《老广的味道》第六季 第2集 零食记忆|1080P 凭舌尖记忆,寻找真正的零食之王

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How to make 272 holes from a sugar ball with bare hands? Each piece of sugar has 16 big holes How to cut beef into large and thin slices with a fruit knife? to cut the beef into 3mm thick slices Are macadamia nuts with hard shells born with small gaps? ordinary snacks, colorful world Let's take a look at how snacks have become a source of happiness for Guangdong locals A Bite of Guangdong, the memories about snacks Who can resist the temptation to snacks? They're fancy, fun and light they are ready to provide you with a sip of happiness All kinds of candy, chocolate, potato chips, dried marinated fruits, dried squid shreds, they are varied in taste and rich in aroma They aroused people's appetite. Adults will be captured by them, let alone children In the food map of Guangdong locals, there are many types of traditional snacks, but they are rarely mentioned today It is these snacks that carry the past of our childhood the taste of our hometown, and the craftsmanship of our ancestors who accompany us when we grow up, and also leave many warm and happy memories Beihai, Guangxi Beihai, adjacent to Guangdong has many fishing ports and marine resources, and the air seems to be filled with the smell of seafood There are many types of seafood snacks At dawn, there are already many people in Beihai’s Dianjain port, Qiaogang Town Li Shichao also waited at the dock for a long time As the largest fishing port in Guangxi there is an endless stream of tourists who buy fish every day Li Shichao's job is to buy fish and transfer them to restaurants and supermarkets Every time a boat docks, everyone will come around and wait to buy fish I always have to go through the crowd They work very hard, they are paid one yuan for carrying a box 95% of the population of Qiaogang town are overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and their descendants who use fishing as their main means of making a living There has been wind on the sea recently and few seafood have been caught Frontline fishermen said today’s shrimp is very fresh He searched for a long time but couldn't find satisfactory seafood, Li Shichao was a little worried Do you sell them? We want them, hurry up Got it, got it, we got the good thing These shrimps are divided into two qualitiess, the ones that have just died and those that have been dead for a long time They are classifying them Look at its gills, red (they have been dead for a long time) It is transparent and beautiful We will play games, and the winner can get some good quality seafood In the past, people would bid maliciously, so we invented this method Li Shichao's ancestors all grew up by the sea Relying on his father's seafood purchase business they walked out of the small village After his father retired, Li Shichao has been running the business for ten years As the son of fishermen, Li Shichao doesn't want to limit himself to the seafood business He has been thinking about getting into the food processing industry The wild eels sent by the supplier today can be used to make eel shreds that locals like Cut up it neatly along the fish bone and remove the entrails before rinsing carefully Wash away its blood, or it will be very fishy Then marinate them with salt to retain their moisture Usually after half an hour, we will rinse off the salt and dry them The locals like to eat this fish very much, we usually choose it as a holiday gift After two days of drying, the flesh became very tight 5 kilos of eel can be made into 1.5 kilos of dried eel We usually make dried eel ourselves. Especially for boys, because it is very suitable for drinking Fry the dried eels over the high heat Then braise them with vinegar for a while The salted and fragrant dried eels are made they are very suitable for people to eat while chatting The shrimp strips, a traditional local snack, are easier to make Remove the shells and intestines of the washed shrimps Put two shrimps in a pair on the net Dry them with hot air for more than 12 hours The cooked shrimp strips are golded and transparent No additives, not salty, not fishy It retains the freshness and the sweetness of the sea, and it is chewy It successfully completed the transformation from natural ingredients to snacks In addition to these original snacks, the locals have also developed new ways to eat seafood Mo Jianling is one of the post-90s generation who likes to creat new products Beihai’s seafood is usually sold nationwide in the form of dried snacks I want to show the original taste of seafood Blanch octopus and other seafood Cool down various prepared bases Then soak the seafood and flavor it Pack them in the vacuum bags, people can open and eat them anytime It not only retains the original taste of seafood but also caters to the diverse palates of young people In recent years, the new generations of fishermen are no longer satisfied with traditional fishing and trading Li Shichao and Mo Jianling, two of the post-90s generation