needed um Employee Engagement and empowerment to solve problems to Foster comp continuous Improvement so that means employee involvement where we have that um I don't know what I'll call it a bottom up approach where the employee from down can give you some tips on how to uh how best we can operate in conclusion the adoption of the objective method omx productivity managment in Kenya Public Service it present a very significant step towards enhancing operational efficiency and enhancing Public Service delivery because this is action data driven and from the look I know very soon we'll be having um St holders engagement with all the mdas negotiating about the PC you'll realize that and the response that we have gotten from the public and the mdas is that actually they ask where have you been because if this is a tool that can help us even as a CEO this is the tool that can make the work over CEO so easy because you will know your institutional productivity index will later trickle down to the departmental um productivity index and up to individual productivity index and that means um in fulfilling you know most of the tools in performance and productivity are for rewards and sanctions so and we talk more of the rewards but for the rewards it will reach a time as an MDA as an organization that should need a bonus or something like that and that productivity will inform part of that of that reward um finally chair in conclusion in conclusion um with productivity comes competitiveness because now the world is so challenging and now who is the beneficiary of all this when the country is very competitive the beneficiary is the Kenyans whereby we have expanded economy where we have taken care of the cost Management in public Institution because we have realized that with um with productivity we can enhance the realization of uh wage Bill to revenue ratio at 35% thereby ensuring sustainability in managing the public wage so with those remarks or those presentation on that paper that will be shared I beg to to sit now thank you so much thank you thank you I think Dr nahashon deserves even a better Round of Applause he has articulated very well the Kenyan experiences in terms of productivity mainstreaming using the omx methodology which is the model that has uh the national productivity and competitiveness Center are using to to uh to drive productivity within the public service now that we've had uh two presentations we've had the South African experience we've had the Kenyan experience we will be now we'll be focusing a little more on other uh Kenyan experiences using State Corporations but before we do that allow that we take on presentations on managing or how to deal with uh the wages in uh Public Service the gaps that arise in the manner that we manage um wedge Bill the attendant gaps and therefore from the experiences of two critical offices within the public service this is um the office of the controller of budget who will be followed up by the controller I mean the office of the auditor general you know very well the control of budget allocates the money and therea the auditor general audits the usage of that money so we want to get in into that space of uh trying to understand or to analyze the gaps that um actually impede productivity within the public service in the in the context of um westage because rememberest yesterday we were told about um cost efficiencies uh quality uh Service delivery and timeliness is among the key uh parameters of U productivity management or mainstreaming within within the public service so with with that background and we have also agreed with our chief guest who was to come in now but I think the discussions are getting more interesting let us appreciate her she has said she wants to sit in and he through the conversations let's appreciate the chief guest for for that kind guesture so without Much Ado allow that I bring on stage the next uh presenter who is um the controller of uh budgets Dr Margaret nyango who is um who holds a doctorates in uh business administration from the University of um Liverpool she also holds a master's uh degree uh in strategic management and a bachelor of Commerce degree in accounting both from the University of Nairobi she's a seasoned uh let me call her accountant uh but a practitioner within the public uh sector and we will benefit immensely from her input so let's put our hands together as we invite Dr nyango please [Music] uh our guest of honor this morning all uh distinguished guests good morning um thank you very much for being here and as you have heard from those who have gone before me everybody is talking about productivity how do we produce but how do we get to productivity because when the rubber meets the road as we say it there has to be money involved there is hardly any productivity that we can talk about without talking about money so today we want to look at the prent money management of public funds and for the public sector to operate we know that we must have sensible budgets and we must proceed to implement those budgets so when we look about the areas of wage we need to look at the status of the public sector wage bill as a whole then I'll be looking at some of the challenges in achieving the 35% threshold that has been set in law then I will look at uh the strategies and action plans for wage Bill sustainability as we go about H solving this problem and also I'll briefly look at some of the strategies and action plans for mainstreaming productivity from the point of view of my office so we have uh the legal framework how do we get to even talk about the 35% and the basis as we know it for those of us who have read the Constitution chapter 12 emphasizes transparency accountability and fairness further than that we have have the pfm the Public Finance Management act which reinforces also the predent use of public resources however as you may have seen in my regular reports there are persistent concerns about wastage of public funds in the government agencies and in particular here we are talking about the wage bill it's just one of those areas where there is wastage so it is my office that has been entrusted with ensuring that before public funds are released to the spending entities they are in accordance to the law effective financial management therefore ensures appropriate allocation of these resources therefore promoting trust and confidence good governance and sustainable development so as we move on as we move on we want to understand in the context of all the whole of government and yesterday I remember we talked a lot about the whole of government approach so when I was looking at the wage to revenue I have assessed the MDS as a group I've also looked at the State Corporations those that work under the MDS and thereafter I've also looked at the counties as a group on their own or a segment these computations that you are going to see in the table that comes next exclude for the MDS exclude the National Intelligence Services which we do not use in calculating that ratio now we see that the national government personal ulent Revenue ratios were slightly below 35% the national government please let's go to the table next that will show us what I'm talking about so we talk about uh the status of the wage Bill and at the top we can see the the figures for the Three Financial years you see 213 254 and 266 and we can see how much has gone to operations and maintenance and the total expenditure therefore you see the 1.036 trillion 1.20 trillion and 1322 trillion for the Three Financial years so what is is the percentage of personal emoluments to the total expenditure and we can see that it is 20.6 for 2021 it was 20.7 for 2122 and 20.2 for 2223 so as a percentage of the expenditure we can see that the PE remained almost the same because because the common denominator grew along with the PE now when we look at the total revenue for each of those we can see a figure of 838 for 2021 which increased to 958 and to 1081 all this in millions so as a percentage of the total revenue we found that the ters are what 25% in 2021 in 2022 that figures increased slightly to 27% but decreased to 25% so in a nutshell we are saying that the sagas have remained within the 35% threshold but we'll be looking at why probably this is the case let us look at another table uh for the county governments and in the county governments if we look at uh development uh we can see it was 116 in 2021 reducing to 98 in 201122 and to 97.98% was 10592 increasing to 112 in 2122 but increasing to 135.8 3 then let's look at the red which is the Personnel monuments and we can see that the Personnel monuments have been growing by the year in 2021 we spent 176 and that is I said in millions and then we went to 190 and then to 195 so it's been growing what is the total expenditure we can see from 398 we moved to 400 and then to 428 so total expenditure again was improving and how as the percentage of pan has moved in line with expenditure from 44 we went to 47 and to 45 in 2223 but if we consider the total revenues of the counties we can see that the figure moved from 40.3% to 43.6% in 2122 and decreased to 41.9 averagely we are saying that the county governments played about uh an average of uh about 41.9 if we look at the three years so what we are saying is that the counties have not managed to stay within the legal limit of 35% but at this point I have to say that when we look at this we must critically look at the denominator and the denominator here is the revenue what is the size of the revenue in each of these entities so let's have just a glimpse of how the counties performed and here I have taken the latest report as of December so if you look at some of those counties maybe it is your home county don't be surprised to find out that koui spent 75% of their total revenue on Personnel emoluments for the six months to December closely followed by kissy which was at 74.6 garissa was at 73.8 Busia at 71.7 and for that list of 10 which is all the counties that were over 60% we can see waria at 60.2 ladies and gentlemen 75% of all your money going to Personnel emoluments leaves you with only 25% for the rest of the recurrent and the development that's how bad the situation can go now let's let us look at another ratio there and we are looking at the county manual payroll as a percentage of total Personnel emoluments in the first half now this these are the counties that were applying manual payroll that is outside the official government payroll of the ipd and you can see that hom Bay was almost at 30% almost 30% of their payroll was manual it was outside the system and as we move down that list you can see narok at the base with 11.6% of the payroll being manual that is outside the ippd and Ladies and Gentlemen let's also observe the fact that when we do manual payroll then that is prone to abuse and therefore prone to wastage now in this particular table here we are looking at County assembly's expenditure on allowances VAV recurrent expenditures now we all know that the county assemblies are the overs siters for the county Executives at the county level and see for instance that kericho had 40% 40.4% of their total budget on allowances those are the county assemblies the ones who oversight the county governments and you can see all the way for those first 10 the bottom one there being 30.4% of all their budget on allowances so that again you can see how much is left for the rest of the spending and the rest of the expenditure and here we are just talking of H sitting allowances and H the DSA so what are the causes of these high wages to the total revenue ratio we have seen the figures and the figures Don't Lie from my regular report thing what I've found out is that there is very poor Revenue forecasting there is always overestimation of the revenues and they are just used as a balancing figure when the budgets cannot balance we also saw lack of Revenue diversification and a lot of Reliance on Government funding as a an element of waste we also saw skill sets that are not relevant to current needs so a lot of the Personnel payment is on people who are not productive if if I may use the definition that I got this morning from the last uh presentation we saw poor use of business intelligence and analytics we have just been told about the Omar do we get to understand understand how we do things and why we do them and whether there is anything as an outcome we did not see that in the spending on public wage we saw a lot of political influence leading to nepotism in employment as a form of waste because we saw that when new governments come into place there is a lot of employment new employment forget about those uh local authorities we have always been talking about there is a lot of new employment with any new government and that is a source of a lot of waste use of manual processes and somebody talked about this yesterday those manual processes are definitely slower and they are labor intensive so we tend to get a lot a lot of people and I've seen especially in the manual payrolls you will find uh literally tens and tens of casuals in one department and if I ask them what those casuals are doing on a day-to-day basis what they do for8 hours a day there is no answer then we have seen inaccuracies and fraud in the manual payrolls we have seen exaggerated figures we have seen uh figures that should not be in the payroll at all and all those those are contributing to the waste and then there is the collective bargaining agreements and I do receive H copies of this from the SRC every so often signed CBS that give employees power over when to exit the workforce and any salary increases you have seen the demonstrations that are going on on our roads right now they are about collective bargaining agreements these bargaining agreements if they are not matched with productivity lead to a lot of waste because it's like we are fixing one side of the divide and we are not aligning it to the other side which is productivity so we end up with a lot of waste we have also seen yes Workforce inherited from the defun local authorities and a lot of of these are influenced Again by CBS which have resulted in growth in the wage Bill not matched by growth in revenues so there is a serious mismatch between the growth in the wage bill and the growth in revenues so let's look at some of the strategies and action plans for wage Bill sustainability what is is it that we can do and my list here ladies and gentlemen is not exhaustive because I know others have spoken and will speak on some of the measures that we can put into place Number One Employment measures can we carry out job analysis to optimize Human Resources by job analysis I mean we analyze the jobs and we match the skills that are available to the jobs that are available and SRC is an authority on that I'm sure they'll tell us what we can do then can we limit new hiring in the medium term yes and especially when we look at the counties we can see that hiring needs to be stopped for a while as we organize ourselves let's look at building capacity in Revenue forecasting and this cuts across I have seen underperformance in revenues both at National level and at the county levels so what is our press in predicting what our revenues would be to the nearest level that will align us with what we are using in the wedge Bill otherwise the 35 5% then means nothing because the common denominator is not increasing then I'm thinking we need to Outsource non Co functions and by non Co functions there are people who have made it a business to collect garbage for instance so we do not need a lot of casual cleaners if we have outsourced the job to a company it means that that company can look for its own employees and we pay the supplier one a single fee that is one area that where we can stop waste then I'm looking at streamlining non wage compensation to improve transparency and fairness of government pay and again I must say that SRC has been doing a good job of this they have analyed non wage compensation and um a lot has been happening in that Arena that we can build on as we move forward then I'm thinking of how we can enhance the capacity of the public service boards to recruit the right staff and this is mostly when you look at the counties you find some that operate without Public Service boards for a long time or when they do the public service boards have been involved they take sides they take sides either with the executive or some other political power and they are not operating at an Optimum if we solved the right by giving the right the the right boards the job of recruiting the staff I think half the problem would be solved and let's get into employing data analytics to get the right proportions data analytics and we have seen that from the productivity we have been told it is possible to measure productivity so some of those analytics that I'm talking about are about productivity how do we appraise the staff for instance do we use measurable uh figures to say how they have performed and then I'm looking at forming Partnerships for benchmarking we must be knowing some place right now yesterday we had Malaysia today we've had South Africa let's have Partnerships with these countries and let us Benchmark with the best practices from these places now we need to mainstream productivity and by mainstreaming I mean that we make it a way of life so that everything that we do every plan that we make is aligned to our productivity metrics so how can we do this and again this list is not exhaustive let us make compensation to enhance Public Service delivery so all the time that we are think thinking about compensation we must link it to Performance this is the only way we can incentivize performance however we also know that the measurability of the outputs and Trust in that performance appraisal system is Paramount if your people know that you will appraise them based on which side which part of the country they come from then they'll not have trust in that system and it also means that when you are looking at compensation you will be biased so for us to mainstream we must have serious reforms in determining compensation let us also look at performance related pay once we put the uh measurement of productivity into place then we must make sure that our pay is related to productivity and we know that this performance related pay can actually engender output related management by influencing the goal setting progress monitoring and teamwork at the workplace we are also looking at strategic workforce planning and the development of program based budgeting the last bullet ladies and gentlemen is a bit loaded we are talking of strategic workforce planning here before we had of strategic plans how often have you looked at your strategic plan and measured the skills that you have on board to see whether they will enable you achieve your objectives sometimes we don't do that and for us to mainstream uh productivity then indeed we must practice strategic workforce planning the second part of the program based budget and I want to use an example where I had one of the Excellence Governors here complaining and saying when we pay when we when we we use money for PE is that development or is that recurrent and because there was no time I could not answer him but I have to tell you now that personal emoluments can be both development and recurrence how if you have a program the program is measured by the outcomes then you measure all the resources that will come together to give you those outcomes those resources are many they could be Capital they could be human resource they could be anything else all those resources that come together form that program so if your program is a development program you can still have personnel monents as part of that program so it doesn't have to be recurrent all the time but that's a story for another day so let's look at some of the strategies that again as as we were saying before to mainstream productivity another another one is the tech technological integration and this involves integrating systems like the ifm that we have right now with the ipd why do they have do do we have them as Standalone systems this would solve the wage Bill accuracy issue I do know that currently we have been insisting that all the employees to be put up on the ippd the next thing would be to connect this to ifm and then we we should we should be in a position now to get our reconciliations right then manual payrolls systems introduce computational errors and we know that we also know that ghost workers come in either by Design or default we are insisting that new employees on ippd be all registered and that the process be quickened timely resourcing now that is on the side of government we are saying that limited resources may may hinder the achievement of the objectives that we are talking about like the mainstreaming and unless we are able to collect our revenues on time and give These funds on time then again we are going to fail let's move on so what's the conclusion and I'm sure M Dr Kora must have seen that I was about to finish so this paper is about the areas of w wage in the public sector wage bill and we have emphasized the significance of prudent financial management and accountability we know the law states that expenditure on wages should not exceed 35% however there is need to improve wage build sustainability by reducing the waste and engendering those strategies that enhance the overall human resource productivity so that is the bottom line ladies and gentlemen thank you very [Applause] much thank you for that uh powerful wonderful presentation a big Applause to Dr nyango prudent Financial prudent uh Resource Management including the finance es which are major resource remember yesterday when we were looking at the components of the total Factor productivity issues we looked at Labor we looked at finances operation operations systems all those so there are spaces within