The Thing (1982) | First Time Watching! | Movie REACTION!

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel I'm Shandra that's Jordan thanks for joining us today we are watching the thing the thing yeah this has been recommended by so many of you like on our other movies I think some of the horror movies you guys are recommending it so I know it's a horror movie I've never seen this movie Jordan has seen this movie um it was many years ago when I was very young I was young enough that I remember being very scared but I don't remember lots of the movie so I'm excited to relive it I know it's also director John Carpenter again yeah the the first director three peat on this channel yeah Okay so we've seen um the one with the eyes they live they live okay we've seen they live and the second one by him was Halloween oh sorry I that's totally not what I was going to guess okay I was way off so I'm glad you just said it yeah so I'm super stoked for for another John CER movie I loved they live and I loved Halloween so yes me too I know it's in winter time also so it feels very fitting right now cuz we're chilly up here in Canada it's true we just got a with the Arctic outflow is just tapering off it's been very a very cold few weeks yeah y thank you Anchor Man Jordan all right well should we watch this movie yes absolutely I'm so excited all right before we go on though remember to like And subscribe hit those little buttons and then also you can check out our patreon page right now we got movies coming out that are full length and then also watching Game of Thrones we're into season 2 and what's the other one Breaking Bad we're watching Breaking Bad yeah it's great both are wonderful shows yeah very fun also leave us a comment it seems like winter isn't going anywhere soon so give us some more of your winter movie recommendations whether they're set in the winter or whether it's just these are my favorite movies to watch when it's terrible outside and I want to stay inside yeah yeah that'd be awesome such a good title reveal this already feels so tense mhm he's so [Music] cute [Music] those better be just tranquilizers it's okay he's not a very good shot I love his look got like real mountain man going on oh [ __ ] oh my God goggles really make the look or or something on the side it's Norwegian this is so extreme I would be so concerned if I was them like just a bunch of scientists and then this helicopter like bombing the ground [Music] yay oh no oh my God that was worst case scenario oh no finally holy good shot George are you okay yeah yeah I'm okay are you yeah easy yes first goddamn week of winner this is the first week of winner four stitches barely grazed what were they doing Flying that low Cabin Fever who knows Us number 31 calling McMurdo urgent everybody just looks so cool nobody nobody oh I love that maybe we had war with Norway oh that's gnarly guys as crazy as that could have done a lot of damage to their own before they got to us C ma get your gear on oh they have their own helicopter that's good we're taking a chance you really want to save those crazy sweets huh norian Max really taking it up huh W so that dog would have run a long way NS will you turn that crap down that guy really makes me want to try rollerblading everywhere or roller skating mhm this dog is so cute so weird I want to know what's going on it's like something o that's a lot of smoke hey Sweden not Swedish maal this would be so scary to find oh I'm pretty sure that's bloody [Music] that looks really fresh oh nasty the blood CES are super gross come on Doc portable video unit could be important work I want to take it back with I just found a dead guy and he's just like going into the rooms maybe they found a fossil what is that whoa whatever it is they burn it up in a hurry it's so gruesome this movie is so good at building tension mhm oh they brought it ew guess they they know it was in that giant ice block now who that is weird Okay the dog's kind of starting to weird me out so it like stares at everything nothing wrong with this Norwegian physiologically [Music] anyway [Laughter] oh that seems gigantic pretty cool hangout place they have Clark will you put this mut with the others where it belongs I guess everybody would be on edge after that go ahead what are you waiting for oh oh what the hell ew oh my God this is disgusting e no oh my God don't go in there oh my God it's the other dogs [Music] run I like that he didn't [ __ ] around he just immediately went for the fire alarm it is Benning go get child what is this Mac wants the flamethrower Mac wants the what you know it's serious oh what [Music] what oh oh [Music] no what oh they're hooped now over here damn it child torch it I would let it burn that's exactly what I was to say long he is the best character he just was like on it no I don't want oh my god oh man this is these effects are amazing and I hate it what is that here is an organism that imitates other life forms we got to it before it had time to [Music] finish that's so scary Gary easy good how long were you alone with that dog an hour and a half maybe I'd be worried about like contamination or something nothing more ominous than watching old H like VHS footage looks like something buried under the ice and look at that they're planning thermite charges it was bigger than that block of ice you found well that's cool looking here nasty outc 35 knots screw it I'm going to go up anyway whoa yeah that's big looks like at the very beginning the spaceship I'm so nervous right now I can't can't relax I bet that's not what they [Music] expected these are really beautiful shots mhm weird so it's like one of the aliens got out and tried like trekking and then died and they found it or something this thing gets thrown out or crawls out you believe any of this Voodoo [ __ ] Blair so glad he's in this movie I love his voice man been tossing his dirty drawers in the kitchen trash can kitchen clean all right how's this [ __ ] wake up after thousands of years in the ice you buy any of this Blair they all saw the freaky alien thing almost looks like asteroids or something like the game that's so high so that's what he was worried about yep that's a very efficient alien species yeah it's like what just over 3 years I wouldn't trust leaving these things inside we ought to just burn these things that's going to win somebody the Nobel Prize not if it kills them all oh no that guy's going to get hit with that tentacle thing there's something wrong with Blair he's locked himself in his room so I took one of his notebooks from the lab yeah alone and in close proximity with a life form to be absorbed Cy there is still cellular activity in these burned he probably should have shared that with everybody doesn't know who he can trust let's go Benning I got to get some sleep oh god oh no go get the dog it's Benning they should all be carrying flamethrowers all the time Ben was right there Mac I swear to God it had a hold of him whoa don't [Music] [Applause] touch that is the scariest thing ever I'm going to have nightmares about that noise had more time to finish it with a looked and sounded just like that that was one of those things out there trying to imitate him Gary I've known him for 10 years he's my friend you got to burn the rest of him that would be so hard all right step back I love that in this movie they're really dealing with everything in like a Smart Way where's Blair I can't find Blair I'll be in in a minute well Blair is probably a freaking alien then oh so he tore apart their helicopter interfer I'll kill him child go see if he got to the Tractor he got most of the chopper in the tractor and he's kill the rest of the dogs I guess he really doesn't want it to get out though what yeah Mak miles to the everything in the face of the Earth come on man you don't want to hurt anybody oh wow oh my God just whing on him oh no here you protection they all seem to be acting normal how you doing old boy I don't know who to trust trust a tough thing to come by these days watch Clark I said watch Clark he's the one with the dogs right mhm somebody in this Camp ain't what he appears to be I've been thinking about a blood serum test we've got whole blood and storage start working on that good thing they're all scientists oh what hey you guys come here somebody got to the blood what somebody opened it closed it and then locked it great this is like a murder mystery who else could have used that key nobody great so awful somebody could have lifted it off me that's oh come on what the heck oh my God maybe it's him put it down Gary you don't want to hurt anybody I keep forgetting to breathe somebody else was inur charge I'm sorry fellas but I'm not up to it I'll take it hell you will be somebody a little more even tempered child man whoever the alien is is really good at being human thing doesn't want to show itself it wants to hide inside an imitation we're going to find out who's who there's actually quite a few of them now they're all one spot mhm shoot him up with morphine tie him down in the recck room and watch him Mac I'm not a prisoner can't trust anybody I wonder how far the alien alien will go like if a needle will make it freak out a small particle of this thing is enough to take over an entire organism such a cool [Music] shot god is it the storm or the alien [Music] somebody blew out a fuse in the lab NS why don't you come with me and we'll look outside and everybody watch whoever you're with feel like they're all handling this pretty well honestly I would go absolutely bananas I don't want to stay out here anymore I want to come back inside there's a noose next to him funny things out here have you come across fukes it ain't fukes you got to let me come back [Music] inside flare maybe he tried to burn it maybe he burned himself before it could get to him who that's harsh yesterday I Turned the Lights Off how long have they been out there 40 45 minutes this seems like way too long mhm hey all of you come here up up up I found this wind must have dis lashed it but I don't think he saw me find it winders where were you and Supply window you be killing an innocent person if you're wrong hell you are anyone messes with me in the whole camp go I don't think the alien would do that no where's the RA in oh my God maybe he hit his head on something well he had that pain a minute ago right yeah I might just have to put an end to you on J princip somebody tried to like frame them to sleep sometime C oh real light sleeper child clear [Applause] clear oh what oh my God [Music] e oh nasty oh my God burn the head that's awesome how the hell did they do that that's so disgusting none of them can see it oh yeah turn around got to be [ __ ] [Music] kidding that noise you and Palmer tie everybody down real tight he ain't tying me up then I'll have to kill you I mean it whoa oh my God he was just a guy maybe we're going to draw a little bit of everybody's blood my blood from one of you things won't obey when it's attacked that's smart seems like a good test though that seems like a really painful place to cut yeah oh I don't know why that's so much worse than everything else so worried about who it is put that on and watch them hey one down now I'll show you what I already know oh his own blood oh my God the suspense is killing me scene is so amazing [ __ ] so his test is wrong or this makes you a murderer don't it oh my God who was that oh no whoa ew [Music] e oh my God oh my God shoot him [Music] no oh my God [Music] oh my God but there's two of them right oh yeah dynamite oh [Music] no oh good let's do it he'll be good I think he's good oh good oh my God like so much relief every time it just burns normal cut me the hell come on get me out of here come on [Laughter] get the rest of this winter TI to this [ __ ] couch well that seems like it then cuz they did all the blood test we're going out to get Blair the test if he tries to make it back here and