are hoping to rely on Beihai, which is rich in seafood to spread Beihai’s seafood snacks to mainland China through their own efforts Lechang, Shaoguan Throughout the year, the various fresh fruits are one of the sources of happiness for Guangdong locals In July, Guangdong in midsummer ushered in the fruit harvest season This is the peak of Lechang golden naili (a kind of plum) harvest Chefs use various methods to cook naili Fried plum and sweet&sour pork Fried plum and pork slices Plum and lean pork soup They add a touch of coolness to the dog days, while the cicadas keep chirping In addition to serving as fruit and dishes, plums are also the brightest snack star in this season At five in the morning, Li Caixiong and his wife Tan Sichun from Chaliao Village, Jiufeng Town are already working The 100 fruit trees they planted bear a lot of fruit they receive a large number of orders at this moment every day The plums picked by Uncle Li have grown in the bags for 2 months These plums mature once a year and the best shelf life is only 15 days which determines that its price can be as high as more than ten yuan per 500 grams Look at this, it is golden Its interior is also very beautiful Ten years ago, only green plums were produced locally Local villagers draw inspiration from bagging apples They use special bags to bag the growing green plums the ripe plums not only become bigger but the color also becomes golden Plums have a lot of moisture after being drenched in the rain and are easy to rot After bagging them, we no longer need to spray pesticides The core and flesh of the ripe golden plum are slightly separated It has the fragrance of apricot and and flavor of peach It has a unique slightly sweet Take a bite of it in the sultry summer you feel like bathing in cold water Jiufeng Town is an important base for fruits and vegetables in Guangdong The fruits picked every morning will be sent to various places by waiting buyers The villagers are very cautious, they will carefully check each plum before delivery We have to work harder if we want to make some money They will pack and ship the big beautiful plums and eat small or bad ones themselves In these years, their children work outside and only come home on weekends Aunt Tan and mother-in-law want to make some dried plums as snacks for the kids before Sunday so sweet truly, so sweet Fresh plums can only be stored for 3 to 5 days The most direct way for locals to preserve them is to cut them and sun them Cut and put them orderly, and then wait for them to be tested by the scorching sun Because it has appropriate sweetness and sourness itself it does not require any artificial processing to become delicious golden dried plum With the flexible pulp no crumb the natural and soft fruit aroma You will become addicted with one bite This weekend Uncle Li, who reserved some good plums finally met his cutegrandchildren yummy The rich and sweet juice runs continuously in the mouth Li’s family has four generations now, and his grandchildren are playing around him This moment is happiness after busy work Pingshi, Shaoguan Pingshi Town, located in the north of Shaoguan has a large temperature difference between day and night Figs have been grown for more than 400 years here In July, He Shaobo harvested a lot from his own orchard Figs are very delicate, he must treat them like babies I have this sweet memory when I was a child In the past, when figs were being dried, we always stared at them They were eaten by us before they were all dried With the fig in mind He Shaobo, who has worked in Guangzhou for 20 years returned to his hometown in 2017 to devote himself to agriculture and started farming with local farmers Figs are very difficult to grow well A few rains can make them split or not sweet enough After experiencing various weather effects and trial and error This year's figs are big and round with a maximum sugar content of 22 degrees Its skin is overflowing with thick sugar juice Take a bite of it, countless small seeds cracking in the mouth It is just like a sugar bun Different types of figs have different appearance, inside and color The same is that in order to avoid insects they all hide the flowers in the receptacle Open it gently, the sweet juice comes out The figs are very easy to oxidize Cut them and dry them directly without any additives Although it is simple, it keeps the original flavor of the fig Dry them for 24 hours at 55 degrees Celsius When the humidity reaches 20 degrees, they are basically dried Because there is no added sugar the dried figs are not too sweet like saccharin The unique aroma and freshness of the fruit makes people impossible to stop eating it The taste of figs is hard to resist The children in the summer vacation also look forward to this sweetness for a long time Maybe many years later, just like He Shaobo they will often think of the fig tree in their childhood and the carefree life Xiangqiao, Chaozhou In addition to the sweetness produced from fruits sugar has a wider range of applications in