THE SUPERPOPS: POP STARS WITH SUPERPOWERS. (Season 1 Episode 1) Totally TV Originals

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later in this video super pops I have called you all here together because we have a new super pop what awesome do we know her I hope she has cool superpowers her regular name is Camilla she will be joining you shortly there are 36 girls by the name of Camilla and sunnyville 25 of which are school-age Oh electric pump always so quick to research you will all find out more very soon not to be like whatever but like do we really need another pop aren't we fine with just the four of us I know you reluctant flash but it can't see much without unbalancing the star verse you're going to have to trust me this is Camilla you must take her under your wing and look after her she is a very important part to play with the super pups don't worry majesty we'll find her and welcome her with open arms right Findley totally can't wait whoa - cosmic pops the world is not ready hey we've talked about there's no shape-shifting into me we see it's not the back of my hair cute fine so when are we gonna meet her she will be at your school tomorrow so introduce yourselves and remember super pops do what's good and right keep our true selves out of sight saving the world from all things wicked with the powers we've been gifted may destiny always be on your side it's gonna be so cool I really hope she's into tech I've been dying to talk to somebody else about the latest advances in artificial intelligence I wonder what her powers are or what her colors are I mean if she's cool at all I guess we'll find out tomorrow see you guys Finley's hey Chloe how's going hey Jake I was just like benleah about you know I know math is important but like geometry I'm never gonna use that you know what I mean oh yeah hey Finley um yeah your hair looks really nice today oh wait you you like my hair thanks I just I just washed it I she means thank you so much and are you interested in getting a milkshake with her later maybe tomorrow afternoon oh yeah I was actually about to ask that you want to go out with me I mean I don't think I should perfect it is in her calendar great thanks Finn and see you later Chloe oh my gosh I was just so nervous I don't know what came over me no one's ever come up to me like that before Finley you're beautiful you're awesome and you've got this like hard outer shell but look inside cute little turtle huh excuse me I need lab support hey Sophia what's wrong I can't seem to convert my wireframe into a solid let me see if I can help you with that oh here's what's wrong you're using an old rendering algorithm let's try this how I don't even think the teacher realized that thanks a lot Emma Peyton I thought you're saying wisdom Gnostics you're not even on the basketball team whatever even you never know maybe I'll do both alright that was pretty good but I bet you can't do two in a row again oh yeah watch this how is this happening guess I'm not so bad at basketball after all oh shoot the better get to homeroom before we get a detention for being late let's go so the point of all this is math plus science equals success okay now there's gonna be a pop quiz next week so be ready thanks for the tip mr. stapler it's pronounced stopler oh ho mr. stapler now as you can see I put everything in my brain on this board ah Payton Ethan how nice of you to join us for class today sorry mr. Staub ler well luckily I hadn't started my review yet but you both know you're not supposed to wear gym clothes to class on the uniforms unless of course it's casual Friday and today is definitely Wednesday bow tie Wednesday but oh the other way this time all right everyone it is my pleasure to announce our new student I'd like you to meet kamila thanks for the intro mr. stopler you guys that's her fence but she doesn't really seem like a superhero well based on her physique I'd say she looks like a great athlete a strong and agile candidate yeah what Emma said I'm not really a speaker so hi wow this is awkward I'm gonna go sit down now hey Camila nice to meet you nice to meet you too not too you know like jump right into an everything but we're kind of the ones you're like supposed to be meeting what she's trying to say is we're the ones that majesty I mean our friend told you about Oh oh my gosh we got to keep that on the DL hmm all right all right ladies and gentlemen there'll be plenty of time to get to know the new girl later now on to the history of chicken nuggets go for some nuggets right now like some ranch or catch up or barbecue all right during the war of 1812 the soldiers didn't have time to cut up their chicken we'll talk more at lunch welcome to the squad Oh who put this wrong here remove the silver hello I dr. kitten that's me have called this special meeting for the burglars because once again the super pups have gotten in our way how dare they be both pop stars and superheroes we need to figure out their secret identities so we can expose them once and now disrupter I have an assignment for you so basically I was at my old school reading by myself as usual when all of a sudden you know who appeared hello Camilla whoa um hi there can I help you I hear the new librarian oh no Camilla I am here to help you complete your destiny complete my destiny I'm just trying to complete my little homework you have been chosen to be a super actually a super pup you may not believe it yet but this is your fifth for you in two weeks time you will be leaving here and heading to Bay what Academy boarding school here is your acceptance letter it is there you will meet the other supers and together you will be unstoppable Oh wait what I have so many questions where did you go hello oh sorry so as you can see I don't know much more than you guys do I don't know she just kept saying I was super I think she must have picked the wrong girl I don't think I'm right for this look Camila if she chose you she chose you for a reason you think so I know so and I know being a super might be a little intimidating but once you start going and you're drilling starts pumping and you just go and go whoa yes I've been working out a little bit two months lassic Peyton even when she's not in super pop mode she's still breaking things I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all of this you're all super pops what are your powers as you can see I'm pretty athletic but when I transform I have super strength oh and my radiating power is when and she can be a little long-winded okay Finley family as a shapeshifter and she has Sparkle power not to mention my sparkling personality but the thing is we never have the full effect of our powers until we're actually in