The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck | Michael Mauboussin | Talks at Google

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MALE SPEAKER: Hello, everyone. Thank you all for coming. And folks who are joining remotely-- welcome, as well. Today we have a very, very special speaker-- someone whose work I deeply admire and have been fond of. I was thinking about what is the best way to introduce him? Should I say he is a Managing Director at Credit Suisse? Should I say he's an Adjunct Professor at Columbia? Usually not all practitioners are good academics or appreciate academia. And not necessarily all academics are good practitioners. At lunch today our speaker said, I love teaching and writing. And those are the two things that he's most fond of. So I think that's the best way to introduce him. He's a teacher and writer. So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Michael Mauboussin. [APPLAUSE] MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Thank you, [INAUDIBLE]. And good afternoon. It's a real pleasure to be here, and I really look forward to today's discussion. The topic today is an unendingly fascinating topic of skill and luck. I'll tell you my own story of luck. When I was a senior in college I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I did know I needed a job. I went to school in Washington, DC and one of the firms that came to recruit was Drexel Burnham Lambert. Now this is probably before most of your time. But it was a fairly hot investment bank at the time. On campus interview-- did sufficiently well that I was invited to New York for the big day. So I get my very best suit out, polish my shoes, go to New York. The day of the big interviews, we're sitting around a conference room and they go, here is the basic setup. You're going to have six interviews with various people from our training program, and you're going to get 10 minutes with the head guy. So of course, you want to be good all day. But for those 10 minutes make sure you have your A game. So I go through my six interviews. They go reasonably well. I get my 10 minutes. I'm ushered into this guy's huge office, and I see peeking out from underneath his desk a Washington Redskins trash can. Now I've been going to school in Washington. The Redskins were good back then. So I said to the guy off-handedly, that's an awesome trashcan. This hits the guy in the emotional seat. And my 10 minute interview becomes 15 minutes of him going on about the virtues of athletics and how much the football team is a metaphor for life. And I'm basically going like this the whole time. So I go back to school. Couple weeks later I get the coveted letter in the mail-- you've been offered this job. This is great. I'm gainfully employed, I move to New York, and I start my job. About three months into it, one of the senior guys in the program pulls me aside, puts his arm around me, says, hey, kid you're doing OK. Everything's fine. I just want you to know. But I have to tell you something now. The six people you interviewed voted against hiring you. Very reassuring, right? So I'm like, OK, so why am I here? And he said, well, the senior guy came in and overrode all their decisions. And he insisted we hire you. So I like to say my career was launched by a trash can. And that was pure luck. And thankfully there are no Laszlo Bock algorithms involved with that, either. Otherwise, I'd still be unemployed. The topic today is skill and luck. I really want to talk about three things. First I want to define my terms a bit and talk about what I call the three easy lessons-- three things you can take away fairly quickly. In the middle part-- the meat of the discussion-- I want to talk about the complexion of skill and luck-- what they look like and how they change over time. And then finally I'll wrap up a bit with what to do about this, but also why we struggle so much in our lives to understand the role of luck. One way to think about this is to think about a continuum of activities. On the far left-- pure luck, no skill. You might think lotteries or roulette wheels. On the far right-- pure skill, no luck. Maybe running races or chess would be over there. It's very important to define terms. So let me just take a moment to do that. I'm going to define skill right out of the dictionary, which is the ability to apply one's knowledge readily in execution or performance. So you know how to do something and when you're called on to do it, you can do it on cue. Now luck-- as you might imagine-- is much more difficult to define. It actually spills into moral philosophy quite quickly. But I'm going to say luck exists when three conditions are in place. Number one is it operates for an individual or organization. So it happens to you, or your favorite team, or your company. The second is it could be good or bad. And I don't mean to suggest it's symmetrical because we'll see in a few moments it's certainly not symmetrical. But there's a plus sign and a minus sign possible. And third is it is reasonable to expect a different outcome could have occurred. So if we rewound the tape of time and we played it again, it's reasonable to expect a different outcome could have occurred. Now what I've done here for fun is arrayed professional sports leagues based on one season of performance. So this is where they actually lie on the luck/skill continuum. That's the NBA, Barclays Premier League Soccer, Major League Baseball, the NFL, and then finally the NHL. Now I'll mention one other thing on luck and skill, which is kind of fun. There's a really interesting test which I learned from the poker people about figuring out if there's any skill in an activity. And that is, ask if you can lose on purpose. If you can lose on purpose, there must be some skill. If you can't lose on purpose, it's basically all luck. So that's another nice little litmus test to figure that out. I'm going to go through this very quickly, mostly as a set up for the next discussion. You might imagine that your outcome in life is drawing from a luck distribution and a skill distribution. So I take the two outcomes and combine them, and that's going to be my outcome. So in the far left it would be a luck distribution, and you're drawing only zeros for skill. So only luck is going to make a difference. On the right it's going be drawing from a skill distribution and zeros from luck. So only skill matters. And then everything in life is going to be some distribution for each. So we're drawing these distributions. So this very simplistic set up allows me to proceed with what I call the three easy lessons. So easy lesson number one-- whenever you see an extreme outlier-- and by the way, most of the outliers we observe are positive outliers because negative outliers almost always die, either literally or metaphorically. So whenever you see a positive outlier, it's always the combination of great skill plus great luck. And if you think about it for a moment, that really has to be true. It's a right hand draw from both of those distributions. Now there are many ways I could demonstrate this. One of the convenient ways is the world of sports. This, of course, is Joe DiMaggio, who hit in 56 straight games in 1941. DiMaggio was a .325 career hitter, one of the best of all time. And it turns out if you look at all the players with 30 or more hitting streaks, their career batting average is over .300. They're about one and a half standard deviations above the average. So saying this very differently-- not all skillful players have streaks, but all the streaks are held by skillful players. And it make sense, right? Because skill is the prerequisite, and then luck comes on top to get to be an outlier. The second observation-- second lesson-- is about reversion to the mean. By the way, reversion to the mean is a fascinating concept because I think most people have a sense that they know what it means. But if you actually observe the behavior of most people, they don't act as if they understand reversion to the mean. So let me just be technical. You guys all understand this. Reversion to the mean says that an outcome that is far from average will be followed by an outcome with an expected value closer to the average. Right? Now here's the classic example, which you may remember from your stats class years ago-- the heights of fathers and sons. Very tall fathers have tall sons. But the heights of the sons are close to the average of all the sons. And likewise, short fathers have short sons. But the heights of the sons are close to the average of all heights of the sons. Now here's the one thing I think is very interesting and practical about this reversion to the mean concept and the skill/luck continuum, which is it turns out where you lie on the luck/skill continuum defines the rate of reversion to the mean-- not just that it occurs, but the rate of reversion to the mean. So for example, if you're on the pure luck side of the continuum, there's complete reversion to the mean. In other words, expected value of the next outcome is some measure of the average, mean, or in some cases the mode. If you're on the pure skill side of the continuum, there's no