The Taste of Things - Movie Review

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the taste of things was delicious and here's my review for you to nibble on and everyone who hates dad jokes just left the room the taste of things also known as laion de D Buon is a film that follows the life of dudon a Visionary Chef living with his personal cook and lover uan it's a film about love and also food but it's also a film about details and being in the present it's a film about your love and your passion and maybe also a little bit about where things begin like a garden and the reason I say the garden is because you see uan pick vegetables from the garden that she's going to use to cook you see Doon drink wine that obviously came from grapes so there's this aspect of remembering where these details and these ingredients come from before they get to the kitchen and before they get to your plate the two leads Juliet benos and benois mimel have perfect chemistry in the movie but did you know that these two actors actually have a fascinating Connection in real life Juliet and Beno were in a relationship in the past and in a interview with letter box she says something very lovely about the relationship that she has with benoa as well as their daughter here's a Clipper to during this film with benoa who I had a relationship a long time before uh and we had a daughter it was related to our daughter in a way and for me this film became uh through hung's words because he wrote the script a sort of a a a bridge to declare uh my love you know uh to uh benois I will link the entire episode down below if you're a fan of Julet benos who is an international icon and if you're also a fan of the director of this film TR and hung definitely check it out it's a great conversation besides the two leads the one that captured my heart was Pauline she brought this excitement and this humbleness to learning something new to appreciating a new craft for the first time and what Pauline is kind of doing is she's reminding us to stop and appreciate the moments throughout your day so tonight it's Valentine's Day and during dinner I will definitely stop and appreciate the moment I mentioned that this movie is very detailed and you can really notice it with the sound design there isn't much music at all the sounds that you get are really from the spoons hitting the plates the pots moving from stove to stove the whisking inside of a bowl the sound designs really is the music and it's sort of brings this harmony inside of the kitchen and throughout the film that is so well done and speaking of the kitchen the movement in the kitchen is not chaotic like let's say the bear it's more of a present moment and maybe like a waltz if I'm comparing it to dancing and so it's very easy to embrace and in a weird way it's very comforting if you can't tell by now I loved this film and I too have a passion for cooking it's not at this level but at really do enjoy it I especially love cooking for my girlfriend and it's actually funny cuz we both joke about how much I enjoy that and so I guess in a way this movie was very relatable or maybe catered to me and I love that it reminded me to slow down and to be thankful for the stuff that I have for the loves and passions that I have and for the people that I love in my life something else that I thought was a little bit interesting for me as I was watching this movie is that sometimes in movies I have a hard time connecting with just one person but in this film I connected with just about everyone I was happy when they were happy I was sad when they were sad I was concerned when they were concerned so I thought that was very interesting for me to experience in a movie like I connected with way more than just one person I got lost in the romance of this film because at its core in just simple terms this movie is simply about love and I just savored every every bite of it that's a lot of dad jokes but here is something else that you can chew on my review on Argy which you can check out right here you actually might chew that movie and then spit it back out because I just don't know what happened
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Views: 7,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the taste of things, the taste of things review, the taste of things movie review, the taste of things trailer, the taste of things reaction, the taste of things french, the taste of things 2023, the taste of things movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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