The stray cat needs surgery to survive. But no one wants to spend money for him.

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I met this cat while feeding stray cats living in the park on September 28, 2021. the cat can't hold its head up high and has a disease. I don't have a carry bag with me. So I have to buy a carry bag and come back here again. I put the cat in the carrying case. I'm taking him to the vet. otitis media and polyp were detected in the cat. He will have surgery in a week. I will use the drugs specified for the cat until the day of surgery. 1 day later. the cat has intense inflammation of the ears. 7 days later. The cat visits the vet again for surgery. 30 days later. The cat had surgery. He has to live with the plastic cone on his head for a while. I will apply ointment to the cat's ear every day. the cat is taking his meds but needs time to heal. The cat doesn't want to stay here. because he lived in a big park before. he wants to be free again. 33 days later. Now I have to take him back to where I found him because he doesn't want to stay here. The cat is in very good health. I am very happy that I was able to cure him. I brought the cat back to the park where I found it. There are feeding stations in this park. the cat's friends came to see him. The curvature of the cat's head is permanent. But he had otitis media surgery and the polyps were removed.
Channel: Lucky Paws
Views: 9,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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