reversion to the mean at all. We run a sprint against Usain Bolt, he wins. We run again, he wins again. No reversion to the mean. So if you know where your activity is, you automatically have a sense for the rate of reversion to the mean. So if you're thinking about things like business performance or markets or what have you, it's a very, very helpful and useful heuristic. Now the third lesson is the one that's probably garnered the most interest from this book. It's a concept I call the paradox of skill. I want to be clear that it's not my idea, but I gave it that name. And the paradox of skills says in activities where both skill and luck contribute to outcomes, it is often the case that as skill increases-- skill improves-- luck becomes more important. So how can we have more skill leading to more luck being important? Now I learned about this concept from Stephen Jay Gould, a very eminent biologist who wrote a lot about evolutionary theory and also liked to write about baseball. And one of my favorite essays he wrote was about Ted Williams, who you see here. Ted Williams was the last player to hit over .400 in Major League Baseball. He also did it in the year 1941. And so the question Gould was pondering is why has no one been able to replicate this feat over the ensuing 70 plus years? He said maybe it's because the players play at night, maybe because there are relief pitchers now, maybe-- none of these things actually checked out. The answer was, it turns out the standard deviation of skill for Major League Baseball players has gotten narrower, which is to say the difference between the very best players and the average players is less today than it was a generation ago. So if you accept that batting average is some skill plus some luck combined, if the standard deviation of skill goes down, that means the standard deviation of batting average should go down. And that's, indeed, precisely what we've seen. So the standard deviation of batting average in the 1940s was .032. And the standard deviation of batting average today is about .027. So saying this differently, Ted Williams was a four standard deviation event in 1941. And if you were a four standard deviation event in 2011-- let's say 70 years later-- you would hit .380. Now .380 is obviously fantastic. But it doesn't get you over that threshold of .400. Now here's the thing I want to emphasize. It turns out the paradox of skill is everywhere we look. It's very visibly true in the world of investing where the standard deviation of excess returns has been coming down steadily for 50 years. It's true in the world of sports, as I've already mentioned. It's also true in the world of business-- for example, quality of products. Now it's much more uniform than it was a generation or two before. I want to leave you with this one thought. The distinction I'm making here is that absolute skill has never been higher. And that's true everywhere we look. But relative skill has never been narrower. That means more is being left to luck. And I want to just keep that in your mind. More is being left to luck in our modern world than it has been in years past. We'll come back to that in a few moments. So those are the three easy lessons. The paradox skill says as absolute skill improves, if relative skill comes down, more is actually going to be left to luck. The paradox of skill actually makes a very specific prediction which is, in realms where there is no luck we should see two things happening-- if my description is correct. One is an absolute improvement-- in this case grinding to some physiological limit. I'm using an athletic endeavor here. And the second is clustering because I'm suggesting the right tail is coming in. That means the performance is getting clustered of people. So there are many ways I can show this is actually occurring. One convenient example is Olympic men's marathon time. So the white line there is the time of the guy who won the gold medal. And you can see that guy ran-- in 2012-- about 23 and a half minutes faster than the guy who won the gold medal in 1932. So not a huge surprise. But if you're a runner, it's about a minute a mile pace pick up over 80 years. The more interesting line is the blue one, which is the difference between the guy who won the gold medal and the guy who came in 20th. Now mind you, this is supposed to be some of the best, fastest runners in the world competing on the same stage. That difference was 39 minutes in 1932. Now just take that in for a second. This is the Olympic marathon. The guy has won the gold medal, has taken a shower, is eating a sandwich, and this other guy is still on the course finishing up. That time is down to about five minutes, seven minutes today. And I think we can confidently say if we meet in the future, that will be an even shorter amount of time. So we see in swimming, rowing, running, this convergence of times. And as you know, we need now incredibly sensitive devices just to figure out when the players leave and when they finish in order to measure truly which one is the fastest in that particular event. Let me shift gears a bit and now talk about skill/luck. I've been depicting them with these normal distributions, but of course, that's not the case. Skill-- let me start with that. It's actually quite easy to describe. Skill tends to follow an arc. So we call this the arc of skill. Again, let me start with a physical endeavour. This is sports. So for example, if you've ever played a sport when you start off when you're young, you don't have a lot of proficiency. But as you practice, you get better, and better, and better. At some point you get to peak performance as you're getting stronger. And then you come down the other side. So there's this very definable arc. By the way, for sports the best way to predict this is slow twitch versus fast twitch muscles. It turns out that in sports with a lot of fast twitch muscles, players peak young. So sprinters-- 22, 23. Basketball players-- their mid-20s. And then if there's more slow twitch, you peak in your late 20s, typically. So baseball players-- late 20s. Some football players-- late 20s, as well. By the way, if you're a golfer, there's some good news for you. Golf tends to plateau from roughly 30 to 35, and then it rolls over after age 35. So here's Tiger Woods, who is now 38. So no matter what other issues he's dealing with now, Father Time is also knocking on his door. Here's the actual arc of skill for tennis. This is quite interesting data. This is the winner of Men's Grand Slam tournaments in the Open era. So 1968 through 2013. So on top you can see the distribution. And it turns out, the mode is 24 years old. And it turns out in the last 40 years or so, the mean is actually 24 years old. So 24 years old is basically the sweet spot for winning men's tennis tournaments. Now the bottom panel-- it's a little hard to see from where you are-- but the bottom is actually the age of every winner of every tournament since that time, with a line at age 30. And what we know is in the last 40 years-- so 160 events-- only four players have been over 30 years old who've won a Grand Slam. Only four players. By the way, we had a little bit of excitement about this just a couple weeks ago with Roger Federer trying to win Wimbledon. He's 32 years old. He'll be 33 in the fall. It's simply no one has won Wimbledon over the age of 30 since Arthur Ash did it in 1975. So it was really-- it just shows you how amazing Federer is. But at his age, with 17 Slams, what happens is you physically slow down just a tiny bit. And that difference is the difference between you and a younger generation. So we'll see if in men's tennis this new, young generation starts to take over. This is a very, very pronounced pattern that we see in every sport and you know, bankable. Now your reaction to that is probably something like, oh, that's interesting. Maybe it helps you in your fantasy sports league, or something. But what you care about is cognitive performance, right? Psychologists study cognitive performance. And it follows the same arc, incidentally. And it turns out psychologists often agree that cognitive performance is a function of two types of intelligence-- so-called crystallized and fluid intelligence. And you can see from the picture this is sort of a bad news, good news situation. Let's start with the bad news, and that's fluid intelligence. So fluid intelligence is effectively your ability to deal with novelty. So if I present you with a series you've never seen before, how good are you at figuring out what's going to happen next? Turns out we have a couple people who are probably right at their peaks in the room. Fluid intelligence tends to peak in your early 20s and then pretty much goes downhill throughout your life. So if you're out of college, basically, you're probably on the down swing in terms of your fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence-- which is the good news, of course-- is something that is exactly what it sounds like. It's your cumulative knowledge. It's your wisdom, understanding of facts, and so forth. That pretty much-- barring cognitive impairment-- pretty much grows throughout life. So you can see that. And it's the combination that defines this overall arc. So here are the basic trade offs. Now I just want to mentioned a couple numbers, and maybe I'll ask you guys to participate. I'm going to ask you a couple numbers about peak age performance for certain tasks. So the first one I'll throw out there is there was a study done of institutional money managers. So these are portfolio managers. And the question I'll post to you is, at what age do you believe institutional money managers deliver the best excess returns? So what age do institutional money managers deliver the best excess returns? Throw out some numbers. What do we hear? AUDIENCE: 72. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: 70? God, I love that answer, by the way. I'm holding on to that one. AUDIENCE: 55. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: 55. AUDIENCE: 45. AUDIENCE: 40. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: 40. 40 40. 45. Very specific. OK. So the answer-- well, the actual, exact answer is the range of 40 to 44. But let's call it 42 as an average. So you guys, you know, some of those guesses are really good. Let's hold on to that 70, though. I may modify that one. So institutional money managers-- early 40s. The other one that was even more interesting for me-- this was a paper done by David Laibson and some colleagues at Harvard University. And this is where they used massive data sets for this. They went out and studied-- now this is not people like you, but people in the real world, out there. At what age do people make the best household finance decisions? So this is at what age do people get the best terms on their auto loans? At what age do people get the best interest rates on their mortgages? That type of stuff. So there were about a dozen categories, tens of thousands of people participating. At what age do people make the best household finance decisions? What number, what age do you think that is? AUDIENCE: 30 to 35. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: 30 to 35. AUDIENCE: 55 to 60. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: What was that? AUDIENCE: 55 to 60. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: That's good. I like that one. That's good. So anybody else? Yeah? AUDIENCE: 40 to 45. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: So 40 to 45. This is one where I'm thinking the older-- my thought was older is better, in part because older people tend to have more assets than younger people, on average, which is true. And really, there's no cognitive impairment issues even when you get into your 60s, typically, for most people. Turns out the age was 53. 53. And there's a standard deviation around that. But almost everyone in the categories the mean tended to converge on age 53. So the question I was asking myself is, why is it not 60, for instance. And it turns out the cartoon version of that is that just as when we get older it becomes more difficult for us to react to things physically, as we get older we tend to get cognitively lazier, as well. We tend to get cognitively lazier. So I'm going to ask you just to participate in this. Please don't shout out the answer. You guys just answer it in your head or write it down if you're inclined. Here's a very simple question to try to illustrate this point. So here's the set up. Jack is looking at Anne. Anne is looking at George. Jack is married. George is unmarried. Here's the question I'd like you to answer. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person. All right? So Jack is married. He's looking at Anne. Anne is looking at George. He's unmarried. The question is, is a married person looking at an unmarried person? So there are three possible answers. A, yes. B, no. C, cannot be determined based on the information you provided me. So let me ask this question. What is the first answer that comes to your mind? AUDIENCE: C. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: C, right? So by the way, how many people C-- first answer comes to your mind, right? So of course, that's the wrong answer. But it is the first answer that comes to your mind, right? Now let me see if I can replicate the C mindset. See I have two pairs to work with. There are no tricks. I have two pairs to work with. Jack and Anne-- I know Jack's marital state. Right there, the light bulb just went on. You know Jack's marital state. You don't know Anne's marital state. So I can't tell based on that pair. My second pair is Anne and George. I know George's marital state, but I still don't know Anne's marital state. So I can't tell. I'm basically stuck. Now the answer is A, yes. And the reason is Anne has only two possible marital statuses. She's either married or she's unmarried. And of course that's exhaustive. So let's assume for a moment she's unmarried. Jack is looking at Anne. Is a married person looking at-- then the answer would be yes. And now flip her status and say she's married. Anne is looking at George. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person? The answer would be yes. Right. So no matter what I assume about her marital status, the answer must be affirmative for one of my pairs. Now what happens-- by the way, I rushed through that purposefully. Everyone answers C at first. And the only way to get the correct answer is to check your work. Now if I had given you all time, I assure you all would have gotten that answer correct. But what happens is, as you get older you're less likely to check your work-- quite literally less likely to check your work. The first answer that comes to your mind-- And if you want to use [INAUDIBLE] language, that question is meant to evoke your system-- one-- rapid response. And unless you recruited your system-- two-- to answer that question properly, you're going to come to the wrong answer. That's what happens. That's the cartoon version of what happens as we get older. We go with rules of thumb and heuristics. Now let me turn to the topic of luck, which is actually quite a bit richer than the topic of skill, even. And when we talk about luck there's a very bright dividing line between activities that are largely independent activities and then path dependent activities-- where what happened before affects what happens next. And what I'm going to argue in these path dependent processes is there is an inherent lack of predictability and an inherent inequality. But let me start first with a simpler case, and that is these independent outcomes in luck. In the book we actually used a baseball player named Adam Jones. His batting average in 2011-- he's an All Star now, by the way-- his batting average was .280. So we create a spinner model-- 28% of the time, hit. 72% of the time, out. We simulate 10,000 seasons. We compare it to the actual Adam Jones statistics. And hitting is not perfectly independent, but it's close enough for all intents and purposes, right? So that's basically a close to independent process-- not perfect, but close enough. And there are other things in business that we can model on other things in life where that element of luck is going to be pretty easy to model and almost never perfect, but typically pretty good. The more interesting case is the case of path dependence. So this is my second quiz question of the day and one that's much easier than the first one. Which is, what is the most famous painting in the world? AUDIENCE: "Mona Lisa." MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: "Mona Lisa", right? That's a hint as everybody here is looking at the painting. So there's the "Mona Lisa." By the way, how many people have actually seen the "Mona Lisa" in real life? Yes? And so what was your impression of the "Mona Lisa"? AUDIENCE: Small. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Small. Anything else besides small? Any other descriptors? Inspiring? No, small. That's usually what people say. Well, I have to say, my wife, Michelle, is here today. And we last summer took our whole family-- we have five kids-- and mother-in-law. So all eight of us went to Paris. And we, of course, went to the Louvre. We got a guide and we spent a day there so that our kids could be disappointed as we were a generation before. So we've perpetuated that tradition. Now you all know the basic history of the "Mona Lisa." It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, of course, in the early 1500s. It was in Italy for a number of years in the early 1500s, but it's been in France continuously since about 1517. So let's round it and say 500 years, basically, in France. Now the question is an interesting one to pose is, why is the "Mona Lisa"-- by the way, "Mona Lisa" gets 85% market share when you ask that question around the globe. 