the uh best use of financial resources and labor labor resources we are reminding that we will be taking questions specific to each presenter at the end of um uh the presentation so kindly just continue to not down your questions allow that we go straight to the next presenter who like we said uh upon allocation of budget by the control of budget the office of the auditor general audits the usage of uh resources so let's put our hands together as we invite the speaker from um the auditor General's office the deputy auditor general Isaac nanga to come and take us through kindly let's encourage him with an Applause yeah thank you thank you thank you very much um first and foremost is to appreciate uh the SSC for having us here and also to pass my apologies of the uh auditor general who is also in another engagement so the chief guest uh honorable France uh Florence Bor the chair of SRC Dr chiti Dr nyango uh all protocols observed good morning ourselves and uh the office of the control of budget are jointed at the hip uh we might be looking like we were in the same WhatsApp group in the terms of our presentation but it is a confirmation that uh the things and the issues that uh we see when you undertaking our responsibilities are what we see therefore even uh in the presentation that I'll be having uh will'll also uh reinforce some of the issues that uh we have been raising kind let's go to the to the slides but to begin with I just want to to uh uh looking at our mandate the role of uh ogag in addressing uh wastage in the public service including uh wages and salaries or personal emoluments an overview of wastage relating to unsustainable wage Bill reported in the office of the auditor general reports impact of wastages in the public finances the challenges Way Forward and a conclusion just want to reinforce that um the role that we undertake um especially in the preparation of um in auditing of the financial accounts is a constitutional mandate but what I want to bring to our attention is the new area that we are also pay paying Keen attention to and that is on the areas of performance audit or what we uh commonly know as value for money Audits and this audits goes beyond uh the figures that are in the financial statements these audits look at issues that are particular of of particular interest to Anjo and if you go to our website you'll see the mirrior of reports that we've been able to to release and over and above all that what we just want to uh to report is that there are reports that then are able to to put forward solutions that um State departments have taken up and are taking up and we are continuing to to Pro them to take them up so ultimate mandate as an office is to influence the development of our nation in the delivery of quality and sustainable service to the people with the Vision to making uh a difference in the lives and livelihoods of our citizens so our role in um in addressing wages is uh one uh in the next slide is we identify the irregularities this is through uh examining of financial records Human Resource Management procedures uh we also detect anomalies and un compliance with regulations one of the things that we do is that um every time a constitutional commission or an independent office release is a circular we onboard that compliance in our procedures so that then uh if SRC has said that uh payment of allowances to a certain client is meant to be like this we make sure that we check compliance with that and report back also uh serve a report to the SSC so that we able then to see that um there's compliance across the board again we also investigate discrepancies following up on suspected cases of misappropriation or through our own motion and also the uh through the Parliamentary uh request that uh we are told to follow up and this have become have increased uh in this season and uh taking a considerable amount of our time and this we do through our forensic offices our forensic office we have a directorate that is in charge of uh forensic investigations and um then able to present a report report to Parliament or the persons who have requested for that capacity we also issue reports regularly you've uh been able to see the reports that we've been issuing and one of the things that now we are doing is that once we issue a report uh we are trying to see how we can consolidate and make our reports be thematic for example if it's a health sector we release a health a health uh C cutting a report on the health sector we release a report on um uh areas of um uh capitation or education so that then you're able to focus the attentions in the right way I want to just go ahead and look at um how we've been able to see uh the issues of wastages and this uh is through the manipulation of figures and misstatements on the Bas uh as basis of modified reports you've noticed that um we've noted that in the 2022 2023 majority of entities audited by our office office um had modified audit opinions for the national government uh it was there about 65% excluding the state-owned Enterprises for the county governments it was at exactly 94% uh meaning that um uh it's it's it's it's on the higher quartile that we having persons who are preparing financial statements doing a poor job and um we are also looking at it again if you look at it from the productivity site it means that people are not uh people are not uh the preparers of these financial statements are not exerting their professionalism they're not exerting their minds to their preparation so that then um we are not able to say that if you received x amount of money you used it for x or y you're able just to present it in a financial statements and then we offer an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented in the right way but most of all is also to look at over and above the opinion that the office uh releases if you look at the report of the auditor general it has three sections the second section is on lawfulness and Effectiveness on the use of public resources and this is where you could then be having a clean report but you also have issues on lawfulness and Effectiveness that you need to apply yourself to and we able to report that and this is this is the these are the areas that we are then able to say that the money yes was uh spent uh the money was spent in the right vote but the money did not do what it was meant to do if it is a project it is still Idol it is not been used if it is medicine has not been dispensed or it we cannot account for it so that is a section of our financial uh the auditor's report that we also trying to raise awareness so that then over and above the opinions that we issue there is also the other side of the quality of the services that are being rendered to the citizens and the last one is on uh the last section is on internal controls and matters of governance and these are things about discipline uh are there controls are there uh parameters that are helping us to ensure that Financial uh accountability is there the modied audit opinions reflect a low quality of financial statement which is an indicator of Errors fraud and financial misstatement and there's a direct link between misstatement and resource wastage and that that part is normally very clear because uh if you've received from the control of budget the she has released funds for monies you rightly applied what makes it difficult to be able to place those figures in the right template and the templates are idiot proof given by the by the public sector count board you just fill in and then the figures balance but when we see that 94% especially in the county governments that the financial statements are not balancing it means there's something that um you do not want to be known or to be seen if you look at those uh these are the summary of audit opinions I'll will not um um uh reinforce about that but I've just said it's around 67% that is excluding the state owned Enterprises in the next slide for the executives uh County Executives you see we are having uh 18 9 + 6 um uh 85 + 6 uh you find that um we have a very high percentage uh both in the county assemblies and in the county Executives and this is just a clear indication that um if we having the county assemblies uh having qualified um uh audit opinions it then becomes very difficult to hold the county executive to account um even as we try to Champion that the county executive play a initial oversight role over public resources in the county governments as opposed to the Senate it becomes difficult because um if you are not practicing that which you want to hold someone to account it becomes uh very difficult and therefore uh this then um uh makes uh the environment a bit of a challenge but we're working also closely with the Senate and the National Assembly to see how to capacity build uh we've been able to capacity build we're doing an outcome monitoring on the capacity building that we did two years ago so that we see then if they if there's the discussions by the county assemblies have improved we're also looking at um the misstatements of employee cost and payroll fraud as a basis for modification what are the issues that uh lead to us issuing a a modified report again has been said by the control of budget that the variance between the ipd payroll data and reported employees issues of fictitious employees on payroll leading to salaries being siphoned off you pay but if we Trace that money it goes to pay other people's and um yesterday I remember in the news we had um uh people being held to account for money is been released on salary through casual but returning to the executive in other means and um just continues to show that um this this blun and abuse of uh the payroll as our personal emoluments as a as as as a conduit for siphoning public resources payment of salaries without uh staff numbers um again and authorized and Casual staff payments this is a very interesting space you find um we have as just as a controller said that you have people being paid but when you ask to see the people who have been paid on a regular basis um it becomes an issue of uh producing the people and therefore ends up uh qualifying the same and authorized allowances again also the issue of unsupported salaries and allowance payments manipulation of payroll data and lack of uh employment records in the next slide therefore you see that we have people who have been engaged without us having the employment records so one if we undertaking an examination of their credibility like the current process that is been undertaken in public service uh which records do you use uh if you want to know whether this person is qualified to undertake the function that they are holding how do you uh confirm that if you want to hold them to account because of Performing duties over and above their capacity you can be able to hold them to account therefore the issue of um employment records uh continues to be a major Challenge and uh it's an area that um uh especially for the Casual workers that we think that needs to be uh um addressed Mis misclassification of employee cost reported as payment for use of goods and services so that um comes uh a big challenge now on the cross cutting issues for non-compliance and inefficiencies in the human resource management um we have we have looked at um and and continued to to report one of the what we call subject matters for every auditor or any audit that we undertake for all of our clients is that we report whether you're in compliance with the 35% um wage Bill threshold and if you're not what efforts you're doing or putting in place or if there is a justification why that is the case and what are you doing to ensure that um then that you applying the resources uh in a in a you applying the human resource in a way that is then productive and uh results to the uh benefits uh to the citizen uh there's also the issue of recruitment uh without staff establishment as required in the public service human resource we have again an issue uh concerning over Staffing in the next slide whereby um similarly and and I think at times you know justification comes by two parties what we in the office we call collaboration um the controller of budget has rightly put it that um you find that we are overstaffing some of the some of the offices yet we have a huge deficit in some other offices therefore a cross cutting measure uh especially if uh for for national government and the county governments that can be taken so that then we we all Ser in wano and um if you're having people who are just taking a pay uh for and enjoying their lives and others are suffering because they're not receiving Services yet um we are we we are being paid from the same uh Port I think I think that's an area that requires um a conversation so that then uh there's parity in the in the way we we we we we we we we offer the services and um also apply ourselves to the work that we do there's lack of Performance Management Systems it's an issue that we have raised severally um where you find that um yes we have the Strategic plans we have launched them we have operational plans we have uh even the PCS at times uh or we have performance measurements that no one cares about if you ask yeah these were the results last year these were the recommendations to be undertaken so what has happened you find that um the the performance measurement uh is uh maybe weak uh to assess employees performance performance hindering accountability and identification of unnecessary uh positions we also have a skill Gap um again uh where we have people disconnected to the work that they do disengaged to the to the duty that they are called to to undertake and also being placed to undertake functions uh it was very interesting the other day when um the Nairobi uh the Senate was was uh holding uh its session with um with the with the Nairobi County assembly and uh the person who was acting in a position who needed to be a certified public accountant could not sign the financial statements because they're not uh in good books or they're not certified public accountant therefore they they demanded that a person who is extremely uh at the lower um space to to to sign and it just goes to show that um uh Merit uh needs to start playing a role and also the issue of skills so we are also saying that in the Crosscut issue relating to weak internal controls we have inadequate oversight uh we have mentioned that manual payrolls where we have payrolls that the controls are outside the system uh similar to ipd where you find a majority of the controls in ipd outside the system lack of segregation of Duties management override but I want to go to um The Way Forward um which is the second last slide and to look at um what we are then saying is that um weaknesses should be addressed and one of the things that we doing is that we've released a framework on followup of audits which we are using then to make sure that then we hold uh the issue that we have raised we continue maintaining them until they're fully accounted we have having engagements with the executive with the National Assembly with Senate and everyone who is uh who who is concerned about um the implementation of our our responses we also having a lot of public engagement uh with the Parliamentary committees and also accounting officers on the uh on the need for us to be a learning Nation where the the audit findings of one year should not be there's there's there there's normally a statement that we make that the the prior issues have not been addressed we start you know that the first confirmation that uh we we we confirm and I think we have told the executive and had engagement with them that they are the appointing authority and they need to crack the whip because uh these are matters that um uh should not be entertained allocate sufficient resources to undertake regular and preventive uh continuous preventive audit Leverage on technology but in conclusion we want to say that um by effectively exposing wages and proot promoting accountability uh the office has paved way for more efficient and transparent public sector there's also need for followup of recommendations uh provided in the audit reports to promote a culture of prudent resource management and also for us to be a learning Nation we can be productive if we not learning from where we coming from and uh also to Foster cooperation and Partnerships in accountability agen we have anou with the salaries and reminition commission we have an with other um constitutional commission and independent offices just to share information so that then we play a common role of ensuring that um there is um discipline in the management of public serves but finally is to address in public service wastage is critical in the restoration of fiscal sustainability and improving governance in the Republic of Kenya thank you very much [Applause] thank you thank you Deputy auditor general ISAC Nang for that uh again very supportive uh presentation on uh the areas of westage that then go to impact on our wage Bill numbers and ratios yes uh we are the way Dr nyakongo said you are co-joined at the whip the hip we are also Cojo with yourselves on the other side of the other uh the other hip so having gone through that allow that we we do a small Energizer because we have uh two final presentations before our chief guest speaks to us to wrap up the session we will be going to the State Corporations in terms of what they're doing just to see uh the efforts that are being put in the especially State Corporations but uh and then uh the chief guest will wrap it up with har marks but before we do that allow that I request my colleague commissioner commissioner Melly to come and just give us a small Energizer and then I'll be guiding next thank you so much Dr I've uh just realized that a good number of us are already offering prayers for the speakers I don't know whether we've realized that uh can let's all stand up for a very small stretch a very small uh exercise let's be upstanding and if you are 80 kgs and above take care and you don't break your leg because we want to have you in this conference until the end so I will ask us to do a very simple exercise and you'll follow what I'm doing up here I will ask all of us to put their hands this way this way uh turn it down call your friend please 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let's call for the rain another 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all your right hand this way bring it this way do the shoulder to the left shoulder please that way we are doing one 2 3 4 thank you so much do the other way again 1 2 3 4 thank you so much now we will do the last one uh I I want you to stand by your heels this way you Liv and that's why I'm saying you need to take care of your if you're above 90 kgs kindly do this way St it up up down down up up up up up up down all lastly let's do this way spread your legs spread your legs all we will do this 10 and then we complete one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 thank you so much thank you thank you a healthy nation is a productive Nation so thanks for that in AA we are all up and work to engage like I said we have two presentations from State Corporations together with another one from uh the Ministry of Health just to Showcase what they're doing in this space of productivity mainstreaming taking into account all these issues that have come through uh the last uh two days and even uh I mean the last two days so without Much Ado allow that um we bring to Stage the first um case study of the commercial State Corporations that we have been working with in terms of mainstreaming productivity within the public service we have had um institutions that we using as pilot and we want them to share What U the experiences have been probably the challenges and how they are navigating through to ensure that they are align their programs to the productivity agenda so to take us um uh the first one will be engineer Peter Jenga who is the managing director and CEO of U Kenya electricity generating company he will he will be speaking to us on productivity mainstreaming in commercial State Corporations case study of the Kenya of of the kenun as I indicated um um he's uh he's an engineer but we have been discussing with him that uh he's learning the RS actually more and more uh on how to move Beyond engineering uh skills to mobilizing people to ensure that they deliver especially now this strategic agenda on productivity so without Much Ado uh let's encourage engineer or to come to come and ganga to come and take us through the next session [Music] good morning everyone uh to our chief guests the Cs labor and SRC chair uh all the distinguished delegates uh good morning again my name is engineer Peter Jenga I think my friend has just mentioned that I'm an engineer but I can also be an engineer in HR yeah because I have a huge responsibility of handling a very huge number of Staff uh in managing kenen uh I'll talk about our experience and the journey we have worked in this area of productivity uh main streaming I know um people are looking forward to to see what has been done in the state corporation like ourselves kenin but maybe before I I I talk about the productivity mainstreaming I think it is important for us to get to know who is kenen uh kenen is an electricity generating organization uh I know the units of measure of electricity uh people don't really understand the megawatts it's just like the unit of measure of maze is is the kilog but we measure electricity in megawatts and looking at kenen uh out of the installed capacity in Kenya of more than 3,300 megaw kenen contributes about 17 70 megaw that is 1,770 megaw as a capacity uh and that is well over over 50% so we play a very critical role uh in driving the economy of this country in the area of electricity energy provision um having said that we know that kenen or rather the Kenya electricity generating company PLC uh is listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange uh the shareholding is 70% government and 30% uh by private shareholders and therefore we need to give returns uh to our shareholders every year we are normally audited and I thank thank I want to thank the office of the auditor general because they really are the ones who audit us uh and they have been doing a good job to ensure that whatever resources that we have or what we have meant to do we we do what we are meant to do correctly uh I love that picture because for those who don't know that is actually T turil power generating uh Dam uh it is actually somewhere very close at the boundaries of West poort and and Trana and if you have an opportunity in future you can actually be a tourist and go and see that very spectacular scene um I want us to look at um that history but uh not not going into the detail just to mention that actually this year we shall be 70 years old kenen was incorporated as Kenya Power Company in 1954 so we are going to be 70 years and anybody who is 70 years and above you can be sure you are very mature uh in age so we have really matured next slide uh just to mention our vision is to be the market leader in the provision of reliable safe quality quality and competitively priced electric energy in Eastern Africa region so we are not just looking at Kenya we are going beyond the boundaries uh we have our values which are very very important and in the next slide we I just mentioned where we are and who we are but perhaps to mention here is that uh our turnover for the last Financial year was 53.9 billion and we are not only doing power generation we are also trying to do diversification and our diversification agenda is mainly driven by offering consultancies especially in the area of geothermal generation Our portfolio very important uh for you to know that uh besides Hydro power generation that's where I was giving the example of turqu we have geothermal and in fact in the geothermal generation we are actually the the largest geothermal producer uh in this region uh in the world we are actually ranked at number six as the highest geal generating organization in the world uh we also have a small component of wind generation uh somewhere on gong Hills and then we also doing thermal energy uh in Mombasa kipu but we are working very hard because of the agenda of Greening the energy so that going forward we going to continue reducing the thermal uh energy generation uh our Str strategic Dimensions we of course because we know the responsibility we have in the economy in driving the economy we have really to build up our generation capacity and we are looking uh at increasing Our Generation in hyd in Hydro we are looking at increasing generation in geothermal uh you have noticed in our portfolio we don't have solar we are soon getting into solar and what we are doing in the Solar area we're going to build them alongside our Hydro power station so that they can complement each other uh we want to create value for our shareholders I've just mentioned we are listed in nirobi stock uh Securities Exchange and uh of course we want to contribute in lowering the Tariff uh one of our presenters said that we need to look at uh ensuring that the value or the cost of electricity is low so that we can attract investors in the form of Manufacturers and so on uh that slide is just uh showing you the weighted average costs per kilowatt hour for the various types of generation we have uh hydros which is at 3.2 Kenya Shillings per kilowatt hour uh we have the small hydros which are normally on energy 8.1 uh the thermos which are now the fuel it's quite high at 26.6 3 uh the geothermal at 11.55 on energy tariff on wellheads and geothermal plants at 6.4 and wind at 7.7 so if you compare this with the national figures then you realize that Ken has quite good values for electricity that is just a picture to show you that in one of our currency notes the 50 Shilling we have alaria one uh as well one of the pictures there and also the wind uh in that particular area uh in our organization we believe in h pushing the agenda of innovation and uh we normally hold uh annual Innovation seminars where we uh require our staff to generate ideas innovative ideas and this is just to tell you that this is the we have worked we have developed about 625 ideas we have completed implementation of 240 and we are working on implementing 72 of them uh and the rest are we are in the process of implementing and this has helped us actually to sustain kenen in the era of competition because we are competing with the independent power producers in this country next when now we look at the discussion we are having today on productivity main streaming uh I know we have already defined uh productivity uh and uh this is uh just to get you to understand where we are coming from uh that productivity is a capacity of an organization institution or business to produce desired results with minimum expenditure of energy time money and employees and material so all those resources you have to look at them and optimize on them so we are also saying that increased performance really does not necessarily equit to improved productivity and productivity is concerned with that balance between all factors of production that will give the greatest output for the least effort uh the accountability framework in our organization we are looking at our leadership team uh which is comprised of the general managers the managers and the assistant managers and we are looking at the corporate performance and we add that to departmental Performance uh and if you look at that that is what now is supposed to guide on how where we are supposed to go we look at the corporate targets uh which we are assigning 60% uh and in our corporate targets you know when we generate power we have to sell it to the offer uh KPLC and I'm happy to see the chair of KPLC here Madame Brenda thank you for coming and uh we have PPA that we discuss with them and those p years we assign uh 20% out of the 60 uh the Go performance uh uh score we assigned 5% the return on investment Capital we assign 5% return on assets we assigned 5% projects execution because you realize from our mandate we generate electricity we have to build projects uh and that that is very important for us so we assign that project execution to 10% uh our strategy which we call Horizon 2 uh good to Great strategy we assign it at 10% and diversification which is very important for us because of the environment we working in uh because of the competition I've mentioned we also have to consider that very seriously departmental targets we are looking at strategic initiatives uh which should be in line with our strategy assigning 15% uh the service level deriv uh level agreements between the the the Departments that are offering services to uh The Core Business uh functions we assign that 10% uh the performance uh we assign 5% and very important the behavioral attitudes uh 10% I think we need to have a very great conversation about the behavior because that is what determines the culture and we have known that culture is a very serious thing when it comes to Performance if your culture is not good then your performance will not be good uh we are talking here about your effort BDO and look again at the Strategic initiatives look at the service level agreements and the go initiatives as well and the behavioral attributes that I was talking about that will really help us to build up the performance the teamwork and developing others integrity and Leadership uh yesterday I had an opportunity of attending a workshop with the E and I I am now very much convinced that Integrity is a core area uh that we need to address as we even talk about this wage Bill management professionalism and time management safety Consciousness very critical because uh for those who have been able to visit some of our power plants uh especially the geothermal very risky operations where the steams at very high temperatures so we have really to be very careful in uh how we handle the area of safety even for our Hydro you know the dams are also safety areas the journey we have walked so far we can comfortably say that we have covered the first phas productivity measurement uh we which is already done uh we have measures of productivity identified uh we have now uh we are now working on productivity analysis that is defining the strengths and weaknesses and we will also now embark on the productivity planning we review the results of the second phase set goals and Alternatives and then we expect that uh we move to the fourth phase of productivity Improvement and we expect to complete that by September of this year this H omx model has has already been discussed and as indicated there and as it was mentioned earlier the steps are very clear you determine the measurements indicators which we have already done determination of appropriate metrics you determine the weights for each of those uh metrics uh development of standard scale for the metrices finding the scores from the scales uh calculation of the performance score and calculation of the total productivity index and of course data analysis and presentation uh in our organization we have already uh identified the key indicators and top on the list is the plant availability uh you know that power generation is such that you we currently we have no storage uh Technologies implemented in this country and therefore what you generate you have to utilize and therefore we have to ensure that our our machines are available all the time as per the set agreements with the offer uh project delivery as indicated that our projects are are very major and therefore we have to ensure that we deliver them at Quality quality projects and at the set budgets and timelines uh cost optimization of course uh we have been around for 70 years which means some of our power plants are quite old and therefore we have to have very regular maintenance programs we have to continue maintaining our machines so that they they continue to deliver what is expected of them we have to keep scanning the risks around us uh we have also to look at the budget absorption and uh uh again because of the technologies that I imagine uh in the digital era uh we have also again to scan the environment and look at the digital technologies that we can employ in helping us to optimize the use of the machines the financial performance also a very important indicator uh we want to see how well we use uh the business assets uh actually our assets are in the tune of over 500 billion Kenya Shillings and that is a very substantial so we amount so we have always to look at how are those assets performing and and how are they generating revenues uh stakeholder and customer satisfaction very important uh whever we operate our power plants we live among communities and sometimes when we are setting up our power plants we have to displace these communities and we have to continue engaging them and working with them and helping them to resettle to the places and go around their lives uh the way they used to or even better uh legal and statutory compliance we have to continue scanning around and ensure that we are complying with all the legal requirements human capital Readiness of course very important as I said technology is changing all the time and therefore you have to continue to impart new knowledge uh in the areas of Technology uh Inventory management again very important because uh as we maintain our machines we have spare parts we have all the items that are required uh to be able to Avail our machines we have gone ahead and uh we've been able to determine the weights as I had indicated you according to that model you need also to put weights and out of those 11 indicators all of them we have been able to work out the weights as indicated there the availability is the highest 27.1 n% uh all the way down to the percentage reduction of shareholder customer complaints at 1.44 uh% so because we are holding that as also important uh we believe in stakeholder engagements and that has to continue increasing we are happy that SRC was able to involve Us in this conference and we continue working together uh the ministry of labor the government itself uh we are looking at how we can progress uh and move forward and um can see that one is not showing here but that's one minute uh how do we adopt the plan uh we look at assessment and planning uh look at the communication and engagement of course uh we have said that this is a change program and employees have really to understand where we are coming from so we have to develop a communication plan to explain the need for Change and its benefits engage employees at all levels to ensure their buying and commitment to the productivity initiatives then we will move on to training and development very critical uh then resource allocation again we are saying we we we need to look at all the resources and ensure that they optimally utilized uh so that the productivity can be able to go up and iterative Implement implementation and adjustment roll out changes incrementally to minimize disruptions and allow for adjustments based on feedback and continuous monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the implementation plan uh we have explained all these uh statements uh I don't want to go through them uh I want us to go to our future our future yes next slide uh we want to en calculate productivity management and of course uh we need to clearly articulate uh the company's Mission Vision and strategic objectives because as we have been told earlier that it is out of that strategy that you determine the uh how you're going to assess the productivity or how you're going to determine the objectives for your productivity and uh you also promote effective communication encourage collaboration and teamwork uh streamline processes and eliminate bottlenecks uh next slide provide the right tools and resources uh I think as the technology changes we have also to uh change the the tools that we are utilizing uh even in the area of the manual tools or even the digital tools uh that we require or the soft tools uh where we we we we help our employees with the new technologies set realistic workloads and prioritize tasks uh I think this is an area that is important sometimes I think it has been mentioned by the earlier presenter here that you must balance the work so that you don't have some staff who are overloaded and others are not well loaded I have encountered situations where you have employees that will clear their assignments by morning session and afternoon uh they are just idling around so we must ensure that everybody is engaged throughout uh and they are producing Monitor and measure performance regularly that cannot be overemphasized is very important uh that we need to monitor what people are doing we have also to implement performance incentives and rewards uh and rewards can can actually be either way you have to have consequence management that those ones who are not uh achieving their Performance Set goals you you reprimand them it iterate and improve uh and ensure that the first foster a culture of continuous Improvement by encouraging feedback analyzing performance data and implementing changes based on Lessons Learned adaptation and evolution uh are key to sustaining productivity gains over time uh kenin we have a slogan that we are pushing today and we are saying that we Jenga kenen uh Jenga means build so we cannot build kenen if the productivity is not improved given the same resources that we have we believe that if we adapt these initiatives uh of incorporating productivity main streaming in our performances and organization then we can be able to ensure that we build a stronger Ken that is going to generate more electricity energy and because majority of the independent power producers are producing what we call variable uh renewable energy that is the wind and the solar in the rainy season like now uh we don't have much solar we don't have much wind and therefore we need what we call the Bas power uh load providing electricity which is done by the hydros and the geothermal so we have to continue building that capacity thank you very much for listening to me thank you engineer Peter Jenga Jenga kenen I'm one of your productivity champions so thank you thank you for that very insightful uh presentation I like the aspect of um leveraging on Innovation to to to boost organizational productivity and new ways of uh doing things having said that allow that we take the next case study of um the this was a commercial State Corporation now we going to a service state Corporation remember we were told that prod activity is measurable so across whether commercial or service state Corporation so allow that we bring on stage our next presenter Mrs Esther ngari the managing director of Kenya Bureau of Standards also to give um her perspectives on what they're doing let's encourage her with a round of applause uh the chief guest the cabinet secretary for labor and social protection all protocols observed good morning before I do my presentation I would want to uh just um acknowledge uh the chairman of the national standards Council just by standing and waving thankk you very [Applause] much I'm waiting for the presentation thank you uh Kenya Bureau of Standards is a national standards body that is a in the ministry of Enterprise development industry and trade and we are the national standards body in Kenya the leadership is headed by the national standards Council for a strategic direction we were established by the standards act C 496 of the laws of Kenya and this year we will be celebrating our golden jubilee in July the operations are Guided by a fiveyear strategic plan and performance contract that we sign with the government and we operate a Performance Management based system and every employee from the managing director to the to every officer within the organization signs a balance cor card so we measure our performance for everyone within the organization our mandate as per the standards Act is a standard Services we support the industry and commerce through standardization Conformity Assessment Services which include testing inspection and Market surveillance we also do facilitation of trade through standards this one is where we ensure that we eliminate barriers to trade through standards development because you cannot trade without standards then we have information Services which include standards Kenya is a signatory in the WTO World Trade Organization and the national inquiry point is based at at Kenya Bureau of Standards so all inquiries by other trading partners in WTO they come through CS we also do training and education in standardization our operations are based or we get our direction from our strategic plan 2023 2027 which has been developed as guided and it's ingrained in the vision 2030 and uh the better agenda and the media medium-term plan for and if you look at that house which guides our operations our vision is to be a global leader in standards based Solutions for trade and sustainable development with our mission to provide standardization Metrology and Conformity Assessment Services that Safeguard consumers and facilitate trade for a sustainable future so when we talk about all our operations we look at sustainability and we have three pillars which are trade facilitation Technical Services and standards and our strategic foundations are three which are technology and Innovation institutional capacity which I'll be talking about and which is the basis of the productivity mainstreaming in our organization and then policy and legal framework and those are the core values that guide all our operations when you talk about standards someone would would ask I don't want to assume that we all know what standards are but standards are documents that provide requirements specifications guidelines that can be used consistently to ensure that materials products processes and services are fit for their purpose and standards achieve three key objectives which include facilitate trade protect consumers from harmful and poor quality goods and protection of the environment now getting to the main discussion on the productivity mainstreaming at Kenya Bureau of standards the background and which the presenter earlier mentioned is that productivity level is an indicator of an organization's competitiveness and productivity culture and practices enable an organization produce goods and services at a cost that meet the tests of domestic and intern ational markets and highly productive organizations promote and maintain high standards and quality of the life of their people and these people include even those who are working in those organizations who are the employees the human capital is the only resource among all factors of production that can be creative and Innovative and therefore we need to really focus on the human capital and most successful organizations attribute their success to their human capital so Kenya Bureau of Standards was among the first 30 pilot organizations that were appointed by salaries and enumeration commission SLC and National productivity coordination Center and that is why we are here to make this presentation because we have gone through it before and we can share the experiences that you've had and the impact this is uh causing our organization and management embraced this opportunity and worked closely with SLC and npcc to realize objectives and productivity mainstreaming at CBS so Institution institutionalizing productivity in public sect service kebs has committed productivity mainstreaming through different um we have done different things and one of them is the quality management system certification ISO 901 2015 in which continuous Improvement is is a central principle I would want to encourage all the stakeholders all the people who are listening to this presentation that