The Super Smash Bros. Iceberg: Explained

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super smash bros is one of my most favorite video game series to date this game has one of the biggest nintendo fan bases of all time with its spawn of five video games in the series with such a fan base this big there is bound to be facts and secrets that not many die hard smash fans would know that's why i'm going to be explaining my super smash bros iceberg i've took inspiration from reddit user the virtual vindicator to make my iceberg now to the five percent of you that don't know what an iceberg image means it represents the obscurity levels of facts so the top section is what everybody knows and when you go further down to it it becomes way more obscured and less well known i'll also be providing links to all of my sources to where i find these information and facts and such too many of these i entries that i've found as well as the original reddit user that gave me inspiration for this iceberg image so definitely check it out if you haven't already anyways with all that out of the way let's dive into the super smash bros iceberg [Music] ridley is too big this is a phrase slash move used in the smash community back when people were debating on if ridley could get into smash most people at the time thought ridley couldn't get in because of how big he was in brawl but luckily ridley officially made his debut into smash ultimate and nintendo even made jokes poking fun of the mean itself metal crystal metal crystal is a stage exclusively on smash 64 and where you fight metal mario in classic mode this stage's origin is most likely based on the cavern metal cap area in mario 64. i wish the stage would come back since i really like the design of it ice climbers in smash 4. the ice comas were originally going to be added in smash 4 but due to the limitations of the 3ds hardware they were scrapped although the ice climbers worked fine on the wii u sakurai didn't want to make both rosters of the game have exclusive fires on both ports while we're on the subject of ice climbers game explain made a video talking about an ice climbers crowd cheer easter egg quote unquote on the 3ds however this is not the ice climbers old cheer even though it sounds like this they're saying nana and popo they're actually saying the villagers japanese name being moramito take a listen and just for fun i'll even throw in the ice climbers cheered in ultimate in the japanese version if only game of thrones would have realized at the time that they were playing the japanese version of smash 3ds knuckles homing attack yeah so knuckles trophy has a homing attack i don't know why this is here but apparently people didn't know this enough moving on playable master hand in melee there is a glitch that allows the third player to become master hand it's so strange that this method lets you play as a non-playable boss without hacking the game i guess the coding was just as that bad well melee was made into like gear so that could explain it an ultimate master hand is officially playable at the end of world of light when you choose to fight both galeem and dark khan boxing ring names in the stage boxing ring characters would get title name on the jumbo screen depending on the region you're playing hang on they'll change slightly i won't go every single one but i'll go over the ones that i found the most interesting amari in the us and the japanese version he's mr video game but in the french version he's le cosmar de brit which means the nightmare of bricks have an odd title but a good reference to his nes game for kirby in the us and japanese version he's called the pink demon but in the netherlands version he's neat lelac which means dangerously pink isn't ugly if you want to see the full list i'll link the boxing ring names in the description for you to take a look at so far french and netherlands titles are the funniest ones i've read sonic and tales and melee this was an april fool's joke pulled by a gaming magazine company electronic gaming monthly they said that sonic and tails could be unlocked in melee if you beat 20 or more enemies in cruel melee later on egm would confess on making that joke and would actually reward players that beat the challenge a copy of sonic adventure 2 battle for the gamecube while we're on the topic of rumored characters for melee let's talk about toad yes there was a rumor going around the internet at the time that that you can unlock toad after obtaining a perfect score during the credits mini-game there were a lot of screenshots to support this rumor but fans quickly to pump these screenshots as odd's model from the adventure mode was being photoshopped in these screenshots for all wii remote sounds in brawl when you select the character while using a wiimote a voice clip of the character will speak i'll play a few that i like yeah here we go fight me okay it's show time play time's over i really wish that they brought this feature back in future smash games especially smash 4 since you could be able to use a wii remote for that game process melee menu camera in melee and brawl when you're on the main menu if you move your c stick around you can move the menu camera around for fun it's a pretty neat feature that sadly own these two games which i can understand since it serves no purpose and it's just there for