85% of people say-- unprompted-- say the "Mona Lisa." By the way, I was curious about this because I was in Singapore in Hong Kong, and I was giving a version of the talk. And I asked people there-- just as I asked you-- and the answer spilled out just as rapidly and just as decisively. So that the truly seems to be the case. So the question is, why is the "Mona Lisa" the most famous painting in the world? And if you were an art critic you might say something like, well, there were only like 11 or 12 da Vincis in the world. But he depicted movement in the background beautifully. He used oil paints. And you can always fall back on the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. But notice that none of those things are truly unique to the painting and many of them are actually quite self-referential. So now what if I told you that for most of "Mona Lisa's" existence, it was not the most famous painting in the world. And I want to give you two bits of evidence on that. The first is in 1750. The painting was in Versailles-- about 20 kilometers away from Paris-- at the Royal Palace. And they said, we're going to take the top 110 pieces from Versailles and bring them to Paris for an exhibition. So the top 100 pieces. "Mona Lisa" doesn't make the cut. This is 1750, so it's about a 250-year-old painting. It doesn't make the cut. In 1797, it goes to the Louvre-- when it opened as a museum-- where it remains today, of course. And right around 1850-- it's 1849, specifically-- we'll call it 1850. The curators of the Louvre brought in experts to value each of the paintings, in part for insurance purposes. And what you see is the "Mona Lisa" was not even deemed to be the most valuable da Vinci painting. And its value was truly deemed to be a fraction of the most famous Raphaels of the day. So what happened between 1850 and 2014 where everybody says, the "Mona Lisa" is the most famous painting in the world? Now some of you may have heard this story, but it's a wonderful one. In the summer of 1911, an Italian painter-- patriotic, apparently-- decides that the "Mona Lisa" should be returned back to Italy. So he sneaks into the Louvre on a Sunday night-- it was closed on Mondays at the time-- slept, woke up, and on Monday morning came in and took the painting off its peg, put it in his jacket, and walked out the door. Now when I asked you-- for those of you who saw the "Mona Lisa"-- I said, what was your description, what was your reaction? Most of you said small. And that was a huge asset because it's only 22 by 30. So it's a fairly small painting. And that fit nicely inside this guy's coat as he sneaked out with the painting. Now this guy-- a lot of theories about this guy. He was a little bit of a crazy guy. But he basically went back to his apartment, put it in a trunk, and just slid it under his bed, and basically left it there. And no one heard anything of it. Now immediately-- by the way, this is a time when the Parisian press was taking off, four million newspapers in circulation-- where's our beloved "Mona Lisa" becomes a national story in France and then ultimately an international story. So this great da Vinci painting is missing. Well, two years later, this guy says, well, the gig's up, decides to get rid of this "Mona Lisa." So he writes a letter to a Florentine antique dealer. And he says, hey, my name-- I got the "Mona Lisa." I want to bring it back to Italy. Will you buy it off me? And the guy says, hey, if it's true, validate it, authenticate it, sure. So the guy goes down to Florence. Sure enough, they meet at a hotel, they authenticate the "Mona Lisa." They arrest the guy-- apparently shocked-- as he's dragged off by the police. And they negotiate with the French government. And then within a couple of weeks it comes back to France in early 1914-- so 100 years almost, exactly-- to great fanfare. It gets its own room, and 100,000 people come to see this. So it sort of kick starts the popularity of this painting. And from there, of course, it becomes part of pop culture. So on the left, you see the very famous Marcel Duchamp parody where it's got a little mustache and a beard. And if you can read French, read those letters quickly, it's a bit of a scandalous phrase about the "Mona Lisa." And on the right, it comes over to the US shores with Nat King Cole's number one song in the 1950s called "Mona Lisa," wins an Academy Award, and so forth. By the way, no one really knows what the "Mona Lisa" is worth. The last time it came to the United States was the early 1960s. It was brought over by Jacqueline Kennedy. It was then put out for appraisal for insurance. So there's an interesting thing. There's something called "The Financial Analyst Journal" which writes about different financial topics. And one of the things they had in a recent issue was the art chain-- so the art prices over the last 100 years. So just for fun, I took that number from 1962 and attached it to the art chain. And you have to inflation adjust and so forth. But if you work out the math, sort of back of the envelope, the best estimate for the value of the "Mona Lisa" in 2014 dollars is 2.5 billion dollars. And that would be roughly 10 times what's paid for any painting. Now of course, it's invaluable. Who knows what it's worth and certainly whether it would fetch that in the real world. I have no idea. But just to give you some sort of a sense of that exercise for fun. Now the problem with my "Mona Lisa" story-- hopefully it's entertaining-- but there's no way to prove it right and there's no way to prove it wrong. Right? What I've done is I've attached a number of facts to a story-- to a claim-- that's made this painting so famous. But I want to share with you the outcome of an experiment that lends credence to how unpredictable hits really are. This is an experiment done by three sociologists at Columbia University called Music Lab. The main researcher on this is a guy named Duncan Watts. And what they did is ostensibly about musical tastes. About 14,000 people participated. So here's the basic drill. You're a college kids sitting in your dorm, you get an email and it says, hey, we care about what you think about music. Come into our site. You see 48 songs by unknown bands. So they validate-- they made sure that no one had heard of these songs or these bands. And they say, cruise around, and listen to songs, and then rate them. Five stars, I love it. One star, I hate it. And if you really like it, you can download it for your iPod. So that's the basic set up-- love it, hate it, download it. Now unbeknownst to the subjects is they came in-- 20% came into what they call the independent condition. The order of the songs is randomized. Love it, hate it, download it, but you can see what no one else did before you. So effectively you're in the record store by yourself. The other 80%-- of course, you see that's the control. The other 80% went into 10% each into eight social worlds. You could think of these, quite literally, as parallel universes. Identical initial set up to the control, but now you could see what other people did before you. You could see what songs they downloaded and you could see what songs they said they liked. In one extreme version of the experiment they had a leader board-- so the most popular songs, the most downloaded songs at the top. So the question is, does the pattern of what people do before you influence what you say you like and what you ultimately do? And the answer is fairly unequivocally yes. Now I want to be really clear. The best songs in the independent condition had a much better chance of success in the social worlds. And the bad songs really did well. So quality mattered. I want to be really clear about that. But if you're in the top third, probably top half of the control independent condition, pretty much anything can happen. Now there was one song that I thought captured the experiment brilliantly. It's a song called "Lockdown" by a band named 52metro. And it was number 26 in the independent condition. So this is one out of 48. It's number 26. It's basically the definition of average. Right in the middle. In one of the social worlds, it was the number one hit. And in another one of the social worlds, it was number 40. So the point is, if we roll back time and replay time again, would we likely have the same-- would "Harry Potter" be "Harry Potter"? Would "Star Wars" be "Star Wars"? Would YouTube be YouTube? The answer is highly unlikely that the same things would succeed to the same order of magnitude that they did succeed. It's inherently very difficult to predict winners. By the way, as a side note-- I'll mention that I teach a course at Columbia Business School. And this year-- we always bring in an executive guest. And this year we brought in a guy who was an executive at Time Warner. Now he runs Turner Broadcasting. And he must have said to the students a half dozen times in his session, we have no idea what's going to be a hit. You know, we obviously work really hard at this. We try to think about formulas. We really have no idea what's going to work. So they've got a huge TV studio, a huge film studio. They're very incentivized to figure it out, but it's very difficult to do. Now the other thing I mentioned is this inherent inequality. Economists call this convexity, which says for a small change in quality, there's a huge change in payoff. The example-- the product-- I want to use for this-- and by the way, you might think-- there are a lot of examples. So the x-axis here, by the way, is just going to be skill, or quality, whatever you want to say. The y-axis is some sort of payoff-- could