super pop mode for example Emma bear is a super tech but she's pretty crazy smart as it is sorry what were you saying I just finished writing this app it's like a combination of snapchat and Instagram except it's in 3d I think I'm gonna call it snap gram I'm still working on the title wait didn't you say you just started writing that app this morning oh yeah that one took me a while I was distracted along with being really bright in that sense she also has light power oh and there's Chloe she has teleport telekinesis telepathy and apparently telephone power and bubbles don't forget the bubble bubbles is a superpower trust me it's cooler than it sounds and when you guys are not in super pop mode do you still have your powers not exactly maybe hence but we're still regular school girls I wonder what my power would be then I don't know you guys at my old schools like no one knew who I was it was like I was invisible she must have got it wrong well I guess we'll find out on our first mission I guess that's what these are for I would like to thank all of you TV reporters and newspapers for coming to this briefing at the secret government lab facility I am pleased to announce that we have been able to recreate enough dinosaur DNA to produce a dinosaur here in this lab and how exactly does that work Oh quite simple actually you takes alligator egg and you take the limited DNA you inject it into the egg and out poof pops a dinosaur ah so does this mean we're going to see a whole new race of dinosaurs begin again oh no no no no we have replaced the multiplier DNA that would allow the dinosaurs to make babies and we have replaced it with some blank DNA we wouldn't want dinosaurs taking over the world again now would we no we wouldn't want that now whoa this is so cool you guys get to live here too of course Camila that's what going to a fun boarding schools all about it helps so we can keep our superhero status a secret from our families you guys don't think you should tell them I mean I haven't told mine but I thought one day I might no Majesty says that we have to keep it a secret forever at all times so anyways back to our amazing room you're gonna share this room with me and family your beds of your hair and then mm Peyton have the room next door better not snore um no I don't wait I actually have one more question actually that's not true I probably have a bunch more questions but I get that you're all super but what does the pot mean well not only do we have really cool superpowers but we're also a pop group wait what you're super here and pop stars no we are you're one of us now oh no no I can't sing or dance and now I really no you have the wrong girl don't worry Camila we only sing and dance after we beat the bad guys so compared to that it's small potatoes speaking of potatoes which reminds me of fries which go great in milkshakes Finley's got a date with Jake Rodney Jake Rodney wait I have to hear more nope nope that's it that's all you get to know I can tell what you think about him you guys want to know Loie ha ha secret government lab I find it not much of a secret if they put that sign up there now is it now how'd it get inside wait who's that I bathe that scientist has something I need secret yes disrupter copy what did you find I found the dinosaur DNA samples the limited one where they can only make one and the original they can multiply and take over the world now switch those samples and get back to the clubhouse quickly I will wait are we seriously calling it a clubhouse uh okay laughs does that sound better to you lair is so basic uh I don't have time for this our headquarters whatever the only thing we had to worry about are those pesky stupid pops but don't worry I'll distract them I'll send another villain I'll let misfortune have a little fun with them ha ha yeah but are you Cindy no misfortune that's her name oh I get it Roger that boss I'll see you soon right after I switch these samples do switching the labels do villainous things now I'll be back to steal that ink once they injected with the wrong DNA they use the wrong DNA my plan worked why is it so hot in here that's right we need to keep the egg warm so it can hatch speaking voice where did they now I just need to find the accelerator and I can start my dinosaur collection with this accelerator my dinosaurs will multiply faster than ever [Music] Majesty 130 super pups it's urgent you're needed miss fortune is at it again she's taken over the mall and she's singing at the top of her lungs oh no I don't get it what's so bad about singing you've never heard singing like this her singing weakens people we've got to get to that mall ASAP [Music] come on you guys we have to stop her time to go super pup mode power pack cosmic ha ha whoa you guys they just said that I didn't even have to think about it I like the sound of that crystal pop I love it my door and then blue is actually super cute on you thanks Ben it's flash we try to only use our super pops name when we're in super pop smoke oh sorry flash I can't wait to find out what your powers we can figure that out later we've got to get in there and stop misfortune what sorry misfortune I guess we were just blown away or your mic wise pops I should have known it would be you but I know you guys I'm reading your mind no she's so bad can't stop me either don't worry you guys I'll stop this newsflash you're the one who's not nice try this on for shine you just froze there in time I wonder how long it'll last jealous cuz my voice sounds better than yours you know what if you think so maybe you should listen to yourself sings pretty you guys combined your powers with mine here we go yes we did it good job you guys how did that happen well we all have powers but they're much stronger if we combine powers for example I have bubble Palestinian you guys tell me create that giant bubble it's time to call the authorities to handle the rest of this we've got a concert to do concert oh no you guys I don't think I can do this Oh trust us it's part of your pop powers let's go [Music] [Music] we're not it doesn't really matter [Music] [Applause] like a circle [Applause] [Music] [Music] a blue hair everybody start like a circle [Music] [Music] everybody you [Music] it's terrible [Music] [Music] everybody you you need [Music] next time on the super pop um what was that I think we're about to find out [Music]
Channel: Totally TV
Views: 3,252,565
Rating: 4.5823445 out of 5
Keywords: SuperPops, Super Pops, Pop Stars, Superpowers, Super Powers, Totally TV, Episode 1, Students, Pop Music, back to school, Super pop, 2019, song
Id: 9NhPNu62UEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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