The Thighs of Thunder | Squidbillies | Adult Swim

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damn granny I'm switching the battery welcome Fairbrother damn you one beg I smoke you come seeking wisdom Oh No I live up here in the fresh air off the grid I don't remember asking you but I don't want to talk about that I'm a wisdom seeker now hey that was a long time ago come on oh no no I'm a different man you feel fine oh go ahead left those violent ways beyond oh no for me no no do you really want to see [Music] the size of thunder will rain down he's still got it Oh what you saw why didn't you say I'm trying to but the heat must be hot no more brother it's not something I like to think about or talk about but here's what happened
Channel: Adult Swim
Views: 164,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: early, granny, wrestler, thunderclap, cherokee, Squidbillies, Adult Swim, adultswim, adult swim music, adult swim song, Animation, Comedy, Parody, Funny, adult swim shows, adult swim cartoon, adult swim robot chicken, adult swim instrumentals, Cuyler Family, Rusty, Granny, Early, Dave Willis, Mike Lazzo, Unknown Hinson, Stuart Daniel Baker, The Thighs of Thunder
Id: vMakFPW2Dj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2011
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