implementation of iso 90001 is one of the most important uh systems that you can adopt in your institution and it will help you in your continuous Improvement I know in the past this had been put in the performance Contracting and it was a requirement and you realize those who adopted it then and are still upholding the system they know the benefits and countries which have implemented ISO 901 even the economic development is higher than others so this is an encouragement for the entire P public SE sector and most the service industry to implement this system because it will help you in the continuous Improvement we have also the Strategic plan 2023 2027 which is aligned to the better agenda and mtp4 under the Strategic Foundation number 2.1 then we have the strategy the strategy is also aligned the government fifth generation strategic plan guidelin and the following uh key productivity structures have been put in place at kebs the first thing we did is a productivity mainstreaming committees and champions We have a productivity framework and we have a productivity Improvement strategy in place then uh we went ahead and and Leed training of the foreign groups of people so the National Standard Council being the overarching body of the Kenya Bureau of standards they were trained on the productivity mainstreaming then we trained the Senior Management committees we also had the productivity measurement and Improvement committee was formed and trained and we also formed the Champions Improvement committee Champions and they have been trained on the productivity measurement so the next step will be now the Champions to take over and do creation awareness creation for the entire organization and all the staff of Kenya bu of Standards then when you go to the productivity metrics as an organization we have identified eight metrics these are from our mandate and as we go through them you'll see that each one of them is speaking to a specific mandate within our organization the first metrics is the revenue generated by staff I will tell you when we get to the end of this and I show you um what we came up with for the last two years it was quite enlightening because you realize some of the things you wouldn't have seen or when you are uh checking the way uh the organization is performing you don't see until you do the index so when you talk about revenues generated by staff we have employed several strategies to realize these metrics and one of them is the implementation of the approved establishment and we have tried as much as possible to ensure that within our um our establishment first we only recruit people within the approved establishment and then the balance between Technical and support stuff we have tried to to uh to achieve although we are not yet there development and implementation on of of an action plan for new ways of working so that we can ensure every staff is being productive and development and implementation of Cs Competency Based training modules that equip the staff with specific Knowledge and Skills to deliver on the objectives so we don't just carry out trainings but we do very targeted trainings for all our staff then the second metrics is levenue to cost isue and the strategies we have adopted are development and implementation of the procurement plan I know this is a requirement by every government agency and we ensure that we stick by the implementation by the procurement plan automation of Cs processes to reduce on waste and enhance turnaround times this is very key for us we have automated all our processes to ensure there are no wages in areas where we do Revenue correction and even in other areas that we are able to automate and to have a a a clear view of exactly what is happening within the organization increase Revenue Base by expanding scopes of work because we need to make the money so we have to increase um our scopes of work as per our mandate then the third metrics is number of products certified per staff we realized we had been measuring uh before we have we had been measuring how many um products we are certifying but now we need to link that to every individual staff that is in that particular area and the strategies we have employed is develop and implement the gu guidelines for implementation of HR policy on self drive so that our staff have the self drive and automation of fre management you might wonder how this is related to number of uh products certified we have automated our freit and this helps us to ensure that whenever our staff requires a vehicle to be able to go out there then it is available and we are able to even pull them together so that then they can use those resources properly the fourth strategy is uh the fourth metrics is standards developed per staff because this is one of our core mandates on standards development and the strategies we have implemented are to identify any products that we have certified against foreign standards meaning we don't have standards national standards for these products or we are using manufacturer specifications so that we can H Target these particular products and develop standards for them and the second one is to fully implement the national standardization plan the national standardization plan is a document that has been developed from the input of uh all our stakeholders and therefore it encompasses what the market requires what standards the market requires therefore we ensure that then the standards we develop are the ones which the market demands then the fifth Matrix is parameters analyzed per staff and U we realize that we do a lot of analysis within our Labs but then we need to link with the number of officers technical officers we have in our Laboratories and to know what are the outputs for each of these staff so we do check how many parameters are they analyzing not just the products an analyze but even the parameters and the strategies we have put in place is one to expand the scope and capacity at our regional Laboratories this will help us to make sure that we are not bringing samples from all over the country to the headquarters but we can increase the capacity at our regional ABS we have about we have 51 Laboratories in CBS and when we increase the capacity when we increase the scope in our regional ABS then we bring the services closer to the consumers and the next one is to lubricate equipment for similar tests so that then we don't have failure of equipment which then leads us not to be able to do testing as well as subcontracting services to other accredited service providers then the sixth metrics is number of calibrations done per staff because this is also one of our mandates and um the strategies we have employed is also expanding scope and capacity of our regional Laboratories to to ensure we are offering the services closer to the clients increasing H calibration and measurement capabilities within our institution as well as training of these officers and modernizing our Laboratories and equipment we have the seventh metrics number of Market surveillance products inspected per staff we have certified over 26,000 products in Kenya and with that number and limited number of Market surveillance officers we need to know how much or how many products each officer is able to inspect and we measure that so what the strategies we have put in place we have developed and implemented a market surveillance regulation is currently ongoing as part the market surveillance strategy we are doing risk based Market surveillance not just going out there and picking products in the supermarkets but we are doing risk analysis so that we do targeted Market surveillance and then a development and implementation of Cs Competency Based training module so that we able to train all our technical officers on exactly what we expect and finally um on the eighth metrics which is number of destination inspections carried out P staff the strategies we have implemented is to ensure that we implementing the approved establishment for the number of inspectors that we need H development and implementation of action plan for new ways of working how can we do inspection better and uh implementation of cabs Competency Based training modules you realize I have really um majority of the Strate IES are focus on the competence based um training because we need all our technical officers to be to have the right capacity to do inspection to do testing to do Market surveillance to do standards development now this is what I was talking about if you look at this um productivity Composite Index we went ahead and did for the last two years 20 2122 and then 2022 23 the last Financial year when you look at this when you see red it means danger there's a problem and then yellow is medium productivity and then green is high productivity now before we did this it was very easy for if you look at the different the eight metrics they actually represent the different directorates that we have at Kenya bill of Standards so um a director would come and want to convince you that they are doing so well but when you have this you can look at it and you can be able to tell how every directorate is performing and um without much explanation you can see where there is so much read and it's an indicator something needs to be done and that is how this this particular productivity composite has helped us as an institution we have consistently from quarter one 2 and three given data H to nppc to be able to put together information so that at the end of the financial year this financial year we will be be able to tell in the financial year 2021 22 we achieved a composite productivity Composite index of 2.91 which is um under low productivity because low productivity starts from 0 to two and then uh yellow which is 3 to six the following Financial year 2022 2023 we were 2.63 so we actually dropped and this is information we wouldn't have been able to measure if we were not in this program so we are looking at Improvement and our current Target is to move for this financial Year from 2.63 to 3.5 over the 5year period so this particular chart or what you can see came about because we had data which we provided and then we were able to come up with this then implementation and monitoring of productivity indicator the management has embedded productivity measurement and Improvement in the balance card tool from the managing director's card to all the the directors and the chief managers those are the three levels of management within our institution we undertake to do monitoring evaluation and Improvement on a quarterly basis so this this is one of the tools that we discuss on a quarterly basis we review and we able to tell where are we at any one time then Kenya Bureau of Standards provides the NP CC with data for computation of quarter index to establish the progress we are making and we thank uh npcc for this partnership and working with us this journey and management meets and reviews results for development of collective actions where the results are not conforming because as you can see from that tool you able to tell where there's a problem where you need to focus where you need to put Collective action where you need to change the strategy and um finally I want to leave you with this quote from Steve Jobs this deciding what not to do is as as important as deciding what to do thank you very much thank you Madame EST angari for giving that uh overview on your experiences as the uh Kenya Bureau of Standards very clear productivity uh metrices identified with a very clear corporate uh index and uh already you're doing pretty well in terms of uh the foundations and we believe you'll continually improve as part of um making yourselves better I believe we are getting stuff um especially those from uh the State Corporations I believe you can see that these things are doable uh if you're handheld you can actually move u in the manner that these agencies are moving having gotten that far we now have a final uh presentation that we'll try to take within 15 minutes hopefully that will not be uh unfair to the PS for public health and Professional Standards Miss Mary Muki to give us um their perspectives on productivity mainstreaming in the Ministries case study of the Ministry of Health let's encourage her with an Applause Round of Applause thank you very much our CS ladies and gentlemen good morning good morning um you know and I sat there I realized I'm a very new face to many people but nevertheless we are here we are happy to be here uh Madame chair congratulations this is well done and we really feel that ear in ear out we should come here I have learned a lot having sat there and listened to the many technical people speaking really now when I think productivity I think about facilitating some kind of Mind Set shift when you talk about being busy instead of being busy be effective when you talk about working hard instead of just working hard then make sure you work smart and instead of being reactive then it is good to be self-directive and this comes in threes probably issue Pro prioritization the energy you put in and the attention and thereof the Ministry of Health in Kenya has initiated a very sign significant shift towards preventive and promotive health care to enhance productivity and reduce costs and this is by focusing on prevention the ministry aims to increase the spending on Curative Services hence more saving these days Madame CS we keep on saying that AUM because we want everybody to go back home and try and see what are those things that I must do that will not take me to hospital every now and then you know issues of minor aill ments that can be prevented at home and this is evident by the enactment of the four laws that um we have had uh in December that is the social health insurance Act of 2023 and those who have gone through the law you realize that we have enhanced in terms of the three funds that are in it that is the Social Health Insurance Fund the primary care fund and the chronic illness fund and then we have the primary care the Primary Health Care Act equally of 2023 and the facility Improvement financing Act of 2023 when we say that um funds that are meant for Health Care must never be reallocated to other functions then we have to ring fence that which belongs to healthcare and we equally have the digital Health Act of of 2023 since the launch of um UHC and that is in December October 2023 the ministry in collaboration with County governments have seen the the training the kitting of 17,000 Community Health promoters who have engaged to advance this prevention agenda at the grassroot level you know I'm sure many of you have just heard about the community Health promoter and maybe you don't know how they work these are individuals and leaders at the community level we have trained them we have kitted them for fast Aid issues at the bottom of the pyramid these are people who will walk to our households Ure that they take your blood pressure pressure ensure that they take your blood sugar and refer you to the nearest health facility to be checked by a skilled Health worker should you have adverse um issues and this is very significant in health Improvement across all communities um our pillars right now is the in our reforms we have the digital Health we have health financing the human resources for health I know most of you have seen us struggle in the few the the last one month the Health commodity security when we talk about the digital Health inter relatability of data is really very important and this integrating advanced technology into healthc care for improved Service delivery and will enhance patient outcomes and streamline operations that is in the Ministry of Health and this transformative step towards a more efficient accessible Health System we keep on saying that um in our reforms we want to see an accessible available and affordable quality healthare and digital Health Care is just one bit of what we are doing the distribution of 100,000 smartphones to the Community Health promoter that the CHP at the bottom of the pyramid will have a gadget that will record and whatever the record is transmitted to the headquarters um and this is as a result of the launch of the Sim that is last year equally the electronic community health information system and training of of that 87,000 CHP for the use of the S so far the chps have registered 4.5 million households of the target thereby reaching 22 million Kenyans an average household in Kenya has about five people so if they have registered about 4 million that means we are over 20 million people who have been reached by the program and the digital health Act of 2023 is key in streamlining technology adoption in addressing the legal and Regulatory gaps that is in the ealth remember when we were growing up and I keep saying this that the qua exercise book that you used to have is a lot of waste it rolls back in even into issues to do with the environment you know the qua exercise book The gets lost records get lost so digital health will en will enhance the same and ensure that time is not wasted and it also helps in terms of planning then we have health financing as I've talked about uh the Improvement of the facility Improvement financing act that ring fences the resources allocated for facility Improvement and this will help in terms of cost cutting savings uh streamlining of management enhancing efficiency and especially on procurement and distribution processes then we have the health commodity security that is around supply chain Improvement adoption of digital Technologies you've seen issues to do with have really improved lately and we are very glad about that and this will minimize a lot of wastages distribution efficiencies ensuring timely deliveries all the health facilities or most of the health facilities from the county level procure from ker the local manufacturing boost again if you look at what happened during covid-19 sometimes you may have had money but we did not have the drugs because we do not we didn't have manfacturers of the same an investment in local manufacturing will boost a lot of in our healthare um so the production of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies will lessen the dependency on Imports and will boost economic growth at the same time time if you look at the regulatory enhancement again strengthening our regulatory uh institutions like Pharmacy and poison sport which will ensure the safety and quality of Health Commodities um I was given 15 minutes so I'll run by some of the issues now human resources for health and just when I want to present it my phone hung I want to give you a few statistics on what has been happening around the human resources for health in the country as per the Kenya Health labor market analysis report which was relased released in 2023 December and it showed a need for the development of Human Resources um for health policy the health sector has been contributing approximately two 2.04% of the country's GDP and notably the small contribution to GDP is even on a downward Trend and this is decreasing by about 1.3 per year the analysis revealed that the overall employment in the economy has generally been on a positive growth trajectory and that is uh it is increasing from 4.6% in 2010 to around 5.6 5.5% um if you look at the private sector again the private sector has been the driver of the employment in the health labor market with an average growth rate of about 7% perom as compared to 4.1% annual rate of growth from the public sector however Kenya's current health Workforce Gap remains large and probably that is why um we can see the doctors in the streets generally the health Workforce is mainly composed of nurses clinical officers do medical doctors and this accounts to about 77% of uh 77% and that is the density of doctors nurses midwives the clinical officers per 10,000 population increased which has equally increased by 106% so if you look if you look at uh the rate in which we are growing some years back we used to produce about only 100 medical doctors today with the ballooning uh of the training institutions both private and public we produce about 1,500 um in partnership with various stakeholders Ministry of Health has made considerable progress in developing policies at the moment we are developing The Internship policy that is going to give us a clear guideline strategies on how to strengthen our human resources for health in the country we have also operationalized a number of agencies that are going to equally help us in the same especially the Kenya Health Human Resource advisory Council that is to establish uniform norms and standards relating to the money management of the healthcare workers including the rotation of specialists in the midst of all that there are quite a number of challenges that come through with us and one being the resource limitation um I know this we are sharing with uh my CS from labor because of the issues that we are discussing it is because of the limited resources that we may be having a small fix with the doctors so Financial constraints again they hinder the acquisition of necessary medical facilities equipment already the ministry has done an assessment of all the levels of the health facilities in this country and this includes the public private and faith-based in um Health Facilities we have close to 15,000 health facilities in this country we know the gaps in terms of human resources for health in terms of equipment in terms of um infrastructure and the cting is on so that we are able to fix that which we find is leaking again the technical expertise um which is um sometimes becomes the shortage of professional trained in modern healthc care Technologies we are improving every other day so inhouse um in service courses must continue to ensure that our health care Workforce is properly trained however if you look at the trends especially with our Premier uh Kenya Medical Training Institute 3 years ago we were graduating