snacks The sugar painting, which combines taste and art always attracts the attention of children Peppa Pig or pig? The old pig. Okay Many people have the experience of melting a piece of rock candy in their mouths when they were young They felt simple sweetness and happiness Jinping, Shantou Sugarcane has been grown in Chaoshan since ancient times and the snacks here are mainly made of sugar In Shantou, the suagr scallion pancake is the sweetness that everyone can’t forget Puning, Jieyang Every October, when the weather turns cool in Guangdong Chen Junhui's family in Puning, Jieyang, gets busy The white suagar scallions are put into many biscuit buckets that have been used for more than 20 years and sent to various places If you only eat sugar scallion, it is very sweet and rich The locals wrap the sugar scallions, sesame and coriander with slightly salty pancake the sweetness of the sugar scallion will be more obvious The sugar scallion pancake originated in Chaonan District, Shantou In ancient times, children used the sugar scallion to worship Confucius on the first day of school which means cleverness In the Wanli era of the Ming Dynasty it gradually spread throughout the Chaoshan area and has a history of more than 400 years Add water first, then suagr, cook it for 20 mins then add maltose Chen Junhui, 62 years old, his family made the sugar scallions for generations From his great-grandfather to his son, his family has been engaged in making the sugar scallion for five generations They are almost the oldest existing seller of the sugar scallion in Chaoshan area After making sugar for 45 years he has mastered a special skill The syrup will solidify and become brittle in cold water After I taste it, I know how hot it is when it is made Its temperature can reach more than 150 degrees Celsius This requires at least one to two years of training ok Put the boiled syrup into a wide-mouth pot and rotate it quickly to dissipate heat At the same time, centrifugal force is used to squeeze out the bubbles in the syrup Rotating the pot Turning over the syrup Until it becomes solid Then there is the most critical step, pulling the sugar Keep pulling sugar so that the air is contained in the sugar The yellow sugar gradually turned white Heat the sugar over charcoal fire until soft The next step is the most important step, making holes The number of dragging must be 8 At least 6 to 8 people are required to complete this step We control the size and thickness of the sugar by hand The sugar will be delicious only if we operate well After making holes and cutting it into pieces The sugar scallions are made The entire production process requires 13 steps This is not only an art of controlling temperature but also a process of racing against temperature The sugar scallions shine like silk Air enters the sugar during the pulling and dragging process Each piece of sugar has 16 big holes and each big hole has 16 small holes They look like a lot of white scallion holes gathered together These small holes make the sugar scallion very crisp It is white and has no crumb and becomes as soft as snow in the mouth But the crumbs appear while eating, so there is the pancake The sugar scallion pancake There's no kneading One hand gently brush the soft dough on the hot pan and the thin batter layer instantly solidified into panckae When the edge of the pancake rises lift it up with the other hand This process does not exceed 20 seconds The soft and glutinous pancake wrapped with brittle sugar scallion This fragrance and sweetness can always heal this family There are many types of modern confectionery products the sugar scallion is like a rural candy This traditional handmade delicacy is gradually forgotten Fewer people are doing the business But Chen hopes to pass on this sweet career to future generations Dabu, Meizhou Chaoshan people love sweet food In Baihou Town in the east of Dapu County, Meizhou A kind of pancake that has been circulating for more than 200 years wraps vegetables and meat However, the most important part of Baihou pancake is the pancake itself In the early morning of Baihou any pancake store will make the sound of bang bang bang The chef is vigorously kneading strong flour mixed with a little salinie water in a round tub 40 mins later, the dough become soft and slimy Then beat it over 100 times In the process, air enters the dough At this time, he quickly put the dough on the hot pan and a pancake as thin as a cicada wing is made This process is like a performance that often attracts passersby to watch The filling is mainly fried lean pork supplemented by bean sprouts and tofu shreds It looks like a rolled handkerchief but its content is extremely rich So it is also called Jin Nang Cao Bao(the silk bag that wraps the treasure) The pork is luscious, the bean sprouts are crispy The pancake is thin and flexible, every one likes it Meizhou is landlocked the meat-related delicacies occupy the majority here Boss 50 bags of 30g, 50 bags of 50g Five-spiced beef jerky, which has been