The Synth Breakthrough: Exploring Osmose By Expressive E

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[Music] [Music] n hi and welcome to Dr Mix you have been waiting for this moment for a long time this is Osos by expressive e the kind sponsors of today's video thank you expressive e now there are very few synthesizers that can claim to be really Innovative and in my opinion this is one I had my chance to try it at now this year I tried it a perfect circuit last year and I find it absolutely incredible if you haven't seen it yet you're going to lose your mind if you're not subscribed to this channel I don't think there is a better moment to do so I'm waiting for you yes yes what is in here [Music] oh [Music] m h this looks really different doesn't it look at that oh oh it's got a softness and then becomes hotter and there's a little bit that gives in and then you can man this is really well built and it looks like outer space I think we need Beauty shots right [Music] now Osmos your time has come man it looks so hot hi have you hit like yet bang t t t [Music] click it's going to be a long [Music] [Music] video [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sh [Music] and this is just preset number number one look there are so many videos out there describing all of the technical specifications I'm just going to play [Music] it [Music] w [Music] this is complete Madness write Madness in the comments comments please Madness if you agree that this is [Music] madness a bit of chorus on the [Music] [Laughter] Roes oh I get [Music] it oh so it is vibr like that but if you insist or [Music] here woo I'm understanding more of you now oh this is monop okay let's go next [Music] can really dig your fingers into it and it does not mind if anything it likes [Music] it [Music] [Music] next these are the type of sounds that I lose my mind after [Music] I'm sure there are great effects on this one I just don't want to study it right now so I'm just going to put some Reverb here if you don't [Music] [Music] mind [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know why I went there [Music] now I'm going to play that [Music] a [Music] if you don't hit the like I'm not going to close it that's that's nasty I shouldn't never do that all right come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I think it's a good moment for me to suggest that you check out music producer gold guide because a lot of the knowledge that I have like the most important anyway I put it in there there are like million hours how many how many hours of content is there can even thousands thousands anyway you should check it out cuz there is a special offer right now of 50% off yeah Link in the description for that [Music] next [Music] it's like each sound is better than the [Music] previous ah [Music] sh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] oh [Music] one more sound and in B I started [Music] it let's try this one [Music] you have to kind of be careful how you touch it [Music] cuz oh [Music] huh [Music] if you want me to make more Osmos videos write that in the comments say Osmos and I will make more du mix
Channel: Doctor Mix
Views: 40,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Osmose Synthesizer, Expressive E, Gestural Synthesizer, Synthesizer Unboxing, Music Technology, Innovative Musical Instruments, Sound Design, Synth Demo, Expressive Instruments, Future of Synthesis, Electronic Music, Music Production, Sound Exploration, Synth Review, Music Gear Review, Osmose Demo, Expressive E Osmose Review, Synthesizer Tutorial, Advanced Synthesizers, Music Innovation
Id: KZb-j9DS8lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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