be market share, could be profits, whatever it is. One example-- a trivial one-- is if you win the US Open tennis tournament, you make twice as much money as the guy who comes in second even though on any objective scale of skill you're sitting right next to each other and vastly better than the broader population. Now the product I want to mention in this context is a product called Stephen King. And you all know his name, obviously-- a remarkably successful novelist for many, many years. His first very commercially successful novel came out in 1973, called "Carrie." And from that point on, he was off and running. He published about a book a year with great commercial acclaim. But it turns out Stephen King was actually writing more than one novel a year. So he's got these extra novels stacking up on the side. So he turns to his publishers and he says, hey, we're doing great. How about we publish more than one book a year? And the guy says, Stephen, Stephen. One book per author per year. That's how we do it in the publishing world. So he says, you know what? I'm going to publish anyway under a pseudonym. And the pseudonym was Richard Bachman. Richard because there was a Richard Stark novel sitting on his desk at that time, and Bachman because Bachman-Turner Overdrive was playing on the radio. Some of the older people know that band and that song, "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet." So Richard Bachman starts going to the publishing businesses. And here's what happens for the next half dozen years. Stephen King-- great commercial success. Richard Bachman-- commercial flop. Stephen King-- great commercial success. Richard Bachman-- commercial flop. And this is going on book after book. The last Richard Bachman book came out in the early 1980s and it was called "Thinner." There was a guy in a Washington, DC bookstore who was reading this book. And he was like, this guy Richard Bachman-- he writes a lot like Stephen King. He develops his characters like Stephen King. You know, I think this actually might be Stephen King. He so believes this he goes down to the Library of Congress and looks up who's got the copyright to Richard Bachman. And it turns out-- Stephen King. So he figures this out. And he calls him up and says, Mr. King, I've realized that you're Richard Bachman. King comes clean immediately, by the way, and says, hey, congratulations. You figured it out. I'll give you the first interview, and so forth. So the whole thing is over. Now what's remarkable and important for the context of the story is that from the moment it was revealed that that book was written not by Richard Bachman, but rather by Stephen King, sales went up 10x. Same book. And by the way, for those of you-- this may have a familiar ring to it. This actually happened last summer. Anybody follow this whole thing with JK Rowling? JK Rowling wrote a book under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. We actually have the Amazon rankings. We kept track of them. It was actually very cool. So it's puttering along. It's doing fine. It's puttering along but not certainly at best seller. And then, this book is actually written by JK Rowling, and it shoots to number one. So I can imagine as a publisher that would be very hard to hold back on that information because eventually you can have a hit song, hit book. Now the last section I want to finish up with and then we can have a broader discussion is why we struggle with understanding luck and then ultimately what to do about that. Now if I tell you the future has skill and luck, everybody here gets that. There's no concern. You completely understand that concept. But once an event occurs, something that happens in all of us-- by the way, it happens effortlessly and rapidly-- which is your mind creates a narrative to explain that outcome and then you file that narrative in your mind. And as you do that, two things happen. One is called hindsight bias, which is you start to believe that you knew what was going to happen with a greater probability than you actually did. And the second concept-- which is related-- is called creeping determinism, which is you start to believe that what happened was the only thing that could have happened. By the way, it's very natural because now you have the outcome and you have all the facts that surround it. And your mind says, aha! Yes, it had to be that way. How could I have entertained any other alternatives? Now you might say, why do you have this weird picture? This guy on the left is Michael Gazzaniga, who is a well-known neuroscientist. He studied under Roger Sperry and won the Nobel Prize. And he's probably best known for his work on so-called "split-brain patients." Now these are people who have debilitating epilepsy. They have failed all their treatments. And as a last ditch effort, they go in and they sever the corpus callosum, the bundle of nerves between the two hemispheres of the brain. By the way, the first thing I should tell you is this is actually a very beneficial surgery. People feel much better after this. But the second thing is, it sets up an incredibly interesting experimental condition where experimenters can feed information into the right hemisphere and then ask the patient what's going on. So the right hemisphere has very little language. So for instance, they might show a key to a door through the left eye to the right hemisphere. And then they say to the patient, point at the picture that makes the most sense. And they point at the door, no problem-- easy to do. Then they ask them, why are you pointing at a door? Now note, your left hemisphere has got a problem because it can talk, knows nothing of the key because it can't access the information in the right hemisphere. But it can see that they're pointing at a door. So what the left hemisphere does-- again, effortlessly and rapidly-- is it creates a gibberish story to explain what you the person's doing. And by the way, if you read this split-brain patient research, it's absolutely-- it's all quite humorous because these people basically go to no ends to explain what they're doing. So pronounced is this capability that neuroscientists call this the interpreter. The interpreter is part of all of our brains, resides in our left hemisphere. If I give you an effect, you will come up with a cause. And by the way, it's like an itch that demands to be scratched. I throw an effect at you, you come up with a cause. Now here is the punchline for our discussion. The interpreter knows nothing of luck-- never got the memo. So if it sees a positive outcome, it assumes something good has happened. If it sees a negative outcome, it assumes something bad has happened. And even check yourself. Even check yourself. If you're looking at a situation that's probabilistic-- and you know ahead of time the range of possible outcomes-- note that once the outcome has been resolved, you automatically create a story to explain why it happened and you somehow dismiss all those other possibilities. So here's the thing I think is so fascinating about this broader discussion is if the paradox of skill is true-- absolute skill never higher, relative skill never narrower-- means luck is determining more outcomes. That's colliding with a mind that really struggles to understand the role of luck. So that's one that hopefully is something that can be helpful as you think through these basic issues. Now what's related to that is our love of stories. There's an interesting book written a couple of years ago by Jonathan Gottschall called "The Storytelling Animal." One quote from this. It says, "A storytelling mind is allergic to uncertainty, randomness, and coincidence. it is addicted to meaning. If the storytelling mind cannot find meaningful patterns in the world, it will try to impose them." Now here's the last line that I think is the key. "In short, the storytelling mind is a factory that churns out true stories when it can, but will manufacture lies when it can't." And that, I think, is the key concept for us. If we see outcomes that are generated by luck, we will try to impose our own stories to try to make sense, just as the split-brain patients did before. Now you might say, well, is that such a big deal? Let me give you one example from the world of business that's fascinating in this regard. There was a piece of research done by some academics on all the books about how to be a great company. "Good to Great," "In Search of Excellence," "Built to Last." You've heard of these. You may have a couple of them on your bookshelf. In these books they tally up about 700 companies that are mentioned in these books. And the question these researchers asked was, how many companies are in these books by dint of luck and how many are there because they're truly skillful. So I'll spare you all the details. But what they basically do is they have 50 years of data, they create a transition matrix for return on capital, then they simulate thousands of times. So it allows them to create a template to sort so-called common cause versus special cause variation. Basically, what does written system tell me should happen? What's special from the system? By