circulating locally for more than 300 years has always occupied the center of local retail stores This shows people's love for it and their efforts for beef Every day at dawn Yang Zhenxing from Hounan Village in Baihou Town would drive to the town to buy beef Fresh beef is dark red The round part contains very little tendon it is the main raw material for Yang to make jerky In order to make jerky more delicious he will remove tendon and fat before cutting Those beef containing tendon are not tasty the grilled one is hard and will affect the taste The slicing is always a challenge for chef Along the texture of the meat, keep the meat slices thin without breaking The thickness of each slice of beef is 3 to 4 mm A skilled chef can cut small beef into larger slices This is irreplaceable by machines Up to now, this skill has been passed on for four generations In Yang Zhenxing’s father’s memory, beef jerky used to be snacks that rich people could only afford At that time, the overseas Chinese were very rich Before the reform and opening up ordinary people were relatively poor and they could not afford beef jerky When the family makes beef jerky, we all eat a little secretly Sichuan peppercorn, star anise, cinnamon Fennel, cloves and other spices These spices' powder are thoroughly mixed with beef and fish sauce The flavor of spices has permeated the beef the beef has no peculiar smell and becomes more fragrant We need to make the charcoal fully burned so that the fire without smoke can make the beef jerky without the smell of smoke The beef slices that have been marinated all night are placed on a specially made grill waiting for the test of temperature 500 grams of beef can be made into 150 grams of beef jerky First, grill beef over the high heat to 40% dryness Then trun over them, grill them over the low heat The beef slices start to shrink during heating The aroma of spices also blends perfectly with beef Very aromatic The last step Bake the dried beef in an iron cabinet oven gently at low temperature for 4 hours Until the jerky has only 6% water content The beef jerky's color is reddish brown Moderate salty and sweet, crispy and tasty It maintains the chewy characteristics of beef It is not only the favorite snack of locals but also the taste of hometown missed most by those wandering away Baihou beef jerky Baihou beef jerky is a must-have snack for locals at gatherings The handmade manufacturing process determines the low yield of beef jerky Although the profit is not high Yang Zhenxing is satisfied with the company of his family In the field of snacks not only meat jerky but also nuts can make people feel full In recent years, the definition of snacks has also changed Some can even replace the staple food to provide the body with the necessary energy Cenxi, Guangxi Macadamia nuts ripen from September to October every year Wang Guolang always goes to Guangxi during this time They bloom between January and March The fruit is formed in April Their shape and size has been fixed in July This fruit is native to Australia, because Americans grow them widely in Hawaii, so they are also called Hawaii fruit It contains up to 70% oil and is rich in unsaturated fatty acids so it is called the king of nuts in the world More than one hundred years ago macadamia nuts were introduced to China and began to be widely grown in Yunnan and Taiwan It must be planted in high temperature areas without snow 5 years ago Wang, who was engaged in the hardware business in Dongguan became a farmer under the introduction of a friend from Guangxi That year, Typhoon Mangkhut blew down more than 100 trees They were already 6 years old and I need to wait for 6 years The saplings of macadamia nuts need to be cultivated for 3 years After being transplanted, it won’t start fruits until the fourth year This long growth cycle scared many people away Fortunately, the production of macadamia nuts will increase year by year Wang's hard work paid off Are the growth progress of those nuts okay? We are ready to fertilize and weed After gaining some experience Wang raised some money in 2018 and contracted a mountain in his hometown Luoding and started a boring and long wait again. After being harvested They need to complete the first step of the original processing relying on machinery to peel Every year during the harvest season the macadamia nuts here are piled into mountains Although they are small, they are very heavy The daily harvest weighs more than 5000 kg After being peeled they need to be dried in the sun for 5 days to ensure that the kernels are completely separated from the shell It is the hardest nut It can be stored for more than one year if it is dry enough and has not been opened If you open it, because its oil content is too high, it will deteriorate after a week The brown hard shell of the macadamia nut in the sun looks like chocolate The larger the macadamia nut the longer the growth cycle and the higher the nutrient content The freshly picked macadamia nuts have more moisture the flesh is white and