for aesthetics the grinch leak oh boy now this was a time to be a smash fan you just had to be there in order to understand how it all went down now basically the grinch league was a fake banner league that divided the smash community at the time it showed that banjo and kazooie horus kids gino isaac from golden sun ken shadow and mock rioter were going to be the final characters for the roster this of course turned out to be fake once they revealed that ken and cinderella were the last fighters of the base roster while shadow and isaac returned assist trophies again coarse kids geno and mock rider became spirits while banjo and kazooie officially became a dlc fighter sadly i was one of the many that got fooled by my hopes and expectations were very high when when i saw banjo i'm sure everyone else had this feeling of wanting ultimate to get so many fan request wishes that that it blinds them from the reality i wonder if i'll ever get to take a break sakurai's cats this entry refers to the cat poster easter egg found in the pokemon stadium 2 stage from brawl to melee although it's actually not zechariah's cat he even confirmed it on twitter it's unknown to my knowledge and from what i've researched whose cat it is but it's quite a nice and random easter egg here's what the cat image texture looks like in the files ownet rice ball on the onnet stage there is a secret rice ball hidden behind some flowers this can only be found if you hack melee's camera or move the flower textures sadly this easter egg wasn't brought back in smash 4 or ultimate taunt easter eggs there are 5 stages depending on the character you're playing in ultimate that can do a taunt easter egg in the shadow moses island if you pick snake as well as any character that appeared in brawl and spam snakes downtown long enough a secret kodak will play sadly none of the newcomers didn't get one probably due to the japanese voice actor for colonel passing away apollo 10 is tempo if you choose pitt or any of the base roster characters including piranha plans spam pits downtown fit in palutena and sometimes furi will talk about the character that pit is facing i really was hoping that when i heard that piranha point got his own guidance i thought that they would give the rest of the dlc characters their own guidance as well but i guess they're able to do this since they got the base roster done right before the game was released so they thought of giving us a bonus fighter being piranha plant at least the characters that were dlc in smash 4 and veteran characters that didn't appear in smash 4 got their own guidance the final easter egg taunt can be done on all the star fox stages that include corderia lilac crews and venom sadly order will get assaulted make a return for ultimate but there's an easter egg ton there as well if you pick fox or falco on cornerio and venom they will play conversation lines from star fox 64. while on linelet crews fox falco and wolf will have their own conversations with the star fox assault voice cast obviously these are ported over voice lines for past smash games so they won't be using any current star fox voice cast the qunari easter egg also works on the 3s version as well because i'm sure that some of y'all are gonna tell me that in the comments of the 3ds port having its own easter egg don't worry i got it we like ike this was ike's crouch here that quickly became a meme in the smash community similar to this was also with roy's crowd cheer being roy's our boy nothing much to say so let's move on daisy's third eye in melee if you take a close look at daisy's trophy at the back of her head you can see she has a third eye this could easily have been a modeling mistake since melee took a year to make so there are bound to be mistakes in it beta sans costume the sans costa has two changes before the final release one of them being that sans's blue eye was going to be a part of him it's unknown of why they took it out but i would have loved if they would have included as his parry animation but what is known is that sand was going to have fingers yes the funny funny skeleton was going to have fingers but toby fox the creator of undertale requested to the smash devs to change the design to a mitten hand instead thank god because the more i look at it the more cursed it look feels to me esrb leak this was one of the most well known smash 4 leaks within the community an anonymous user on 4chan posted an image of the smash 3ds thruster and menus of the game at first people thought this leak was inconsistent with some of the character designs mainly ness wario and dr mario they also thought joke was just a photoshop little mac to their facial express features being similar then more leaks were raised for video proof of shulk ganondorf and bowser jr being playable i find it kind of ironic that people thought that this was fake but when they saw the screenshot they were all on board with it what a bunch of videos am i right duck cut is a trio at first glance you think that duck hunt is just a duo but there is actually a third the third being the person with the n-zapper it's been stated in duck hunt's guidance message and even shown off in his reveal trailer gaming watch 3d model gaming watch technically has a 3d model in game the only reason we can't see it is because the smash team coded his geometry to be flat or 2d