The Sunday Mass – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 12, 2021 CC

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[Music] lift high the cross the love of christ brought [Music] christ the son of god [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all and with your spirit welcome everyone to our celebration of the eucharist let us acknowledge our sins and ask for god's mercy and forgiveness you came to heal the contrite of heart lord have mercy lord have mercy you bring pardon and peace to sinners christ have mercy christ have mercy you plead for us at the father's right hand lord have mercy lord have mercy may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life amen glory to god in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great glory lord god heavenly king o god almighty father lord jesus christ only begotten son lord god lamb of god son of the father you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sins of the world receive our prayer you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy on us for you alone are the holy one you alone are the lord you alone are the most high jesus christ with the holy spirit in the glory of god the father amen let us pray look upon us o god creator and ruler of all things and that we may feel the working of your mercy grant that we may serve you with all our heart through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god for ever and ever amen a reading from the book of the prophet isaiah the lord god opens my ear that i may hear and i have not rebelled have not turned back i gave my back to those who beat me my cheeks to those who plucked my beard my face i did not shield from buffets and spitting the lord god is my help therefore i am not disgraced i have set my face like flint knowing that i shall not be put to shame he is near who upholds my right if anyone wishes to oppose me let us appear together who disputes my right let that man confront me see the lord god is my help who will prove me wrong the word of the lord thanks be to god [Music] i will walk before the lord in the land of the living [Music] i love the lord because he has heard my voice in supplication because he has inclined his hair to me the day i [Music] will walk before the lord in the lord [Music] a reading from the letter of saint james what good is it my brothers and sisters if someone says he has faith but does not have works can that faith save him if a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day and one of you says to them go in peace keep warm and eat well but do you do not give them the necessities of the body what good is it so also faith of itself it does not have works is dead indeed someone might say you have faith and i have works demonstrate your faith to me without works and i will demonstrate my faith to you from my works the word of the lord thanks be to god [Music] you may i never boast except in the cross of the lord through which the world has been crucified on me [Music] the lord be with you [Music] a reading from the holy gospel according to mark glory to you lord jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of caesarea philippi along the way he asked his disciples who do people say that i am they said in reply john the baptist others elijah still others one of the prophets and he asked them but who do you say that i am peter said to him in reply you are the christ and then he warned them not to tell anyone about him he began to teach them that the son of man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and rise after three days he spoke this openly then peter took him aside and began to rebuke him and at this he turned around and looking at his disciples rebuked peter and said get behind me satan you are thinking not as god does but as human beings do he summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself take up his cross and follow me for whoever wishes to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus christ there was a chess champion who went on a vacation touring europe one day he was visiting an art museum the guide and tour group were stopping at each work of art and they came to a picture of a chess board and two figures on one side of the chessboard was a half human figure with a sinister looking grin on its face it was the evil one the devil the other figure was a young man sweating with a concerned look on his face and underneath the picture was the word in bold letters checkmate the group continued on to other pictures but the chess master stayed looking at the picture and was just riveted on the chessboard studying the position of each piece and after a few minutes he shouted to the group it's a lie it's a lie the king has one more move and this is what the evil one wants us to think that the cross of jesus that he would have to suffer would be a total disaster and that's why peter said god forbid lord that anything like that happened to you after he had already declared that he was the christ that great confession of faith on which our church is built jesus then said get behind me satan you're not thinking as god does and following jesus means that we would follow his example jesus the suffering servant and when he was on the cross on good friday it was not a disaster it was a moment of glory no greater love than that that our savior would give his life for us and by his cross win our redemption and we know that on good friday the king had one more move easter and resurrection and good friday now is always followed by easter the evil one wants us to think that he won that the evil one wins we sometimes hear a voice that says there's no hope you're lost you're a terrible person god has abandoned you and that even god can't save you don't listen to that voice that's the voice of the evil one he wants us to think it's checkmate that it's over but god always says do not be afraid i am with you follow me you are precious to me i will never leave you i am with you always that's the voice of god's son jesus the christ listen to that voice when this mass is over today and we all go back into the playing field and the chess board of life remember the king has one more move and we can answer that question today that jesus asked who do you say that i am you are the