The Tale of a servant of the employee Niankh Pepi

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age of what it's all begun this piece has something so amazing and I think all the young visitors should know what is here young and old not just young I mean I always tell kids but also their parents it all began here even a small detail as a backpack the backpack that we've got here is four and a half thousand years old and it's made of wood backpack backpack absolute oh my god look I know I know the details it is just out of this world lunchbox look at the details of the weaving of the backpack on our on his shoulders and a lid the lid of the of the backpack is actually made of leopard skin and again stay home stay safe [Music]
Channel: Experience Egypt
Views: 5,628
Rating: 4.6065574 out of 5
Id: ZXgNQg9oRbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 8sec (68 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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