about 7,000 graduates today this year we shall graduate 24,000 graduates so just in a span of three years so we really need to equally keep advancing in their training and and and that is why we are also encouraging the migration of the same so that when they go out there they will come back with a new skill and we are able to equip our own with better Advanced skills inadequate um um technology uh deployment I think I've uh I've explained about that today if you look at what is happening globally we have even AI in health but has it gotten to us in Kenya so what do we do to get to that level of competing globally and they um the same case the with the emergence of new technologies uh and like before before when a doctor um would do is would would um would treat you manually today there are equipments that are Advanced initially you would go to see the doctor and uh he would actually you know even press your stomach check your eyes without any equipment but today we have changed things have changed and we have to adopt the same therefore our recommendation on this would be Partnerships and more Partnerships even amongst the agencies you know SD sdg6 17 talks about Partnerships therefore as we are seated here it would be important to ask yourself how do I partner with the Ministry of Health how can I be of use again enhancement of of training programs and H and these encounters investment in continuous professional development to keep healthcare workers up to dat with the latest Technologies and practices equally establishment of framework for integration of emerging Technologies efficiently and strengthening Partnerships to collaborate with private and international Partners to level cage on their expertise we can't do it alone you can't do it alone we have to come together so that we realize that which we can to en um to help the people of this country the Ministry of Health is at a pivotal juncture where strategic improvements can significantly enhance healthcare services and by focusing on resource optimization skill enhancement ment and Technology advancement across um the ministry aims to ensure efficient and effective Health Care delivery across the country this will not only improve the quality of care available to all Kenyans but also align the Health Care system with International standards and practices fostering a healthier nation and supporting sustainable development Madame CS you know these days even if I give a glowing speech the final question they ask me is why are the doctors in the streets and I think I want to just take this moment to say briefly what we have done to ensure that our doctors get off the street the government has already released 2.4 billion shillings to go for internship of our doctors we have released their letters in fact they were supposed to report by yesterday and we keep hoping that the caregivers the parents are going to speak to our dear doctors so that they can go back to work we so pray that um the issues that they have raised they are of much concern to the nation and we hear them and we have sat with them including yourself in your office so we care and we have been there and we are listening to them but we are saying please go back to work and we can continue dealing with one issue as another we may not deal with 19 issues in one day but I know Rome was never built in a day we can clear this in a in a matter of time but we have to agree to be on the table as Anana and God bless [Applause] you thank you so very much U principal secretary Madame Mary Muki we have uh said that uh within the service we went through State Corporations we have said that if we can get it right within the health sector if we can get it right in terms of productivity main streaming within the education sector and the security sector that is where we we wish to see things happening uh because these are core essential uh service areas that require um productivity mainstreaming having said that the hour has cometh for us to listen through uh remarks from our chief guest who has waited patiently actually the whole morning she was to be here up to maximum 12 but she sat through because she said she wants to hear through on behalf of government so let us now be upstanding even as we take a health break even as we invite um the cabinet secretary for labor and social protection honorable Florence Bor kibu thank you very much please sit down Lin Mich the chairperson salaries and remuneration commission um the PSS were present I saw Ambassador mushir the chairperson public service think he has left the co-chairpersons of the steering committee of this third National wage Bill conference the co-conveners the speakers who have spoken very well and given us experiences of their institutions those within this country and from foreign countries Malaysia and South Africa presenters and panelists distinguished delegates ladies and gentlemen good afternoon it is an honor and privilege to join you today as we start our second day of the third National wage bill conference under the theme towards 35% allow me to thank the organizers and conveners of this important conference whose core objective is to identify strategies that facilitate the national and County governments to achieve the ideal wage Bill to revenue ratio of 35% ENT by 2028 this conference is a culmination of the resolution of the 10th ordinary session of the national and County governments coordinating Summit meeting that was held at State House Nairobi on the 18th of December 2023 the motivation to hold this conference stems from our Collective desire as lead actors in government and the private sector to bring Innovative and practical Solutions towards a sustainable Public Service wage bill in order to make a more in order to make more resources available for development governments around the world are under pressure to improve Public Service performance and at the same time contain expenditure growth while factors such as public service wage Bill operational and pension costs add to the budgetary pressures citizens are demanding that governments must be made more accountable for what they achieve with the taxpayers money as such the entire situation of the economy in most of the subsaharan countries or states are in dire need ladies and gentlemen Kenya economy faces numerous challenges one of which is the escalating wage bill it is undeniable that the public sector wage Bill to revenue ratio which previously stood at 54% has seen some reduction but remains a concern at the current level of about 47% despite this progress the sustained High ratio underscores the undergoing challenge we face in achieving more balanced and sustainable fiscal framework we ought to prioritize the needs of our country and make tough decisions since we have a responsibility to address this before it becomes a crisis we cannot continue to burden our taxpayers and future generations with unsustainable wage Bill we must prioritize and ensure that our Public Service wage bill is within our means by being responsible and accountable in our budgeting and EXP expenditure it is an opportune time that we address issues such as low productivity duplication of functions wastage of public resources optimal Staffing levels leveraging on technology and innovation in payroll management as well as quality and citizen centered service deliver delivery public officers and employees must always be accountable to the people serve them with utmost responsibility Integrity loyalty and efficiency as well as act with patrio patriotism and Justice ladies and gentlemen reducing the public sector w W Bill is not just about reducing wages it is also about creating a conducive environment for job creation and economic growth as we strive to reduce the public sector's wedge Bill we must also create an environment conducive to the private sector's growth to enhance job creation which will in turn increase our Revenue and reduce our dependency on government as the cabinet secretary and trusted with safeguarding the welfare of our workers both in the public and the private sectors it is imperative that we address issues of remuneration and benefits we must ensure that salaries and allowances are distributed fairly and in an equitable manner in addition Performance Based pay and incentives can be used to increase productivity and efficiency in public agencies a dynamic labor force should be the one that is creative one that is flexible competent multi skilled better informed technology oriented and enjoying job protection and decent employment which is critical to the realization of the full potential of the country's human resource stock as the world becomes increasingly filled with information and technological advancement it is important to emphasize the need to study and discuss how Public Service wage bills can be sustained you should be able to do research and dialogue which is essential for addressing challenges and finding effective Solutions ladies and gentlemen my Ministry through the national productivity and competitiveness Center headed by the secretary who spoke here earlier Dr M talel has developed a productivity measurement framework in the public service and as jointly with SRC the state department for cabinet Affairs and the Kenya School of government provided technical support to 57 institutions and trained over 8,189 officers npcc will continue continue to partner with SRC and other stakeholders within and outside government to drive the productivity agenda in the public service I call upon all public service institutions to take advantage of this program to build their internal capacities I urge all public service employees to embrace the culture of productivity for efficient Service delivery and citizens satisfaction the government relies on you to transform the lives of our people through your Quality Service delivery under the bottom up economic transformation agenda the government enes a public service that will move away from being event driven to a more strategic and people Centric this way we shall all fight the passing of time in our public lives a lot more fulfill fulfilling a strong productivity and performance culture in the public service is a key driver to efficient and effective Service delivery to engrain productivity practices as a way of life my ministry will continue to support government efforts to spear ahead and National National productivity campaign as a strategy to reinforce the productivity agenda in the public service changing the negative mindset about productivity will go a long way in improving the quality of services in the public service this will be achieved through intensive publicity campaigns awareness creation and capacity enhancement you could see from the various organizations that have embraced productivity you saw kenen you saw kebs you've seen the Ministry of Health I want to the rest of the institutions that kindly Embrace productivity mainstreaming in your mdas ladies and gentlemen to achieve the 35% ratio we must work together as government as employers as employees and citizens to make it a reality it will take determination collaboration and Sacrifice from all of us and we must make sure that our decisions do not negatively affect the well-being of our workers as I conclude I would like to remind everyone that the conference's theme towards 35% is more than simply a figure it is a call to action for us to accept responsibility hold ourselves accountable and strive towards a more sustainable future for our country let us utilize this forum to engage in meaningful debates and devise practical solutions to assist us reach our objective from the conference program I have observed that we have experts from within and outside government as well as local and international experts presenting papers covering sorry a wide spectrum of topics about public service wage Bill sustainability I'm optimistic that with our combined efforts we can reduce the public sector wage Bill to revenue ratio and ensure a better future for our country finally I look forward to a thought provoking presentation and different perspectives on pertinent issues touching the touching on the public wage Bill sustainability and culture I am sure that the conference papers and caucus discussions will provide a valuable resource for making our public institutions more responsive more productive more accountable and more citizen centered therefore it is my utmost delight and gratification that I take this opportunity to welcome you all to this second day of the national wage Bill conference here at the bers of Kenya thank you and welcome chair SRC I have enjoyed my session when I sat here and I look forward to sharing of those ideas and I look forward to having copies of all the presentations throughout this 3day uh conference thank [Applause] you thank you Madame wasi demands or requires a better Round of Applause to fali yeah thank you so very much for provoking us from U government uh perspectives I like the issue of moving away from events and activities emphasis to more uh customer Centric uh programs that are more impact and value addition based and that we require to come up with very practical Solutions uh things that will work the way we have used the three institutions as demonstration that these things can work so thank you very much I request that we give a final final round of applause Applause to our cabinet secretary having uh gone that far we have uh had seven main presentations together with the cs's remarks those are eight presentations we said that we were sparing all questions to the last we started with the first session by Dr analine chti and then we went to the second session by Dr nahashon Mel from the BCC the third session was by Dr Margaret nyango followed by Deputy AG Isaac nanga and then number five was engineer Peter Jenga of kenin followed by Esther nari for kebs and then Miss Mary Muki permanent secretary uh Ministry uh of of um or the public health uh principal sorry principal secretary uh Public Health and Professional Standards so those are like seven presentations we like we did yesterday the suggestion so that we manage a short plenary session is that you have an opportunity to engage all the panelists during the afternoon cauer sessions but we'll give you a chance for those that may have very burning questions that you think should come on the floor and we will take um the hands as they come up if we can get five the first five I see a hand here one I see a two there uh those are two hands I see a third hand there if you could walk to the mics kindly those that have raised their hands um those are three questions anybody from this side I haven't seen a hand on this side so kindly confirm there's a hand here those are four questions please introduce those are five so we can limit to to those five for now and then we see how the time will pan out but uh please introduce yourself just say who you are where you're coming from and who you are directing your question to of all the presenters that we've had the seventh that have said even if there's one for the Cs please indicate as much so we start with uh the first one here who has already the mic please uh proceed thank you for my name is I am the chairman of theology for man of is a comment and some ofation and this in reference to the my was of stand when when I was in that SP we realiz clearly that the government conr performance conr was very cover aspects but you find that or we found that the uniqueness of require a little more Government Contracting for us to meet our national insal aspirations for example that system is not measure grow some they were not quite covered it also meas reward system for example B for exception of performance that was not covered it did also cover how how institions wanted to contribute to the economy directly to the economy in a measurable way so what do we do we we had a par performance management and system to that to the to the mainstream performance government performance system and we found that with that approach we were able to progress our inal aspirations as well as Government aspirations and something that I [Music] can thank you very thank you Dr on Sando that's more of a comment and a suggestion which is well noted mine is a comment yes a comment to yeah I'm I'm Lucas I'm Lucas gjiri from The Institute for social accountability and uh since yesterday uh we've been talking big things learning from Malaysia today we are learning from South Africa but if there is one thing that we not talking about and which makes me believe that productivity in public service is elusive is because we are not talking about the ingredients what goes into productivity it is a final product but as long as we fail to speak on values you know ethics uh uh uh addressing our appe our appetite for public resource everything else that we're doing here is just a formality from where I see as a young person I feel bad because um uh uh we are hardly talking about issues that we need to address so my my call and my desire is that we'll be honest in our service and so that even those who are sitting in those offices let's let's let's um give offices to people who surely deserve based on Merit otherwise what you will will say today is what will make many even ask for instance I like what um uh I think was PS for health mentioned something to do with um the doctor strike today I'm not a doctor I don't have someone who is close to me who is a doctor but somehow I support what they are doing because where where was government then when they they entered into this agreement uh uh with with the doctors so it tells us that there's there's um inadequacy within the public sector of honesty people are not honest we are not objective in our conversations and why we are doing this we just doing this to take boxes that we had this conversation and so there's nothing more will end up doing so my call to us is that we we'll be an objective uh society that is is based on honesty and that ades to article 10 of our constitution otherwise Jaa than than you very thank you thank you my I can't see kilu kindly the one on mic yes School equipment production unit my question my short question is to the Principal Secret uh Public Health now a lot of times when we have conferences like this there is very little mention of traditional medicine providers we have information about what happened during Co and now when uh medical attention is distracted now mad P what exactly is the ministry doing that is practical that will that is Meaningful in form of interventions whether policy or regulations to ensure that the provision of USC is achievable at least through traditional medicine thank you thank you Kiku thank you I wish you also narrowed it down to wedge billos but I'm sure the PS has had she will find the context for that yes please okay thank you my name is redempta cindu I'm the CEO maken County Public Service Board number one is to appreciate the insights from the presentations and number two is a small prayer that H noting that we've been on performance Contracting for close to I think 20 years and we are still here discussing matters W Bill I think we acknowledge that there is a problem and it is is that time we moved to productivity mainstreaming so my prayer is to this administration of course under the leadership of the head of state and the ministry of labor working closely with SRC that we make productivity mainstreaming a flagship project because it is evidently the H enabler or driver of bottom up economic transformation agenda so if we could pick it up as a flagship program so that all of us within maybe two or so years we are all on productivity because I'm aware it it is cost intensive so if we let everyone you know the counties to MDS to just maybe go at their Pace we may not get to where we want to be thank you thank you thank you redemptor for final one we we had a hand this this side here okay we start with and thank you so much uh chair I am jaob molo from Kenyata University uh we appreciate that uh productivity mainstreaming is in the performance contract but my concern is about the safeguards that we have put in place to ensure that uh Ministries departments and agencies don't just do it because it is in the performance contract but the value proposition that it's a way of life would be important in terms of sustaining uh productivity number two is that we can't have a strong and sustainable productivity movement if workers employers and even government are not together so in the case studies that we got I failed to locate the position of workers in that particular uh agenda the last one chair and this one is to uh Dr nyango since yesterday we have heard how collective bargaining undermines attainment of the threshold of 35% but let us remind ourselves that the institution of trade unionism and collective bargaining are entrenched in the Constitution and therefore what I want the wisdom that I want to get is that how would we want to deal with collective bargaining in a manner that is Progressive and not traditional thank you thank you dro the last one from thank you thank you B moderator uh I'm here okay okay thank you last uh then you'll be last yes thank you B moderator my name is Martin orindo uh I come from H and uh I am a former member of Parliament and I was chairman of budget I want to direct my question to uh Madame chair uh Lyn and uh Madame CS as I was coming here a young man called me and I said hold on I'm getting into a wedge Bill conference and he told me you are getting into I said A W Bill conference this is a young man who is 32 years he's working in the public service then he told me what are you people doing discussing wedge bill when Kenyans are unemployed and those that are employed are underpaid I didn't have an answer so I would ask Madame Lyn what I will tell that young man okay thank you thank the second question please indulge me the second question okay if you could to the point sir I know governments