christ the king of the universe and the king of the universe always has one more move it's the glory and victory of the cross the power of the cross that's always in play and so as we continue the journey of our lives and our discipleship let us not be afraid or concerned about taking up our cross and following him remember the king has one more move we now proclaim our faith i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell and on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen jesus christ suffered and died for us we now ask god our father for the grace to understand the value of suffering in our christian lives for the persecuted church may she unite all the insults inflicted on her with those of her lord and be a powerful source of grace to the world through deeper closeness to him we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for christian politicians and government may they have the moral courage to stand up for the dignity and truth of our humanity revealed by faith we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for an openness to life within the sacrament of marriage and an increase in vocations to the priesthood religious life and the permanent diaconate we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for those who fear suffering may have find rest in their minds and peace in their hearts as they place their trust in the lord's power to save we pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer gracious god we make our prayers to you in confidence knowing the gospel paradox that it's in giving that we receive in dying to self that we truly live hear the prayers we ask with faith through christ our lord amen [Music] take up your cross the savior said if you want my disciples take up your cross within heart and humbly follow after me take up your cross let knot its weight fill your weak spirit with along eastern [Music] [Laughter] [Music] take up your cross heed not the shame and let your followers heard lord for you accepted death [Music] pray sisters and brothers that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father may the lord accept this sacrifice at my hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his holy church look with favor on our supplications o lord and in your kindness accept these your servants offerings that what each has offered to the honor of your name may serve the salvation of all through christ our lord amen the lord be with you lift up your hearts let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god for you laid the foundations of the world and have arranged the changing of times and seasons you formed man in your own image setting humanity over the whole world in all its wonder to rule in your name over all you have made and forever praise you in your mighty works through christ our lord and so with all the angels we praise you as in joyful celebration we acclaim [Music] blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] you are indeed holy o lord the fount of all holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and gave you thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] when we eat this bread and drink this cop we proclaim your death [Music] therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks that you've held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with francis our pope and wilton and michael our bishops and all the clergy remember also our sisters and brothers who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and all the saints who have pleased you throughout the ages we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son jesus christ through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours for ever and ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever lord jesus christ who said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign for ever and ever amen the peace of the lord be with you always let us offer each other the sign of peace [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed [Music] [Music] i will sing i will sing of your salvation [Music] in your lord [Music] in your justice rescue and deliver me incline your ear to me and save me i [Music] will see [Music] let us pray may the working of this heavenly gift o lord we pray take possession of our minds and bodies so that its effects and not our own desires may always prevail in us through christ our lord amen the lord be with you may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit the mass has ended let us go in peace to love and serve the lord and one another thanks be to god [Music] god is [Music] if you cannot attend mass and would like to receive the eucharist at home please contact your parish directly to help support the tv mass from the basilica call 1-866-507-8757 [Music] or visit basilica tv mass the b52 it's really a magnificent beast the movements the lights it's something that sticks with you when i was a kid i was really inspired by the combat service of my father when the opportunity arose as a b-52 pilot to go overseas i put my name in the hat as quickly as i could my grandfather had joined the knights of columbus during world war ii and freshman year i really felt called to join while i was deployed to qatar i also noticed that there was a great number of care packages that were going unused i had the opportunity to work with deployed knights of columbus we took that off base to help the hundreds of thousands of migrants and qatar i think today more than ever we need men that are dedicated to charity unity fraternity and patriotism and i'm proud to be a knight of columbus [Music]
Channel: National Shrine
Views: 67,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sunday Mass, Catholic Sunday Mass, September 12 2021 Mass, The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 30 Minute Catholic Mass, Mass online, Mass on TV, Catholic Sunday Mass online, Catholic Mass broadcast, televised Mass, The Sunday Mass at the Basilica, Mass at the Basilica, Mary’s Shrine, National Shrine, Basilica in D.C., Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Choir of the Basilica, Youtube Mass, Youtube Catholic Mass, Robert Cilinski
Id: W1EiVNQmMh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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