this code is also applied on a stage and many other for other characters that fight on them test stage in melee if you hack the game through debug menu you can play on this stage location of this copy shop was in plato lotto california which is now a day's close this image has been used in many games while testing 3d models and environments of games as for the stage itself this could easily have been used as to test the adventure mode stages segments bowser and smash 64. while we're talking about bowser let's go over the other scrap slash considered characters in smash 64. so yes bowser king deity and mewtwo were in development but were scrapped through the time limits but then there were added eventually in melee except for king dedede marth was also considered but be pushed over into melee as well mushrooming kingdom danger side in melee you pick the stage mushroomy kingdom then pause as i move the camera right out of the blast zone there will be a black square texture with the words danger this neat easter egg was even brought back in ultimate it's details like this that makes me appreciate sakura and his dev team for putting things in that the player will most likely not see and or care to go to mile on looking but when greeted with they can bring a smile on their faces [Music] rainbow cruise village this entry refers to the village that can be seen in the rainbow cruise stage in melee it's unknown as far as i've researched on why this mysterious village was added since in the original super mario 64 level rainbow ride didn't have any village at all it could just be an aesthetic bit of detail and nothing more to really think about or maybe when sakurai was play testing super mario 64 he got the exclusive 1969 build copy then that nintendo was hiding from the valve so he could get reference and then when he saw the village having blood stains and freaking big dick luigi posters he thought that would be a great representation smash it also had freaking uh uh bowser bowser twerking it what the [ __ ] is this entry but hey that's just a theory a gamer theory [ __ ] my life dude dragon king the fighting game this was going to be the original title to smash 64 and was going to be way different to the smash games we know and love while sakurai was developing this game he felt that it lacked much of an interesting atmosphere with his character design being way too similar to one another he later added in nintendo characters in the game and that was when smash became the series that we all know and love fun fact the models shown in early screenshots of the game and were used for cat and falcons models so a piece of dragon king was still there battle damage textures brawl was originally going to have a battle damage system where if the player had lived with high percentage of damage their attacks would do less damage and knockback sakurai wanted to make the game balanced so that the best player would have have a bit of a disadvantage but due to the lack of development time this system was scrapped there are still enough unused textures in the game to give us a good idea on how it would work here we have textures for captain falcon's helmet and was going to partially show his face flat explains like why cat falcon has an eye there's also textures of meta knight's mask link shield and sword martha ike's sword and lucas's stick back the battle damage texture idea still lived on in ultimate where little mac would show bandages when he was in high percentage and olimar had his helmet cracked when taking a hit top secret in melee's trophy description the trophy would read off a bio description of what it is and what it came from the motion sensor bomb game of origin was based off goalknight 007 while in the japanese version the models of the bomb was based off the bombs in from perfect dark as far as i've researched i couldn't find the exact reason why they named just top secret but i guess it could be due to copyright issues in the west compared to the east side of thing oh and don't worry i'll talk more in depth on james bond being in the mail later on the iceberg ditto and melee in melee there is a scratch pokemon known as ditto ditto would make an extra copy of the player character that is being used this can only be accessed through debug menu there isn't that much work on him and sadly he doesn't transform my guess on why he was cut out could be due to hardware limitations or there wasn't enough time to complete ditto's code to do even made an appearance in the melee strategy guide to further support my theory of time crunch ditto would later on be added ultimate so that's great melee for the wii this was brought up to me after watching scott the watts video on gamecube to wii ports or the new play control during the announcement of the wii console reveal thor iwata stated that smash was going to be one of the games that for the wii online functionality this came out of nowhere for sakurai since he didn't have plans for a smash title for the wii at the time iwata and sakurai met after the presentation and asked if he could make a smash game for the week or else he would have to make melee again with online support obviously he agreed i wonder what would have happened in alternate reality that melee would be a wii port it probably would have attracted so many melee sweat tryhards but i'm happy that we got something