are set up to provide uh services to Citizens and among the services that government provide to Citizens is Education Health Care and security if you put just those four teams together in our Public Service which is numbering about 1 million or I think 900,000 to be precise then you have 60% of that Workforce these are very essential Services if we want to interfere with the provision of these Services what are we left with as a country and I remember my good friend Abraham rugo asked what are we calling development because this investment that we give to teachers nurses and police are doing very well to improve our well-being last I think the mood in the country is improving but I think the framing of this conference is uh a little gloomy because we are now discussing the national wage bill but I'm happy the presentations that have gone on here have focused on productivity and I happy with Dr nyako at the conclusion framed it very well that our wedge bill has a problem the problem is the size of the wedge bill which is as a result of wage we can see we could see in the presentation that there are people who are still running manual payrolls how on Earth do you do that today and we know there are ghost workers in the National payroll their ghost workers in County payrolls what have we done to eliminate all this and another component is the pension I will swear with my left hand that the pension bill is 50% fake if we can look into that with a microscope then we will have a reduction in that pay bill last I want to make this amendment that the next time we are coming because his Excellency the president has done a good job we are today having a very positive country we need to have a positive conversation we need to have the national productivity conference so that Kenyans can produce more raise more Revenue employ more people and play them more thank you very much okay thank you uh m marindo allow that we conclude so that we conclude with the gentleman here kindly there one here uh yes yes please conclude let's conclude with this one thank you so much um my name is Frank mushina uh County secretary nadwa I would like first to appreciate Dr nyango among all the people have presented they have done very good presentation but i' like to appreciate her for one thing uh one of the times I heard her say if you are bringing the fire for allowances you must also bring a fire for development that is somebody who is looking at productivity even as we are looking uh asking the people to get their allowances they must also show productivity I want to associate myself with the first Speaker uh the the first person that uh was asking question and I would like uh kind like the chair to the CC to take this uh more seriously because she's doing a very good work and this would help her so in a very good way um I know there are people who are very experienced here better educated than me but I just want to tell you maybe the scenario so that when I I prescribe what I'm saying you can understand one I started my career in the national government and then I worked in two paratos one Premier one I've worked with a uh consulting firms both local and international and then I've worked in the first County Government and the third County government so out of that I have quite a little bit of experience on the issue when it comes now to the issue of productivity the one you've been talking about and I want to say this that in one I want to give only one example as a prescription one organization when I went there a graduate was getting about 23,000 too low the salaries were being paid 25 uh 25th of the following month and one of the issue was still issue of productivity the same staff the same people and I started a a program where I initiated and I requested the board to uh give them a 30% increment which was given I wanted another 40 and the chairman was asking me Frank what are we going to do you you want the the workers to gain but how much are they giving and then I said let's give them if they cannot get their own salaries they go home as simple as that and what I did I told them give them the other mechanism we work on it and what we did was one simple thing uh beside the general uh performance contract the one that the government always does that's good it helps the entire organization but an individual will only work majority of them will work when something is they rewarded and it is punitive and what we did was to come up with a performance appra which I bed I I had the experience now from the other First Premier organization which was doing very well and we worked on it and we introduced it and one thing that we did and this is the persecution which I'm trying to push to the to the uh CRC and the entire government and if we do this we can change the entire thing this issue of getting annual increment without showing who should get whether you are drunkard whether you come late you you are given the same increment it doesn't make sense and people will never work and they will never give a dam about whatever is happening so when I started it was a AI so they were saying it is impossible so the annual increment and it was not as much it was just like one for government we made sure it was tagged to Performance and I can tell you the first performance more than 46% got zero inclement the second performance 75% had already gotten their increment and they were only about uh 20% who did not get increment by the that cycle no one could get zero no one could get fast of that then then let me give now the the final detail about it that organization we were able to start getting our own money instead of relying on government we generated our own money for salaries and instead of being paid 25th of the following month we brought it to 10th uh then uh uh to 10th then at the end we were able to pay on 25th before the end of the month and they still do it today number two the the the the the graduate who was getting 23 we are able to to appr their salaries to 70 starting off number three we are able to move the the turnover from 1 billion to to 5 billion in 4 years I I think we can make this to fix it so I am requesting from this conference can we work out and we are ready to give that without even being given a consultancy we work out a program where all the government workers in the county and everywhere the annual increment be pegged on uh performance appraisal base thank you thank you thank you Frank musina for for that for those very practical experiences allow that we we respond to those we'll confirm if time will allow we pick another round okay uh allow that we I'll give you a chance allow that we clear this there there are many and then we we'll get back to you the one for Dr onand was more of a comment um which we have uh noted and you are actually prescribing what you used in ke in keis uh relating it to the ke's presentation for other agencies to see how they can like move from the generic to more pointed or homegrown uh or parallel Performance Management Systems the one for Lucas again is it was a question on where is the discussion on ethics as an ingredient to mainstreaming productivity there's a whole discussion tomorrow on uh uh the space of uh ethics leadership I believe some of those concerns can be conversed then and then it's today later in the in the afternoon and then um Kiku you talked of um uh the the specific question to PS on the role of traditional uh uh medicine I will I will request that the PS comes to respond to that as she does that we will request chair and uh Madame CS you you can pick on the other general questions see how you can uh you can respond and then uh we confirm if there'll be any either will that will have been left or any other additional thank you very much and uh thank you for that question you know when uh somebody talks about traditional medicine sometimes people think it's the Shaka stories but um we have a Center for traditional medicine uh and Drug research within kemry and it is mandated to carry out research to rationalize traditional medicine in Kenya that is number one number two the Ministry of Health together with other stakeholders like kebs ppb the traditional holist themselves they have an association called National traditional Health practitioners they have been developing standards on traditional medicine again there is a traditional and alternative medicine bill in development currently and this is proposed to streamline alternative medicine practice and I am sure it provides a good Avenue for their space in the universal health coverage so if that is followed I am sure it is as good as uh an answer to your question because traditional medicine plays a very critical role and especially in in the management of diseases especially in the rural areas and our role is to validate the traditional Medicine by establishing their safety and efficacy so that they can be considered in the mainstream Health System I hope your question is answered thank you thank you I request the chair to come and uh pick the other questions thank you I'll combine two of them um there was a question that was asked specifically by The Honorable Member of Parliament who was a member of Parliament and you asked a question you asked by a young person what are we discussing in this W Bill conference in an environment where there is unemployment and according to him or her I don't know whether a him or her uh those who are employed and very little and and now is actually that answer was given by the last speaker the last person who asked the question because the answer is we have to be more productive if we are more productive we will have enough money if we have enough money then the issue you have raised will no longer be an issue the question is what which one starts first do I say increase the pay when I can't afford or do I say let us put in place measures to make sure that we are more productive and once we have generated more Revenue then we can share that so it's all about making sure that we bake a biger cake then we can share and I couldn't say more than just say listen to the last presenter that actually is the answer and that is why we are here that the weight bill is not about cutting what we have it is about being uh doing more with what we have it is about being more productive generate more and once you generate more then we can share then we can talk about how can we increase our wages I think that's the only one I would like to speak to um CS you speak to the issue about how can we ensure collective bargaining Agreements are not traditional and they are more Progressive uh there was a question of why we are having a conversation that is more of employers and we do not have uh the unions or we do not have employees here let me assure you that they are part of the conversation not necessarily in this room because we are starting with the leadership but if we look at the even the way npcc is constituted and and the Cs will confirm it's actually based on the tripartite so npcc it's Ser was actually formed to bring together the private sector the public sector and uh bring the employers and the employees so that's that's how npcc was set up but in terms of this conversation we did invite FK and kotu to be part of our panelists and we actually have a panelist from kotu so they will bring that on board so we are not excluding the employees but we are starting with the leadership because change must start with the top the leaders as I mentioned yesterday they set the pace they set the tone but once these programs are implemented and they are being implemented it does include all the employees the training that was mentioned earlier 8,000 participants that have been trained that is employees in these institutions so they are not incl excluded they are on board but it's a question of who we are brought here because we wanted to have the conversation at the leadership level for now thank you thank you as Madame Dr nyango comes just to confirm that uh the chairman of the ethics and anticorruption commission is already here there's a whole debate on where is the space of ethics and integrity on uh to ensure that we adequately mainstream and make productivity uh practical because the halls there are the leakages that need to be to be sealed Dr thank you very much I want to thank uh I think it was Mr Moo who raised this question on how the CBS can be made more Progressive and this indeed is just what I was talking about it's about reducing waste and I want to give one example we have seen very many companies and even State Corporations collapse and if we look at those organizations they had cbas you will find that they had very strong union movements now I just want to put it to you when an organization collapses can the CBA continue to be implemented I think the answer is no now you will find that a lot of cbas are negotiated against a background of us and them so there is the management who are supposedly the owners and then there are those who are the trade unions who who are the sufferers but what is not done is to match the productivity with the increases that we are asking for in the CBA and so it all boils down to productivity mainstreaming so how can the cbas be negotiated against a background where the productivity of the whole organization must increase along with what is being asked for I don't think it is very complicated it is just about Maring our CBS with productivity thank you s I forgot to respond to the issue about Performance Based pay um and before I do that let me just agree with what Dr nyak said about the CBs the other area that is always a concern for us as a commission is when an employer is negotiating a CBA and they are proposing to increase Financial items and their financial statements said that they actually have their negative in some of them the auditor general has even raised issues of that in institution uh probably not being an an ongoing concern so we have an issue when you are negotiating you know very well you do not have any money at all but you are prepared to make proposals based on what so that is what we are talking about and we are not saying we should not have Collective baining Agreement but we are saying it should be based on reality and we are management always to share the information with the Trade union I am sure they are not unreasonable if you actually show them your financial statements your cash flows show them you don't have money then I am sure they are reasonable and they will listen but where we have a problem is when you know very well as an employer you have no money we look at your financial statements for the last three years you're in the red you have not been paying taxes you are withholding a lot of payments but guess you thought you actually prepared to commit government to a CBA and you're not telling us where the money is coming from that is the challenge that we face and that is why sometimes when we make comments you might think we are being unreasonable but I actually think the person being unreasonable is the one who is willing to commit government with no money you're ready to sign a CBA you have no money and you're not telling us where it's going to come from so that is the challenge but let me speak about the performance related pay I agree absolutely with the comment um we do know that in our salary structures in government there's an automatic increase average 3 to 4% it's automatic it is there every single year and uh it is not related to Performance whatsoever that is a conversation with we have started we have continued to have for the last three years and we hope we will get a position where everyone accepts that your pay should be based on your performance and your productivity for now what we have is we have a framework for recognizing performance and productivity which is really more of a variable pay compensation in the form of a bonus you'll be aware that that was launched last year and institutions who have actually implemented proper performance-based systems such as the ones who presented today even kenen and a few others we do approve for them their performance and the perform bonus pay and they get the boners pay but you must go through the process demonstrate your productivity demonstrate your performance then we will be able to approve a a bonus for you so thank you um let me try and answer the question that was asked by honorable Martin orindo about unemployment in this country yes it is a serious problem we have approximately 5 million unemployed Kenyans majority of those our young Youth Without skills part of them have the skills and it has been a deliberate process by the ministry to generate uh employment within Kenya and outside Kenya and what we have done as a Ministry is that we have been able to explore labor export to foreign countries and that is why we are we have initiated about 19 bilateral labor agreements uh with the various countries so that we can be able to export part of the lab labor partly we also have uh deliberately gone into creating jobs like in the housing project like in the digital space and I want to tell Mima I'm sure you are a CEO or a chair of an institution let us look for ways to create that employment it is not an issue of an individual it is an issue that all of us have to address and I'm very sure in each and everyone's home you have now graduat between 1 to 5 within your homes that don't have jobs and we need to think and it is a conversation that we can can have even to have a conference and see the way forward for this country so for me I will say unemployment is an issue but we are addressing as multi sectoral because the Ministry of Education also have to identify the skills that are required within the job market so that we train for that of the various markets that are available currently thank you thank you Madame CS uh the last one was from redempta I think we noted your observation that you wished productivity mainstreaming would be flagged out more as a mainstream uh program and project within government this is why we are starting this journey I've just consulted and confirmed from U the officials from government that yes noted we it will be escalated within the programs that uh we are we are running with already within the performance Contracting we we we expect that in the subsequent period this becomes a more live live agenda having said that and time really gone and spent we have one session that we want to give a few minutes there was one hand that I don't want to be unfair to please if you could ask a very pointed question so that I don't close the hand that had said was number three which which hand was it yeah yeah please here he belong to an insti where each time we are today understanding means is that for them faithfulness efficiency is not them elsewhere so that National in this context is only us the executive two some of us who are here have had this conversation going for some time we know what to do we are here to share experiences from other institutions but yesterday when I listened to the vice chair of the Council of Governors and after him honorable kga I got this distinct feeling Madame chair that either you have not engaged them sufficiently meaningfully or they are just being hostile from what they said here yesterday clearly they were saying they are not able to implement what we are saying here because the national government has not been coordinating well enough with them as a SRC and talking about the conversation we are here about today and yesterday and tomorrow have we engage sufficiently with them so that we all go together I said this to because if we don't engage Parliament if you don't engage Judiciary you don't engage Council of Governors then we are doomed to decelerate the process that we are undergoing thank you for listening to me thank you thank you m I'll request chair to come and uh take take those thank you for for for that observation um Council of Governors are part of the summit so you would be aware that this conference was a was convened passant to a summit resolution that was passed in December of last year the Summit is a coordination body that brings together all the governors all the 47 Governors and the president who chairs the summit so all of them actually passed that resp solution so yes they may have come out yesterday with a slightly different view on some items but if you also listen to some of the governors they did confirm that they are part of this journey in fact Council of Governors is a convenor of this conference and a part of the steering committee and a part of the technical committee and have prepared technical papers so that's assurance that they are Central to this discussion they did commit to it and they signed off to the resolution on the W Bill um in so far as Parliament and Judiciary is concerned the reason why we are not engaging them through this forum is because this forum is pass one to the summit resolution they are not part of the summit however we are engaging them separately so they are not here because of that not because we don't want to be part of it or they're not part of it but the way the Summit is constituted by law just brings together the national government and the County government and that is why you do not see them actively involved in this forum but let me assure you that they are being engaged and we have had those conversation with them they are with us but not through this forum thank you thank you I think we have uh prosecuted the questions that came through but uh we want to remind again that they are the afternoon sessions where we'll be engaging in depth in the caucuses so if you have any further issues that you want to converse please prepare to do so in the caucuses uh after lunch having said that I wish to bring this session to a close and Asher in my next co-moderator Professor Ludi CH to come and take us through the next session which which is is going to be a short one but as critical as the others