crispy, and it has a light coconut aroma After being dried, it will release a soft creamy aroma It may take months for the shell of macadamia nuts to be cracked by sunlight alone People must use machines to open the hard shell The sharp blade creates an even crack in each nut After being washed and dried, the shell can be easily opened with a special iron sheet In order to meet the tastes of different people, macadamia nuts will be made into different flavors Mix condensed milk and sugar water Soak them for enough time and dry them The creamy macadamia nuts are made Nowadays, the planting technology of macadamia nuts is gradually mature If the everything goes well, Wang can slowly recover the cost by the end of this year Wang hopes to lead more people from his hometown to live a better rural life when the harvest next year For Xu Qiusuo, who likes to bake, eating macadamia nuts directly is very monotonous It would be better to process it into a simple and popular snack Add melted butter to the whisked egg white in portions Then mix them with cocoa powder and low-gluten flou until the flour particles disappear Then you can put it in pastry bag Eggs, flour and butter change shape into batter under Qiushuo's hands After baking for 1 minute bake them with macadamia nuts for another 15 minutes Macadamia cookies The puffy batter becomes crispy It changes from a chaotic fluid to a delicate and crisp taste enjoyment Qiushuo now runs her own baking studio where she makes cookies and desserts every week Then she delivers them to the clients' coffee shops Have a look There are 100 packets on the top and bottom, each with two biscuits 8 years ago, Qiushuo, who was engaged in the advertising industry, first encountered baking At that time, she found this was her interest The inexperienced Qiushuo taught herself to bake With the talent accounts for 30% and the diligence accounts for 70% she often indulges in the world of eggs and flour all day long When I first started baking, the inside of the cake was also hard The first cake roll I made at that time was like a hard mosquito coil Making desserts requires patience and making a creative biscuit needs to endure the boring process After the batter is made, the journey has just begun Baking requires extreme care Success and failure may lie in the difference of one gram of ingredients Qiushuo has experienced countless failures just to make frosting with suitable fluidity I always think making pastries is a wonderful thing When I was young, I liked painting and art very much I think it’s a pleasure to make food beautiful Before getting married Qiushuo had a dessert shop of her own but because she had no time to take care of it, she later closed that shop After her daughter was born, Qiushuo researched interesting desserts at home Her daughter is a sensitive physique she can control the material and dosage of the homemade snacks and they will be safer I want this one Two together The pink one, I only want this pink one She baked full-time at home and her daughter gradually became an assistant Today Qiongshuo is going to make one of her daughter's favorite cake Mix baking powder with this Pour the small one into the big one. right I always take her to bake together, I don’t think of her as another matter or burden I think she can participate in what I do and vice versa so you don’t think it’s a hard work or something else The process of operation breeds expectation and hides surprises The relationship between mother and daughter is getting closer She whispered before I fell asleep My favorite person is you. I love you most Don't tell others. Hush The daughter is not only caring, but also the most supportive customer of Qiushuo Every time the cake is ready, Yaoyao will start eating immediately Stick cake wow, it's so cute, can I eat it now? now? okay On a warm winter day, Qiushuo has a picnic with his girl friend. Homemade snacks are a must Desserts are loved by others, which makes Qiushuo very fulfilling Turn interest into work and free up more time to spend time with her daughter This is exactly the good life Qiushuo is pursuing The purpose of eating is to make us not hungry There are many reasons for snacking The magic of snacks often lies in the moment you eat them The familiar scent rouses a long time ago memory The goodness of the past appears in our eyes A joy of secretly eating A reward for hard work A good time with family Our love for snacks is not only due to its taste The emotions and memories they are given are the real reason why we can’t forget them Guangdong TV Better Life Advocate
Channel: 老广的味道
Views: 279,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 美食中国, 美食, Traditional chinese food, 黄金奈李, 广东料理, 粤菜, 老廣的味道, 夏威夷果, chinese foods, 纪录片, 广州美食, 华侨, 中华美食, cooking, Chinese foods, 美食家, 家乡记忆, 海外华人, A bite of Canton, 虾条, 老广的味道, 鳗鱼丝, 无花果干, Chinese culture, LGDWD, cantonese, 零食记忆, 第六季, 地道风味, 糖葱薄饼, 香港, 牛肉干, 自制饼干
Id: uUBPasSPp2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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