brand new parami aka the forbidden seven while i talk about paramai let's also get into the forbidden seven the forbidden seven is what the smash community nicknamed the seven lost characters for brawl this would include dr mario roy mewtwo dixie kong toon zelda tunshik and theorized to be plusso and meinen or the mes while dr meyer didn't have much unused content in the files both mewtwo and roy had unused fanfares and mewtwo having a remote sound these files are sadly empty but this could give us an idea on how far in development they were in brawl next up is dixie kong dixie kong was meant to team up with diddy kong and his moveset in attack cheap style just like in their original game donkey kong country 2. sadly dixie kong was cut out of diddy kong's moveset due to limitations of the wii's hardware leaving her as a solo fighter just like diddy kopp kunshaldo and tood chic were probably going to be tuned counterparts of zelda but from the wind waker game although there was never a tuned sheik in the wind waker game some people assumed this as tetris since in the game tetra turned out to be zelda but the chic design in brawl was based on the twilight prince's design there never was a chic in that game so technically sheik's design in brawl is somewhat of a smash original design going by this logic it's safe to say that they were going to make a semi-clone of zelda and chic but in tune art style hi featured her kick here just to correct my past self as i was doing further researching on this topic that seeks design isn't a smash original design it was actually just a base design of her concept art in twilight princess sorry for the confusion on that i still think to this day that they were going to make zelda and she in the toon art style anyways back to the video now for parmai it's unknown what exactly it's supposed to be some people theorize it to be plussol and minen since their japanese name is parcel and mainen although both pokemon characters share same file name the ice climber file name was separate being nana and popo even though their in-game trophy labels them in their full japanese name so it's possibly not them it could also represent the me since the english translation for mai means every while par means player giving the full word every player i do believe that this was most likely the case since sakurai has talked about the idea of me's being in smash but but thought that they weren't meant to be for fighting just like villager i hope one of these days we will discover the truth of parami i'm pretty bummed out that none of the returning characters made it back such as mewtwo it would have been cool seeing them to have a role in the subspace episode story i could imagine that mewtwo could have been a counterpart villain against lucario and roy could have tagged alongside marth ike and meta knight coin battles this was probably the most forgettable game mode out there but in mainly up until smash 4 there was a game mode known as coin battles in this game mode the player gets the most coins they win i can understand why they didn't add this back in ultimate they probably forgot that this mode existed and i don't think anybody would want to come back i think the 95 percent of us are okay with that dr mario stage in the smash 4 vials there are these unused boss renders for every boss character in the game this points to the idea that the boss characters were going to have a health bar with their portraits next to them just like in brawl fun fact the master giant beast edge shadow and core renders are used in the 3ds version [Music] except for master forgers since master fortress was used only on the wii u version anyway there is a render of the viruses from dr mario as one of them this suggests that dr meyer was going to have his own home stage with boss has being the virus there are no files to the stage or models of any of the viruses in the game but this evidence of the render does give us a good idea of it being possible i really wish this was in game seeing fan concepts of this stage could really make it work but oh well smash is a child's imagination this is a fan made theory that the world of smash bros comes from the eyes of a child i won't be covering the entirety of this theory since we probably here for like another 10 minutes so go watch matpat's game theory video about this get a good idea about it link will be in the description mr saturn and metroid in brawl's files there is a texture for the metroid this is trophy that has a little mr saturn on it this could have been a little inside joke from the devs of the game beta rayman trophy in smash 4 there is a rayman trophy but this trophy had a beta designed to him his original design had his eyes squinting and his tongue black instead of red i'm glad they made these touches to the trophy because he looks so dirty racist game and watch originally gaming watch his design when he was using his side smash he would sport a feather on his head some people found this offensive to native american so they removed it they also changed the spirit design as well being based off of the original game and watch game fire attack [Music] nes melee rep this is referring to the nes characters that were considered to be added in melee these choices being urban champion balloon fight clue clueland and excitebike ultimately the ice climbers were the