we're not with him bur I for out about him oh no the door is open how do he get out the door was bed from the outside oh no there's no way in hell I would go in there oh my God he's building a spaceship so he's definitely infected he stole a parts from the helicopter smart ass will be put it together piece by piece hey you guys come here wonder if that's Blair getting more parts think I saw child's outside the main entrance of the camp Oh no just wants to go to sleep in the cold until the rescue team finds it oh yeah that makes sense maybe we'll just warm things up a little around here we're not getting out of here alive there just going to like everything on fire wooo looking back this is probably exactly what that other Camp had to go through oh my God they're making Molotov cocktails [Music] generator room I feel so much relief just knowing that like the three of them can trust each other generator's gone any way we can fix it it's gone mccre oh my God they just took it we got to bring this whole place right down into the ice nobody should be left alone oh [Music] no [Music] e well that was really unfortunate e oh no don't go alone how's it coming in there you got to just blow up the whole place what what explains the tunnel under the shack oh no oh wow oh God it's one of the dogs yeah [ __ ] you [Laughter] too whoa yes oh my God I'm so glad he actually did it oh no did you kill it where were you child got lost in the stone how will we make it maybe we should what do we do wait here for a little while they'll die see what happens I think child's is an alien maybe I don't know maybe not maybe they actually made it I don't think they could survive the winter I think the whole point is that they'll everything will die now oh yeah you're right I was so into that that I didn't think that was the ending I was like still like okay who's an alien like they're both going to drink some of this like whiskey or whatever and maybe the alien can't drink whiskey and then they're like oh we're just going to die together I was like oh I could have watched so much more of that movie it was so good I know it flew by yeah like the whole time I was at the edge of my seat just like who is it who's an alien or like the thing right who's the thing I almost want to see like a flowchart now that we've seen the whole thing so I see like you can see different parts of the movie like okay at this point it was this person and then they infected this person when they went here like there's got to be like a really complicated like path for the thing yeah yeah totally oh my God that was like the most disgusting movie makeup I have ever seen in my life it was so real looking when the dude's head like had a tentacle thing come out and it was like dragging itself on the floor like I the whole time I was like is it like a fake head on a skateboard like what like what how how do you do that yeah it had to be some kind of puppet but I have no idea it looked amazing everything looked amazing and even when like the things got huge huge like giant arms grabbing onto the ceiling and like tunneling under the snow and like exploding out yeah I just like I can't believe it yeah it's uh that that's a real that's real nightmare fuel the noise the first time that the the first guy who got infected made that noise and he was like out in the middle and all of them were standing around and had to burn him his face is formed but his hands aren't right yet they're like too long that was so creepy cuz you're like oh he's kind of him but yeah as soon as you see the hands and everything and the scream oh my god I think I'm actually G to have nightmares yeah it was it was great I loved I loved the like the horror movie part of that movie cuz it felt a lot of the time they're like doing the right thing always they don't hesitate they're not like wait don't burn it we can get rich they're like no we got to roast this right now and it's like okay well we're not going to live so we got to melt this whole Camp down like they're they just see the stakes and they're there for it yeah I really love that at no point was I like oh no don't do that like that's so stupid every time I was like yes you're thinking faster than I am freaking you do that burn that guy do this like the blood test that was so smart putting the like I thought that he was just cutting their thumb and then going to see if like the the thing would just like be like no you can't cut my thumb sort of thing but yeah actually like putting the hot thing the blood and then the blood like jumping out of the little container wow yeah that scene is just like a master class intention too yeah like well and then you you're not ready for it when it happens no which is so funny cuz you're expecting it the whole time every time he puts the little hot wire down like you're expecting it and then like it doesn't happen it doesn't happen and like the relief the amount of relief at every time it doesn't react it's just like H okay next one so tense and then H and yeah it just like freaking explodes you feel so bad for the guys on the couch once you know they're not things either just tied up next to it yeah they're like on the other end of the couch like screaming watching this thing just like like freaking out next to them also Kurt Russell fantastic oh I absolutely loved him I'm so so glad that he made it till the end yeah I would love to watch more Kurt Russell movies so leave us uh a comment let us know what's your favorite CT Russell what should we watching what should we catch up on yeah I think I'll probably watch him in anything oh yeah totally he was awesome and thank you so much for joining us for this watch through that was really really fun we'll catch you guys next time with our next movie yeah thanks thanks bye
Channel: Maplenuts React
Views: 39,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GvzPcH25iSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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