that we have taken through so Professor to Professor [Applause] L thank you very much commissioner Kora uh our chief guest today cabinet secretary Madame Florence Bor uh the chair of the salaries and remuneration commission Madame Lin Mich uh PS State Department for public service Madame nyango PS education distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen good afternoon first of all I am very delighted to be here uh to join you all in this important conference in this important work workshop and discussion I would like to congratulate the salaries and remuneration commission for convening yet again this meeting uh and just uh before I call upon our presenters I just want to say this that our public service is doing very well we are working hard to become the best on this continent and among the best around the world and if you had doubts about that you now must believe that that the case because I have said so first of all ladies and gentlemen you know uh that uh I represent Africa on the board of the schools of government around the world and we've been working to improve public services around the world and so what we are doing in Kenya here is similar to what is happening around the world which is why I say that we are on the right course and and and and and anyone can actually appreciate quickly that over the last about two decades or so we've been working on how to improve performance in the public service right from the time we began to develop strategic plans to develop visions and missions for our different organizations to develop standards ISO standards and so on uh performance Contracting performance appraisal results based management and so on we've come a long way and we are still working on that Journey which is something we have to be proud about as the Kenyan public service now today we are discussing mostly about how to control our expenditure manage our resources and focusing specific speically on how to enhance productivity and so I just would like to observe that in that series of Transformations that we are seeking to realize and we've been working on over the last two or so decades productivity is now uh on stage not to replace the other efforts that we have made so far but to add on to that because reform and transformation is relative and so it is now important for us to think about the Returns on the expenditure on wages the Returns on expenditure on wages these returns are defined by productivity and so on that note ladies and gentlemen it is my great pleasure to invite uh our next presenter who is Ambassador Anthony mushidi the chair of our Public Service Commission and is going to make a presentation entitled towards a transformative Public Service culture in Kenya productivity accountability and citizen centricity welcome bosi k a very good afternoon to you all afternoon once again I know it's a hour that we should be going somewhere but please uh bear with me I'll be just here for 15 minutes my uh slides are very short uh but they are generated from a very detailed paper which ER will be circulated electronically so this morning uh this afternoon I'm sorry I'm still in the Niki I don't know whether the gentleman from The Institute for social accountability is there you still around I think he's worked out is in his story no we are having a conversation here and conversations are the ones Frank conversations at that are the ones that heal a nation they healed Cambodia they healed Vietnam they healed Rwanda so it's it's normally important to have such conversation CS Florence Bor and distinguished guests I do associate myself with the protocols that were made from morning so we have in this presentation number one number two number three number four it's a research policy paper introduction from problem theory of change the objectives methodology and the key findings and then the next Frontiers for public service and the policy recommendations so we have the country's public culture has evolved into a complex hybrid of native practices adaptation of local of global practices and the enduring aspects of his Colonial Roots you all know where we came from and Frameworks for institutional culture can be quite diverse in scope and conceptualization so we have an analytical approach anchored on three main Dimensions to Public Service culture transformation productivity accountability and citizen centricity in Service delivery we all have been talking here yesterday and today about productivity and I do encourage all of you present here to uh Channel out yourself to the caucus discussions uh that we'll be having more time to discuss these issues I will be in a caucus with a very able distinguished gentlemen including the chair of the E uh to flesh out some of the issues that we are discussing in these slides and the detailed paper so you have what productivity is all about that's a formula it's uh GDP at constant prices the number of employees uh employee persons and then of course productivity as GDP power worked is GDP at constant prices over total hours worked and of course the case of accountability is uh reflected in those two graphs one from the world economic for uh forum and then the other from Transparency International you can see where we are on the corruption IND index uh you can see uh CH which stands for Switzerland is quite at the top and I think Kenya uh if you look at the slide is nowhere represented but it's quite low down in the trust in government and Corruption perception and also the corruption and security threats let's go to the next slide please so so the the problem that's a problem the government struggles with what defines culture for performance and then also the N Universal framework for measurement evaluation and improve Improvement productivity accountability and citizen Centric of course there the institutions of government as weberian bureaucracies so we have there the theory of change for this study which has the inputs the activities the outputs and the outcomes in the inputs you have the budget the people the intellectual assets activities you have the formulation of policies implementation of enabling instruments and training and capacity building the output you have the change in productivity studies change in accountability indices and change in citizen uh centricity uh and measures all of them together with the outcomes gives us a transform transformed Public Service culture so the objectives of This research policy study was to assess Kenya's Current public service status on productivity accountability and citizen centricity in Service delivery identify the next Frontiers for public service culture improvements in Kenya interventions and programs and also present policy recommendations on public service culture transformation the methodology is reflected there study data drawn from secondary es and where directly measurable metrics on productivity accountability and citizen centricity were difficult to formulate closest proxies were used and of course the analysis on the three dimensions to Public Service culture utilize in-country data and comparative global data which brings us to the next slide uh and the Agents that are responsible uh in produ ity accountability and cities centricity you have the national productivity and competitiveness commission the SRC the Kenya National Bureau of Standards the Public Service Commission and the Central Bank of Kenya because of the monetary policy economic and policy data and the Kenya School of government because of the capacity building so you have that graph these slides will be quite graphic but the question questions can be can come and the deliberations in the caucus that's the National Labor productivity in constant Us doll in Kenya let's go to the next slide you can see it remains at $5 per hour and the highest which is Luxembourg is almost at about $170 per hour and that's the graphic representation of the National Labor productivity group year on year 2021 22 and then of course the public service performance index B sector for the financial year 2021 2022 which is the latest you can see the C cciio in terms of organizations Ministries public universities State Corporations sagas and tiets in terms of the high Achievers middle Achievers and low Achievers and the overall sub sector index that's a typology and functional framework for public sector account accountability and you have the citizen placed at the bottom because that's where the services are received then you have the parliament the president and then the uh accountability uh agencies the political and all the other the political accountability Financial ad administrative and the Electoral accountability and then you have the status of complaints handled by the CJ that's the graphic representation uh that shows year on year up to 2022 2023 and then you have the auditor general reports I think this has been uh prosecuted before they unqualified in commissions and independent offices this was deliberated yesterday and prosecuted at length you can see let's go back to that slide please you can see where tiets are uh in terms of unqualified out of 129 tets you have only two which are unqualified and 80 which are qualified and seven have adversary results State Corporations we have 228 only 79 are unqualified 130 are qualified you have 16 adverse and you have three un audited that's sorry State of Affairs let's go to the next slide and then you have the corruption and uh une ethical conduct so that's a frame of what it is Kenya has a low CPI score at 31 and it ranks 126 out of 180 compared to Denmark which ranks number one out of 18 0 it has a score of 90 and Kenya rank ranks among the bottom two quintiles next slide please and that's what we have corruption perception index and citizen trust you can see Switzerland is quite at the top the red uh down in the horizontal graph reflects where Kenya days you can see where we are it's a story State of Affairs then we have the forms of corruption and an unethical conduct in the public service see where briber is at 50.3 delays in service provision abuse of office discrimination less tribalism illegal Levy charges procurement irregularities all the way up to intimidating behavior and abuses these Trends suggest Monumental structural systemic constraints to accountability integrity and ethical practice in the public service and that graph let's go to the next uh the incidence of corruption and une ethical conduct by institution there here minister of Health PS health I don't know whether she is here I think she's gone I would have wanted to consume that we have a register of persons appear yeah yeah yeah you're not there we have the huduma centers PS gesha you there cdfs education department you there uh MCS they National Health Insurance Fund again and the health Kenya power and K and the C yeah and then of course we have the temporal patterns in briber prevalence rates let's go to the next so motivations for bribery in access to public service we have 45% to hen the service 41% it was the only way to access the service 10.6 it was expected 10.5 to avoid problems with authorities and 3.3% to avoid your taxes paying in full the cost of the service and of course 3.2% to access a service I did not qualify for I I don't know here in the congregation where you fall you can take out uh where what you have done or what you should not do in that graph and of course we have the citizen satisfaction levels on Service delivery and responsiveness or availability quality of public education efficiency all the way to the satisfaction index let's go to the next graph and of course we have the compliance index on values and principles by sub sector public universities top in compliance on values and principles these are values and principles enshrined in article 10 and 232 of our Constitution and then we have the State Corporations and sagas are 50 statutory commissions are 40 7 constitutional commissions and independent offices 45 tet at 42 Ministries and state departments are 42 so we have an overall compliance index of 42% which in my estimation is unacceptable so we have the self reporting versus independent surveys it's a 68% on aggregate index and 42% on citizen satisfaction index and then the Frontiers for public service culture transformation where should we be that's where we are 10 lowlevel labor productivity economies where should we be in 2030 our blue paper National Vision 2030 we should be at the 10 medium level labor productivity economies the ones in yellow that's why you expect to be at 10 2030 whether we are going to be there in the next six years the jury is still out there next slide and then of course we have the competitiveness and national income uh graphic the portrayal there that shows the link between competitiveness and national income and of course the efforts Kenya is making at driving public sector productivity premised on the competitiveness incentive let's have the next graph so Kenya's path to improving productivity is Physical policy for PR prioritizing simulation of productivity enhancing investments in infrastructure human capital and R&D I'm not going to go through all that but all this is in the detailed uh document that will be circulated electronically and as I said will be conversed uh in the caucuses in the afternoon so we have the accountability the global scenario on corruption you can see where Kenya is at number what number is that 32 at Denmark of course is at the top of this accountability index and Kenya's path to improving Public Service accountability is reflected in the those keys that are there I'm not going to go into them just to save on time let's go to the next slide and then the global happiness index ranking you can see we are there at number 114 that makes us quite unhappy and uh I don't know uh we need to be happy honestly we need to be honestly happy and of course there are the issues that are supposed to improve on citizens and treat of course to make Kenyans happy this is why we are having this conversation I'm not going to go dwell into that then we have the policy recommendation thus a new Public Service culture reform and transformation program that integrates productivity accountability and citizen centricity at its core restructuring government data systems for high quality data for productivity accountability and citizens andri measurement evaluation and the third one is externalization evaluation on performance of Public Service organizations on culture indicators for validity and objectivity I said I wasn't going to take long but see you in the afternoon thank you very much thank you very much uh Ambassador mushir it's now my pleasure uh chief chief guest ladies and gentlemen to invite Mr Sam Maura who is a board member National taxpayers Association to come and make a presentation on citizen expectations on productivity accountability and Service delivery ah there we are uh our chief guest uh the leadership of uh SRC a distinguished delates ladies and gentlemen I am honored to be the last speaker of today uh because it is said your last but not least uh and uh this is not actually an indication that citizens who I represent are gred at last ah on the contrary I'm delighted from the uh presentation ations by government to get the confirmation that citizens are actually rated correctly at the top of the chain uh my role is to uh briefly comment uh on the role of the citizens uh in this important subject of productivity uh I'm waiting for my presentation to be projected uh I've been reconfirming uh yeah I see my picture but uh where is the presentation it will come oh no no I can remember [Music] now we started by observing that SRC have captured the problem uh in this area of productivity correctly starting with uh the culture uh they have observed that uh uh there is no Central mechanism of ensuring there is productivity accountability and citizen centeredness in public service that is absolutely 100% on spot and that we have issues of economic crimes corruption une ethical contact lethargy and low productivity so what is the problem that is the problem but the real problem is lack of implementation because we have heard some wonderful uh wonderful presentations coming from government and if everything that government uh stated can be implemented or was implemented there wouldn't be any issue on productivity and the economic challenges that we face as a country so our first thing is to propose that we do not reinvent the wheel there are adequate policies and legislation and controls for the public which Bill we emphasize that the problem is lack of implementation we know the government has not managed to comply with the pfm ACT 2012 uh and the ceiling of 35% it is now 14 years since the ACT was implemented or was enacted in 2012 and therefore the government has had plenty of time uh to implement and be in compliance the government has given a target of 2028 uh to be in compliance uh you know the excess the excess cost uh working on their figures uh of the 47% against the 35% ceiling is costing the country 162 billion in excess wage Bill to the citizen that is a complete loss and when the citizen continue considers the suffering that they're going through uh for the country to tolerate a loss of $162 billion a year every year is completely unacceptable and therefore the target of 2028 is too far uh and we propose that the target be moved uh to a shorter period of 2026 we also make an observation that the reason that the government is not able to move in this critical area is because of lack of basic reward and sanction and this has been talked about extensively um so we are in agreement both the citizens and the government that is what needs to be done and uh again I'm delighted to see that we are no longer generalizing government and now we are beginning to break down the performance of government under the national government the county governments uh the agencies and indeed the uh the State Corporations this way we will be able to place uh the responsibility and account ility where it belongs and we look forward we as Citizens to working with government in our Direction our constitution is very clear chapter 6 spells out the guidelines on uh the leadership and integrity and article 10 provides good guidelines on National values uh and I'm delighted that we'll be discussing values this afternoon the Monga C of govern is an excellent manual on how to run State Corporations they have good Provisions like uh sustainability and Performance Management uh strategy and uh chapter 8 on the mongoo also uh goes into the strategies for compliance with the laws and regulations so how do you achieve this you achieve this by uh by operationalizing the vetting tool so that your leaders and your employees are subjected to the provisions of chapter 6 and article 10 these are the leaders within the executive the legislature and the Judiciary uh both in the Recruitment and also uh on an ongoing monitoring basis the difficulty with our monitoring and with our vetting is that it excludes the citizens and therefore the answer is to mainstream the citizens uh in this critical performance and processes of government we reflected on the journey that we have come in trying to improve performance within government and we continue to be grateful to government for the introduction of the resource based management RBM this was introduced during the kak administration and very luckily I was at the Helm of the private sector leadership I was a CEO of the Kenya private sector Alliance at that time and therefore I witnessed firsthand uh the the uh transformational uh potential that uh was carried in RBM this was the first time that in government we introduced the tools of strategic uh plan Performance Management your performance contracts your performance targets uh your tools like um rri and uh the the the the critical tool of uh service Charters so that for every service of government the maximum time that is allowed for that service to be delivered delivered is defined H and those Charters were agreed with the citizens because I was part of that process representing the private sector uh and the impact was immediate uh we witnessed incredible performance performance Improvement during the Kaki Administration both the first and the second term we were able to move the economic growth to the the best that we have achieved so far of 7% peran the the service delivery by government uh was impressive uh even by the assessment of the citizens unfortunately we noted that this performance was not sustained in the by the subsequent uh administrations uh and uh as a result of that failure we now have a mess in our economy we feel strongly that one way of solving this problem uh is for SRC to increase its oversight role on the entire government in the area of productivity and we are delighted that uh they are the leading institution in organizing this conference because this is a very good beginning um so in this process we will we will strengthen not only the RBM which is the Performance Management your your your tool of service Charters that is absolutely critical uh the rapid results management uh and I am delighted now performance has been mainstreamed into government and that the performance has got very clear indicators and that the indicators have been reduced to the individual in government this for me is historic so if we strengthen the compliance which is what is lacking because we have got all the systems how do we strengthen the compliance there is only one strategy for doing it and that is mainstreaming the citizens into your compliance systems we have noted that uh uh the 2010 Constitution created more independent bodies SRC was the creation of that Constitution uh the office of control of budget was created uh the auditor general General's office was strengthened and these offices produce regular reports uh identifying the failures of government and proposing Solutions unfortunately these recommendations are are not