winners of the retro rep spot since sakurai had a better idea for making a move set for them while on the subject of considered characters mock rider takamaru and ayumi tachibana were considered to be added into smash but due to lack of recognition outside of japan they were dismissed kind of a shame since fire and bloom at the time didn't have much recognition in north america but now look at the fire alarm series selling in 16 million copies and having a loved and somewhat hated fan base i bet smash would have made these series as relevant again if they were added unused music smash has a variety of unused fanfare and music tracks in smash 64 there is only these unused fanfares take a listen [Music] while in melee there are multiple unused fanfares take a listen [Music] now for the juicy part the unused music there are several tracks in brawl that were on the cutting room floor i won't play the entirety of these tracks but i'll play only a little bit so you guys can get a feel for these tracks first up we have a boss track from partners in time [Music] beware the forest mushroom track which i'm so sad that isn't in the game [Music] my [Music] [Music] ballad of the wind fish from link's awakening [Music] action type a from covers i mean yoshi's cookies [Music] falco's theme from star fox command move out from fire emblem path of radiance the chosen ones from fire emblem shadow dragons and the blade of light [Applause] [Music] hippie battle theme from the mother series [Music] eight melodies also from the mother series [Music] the song would later on be added back as a new remix coexisting with magic camp from in smash 4. [Music] next we have smiles and tears from the mother series again [Music] the song would also be brought back into smash 4 with a new remix the final unused mother series song is because i love you [Music] radio exercises from animal crossing wild world [Music] nes sports melody [Music] [Laughter] [Music] stunt race fx the main theme of metal gear solid [Music] a remix of the same main theme [Music] and for the final unused music track is you can do anything from sonic cd [Music] moving on to smash 4 there is an unused game over song [Music] and the only other song is exclusive to japanese version is ashley's themes from warioware touch [Music] [Music] this was later on entered an ultimate for every release of it finally an ultimate the only unused song and game that didn't come from the bass game but from dlc expansion there are two music tracks from the persona 5 series that are the original versions of the remix songs that that are already in the game first one being arya of the soul [Applause] [Music] and beneath the mask [Music] about they wanted to go for songs that had more upbeat for a better listening experience so that's why they cut them out at last minute probably pac-man cloud when greninja was first revealed there was a cloud that some fans thought resembled pac-man as far as i've researched it's unknown if this was intentional but i'd say it was since pac-man would later be revealed after the mees in palestine marvel is canon and re-used palutena guidance conversation they mentioned the variety of opponents wiiu has fought in his lifetime one of them being superheroes this is a nod to the marvelous capcom series that ryu has appeared in so technically marvel is canon in the smash universe there's a whole bunch of non-video game series flash franchise that can technically coexist in the smash universe it would definitely take an hour to list off all of them so yeah uh sakurai thanos for smash please that would be epic ridley assist trophy in brawl's game files there is some data ridley potentially being an assist trophy sadly the code is unfinished i'd imagine that ridley's assist trophy would have worked similar to raffalo's trophy in ultimate since he's already a boss who knows froggy chair in villagers and isabelle's final smash they throw objects in the house as decorations there are a couple of easter egg items that are tossed in it some of them being the triforce and the froggy chair master hand bleeding in one of the cutscenes in subspace emissary master hand was being controlled by taboo ganondorf tried attacking taboo but failed and knocked master hat out of taboo's light whip you can briefly see master hand bleed white blue blood out of him this could be one of the reasons why brawl was given a teens rating for the game but there could possibly have been other things that might have pushed that rating up a bit that i'm not aware of poltergeist g0 first appeared in ultimate in simon's reveal trailer luigi is shown carrying the new poltergust for luigi's mansion 3. at the time no one knew about this design but just a month after the ultimates direct they then revealed a little next luigi's mansion game this technically makes the poltergust g0 a smash original in the public's eye but i'm sure shigeru miyamoto gave early access to the poltergeist's design to sakurai so he can give him a better moveset that correlates with his origins of his video game series being luigi's mansion purple and yellow chair speaking of the august direct in sakurai's office there are two chairs being the color of purple and yellow it's got the smash community speculations that sakurai left people thought it meant that while luigi was still a possibility or skull kit with them representing