the way, what they found when they applied it to these companies is that indeed, some companies truly do demonstrate skill, just like in money management. Most of money management performance can be explained by luck. But truly there are some-- you need differential skill to explain actual outcomes. Same thing. But when they applied this template to the 700 companies mentioned in these books, what they found was that only 12% of the companies could be confidently coded as skillful. The other 80% they thought were probably there because of luck. Now remember a while ago I mentioned that when there's a lot of luck in activity you expect rapid reversion to the mean? Go pick up your copy of "Good to Great" and look at the Table of Contents at the company's mentioned there. And you'll see that almost from the moment the ink dried, the performance of many of those companies rolled right over, just as lots of luck would predict. So here's an example of guys selling tens of millions of copies of books purporting to offer you an equation, or sets of rules, or attributes that will allow you to succeed, when the foundation of their research basically rests on luck, for the most part. Now let me wrap up with two final thoughts. How do we get better? How do we get better? So first let me talk about the role of skill. If you're on the far right hand side of the continuum-- the culture and skill side-- the answer is deliberate practice. By the way, I don't know if anybody saw the "New York Times" today-- the science section of the "New York Times." There was an interesting article by Benedict Carey about Zach Hambrick's work at Michigan State University on how much of true performance is talent and how much of it is hard work and deliberate practice. And by the way, I wrote about this in my book. I thought the world had tilted way too much toward this Malcolm Gladwell cartoon version-- 10,000 hours you get great at anything-- and too far away from underlying talent. So I wrote a bit about this. But that's the point of the article. Hambrick's work shows quite clearly that there is clearly differential talent and that talent plays a major role in success. That said, if it's a mostly skill-based activity, deliberate practice is truly a very key component to success. So this is 10,000 hours right outside your ability where you're getting great feedback. Now here's the key. In these types of activities, the output of that participant is a very clear indicator of his or her skill. If I want to know if you're a good tennis player or a good piano player-- and I know what I'm doing-- I can listen to you or watch you. And I can tell if you're good at it. And then I can give you feedback to improve. As you slide over to the luck side of the continuum, as you can imagine-- by the way, investing is a good example of this-- that connection between outcome and skill becomes broken, or at least breaks down some. So for example, you might go to Las Vegas and play blackjack and play your cards foolishly and win for awhile or play them intelligently and lose. Over the long haul that won't be true, but in the short run. So there's no connection between the quality of your playing and your actual outcomes. As a consequence, as you have more luck, you need to focus more on process. And I won't go on a great deal on this. But the process-- I argue-- should have three essential components-- one I'm going to call analytical, which is finding edge. And then once you have edge, figuring out how much to bet on that edge. Second I'm going to called behavioral, which is understanding the common biases that we all tend to fall for and trying to weave into your process methods to manage or mitigate those. And the third I'm going to call organizational. This most famously goes as agency costs where agents and principles might have different interests. But all of us work in organizations, none of which are perfect. The question is, is my organization helping or impeding the quality of my decisions. So how you improve your skill-- I think-- to some degree is a function of where you lie on that luck/skill continuum and that dictates how you think about that. Now whenever I tell people I wrote a book about skill and luck they go, oh, yeah luck. I know all about this. Yeah, luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Or the harder I work, the luckier I get. Yeah, see you guys said that. Hey, we don't have to go to this guy. I already know the whole story. It's luck meets preparation. Now if you accept my definition at the outset, none of those things are actually luck. In other words, you might think about it in a different way, which is what is in your control and what is not in your control? If it's in your control, it's going to be skill to some degree. Only if it's out of your control can it be luck. In some ways you can't improve your luck. All you can possibly do is try to manage your luck. So let me give you two very simple examples. On the left-- it'd be a simple case where if you're in a competitive interaction-- let's say a sports match, for instance-- and you're the stronger player, what you want to do if you're the stronger player is simplify the game. And by simplifying the game-- the dimensions of the game-- that means your skill almost assuredly will overwhelm that of your competitor. If you are the underdog or you're the weaker player, what you want to do is complicate the game, adding battlefields. Again, you'll still be the weaker player. But it dilutes the strength of the stronger player. So some examples- well, warfare is clear, right? If you're the weaker military, you don't want to go toe to toe. You want to use guerrilla tactics. In the world of business, you don't want to compete head to head with an incumbent. You want to use disruptive innovation-- the Christensen type of stuff. In the world of sports, you don't want to-- again, you use trick plays, and so forth, different strategies. So those are the ways to try to tilt the odds a little bit, especially if you're the weaker player, or tilt them in your favor if you're the stronger player. On the right is this idea of little bets. This is something you guys do a lot, probably, as an organization. Many years ago I was an analyst that followed the food companies-- big packaged food companies-- in the United States. And they used to always lament, we spent a lot of money on advertising and marketing. And we know that half of it's wasted, we just don't know which half it is. So we can't stop doing it. And so what's happened, of course, is this concept of A/B testing. So now we can go along and test two different things and figure out-- for example, an internet retailer might say here are two different websites that people land on. Which one will sell more stuff? And so we constantly test and improve. In a sense you're not really managing luck. What you're doing is clearing the clouds of uncertainty and focusing on causality much more effectively. But I sort of threw that in that bin as just dismissing luck to some degree. With that I'll stop. There are three things I mime hope you'll take away from this. The first is defining skill and luck as being quite important. So just those definitions are essential. But in the first section, a particular thing I want you to walk away with is this idea of the paradox of skill. That even as skill improves absolutely, it's often in many domains getting narrower relatively, which is leaving more to luck. The second thing I want to leave you with is the shape of luck, and especially these path dependent processes. And in particular, you really have to be very circumspect about trying to predict the outcome of these path dependent processes. And again-- as you know-- also technology based. A lot of things do depend on things like network facts, and so forth. And those are inherently very difficult areas to predict winners. And then the third area is what to do about this. And the main thing I want to leave you with is this idea of the interpreter, which is we have a part of our brain that is constantly seeking causes for every effect that it sees, and for you to be very mindful and keep that in check as you're considering the outcomes around you. So with that let me stop, and I'd be very happy to entertain-- [INAUDIBLE] is coming with a white microphone. I'd be happy to entertain any questions or comments. We have a few minutes? Yeah, we have a few minutes, right? MALE SPEAKER: Yes, we'll open it up for questions. And thanks for the talk. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: My pleasure. [APPLAUSE] Oh, thank you. [APPLAUSE] AUDIENCE: So just looking at the financial community as kind of average Americans, we don't see a lot of certainty or predictability. It looks to us like there's a lot of luck. So is there a lack of skill there? Is the skill not growing? What's going on? MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Super interesting question. I think the answer is the notion that it's all a huge amount luck-- if I put it back on the continuum, I would put investing way over on the luck side. But again, I don't think it's accurate to say it's because of luck. So let's go back to the paradox of skill. I think that the way to say this is that most professional institutional investors are very skillful. They've gone to great schools. They've got incredible information, and computing power, and information access, and so forth. But the problem is they're all doing the same thing. So their skill is extremely uniform. So I think that's a classic example of the paradox of skill. If I put you back in the 1960s with the technology you have access to as a financial money manager, you would run circles around everybody. But now everybody's got the same thing. So I think it leaves much more to luck. So that's why it appears to be luck-- I think-- for the most part. So that's it. Now I will mention one thing as a measure of that. I showed you the marathon runners and how the difference between the first and 20th guy has been declining over time. We actually did a very similar thing for money managers. So what we do is we take the standard-- it's basically the standard deviation of excess returns-- so it's what does the bell-shaped distribution of returns look like. And what's happened over the last 50 years is that it's got skinnier. So the difference between the very best and the average is less today than it was a generation or two ago. So again, it is very random, but it's not because there is not a lot of skill. It's actually the opposite. The skill is very high but very uniform, is the way to think about that. And by the way, that's true for athletics, too-- sports. You might say that even the World Cup-- these matches are-- you can see the probabilities are not that high one way or the other. That certainly would be no reflection of the skill of the players, which is extraordinary. And certainly put any one of those teams on the pitch versus teams 20 years ago, and they'd run circles around them. It's that the skills are evenly matched. And as a consequence, luck determines the outcomes. Great question. Very important one. AUDIENCE: You mentioned about the relationship between age and cognitive ability. And you said that you picked around 40, or 50, or something like that. Warren Buffett is over 80. Do you think he's not as good as he was? This is the first question. That is a fun question. The second one-- as you said, it's more and more difficult to find out who is a good value investor. But if you had to find one, what would be a way to do it? MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Awesome. Two excellent questions. Warren Buffett is, I think-- look, I think that he's been pretty much extraordinary at every age that he's been. So that's one thing. I think he's doing less traditional money management-- as we would say in running a portfolio of stocks. He's obviously now much more capital allocating for Berkshire Hathaway. So I think that the game has changed a little bit. But I do suspect-- I hate to say this-- but I do suspect that he might struggle competing with a 40-year-old version of himself, I would guess. AUDIENCE: He also has much more money. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: And he has much more money to deploy. Yeah, that's right. That also impedes his performance. The second part-- your second question was? AUDIENCE: How to find-- MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Oh, yeah. Value investors. So look, I think-- I'll mention a couple things on this. First of all, I think that the characteristic of many great value investors-- let me say it this way. There's a quote which I love by a guy named Seth Klarman at Baupost, who is one of the great value investors. And he says, value investing is at its core the marriage between a contrarian streak and a calculator. So what does he mean? The contrarian streak, I think, is the first element, which is the ability to go against what everybody else is doing. So Buffett's got this great line. It is, be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. Let me just say this-- investing is inherently a very social exercise. Very social. And it takes a very unusual person who's willing to do the opposite of what everybody else is doing. So that's the first element. The problem is being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian is not a very good idea because sometimes the consensus is right. In other words, if the movie house is on fire, by all means run out the door. Don't-- So the calculator is the second component, which says as a consequence of everybody taking one view, that means a gap between price and value opens up. And so that becomes an opportunity to invest. So the great value investors I think are people with certain characteristics-- personality characteristics. In part, they are people who tend not to care about what other people think about what they think. And that's very rare in the regular population. Most people are very sensitive to what other people think about them. And then often the organization-- this question about Buffett is a great question. Berkshire Hathaway is set up as an organization that's very conducive to quality decision making. He's not influenced by a lot of other pressures. Day-to-day business pressures, for instance. So those would be things I would look for. The main thing is this ability to sort of operate independently of what other people think. AUDIENCE: On the [INAUDIBLE] a lot of people get the similar or the same and they get a similar view. Instead of from one person [INAUDIBLE] of luck. Or if we look from outside and see this is a collective view. So would that actually the collective view will actually be determining this instead of luck? MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Yeah, exactly. Super interesting question. So let me make sure that I'm on the same page as you. But I would just say that we talk a lot about this in the context of market efficiency. And it relates even to this comment about being a contrarian. Well, we can use more formal language like complex systems. But let's just use a more simple language like "The Wisdom of Crowds." So when are crowds wise and when are crowds mad? Crowds tend to be [INAUDIBLE] when three conditions are in place. And Surowiecki wrote about this in his book. One is diversity of the underlying agents. So we need diversity of points of view. The second is a properly functioning aggregation mechanism. So you all have information but I can bring it together in one place. And the third is incentives, which is basically rewards for being right and penalties for being wrong. So when those three things are in place, I can demonstrate that I get actually very efficient economic results and similar to what the textbooks predict. But what happens is when one or more of those conditions are violated, then I get these inefficiencies. And I think that's why I mentioned those contrarian streaks. So when we all believe the same thing, we lose diversity and we get the [INAUDIBLE] of crowds flips over to the madness of crowds. You can read the annals. I mean, there are famous-- South Sea Bubble, and Tulip Mania, I mean there are famous-- the internet now, maybe housing. I mean there are some-- this doesn't happen all that much. But it does happen and it can be very epic in its proportion. So that is a thing I would say is, can we look for these so-called diversity breakdowns. And for whatever reason, everyone's taking one side of the trade over another. It could be mostly psychological factors. But it could also be technical factors. I own a portfolio that has leverage against it. And now I'm getting a margin call. So I have to sell things because I have to. So it's not because I want to, but I have to. So those things can contribute, as well. So that's a very excellent question. It's a very rich question. But that's the idea. So then you say, well, how do skill and luck fit into that? I'm not so sure. That's where the great investors take advantage. And that's where it's the contrarian streak plus the calculators taking advantage of these diversity breakdowns in effect. AUDIENCE: My name is Bruno. And my question is, I think it's safe to say that most of us in this room are very-- try to be outliers, try to be the best. And in that sense, it seems to me that the take away from this is that I should try to be in the group of the people who are the best. But like you said, that group is getting bigger and bigger, and the standard deviation is getting smaller and smaller. And after that I kind of just have to hope for luck. And if that's the case, how do you deal with this powerless feeling of I did my best, but it's still not in my control? MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: I mean, I don't know if you'd say it's powerless. I think in some ways it's liberating. You do the best you can. So I would say it this way. I would go backwards and say, if you look at the most successful people in the world-- however you want to measure that-- I think almost without fail you'd find that they were incredibly lucky at some point. And by the way, in chapter one of the book, I start with a story of-- you guys all know this. It's a famous story in technology of Bill Gates and Gary Kildall. Do you guys know the story about Gary Kildall? Does everybody know this? You don't know the story of Gary. You know it, in the back, right? So if I get it wrong, straighten me out on this. IBM launches a PC in 1980-- started the project in 1980, '81. And they need an operating system. So it turns out the chairman of IBM and Bill Gates' mother are on the same United Way board. So that's a first start. She says, oh, my little Bill. He knows something about those computers. You should go see him. The IBM teams flies to Microsoft in Seattle to see Bill Gates. By the way, they were building cards for Apple IIs. It had nothing to do with operating systems. And Bill Gates-- they say, do you have an operating system? We're building this PC. It's all secret. Sign all these papers. And Bill Gates says, no, I don't do that. This guy Gary Kildall down at California-- he's the guy that does this. Gary Kildall's company had 80% market share for software for Intel chips. 