The Surprise - Wife surprises Marine husband during his return from year-long deployment
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Fort Taylor
Views: 4,603,706
Rating: 4.83182 out of 5
Keywords: Marines, Marine Corps, deployment, redeployment, afghanistan, deploymen to afghanistan, redeployment from afghanistan, wife, husband, love, surprise, wife surprises husband, gunny, gunnery sergeant, welcome home, soul mates, true love, forever, last group from war, military, story, the best, nothing but the best, always waiting, I will always wait, returning from war, i love you
Id: 2KDCX99g4C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 08 2014
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I saw his video to her for their anniversary a while ago and I was pleasantly surprised to recognize him in this video and see them reunited so beautifully. I'm a military member too so these videos always get me right in the feels.
who is chopping onions?! no seriously!!! :')