the little light fairies that follow him this turned out to be nothing more than the community reading too much into things since goalkid returned as an assist trophy in the final smash direct rayman trapped in battlefield on the battlefield stage there are some crystals sticking out in the background one of the crystals look a lot similar to rayman i'm not sure if this was intentional or if the shading of the ice just looks way too similar but it would be a great reveal trailer for rayman to break out of the ice and start fighting taka demon and malo lee this refers to the supposed leak that doom guy and gina are being added and their meat costumes were being shown to confirm it i obviously think this is fake given that geno returned as a meat costume and modded me costumes are more of a thing in ultimate as of i'm recording this there's only one dlc fighter left so i think it's best to say that this leak is fake mizzo izzo is a cut enemy from the subspace campaign in brawl the only time we ever see mizzou in the aventura mode is in the halberd interior where you play as sheik and peach the word mizo in japanese is mizu which means water this could suggest that mizzle was going to be a water enemy that may drag you down and swipe at you in the water there are also other cut enemies in the game but i won't go over all of them but i'll show you the final names of the enemies on screen n64 skeletons in smash 64 when a character gets hit by an electric attack their skeleton brookfield appears sans hilarious and original there is actually a way to make a character become a skeleton with the help of action replay codes pretty neat eh the last of his kind this line is used in the boxing ring stage for rob referring to rob being the last of his kind of the subspace emissary story mode in the middle end of the adventure mode rob's homeland known as isle of ancients was blown up by a ton of subspace bombs what's left of his home is now the big x in the sky being the same place the isle of ancients once exists it's quite sad that post rob in smash 4 and ultimate has to live with the feeling of loneliness and suffering flashbacks of his kind being killed off man i thought smash couldn't get any darker than that my god flying man model in the magic can't stage there is a flying man that spawned and if touched he'll fight with you on your side throughout the entire match well did you know that the flying man was going to have a 3d model instead of being 2d the sakurai choked it to duty sprite since the hardware of the of the 3ds couldn't handle it there's only one screenshot that gives us an idea of what the 3d model of the flying man would look like thank god they'd show the 2d sprite because he looks pretty disturbing spring man's wrong logo back when min-min was first added in ultimate the spring stadium was also added alongside her on the stage in the background there is a jumbo screen that shows all the arm's characters and their logos spring land screen had springtron's logo but in version 8.1.0 they finally fixed his logo to his s logo instead of springtron's logo n64 originally has final smashes in smash 64 there are unused files of characters saying their final smashes these being ness pikachu and cotton falcon take a listen come on blue falcon it's even confirmed by sakurai that he had plans to add final smashers in the game but due to hardware limitations as they were taken out but they would later on be introduced in brawl nester nestor was a character that was made as a joke on april fool's day by shoryuken they made fake screenshots on the page that looked similar to the character pages in smash 4's website this prank is quite similar to the sonic and tales hoax in melee except it's more obscured virtual boy and melee in the japanese version of melee if you go into the trophy room there is a virtual boy right next to a flowerpot it's unknown exactly why it's exclusive to the japanese version probably due to the virtual boys failure to sell well in north america yikes and didn't want players to remember it or it could be just that they forgot to add it in the english version but i highly doubt that last part snake box trophy secret in brawl if you took a look through the cardboard box trophy you can see snake hiding in it this is quite a nice easter egg since snake is well known for him hiding under boxes in his original game rob and port town aerodrive in the stage port town aerodrive that originated from f0gx there's a giant rob in the background this easter egg also originates from the same kraken f-zero gx i honestly thought that this was added and smashed in easter egg because of rob's conclusion but no this was actually part of the original game as well quite neat slam fest 99 this was an event with the four mascot characters from the n64 commercial duped it out live in a boxing ring nintendo officially held this event themselves but what's interesting is that there isn't any recordings of the fight itself there's only a few screenshots to back this up but that's it i'd recommend checking out l supersonic hughes video on the subject he goes more in depth on his search of this lost piece of media if this sounds interesting to you link will be in the description bill nye fun fact did you know that pat cashman the announcer of brawl is the same announcer and bill nye the science guy take a listen to the