80% market share in 1980. Dominant. And he's considered the greatest programmer of the 1970s. So they go down to Gary. This part of the story, no one really knows what happened. But basically he sort of blew off IBM. Like he either didn't show up or didn't take them seriously. They kind of came to a deal, but didn't really. Anyway, the IBM guys were very dissatisfied. And he refused to sign all their papers. So they go back up to Microsoft. And they go, Bill, this guy didn't really help us. And Bill goes, I'll hook you up. So he goes across town and he buys basically a knockoff of Kildall's product. Knock off for $50,000. And he called it MS DOS, and he said, I'm going to sell it to you, IBM. But I'm not going to sell it-- I'm going to license it to you. That was a genius. And from there-- right now. So the PC is now getting ready to launch. When you bought PCs back in 1981, you actually bought the IBM machine and then you bought the OS separately. It wasn't loaded on. So it turns out-- so Kildall gets wind of this-- little Bill Gates is going to be selling some operating system. So he calls up IBM and he says, I thought we had a deal. They go, yeah, yeah, OK, we have a deal. But it turns out, IBM retained the rights to price the products. So when the first PC went up for sale, MS DOS was $60. And Gary Kildall's product was $240. So which one do you think they bought? And that's the end of the story. So Gary Kildall ended up-- and the story, it's an amazing story. By the way, Gary Kildall was from Seattle. And it turns out, the story ends that he went into a bar-- a biker bar-- in Monterey, California. No one really knows what happened. But he got drunk, got into either a fight or just fell down, hit his head on the bar, and died at age 53. And so it's very-- you could say, could I have twisted that story just a little bit and Gary Kildall would be Bill Gates? Bill Gates would be still super successful, I'm sure. But he wouldn't be Bill Gates, right? So those are the examples. That's why I say, is that liberating or not? I don't know if that is or isn't. But my point is you should do everything in your effort to succeed. But there's no one that is a massive outlier that isn't lucky. It's almost, by definition, can't be. If there's luck in what you're doing, it's almost-- now probably not so much true in things like athletics, or music, or what have you, or if there's any quantifiable way to measure people's performance. Less true. But when there are these social processes kicking in. You know, JK Rowling. You guys know this story. Harry Potter was turned down by nine or 10 publishers before someone grudgingly willing to publish it. It's the greatest selling novels of all time, right? I feel liberated by it, actually. I think it's the other way. I feel the opposite, which is if I do-- and this is what I say to my kids all the time. If you work as hard as you can, the outcome doesn't really matter. You've done all you can do. The fates. The fates of the gods. AUDIENCE: My name is Timmy, and I had a quick question. We talked about business and sports, but I just want to talk a little bit about leadership. And as someone who's high up in a company like Credit Suisse, I'm sure when you guys recruit talent and things like that you're looking at people who maybe have been successful at leadership maybe through their own skill. But are there times-- where you're talking about the interpreter-- that we always want to say it's skill, that you're seeing something that maybe isn't pure skill and maybe is luck? And how do you go about hiring them or thinking about are they going to-- MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: Well, I don't think you want to hire people who have been lucky, but I think that that's actually a huge business. This is a really difficult question. And I have some thoughts on leadership a little bit separate. But let me just mention a couple things on being careful about this. There's a guy at Harvard Business named Boris Groysberg who wrote a book called "Chasing Stars." And what he actually studied was this idea of hiring stars from other organizations to join your organization. And it turns out that this turns out to be a very poor, poor practice. Most people don't-- their skills don't translate from one organization to another very effectively. It's true less in athletics, but even true in athletic. It's certainly true in the world of business. So for example, they followed 22 GE executives, who are obviously trained to be the top in great leadership. And they found that when they went to other organizations that were very similar to GE, they tended to do well. But if they went to other organizations that were not the same as GE, they tended to flounder quite a bit. So we see this a lot in the world of business. It's hard for me-- what is leadership? To me the kinds of things that are important in a leader is someone who-- and there are different ways to lead. But a lot of it is I do think is actually quite intellectual. I think for me it's thinking about things strategically. It's being fact-based, data-based, and setting a tone or direction for an organization that people are enthusiastic to follow. So those are the kinds of things. But it's very hard. I think it's very hard to pin it. And the last thing I'll say is-- and it goes back to the interpreter, which you correctly drew out-- By the way, there's a great book which I'd recommend to everybody called "The Halo Effect" by a guy named Phil Rosenzweig. It's a very short book-- 175 pages. But an incredibly important set of lessons. And what he says is basically, when things are going well, the CEO walks on water. And when things are going badly-- the same CEO, by the way-- may have no idea what they're doing. I think we spin stories to fit the narrative, or to fit the facts, that are not always well-placed. AUDIENCE: I found it very interesting when you mentioned that the talent gap between the person who is the first and the person who is at 20th is narrowing. And in my head I was thinking, what about the payoff gap between the two. If you compared the top guy and the 20th guy 50 years ago versus now, now the gap is huge, although the talent gap has narrowed down. It's sort of a paradox. And if seemed frustrating. MICHAEL MAUBOUSSIN: I've actually thought about writing about this. I think it's an absolutely fascinating thing. And I think it's very true, by the way. So I think that there is a huge, huge payoff-- an increasing payoff-- to cognitive surplus. And I think technology has accelerated that to a large degree. So in the book I mention this. There's a very famous paper that was written more than 30 years ago by Sherwin Rosen called "The Economics of Superstars." And what he argued in that paper was that increasingly people who are just a little bit better than others are getting disproportionate payoffs. And it's more like the tennis tournament. You're getting twice as much money. You guys all know these data, right? If you look at people with very advanced degrees-- master's versus college degrees versus people with no degrees-- the payoffs. But it's even within those subsectors there are still very, very substantial differentials in pay. I think there's just going to be-- and by the way, I don't know how we stop this. I've been very influenced by these books recently. "Average Is Over," and "The Second Machine Age" by a couple of-- I think they came here, actually-- MIT economists. And those stories are-- there are positives that technology is helping everybody's lives. I think in some ways it's really great. So we all have access to education and entertainment we may not have had cost effectively in times past. But it does feel like the payoff to cognitive abilities is really getting very skewed. I don't know what stops or how it stops. Well, with that, thank you so much for your time and attention. And have a great day. Appreciate it. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 91,804
Rating: 4.903904 out of 5
Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck, Michael Mauboussin, success, business talks, getting lucky, life coach, life talks
Id: 1JLfqBsX5Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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