always followed in fact they are followed more by uh exception than the rule and the reason that happens is that these independent bodies lack the political authority to enforce these recommendations on government that Authority is vested in the citizens and that is why we recommend very strongly that the partnership between these oversight bodies and the citizens uh represented in part by the National taxpayers Association NTA that I represent uh is is fast trucked strengthened it cannot happen however if the citizens are not organized and institutionalizing the citizens from the Grassroots all the way to the National level is a primary requirement this process the citizens have been left on their own to organize themselves and to institutionalize that is very diff difficult and we will invite government to come and be a facilitator in this process and we look forward to engaging with SRC and indeed uh the main body of government to advocate for the citizens to be supported to be better organized to play the role that they have been given in the Constitution we would also like to see once the citizens are organized that uh that organization is secured in law so that the citizen organization is recognized in law and the reason we say that is because good governance has two sides the supply side by government and demand side by the citizens the weakness in Kenya is our governance only has a supply side the second thing that we do uh is to recognize that Service delivery is uh undertaken at the Grassroots and our governance is weak at the Grassroots um the counter governance act 2012 provides for the creation of Village governance Village councils as well as W councils uh and uh those are organs uh that uh accommodate the citizens uh because they are partnership organs of citizens and government where where these where this law and the village councils uh have been implemented good examples being makueni kumu Kaka those County governments outperform the others in Service delivery that is now acknowledged across the board our surprise is that we do not see uh majority of the county governments prioritizing uh the implementation of this law and we would strongly advise uh SRC and government to insist that County governments implement this law alongside other Grassroots based laws in order to improve Service delivery and to bring the citizens on board uh in governance at the time of rolling out the uh Devolution we noticed that uh there was a lot of Staff duplication functions which were supposed to be devolved were retained in part at the national level uh that's contrary to the law and the staff were retained there now those functions were also created at the County Government governments resulting in duplication of Staff uh the County government correctly inherited the staff from the defun county councils but our observation was that the new government insisted on hiring their own people and therefore you ended up with parallel uh staff structures and uh we have also uh noticed and it was confirmed in today's meetings that with every incoming Administration the governors hire additional people even where clearly there is no work uh that is what has ended up landed Us in this mess of the wtch group and we we we recommend very strongly that the Staffing levels within the County government and National governments be rationalized uh the previous speaker spoke about uh creating a staffing structure where the ideal Staffing levels are defined and then governments then are uh are required then be required to comply with those ideal Staffing levels uh in order to to sort out our uh Staffing we are overloaded at the bottom your Messengers your cleaners your drivers and you are understaffed at the professional level that is something that we must correct uh if we we are to improve on Service delivery I was looking at a county the other day one County and they have uh just slightly over 100 drivers uh in an establishment that has got about 20 Vehicles so clearly uh the crime that is being committed by some of the county governments is something that is so obvious uh that for us to ask them and to demand that they corrected is something that uh should not be very difficult we should remember that sustainable jobs are created by the private sector and that for every uh excess staff member in government it has costed up to 10 the potential of 10 sustainable jobs in the private sector and therefore if the government is uh is committed and I know they are about addressing the issue of employment the first thing that you do is you make sure that the government is not over established because all you're doing is to kill sustainable job in the process in the private sector by so doing so what is my conclusion uh the conclusion is that uh the key to sorting out Service delivery and the wage build problem in this country uh is to uh to Fast Track the the involvement of citizens on the demand side of governance secondly for the government to recognize that uh the citizens are leg a legitimate stakeholder in the governance structure and therefore be facilitated to organize and to make their structures sustainable secondly for SRC and and uh uh the other the other two bodies that are concerned with the management of the budget control of budget and O to uh to uh to strengthen the Partnerships that they have structured with uh NTA and other uh stakeholders because NTA is able to bring the citizens the religious sector uh in an organized framework behind the work and the advocacy that SRC and the other oversight bodies will require and that we all recognize that we must Implement uh we must Implement article one of constitution it says that all the Sovereign Authority is vested in the the people of Kenya and that they can exercise that Authority directly or indirectly through their elected leaders however if the citizens are not uh are not organized uh they are not structured they are not facilitated they will not be able to perform that role in the country will continue to suffer thank you ladies and [Applause] gentlemen yeah thank you very much Mr muur I would like to appreciate our presenters makofi MOA Billy tat don't forget our history and so we have uh received uh tremendous ideas about the culture of Public Service transformation uh suggestions have been made how we can transform Public Service culture in the direction of enhancing productivity uh I will not rehearse through the presentation uh but I will instead uh ask uh if there is anyone who would like to make a comment ask a question on this important subject but as you think about it remember that after lunch we will be drifting into the caucus where we will discuss this subject in Greater detail so any comments yes there's one person to my right Madam right there microphone over there uh Madame right here to my left and and one last person if possible Right the gentleman right ahead of me I think he's see me all right let's do those then we'll Reserve all the others for the occasion of the cus K son the microphone nearby who is responsible for [Music] microphone you have a microphone there there's someone over here who would like to speak first but we can begin with Madame here if the microphone is nearest to her okay and then over there please microphone over there right thank you so much um my name is Flora chibu uh the Deputy Governor kifi County U have listened keenly on all the presentation I just want to Echo and congratulate all presenters and even all those who asked questions uh but what I want to talk about we in the third cycle of devolution maybe uh the uh SRC we created structures on the organogram and it it is working but I think at this cycle the third cycle we have realized that there are some positions which are not supposed to be there I think it's high time we modify the organogram such that we bring in uh positions that are going to uh escalate Service delivery uh productivity being uh what we talking about we talking about the wage Bill uh having the 35% threshold which for k I think we are we are meeting that threshold but I'm looking at how we are going to enhance productivity we are looking at uh positions like Governor delivery unit positions like donor partnership linkage on office whereby I believe uh csos uh cbos are bringing in Partners who are trying in one way or another to enhance service delivery within a county so if we have some of some of these offices created I believe they going to in a in a in a very big way they're going to enhance uh ways in which we we are going to reduce duplication and things like that and also uh you mentioned about uh productivity being able to uh to be measured and we only have one County government out of the 47 who are aligned with what you're doing it's I think it's important we also know which uh which one is it so that we can also Benchmark because we also want to improve as County government thank you so much all right thank you very much I think professor professor I think you did not see my heart hello Professor yeah but let's let's first there was Madame here thank you let her go first then we look at that K sir thank you and good afternoon everyone my name is Regina ceni and I work in or I serve in a university African nazarine University and so I'm here Cy of my VC Dr Stanley baby but um that aside I appreciate the conversation today and what is coming in my mind and especially from the last speaker not the last speaker the second last speaker B mushir he brought in the aspect of citizenry and what then came to my mind is how we are balancing the aspect of Service delivery and and productivity and especially when we speak about the aspect of um of um of productivity using the using the resources that we have and from the previous discussions there I also listened through a note that we are speaking about a service delivery that it's not at 100% occupancy it's around 67% and so in all this discussion as we as we speak about a sustainable wage Bill are we also able to speak about the the staff attrition in the next 5 years and possibly also speak to that against the service delivery that we need to give to to the citizenry and I look at this from the perspective of in Kenya the population is still growing while then we are here saying we need maybe to freeze employment for some time and so is that in line with the with the service delivery that would be expected from us as as a government by the people how are we going to balance that maybe in the next 5 years or so my next point of focus is maybe on the support that we government Ministries State Corporations give or support each other you know how is this one Ministry supporting the other Ministry to realize the objectives that have then been set out for them and I look at a case in point while I stand here in the higher education sector and I know in one of the discussions yesterday then somebody was saying that in the in the higher education and especially the universities we have unutilized resources because maybe out of the many people who sit for the kcsc just a hard a certain percentage then qualifies to join the many universities that we have and so how do we address that and how do other institutions that are also in the line of Education sector support that call for each other so that each of them is then able to articulate their services to to to the to the people as it is and when we speak education then we we we need to speak in a louder voice because education we have agreed is part of the real development that we need to be speaking about and so how are all these people seated here supporting the education sector to articulate their mission and especially to provide that so much needed education to the to the youth and to the people in the country thank you thank you very much Professor can I thank you very much I think Professor you Professor I'm here all right proceed okay um but that's a different voice who was saying Professor who was it I'm here Professor here here here raise your hand all right so let let's let's do you have the microphone already Yes I already have will it be one minute thank you one minute Professor I think I'm not studying at a vintage point I kept on raising my heart all the time I'm sorry about that but I hope I'm audible enough all right my name is William gatei chairman nandar County Public Service Board I'm also a fellow and a member of The Institute of certified secretory I have followed through the morning engagement and I think productivity is the the Hallmark we are discussing about productivity and even go following through from yesterday we have come up with a whole a whole range of ideas very very interesting ideas but I think there is a there was no mention of the word governance but today I think the the speaker MAA mentioned the word governance and uh this this is what I was looking for because you know as we all know the principles of corporate governance is a gel that you need to drive any agenda a lack of good governance and good ethics is what has led to ro productivity I've had the opportunity to live continuously in UK for four years and I wasn't working but I was able to understand the culture of work where you croing and crck out and of course they follow very strictly ensure that your your supervisor ensures that you deliver if you introduce cro in crouts in Kenya uh or in Kenya job sector you find that there will be apathy think of the Chinese we don't like them because we say they are over restrict they are not over restrict they are H obsessed with productivity they are obsessed with delivery so my conclusion is let the SRC and of course as we come up to the resolutions let us H embre or inbreed it with the principles of good governance which is accountability and transparency fairness and responsibility good governance 30 seconds please is it my turn now yes thank you uh my name is Donal Mur chair Water Resources Authority or formerly warma mine is just a comment and um this is the third wage Bill conference and uh I hope we will not have another fourth one the fifth one what I want to urge all the participants here whatever we have picked from here please let's go and implement it I was a worried man when I walked into bombers yesterday when you hear about wage Bill and you are being confronted by m out there the young people uh CS Florence Bor said U we have the numbers about 5 million Kenyans who are unemployed but when you talk about wage Bill I'm happy that today what we are discussing is not about cutting jobs but improving productivity so I want to assure Kenyans that this is the right forum and the action plans that will come out by end of tomorrow is we go and Implement and I want to Echo what the Cs also said please the Secretariat we registered our email addresses let us expect to have the materials because the presenters were very brief let us now have the materials so that we go and read internalize and we go and Implement thank you all right thank you very much everyone [Applause] [Music] Mofi the intervention have been comments and there's only one main question in my view by Madame Regina which is how we could harmonize the uh freezing of employment on the one hand and attrition staff attrition on the other so I think maybe uh excuse me sir excuse me please is there's there's a my colleague here who is senior and he has been trying to stretch his arm and unfortunately you've not been able to support him kindly let him just say what he has to say as you respond on that end kindly yeah we could do so but always remember there is time also that we have to respect I hope you understand that I was number five so we you appointed me as number five numbers number five precisely because of time yeah you and you just about to forget me but you gave me number five do I have permission to speak I already said proceed thank you uh Mr moderator I come from an organization called ungano Joint Forum of the reg organization which is commonly known as vugo initiative by most of you and my name my name is Charles karuki wambu I'm the secretary of that organization I want to say that I'm happy because SRC has come back home and I say this because this is where SRC was formed those of you who participated in the bers draft Constitution would remember that SRC was created here in 205 and we we debated a lot about the need for SRC because there were organizations that used to award themselves salaries without caring about their productivity simply because they were not quite uh sympathetic with the conditions of this country and now here we are talking about the productivity and the service delivery several years after the new constitution was enacted 2010 Constitution is the springboard for the development that this country requires because it brought about drastic recommendations and some changes but what has not happened is that the political will and the leaders of various organizations have not had the courage to do the right things to get this country to the levels where we got to be in terms of development we inano have been speaking about the maintainment of the rocketing wage bill for a long time in 2015 we addressed this topic in 2016 we addressed this topic and we said that the new constitution will be meaningless to the people of Kenya unless drastic and deliberate changes are made in the way the national and County government including the legislature manage the resources of our country equitably and prudently the reason why we are here is because this has not been happening it has it may have happened in a very small way it is a question of management and the management of our national resources scarce as they may be have not been properly managed and there is an outcry for better management and particularly in the at the leadership level and we are here now talking about these things so many years after ofano made some recommendations which I read here if you allow me so thank you very much I think we have uh we said we said at that communication to the president and to his government and to Parliament and even forwarded this to SRC and we said and I I am happy to take a queue from one of the speakers who said drastic decisions have to be taken and this is a call for Action we said are you are you about to read the memorandum or no no no I'm just I'm just giving some action points but I I hope you understand I'm giving some action points the audience to abide by time can I give some action points because we are going to have to be more time the how much more time please uh 3 minutes no just submit the document if you don't what let me just mention a few what we said was that in order to contain the the rocketing wage Bill the current salaries and Monument of state officers and Senior public servants should be redused by at least 40% and we took a queue from the president who had already committed himself to getting salaries reduced by 20% but we recommended 40% and we know that this has happened in many countries where economic hardships have been have have crippled governments and public service okay Sates have been reduced all right and I know for in the case of Spain for example there's a time they reduce their public salar by 50% all right thank you thank you very much that is a recommendation that thank you thank you thank you very much sir we the the the the office has now understood the chief guest has understood and we will be after lunch we will go into caucus and we will receive further comments over there as an and so most of the comments actually have been noted uh by SRC and the chief guest and they will be incorporated in the community that will be issued and beyond that they will be considered for implementation Chief guest thank you so much for your patience and your interest in listening to uh all of us in here and we wish you a great afternoon thank you very much uh may I now invite yeah thank you so much Professor I'm just here to give the good news we are ready for lunch as we exit here on your right at the main restaurant that's where we'll be serving our lunch after lunch we have three uh caucus group engagements uh today is Tuesday I'm just checking my schedule um the first one at the media center we'll be having uh strategies this is a caucus for commercial State Commercial State Corporations and uh the topic is strategies and action plans for productivity Improvement in the public service so we will have Venue at the media center okay then we'll also have um at the auditorium sorry in this Auditorium we will be having um counties Ministries State departments um counties and constitutional commissions and independent officers will be meeting here and of course we are still discussing on the issue of strategies action plans for productivity Improvement in the public service in the Pavilion as you walk out um turn left slightly in about 20 M straight on you'll see the building called the Pavilion we'll be having uh Public Service discussing about Public Public Service culture and the discuss discussion will be around Public Service culture in Kenya public perception and citizen expectations so we have those three uh cast going on kindly pick whichever one you want to be at uh we have identified moderators and panelists for all those we'll be having our discussions between now um it's right now uh 14:20 by 1520 or 20 3 we hopefully will have finished our lunch we can go back to our caucus and we'll be meeting up to around five when we'll make the conclusions yes Vice I'm reminded lunch now right now it's called the multi-purpose Hall think you can find a way is that's where lunch is being served and there is tea after cauas please don't leave us with the tea enjoy your lunch let us see you at the cus groups at 20 3 thank you very much [Music] [Music] spee for [Music] [Music]
Channel: Salaries and Remuneration Commission
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Length: 335min 50sec (20150 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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