voices sunrise free for all grab the coins survival baited trophies this could also fall under the unused trophies too just to make this less confusing and melee there are three unused trophies that can only be attained in the japanese version the tamagon trophy samus on mask and mario and yoshi riding together the samus and mario trophy were only obtained through nintendo's japanese events as far as i've researched while we're at it the ice climber top high trophy was changed from a seal to a little yeti in the north american and european version onto brawl there are 16 out of the 45 characters reposed trophies left in the game this could suggest that they were going to do repos trophies like they did in melee there's also some donkey kong series trophies left behind as well as for smash 4 there is only one trophy that was scrapped being sarja the only evidence of this trophy's existence was covered in the esrb league since her files and game were deleted her trophy was most likely removed due to her suggestive clothing and they didn't want to raise the e-10 plus rating for ninja's hands in the reveal trailer and greninja's reveal trailer at the scene where he's briefly seen in the shadows greninja's hands weren't web together but when he was revealed they are webbed together again this could have been a mistake on the animator's end i honestly never knew this detail existed i'm glad that the virtual vindicator pointed this out in his iceberg scratch subspace prologue there isn't actually any scrap levels or cutscenes for a prologue section just to give a little bit of clickbaity sense but there is actually a bit of prologue lore in the subspace emissary in some of the trophy descriptions in game of how taboo took the halberd and candida d knows taboo's plan and all that lightning mcqueen for smash did you know that lightning is best known movie [Music] so with all that being said i think shrek metal mario texture in melee the metal mario trophy has the texture of yoshi's island stage there are many more weird and neat easter egg reflection textures in the game some of them being a baby's face on fire kirby a cat's face on ayumi tachibana and also he castle for the canceled n64 mother 3. here's what the texture looks like in higher quality i also forgot to mention the super metroid texture screen on metroid trophy as well as the sky texture on the ocarina of time pd piranha in smash 4 the game's files there are unused animations of petey piranha being a stage hazard slash boss in game under the file name boss pacoon pacoon obviously means the japanese word word for piranha these animations are completely new and are not ported over from brawl which could suggest that petey piranha was briefly considered to be added as a stage hazard my honest guess is that sakurai was going to add a unique mario stage to coincide with pd piranha it could possibly have been a sunshine stage or a mario sports spin-off stage alf almost became a clone character as the entry states alph was going to be a clone of olimar with dr mario lucina and dark pit but instead of purple pikmin alf would use rock pikmin they would function similar to the piper pikmin being heavy and dealing lots of damage however this idea never came into the development most likely due to time constraints so they made him as just an ult james bond was planned for melee another clickbaity entry but given the amount of content that was planned in melee there was for sure talks about juan and james bond into smash imagine the ultimate reality we would be in if james bond became playable in smash everything in speculation and fun fan rules would go out of the picture and characters the likes of goku po kik from back of the barnyard and spongebob would be possible i'm thankful we are in that world since smash should only be a game that celebrates the legendary gaming icons of gaming history and there you have it my smash bros iceberg be sure to subscribe and hit that like button to want to see more smash content on this channel this is not an easy task for me especially having very little free time to work on the script of this video and editing it all together i hope you guys learned a thing or two about this game and if you guys have any fun facts about smash bros that i have not mentioned post them in the comments i'd love to read something anyways i hope to see you guys later [Music] shout out to the phantom capricorn and dodea with cheese for being paid members of the channel if you guys want to have your name shout out by the end of these videos all you gotta do is hit that join button and select the cooler paid warrior perk which is 4.99 us dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kickbuttman3
Views: 900
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: smash bros ultimate, smash bros, iceberg explained, iceberg images explained, iceberg images, smash ultimate iceberg, nick all star brawl, super smash bros melee iceberg, smash melee iceberg, hungrybox, super smash bros, hungrybox smash, hbox smash, hbox, melee, super smash bros melee, ssbm, ssbm iceberg, super smash bros iceberg, smash bros iceberg, iceberg chart, iceberg explained youtube, iceberg explained disturbing, iceberg explained video games, creepy iceberg
Id: 8PIByFYGbzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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